happy b day pictures Shanna
❤ ☮ We Are His Legacy ☮ ❤ shared Michael's Video HIStory's video: Will You Be There.
4 hrs ·
¸.• * • . ❥
★ Dangerous World Tour Bucharest ★
"I have been working for 12 years on the Wolverine character and while the franchise will go well beyond me, it really has been the backbone of my career."
Miss Congeniality or REMI as we call her here at The Humane Society of Utah is patiently waiting for her forever family. She has a wonderful personality and will have you laughing at her silly shenanigans within minutes of meeting her. Remi came all the from another shelter in Elko NV for a second chance at finding a home so we don't know much about her. We can tell you Remi is a one year old Lab mix who gets along well with other dogs and LOVES people. She would love an active family and benefit from continued training. If you lead an active lifestyle, can spend time playing fetch and going for walks please come meet Remi today! LIKE, SHARE or best of all ADOPT! Need to know how? Glad you asked, head over to utahhumane.org to find out how!
Chip Coffey - Psychic and Medium added a new photo.
15 hrs ·
Spiritual and Magical Philosophies – The Resurgence of Magic, a Prediction
Book excerpt: Liber Null and Psychonaut, P. Carroll
“After some centuries of neglect, advanced minds are turning their attention to magic once more.
It used to be said that magic was what we had before science was properly organized. It now seems that magic is where science is actually heading.
Enlightened anthropology has grudgingly admitted that beneath all the ritual and mumbo-jumbo of so-called primitive cultures there exists a very real and awesome power that cannot be explained away.
Higher psychics now suggest that the universe runs on something more akin to sorcery than clockwork.
The magic art itself is undergoing a profound renaissance.
In this new aeon, the thrust of magical endeavour is toward making the actual experimental techniques work regardless of their religious or symbolic associations.
The techniques of magic will be the hyper-sciences of the future.
The origin of these arts lie not in the medieval or even pagan civilizations, but are to be found in its most developed form in Shamanistic cultures.
Before history began, humanity knew a strange and terrible power which gradually slipped from its grasp.
It now stands on the brink of its rediscovery.”
Source: Liber Null & Psychonaut, an Introduction to Chaos Magic, Peter J. Carroll; Weiser Books (1987)
Image: Shaman, anotherwanderer
BIG NEWS! The episode of DRUNK HISTORY that I filmed back in January airs TONIGHT at 10 pm EDT on Comedy Central!
'"On the day the tax incentives were recommended, the Answers in Genesis website had a help-wanted advertisement," Phelps notes.
The job description included this statement: "Our work at Ark Encounter is not just a job, it is also a ministry. Our employees work together as a team to serve each other to produce the best solutions for our design requirements. Our purpose through the Ark Encounter is to serve and glorify the Lord with our God-given talents with the goal of edifying believers and evangelizing the lost."
All job postings at Answers in Genesis include this statement: "All job applicants for the non-profit ministry of AiG/Creation Museum need to supply a written statement of their testimony, a statement of what they believe regarding creation, and a statement that they have read and can support the AiG Statement of Faith."
The AiG Statement of Faith claims "it is imperative that all persons employed by the ministry in any capacity, or who serve as volunteers, should abide by and agree to our Statement of Faith, to include the statement on marriage and sexuality, and conduct themselves accordingly."
It also requires all employees to believe and support "the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ as Sovereign, Creator, Redeemer, and Judge," and the "66 books of the Bible are the written Word of God. The Bible is divinely inspired and inerrant throughout. Its assertions are factually true in all the original autographs. It is the supreme authority in everything it teaches. Its authority is not limited to spiritual, religious, or redemptive themes but includes its assertions in such fields as history and science."
"The only legitimate marriage sanctioned by God is the joining of one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union, as delineated in Scripture. God intends sexual intimacy to only occur between a man and a woman who are married to each other, and has commanded that no intimate sexual activity be engaged in outside of a marriage between a man and a woman. Any form of sexual immorality, such as adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexual conduct, bestiality, incest, pornography, or any attempt to change one’s gender, or disagreement with one’s biological gender, is sinful and offensive to God."
In other words, LGBT people and most Christians need not apply.'
A favorite herbal medicine of the ancients, peppermint leaves have been found in Egyptian pyramids dating back to 1,000 BC. Modern scientific investigations have now confirmed that this remarkable plant has over a dozen healing properties. By Contributing Writer Sayer Ji http://bit.ly/104TJD1
Selena Fox shared Selena Fox's photo.
5 mins ·
Florence & I are Flying to Atlanta for Merry Meet!
To my friends T.c. Eisele, Kathy Latham, Donald Hauser, Pashmina Narwani and so many other friends of tarot, it's time to laugh! Have a great day.
Deborah Blake with Raven Digitalis and 2 others at My backyard
1 hr ·
Thanks to Alex Bledsoe, I ended up taking the #ALS #IcebucketChallenge. It didn't quite go the way I expected
I am usually a very nice person
When Im not nice
my heritage leaks through
and then I'm not responsible for the ways of the ancestors
When Im not nice
my heritage leaks through
and then I'm not responsible for the ways of the ancestors
~ The Steps of the Path
One thing is for certain, death of the physical body is inevitably for everyone. When we experience death of the body we go through a liberation process as the consciousness escapes this temporal physical world creating increasing degrees of heightened bliss from the freedom of the body boundary. When physical death occurs it brings us to such a level of pleasure that, just like sex, at some point we are typically unable to contain the ecstasy and we end up falling into a totally unconscious state (like the momentary orgasm, called the 'Breaking' or 'Shattering' in Kabbalah)
Because most of us are unable to maintain conscious awareness during the state of death (the conscious liberation from the physical body) we fall into unconsciousness and tumble back down through the birth canal into another (infant) body here in this world - And on and on we go through countless incarnations.
Our ancients understood this process very well and knew of ways to beat the incarnation cycle through self-regulated practices which enhanced the conscious awareness causing a lightening quick evolution of the soul to avoid the perils and suffering of this temporal world.
The secret methods of bardo, dream (astral) and waking (meditation) practice were used to achieve higher states of conscious awareness for three reasons; 1) to increase conscious clarity in waking life here in this 3D reality, 2) to increase conscious clarity in the dream state (the astral worlds) and 3) to increase conscious clarity in the death state (bardo) to escape the need to return here in subsequent births.
We start with physical practices like hatha yoga to make the body healthy and pliable, then move to pranayama to enhance and clear the bodies energy channels, then we practice devotion to increase the power of the heart (intention), then we start practice dharana to strengthen single pointed focus/concentration (will) and finally we begin the stages of waking, dream and bardo yoga practices the final practices.
Each of these final practices, waking, dream and bardo, utilize the process of heat or fire, called Agni in yoga, Tummo in Buddism, cooking in Alchemy, etc. Once psychic heat can be generated in the body through steady practice, then we can magnify and direct this heat to help remove long-held barriers (lower, middle and upper), to ignite kundalini energy and revitalize the psychic centers themselves (chakras).
Eventually, we use the heat to open up the central column and dissolve the 5 elements so we can experience the 'three Lights'. This final practice is the process by which we cultivate ultimate bliss, joy and conscious clarity in each of the three states; waking, dream and bardo (death) and from here master this world in preparation to move on to the next.
Triple MoonGoddess with Penny Parker and 4 others
12 hrs ·
To any one in pain or needs help please share. Remember there is always someone who can use a blessings to help and heal. It can be emotional, physical , mental, financial or just having a shitty day. Blessed Be to all tonight may you find comfort knowing it may or may not be better the next day . But it is another day the possibilities will be positive
Adapted from the coffin of Sennedjem, a 19th Dynasty 'Servant in the Place of Truth' (tomb workers' village at Deir-el-Medina). The upper part of Iri-en-djety's inner coffin would've resembled this.
Anthropoid coffin of Teti, 'Servant of the Great Place' (the village of tomb workers at Deir-el-Medina). 18th Dynasty (1339 B.C. - 1307 B.C). Iri-en-djety's inner coffin was very similar to this.
My reconstruction of one side of Iri-en-djety's sarcophagus. All these Egyptian gods are funerary deities. The same gods were on his coffin.
Detail of a lid from another sarcophagus. Note the protective Horus-falcon/hawk.
Learn that everything in life worth anything is slow!
"We're hurrying through our lives, instead of actually living them. We're living the fast life, instead of the good life."
What does a "good life" mean to you?
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From Patti Wigington, your Guide to Paganism / Wicca
Spiritual growth is an ongoing journey.
Image by Serg Myshkovsky/Vetta/Getty Images
For many Pagans, developing one's spiritual path is an ongoing journey. It's not over the moment you finish a book, or after attending your first ritual. It's an ever-changing experience that evolves as you do - and it's important to make sure that we take the time to learn, grow, and develop spiritually. The more you learn, and the more of life that you experience, the more your spirituality develops. Let's look at some ways we can expand our knowledge base, make time for studying, and turn our spiritual journey into a meaningful part of our life.
Join Our Pagan Community:1. Make Time for Magic
Let's face it -- we're all busy. Life is hectic. You've got a job, school, a family, meals to cook, a house to clean, and a mountain of laundry that isn't getting any smaller. So mix all of that together, and we often find ourselves so overwhelmed with "have to" things that we never get around to our "want to" list. Unfortunately, our spiritual studies often get pushed to the bottom of our "want to" list. Here are some tips on how to prioritize your magical studies.2. Create a Daily Plan of Study
Do you work better with a routine?
Image by altrendo images/Stockbyte/Getty Images
For many Pagans, it's hard to stay focused on reading and learning... and this can be a problem, if you're someone who wants to continue to grow spiritually! Here are some tips on how to create a daily plan of study for learning more about Paganism, or any other form of spirituality that interests you.3. Think Magically to Achieve Your Goals
For many Pagans and Wiccans, there are times of the year when we ritually shed the old baggage and focus on new beginnings. Because of this, goal-setting can become an important aspect of our spiritual development. To avoid feeling like a failure, let's look at some basic guidelines for setting -- and subsequently achieving -- goals.4. Live Magically Every Day
Are you living magically every day?
Image by Raphye Alexius/Image Source/Getty Images
Living a magical life is something that one does twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Depending on the needs of your tradition, it may involve something as complex as daily ritual, or as simple as taking a moment to thank your gods each morning when you get out of bed. It means being in tune with the spiritual world around you, and staying in balance physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Let's look at how you can adapt magical thinking into your daily routines.
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From Patti Wigington, your Guide to Paganism/Wicca
More and more people are raising Pagan children.
Image (c) Mike Powell/Getty Images
As more people embrace earth-based spiritual paths, it's becoming more common to find Pagans who are rearing children in their belief system. Learn tips and tricks for raising Pagan kids, and living as a Pagan family -- how can you celebrate the Sabbats in a kid-friendly fashion, deal with teachers who may be insensitive to your beliefs, and raise well-adjusted kids in a non-mainstream religion? Be sure to scroll down to the Featured Articles at the bottom, for more ideas on working with your kids, and helping them work with others as part of their spiritual journey towards adulthood.
Join Our Pagan Community:How to Keep Your Kids Included in Pagan Practice
As the modern Pagan movement progresses and evolves, the Pagan community has grown to encompass people of all age levels. It's not uncommon at all to meet families in which one or both parents are Pagans, and they may have kids who follow a variety of religious paths. Here are some tips on how you can keep your children involved in your practice and belief system.Pagan Rituals for Families with Children
Kids can participate in rituals whenever they're ready.
Image (c) Vincent Besnault/Getty Images
Looking for rituals and ceremonies that work well for the young Pagans in your family? Here's a collection of some of our most popular kid- and family-themed rituals and celebrations.10 Activities for Pagan Kids
For many Pagans, it's hard to find kid-friendly activities that celebrate our spiritual path. Believe it or not, sharing your beliefs with your kids is easier than you think. Try some of these simple activities as a way of celebrating your family and your beliefs all at once.Your Rights as a Pagan Parent
Pagan parents have the same rights as non-Pagan parents.
Image by Layland Masuda/Moment Open/Getty Images
When it comes to raising our kids, it's sometimes hard to know what rights we have as Pagan parents. In the United States, we have the same rights as parents of any other religion. Learn how you can avoid discrimination in schools, simply by opening up the lines of communication.
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Paganism/Wicca Guide
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Be Sure to ReadBooks for Pagan & Wiccan Kids How to Set Up a Children's Altar Why Are Kids Sometimes Not Welcome at Pagan Events? Follow me on:
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From Patti Wigington, your Guide to Paganism/Wicca
Many people use burning sage to cleanse sacred space.
Image by Chris Gramly/Vetta/Getty Images
We often talk about the concept of sacred space here at About Pagan/Wiccan, and the phrase has different meanings for different people. For some, it's a quiet spot in the corner of the spare bedroom, and for others, it's the magic of a cool forest on a summer afternoon. Whether you're creating your own sacred space, or visiting a place that other people have designated as a location of spiritual significance, the use of sacred space can be a valuable addition to any modern magical practice.
Join Our Pagan Community:Creating Your Own Sacred Space
Many people love the idea of sacred space - but how can you create your own sacred space in your everyday life? Here are some tips on how to make any area into a place where you can focus on your spiritual development: Creating Sacred SpaceSacred Places to Visit in the US
Wyoming's Big Horn Medicine Wheel
Image © Patti Wigington 2006
The British Isles and Europe don't have a monopoly on sacred places. There are a number of sites in the United States that are places of magical energy and power. Here are ten amazing places in the U.S. that draw natural energy from the earth. Let's take a look at some powerful Sacred Spaces in the US.Sacred Places Around the World
Some places are magical and sacred already -- from the Great Pyramid to Machu Picchu to Stonehenge itself, there are locations on this planet that are full of magical energy. Learn about what they are and what makes them so special.
Ley Lines: Magical Energy in the Earth
Do magical lines connect sacred spaces around the world?
Image by James Osmond/Britain on View/Getty Images
Ley lines are often described in earth-based spirituality. But what are these lines, and how do they connect one place to another? Let's look at what Ley Lines are.
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Be Sure to ReadSacred Springs & Holy Wells Stone Circles 5 Ways to Cleanse a Sacred Space Follow me on:
Check out the sky tonight if the clouds clear away for the beautiful summer show. http://www.stgeorgeutah.com/news/archive/2014/08/12/look-skies-perseid-meteors-shower/
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NEW MEETUPSalt Lake Goddess GatheringsAdded by Gabrielle4 goddesses going, including:Take a breathe and please read the entire event Chix in the Stick Goddess Camping and Wild Mushroom foraging. Join us for a weekend of joyous celebration under the Harvest moon. Spend the weekend gathering wild mushrooms during the day. With Feast...
LEARN MOREAUG18Goddess Circle
Monday, August 18, 2014 8:00 PM ·5 attending SEP15Goddess Circle
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Unsubscribe from similar emails from this Meetup GroupAdd info@meetup.com to your address book to receive all Meetup emailsMeetup HQ in NYC is hiring! meetup.com/jobsNEW MEETUPThe Salt Lake City Shamanism Meetup GroupAdded by Dee Ann NicholsAre you dedicated to walking the path of the Peruvian Shaman? Are you actively engaged in receiving the Munay Ki Rites? Have you received all nine Munay Ki Rites? Have you received the Ñusta Rites? If you answered yes to ANY of these questions it may...
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Unsubscribe from similar emails from this Meetup GroupAdd info@meetup.com to your address book to receive all Meetup emailsMeetup HQ in NYC is hiring! meetup.com/jobsSome ideas for you... 1. Finding sources/donors � Some Ideas & Tips on finding Sources on Sanguinarius's Page. � Sites on hemachromatosis (basically healthy people who would benefit by being donors....) o Throwing out good blood, a U.S. News and World Report article o IronMan - The Lighter Side of Living with Hemochromatosis! (see especially the link labelled Fun With Phlebotomy!) o Iron Overload Diseases Association (The above sites on hemachromatosis are not of much direct help in actually finding donors, but you may find it useful to know that such people exist and constitute a small yet significant portion of the population.) � My article on Finding donors in the BDSM scene (primarily of use to female blood-drinkers) 2. Personal ad sites and other places to meet people � List of vampire-related classified ad sites, on my Vampiric People's Resource Page � National Gothic Singles Network � Jaguar's D/S-BDSM Personals shade ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ Always remember that you are unique just like everybody else! -shade ------------------------------------ Yahoo Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Vampiresofutah/ <*> Your email settings: Individual Email | Traditional <*> To change settings online go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Vampiresofutah/join (Yahoo! ID required) <*> To change settings via email: Vampiresofutah-digest@yahoogroups.com Vampiresofutah-fullfeatured@yahoogroups.com <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: Vampiresofutah-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com <*> Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to: https://info.yahoo.com/legal/us/yahoo/utos/terms/
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