According to findings from scientists at the University of Utah, there is enough magma underneath Yellowstone National Park's attractions to fill the Grand Canyon nearly 14 times over.
Thanks for the add here's a link to the Green Egg Radio Show w/Oberon Zell Ravenheart , we are on every other Saturday @7 pm CST
An album depicting my Favorite Goddess. ISIS the Mother of the Universe.
The 15 Most Effective Natural Remedies For Anxiety

Mary Miller shared a link on GoFundMe.
To all who believe that we can have a beautiful world, please consider giving toOberon Zell, whom we believe in to create a community for all!

is a web site by Sliver Ravenwolf to empower women!
and to help them be strong ,it also has links to places to get help!

Why? being poor is not a crime!!!!
: The Spirit Molecule posted 4 updates.
Temple of Balance with Craig Harris and 7 others
Well, I guess I'm a Witch...

“Easter was a time of horror for me."
-Ruth Hurmence Green, author of the "Born Again Skeptic’s Guide to the Bible” discussing why children should be protected from teachings of vicarious atonement and other Christian doctrine in FFRF’s first film, “A Second Look at Religion,”
Find Ruth’s classic book on the bible at
His film was one of 15 chosen out of 1,500.
"You see, every moment that we ignore the cultural nuances of one another, or whitewash them into the land of sameness, we are actively designing the culture of our community that will outlast us."
A recommended read from Crystal Blanton:
Awesome pics Paul Cactus-Jack La Marr!! Thanks for sharing, I missed this smile emoticon
!['Welcome to @[652664164766152:274:AADII].'](
Someone wanted to see this again. It was back in 1972 on The Dick Cavett Show.
This is quite an aggressive way of clicking "unsubscribe."#IFeelBeaderNow
The kidneys are one of the most important organs in the human body. The kidneys help to detox and filter impurities from the blood, as well as waste products from your urine. Kidney stones form when the kidneys are not able to process toxins efficiently. Specifically, a crystallization of unprocessed minerals builds up. Kidney stones cause pain and possible blockage of urine flow.
By Guest Writer Dr. Edward F. Group
Have you ever noticed that, from the day we are born, we are all taught the same things and pushed to live the same life? Don't be afraid to break the mold! Be yourself, not who you are told to be.
Traditional schools, in the U.S and many other countries, are training grounds, intentionally constructed to prepare children for The System. If schools taught our children to be self-sufficient, confident and well-equipped for real life, The System would crash, or at the very least, dissolve naturally over time. Why don't we tell our children the truth about The System as soon as they are old enough to understand? Instead of teaching children how to get along in a dysfunctional world, why don’t we teach our kids how to create their lives based on their highest values?
By Contributing Writer Nanice Ellis
This story is both tragic and beautiful...
So be it !!! Here in the northeast today is celebrated "the night of St. John," important date in the festive and religious calendar. Beautiful day of great celebration, foguei ra burning, children letting off fireworks, families gathered, many delicacies and liquor.Today we celebrate here in Ilheus BA, happy with this opportunity to be part of the third year, one of the most popular parties in Brazil. Thank you to all the municipalities, contractors and partners and especially to all of you who likes the shows along with us and we supported and encouraged by social networks. You are the melhoreeees !!!!Happy St Joãoooo amoreeees !!
☾☾☾ A # LunarHaze # Fullmoon ☽☽☽
Read Henry Seltzer's Article:
How is this Full Moon time effecting you? Let us now in the comments and share this with your friends!
...See More
The celestial phenomenon has earned the dramatic nickname "blood moon", and you will be able to see it in the skies above Utah early Saturday morning.
Click the link for details and to submit your photos of the eclipse after it occurs.
How many of you think we are alone in the universe? How many of you think that intelligent extraterrestrial life has already been visiting our planet? Please share in the comments section below.
Ultimately those who awaken invariably come up against a very big question; why would the so-called “elite” self-appointed rulers of this planet bring the house down around their own ears? Don’t they get irradiated, chemtrailed and ultimately modified like the rest of us? Aren’t their children in peril just like ours? Underground bunkers or not, the rapid deterioration of our environment is leading toward a dead planet if their machinations aren’t halted some time very soon. What these manipulators are up to is not life giving, it is death dealing. For humanity and all of nature. Why would anyone/anything do such a thing?
By Contributing Writer Zen Gardner
Average people wish only to live a comfortable life... then there are people born with the potential to make a difference. They show a natural curiosity for higher truths, develop a desire in life to help others, and are endowed with maturity and abilities that seem more advanced than heredity or social programming alone can explain. They are helper souls; advanced beings born into the Control System to help bring it down from the inside.
By Guest Writer Montalk
This one can be hard to watch, but it's worth the journey. - Matt Orr
Church of the Sacred Circle shared their event.
Enjoy the growing energies of Springtime and explore the mysteries of the unknown at The
Within the human experience, 3 dimensions of Alertness may be identified, the deepest of which is the presence of the observing Consciousness; the capability of Sight. In this state of the Consciousness we view what is happening inside and around us, but there is a virtual space between us, as the contemplating Consciousness, and these experiences. This space enables us to avoid identification with our experience and to look at that experience as an external spectator.
By Guest Writer Frank M. Wanderer
A very interesting story here, dozens of governments including Mexico have already officially disclosed the existence of UFOs, and we have many remarkable statements about extraterrestrials....what are your thoughts?
The Morning Glory Zell Memorial Foundation
feeling awesome at Buzzard's Gulch At Cloverleaf

Shared by: Ravensgrove Coven
Shared by: Ravensgrove Coven
On April 9, Wiccan Priestess Deborah Maynard will deliver the invocation before the Iowa State House of Representatives.
They're even crazier than we thought.
Only raw, real, local honey works:
Do you know her? I wonder what her invocation will be?
Truth about White & Black Magick
Of the many errors plaguing occultism today the belief that magic is neither white or black is the most damage. Consider what white and black symbolizes in order to escape this pitfall. When we say white and black magic we are referring to the properties of whiteness in blackness. White is produced when all light is reflected in none of it is absorbed, and this can obviously symbolize the God who is the all divining- the demiurge who relfects himself outword as thingness. Black is produced when all light is absorbed and naturally symbolizes the all devouring- the anti God who is also called the collapsing God, because she collapses all reality back into itself as though it were a scroll being rolled up.
Magic must not be judged according to morality as morality is entertainment for fools; there is neither moral nor immoral but the absolute creation and absolute destruction neither of which is subjective. Magic is further both a physical and a spiritual psychological science to which the magician must not favor one over the other but instead either spiritual or physical destruction as both must be experimented with and ultimately mastered.
Interesting article from my friends at
The interesting origin of the word "Abracadabra."
Will Smith explain’s how we all can do anything we put our minds to. Some inspiration for anyone who needs it.
How to tell if your religious freedoms are being violated...In one, handy-dandy, FREE chart.
Bigoted lawmakers keep trying their best to pass laws that take rights away from LGBT individuals under the guise of religious liberty. This chart shuts them down.
(Shared by EAP)
Are you emotionally intelligent?
How to transition from a negative to a positive thinker:
How did your spiritual journey begin? What attracted you to your current belief system?
1,000-year-old onion and garlic remedy kills antibiotic-resistant bugs
I will be guiding a Triple Goddess Inner Guidance Quest on Friday night, part of Spring Mysteries Festival this weekend, April 2-5 in Nordland, Washington. Register by 8 pm pacific tonight, Tuesday, March 31 if you want to be part of this year's festival:…
"We see right through it. That religious veil is quite transparent. It was a very clear effort to discriminate against gays and lesbians."
George Takei weighs in on Indiana's "Religious Freedom Bill":
A werebear or berserkr for you viewing pleasure.
The science behind this is super cool.
Do you think the tablets exist in physical form? Or was the information channeled?
Start this soon so you have it when cold and flu season hits.
Master Tonic 101 -- >
Pin it -- >
Thanks to Heal Thyself! for the recipe.
Don't be obedient!
Last night I received a wonderful dream visitation from Morning Glory. She crawled into bed beside me and held me close as She had done every night for more than 40 years. We cuddled and talked until the dawn, when I awoke to find it was still the middle of the night. I went back to sleep very happy, and had lovely and memorable dreams through the rest of the night.
alked and lived on Mother Earth. We are the place where they all meet. We are the bridge from one generation to the next, the culmination of all the experiences of all the people who are our ancestors and relatives, both in blood and spirit...remember this...The Spirit never dies...~♥~
~Walking on the Wind~
*Source: Bing Images* (Artist: Wyldraven)
~Walking on the Wind~
*Source: Bing Images* (Artist: Wyldraven)
People have been asking me about what happened to the TempleUVUP website and unfortunately the original site is no more but the home page is: and the main group is on facebook because its free while im disabled & poor:
Christopher Penczak updated his cover photo.
18 hrs ·
Christopher Penczak shared Leslie Gaul Hugo's photo.
We Are the Weirdos, Mister! CLICK HERE TO ORDER =>
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