Merry Meet,
Holi was great this weeked! here are the pics. Monday Iwas visited by Shelly and we talked about more meeting and events coming up for the Coven.So be looking for those on meet up.We do have so Ideas,we need help with:
Paysons Scottish festival 2010
Posted by: HighPriestessChar on Mar 29, 2010
We would like to have mixed clan/vendor booth at the Scottish Festival in Payson this year.But we need people who would like to help with the booth and aslo help pay if we get 10 persons we would just need $20 from each.We can sell only celtic ,wiccan or clan items. We would like to do readings for $10 if anyone would like to help. please contact me at or call me 801-465-3003
Eclipse midnight movie showing
Posted by: HighPriestessChar on Mar 29, 2010
In June we will be haveing our midnight movie meetup at payson's Statium Cinamas.I will post a link to get per checks when they go on sale and you can show up anytime up to 10 mins to show time we vow to be the first in line this year! ( when tickets go on sale on line they will be $8-$9 a person.
Please email me asap if you'd like to help with any of these events. Ok heres my situation I have no car at this time. So it will be hard for me to get around for a while. Also I am having finical problems, as for my unempolyment is running out and I can't find a job. If you'd like to help me, the coven, or know of a job plaese, please let me know right away. The job must be in payson,or 10 mile from. and not walmart,cause that ship sailed away a long time ago. We(the coven/wpa/norton-McGowan clan) still need Spocers that will pay us ,we have about 20 sites or more includeing this one and the official site we can post your info on. So let me know if you can help monitarly,or with good and services. Blessed Be...High Prietess CharHeres all the news from around utah and themagickal world:
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How to Find Freedom from Suffering
Have we become addicted to suffering? Learn how to turn unhappiness into joy.
40 Adorable Graphics
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Quote of the Day
Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.
- Motto of the Special Olympics
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The Speech I Didn't Give
While struggling with a speech, Martha Williamson was reminded that amazing things can happen when we give up control and ask for help.
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"The Power That We Have" Brings Message of Hope
Prem Rawat's message in "The Power That We Have" is simple and inspiring. It provides a very uplifting message of appreciating...
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The most successful leaders know that it takes a firm commitment of time and energy to build the kind of platform that not only reaches millions, but also grabs the interest of publishers, producers, editors, or speaker’s bureaus. If you’re a mover and shaker and you’re ready to make that kind of commitment, then you’ll want to register now for this exciting cruise!
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Cruise Itinerary
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• Monday, June 7: Princess Cay, Bahamas
• Tuesday, June 8: At sea
• Wednesday, June 9: Ocho Rios, Jamaica
• Thursday, June 10: Grand Cayman Islands
• Friday, June 11: Cozumel, Mexico
• Saturday, June 12: At sea
• Sunday, June 13: Dock in Fort Lauderdale, FL
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How to Find Freedom from Suffering
Have we become addicted to suffering? Read these insights on how to quit the suffering and live a richer life.
Photos: A Glorious Garden
Spring is here! Time to start planting. Let these beautiful photos motivate and inspire you.
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The best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer up somebody else.
- Mark Twain
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Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Debuts March 26
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The Utah Good Witches Meetup
Your group has a Meetup Saturday, April 10, 2010 10:00 AM!
Spring Art Carnival Boutique
Saturday, April 10, 2010 10:00 AM
2 Yes / 4 Maybe
6876 S 2000 E
Salt Lake City UT 84120
Here's what people are saying about this Meetup Group
"A great bunch of people. Very friendly and caring. Willing to help each other out in a pinch."
— Denise
"People are nice and accepting. Come learn something new and have fun while you learn. You leave feeling lighthearted."
— Lucie Vigil
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Meetup Description
Spring Art Carnival (boutique) on April 10th from 10am-4pm.
Local Artisans and Vendors.
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668Meetup Reminder
The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup
Your group has a Meetup tomorrow!
You still need to RSVP.
Mooncraft Full Moon Circle
Sunday, March 28, 2010 3:00 PM
9 Yes / 0 Maybe
Sacred Circle Temple
3464 W 3800 South
Salt Lake City UT 84119
9 Witches RSVPed Yes, including…
see all
Meetup Description
We celebrate the full moon in many ways, through song,
poetry, meditation, sacred art and crafting of personal spells
and ritual items. We support the individual's journey to Spirit
in a family-friendly community.
Sacred Circle is non-denominational in that we do not celebrate
any single path or tradition over another. We strive for balance
and recognize both male and female deities in our workings.
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668I just mixed and produced our podcast from Saturday. I will no longer put this podcast on my site unless they make changes to enable easier and better publishing. What I will do is send this one uninterrupted (1 1/2 hour) audio file of 53mb (mp3) to all members who ask for it. It is big but will play in any audio program or on some web browsers. If you need help, I can help you with this. Send me a message with your e-mail and I will send it. :-)
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This message was sent by Christopher Rumfield ( from The Springville Metaphysical and Law Of Attraction Group..
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 Meetup Announcement
The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup
Your group has a Meetup Sunday, April 11, 2010 3:00 PM!
Open Circle
Sunday, April 11, 2010 3:00 PM
5 Yes / 1 Maybe
Sacred Circle Temple
3464 W 3800 South
Salt Lake City UT 84119
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"I love the true sense of community that these folks share"
— Slappy
"I always feel like I belong with this group!"
— Emerald Fae
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Meetup Description
Meet us at the Temple for our monthly Open Circle!
This structured-format circle features group meditation,
songs, an adult study group and a children's circle.
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668
Reminder from: supaganalliance Yahoo! Group
Title: Witches' Brew
Date: Sunday April 4, 2010
Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Repeats: This event repeats every month on the first Sunday.
Next reminder: The next reminder for this event will be sent in 5 days, 4 minutes.
Location: Starbucks in Barnes and Noble
Street: Red Cliffs Mall
City State Zip: St. George, Utah
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__,_._,___I've updated this Meetup. For more details, see the full listing:
When: Friday, April 2, 2010 9:30 PM
677 South 200 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
(801) 355-5500
RSVP limit: 20 "Yes" and "Maybe" RSVPs
If the changes affect your plans to attend, please take a moment to update your RSVP. (You can RSVP "No" or "Maybe" as well as "Yes".)
You can always get in touch with me through the "Contact Organizer" link on Meetup:
This message was sent by Cherry ( from Club des Vampires Utah Chapter Meetup Group.
To learn more about Cherry, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 I've updated this Meetup. For more details, see the full listing:
When: Friday, April 2, 2010 9:30 PM
677 South 200 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
(801) 355-5500
RSVP limit: 20 "Yes" and "Maybe" RSVPs
If the changes affect your plans to attend, please take a moment to update your RSVP. (You can RSVP "No" or "Maybe" as well as "Yes".)
You can always get in touch with me through the "Contact Organizer" link on Meetup:
This message was sent by Cherry ( from Club des Vampires Utah Chapter Meetup Group.
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668
Your weekly Payson Meetup Calendar
Your recommendations are highlighted in yellow, and your Meetups are in pink.
The Newest Payson Meetup Groups:
Salt Lake City-Business Networking
The Salt Lake "Take the Fear Out of Homebuying" Meetup Group
Riverton/Salt Lake City GSD Meet Up
Zombie and Disaster Survival Club in Salt Lake
Empowerment Trailblazers
Salt Lake City Ex-Mormon Meetup
Bunco Group of Salt Lake City
Utah Earth Lovers
Community Center Group
The Cupid Project
Utah Intentional Communities
BetterRide SLC
Utah Quidditch & Harry Potter Fans
This Week's Meetups
Monday, March 29, 2010
12:00 PM
Sugarhouse Women's Meditation Group: Sugarhouse Women's Meditation Group
6:30 PM
Quantum Leap: Energy Healers Meetup Group: A New Earth II
7:00 PM
Happiness 101: Happiness 101: Improving Relationships - Assertiveness
Mind-Body-Soul Experience: Taking Charge of You Life.
Salt Lake City Metaphysics Meetup Group: Vickie Parker presents 'Taking Charge of Your Life' at Tattwic Tides
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
7:00 AM
Fiscal (weekly) Networking Breakfast: Fiscal (weekly) Networking Breakfast Meetup
10:00 AM
Utah Tea Parties: Tea Party Express
12:00 PM
Fiscal Networking Sandy: Fiscal Networking Sandy Meetup
2:00 PM
Utah Tea Parties: Tea Party Express
5:00 PM
New! Zombie and Disaster Survival Club in Salt Lake: 5pm CRAZIES!!! 7pm Idea Collaboration
6:00 PM
AYSO Cottonwood Co-Ed Adult Soccer: COTTONWOOD, Pickup Soccer
True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship: Longsword Fundamentals
6:30 PM
Salt Lake City Metaphysics Meetup Group: Psychometry: The Energy of Objects
7:00 PM
Card-Making and Scrapbooking Enthusiasts: Monthly Card Making Club
Mind-Body-Soul Experience: Deeksha Oneness Blessing
Willbfit & Prepared in S Jordan: Learn about Jus
7:30 PM
Salt Lake Swing Dancing: Salt Lake Swing Dancing Meetup
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
12:00 PM
Fiscal Networking Salt Lake City West: Fiscal Networking Salt Lake City West Meetup
4:00 PM
Adventure Seekers in Salt Lake: Moving on up from LV
6:00 PM
Salt Lake City Law of Attraction Circle: Salt Lake City Law of Attraction Circle Meetup
True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship: Manual Study
6:30 PM
SLC Get Up Get Out (GUGO) Group: Dove Chocolate - Game Night
7:00 PM
Community Reiki Circle: Information Session: Volunteer with Hospice
Salt Lake City Spanish Language Meetup Group: Spanish Conversation Night
Utah Rising: SL County 9-12 Project: Grassroots Convention Delegate Training
7:30 PM
EFT Well-being: EFT Well-being Meetup
Thursday, April 1, 2010
12:00 PM
South Valley Professional Connections: South Valley Professional Connections!
6:00 PM
Salt Lake City Coffee and Tea Lovers: WINE, Tea and Coffee Meet up at Diva's
6:30 PM
Community of Healers (SLC, Utah): Healers Energy Share
The Utah County Freemasons MeetUp: Masonic Meetup at Iggys!
7:00 PM
Atheists of Utah-Zion Sect: Atheists of Utah-Zion Sect Meetup
E-business Owners: E-business Owners April Meetup
Salt Lake Witches: Utah Maninni Three Tarot Project
7:30 PM
Salt Lake Active Meditation: Salt Lake Active Meditation - Kundalini
9:00 PM
The Utah Karaoke Funk Squad: Karaoke Funk-Start at "Habits"
Friday, April 2, 2010
11:00 AM
New! Riverton/Salt Lake City GSD Meet Up: Good Friday Hike up MillCreek
Salt Lake City Metaphysics Meetup Group: Friday Psychic Readings at the Windswept Center
The Athlete Within Ski/Snowboard Utah Group: Skiing at Snowbird, Friday 4/2/10
12:00 PM
NetWorth Real Estate Group: Lunch and Learn
7:00 PM
The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup: Game Night
8:00 PM
Salt Lake Witches: Stealth Coffee - Silvermoon Community Acupuncture
Saturday, April 3, 2010
9:00 AM
Salt Lake City Metaphysics Meetup Group: Energy Tools and Intuition Class
9:30 AM
Meetup for The Work of Byron Katie SLC: Being True to Yourself! A 1 Day Workshop for an Often Overlooked Skill
10:00 AM
The Athlete Within Ski/Snowboard Utah Group: Skiing/Snowboarding at Solitude, 4/3/10 (Saturday)
11:00 AM
The Salt Lake City Great Dane Meetup Group: Dane Day!
11:30 AM
Salt lake area Paranormal society: Breakfast in SLC
1:00 PM
The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup: Oracles of Delphi Psychic Faire
The Utah Good Witches Meetup: Oracles of Delphi Psychic Faire
You Are Psychic!: Psychic Meetup 5
2:00 PM
SLC Get Up Get Out (GUGO) Group: Coffee and conversation
4:00 PM
AYSO Cottonwood Co-Ed Adult Soccer: Cottonwood Co-Ed Soccer, 4pm Kickoff, Field #11
5:00 PM
The Springville Metaphysical and Law Of Attraction Group.: The Springville Metaphysical Meetup - Guest.. Ghost Hunter Tom A Carr
6:00 PM
The Hockey Meetup Group: Meet at Ledgens to watch the last game
6:30 PM
Timpanogos Wine Club: Chef's Table Spring Wine Pairing
7:00 PM
Salt Lake City Backcountry Ski and Board: Lone Peak
SLC Rifters: Jasons Group
Sunday, April 4, 2010
10:00 AM
Salt Lake Flag Football Group: Flag Football
The Salt Lake City Tantric Meetup Group: The Salt Lake City Tantric Meetup
1:00 PM
SLC 's Liberal-minded Culture Seekers: Busy Bee Bar & Grill
TheSalt Lake City & Las Vegas Homeless Advocates: TheSalt Lake City & Las Vegas Homeless Advocates Meetup
All Meetup Groups in Payson
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Best regards,
The Team at Meetup HQ
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668Avalon Starr (Amber) just uploaded a photo for Holi Festival ~
Festival of Colors .
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668
Reminder from: utah_pagan_communtiy_publications Yahoo! Group
Title: kelly's B-day
Date: Monday April 5, 2010
Time: All Day
Repeats: This event repeats every year.
Next reminder: The next reminder for this event will be sent in 5 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes.
Notes: Happy Birthday Terry!
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__,_._,___I have to tell you from personal conversations with D. I still feel heis a bit of hipocrit. but hearing what he's talking about might be interesting to the rest of you. I still love him he's a kinderd soul!
Hello friends,(and Strangers)
some of you know me and some of you just know of me for my very opinionated forum postings. All over the net various Vampiric boards ning sites etc. some of you know me in person (I feel that’s probably where I might be best understood) but, that’s not what this is about…
I am being interviewed on night watch radio
Tuesday, April 13th from 9-11PMCT. People can listen online at www.jackaloperadio.comor .They can also access our chat room from either site. We also stream live from the studio via webcam, but there is no audio on that site. They can access the live cam at
While I don’t represent any one but myself… and, my groups, my house’s view’s, some of the sites that I admin on that share similar ideas etc.
People are going to look at this and that everyone that gets spotlighted in some way shape or form is thought to be a rep.
(I will be clear that I am not this rep)
But, I will try my best to answer the vital questions, and I ask everywhere that I post this that the Site Admins or Creators/Owners place feature this posting, if you don’t see this in your corner of the web feel free to repost it. Just remember to let me know where, or send me the questions. As if I didn’t post it I won’t know (may even be banned there for some stupid reason or another)
As I would like to have as many people give input. This is not a scripted interview; they may ask me anything I have 2 hours to work with. .. I would like as many pertinent questions as possible.
I can influence some of these things and I intend to perhaps have the question mention the site and people’s names that collectively asked (unless you wish your site to remain anonymous, site creators can message me personally, with the anonymous request where which I will only say these people (screen names have asked this question)
Or place anon and we will know that you don’t wish to be named. Or you may press it from any form, be it house, order sect etc. place the questions one per posting. If you have multiple questions … generate another posting. .. I will turn these into the host Friday night before the show.
that’s April 9th 2010 … dead line 12 midnight (this is so they have plenty of time to go over them and also for me to place them in form and some kind of order and compile names who asked what as I am sure some of these will be asked many times on various sites .
I am not looking at answering too many personal questions but questions on vampires, and vampirism generally. Some of you younger vampires might ask questions that are pre internet, and pre-veil,
(thus pre- vampire the masquerade, that influences the vampire culture of the 90s, like the movies where we have kids running around talking about lycans (only from underworld movies kids) un fortunately the term might stick… like glitter does to everything it seems to touch.)
So things that I should mentions questions, just about anything, just ask it below in the forums I post this in…
So, one post only, for every question. Or point that I should make or address.,
Example; (be sure to mention the care that goes into the average sanguine feeding, i.e. Donor checks etc…
D, ,
or email me directly
Who is this actor? im pretty sure hes famous but i need to know who he is?
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__,_._,___Meetup Announcement
The Utah Good Witches Meetup
Your group has a Meetup Monday, April 12, 2010 7:30 PM!
The Order of Our Lady of Salt - Goddess Worship Service
Monday, April 12, 2010 7:30 PM
2 Yes / 1 Maybe
6876 S 2000 E
Salt Lake City UT 84120
Here's what people are saying about this Meetup Group
"the sweat is a totally sacred experience, and anyone who wants to feel cleansed should come"
— james
"its fun"
— Philip
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Meetup Description
The OOLS will be celebrating The Sacred Fool on Monday, April 12, 2010. For more information on Goddess Service, click the Service Info tab above.
April is traditionally a time for foolishness. While the origins of April Fools Day aren’t totally clear, some believe it evolved from the inception of the Gregorian calendar in 1582, when New Year’s Day was moved to January 1. Previously it had been celebrated around the Spring Equinox, between the dates of March 25 and April 1. Those who refused to accept the new calendar and continued to celebrate on April 1 were considered backwards and labeled “fools” by the general public. They were subject to ridicule and made the butt of practical jokes. This harassment evolved over time into the modern tradition of prank-playing on the first day of April.
Even without April Fool’s Day to remind us, there’s plenty of foolishness in the air with the advent of Spring. Imagine yourself with a wiggly, squirmy, excited litter of puppies on your lap—all that youthful energy and enthusiasm is like a breath of fresh air after a long winter.
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668Tom Carr, our Ghost hunter that is speaking this Saturday at 5pm has told me that he only has an hour to give to the group. Because of this, I recommend that everyone that is coming show up a bit early so we can use the time that we have.
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This message was sent by Christopher Rumfield ( from The Springville Metaphysical and Law Of Attraction Group..
To learn more about Christopher Rumfield, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 VAMPYRE KINGDOM, home to many!
where myth becomes reality.
A message to all members of VAMPYRE KINGDOM, home to many!

Visit VAMPYRE KINGDOM, home to many! at:
To control which emails you receive on VAMPYRE KINGDOM, home to many!, click hereI am asking the group if anyone has a book or any examples of psychic testing games?
People have mentioned and I would like to participate in testing each other with psychic exercises, practice and psychic ability building exercises. Personally, I do not own a book that has this type of skills included and am hoping that members would like to practice and share what they have.
I think it would be fun and we need variety in our group.
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This message was sent by Christopher Rumfield ( from The Springville Metaphysical and Law Of Attraction Group..
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668
Announcing a new Meetup for The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup!
What: Oracles of Delphi Psychic Faire
When: Saturday, April 3, 2010 1:00 PM
Sacred Circle Temple
3464 W 3800 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84119
As the ancient ones
consulted with the
Priestesses at Delphi
So you can consult
with our Priestesses
and Oracles
Readings may be
obtained for $15
Entrance admission
is FREE!
Also @ Earth Jam
Sat. April 24th
Visit us on Facebook at
Learn more here:
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Today's Inspirational Stories
Start Your Morning with Uplifting Thoughts
Need some positive input in your life right now? Here are seven inspiring doses of daily motivation that will start your morning with an uplifting boost.
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Here is How to Overcome Let-Downs
Even the most successful folks have setbacks. Don't let the people and things that disappoint you keep you down. Overcome life's let-downs with these uplifting tips.
The Best Movies About Love, Ever
Need a love boost? Check out the 10 best movies about putting faith in love--whether it's romantic love or the love of family and friends.
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Quote of the Day
In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends.
- John Churton Collins
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Bright Lights, Big Galaxy
While visiting the observatory, Martha Williamson was reminded of how everything within our universe has meaning and purpose.
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Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Debuts March 26
You might have caught this top chef on Larry King Live last night with Pastor Steve Willis. The pastor is taking on...
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Paganism / Wiccan
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Paganism / Wiccan
Pagan Living
From Patti Wigington, your Guide to Paganism / Wiccan
Now that Ostara's winding down and spring is moving in, we're talking to a reader who has some suspicions about a "high priest", a murder case involving a "Wiccan dagger" and a lot of odd statements, and an anti-witch crusader who's been arrested for a heinous crime. Also this week, the new Harry Potter park is set to open in June, and a discussion on safety within (and outside of) the sacred circle. Have a magical week, and watch for Friday's special edition of the newsletter, when we'll talk about Money Magic!
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Reader FAQ: Teenage High Priest?
I got an email from a young lady this morning, and I want to share it with you, because her situation is not, I'm afraid, an unusual one. She writes, "I'm a sophomore in high school and I'm interested in learning about Paganism. I met a guy who graduated a couple of years ago and he says he's a Wiccan High Priest. He wants me to meet him for initiation but he says that I'm not allowed to tell anyone about this because of the Wiccan Rede. There's something about this that doesn't seem right to me. Am I paranoid, or is this legit?" If I had a dollar for every guy who used ... Read More
Police Working with NM Wiccan Community
After the other day's news about a New Mexico woman who stabbed a man with a "Wiccan dagger," the local Wiccan community has spoken up in hopes of clearing the record. I'm pleased to say that law enforcement folks seem to be taking a genuine interest in learning about the Wiccan religion, which murder suspect Angela Sanford says she follows. Sanford is accused of stabbing Joel Leyba eleven to thirteen times while on a hiking trail in the foothills. The other day, I criticized Police Chief Ray Schultz for statements that showed ... Read more
Anti-Witch Crusader Arrested for Sexual Assault
Remember back in 2007, when Witch School was located in Rossville, Illinois? Some of the local Christian clergy were trying to prevent them from moving in, and youth pastor Andy Thomas from the Rossville Church of Christ was worried that WitchSchool will try to convert the local kids. Thomas says it's not his goal to run the witches out of town, but that "our ultimate goal would be to convert them to Christianity... if that doesn't happen, I don't know what will be next." Well, apparently what's next is Thomas being arrested for ... Read More
Harry Potter Park Opens June 18
Universal Orlando's Islands of Adventure park will open its latest attraction, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, on June 18, and has gotten J.K. Rowling's official magical stamp of approval. The attraction's designers got a lot of input from the folks who created the Harry Potter movie sets, and Rowling herself had plenty to contribute as well. The Associated Press reports, "The scope and attention to detail are ... Read more
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Advertisement Hi Char,
So I have had several students call and say that they will not be able to make it to Saturdays class due to being out of town because of Easter. I was going to go over some major information and I would hate to have them miss it. So I thought we would not have class this saturday and pick up the class on April 24th. (we are going to be out of town the next two weeks) Let me know if you are ok with this. Also, we are going to be postponing the psychic meetup group as well, since only 3 rsvped because of the same reason.
Call/email me if you have any questions,
Hello everyone,
This week due to the holiday we are going to be postponing the meetup group. Looking forward to the next meetup.
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668
Psychic Meetup 5, scheduled to occur on Saturday, April 3, 2010 1:00 PM has been cancelled. Please update your plans accordingly.
If you have further questions, you can email me through the "Contact Organizer" link on Meetup:
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This message was sent by Will ( from You Are Psychic!.
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668
go to this link it might be helpful to teen witches
Isian Healing Rite by Temple of Isis Utah
April 10, Saturday, 4:30 PM
PLEASE NOTE: This rite will not be held at the Odd Fellows Hall, we will reconvene at the Odd Fellows Hall in May for the Isis Illumination Rite. Please contact Kasey at or Carlee at or event location.
Isis Healing Rite
"To change the lesser, you need to contact the greater. So to form a starry network we need to contact the divine inhabitants of the stars – whether Deities, Angels, The Sidhe. We ourselves are "the Missing Link" between apes and perfected humanity. We can ourselves discover our own fractals, bringing our greater and our lesser selves into conscious relationship. We shall learn to manage our own germs and viruses! Self-heal ourselves, and we heal the world."
Exerted from "Isian News" Issue 121. Reflections by Olivia Robertson. "Fractal Woman".
This ritual will first emphasis healing ourselves and in magical theory by healing ourselves or changing ourselves we can make a positive change to the others and the universe.
Secondary, this rite will also focus on creating amulets for healing and protection by Khepera and Aset and thirdly, this rite will focus on sending healing energy, sekhem, by the aid of Isis, Mistress of Magic to the planet, the elements, animals, birds, insects, spirits, the departed, our fellow human beings, etc., etc., etc.
This rite will be held at a private residence. If you would like to attend please contact Kasey Conder at kaseyconder (at) or Carlee Nowling at wiccanweirdo83 (at) Also you can call 801.755.4419. This residence will be north of Salt Lake in the Clearfeild/Ogden Area.
Please bring a vegetarian potluck dish to share, a musical instrument, and dress in spring ritual garb.
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Isian Healing Rite by Temple of Isis Utah
April 10, Saturday, 4:30 PM
PLEASE NOTE: This rite will not be held at the Odd Fellows Hall, we will reconvene at the Odd Fellows Hall in May for the Isis Illumination Rite. Please contact Kasey at or Carlee at or event location.
Isis Healing Rite
"To change the lesser, you need to contact the greater. So to form a starry network we need to contact the divine inhabitants of the stars – whether Deities, Angels, The Sidhe. We ourselves are "the Missing Link" between apes and perfected humanity. We can ourselves discover our own fractals, bringing our greater and our lesser selves into conscious relationship. We shall learn to manage our own germs and viruses! Self-heal ourselves, and we heal the world."
Exerted from "Isian News" Issue 121. Reflections by Olivia Robertson. "Fractal Woman".
This ritual will first emphasis healing ourselves and in magical theory by healing ourselves or changing ourselves we can make a positive change to the others and the universe.
Secondary, this rite will also focus on creating amulets for healing and protection by Khepera and Aset and thirdly, this rite will focus on sending healing energy, sekhem, by the aid of Isis, Mistress of Magic to the planet, the elements, animals, birds, insects, spirits, the departed, our fellow human beings, etc., etc., etc.
This rite will be held at a private residence. If you would like to attend please contact Kasey Conder at kaseyconder (at) or Carlee Nowling at wiccanweirdo83 (at) Also you can call 801.755.4419. This residence will be north of Salt Lake in the Clearfeild/Ogden Area.
Please bring a vegetarian potluck dish to share, a musical instrument, and dress in spring ritual garb.
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If you've been forwarded this message from a friend and would like to subscribe, please click here.I've updated this Meetup. For more details, see the full listing:
When: Thursday, April 1, 2010 6:00 PM
Golden Braid Books
151 South 500 East
Salt Lake City, UT 84102
(801) 322-1162
If the changes affect your plans to attend, please take a moment to update your RSVP. (You can RSVP "No" or "Maybe" as well as "Yes".)
You can always get in touch with me through the "Contact Organizer" link on Meetup:
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This message was sent by Avalon Starr (Amber) ( from The Utah Good Witches Meetup.
To learn more about Avalon Starr (Amber), visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 Vampire Community News
A message to all members of Vampire Community News
Atlanta Vampire Alliance [AVA] Official Notice:
Any vampire community message board, forum, group, web site, et. al.
permitting Jonathon Sharkey, Audrianna, or any associated alias to
access their servers in any membership capacity will henceforth be
removed from any community resource listing, link-back, recommended
site, RSS/Dynamic content, or similar directory that is managed by the
Atlanta Vampire Alliance [AVA] or any of our associated subsidiaries.
This will take effect within 72 hours of this notice. It is the
opinion of the Atlanta Vampire Alliance [AVA] that Jonathon Sharkey and
Audrianna have demonstrated behaviors which threaten the personal
safety and privacy of House members of the AVA and those involved in
the vampire community and are thus not welcome to participate on any
site we host or maintain.
March 30, 2010
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Thursday April 1, 6-8pm
Golden Braid Books
151 South 500 East
Salt Lake City, UT 84102
(801) 322-1162
Join Tom Carr for a night of Ghost Hunting and capture his new Book
Talking To Yourself In the Dark (How to Guide to The Paranormal)
at The Golden Braid Books IN Salt Lake from 6 pm until 8 pm MST.
There will be a small reading from the book and questions and answers about Ghost hunting.
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Spring is here. Do you have your Spring Cleaning Checklist ready? Famous Feng Shui expert and best-selling author,...
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— March 2010 —
So far, you’ve seen family history unfold for Sarah Jessica Parker, Emmitt Smith, Lisa Kudrow, and Matthew Broderick. Tune in to NBC this Friday night (8/7c) to see discoveries happen again, this time as Brooke Shields turns family legends into royal discoveries on Who Do You Think You Are? Or watch a preview here.
Missed an episode of Who Do You Think You Are?
Watch it online.
How Do They Do It? Family History Tips from Professionals
First they found a death certificate linking Sarah Jessica Parker’s family to the California Gold Rush and ultimately the Salem Witch Trials. Next they uncovered a will naming Emmitt Smith’s formerly enslaved ancestors. And finally they located the mystery relative who visited Lisa Kudrow’s father once 60+ years ago.
Ever wonder how these professional genealogists make their biggest finds — and how you can research like the pros?
Get tips from the pros for your own family finds.
When Is James Actually Homer?
Sometimes an ancestor gets indexed with a name we just don’t expect. Whether it happens because of a hurried census enumerator, a misread document, or because a nickname was listed instead, you can make a quick fix so other researchers at can find that person again with the details they expect. More than 1 million names had alternate information added to them by members last month alone.
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Question: “How do I know if someone from my mom’s family is researching the family tree?”
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1790, 1800, and 1810 U.S. Federal Census — Reindexed with New Fields
A recent re-indexing project of the 1790, 1800, and 1810 U.S. Federal Censuses means you can now refine your search terms to include the total number of residents, residents under age 16, free non-white residents, and slaves in a household. The new fields are particularly handy for reverse searching in these censuses, where only head-of-household was enumerated. Plug in the household details and the surname — even a wildcard — to find people who match the description of the family you’re looking for.
1790 U.S. Federal Census
1800 U.S. Federal Census
1810 U.S. Federal Census
U.S. Public Records Index — Updated
Looking for family in the latter half of the 20th century? Try the newly updated U.S. Public Records Index collection, where you’ll find 1.2 billion records created between 1950 and 1995 — addresses and even some birthdates are included. This month’s update added more than 800 million new public records to the collection. Search now
Coming Soon:
• 1920 U.S. Federal Census Improved
• 1880 Non-Population Census Schedules
NEW COLLECTIONS: Available for World Deluxe Members
Ontario, Canada, Births,
Marriages, and Deaths — Updated
See history as it was made in original birth, marriage, and death records from Ontario, Canada. Available online only at, the fully indexed collection — with document images included — provides the following details:
• Births (1869–1909): Names (child, father, mother), birthplace.
• Marriages (1801—1926): Names (husband, wife), ages, birthplaces, residences, parents’ names, marriage date, place.
• Deaths (1869–1934): Names (deceased, others), date and place of death, birthplace and year.
England, Alien Arrivals, 1810–1811, 1826–1869 UK Aliens’ Entry Books, 1794–1921
Available online for the first time and only at, these registrations of all non-British citizens entering the UK include details about nationality, arrival date, last country visited, and more. England Alien Arrivals features more than 650,000 searchable records of aliens, including those en route to the United States and other countries. The browseable UK Aliens’ Entry Books feature approximately 100,000 records of immigrants to the UK.
England, Alien Arrivals, 1810–1811, 1826–1869
UK Aliens’ Entry Books, 1794–1921
Upper Brittany, France, Births,
Marriages, and Deaths, 1501–1907
The Upper Brittany, France, Birth, Marriage, and Death collection features more than 3.5 million names detailing events dating back 500 years. Details include names, dates, and places; records may also include some additional text transcribed from original documents.
Upper Brittany, France Deaths & Burials, 1540–1907
Upper Brittany, France Marriages, 1536–1907
Upper Brittany, France Births & Christenings, 1501–1907
Coming Soon:
• Irish Famine Relief Commission Records
Hamburg Passenger Lists,
1850–1934 — Updated
Available online only at, Hamburg, Germany, passenger lists feature more than 5 million records, with approximately 80 percent of trips completed in the United States. Details may include last place of residence, birthplace, and occupation. An index is available for 1877–1914; note a gap in records from 1915 to 1919 (WWI). Search now.
Also visit the companion database, Hamburg Passenger Lists, Handwritten Indexes,
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Whether you’re new to or just want a refresher, let Ancestry Weekly Discovery editor, Juliana Smith, show you the ins and outs of the world’s largest online family history resource. In this free, one-hour online course, you’ll discover how works, tips for searching historical records, and how to find even more information — all at
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Tuesday, April 6, 2010 8pm ET/5pm PT
Coming Up on
Who Do You Think You Are?
Tune in to NBC on Friday nights (8/7c) through April 23 as celebrities including Matthew Broderick, Brooke Shields, Susan Sarandon, and Spike Lee dig into their family history on the NBC series, Who Do You Think You Are? You’ll also find episodes you missed here. Then join in the conversation following each episode on our Facebook fan page. And if you’re not already, become a fan of while you’re there. That way you’ll always know what’s happening.
Enter the Ultimate Family History Journey Sweepstakes and You Could Visit the Homeland — On Us
Ever wished you could see the old country you’ve always heard about? If you’re the winner of the Ultimate Family History Journey Sweepstakes, you could get that wish. Enter daily through April 30, 2010, for your chance at the grand prize — $20,000 in travel money. If you’re the winner, you’ll also get genealogy and local experts to assist your journey, plus an annual World Deluxe subscription to for you and five family members. For official rules and to enter, visit
Ancestor Seekers Sixteenth Salt Lake City Research Trip July 18–23, 2010. Join us for a week of research at the Family History Library, with help from accredited genealogists. Click or call toll-free at 877-402-6846
Making Timelines with Family Tree Maker
Ever wanted to see how your ancestor fit into history? Make a timeline. Include important dates about your ancestor — birth, marriage, education, military service, birth of children — above the date line and drop in historic events below. You can also find software that will make a timeline for you, including historic and family events. You’ll find details about how to make a timeline with Family Tree Maker here.
Census 2010:
Your Mark in History
Think back to your greatest census find — but what if your ancestor hadn’t bothered to answer that census? Every day, members search hundreds of thousands of census records for details about their own family histories. In addition to the impact the census has on tomorrow’s family researchers, your 2010 response will also affect important community decisions today. Learn more
Family Tree Adds a Cousin — and a Helping Hand
My great-grandmother, Julie Kendrick, died when my father was a toddler. We knew little of her family, particularly her father, who had died sometime prior to the 1870 census — when Julie was only two years old.
I researched further and found Julie Kendrick’s death certificate, which gave her father’s name, Isaac W. Kendrick. It turned out that Isaac came from a well-known and well-documented Georgia family. But when did he die? And what did he die of?
I posted all of this information in my family tree. Shortly thereafter, I received a note from a woman named Nancy through the message system.
Nancy had spent quite a bit of time traipsing around cemeteries in Georgia looking for her own ancestor, John Kendrick — the brother of Isaac. She hadn’t found John but she had found Isaac’s tombstone and those of his parents.
Nancy quickly sent me photos and even went to the local library to get a copy of Isaac’s obituary for me. So now I know Isaac’s birth date, marriage date, and death date. I’ve learned that he was a loved and respected doctor, a Mason, and so much more.
Thank you, cousin Nancy. And thank you,
—Charlotte Fischer, Birmingham, Michigan
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German Vampire Cult With 150+ Members -
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The Utah County Freemasons MeetUp
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Masonic Meetup at Iggys!
Thursday, April 1, 2010 6:30 PM
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1087 South 750 East
Orem UT 84097
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"I am looking forward to submitting a petition. I loved meeting with you brothers and hope to see beautiful relationshipa form and be maintained."
— Joshua Phair
"Well , if the group has the objective of making a good man a better man, I believe it is worth the effort."
— Enrique
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We're holding a second meetup at Iggy's! Friends and family are welcome, and we look forward to hearing from you!
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Watch a preview of this week’s episode
Tune in to see Brooke Shields make life-altering discoveries about both sides of her family. First she’ll come to understand the early hardships of her late grandmother. Then she’ll travel to Europe to make shocking realizations about her ties to self-made aristocrats in Italy and legendary royalty in France.
Who Do You Think You Are? is a unique show that takes a personal look into the family stories of seven celebrities, while helping people everywhere understand what they could discover about their family history.
Watch the show Friday nights at 8/7c.
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Actor Matthew Broderick discovered new heroes from World War I and the Civil War in his family tree.
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