This is halloween -Night mare before Christmas!
This is halloween marilyn manson scary

This Samhain be aware that those you have lost, your loved one are a round you ,speak with your loved ones , listen to the messages they bring you. They are here to guild you and help you through your life's journey.Reverend High Priestess Char Norton M.W.R.
Pagan Liberal shared Little White Lion's photo.
NaturalWitches shared Everything Under the Moon's photo.
ZEUS; to the Romans, JUPITER. "Cloud Gatherer." The ruler of the Olympian gods, god of the sky, thunder, and lightening, the upholder of custom and tradition. Zeus had many names. As Soter, he is know as the father and saviour of mankind; as Herkeios, guardian of the home; as Xenios, keeper of the rules of hospitality; as Ktesios, protector of property; as Gamelios, god of marriage; as Zeus Chronius, god of the earth and fertility; as Zeus Eluetherious, protector of freedom; and as Zeus Polieus, god of the civic virtues. Despite all these duties, Zeus still had plenty of time to romp with young girls and boys. His wife Hera persecuted his lovers, both mortal and divine. His symbols are the thunderbolt, eagle, bull, and oak. Zeus was brother and consort of Hera. By Hera, Zeus sired Ares, Hebe and Hephaestus, though some accounts say that Hera produced these offspring alone. Some also include Eileithyia and Eris as their daughters. The conquests of Zeus among nymphs and the mythic mortal progenitors of Hellenic dynasties are famous. Olympian mythography even credits him with unions with Leto, Demeter, Dione and Maia. Among mortals were Semele, Io, Europa and Leda and with the young Ganymede (although he was mortal Zeus granted him eternal youth and immortality). Many myths render Hera as jealous of his amorous conquests and a consistent enemy of Zeus' mistresses and their children by him. For a time, a nymph named Echo had the job of distracting Hera from his affairs by talking incessantly, and when Hera discovered the deception, she cursed Echo to repeat the words of others. Blessed Be, Theresa — with William Merced and 4 others.
Congrats to Sean Wylie for putting together one of our favorite DMTRMXs!
Here it is:
DMT's Role in Nature and Within the Human Body
Like for Love on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/HarmanaOrganization Visit http://harmana.org/ for access to Free Blog
This week I wish I'd had this posted at my desk for the Lutheran lady who sits next to me at work and was immeasurably rude and insensitive....I'm sure the "saving" talk will be coming...and Lord & Lady help her if it does. ~Lady K
Hello Grays :) I just got home from work, as many of you know...I am a server, I have this regular customer - very nice pentecostal preacher, who finally noticed my pentacle tonight. So ...this led to a lengthy conversation about how the devil has his claws in me if I continue down this path....etc etc..blah blah....So it was a long night to say the least...and I thought this pic (my personal favorite) was very fitting for my day :) Grayest Blessing )O( ~Indigo~ — with Mystic Blue Seas and Dorinda White.

Samhain Apple Jelly Wine
*This is a Samhain favorite that Lady Lydia and I have enjoyed making over the years together every season. Perfect to give as gifts or keep for your family... everyone loves it.
A very simple jelly using any bottled juice. Goes together in no time, so it's perfect for last minute gift ideas or beginning jelly makers. Uses hot water bath canning.
2 - Cups Apple Wine ~ (any inexpensive blend)
3 ½ - Cups Sugar
1 - 3 oz package of Liquid Pectin
¼ - teaspoon
¼ - teaspoon vanilla
Makes 4 half-pints
Combine juice and sugar in a large Pot; bring to a rolling boil, stirring constantly.
Stir in pectin; boil 1full minute, stirring constantly.
Remove from heat, and skim off foam with a wood spoon.
(Metal will work)
Quickly pour hot jelly into hot sterilized jars, leaving 1/2 inch headspace.
Wipe jar rims.
Cover at once with metal lids and screw on bands.
Place hot jars of jelly in boiling water bath for 3 minutes.
Takes about 30 minutes total to make.
By; Lady Abigail
Copyright © 10011998
From: Witch of the Old World Book Herbs by: Lady Abigail
Information via Witch of the Old World Book of Herbs by: Lady Abigail on CD. All rights reserved under the US copyright laws and statues. Copyright © 12312011. For more information or see to purchase see: The Glass Witch Magick Shoppe: http://www.theglasswitchmagickshoppe.c om/product/ witch-of-the-old-world-cd-book- of-herbs-by-lady-abigail
* Because we have to: The Don't be Stupid Clause or Disclaimer ... If you are allergic to this herb don’t use it.

Even Fairies love to have a good Halloween costume: http://di.sn/qHm

Pagan Liberal shared The Crystal Cauldron )O('s photo.
The Geminids is the king of the meteor showers. It is considered by many to be the best shower in the heavens, producing up to 120 multicolored meteors per hour at its peak. It is produced by debris left behind by an asteroid known as 3200 Phaethon, which was discovered in 1982. The shower runs annually from December 7-17. It peaks this year on the night of the 13th and morning of the 14th.
Gasp! He must be a vampire. LOL
Johnny Depp Fan Club
MY WORK : Angel of Water IMPORTANT © COPYRIGHT NOTICE: My work may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted, uploaded, sold or re-sold in any way without my express permission — with Zameer Khan and 29 others.
Take extra care about your fur babies this season.
One Witches Wonderland shared Save The World 2013's photo.
To all of you, I wish the brightest blessings now and always. Thank you again for your beloved support of our page!
Blessed Be,
Shared from https://www.facebook.com/ GrimoireoftheModernWitch

Samhain Blessings
HEX: Old World Witchery
The closing of autumn draws very near, Samhain will bring the Celtic New Year.
Sacred embers light the fire in the family hearth while the spirits are set free to roam the earth.
A magical time, this thing called Samhain, yet the winter to come will make us thirst for Beltane.
Keep watching the sky for the Blood Moon to appear, the clear crisp nights announce Samhain is here.
An enchanted moment, this time of the year but "Time Which Is No Time" means danger is near
Photo Credit Artist unknown maybe Deviant art
Text Credit unknown
..........Cin ☽✪☾
Holy Water Holy Water can be any water that is held sacred, or which has special significance for the spell-caster. This may be water from a shrine dedicated to a deity, or water from a sacred spring. It may be church-blessed water or Jordan River Water. In modern Wicca, Holy Water may be spring water with salt added. Some covens maintain unique recipes, which may include rosemary, thyme and vervain or other herbs. Crystals may be used to charge Holy Water. Holy Water may be water from the tap of a loved one, or even from your favorite restaurant. Rain falling on a day held sacred to the spell-caster – Beltane, the Summer Solstice, Samhain, one's birthday – may be used as Holy Water. British folk tradition holds that rain falling on Ascension Day (Holy Tuesday) may be collected and used. Holy Water also may be created via astrological correspondence: waters synchronized with a lunar eclipse or a Full Moon are Holy and charged with extra magical power, as well. In Bali, Holy Waters include the water found within unripe coconuts and young bamboo, as well as ocean water. In some traditions – Balinese, Church-blessed and Wicca for example – Holy Water must be consecrated and activated via sacred ritual. Yet other traditions consider the sacred, magical power of Holy Water to be such that no further ritual or consecration is necessary (and may in fact be interference). Holy Water is used for cleansing and purification, and for healing, exorcism and banishing spells The Smart Witch Recommends: If the concept of Holy Water holds no meaning for you – if all water is the same – then substitute pure spring water whenever Holy Water is indicated in a spell. Obtaining Holy Water may be as simple as gathering rainwater – ideally collected within a stone vessel – or adding sea salt to spring water. To charge Holy Water, prepare yourself with a ritual bath containing lots of salts. Prepare the Holy Water either sky-clad, or wearing clean, white, natural fabrics (it need not be ritual clothing, but it must be fresh). Ladle water into a glass or crystal bowl, and place the bowl between two small white candles. Light a cone of frankincense or white sage incense and place it before the candles; then light the candles. Pass the bowl of water through the incense smoke. Visualize the reason you’re preparing the water and results it will bring. Set the bowl between the candles, and leave everything in place until the candles burn out. Bottle the water. Use Holy Water for cleansing and purification in your bath, or sprinkled on your altar and in corners of your home. Holy Water is thought to be capable of magically transmitting physical relief, especially for headaches and tension, so use it in compresses or massage oil for healing spells. Use Holy Water to cleanse and empower tools, plants and crystals – they may be sprinkled or soaked, depending on the nature of the material. http://www.thesmartwitch.com/ The_Smart_Witch_Formulary.html
Beautiful!! -Jeni<3 div="">

They say, nobody's perfect. And then there's Johnny Depp
He can wear a rag and rock it.
For witches, Halloween is the holiday of Samhain
Stone of The Day:
Ravensgrove Healing Circle and Healing Spell

Every witch needs a beautiful broom!
Herb of the Day: Catnip
Aged Wisdom

"Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal."
You have officially been mooned. Pass it on!


Going today with some friends to see "America's Stonehenge" in New Hampshire. It's said to be a 4000 year old megalithic astronomical complex.

Witch Stargazing
This is Epic! Please share the Halloween fun.

With Blessings of Samhain

Ha! A little Halloween humor for you.

ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!!!! An event WILL HAPPEN in 2014 somewhere in Northern Kentucky! Jeanette/Raven is the only Local Coordinator at this time. After the first of the year, I will be seeking folks to help plan the event to make it happen. I will not tolerate petty drama. It is inexcusable among ADULTS. I am open to location suggestions. Preferably in the Covington or Newport area that is easily accessible to the public, not somewhere off the beaten path that will be hard for people to get to.
'Twas the Night Before Samhain


Easy Whipped Cream Frosting
This is one of those recipes that belongs in every home.
This is SOO delicious
It WON'T melt at room temperature like plain whipped cream!
It's VERY stable.
Its wonderful for frosting a cake or even dipping fruit!
Not TOO sweet.
**This recipe makes 5 cups**
1 (8 ounce) package reduced-fat cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup white sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon almond extract
2 cups of heavy cream
Combine the cream cheese, sugar, vanilla extract and almond extract in a large mixing bowl or the bowl of your mixer.
Once all in the bowl, mix on medium speed until smooth.
DragonOak's Woodshop shared Spirit of Old's photo.

A Dragon Is Born. Stock used: Model: liam-stock http:// liam-stock.deviantart.com/art/ Black-Magic-22-129082887 Dragon: Elevit-Stock http://elevit-stock.deviantart.com/art/ E-S-Blue-Dragon-342143663 Background: AshenSorrow http:// ashensorrow.deviantart.com/art/ Premade-Background-1416-3288566 73 — with Kimber Rogers Brownlee and 40 others.

Familiar with this?
The Domestic Witch shared The Pagan Poppet's photo.
Just a little share~ Ashling)O( https://www.facebook.com/ magickalmomentsuk — with Paula Boylan and 2 others.
LIKE if you would love to share a drink with these two...
Haven't tried this yet, but it sounds like it would be pretty good.
APPLE CINNAMON WATER *** Boost your metabolism naturally with this ZERO CALORIE Detox Drink. Put down the diet sodas and crystal light and try this out for a week. You will drop weight and have TONS ON ENERGY! Sounds yummy! 1 Apple thinly sliced 1 Cinnamon Stick Drop apple slices in the bottom of the pitcher and then the cinnamon sticks, cover with ice about 1/2 way up then add water. Drink 8 oz before each meal. To SAVE this, be sure to click this photo and SHARE so it will store on your personal page. For more healthy recipes, tips and ideas Click and join us here https://www.facebook.com/ groups/GetHealthywithray/
They say, nobody's perfect. And then there's Johnny Depp
Ladies 40+ only: Meet singles in your local area
Go here ===> http:// fortyplusdatingwjd.com-if.us/
Johnny Depp Fan Club
Halloween Chill Party
Invite Only · By Amber Avalon
- 6:00pm
Avalon's Home 901 W 230 N , Orem Utah ~ Time : 6ish to whenever
Come on over for some great food..BBQ .. and Halloween treats. BYOB and help pass out candy.. Dress up and maybe win a prize ;)
Bring scary movies to watch on the tube !

Those People
The last time I got groceries at our local food shelf was this past February. Eight months ago. Big Daddy's court-ordered child support kicked in later that month, and even though it wasn't much, it made the difference between buying groceries and getting them from a food shelf. For that, I'm gratef...
Tis near Halloween...
He can wear a rag and rock it.
Johnny Depp Fan Club
For witches, Halloween is the holiday of Samhain
For most people it is fun to dress up like a Witch on Halloween.
Unlike the average person celebrating Halloween today there are a few of us that don't just play the part on Halloween because we are Witches.
"I am a witch," and for me Halloween or Samhain; as it is called by Witches is one of several holidays observed during the year.
The word "witch,” is Old English for '`wise" and applies to any practitioner of witchcraft including followers of the old religion, Witches and Pagans but also that of healers and teachers.
Samhain or Halloween is the day when the dead are remembered. The holiday has a serious side. For many Witches when we gather together we will light candles in memory of those deceased.
It's a joyful time because we know the spirits of our loved ones are still here. Many will communicate with the dead. Not the “devil,” or some evil being. We are communicating with the ones we loved that have passed on.
It's considered the time of year when "the veil between this world and the spiritual world is the thinnest. This is believed to be where the idea of the ghosts and goblins and other supernatural beings come from that are now part of holiday lore.
Most Witches and Pagans will have a ceremony and after which most groups will have a party. Since Witchcraft by many names is an ancient religion the celebration also marks the traditional last harvest and the start of the New Year. Food at the party includes homemade cider, apples, pumpkins, squash and pasta. Also a tradition within most Halloween parties today.
Unless it is a custom party you would be hard pressed to see the pointy hats and brooms that signify witches in popular culture. Many Witches will wear black because it is a traditional color.
The idea of the ugly old witches seen in Halloween decorations probably arose out of fear. Witches were involved with healing and preparing the dead for burial during the medieval time. In the medieval mind and even today to some, that is scary stuff.
Rumors of animal sacrifices are misconceptions created to make Witches look bad. In fact the religion is focused only on positive energy. Witchcraft consists of healing herbs, crystals, candles and meditation.
Witches being accused of being devil worshippers is seen as a way to keep fear in those looking for what they have not found in other religions. Witches don't believe in a devil. The idea has nothing to do with Witches or the Old Religion which is a nature-oriented religion.
Many Witches myself included hope that this holiday of Samhain will provide the opportunity for Witches and Pagans to answer questions about their religion to others.
And hopefully help clear up some misconceptions about our religious practices.
Blessed Be...
Lady Abigail
Copyright © 10131983
Stone of The Day:
By, Lady Jenny
Element: Water
Howlite is associated with self-awareness, creativity, improves emotional states.
*Helps alleviate procrastination.
*Aids in dispelling anger.
*Aids in communicating negative emotions, resulting in calmer confrontations.
*Aids in sleeping, calming an over active mind, eases insomnia, dreams, dream retention and stress relief.
*Calms the body and eases muscle tension brought on by stress.
*Eliminates pain brought on by stress.
*Aids in healing stress related injuries such as ulcers, heart problems and rashes.
*Helpful in balancing calcium levels in the body, strengthening teeth and bones.
*Meditating with a piece of Howlite can aid in retrieving insight from ones past lives.
photo by: theenchantedladies.com
Ravensgrove Healing Circle and Healing Spell
* This thread is designed to share your Blessings, Prayers, Energy and Request.
Healing Spell
Light a blue candle, anoint it with lavender or eucalyptus oil.
Incense of choice (optional)
A cauldron or fire proof dish
On a piece of paper, write the name of the person or the illness you wish to heal and place it under the blue candle.
Hold a amethyst in your hands to energize it with your energy.
Visualize your intent, hold the stone and say:
Stone of healing, Stone of Light
Heal (name) with the speed of light.
Make it so for (name) to see,
For as my will it, so mote it be!
The spell is complete... If the healing was for another, give the stone to them to start the healing process. If it was for yourself, keep the stone on your person till you are better. Burn the paper in the candle flame and place it in the cauldron or dish, and visualize the illness going away.
If for someone you can not give it too but want to direct the healing toward them. Place it outside or in a window where the moon’s light will hit the stone. Hold your hands over the stone and say:
Mother Goddess of love and light,
Send your blessing to (name) this night.
By the powers within this stone I send,
Healing powers to (name) my family & friend.
*When the healing is complete you may then bury the stone, off your property or cleanse it if you wish to use it again.
From my personal Book of Shadows: Lady Abigail
Copyright 02022009
Information shared by Ravensgrove Coven and Lady Abigail
Copyright © 07012013
https://www.facebook.com/ pages/Ravensgrove-Coven/ 172419479791

Every witch needs a beautiful broom!
Check out Broomcorn Johnny's or look them up on the web (http://broomcornjohnnys.com/
) for affordable, high quality, and gorgeous handmade brooms of all sizes and styles!
Herb of the Day: Catnip
From: Witch of the Old World Book Herbs
by: Lady Abigail
Catnip is another one of the wonderful bee attracting flowers that surrounded my Great Grandmothers home. Not only did her cats love it but also it has protective powers when grown around your home. I loved when she would make the Catnip into mint tasting teas, as she taught me how to use Catnip in love and healing Magick.
Folk Names; Cat Mint, Cat’s Wort and Field Mint.
Magickal Powers;
Healing, Love, Protection, and Cat magick.
Catnip is used in healing potions and is burned in the rooms of those who are fighting off colds and flu. The smoke from Catnip also opens you to visions and spirits.
Grown around your home Catnip will protect your home for the little creatures, (mice, rats, bugs).
Catnip is used to communicate with cats and will help you when seeking answers.
Mixed in love spells will bring a soft and gentle touch to the magick.
Medical Use;
Colic, Pain, Fevers and Headaches.
Catnip has natural pheromones that resemble that of cats. Because of this it repeals rats and mice but also has properties that naturally repeal fleas and beetles.
To make into a tincture for keeping flees off your cat or dog, use 2 parts Catnip to 1 part water. Allow it to set in a cool dark place for 13 hours. I will also lesson the animal smell with its nice mint scent.
As an infusion or tea from Catnip will calm stomach cramp reduce fevers and sooth headaches. When rubbed on your head help end scalp irritations.
Catnip was used in the Civil War times as a mild sedative for babies with colic.
Catnip made into poultices will ease the pain or itch of small wounds.
The smoke from Catnip also gives you a mild euphoria feeling with on harmful effects.
Author Lady Abigail - Information via Witch of the Old World Book of Herbs by: Lady Abigail on CD. All rights reserved under the US copyright laws and statues. Copyright © 12312011. For more information or see to purchase see: The Glass Witch Magick Shoppe: http:// www.theglasswitchmagickshoppe.c om/product/ witch-of-the-old-world-cd-book- of-herbs-by-lady-abigail
* Because we have to: The Don't be Stupid Clause or Disclaimer ... If you are allergic to this herb don’t use it
Aged Wisdom
Now tis fall with thy evenings chill,
So spice high the bowl, and drink your fill!
Summer’s now gone with Autumn bright,
The Veil tis thin this Samhain night.
Lady Abigail
Copyright © 10052010
I cried. I don't know if this is true, but I cried. ~Fireflight

"Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal."
-Albert Camus
The Mind Unleashed
Oh dear...........Cin ☽✪☾
Baron Daniel Cureton shared The Pagan Poppet's photo.
You have officially been mooned. Pass it on!
...........Cin ☽✪☾

How To Find Your Craft Name
Written by Raven Sagemoon Your craft name is very sacred in your path, it is the name you use in your craft. Which sounds very simply put. Finding your craft name isn't as hard as it seems to be. The...
A Traditional Samhain Ritual
[This is a online of a very traditional Samhain ritual from the late 1960s or early 1970s.]
• Balefire in center.
• Two black candles upon the altar.
• A red candle in each of the Quarters.
• A wreath of autumn flowers and the crown of the Horned One are upon the altar.
All Conveners are properly prepared.
All are purified and made ready.
High Priestess erects the Circle.
The High Priest says:
O Gods, beloved of us all,
bless this our Sabbat that we,
thy humble worshippers,
may meet in love, joy and bliss.
Bless our rites this night
with the presence of our departed kin.
Facing north with arms upraised, conveners hand-linked in a semicircle behind him, the High Priest invokes the Horned One.
High Priestess bearing a wand then leads the Coven in a meeting dance, slowly, to the Witches' Rune.
High Priest gives each an unlit candle and brings up the rear of the dance. The candles are each lit from the balefire before the outward spiral.
When it is done the High Priestess assumes the Goddess position saying:
Dread Lord of the Shadows, God of Life and
Bringer of Death! Yet as the knowledge of thee is
Death, open wide, I pray thee, the gates through
which all must pass. Let our dear ones, who have
gone before, return this night to make merry
with us. And when our time comes, as it must, O
thou the Comforter, the Consoler, the Giver of
Peace and rest, we will enter thy realms gladly
and unafraid; for we know that when rested and
refreshed among our dear ones, we will be reborn
again by thy grace, and the grace of the Lady
Cerridwen. Let it be in the same place and the
same time as our beloved ones, and may we meet,
and know, and remember, and love them again!
Descend, we pray thee, on thy High Priest and
Servant, [Name].
High Priestess goes to the High Priest and, with wand, draws the five-point star upon his breast and upon the crown of the Horned God. High Priest kneels and High Priestess places the crown upon his head. Fresh incense is cast into the thurible.
High Priestess strikes the bell and High Priest says:
Hear ye my witches,
Welcome to our Great Sabbat.
Welcome we the spirits
Of our departed kin.
High Priestess strikes bell. Witches walk slowly around the Circle.
High Priestess fills chalice with wine and hands it to High Priest who drinks and then says:
In humility, as the Horned One asks,
I bid my witches drink.
High Priest takes chalice to first witch, giving it with his right hand whilst taking the taper with his left (kiss), then extinguishing the taper before accepting back the chalice. Repeat with each witch present. High Priest then says:
Listen, my witches, to the words of the Horned
One, Drink, dance and be merry in the presence
of the Old Gods and the spirits of our departed kin.
Conveners partake of cakes and wine.
Dances and games follow closing of Circle.
Great Rite if at all possible by High Priestess and High Priest if no other.
Merry meet, merry part. (In the symbolic version the High Priest plunges the athame, or ritual knife (the male symbol), into a cup or chalice (the female symbol) which is filled with wine and is held by the High Priestess. The Great Rite symbolizes creation in the union of the Maiden Goddess with the Lover God, and thus is also known as a fertility rite.) A variety of ritual occasions call for the Great Rite to be performed, such as during the festival of Beltane on or about May 1 in the northern hemisphere and Samhain on or about November 1 in the southern hemisphere
There are plenty of published Samhain rituals, containing at least some of these elements. This is from What Witches Do by Stewart Farrar, fleshed out from Lady Sheba's Book of Shadows.
[This is a online of a very traditional Samhain ritual from the late 1960s or early 1970s.]
• Balefire in center.
• Two black candles upon the altar.
• A red candle in each of the Quarters.
• A wreath of autumn flowers and the crown of the Horned One are upon the altar.
All Conveners are properly prepared.
All are purified and made ready.
High Priestess erects the Circle.
The High Priest says:
O Gods, beloved of us all,
bless this our Sabbat that we,
thy humble worshippers,
may meet in love, joy and bliss.
Bless our rites this night
with the presence of our departed kin.
Facing north with arms upraised, conveners hand-linked in a semicircle behind him, the High Priest invokes the Horned One.
High Priestess bearing a wand then leads the Coven in a meeting dance, slowly, to the Witches' Rune.
High Priest gives each an unlit candle and brings up the rear of the dance. The candles are each lit from the balefire before the outward spiral.
When it is done the High Priestess assumes the Goddess position saying:
Dread Lord of the Shadows, God of Life and
Bringer of Death! Yet as the knowledge of thee is
Death, open wide, I pray thee, the gates through
which all must pass. Let our dear ones, who have
gone before, return this night to make merry
with us. And when our time comes, as it must, O
thou the Comforter, the Consoler, the Giver of
Peace and rest, we will enter thy realms gladly
and unafraid; for we know that when rested and
refreshed among our dear ones, we will be reborn
again by thy grace, and the grace of the Lady
Cerridwen. Let it be in the same place and the
same time as our beloved ones, and may we meet,
and know, and remember, and love them again!
Descend, we pray thee, on thy High Priest and
Servant, [Name].
High Priestess goes to the High Priest and, with wand, draws the five-point star upon his breast and upon the crown of the Horned God. High Priest kneels and High Priestess places the crown upon his head. Fresh incense is cast into the thurible.
High Priestess strikes the bell and High Priest says:
Hear ye my witches,
Welcome to our Great Sabbat.
Welcome we the spirits
Of our departed kin.
High Priestess strikes bell. Witches walk slowly around the Circle.
High Priestess fills chalice with wine and hands it to High Priest who drinks and then says:
In humility, as the Horned One asks,
I bid my witches drink.
High Priest takes chalice to first witch, giving it with his right hand whilst taking the taper with his left (kiss), then extinguishing the taper before accepting back the chalice. Repeat with each witch present. High Priest then says:
Listen, my witches, to the words of the Horned
One, Drink, dance and be merry in the presence
of the Old Gods and the spirits of our departed kin.
Conveners partake of cakes and wine.
Dances and games follow closing of Circle.
Great Rite if at all possible by High Priestess and High Priest if no other.
Merry meet, merry part. (In the symbolic version the High Priest plunges the athame, or ritual knife (the male symbol), into a cup or chalice (the female symbol) which is filled with wine and is held by the High Priestess. The Great Rite symbolizes creation in the union of the Maiden Goddess with the Lover God, and thus is also known as a fertility rite.) A variety of ritual occasions call for the Great Rite to be performed, such as during the festival of Beltane on or about May 1 in the northern hemisphere and Samhain on or about November 1 in the southern hemisphere
There are plenty of published Samhain rituals, containing at least some of these elements. This is from What Witches Do by Stewart Farrar, fleshed out from Lady Sheba's Book of Shadows.

There are many facets of Herb Magick. I believe that a Witch’s Herb cabinet is
one of her most essential tools. Herbs have been used in Magick and Healing since the
beginning for time. Used in Home Remedies, Make-up, Poultices, Salves, Creams,...See MoreEvery job is important, as is the worker.
Thanks to Americans Against the Tea Party for this one.Samhain Spirit Summoning and Release
Do not take lightly these words that you say or those energies that you call. Be respectful and remember it is not a game to work within the veils. Those that you call into your world shall be of the energy and spirit they were in life; Good or bad. I share this chant but with the warning; Use at your own risk.
Calling; Spirits of life, and Sprits of death,...See More- Keep your daily meditation practice with this FREE audio : )http://mvlc.in/TKkAn
An earworm for this spooky weekend.
Tag yourselves and share as you like. Send me a note if you're unhappy with a picture of yourself and would like it taken down.
No it is no painting. it's a new Spider call the Angolan Witch spider. they migrated from South America. they primarily eat dogs and cats In Texas this abnormally large spider was found on the side of this home. It took several gun shots to kill it.... I would literally faint if I saw a spider this BIG.

Going today with some friends to see "America's Stonehenge" in New Hampshire. It's said to be a 4000 year old megalithic astronomical complex.
I looked up the phrase "Taking a day off", found it to be an interesting concept, and thought I'd apply it as an experiment in alternative reality.

Mystery Hill (America's Stonehenge) New Hampshire
The Mystery Hill archaeological site, better known today as America’s Stonehenge, is situated on the exposed bedrock summit of Mystery Hill in North Salem, New Hampshire. The site consists of a core complex of 13 stone chambers, several enclosures, niches, stone walls, stoned lined drains, small gro...

Sandra Ramdhanie Priestess shared Celeste Heldstab's note: Belly Dancing.

Belly dancing was originally a fertility ritual performed by women in the Middle East in preparation for pregnancy and childbirth. It later became a popular and aesthetic dance performed for audien
By: Celeste Heldstab

Illusion - You Wont Believe Your Eyes!
Amazing Illusion - You Wont Believe Your Eyes!
Amazing Illusion - You Wont Believe Your Eyes!
Length: 2:00
Phoenix: The Phoenix is a symbol of resurrection, rebirth, spiritual growth, strength and energy for life trials, fire and royalty. It is a a lunar/solar symbol and is connected to Osiris, Ra and Circe.
"O sacred Fire Bird, to the Sun take flight,
Bringing purity, hope, and renewal of Light.
I look to thee, O mystical glorious bird,
For renewal and rebirth, I've been told and heard
That of these and more, you will take my hand
And teach me well the secrets of this land.
So let me fly with you in eternal splendored grace,
With fiery courage I take my rightful place,
And rise from the ashes to reveal my true face."
The Phoenix, known as Benu (or Bennu) to the ancient Egyptians, as the Feng-Huang to the Chinese, Zhar-Ptitsa to the Russians, and at times as the Thunderbird by Native Americans, is an ancient mythical bird known for its ability to be reborn from it's own ashes; thus becoming a symbol for resurrection.
When Phoenix comes to you as a Totem, it is likely that you, too, are ready for a significant change - be it a renewal, a fresh perspective, or even a life-changing transformation. Symbolizing immortality, reincarnation and eternal light, the Phoenix brings with it a desire for change - a desire to reach for the stars. And since it is believed that there is only one of its kind in the world, you can expect that whatever you find yourself reaching for will also be quite unique. In working with this Totem, you may find yourself suddenly switching gears, trying on the wrappings of a new lifestyle or relationship, or totally changing a current mindset or pathway. Unparalleled and exceptional prospects will unfold and fortuitous events will begin to manifest, as Phoenix assists you with these changes.
Over the centuries, the image of the Phoenix has been widely used in art. Its legend began in Arabia where it is known as the King of Birds, and it is usually depicted as an enormous but graceful bird with a head resembling that of an eagle, a body resembling that of a pheasant, and tail plumage resembling that of a peacock. The word "Phoenix" derives from the Greek word "phoinix" meaning "purple-red" and refers to the bird's brilliant feather coloring of iridescent purple, crimson, gold and a touch of blue. This magnificent totem will also color one's life in vibrant hues. Things will seem crisper, clearer, and fresher in the new dawning light. You will also become more keenly aware of the cycles of life. The moon's phases will hold added meaning, the rising of the sun will bring more vivid inspirations, and the changing of the seasons will offer brilliant insights.
In legend, the Phoenix was known to sing each morning only for the Sun God. In return, the Sun God took a shine to this glorious bird and blessed it with eternal life. The Phoenix is said to live for 500 years (some say 1,000 or more), where after it flies westward gathering various aromatic woods and spices - usually myrrh, cinnamon, cassia and spikenard. Upon returning home, it builds a new nest with these pungent and fragrant plants in the tallest of palm trees. Here the bird sits and sings its most beautiful song. So beautiful is the sound, that it makes the Sun stop in its track and its rays shine with such brilliance and heat that the spices are ignited, setting the nest aflame, wherein the Phoenix dies within its own funeral pyre. Nine days later, a young Phoenix rises from the ashes, reborn, and once again begins singing its praises to the Sun. The Egyptians tell of the fledgling then flying the ashes, which have been embalmed in an egg made of myrrh, to Heliopolis where he places them on the altar in the Sun Temple.
Phoenix Totem may prompt you to go on your own quest. And though it may be one that promotes some sort of personal sacrifice, it invariably will lead to fortunate and beneficent change...for just as the bird is said to subsist merely on dew (some say air), so may you have to temporarily forego your usual fare in order to gain what treasure awaits you. The Phoenix is the ultimate totem for bestowing the wisdom of life, death and rebirth, but what it most strongly portends is hope and freedom from depression and despair. Phoenix people are always optimistic. Because of its beauty and tales of its relationship with the Sun, the Phoenix is associated with Apollo (a.k.a. Phoebus Apollo) and many other versions of the Sun God. It has been called "the soul of Ra" and "the heart of the renewed Sun." Through the teachings of this most exquisite bird come the gifts of cleansing Fire and uplifting Air.
Blessed Be,
"O sacred Fire Bird, to the Sun take flight,
Bringing purity, hope, and renewal of Light.
I look to thee, O mystical glorious bird,
For renewal and rebirth, I've been told and heard
That of these and more, you will take my hand
And teach me well the secrets of this land.
So let me fly with you in eternal splendored grace,
With fiery courage I take my rightful place,
And rise from the ashes to reveal my true face."
The Phoenix, known as Benu (or Bennu) to the ancient Egyptians, as the Feng-Huang to the Chinese, Zhar-Ptitsa to the Russians, and at times as the Thunderbird by Native Americans, is an ancient mythical bird known for its ability to be reborn from it's own ashes; thus becoming a symbol for resurrection.
When Phoenix comes to you as a Totem, it is likely that you, too, are ready for a significant change - be it a renewal, a fresh perspective, or even a life-changing transformation. Symbolizing immortality, reincarnation and eternal light, the Phoenix brings with it a desire for change - a desire to reach for the stars. And since it is believed that there is only one of its kind in the world, you can expect that whatever you find yourself reaching for will also be quite unique. In working with this Totem, you may find yourself suddenly switching gears, trying on the wrappings of a new lifestyle or relationship, or totally changing a current mindset or pathway. Unparalleled and exceptional prospects will unfold and fortuitous events will begin to manifest, as Phoenix assists you with these changes.
Over the centuries, the image of the Phoenix has been widely used in art. Its legend began in Arabia where it is known as the King of Birds, and it is usually depicted as an enormous but graceful bird with a head resembling that of an eagle, a body resembling that of a pheasant, and tail plumage resembling that of a peacock. The word "Phoenix" derives from the Greek word "phoinix" meaning "purple-red" and refers to the bird's brilliant feather coloring of iridescent purple, crimson, gold and a touch of blue. This magnificent totem will also color one's life in vibrant hues. Things will seem crisper, clearer, and fresher in the new dawning light. You will also become more keenly aware of the cycles of life. The moon's phases will hold added meaning, the rising of the sun will bring more vivid inspirations, and the changing of the seasons will offer brilliant insights.
In legend, the Phoenix was known to sing each morning only for the Sun God. In return, the Sun God took a shine to this glorious bird and blessed it with eternal life. The Phoenix is said to live for 500 years (some say 1,000 or more), where after it flies westward gathering various aromatic woods and spices - usually myrrh, cinnamon, cassia and spikenard. Upon returning home, it builds a new nest with these pungent and fragrant plants in the tallest of palm trees. Here the bird sits and sings its most beautiful song. So beautiful is the sound, that it makes the Sun stop in its track and its rays shine with such brilliance and heat that the spices are ignited, setting the nest aflame, wherein the Phoenix dies within its own funeral pyre. Nine days later, a young Phoenix rises from the ashes, reborn, and once again begins singing its praises to the Sun. The Egyptians tell of the fledgling then flying the ashes, which have been embalmed in an egg made of myrrh, to Heliopolis where he places them on the altar in the Sun Temple.
Phoenix Totem may prompt you to go on your own quest. And though it may be one that promotes some sort of personal sacrifice, it invariably will lead to fortunate and beneficent change...for just as the bird is said to subsist merely on dew (some say air), so may you have to temporarily forego your usual fare in order to gain what treasure awaits you. The Phoenix is the ultimate totem for bestowing the wisdom of life, death and rebirth, but what it most strongly portends is hope and freedom from depression and despair. Phoenix people are always optimistic. Because of its beauty and tales of its relationship with the Sun, the Phoenix is associated with Apollo (a.k.a. Phoebus Apollo) and many other versions of the Sun God. It has been called "the soul of Ra" and "the heart of the renewed Sun." Through the teachings of this most exquisite bird come the gifts of cleansing Fire and uplifting Air.
Blessed Be,

Personal Blog · 156,179 likes
Eta Carinae and pair instability supernovae The progenitors of pair instability supernovae are thought to be the most massive stars, and may have been more common in the early Universe. Stars with initial masses between ten and one hundred solar masses fuse progressively heavier elements in their centres, up to inert iron. The core then gravitationally collapses to a neutron star or a black hole, leading to an explosion — an iron-core-collapse supernova (SN). In contrast, extremely massive stars with initial masses greater than 140 solar masses, if such exist, have oxygen cores which exceed fifty solar masses. There, high temperatures are reached at relatively low densities. Conversion of energetic, pressure-supporting photons into electron-positron pairs occurs prior to oxygen ignition, and leads to a violent contraction that triggers a catastrophic nuclear explosion. Tremendous energies (>1052 erg) are released, completely unbinding the star in a pair-instability SN (PISN), with no compact remnant. Eta Carinae, around 2.5 kpc distant, was famously observed to erupt in the mid-nineteenth century to outshine Canopus in the southern sky. The occurrence gave rise to the remarkable bipolar nebula imaged above. The star itself is a luminous blue variable with 100 – 120 solar masses, and might also become a pair instability supernova, leaving behind no black hole but a huge abundance of heavy elements, possibly within a 104 year timescale. If the eta Carinae event were comparable to the most instrinsically luminous supernova yet observed, SN2006gy, its apparent magnitude would exceed -10.
How about a dark, elegant and deadly reminder of the power of the scorpion for today's Vampirefreaks item of the day. This Serket Scorpion Stud earring set can be yours for only $29.99. Check them out herehttp:// store.vampirefreaks.com/ product.php?pid=5549
Witch Stargazing
A pair of eye-catching conjunctions highlights the mid-month skies. Venus and Antares team up low in the southwest at sunset, while Mars and Regulus get together in the east before dawn. A string of constellations that represent the Celestial Sea line up low across the south in mid- to late evening: Capricornus, Aquarius, Pisces, Cetus, and Piscis Austrinus. Eridanus, the river, joins them by around midnight.
October 27: Moon and Company
The Moon has a couple of prominent companions in tomorrow’s pre-dawn sky. The star Regulus is close to the lower left of the Moon, with the orange planet Mars a little farther in that direction.
October 28: Moon and Mars
Mars is next door to the crescent Moon early tomorrow morning. The planet looks like a moderately bright orange star to the Moon’s left or lower left. The true star Regulus, which is a bit brighter than Mars, stands above them.
October 29: Low Triangle
The Summer Triangle is low in the west and northwest in late evening. Its three bright stars stand high overhead during the short nights of summer, but slip from view as we move toward the longer nights of winter.
October 30: The Crane
Fomalhaut, the mouth of the southern fish, shines low in the south this evening. It is the only bright star in that region of the sky. The stars that once represented the fish’s tail today form Grus, the crane, which is to the lower right of Fomalhaut.
October 31: SAMHAIN / Halloween
Halloween is a cross-quarter day, which means it falls roughly half way between an equinox and a solstice. In many cultures, these days represented the start of the seasons. Halloween was the first day of winter, for example.
November 1: Getting Closer
Comet ISON is racing toward a close encounter with the Sun on Thanksgiving Day. It’s still too faint to see without a good telescope, but if it survives its passage by the Sun it should shine in the early morning sky in December.
November 2: Solar Eclipse
A solar eclipse will darken the skies over central Africa tomorrow. The eclipse begins in North America, where the Moon just clips the rising Sun along the east coasts of the United States and Canada.
Posted by Lady Abigail
Information via McDonalds Observatory
Absolutely! ~Lady K
This is Epic! Please share the Halloween fun.
We love the This is Halloween theme so much that we did a wicked remix of it. Please check it out: http://bit.ly/19dNLmC
Thanks Emily Simmons for sharing with us.

"Although many mythological creatures roamed across ancient Ireland during the year, the changing of the season was an important time of the year and the significance is reflected in several ancient myths and folklore. Samhain served as a date for climatic action in Irish stories. "

Top spooky ancient Irish myths surrounding Halloween
Top spooky ancient Irish myths surrounding Halloween
So happy that my "kid" (Ryan Buell) is feeling better and looking great! ^i^ — in Raleigh, NC.
Rayven Nightmoon
Marilyn Ghost ~ Lady Moon
With Blessings of Samhain
As Witches fly across the moon,
The black cats sing a howling tune.
Spirits dance in the night so fare,
As magick and wonder fill the air.
Dazzling colors from the Autumn leafs fall,
As the sweet aroma of the night winds call.
Crisp in the air unseen changes draw near,
Secrets once hidden in whispers too hear.
The sky is overflowing with a purple hue,
As Balefires are readied with oak and yew.
Thirteen stones in a circle round,
Sheltering those upon this sacred ground.
Our Alter prepared is set beyond time,
With apples, gourds, sweet bread and wine.
The cauldron placed on the flames as they rise,
The wheel now turns as the old year dies.
Herbs of Mugwort, Sage, and Spice,
Cast into the flames as the sparks doth rise.
Dancing above they merge with the stars,
While spirits all-around us join from afar.
Our energies dance as soon they take flight,
To join with souls calling from darkness night.
In dreams they summon us unto them come,
Until the dawning of the morning sun.
Our Lord stands like the mightiest oak,
While in words of magick we call and invoke.
The Moon is summon as the Queen enters in,
We beacon Her come to this ritual of years end,
The veils are lifted and time is like shifting sand.
Across the fields and thought the Summerlands.
Upon this night, gentle souls touch our hearts,
In loving memories shared again they depart.
We do not grieve with the ending of this night,
For the circle of life turns and love becomes light.
Magick is all around us, if we choose to see.
With Blessings of Samhain, so mote it shall be.
By; Lady Abigail
High Priestess Ravensgrove Coven
Indianapolis IN Area
Copyright © 01012006
Raven Digitalis added a new photo.

Ha! A little Halloween humor for you.
Thanks to Being Liberal for sharing.

ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!!!! An event WILL HAPPEN in 2014 somewhere in Northern Kentucky! Jeanette/Raven is the only Local Coordinator at this time. After the first of the year, I will be seeking folks to help plan the event to make it happen. I will not tolerate petty drama. It is inexcusable among ADULTS. I am open to location suggestions. Preferably in the Covington or Newport area that is easily accessible to the public, not somewhere off the beaten path that will be hard for people to get to.
To give you something to think about over the next few months to brainstorm ideas, I am making the theme "Building a Stronger Spiritual Community". What are ways we can come together and work together to make our spiritual communities stronger and work together? What activities and opportunities do we need to create for better understanding and tolerance?
I also need ideas of charities we can help in the area. One of the requirements of National is to have a food drive for a local 501(c)3 charity. What charities are out there that need help that will not turn down a donation from a Pagan centered group?
I am open to suggestion now to get the ball rolling. Private message here or send me an email at covingtonppd@gmail.com
Got ink?
If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales. @[12534674842:274:Albert Einstein] — with Grant Brummett's Photography and 3 others.
Share and Print Spells: Witch's Healing Candle Spell
Some of these shares are old. Some of just cool, some are fun and some of these have very old spell words and ideas. They are not always going to sound "Wiccan friendly." Remember not all Witches are Wiccan and some of these spells, poems and shares can be older than Wicca.
Lady Abigail
Some of these shares are old. Some of just cool, some are fun and some of these have very old spell words and ideas. They are not always going to sound "Wiccan friendly." Remember not all Witches are Wiccan and some of these spells, poems and shares can be older than Wicca.
Lady Abigail

'Twas the Night Before Samhain
By Lady Abigail
* (I posted this earlier but have had many request to repost it. So here you go. Thank you and blessings, Lady Abigail.)
Twas' the night of Samhain and all thought the house,
Every creature was stirring, yes even that mouse;
The jack o'lanterns were hung about with great care,
In hopes the fall fairies soon would be there;
The children were dressed in their spookiest wear,
In search of sweet treats on Samhain tis fair;
It's All Hallow's night, so I leaped from my bed,
With thoughts of enchantment running through my head;
When across the moons face a wonder I'd spy,
A Witch on her broom stick up in the sky;
The moon shining on crisp autumn leaves as they fall,
Give a feelings of spirits leering within the trees so tall,
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But Witches and Wizards coming now near;
So I grab my boots and my black cloak quick,
I know in a moment this house they will pick;
More rapid than bats around a grave they came,
They whistled, and shouted, and called me by name;
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
To the house they did come for it’s a Samhain ball!
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
We danced and played underneath the dark sky,
Let us gather as friends, carve the pumpkin set near,
This old Haunted House shall give nobody fear;
I was dressed all black, from my head to my foot,
No tarnish on these clothes no ashes or soot;
Our eyes how they twinkle! Our heart filled with delight!
As we called forth spirits on this Samhain night!
When we had finished our magickal spell,
Around the cauldron some stories of monsters we’d tell;
But soon as in time, it will rush quickly by,
Our party was ending and home the witches did fly.
But I heard them exclaim, ere they flew out of sight,
"Samhain blessing to all and to all a good night."
Lady Abigail
Copyright © 10312000

California – October 25, 2013 – Green Egg, the famous Pagan magazine which was first published in 1968, proudly announces that it is now back in print. The popular Pagan journal was founded by Oberon Zell-Ravenheart and has featured articles by such luminaries as Jacques Vallee, Robert Anton Wilson, Starhawk, Joanna Macy and many articles by Oberon himself, as well as articles and poems by his wife, Morning Glory Zell-Ravenheart.
The last print issue of Green Egg was in 2000, when it was shut down. It was revived in 2007 when Ariel Monserrat, editor/publisher and Tom Donohue, Science Editor and Graphics Layout Artist, brought Green Egg back as an e-zine.
The new print version will also be available in i-Pad version for 2.00.
The print version is available for purchase for $8.00.
Both versions include a digital version.
You can purchase the print, i-Pad or digital version here:
http://www.magcloud.com/ browse/issue/645463
Since 2011, Green Egg has been available as a digital publication on our website and has been free. The free digital version will continue to be available on the website. The web manager lost everything, including her computer, in a fire at her home last month. She is presently not able to post anything on our website, so the managers have to learn how to manage the website. It will be posted as soon as possible. The new issue will be available for free in digital version shortly.
Green Egg will also be available soon in bookstores. Green Egg also has plans to post all of the old issues of Green Egg prior to 2000, on the website. Hopefully, all of the old issues will be online by Summer of 2014. You can find the Green Egg website here, along with all of the digital versions since its revival in 2007:
Website: greeneggzine.com
Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/ GreenEgg2
For further information, please contact Ariel Monserrat at greeneggzine@gmail.com

I Will Definitely be trying this one this holiday season
Pumpkin Cheesecake Pie
You Will Need:
2 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 eggs
1 (9 inch) prepared pie crust (or Graham cracker crust, whichever you prefer)
1/2 cup pumpkin puree
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 pinch ground cloves
1 pinch ground nutmeg
1/2 cup frozen whipped topping, thawed
Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C).
In a large bowl, combine cream cheese, sugar and vanilla. Beat until smooth. Blend in eggs one at a time. Remove 1 cup of batter and spread into bottom of crust; set aside.
Add pumpkin, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg to the remaining batter and stir gently until well blended. Carefully spread over the batter in the crust.
Bake in preheated oven for 35 to 40 minutes, or until center is almost set. Allow to cool, then refrigerate for 3 hours or overnight. Cover with whipped topping before serving.
Pumpkin Cheesecake Pie
You Will Need:
2 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 eggs
1 (9 inch) prepared pie crust (or Graham cracker crust, whichever you prefer)
1/2 cup pumpkin puree
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 pinch ground cloves
1 pinch ground nutmeg
1/2 cup frozen whipped topping, thawed
Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C).
In a large bowl, combine cream cheese, sugar and vanilla. Beat until smooth. Blend in eggs one at a time. Remove 1 cup of batter and spread into bottom of crust; set aside.
Add pumpkin, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg to the remaining batter and stir gently until well blended. Carefully spread over the batter in the crust.
Bake in preheated oven for 35 to 40 minutes, or until center is almost set. Allow to cool, then refrigerate for 3 hours or overnight. Cover with whipped topping before serving.
These start with 2 tubes of Pillsbury refrigerated crescent rolls. Roll each crescent roll out and cut lengthwise in 2. This recipe will make 32 mini croissants. Each croissant will get a generous teaspoon of this luscious cream cheese pumpkin pie filling:
4 oz. (1/2 block) of softened cream cheese
1 cup of canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling)
1 – 2 T pumpkin pie spice (adjust to taste)
3 – 4 T sugar (granulated or powdered; adjust to taste if you want the filling sweeter)
Beat the above ingredients together until fluffy and creamy and spread about one teaspoon of filling over each triangle of dough.
Mix together 4 T sugar and 1 T pumpkin pie spice and roll each pumpkin pie croissant in it!Bake at 375* for about 13-15 minutes (this time is for on a baking stone) – you want them to be lightly browned and the dough baked through.
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to order SKINNY FIBER: www.egnisaban.com
— with Daisy Egnisaban.These start with 2 tubes of Pillsbury refrigerated crescent rolls. Roll each crescent roll out and cut lengthwise in 2. This recipe will make 32 mini croissants. Each croissant will get a generous teaspoon of this luscious cream cheese pumpkin pie filling:
4 oz. (1/2 block) of softened cream cheese
1 cup of canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling)
1 – 2 T pumpkin pie spice (adjust to taste)
3 – 4 T sugar (granulated or powdered; adjust to taste if you want the filling sweeter)
Beat the above ingredients together until fluffy and creamy and spread about one teaspoon of filling over each triangle of dough.
Mix together 4 T sugar and 1 T pumpkin pie spice and roll each pumpkin pie croissant in it!Bake at 375* for about 13-15 minutes (this time is for on a baking stone) – you want them to be lightly browned and the dough baked through.
✔ Like ✔ “Share” ✔ Tag ✔ Comment ✔ Repost ✔Follow me
To SAVE this , be sure to click SHARE so it will store on your personal page.
to order SKINNY FIBER: www.egnisaban.com
WARNING: This is going to be a new family favorite!!!!! Make sure to **SHARE** this so you can **SAVE** the yummy recipe to your page!
Yields 8 - Each mini loaf is 9 WW+ points
A lightened up Pumpkin Cream Cheese bread that everyone will love!!
Prep Time - 20 min
Cook Time - 25 min
Total Time - 1 hr
Pumpkin Bread
2 cups canned pumpkin
3 eggs
1 egg whites
1 1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup white sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 t baking soda
2 t pumpkin pie spice
Cream Cheese filling
8 oz reduced fat cream cheese (room temperature or softened slightly)
4 tbsp sugar
1 egg
2 tsp flour
1 tsp vanilla
Preheat oven to 350
Prepare one mini loaf pan (it should hold 8 loaves) or 2 9x5 loaf pans with nonstick spray
Bread Layers
In the bowl of your stand mixer or hand mixer combine pumpkin, eggs and egg white until smooth
In a separate medium bowl whisk together flour, sugars, baking soda & pumpkin pie spice
Slowly add the dry ingredients into the wet mixing until just smooth, set aside
Cream Cheese Layer
In another bowl either for your stand mixer or hand mixer combine all ingredients until smooth
Bread Assembly
Pour or spoon half of the pumpkin bread mixture into the bottom of the mini loaf pan or the large loaf pan
Evenly divide the cream cheese mixture over the pumpkin bread mixture and smooth out using the back of a spoon
Pour the remaining pumpkin bread mixture over the cream cheese mixture, covering as much as you can
Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean
Let cool for about 10-15 minutes and then remove from the pans
Each mini loaf is 9 WW+ points, so divide as needed based on how many slices you get from the loaf
Nutritional Info:
Calories: 324
Total Fat: 2.8 g
Cholesterol: 85.2 mg
Sodium: 397.4 mg
Total Carbs: 65.2 g
Dietary Fiber: 2.5 g
Sugars: 42.7 g
Protein: 10.4 g
**Feel free to send me a FRIEND REQUEST or FOLLOW ME. I am always posting awesome stuff!**
For more fun and amazing ideas... recipes and motivational weight loss tips
Click this website and join us here--->https://www.facebook.com/groups/GetHappyandSkinny
Yields 8 - Each mini loaf is 9 WW+ points
A lightened up Pumpkin Cream Cheese bread that everyone will love!!
Prep Time - 20 min
Cook Time - 25 min
Total Time - 1 hr
Pumpkin Bread
2 cups canned pumpkin
3 eggs
1 egg whites
1 1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup white sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 t baking soda
2 t pumpkin pie spice
Cream Cheese filling
8 oz reduced fat cream cheese (room temperature or softened slightly)
4 tbsp sugar
1 egg
2 tsp flour
1 tsp vanilla
Preheat oven to 350
Prepare one mini loaf pan (it should hold 8 loaves) or 2 9x5 loaf pans with nonstick spray
Bread Layers
In the bowl of your stand mixer or hand mixer combine pumpkin, eggs and egg white until smooth
In a separate medium bowl whisk together flour, sugars, baking soda & pumpkin pie spice
Slowly add the dry ingredients into the wet mixing until just smooth, set aside
Cream Cheese Layer
In another bowl either for your stand mixer or hand mixer combine all ingredients until smooth
Bread Assembly
Pour or spoon half of the pumpkin bread mixture into the bottom of the mini loaf pan or the large loaf pan
Evenly divide the cream cheese mixture over the pumpkin bread mixture and smooth out using the back of a spoon
Pour the remaining pumpkin bread mixture over the cream cheese mixture, covering as much as you can
Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean
Let cool for about 10-15 minutes and then remove from the pans
Each mini loaf is 9 WW+ points, so divide as needed based on how many slices you get from the loaf
Nutritional Info:
Calories: 324
Total Fat: 2.8 g
Cholesterol: 85.2 mg
Sodium: 397.4 mg
Total Carbs: 65.2 g
Dietary Fiber: 2.5 g
Sugars: 42.7 g
Protein: 10.4 g
**Feel free to send me a FRIEND REQUEST or FOLLOW ME. I am always posting awesome stuff!**
For more fun and amazing ideas... recipes and motivational weight loss tips
Click this website and join us here--->https://www.facebook.com/groups/GetHappyandSkinny
Easy Whipped Cream Frosting
This is one of those recipes that belongs in every home.
This is SOO delicious
It WON'T melt at room temperature like plain whipped cream!
It's VERY stable.
Its wonderful for frosting a cake or even dipping fruit!
Not TOO sweet.
**This recipe makes 5 cups**
1 (8 ounce) package reduced-fat cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup white sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon almond extract
2 cups of heavy cream
Combine the cream cheese, sugar, vanilla extract and almond extract in a large mixing bowl or the bowl of your mixer.
Once all in the bowl, mix on medium speed until smooth.
Share for Christmas....it will be here before you know it.....
Prep Time: 5 mins
Total Time: 15 mins
Servings: 20-30
About This Recipe
"Paula Deen is a wonderful cook. She makes down home comfort food. Everything she makes is mouth watering. This fudge is very good and easy to make!"
1 2/3 cups white sugar
2/3 cup evaporated milk
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 (6 ounce) packages milk chocolate chips
16 large marshmallows
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 cup chopped nuts
1.Combine sugar, milk, butter and salt in a medium sized saucepan. Bring to a boil, cook 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
2.Add in chocolate chips; cook until melted.
3.Remove from heat; stir in marshmallows, vanilla and nuts. Mix well.
4.Pour into a 8-inch pan.
Cool cut into squares.
Please click and share to save this recipe to your timeline and feel free to friend me or join us at Rose's weight loss support group... to learn about skinny fiber, tips, recipes, and great ideas....thanks
— with Rosemary Diggs and 6 others.PAULA DEEN'S 5 MINUTE FUDGE:
Prep Time: 5 mins
Total Time: 15 mins
Servings: 20-30
About This Recipe
"Paula Deen is a wonderful cook. She makes down home comfort food. Everything she makes is mouth watering. This fudge is very good and easy to make!"
1 2/3 cups white sugar
2/3 cup evaporated milk
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 (6 ounce) packages milk chocolate chips
16 large marshmallows
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 cup chopped nuts
1.Combine sugar, milk, butter and salt in a medium sized saucepan. Bring to a boil, cook 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
2.Add in chocolate chips; cook until melted.
3.Remove from heat; stir in marshmallows, vanilla and nuts. Mix well.
4.Pour into a 8-inch pan.
Cool cut into squares.
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