5 great points here that could help a lot of people out.
Feeling isolated and alone is a fact of life in the so-called 'alternative' community. It has to do with our current alternative paradigm and how we’re approaching the shift. We are seeing the final stages of a dying epoch, and our attention needs to be on the new growth bursting up through the dead limbs and leaves of the forest floor, instead of the induced drama of the dying, old structures.
By Contributing Writer Zen Gardner
You can follow Zen on Facebook via Zen Gardne...
See More
The First Church of Wicca has reopened its doors after a six year hiatus and a flurry of controversy. We spoke with founder, Kendra Hovey and several members about the organization's past problems, Hovey's own journey and the future.
Depending upon the culture we are born into, our mind is programmed to perceive the world in a certain way. But when the boat is rocked and the water breaks white, we may start to question reality - What is really "true"? What parts of our belief system are actually serving us? It is as if we have woken up from an unconscious slumber and become lucid in life.
By Guest Writer Luke Sumpter
One Witch's Wonderland shared a link.
43 mins ·
Though the more narrow-visioned would claim any discussion of telepathy is “unscientific” by default, we can see that many years ago there were eminent scientists who not only recognized its existence but sought to understand the phenomenon. In fact, an epic experiment lasting over five months was something of a precursor to what would later become known as remote viewing.
By Guest Writer Brendan D. Murphy
You can follow Brendan on Facebook via Global Freedom Movement
...See More
Christian leaders are promoting physical abuse against those who don't adhere to their values.
How to See Your Angels
God has assigned guardian angels to you, and most likely you have felt their comforting presence when you’ve been sad or afraid. Perhaps you’ve even heard a divine message which gave you protective guidance. You can also learn how to SEE the angels.
Babies and young children easily see the angels, because they don’t worry whether it’s their imagination or not. They simply see what they see.
...See More
WinchesterBros.com shared Supernatural's video.
2 hrs ·
It's going to take every resource to stop what's coming. The return of #Supernatural is only 2 DAYS away!
Sound is amazing... and Music is the universal language smile emoticon
Wake up world page!
This is quite a remarkable story if you have yet to come across it. Elongated skulls...found in various parts of the world. Yes certain cultures did like to change the shape of their skull, but changing the volume is impossible!
Are you ready for the next six months, for what will hopefully be the final chapter in the campaign to win marriage nationwide? If you are, share this quote from Evan Wolfson, and read more about the cases: http://bit.ly/1BDS3Ut
Lots of canned nummies for sale (or trade)! This year we have:
Pear jelly, vanilla pear jelly, plum jelly, bread n butter pickles, violet-zucchini jelly, mixed fruit jelly, sweet rhubarb pancake syrup, Cajun blackening sauce, Indian chutney (thick date & tamarind), crabapple jelly, hot Szechuan sauce, rowanberry jelly (for meat & tofu), vanilla marmalade, mincemeat (fruit) & rose-chocolate dipping sauce/spread.
Handcrafted by Opus Aima Obscurae & HPS Estha McNevin. Each item is ruled by a different deity. $5 each ($10 shipping, no limit). Orders can be PayPalled to ravendigitalis@gmail.com or: OAO Temple, PO Box 2666, Missoula, MT, 59906
VIVE DURABILITÉ (sustainability)!!
How To Turn One Garlic Bulb Into Lots Of Garlic Bulbs
Garlic is a wonderful and hardy food that grows easily and plentifully from only one single bulb.
I just made homemade butter!!! It was so easy ! Don't understand why I would ever buy it again! You take heavy cream and salt to taste then stick it in a blender for about 5mins. The chuncky stuff is butter the liquid is buttermilk. Drain the buttermilk rinse off the butter with cold water pat it dry with a clean towel then bam you got homemade butter! So easy and better for u.

88-year-old Dr. Landrum travels over 50 miles to treat poor patients who have NOTHING. Now the state of Mississippi wants to punish him for it.
Despite being a respected doctor in his community for over 55 years, this WW2 vet could lose his license for helping #homeless people.
Call the #Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure and tell them what you think of this nonsense! (601) 987-3079
Olive OilEarache relief
Warm olive oil can soothe your child's (or your) achy ear, says Rachel Lewis, MD, a pediatrician at Columbia University Medical Center. (Note: Only for kids 2 and up.) Use a syringe to place 2 to 4 drops of warm oil in ear (5 to 10 in your own). Follow up with doctor.Skin sootherOlive oil's essential fatty acids are a natural Rx for rough elbows, hands, and cuticles, says dermatologist Lisa Donofrio, MD, of the Yale University School of Medicine. Nightly, rub a small amount of the extra-virgin variety into parched skin.
Dry-hair conditionerRevive damaged hair with this treatment from John Masters of John Masters Organics hair- and skin-care lines: Saturate hair with extra-virgin olive oil, then wrap with a warm towel for 20 minutes. Shampoo, rinse, and condition if needed.SaltSinus remedy
Stuffy? Mix 1/2 cup warm water with 1/2 teaspoon noniodized salt, says Diane Heatley, MD, of the American Academy of Otolaryngology. Using a neti pot, pour the mixture into one nostril; it'll flow out the other. Repeat on the opposite side.Cough soother
For a nagging cough or scratchy throat that threatens to keep you or your kids up, try 2 teaspoons of honey. (Don't give it to babies under 1, though.) Honey coats the throat and helps thin mucus, says Ian M. Paul, MD, of Pennsylvania State University in Hershey.
Boo-boo menderHoney has antibacterial properties and is proved to speed up healing, so treat minor scrapes, cuts, or burns to a touch of honey, says Joseph Kellerstein, a doctor of naturopathic medicine in Toronto; apply twice daily for best results.
How to Solve...Heel blister
The remedy: Carefully apply enough lavender oil (available at health-food stores) to fully cover the blister without popping it; this will help it deflate and dry out faster. Reapply every few hours for three to five days or until the blister heals completely.Sore muscleThe remedy: Saturate a cloth with apple cider vinegar and wrap it around the muscle for 20 minutes; the pain should disappear within a few hours. Reapply every three to four hours for continued relief until the pain is gone for good.Why it works: Apple cider vinegar is a muscle reliever; it helps to draw lactic acid (the stuff that causes soreness) out of your muscles after exercise.Athlete's footThe remedy: Drop a few freshly minced cloves of garlic into a cotton sock, and then wear the sock overnight. (Just be sure to wash your feet in the morning with something that has a more pleasant scent!) Repeat the treatment nightly until the fungus disappears, usually within 7 to 10 days.Why it works: Garlic kills all sorts of fungi-including the one thatHeat rashThe remedy: Mix regular oatmeal (not instant) or cornstarch with water to make a thick paste. Apply to irritated skin, let it dry, and leave it on until it flakes off on its own (the residue will continue to work). Reapply only if it starts to itch again (otherwise you risk overdrying the area).Why it works: Both oatmeal and cornstarch help reduce irritation and swelling, and provide itch relief.First we shared our favorite home remedies, then we asked for yours. We pored over all your responses and chose the best home cures for everything from cold sores to dry feet. Continue reading to find out readers' favorite home health tips.*Body Editors' Note: These are tips from our readers. We always recommend calling a doctor before trying any of these cures at home.For a FeverKristy said: When a child has a high fever, chop up onions, put them on the child's feet and then cover with socks. Kinda smelly, yes, but it works. My grandmother swore by it, and when my 9 year old daughter recently ran a fever of 103, I did this, and her fever broke in an hour, and did not return.Dry Feet RemedyDesiree said: Cover your feet with a lot of lotion, whichever kind you prefer, then cover with a pair of thick socks overnight. When you wake up your feet will be softer.Cold Sore CureMaggie said: Apply an ice cube at the first sign of a cold sore or fever blister. Stops it in its track! The outbreak is minimal and they seem to be less frequent over time. Apply off and on for about 15 minutes, for a few minutes each time. The trick is to get the ice to it quickly when you first notice it coming on.Calm ConstipationDesiree said: When I was younger I suffered from severe constipation my pediatrician told my mom to put a teaspoon of Karo syrup (white not brown) in a bottle of warm milk. Relieved the constipation every time.Curb CrampsAshlee said: For those monthly cramps, I've found that sucking on a ginger candy (the ones made with real ginger) can help reduce the pains. Safe, easy, and legal. Added plus if you like ginger candies.Susan said: The best natural remedy I found that worked is to drink a glass of milk. You will get immediate results. The calcium in the milk is the cure all.Desiree said: Take some ibuprofen, lay in bed on your side and pull your knees up to your chest as tight as you can. Makes the cramps go away.Make Gas Go Awayestella2977 said: For indigestion or gas, a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of lukewarm water works better than any antacid I've ever tried. It's gross, but it's worth the wincing at the taste.
Help Hiccupsfallen5729 said: Try a spoonful of vinegar or lemon juice. It works for me every time!!Jeanetta said: Simply swallow about a half teaspoon of sugar, It stops them every time.For Bee Sting PainsCheryl said: Take the sting out of a bee sting with a dab of toothpaste on the area. Works instantly, but keep the tube of toothpaste handy, so you can apply another dab if it starts to hurt again.
Cut CoughingTracey said: I have no idea why this works, but everyone I know swears by this: Whenever you have a persistent cough, rub generous amount of Vick's VapoRub on your feet, then cover with socks. The cough is gone almost immediately. This works especially well at night. I just got overStop Sinus PainBonnie said: When sinus pain won't go away, try a teaspoon of regular table salt in 6 ounces of warm water. Breathe it in through your nostrils. The salt dissolves any mucous build-up. (Ever put salt on a slug? Same thing happens with built up mucous in your nasal passages.)Banish Headachessolomeeeo said: To relieve a headache, soak your feet in a basin of warm water at the same time apply a cold compress to your head. It really works!Robb said: Gatorade has electrolytes magnesium and potassium and are necessary for the control of blood pressure which is effected by headaches and vice versa. I have kept both in my kitchen for when I have minor headaches due to weather changes and every day stress factors.Beat BreakoutsScripty said: Plagued by boils and acne, I found eating broccoli helps get rid of it almost overnight (especially if you do this right away after a break out occurs!). Also vitamins with lots of "B" does the trick too!Laurie L. said: For my rare acne outbreaks I resort to hemorrhoid cream (new tube, mind you). It relieves the irritation/soreness and the blemish is gone within a couple days (sometimes overnight).miamialexis said: Honey works wonders on acne, put a little dab on the pimple and cover overnight with a bandage, wake up the next day pimple free.Paula Sanders said: If you have a pimple or a boil that needs to come to a head try this. Crack open a raw egg and gently remove the membrane from the shell. Quickly (before it dries out) lay it over the top of the boil or pimple and the next morning it will be ready to open (sometimes it is already open) with much less pain.Stop Ears from PoppingRyan said: Here's a tip for when your ears are popping:Pinch your nose and exhale against it. The air will be unable to go out, and the pressure will push against the pressure in your ears.Scuba divers use this trick to keep pressurized as they go deeper and deeper underwater.It takes a little bit of practice-- do it too hard and you'll over-pressurize the ears, which is just as annoying but harder to fix.Soothe Rash PainsFrances said: When I was really itching from poison ivy, for some reason (don't remember why now), I turned on the hot water and let it run over my itchy spots as hot as I could stand it and the itching eased for an hour or longer. I was so surprised, but it really works!!Jay said: For poison oak my remedy is to soak in a warm bath laced with apple vinegar.For Baby's ComfortLori Bartley said: My family uses Bag Balm for diaper rash. Any Tractor Supply will have it and it wipes off easily and moisturizes. Works great for cuts and scrapes and is great for dry skin.For Pain Down ThereMargaret said: To relieve hemorrhoid pain apply a generous amount of "Vicks" salve. (Menthol salve of any brand will work but I like Vicks) It feels great. It may burn a little at first but in seconds you begin to feel cool RELIEF. My mother told me to do this. I was reluctant, but desperation won! I am so glad I listened.Home Cures for BurnsDonna M. Lambert said: In the good old days just plain tea bags would and still do to soothe a sunburn. make a cup of tea, drink the tea and use the tea bag on the burn.John said: Try soy sauce. Yes, no scars and a quick heal, also, fast pain relief!Solaida said: I burned my thumb taking something out of the oven and my grandmom scraped a peeled potato and placed it where the burn was. No blister no redness no pain after a while.Marilyn Fonken said: So you can handle the pain from a burn, such as hot oil while frying, put some white regular colgate tooth paste. This help your pain after a few seconds. It always works for me.Jay Said: For sunburns, put honey on the burned area. As it pulls the fever from the skin it will turn to water. Keep applying until it stops turning to water. It prevents blistering.Suzette said: Use vanilla extract on it a couple of times a day and it will soothe and keep from scaring. Keep doing this until you don't see the scar anymore. Use this for any kind of burn.Soothe Sore ThroatDesiree said: Drink about a 1/4 cup of pickle juice. Takes the sore throat away immediately. If it is a severe sore throat you may need to repeat this once or twice.Ruth Bomhan said: for sore throat, I gargle about every 45 minutes or so with one tablespoon of clear Karo corn syrup dissolved in glass of warm tap water....works for meJay said: Soak a tea towel in very hot water. Ring it dry and wrap it about the neck. Cover it with a bath towel. When the towel gets noticeably cool resoak the tea towel.Suzette said: Use a tablespoon of 1/2 vinegar and 1/2 honey. The vinegar will kill the infection and the honey will soothe your throat.
Best Decongestantmom said: When your nose is really stuffed, try dropping a glob of vapor rub into a hot shower just before you get into it. the rub melts and turns to steam and opens up that nose.
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Visit my eBay store for other cloaks you might like.Cloak Company
This is the ULC Seminary Newsletter. To unsubscribe, click the link on the bottom of the page.
Hello Reverend char!
Welcome to the Universal Life Church Seminary Newsletter, where we want to educate you, inform you and invite you to participate. If you didn't request this letter or wish to discontinue it, please scroll down to the bottom and hit the unsubscribe link. If you haven't checked out the site lately, take a peek. We have added the ULC Daily Quote and Featured Minister. Both of these can be added to your own site AND you can submit your own favorite quote or picture of yourself toamy@ulcseminary.org to be included as well! We will be updating it with the latest pictures and quotes periodically, so send yours in to be included.
We're starting a new feature on the site about how each of you came to be ordained. It's an extension of the Featured Minister thing that we have. What I would love is a few paragraphs about why you become a minister or what you've done with your ministry, along with a jpeg picture that I can post. Please send them to amy@ulcseminary.org and I'll be posting it on the blog as time allows. I think this is a great way to get the word out about the good works being done by our ministers and to give tribute to those of you who have taken the step. Thanks and I look forward to reading your stories.
As I've mentioned previously, we had a problem with the name alignment on some subscriptions, so if yours was misaligned, please clickhttp://www.ulcseminary.org/mailing/users/modify_details.php?Mem=84062&Auto=28&List=1&Conf=bce731e6fe147ad126e713c6dc8664f7&Form=4so we can fix it. This is also true if you have changed your email address.
Useful Information:When attending an event, either a wedding or a funeral, bring business cards. Give them out when asked by guests and exchange them with other wedding (or funeral) professionals at the event. If the event is at a wedding facility, be sure to say hello to the person in charge of the place. Many many referrals can be had by being friendly with the owners. A lot of wedding facilities have 'preferred vendor lists'. Ask how to get on it. Always be professional, courteous and friendly and you will generate a lot of business.
Current Seminary Classes Available:We have more courses on the way.
Seminary Projects:Rev. Amy Long is finishing up the new book, More Weddings, Funerals and Rites of Passage, so this is your last chance to be included. If you have a funeral, baptism, house blessing, coming of age ceremony or anything unusual that you'd like to contribute and have included in the new book, please send it to amy@ulcseminary.orgto be considered for publication. You'll receive a free copy of the book upon its completion.Favor for the Seminary
Please check out the RSS feed page athttp://www.ulcseminary.org/ULCRssFeed.phpand add the feed to your homepage.Do you know:
The ULC Seminary has been adding new courses regularly? We are also pleased to announce that we have our first graduate of the seminary. Graduates will be posted on the new Graduates Pages.
Once you are ordained, you are ordained for life?
Our seminary is free to join and you can take classes at your leisure, as time and finances allow?We have a terrific forum where you can join in interesting disucssions with other ministers?
Sale on ULC Pins
We are offering several products on sale right now, as well as new products, such as Robes and Stoles. We also have a beautiful Wiccan t-shirt. It's black with red writing and has the Wiccan motto on it.
ULC Patch is on sale!
We are adding courses on Druidism, Reiki, Ethics, Religious Philosophy and Secular Humanism.
Our Consider ordering the Instant Ministry. You'll be prepared for any ceremony request and will be able to perform in an educated and professional manner.
Please check out our new product video by clicking here. It's brand new and we expect to have more products and videos soon, so keep your eyes out!
Guest Book
Please take a few moments to sign our guest book. This helps others to learn about our site and it increases the general feelings of goodwill that contact with you generates.
DirectoryOur directory is growing in leaps and bounds. If you aren't on it and would like to be, please take a few moments to sign up. This will allow others in your area to contact you for fellowship and to allow brides to get ahold of you for services.
Stories & Sermons
We're always looking to hear your sermons, poetry and Stories. Tell us about your wedding or funeral experiences or how you came to the church.
.Please visitwww.interfaithchamberofcommerce.com,let them know you were sent by the seminary, and you can get a one-year free membership.
Credential Certificates or other order problems:If you ordered a credential and have not received it, send your ordination confirmation email (the one you received welcoming you to the church) toandre@ulchq.com and let him know you are waiting for it. They won't send them until they have entered your name and sometimes that takes awhile.On a side note: If you ordered a robe or stole, they generally take about six weeks. We're doing what we can to cut down on that timeframe, but for right now, that's how long it takes. We appreciate your patience.
Visit Our Website |
ULC Seminary
4714 Careyback Ave.
Elk Grove, CA 95758
To Unsubscribe click: http://www.ulcseminary.org/mailing/users/unsub.php?Mem=84062&ConfirmCode=bce731e6fe147ad126e713c6dc8664f7Hello char,
Who's Who Book and current sales
The Who's Who book is finally done. I've mailed out copies to everyone who is in it and have placed the finished copies on a special sale in the church store. For a limited time, I've discounted the cover price, so if you're interested, get your copy now. :)http://www.ulcseminary.org/oscommerce/catalog/index.php?cPath=40&osCsid=2a828196ea8ce3bb53201ea2b81bc342
The Shamanism program is also on a temporary sale. It's on sale through the 20th of this month for just $50. It's an amazing, well-written course and I think you'll like it. It's available by going to:http://www.ulcseminary.org/oscommerce/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=40&products_id=147
The blog where the course essays are listed is: www.ulcseminaryprogram.blogspot.com
We have two other brand new courses that you all will be getting samples of before long. The first is the Master of Buddhism course, written by Tricia Stirling. People have been asking for this course ever since we had to pull the old one several years ago. This course is written in a clear and easy-to-understand fashion to help you grasp the basics of a variety of branches of Buddhism. The author has a wonderful story-telling style that leaves you with a feeling of competence when learning a new subject. It's available at:http://www.ulcseminary.org/oscommerce/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=29&products_id=151
The second course we are offering is the Dr. of Spiritual Awarenes, written by Charles Grooms. If you've taken and enjoyed the Spirit Quest course, you will love this course as well. It covers a wide variety of spiritual topics with a different slant. It covers some of the same subjects as Spirit Quest, but also covers a whole lot more different ones. It's fun and enlightening and is a great experience. It's available at: http://www.ulcseminary.org/oscommerce/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=29&products_id=175
The third most recent course that we have been offering is the Master of Christian History.http://www.ulcseminary.org/oscommerce/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=187.
More on the course can be found at http://www.ulcseminary.org/ChristianHistoryInfo.php
The other course I'd like to give a plug to is the Master of Mystical Christianity. This course is not getting as much attention as I think it deserves. It's a very well-written course that takes a different look at the origins of Christianity. If you're a Christian, it's great information to fill in some of the 'holes' that many have in their Christian education. If you're not Christian, it's a wonderful look at feminity and the role that women have had in history. The course is available at:http://www.ulcseminary.org/oscommerce/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=29&products_id=174
Weddings, Funerals and Rites Sequel
Now that this book is done, I'll be putting my focus back on the sequel for Weddings, Funerals and Rites of Passage. I have over 350 pages done thus far and am working on the rest. I am still taking submissions, but I'm being very particular about what I'm accepting. For wedding ceremonies, the only kind I'm accepting are unusual ceremony parts like: Dove and Butterfly releases, jumping the broom, recognizing parents who have died, sand ceremonies, etc. I already have plenty of vows, promises, etc.
I'd also like to clarify that when I get a ceremony from someone, I break it down into parts. With some ceremonies, I use all the parts and with some, I only use the more unusual parts, so please don't be offended if I don't use the whole thing in exactly the way you present it.
I'm also still looking for the following: Funeral Ceremonies, Adult Baptisms, Pet Funerals, Coming of Age, House Blessings, etc. I'm including some divorce ceremonies as well and would love one (or more) for people who wish to symbolically separate, but are not doing it with their ex. Either because they are angry and hurt or because their ex isn't interested, but they would still like to symbolically end the marriage.
Those whose ceremonies are included, will receive a complimentary copy of the book with my thanks. All author's names are included both at the bottom of each ceremony part as well as in a list in the back of the book. If you have a ceremony, send it to ulcseminary@sbcglobal.net. Please send it in the email or as a Word attachment. Also include your full name and snail mail address.
Just a reminder that when you place your order and it includes a credential, the credentials come from headquarters and may take a little longer than the rest of your order. :)
Rev. Amy Long
Program Director,
To be removed from the newsletter list, click here: http://www.ulcseminary.org/mailing/users/unsub.php?Mem=84062&ConfirmCode=bce731e6fe147ad126e713c6dc8664f7
Your message has been delivered.
***If you've gotten a newsletter several times, I'm very sorry. There's something up with the mail server and I'm working on it. Just delete them and bear with me please. :)
Please please please put amy@ulcseminary.org into your address book. When we send that bi-monthly mailer of the newsletter and samples of the various courses, they can get dropped into your spam/bulk folder and that makes it difficult to send the mailings. Please also, if something from us does get put into that folder, click the 'not spam' button. It will help us tremendously.
This is an Autoresponse from the ULC Seminary site. This is sent automatically with answers to the most commonly-asked questions. It is the same for most of the addresses on the site, so please only write to one. You will get this every time you write to one of the ulcseminary.org addresses.
MISSING CREDENTIAL: The ID cards will usually come first and they are shipped by themselves from Fair Oaks, CA, and the wall credentials are sent separately from headquarters. The credentials tend to take several weeks. If you'd like to hurry yours along, you can wait at least a week after your order, then send your confirmation welcome email or a scanned copy of your receipt credential and email it to andre@ulchq.com with a note telling him that you're waiting for your credential. Please include your full name and snail mail address to be sure he has you accurately in the database. If you merely wish to update your snail mail address, send your old and new snail mail addresses to andre@ulchq.com as well.
LEGALITY - If your question is about legality, then yes, your ordination is legal. If you wish to perform a wedding and are unsure of what the rules are, contact your local county clerk and ask if registration is required. We are not accepted in most other countries that I am aware of. However, you are welcome to call the local wedding clerk in your country and ask if ULC is recognized. If it�s not, find out how we can be recognized and we�ll take steps to make that happen for you. Once ordained, you are ordained for life. You can�t marry yourself and your fianc� in 49 of the states. If that�s what you want to do, do the ceremony yourself and have a minister friend confirm it and sign the license. ULC ordinations are valid in all 50 states and a few small parts of Canada. We are not legal in the UK, Germany, Australia or anywhere else outside of the US, other than the few small parts of Canada. To determine if you live in one of those parts, you�ll need to get a letter of good standing and a credential and go in to register.
If you ordained yourself on the ulc.org site or themonastery.org site after 8/1/2006, please re-ordain yourself on the ulcseminary.org site, as that former site is no longer affiliated with headquarters. They are responsible for their own ordinations and the legality of such. To be sure you are ordained properly, please re-ordain yourself through this site.
LETTER OF GOOD STANDING � CONFIRMING DATE OF ORDINATION - If you need a Letter of Good Standing to perform a wedding or need to confirm your ordination date, contact andre@ulchq.com and give them your full name and address at the time you were ordained and they can both send you a letter and/or confirm your ordination date. To update just your email address, sign up for our mailing list and that will update you. We will soon have a feature on the website to do that. Please only contact Andre to get the letter of good standing or get your date of ordination.
RENOUNCING ORDINATION � If someone ordained you without your permission or you�d like to renounce your ordination, send your name and address with your request to renounce@ulcseminary.org. If you get any future mailings from the Seminary, please just hit unsubscribe at the bottom at you�ll be removed automatically.
DIRECTORY - If your name does not appear in our directory, please add it yourself. It's a new directory and people aren't automatically added. Be aware that whatever info you put on the sheet (phone and address) will appear.
COULDN�T PRINT ONLINE CREDENTIAL - If your pop-up credential couldn't be printed, please feel free to ordain yourself again, perhaps on someone else's computer. We can't email them to you because the program won't allow for that. Be aware that you have to push the button to get your credential and confirmation sent to you. This is also true if it was lost for some reason. If you want the original ordination date, you�ll need to order a credential from the site.
NO CONFIRMATION MESSAGE - If you didn't get a confirmation message, but did get a pop-up credential, then your ordination went through. If you got neither then it probably didn't and please do it again. It�s not a problem if you've done it more than once. Duplications are deleted. The confirmation message is usually almost instant. I can�t confirm any ordination. Your receipt credential and/or your confirmation email is your confirmation, so please save it.
NEED TO ORDER HARD COPY OF CREDENTIAL - To order a hard copy of your credential, go to http://www.ulcseminary.org/oscommerce/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=23&products_id=53 to order that (and any other materials). It's under 'general ministry needs'. If you lost your credentials, you'll need to order them here. I can't send them to you.
MAILING ADDRESS: If you wish to send a check or money order, it can be sent to ULC Seminary. 4714 Careyback Ave Elk Grove, CA 95758. Please include the $4.95 for shipping and appropriate tax if you live in CA. Please though, run your order through the shopping cart and click the 'check or money order' option so we can track your order.
NEW YORK : New York requires that you get a letter of good standing and fill out special paper work. It is my suggestion that you put 'non-denom' in the denomination area and not mention ULC to avoid any potential problems.
INTERSTATE MARRIAGES - Yes, you may be ordained in one state and do a wedding in another. Check the marriage laws page and/or call the local county clerk in the county where the wedding will take place and ask whether you need to register. If so, order a Letter of Good Standing. You also many also perform as many weddings as you like with your ordination.
ADDRESS CHANGES : If you have changed your email address, please sign up for our newsletter to be sure you receive our updates. To update your mailing address, send your old and new snail mail addresses to andre@ulchq.com.
WEDDING AND FUNERAL CEREMONIES AND PROCEDURES: I get a lot of mail asking for information on what to do and what to order if you want to do weddings. Please read the wedding FAQs, the state laws and the Wedding Training under 'classes' and 'minister training'. That will give you a lot of information. If you are going to do just one wedding, get the Wedding Basic Pack. It will have everything you need. For funerals, read the discourses about them in the training section and order Weddings, Funerals and Rites of Passage and/or the funeral ceremonies by email.
SUBJECT LINE: Please avoid using phrases like 'hi' or 'hello' in the subject line as these are frequently viruses and are automatically deleted. Please put something descriptive so I can answer it right away. As a side note, the subject line you will receive from me will be pertinent to your question or will be the one you sent to me first. People are frequently spoofing our addresses, so don�t open anything with an attachment unless you ordered it. If you did order an email of something, it will come from ulcseminary@sbcglobal.net (Amy Long).
Thank you!
--Amy Long
ULC Seminary President
This is the ULC Seminary Newsletter. To unsubscribe, click the link on the bottom of the page.
Hello Reverend char!
Welcome to the Universal Life Church Seminary Newsletter, where we want to educate you, inform you and invite you to participate. If you didn't request this letter or wish to discontinue it, please scroll down to the bottom and hit the unsubscribe link. If you haven't checked out the site lately, take a peek. We are in the process of giving our site a new makeover. We'll be adding new pages and possibly other features. Our Daily Quote and Featured Minister have been a tremendous success. Both of these can be added to your own site AND you can submit your own favorite quote or picture of yourself to amy@ulcseminary.org to be included as well!
Also, we have a great RSS feed. This is especialy valuable if you are a seminary student or are at least considering taking some of the courses. All of the essays submitted by the ministers are included in this on a daily basis as they are submitted. It's very easy to add it to your myYahoo page, Google, MSN or AOL and it's free. You can customize it to show up to 30 feeds. It's great for keeping up on what's happening with the Seminary.
If your name is listed incorrectly or you'd like to change your contact info, please contact amy@ulcseminary.org to fix it for you. :)
Useful Information:To get your wedding business going, advertise in the yellow pages. In most phone books, there is a listing for 'Wedding Supplies and Services' or 'Weddings' or something related. More people will look there than under 'clergy'. There is also a lot of business to be had by advertising on www.theknot.com as well as belonging to a local chapter/version of the Association for Wedding Professionals. A web page is also recommended. People are shopping on the internet more and more every day and you'd be missing a lot of business by failing to promote there.
Ceremony Sample:This is a prayer to be used for funerals.Dear Departed Soul,
We think of you often and feel sorrow that you’re gone. We loved you in life and in death we love you still. When God called you home, you took with you a part of our hearts and left behind an empty place that no one can fill. You are with God now, but the memories you left behind will keep you alive in our hearts forever.We wish you peace and send with you our love as you take your next step. Amen.
Current Seminary Classes Available:Four Gospels, Master of Spiritual Awareness, Spirit-Quest, Wicca, Defining Spiritualism, Buddhism, Paganism for the New Age, Metaphysics and Miracles, ComparativeReligion, and Shamanism & Master of Religion It's a Christian-based Bible course.Our seminary is free to join. Once you are added to the roster, you will get an interesting email every two weeks that will either give you either a sample of an upcoming course or just some information that will help you in your ministry. You are under no time constraints for when you need to take courses. You can take them at your leisure when time and finances allow. We have been getting very good reviews for the existing courses and we expect the same results from our newest seminary courses.We also have our first Seminary graduate, with more right on his heels. Seminary graduates will soon be listed on a special page of honor, with pictures of the graduates if provided. We will list the graduates name, courses completed and number of credits earned.
Seminary Projects:Rev. Amy Long is finishing up the new book, More Weddings, Funerals and Rites of Passage, so this is your last chance to be included. If you have a funeral, baptism, house blessing, coming of age ceremony or anything unusual that you'd like to contribute and have included in the new book, please send it to amy@ulcseminary.org to be considered for publication. You'll receive a free copy of the book upon its completion. We are largely complete on our wedding section, so unless it's a sand ceremony or something unusual for children, then I'm afraid we don't have any more space for them right now. We still can post your ceremonies on the site to share with our other ministers.Credential Certificates or other order problems:If you ordered a credential and have not received it, send your ordination confirmation email (the one you received welcoming you to the church) to andre@ulchq.com and let him know you are waiting for it. They won't send them until they have entered your name and sometimes that takes awhile.Do you know:
The ULC Seminary is always looking for new course instructors? So if you are expert on any subject that would interest our ministers, send me an email to discuss it.
Once you are ordained, you are ordained for life? We will soon have a section that will allow you to RE-ordain yourself if you want to 'baptize' yourself or update your infomation with us.
Our seminary is free to join and you can take classes at your leisure, as time and finances allow? There is no time pressure to get your essays completed.We have a terrific forum where you can join in interesting disucssions with other ministers?
We are offering several products on sale right now, as well as new products, such asRobes and Stoles. We also have a new Wiccan t-shirt. It's black with red writing and has the Wiccan motto on it.
ULC Patch is on sale!
Our seminary is free to join and you can take classes at your leisure, as time and finances allow?
Please check out our new product video by clickinghere. It's brand new and we expect to have more products and videos soon, so keep your eyes out!
Guest Book
Our guestbook has been filling with wonderful comments from our ministers like you. Please read them if you get a chance and add some comments of your own.
DirectoryOur growing directory is a volunteer program. If you're not in it, but you'd like to be, please go to the page and sign up. You will be added right away. This way, other ministers or perhaps brides and grooms will be able to find you for fellowship or services.
Stories & Sermons
We're always looking to hear your sermons, poetry and Stories. Tell us about your wedding or funeral experiences or how you came to the church.
We have a new blogabout what people are doing with their ministries. How you got starte and what you're working on. Please let me know your story!.
Visit Our Website |
ULC Seminary
4714 Careyback Ave.
Elk Grove, CA 95758
To unsubscribe, please click here: http://www.ulcseminary.org/mailing/users/unsub.php?Mem=84062&ConfirmCode=bce731e6fe147ad126e713c6dc8664f7
Every Day MiraclesUniversal Life Church Seminary**********Projection Makes Perception #4
This is a course in metaphysics. It is your fourth of 20 lessons that you will receive in your email box. This course seeks to uncover the basic nature of mind and spirit. Its aim is to put in simple terms the fundamental principles of living and describe how those principles can be summoned to manifest everyday miracles. Upon completion of this course, you will receive 4 credits towards graduation and will receive a Dr. of Metaphysics degree. It is suggested that you reach each of the discourses at least 3 times to get the most out of them.
If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.William BlakeMost of us believe that we are responsible for our behavior but not for our thinking. As A Course In Miracles teaches, we are first and foremost responsible for what we think, because it is solely at the level of our thinking that we can exercise choice.Think of it this way:· We are not our thoughts.· We are the ones choosing our thoughts.· We are not our minds.· We are the ones using our minds.· We are not even our bodies.· We are the ones using our bodies.· We are the invisible, formless, timeless Self behind the scenes, referred to earlier as theDecision Maker choosing our thoughts and using our minds.To review last week’s lesson, the Decision-Maker bought the ego’s story that God would punish him for separating from Perfect Oneness. Believing that he had committed the unpardonable “sin” he projected His thought out of His mind, and seemingly created a world of form.Now, in the world of form, the mind is still projecting its contents. In this world the mind is analogous to a projection camera. The Decision-Maker chooses the thoughts, (film), to run through the projection camera of the mind.The Decision-Maker chooses between the fearful thoughts of the ego or the peaceful thoughts of the Holy Sprit (the memory of God’s love). The Decision-Maker’s choice then gets projected out onto the screen of the world. Thus the outer world we experience is a screen reflecting back to us our inner thoughts. (Keep in mind that the “outer world” is our bodies and other people’s bodies.)Another way of saying this is, we look inside first, decide what we want to see outside, and then project that idea out onto the world, making the outside world bear witness to our inner thoughts. The form of the world then becomes a reflection of the content of the separated mind. But, behind the door of the perception of the separated mind lies the world of eternity and true creation. We create our own reality. Think of the meaning of the phrase, “Welcome to my world.”In this world, projection is the mind’s means of getting rid of guilt. But, projection never gets rid of guilt. It merely conceals it. We are still left with the feeling of guilt but without knowing why. Thus we attack ourselves for the guilt we feel. Or, in an effort to deny our guilt, we project it out onto others and attack them.Forgetting our part in any of this, we act as if the world we experience were created by something other than our thoughts or by something outside of us.As a result, when we experience a world that we don’t want or don’t like, we think it’s the world’s fault or somebody else’s fault. So we try to change the world, instead of changing our mind about the world. This is tantamount to shaking our fists at the figures on a movie screen, demanding that the figures respond to us. The world, and our existence in it, is an illusion created by the projection of our thoughts. The way to change the world is to change what we think about the world.Miracles occur when we change the way we think about the world.
The Nature of Miracles
Miracles pave the way back to eternity and true Creation. They are a reflection of a mind that is joined with God instead of separated from Him. They become possible the moment we remember our true nature. Miracles bear witness to love. They are the result of a changed perception. They undo our projections and take back our responsibility. They are the result of giving to the world instead of making demands and attempting to take or to get something from it.In this regard, it is a new perspective that allows us to give of our talents at work. This change of perspective is what turns a boring job into one that has purpose. It is a shift in our thinking that reconciles a relationship. It is a change of heart that lifts the attraction off an addiction.Miracles are a reflection of changed thinking. They are expressions of forgiveness that shift from fear to love; from illusion to truth; from separation to union. They are a correction of the false thinking of the ego. They are the result of healed perception. Healed perception frees the mind from fear. It is the rock of our salvation, because it restores our connection with our true nature, which is Love.
Separating Truth From Illusion
One of the most fundamental things we must come to realize is the difference between truth and illusion. It sounds ridiculously simple, but our foremost responsibility in life is to learn to tell the difference between these two. Why? – Because truth is the only thing that sets us free from the suffering caused by guilt. In this world, the only freedom we have is the choice between truth and illusion; between love and fear.The truth is that only Love is real. Only love has power. In Course terminology nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. There in lies the peace of God.· Love is the only thing that can never be destroyed.· It can never be taken from us.· It’s the only thing that is pure and innocent. And, nothing is more powerful than innocence.· Innocence can never be threatened. Innocence need never be defended.· It is the only thing that is unalterable; unchangeable; eternal.· It cannot be divided or separated because it is wholly devoted.· It applies to everything that was created by God and only what He created is real.· Everything else was born out of the ego.The opposite of Love is fear. Born of the ego, fear is an illusion. It is a lie. It comes from separation and guilt. Guilt always requires defense. Born out of divided interest, fear divides and splits the mind causing suffering. It is the only thing to be feared. It creates a state that does not exist. In the words of the Course, all aspects of fear are untrue because they do not exist at the creative level, and therefore do not exist at all.Understanding this is the difference that makes all the difference in our lives. Ask yourself this question: What happens to you when you are afraid? What does fear do to your spirit? Does it shut it down? Does fear tell you you’re inadequate? You don’t measure up. Does it compromise your faith in yourself? Does it attack you in the most vicious of ways? Making you think you are a victim; a victim of your past, of your circumstances, of your boss, your brother, your sister, your parents? Does it make you think others are to blame, that they have the power, that they are abusing their power and taking it out on you? Fear and hate are inseparable. Does fear make you afraid to love and love to hate? Does fear blind you to your own power and worth? Does it want you to believe that you are a victim, and that you should remain a victim, but without having to suffer? Does fear fill you with anger then tell you that your anger is justifiable, and that it brings you something valuable? Is it always demanding a sacrifice of you? Does t fear feed you lies and want you to accept illusion as truth? Of course it does, because this is the original lie that fear sold in order to get the Decision Maker to opt for separation from oneness. Fear was born of a lie.Now, you must learn to recognize the difference between love and fear; between truth and illusion. You must learn to recognize what happens when love enters your spirit? Does Love ever tell you you’re inadequate? Does Love ever divide your faith in yourself? Love never attacks in any way. Love is kind, compassionate, accepting. Love never asks a sacrifice of you. It only requires that you let go of your illusions, and of what never satisfied in the first place. Love casts out fear. Love pulls the curtain on what never was. In the words of the Course:Perfect love casts out fear.If fear exists,Then there is not perfect love.
Only perfect love exists.If there is fear,It produces a state that does not exist.Love speaks the truth. It would never threaten you in any way? Would it tell you, you are a victim of anyone or anything? Love knows you have everything and are everything. Love recognizes that you are completely unlimited in your power to make a life of your own choosing. Love would never condemn you to the prison you have placed yourself in.God and Love are One. God cherishes you, every bit of you, even the part of you that you made up, even the part of you that you hide, even the part of you that hates Him. God loves all the parts -- all the parts.God cherishes every little thought that enters your mind just because you thought it. He takes your thoughts and transforms them from fear to love, if you give yourself to Him. But He will not force Himself upon you. He will never interfere with your free will. Remember, Love never forces itself. Love must be welcomed in.Now that you know the difference between love and fear, whenever you’re afraid, or feel threatened in any way, say to yourself, “I must have somehow chosen not to love.” The antidote to fear is always love: To correct your fearful perception know that only your mind can produce fear and it only produces fear when it is divided. A house divided cannot stand.Split allegiance is faithlessness. It sets you off balance. It makes you grasp at anything that seems to grant you comfort. Split allegiance is a sing that you have chosen not to love. It always produces fear. Remember, the remedy to fear is always love.Do not attempt to overpower your fear in any way, for that would be giving it the respect it doesn’t deserve. That would be giving power to something that is unreal. Never try to conquer fear.Instead, always find a way to love and fear will vanish back into the nothingness from which it came. Turn your attention to what you can give, instead of what you can get. Put your focus on others, on helping, on serving. Volunteer your heart.Surrender yourself to Love.Tell God of your willingness to replace fear with love. And then wait with infinite patience for love to heal your perception. Wait with faith for your escape from fear to love.You can become expert at recognizing the difference between love and fear, between truth and illusion. How? By being vigilant. Recognize that anytime you feel victimized, or inadequate in any way,that you are listening to the voice of fear. Fear’s voice is not your voice. You are not what you fear. The fear that it speaks of is an illusion.The voice of fear always judges. It always speaks of hatred and inadequacy of yourself or of others. In order to maintain this position of condemnation of self and others it preaches fear of love.Fear is afraid of love. Fear will condemn you or someone else. It doesn’t matter. For when you condemn someone else, you’re automatically condemning yourself; because you’re judging what you’ve denied in yourself and projected out onto another. (Remember the mind projects its sense of guilt outward).You’re really condemning not what you’re brother has done, but what you have done but have denied. That’s always what is occurring when we judge someone else. Judgment is rooted in fear.You can now make a choice between love and fear. You can choose to identify with the truth of who you really are or the illusion of fear. You have the power to project fear or extend love. That’s how powerful you are. You can choose to let the light of Love shine through you right now. You can choose today to proclaim your decision for truth over illusion. Declare your willingness and your decision to let Love reign in you. That’s all it takes – your decision and a little willingness.This is now the end of Part I – Preparing for Miracles. In this section of our studies, we have spent the first four lessons focusing on the nature of mind and spirit. We have learned the difference between thehigher mind, the unconscious mind and the conscious mind and how each mind functions. We’ve learned of the different levels of thinking of the over- inflated ego and the under-inflated ego. We’ve learned about the story of creation and how our seeming separateness came into being. We’ve learned about howprojection makes perception and the difference between truth and illusion; between love and fear.Now in Part II Keys to Miraculous Living we are going to focus on how you can use this knowledge to become your own miracle worker and attract all that you desire into your life.Our first lesson titled Meditation; the Gateway to the Higher Mind explores how to access the higher mind and the miraculous power within you.Until next week, sending you much love and light.This is the ULC Seminary Newsletter. To unsubscribe, click the link on the bottom of the page.
Hello Reverend char!
Welcome to the Universal Life Church Seminary Newsletter, where we want to educate you, inform you and invite you to participate. If you didn't request this letter or wish to discontinue it, please scroll down to the bottom and hit the unsubscribe link. If it doesn't work for any reason, please just reply and let us know to unsubscribe you and we will with no problem.
We added a new blog where we post stories about why people became ordained and what they are doing with their ministries. Please tell us your story. Send your stories to stories@ulcseminary.org. We also post all of the essays from the seminary students atwww.ulcseminaryprogram.blogspot.com. They are very interesting to read. They might also give you some perspective on the various courses, so you can decide which ones, if any, interest you.
If you have any suggestions for things you'd like to see, please write to me at amy@ulcseminary.org and I'll do what I can.
If your name is listed incorrectly or you'd like to change your contact info, you can write to amy@ulcseminary.org.
Useful Information:Let's take a minute to talk about your voice when you deliver sermons or ceremonies. Practice using the lowest voice you can comfortably use and imagine that your voice is something visible like dough. Imagine it being smooth and silky. There's nothing more painful to listen to than a minister (man or woman) using a high-pitched, squeaky voice. The goal is to be smooth and sincere. Practice your inflection. Record yourself saying the various parts of the ceremony and play it back. It'll take some getting used to hearing your own voice, but it's worth the time. You'll like how you sound and the listeners will like what they hear.
Important Announcement from Headquarters:Lida Hensley, the Universal Life Church president (and Kirby Hensley's wife) died on 12/31/2006. A new president will be (or has been) elected. Everything will continue to run in the same fashion it always has.Current Seminary Classes Available:Four Gospels, Spirit-Quest, Wicca, Druidism, Master of Religious Philosophy, Defining Spiritualism, Paganism for the New Age, Metaphysics and Miracles, Shamanism, Spiritual Awareness and we have several others in the works, along with credits for some courses already taken. There is a new course on Prayer that will be coming out and I've had promises from some amazing instructors for new courses on Buddism and Shamanism. If you know someone who you feel would be an appropriate instructor for any course, please first go towww.ulcseminary.org/coursesubmission.php to look at the course submission guidelines, then send your idea and outline toamy@ulcseminary.orgSeminary Information:Good news!
To join the seminary, go towww.ulcseminary.org/seminaryProgram.php From that page, you will find information about each class and a link to apply to be a student. This takes only a few minutes to do and, once entered into the database, you'll start receiving emails every two weeks with samples of courses and other information.
Our newest products are the disciples crosses.
They come in Red, silver and black. There is more information about them on the website at
Below is an essay from one of the students of the Spirit-Quest course. I will periodically be including some of the essays to give you an idea of what the courses are about and to determine what might be of interest.
Spirit Quest Final Essay
I really enjoyed these last 30 lessons on Metaphysics. Lesson #16 on speaking positive really hit home and should be a daily practice. Be aware of speaking in the positive WOW what a concept! This will take a lot of thought and practice on my part and I'm sure I'm going to have fun with it.
In trying to realize the state of perfection, we must be certain that we differentiate between suggestion and real metaphysical healing. In metaphysical healing, we are conscious that we are dealing with a universal principle or law, which takes the impress of our thought and acts upon it. We are dealing with something that cannot and does not argue. We are directing it for definite purposes, telling it to do certain things which it does.
When disturbances arise, it is important to erase every unpleasant experience from the memory; with the use of the rose or other visual substances you can erase every hard, tense thought from the mind. In doing so the mind-filled with the knowledge that there is but one divine, powerful, vital essence- can change inharmonious thoughts into ideals that heal, cleanse and uplift.
I find that my vision works better if I visualize the thing I want to blow up and Blow it up! Instead of putting in a rose and then blowing it up, but, that's just me.
Karma reinforced the notion of what goes around comes around. I appreciated the explanation that passing judgment was putting energy where it doesn't belong; turning something neutral into something charged. It's interesting to learn that everything I put energy on will create of resolve karma. I remind myself of that daily, because having judgments is a hard habit to break. I'm doing better every day.
Grounding was difficult for me. Forgiveness was eye-opening but all in all every week I received a valuable message that helps me on my journey.
Finally, I enjoyed this course. Thank you for all the work you put into putting this course together and teaching it.
Rev. Terry ClantonDo you know:
The Master of Religious Philosophy is our newest course and is fascinating.
After you've been ordained, even if you've lost or misplaced your credential, you are still ordained. You can confirm your ordination by writing to andre@ulchq.com.
If you want to join the seminary, you can sign up for free and receive mailings every two weeks of different courses, some of which you can only get by being a seminary student.We have a terrific forumwhere you can join in interesting disucssions with other ministers?
We have some interesting new cards available. One is a Wedding Officiant ID card.
This card has a place for your signature showing that you are a Wedding Officiant.
We also have available Marriage Certificate cards. These are cards you can give to your couples.
They can put in their names, the date and your signature with a permanent ink pen and put it in their wallets.
Our seminary is free to join and you can take classes at your leisure, as time and finances allow?
Consider ordering the Instant Ministry.
You'll be prepared for any ceremony request and will be able to perform in an educated and professional manner.
Please check out our new product video by clicking here.
It's brand new and we expect to have more products and videos soon, so keep your eyes out!
Guest Book
Please take a few moments to sign our guest book. This helps others to learn about our site and it increases the general feelings of goodwill that contact with you generates.
DirectoryI get a lot of emails from ministers who want to know why they are not in our directory. You must add yourself to the directory. It's NOT automatic. So please take a few minutes right now to add yourself
Stories & Sermons
We're always looking to hear your sermons, poetry and Stories. Tell us about your wedding or funeral experiences or how you came to the church.
.Robes and StolesThe Robes and Stoles take approximately six weeks to arrive, unless it's something our distributor has in stock.. We are working on improving that delivery time, but right now that's the best we can do, so please try to be patient. There are some styles that we have in stock, so if you need it right away, please feel free to ask.
Visit Our Website |
ULC Seminary
4714 Careyback Ave.
Elk Grove, CA 95758
To remove yourself from this newsletter, please click here:http://www.ulcseminary.org/mailing/users/unsub.php?Mem=84062&ConfirmCode=bce731e6fe147ad126e713c6dc8664f7
ULC Seminary Newsletter - February 2009
Hello char,
Happy Valentine's Day!
CEREMONY BOOK - The new book is coming along really well and is almost done with the initial editing. Those who are in it will be getting an email to confirm that they will be in it. If you see your name, send me an email with your current mailing address (so I can send you a book) and I'll let you know what will be in it. The current people included in it are as follows:
- Revs. DavidPaul & Candace Doyle
- Rev. Robin Muldowney
- Lady Charia (Charlotte Ann Chaffin)
- Rev. Douglas Harney
- Rev. Steven Hamilton
- Rev. Jason Fruth
- Dr. Olga Rasmussen
- Pastor Pat Schwab
- Rev. Terri Potter
- Rev. Jeremy Garland
- Rev. Michelle Manning-Kogler
- Rev. Don Reimer
- Rev. Elena A. Hartgering
- Rev. Susan Scheiter
- Rev. Anne Treadwell
- Rudy Munoz
- Rev. Linda Hourihan
- Pastor Fred Surrett
- Rev. Charles M. LaBow
- Rev. Tina Mulhall
- Rev. Dave Levin
- Rev. David J. Gripka
- Rev. William C. Sanders
- Sabrina Baca-Thrasher
- Rev. Samantha Phenix
- Rev. Rebecca Orth
- Rev. Evan LeBreton
- Rev. Jamie Sanders
- Rev. Phil Branson
- Rev. Richard Boyle
- Rev. Debbie Kalinowski
- Rev. Ray Dilfield
- Rev. Steve Hawkes
- Rev. Frieda New Hughes
- Rev. Brenda Garcia
- Rev. Judy Angelheart
- Rev. Susan Selene
- Rev. Elizabeth Houser Moffatt
- Rev. Rhonda Sue Weinberger
- Rev. Jayne “Sabrina Rhiannon” Morrison
- Rev. Lucinda Parker
- Rev. Robert Yslas
- Rev. Keri R. Charon
SALE - For Valentine's Day, through the month of February, we are offering two great sales. One is on the Dr. of Divinity. It's on sale for $20 (a $10 savings.)http://www.ulcseminary.org/oscommerce/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/23/products_id/68It can be a great present to yourself or to someone you love. The other is the Master of Shamanism course for $50 (also a $10 savings). This is available through this link:http://www.ulcseminary.org/oscommerce/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/29/products_id/147.
NEW COURSE - The New course on Gnosticism is now available in the church store. I'd like to point out, for those who have made comments, that I put up the courses as they come in. I have no control over who offers to write a course, so if I have several of one type of religion come in and then several of another, that has nothing to do with the direction of the Seminary or any religious preferences one way or another. If there's a course you'd like to see, let me know and, if possible, find an appropriate instructor for me to contact.http://www.ulcseminary.org/oscommerce/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/190
Essays from the various programs are at: www.ulcseminaryprogram.blogspot.com.
POTENTIAL NEW COURSES: Two things are in the works right now, but I need your help. The first is that we're working on a course for pastoral counseling. What the instructor would like to know is what sort of questions/topics you'd like to get covered in the course. What questions do you get asked? What would you like to know more about to help you in your ministry?
The other question is 'What course would you like to see?' The author of the course on Prayer and Dr. of Metaphysics, Dr. Loretta Siani, is interested in writing a new course and would like to know what sort of course/topic interests you. For both of these questions, please send me an email and let me know.
CANADIAN APPROVAL - I've been doing a little research into getting approved in Canada. Headquarters says they have hired an attorney to help. I've posted a page atwww.ulcseminary.org/canadianapproval.php with the general guidelines, so any help you can give would be greatly appreciated by many. If you're on the Ning community, let's start a discussion either there or on the forum at www.ulcseminary.org/forum.
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, etc. please feel free to ask. Oh, and if your name is, by chance, incorrect, it can easily be adjusted just by letting me know. :) Also, for those who have asked, there are still copies of the ULC book, The Many Faces of ULC.
Rev. Amy Long
Program Director,
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Our ordination blog that tells why people became ordained and what motivates them is growing all the time. Please tell us your story. Send your stories to stories@ulcseminary.org. We also post all of the essays from the seminary students at www.ulcseminary.blogspot.com. They are very interesting to read. They might also give you some perspective on the various courses, so you can decide which ones, if any, interest you.
If you have any suggestions for things you'd like to see, please write to me at amy@ulcseminary.org and I'll do what I can.
If your name is listed incorrectly or you'd like to change your contact info, you can write to amy@ulcseminary.org.Current Seminary Classes Available:Four Gospels, Spirit-Quest, Wicca, Druidism, Master of Religious Philosophy, Defining Spiritualism, Paganism for the New Age, Metaphysics and Miracles, Shamanism, Spiritual Awareness and we have several others in the works, along with credits for some courses already taken. There is a new course on Prayer that will be coming out and I've had promises from some amazing instructors for new courses on Buddism and Shamanism. If you know someone who you feel would be an appropriate instructor for any course, please first go towww.ulcseminary.org/coursesubmission.php to look at the course submission guidelines, then send your idea and outline toamy@ulcseminary.orgPlease also keep your eyes peeled for a course on Metaphysical Healing. If you are taking a course, remember that when it's done, you need to email me your essay or I can't send out your certificate. The essays are posted on www.ulcseminary.blogspot.com. If you have submitted your essay, but not gotten your degree, look for your essay there. If you find it, then your essay has been processed and the certificate should be on its way. If it was posted awhile ago and you don't have it, let me know please so I can re-issue you one for you.Seminary Information:Spirit Quest T-Shirts are now Available! At the end of every lesson, there is the saying, 'God Loves You. You were created in perfection, by perfection, for perfection. Your success is guaranteed.' We now have black shirts with white writingor white shirts with black writing that say this very thing. You don't have to be a SpiritQuest student to enjoy one of these great shirts.
To join the seminary, go towww.ulcseminary.org/seminaryProgram.php From that page, you will find information about each class and a link to apply to be a student. Thistakes only a few minutes to do and, once entered into the database, you'll start receiving emails every two weeks with samples of courses and other information.
Our newest products are the disciples crosses.
They come in Red, silver and black I've gotten a lot of really great comments on them.. There is more information about them on the website at
Below is an essay from one of the students of the Master of Religious Philosophy Course. I will periodically be including some of the essays to give you an idea of what the courses are about and to determine what might be of interest.I have finished my 24-week course of study of Philosophy of Religion. I have very much enjoyed these 24 weeks. I have learned a great deal and have been presented with many facts new to me and many things on which to ponder. I hate to see this course come to an end.As humans, we seem to need religion. The relatively new study of Religious Philosophy attempts to answer questions pertaining to the people throughout time who have wondered what other people believe, how this differs from their beliefs, and why they don't agree with each other concerning religion.
When European Christians discovered peoples of the world that had other religions besides Christianity, it was strongly believed by the Christians that their own religion of Christianity (of whichever brand) was undoubtedly far superior to any other. It was considered by them to be the ultimate religion, the only right religion.
They were not interested in learning about other religions, only converting people into Christianity who were not Christians. There remains, today, this attitude and I become quite disgusted by it, among members of my own family. Many Christians believe it is their DUTY to convert people to whatever their particular brand of Christianity may be.
In Lesson 2, I was intrigued to learn that the Latin verb relig're which was the Old French word religion, was used for a thousand years to refer to monks and nuns, the monastic life. During the 16th Century, the word came to a broader, wider meaning, growing into how we use the word today.
In this time we are in, the meaning has been modified to refer to nearly any form of devotion or fidelity to a Divinity. However this entire consideration is complicated because some groups that may be called religions, do not believe in any Divinity, singular or plural, whatsoever.
This study is complicated, such as shown in the above paragraph. Some of what we might call religions, might be branded by some folks as ethical systems rather than religions. Most religions might be called a cult by some one, by people of other religions.
The great diversity of belief, even among the one religion I know best, common in our country, Christianity, is mind-boggling. Arguments between one and the other often 'come to blows', at least verbally and sometimes physically.
In this course, we looked at many opinions and theories regarding religion, including those of Freud, the father of psychiatry; Durkheim, the father of Sociology; Marx who considered religion 'the opiate of the people'�; and many others. We looked at anthropologists, at the great Apes, at Neanderthal and Cro-Magnom man. We even looked at Krishnamurti, an old favorite of mine from years ago. We considered priests, shamen, and 'witch-doctors'� from various possible groups.
We covered how religion and spirituality are clearly very different things. We even looked at Rodin, the sculptor of The Thinker and The Kiss, and many other sculptures. We even took a look at the brain's neurotransmitter, Serotonin, and how the illegal drug MDNA, also called Ecstasy, feels so good, as well as the prescribed Zoloft and Prozac, anti-depressants, which are known as Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, which legally induce happier feelings through more Serotonin in the brain.
A scientist we took a look at has done a study and written a book about humans having the belief in a Divinity in their genetics. I find this intriguing.
It is my belief that I am living at a most exciting time in the history of the world. I believe science and Spirit are growing closer and closer together in my lifetime, now and over the next years.
I believe that there is an exponential explosion of growth of spirituality throughout the world today. Religion as we now know it may cease to exist in the next several decades, to be replaced by a much greater spirituality than this world has ever seen, or has, at least, ever recorded. I see it happening over time, more and more quickly. I see more and more people searching for Truth, for their own personal Truths, and finding them for themselves, inside of themselves, and finding our connections one with another.
Yes, the human quest for Truth, for meaning, for understanding, continues. I feel it burning more deeply in the human heart over the next decades, and that everyone will find their Paths to the Light of Truth, regardless of the roads they travel to get there. I see many paths converging.
Thank you.
Rev. Carol BirdwellDo you know:
The Master of Religious Philosophy is our newest course and is fascinating.
After you've been ordained, even if you've lost or misplaced your credential, you are still ordained. You can confirm your ordination by writing to andre@ulchq.com.
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ULC-SEMINARY – Rev/Dr Katharine Lee Krüger
Hello char,Welcome to the sample of lesson one of the Masters of Metaphysical Healing program. Each week, when you subscribe, you will receive a discourse that talks about Metaphysical Healing. To order this course, go to the shopping cart at http://www.ulcseminary.org/oscommerce/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/29/products_id/168 to order.
Master of Metaphysical Healingwww.ulcseminary.orgUniversal Life Church Seminary**********Lesson 1 --Overview to this courseSample of the Course
Healing can be defined as the ability to heal all levels of a person’s being, through animating the vital force within. For the past 40 years, I have used this therapy successfully, to help many people.
At the height of my rebellion, with only six months to go to qualify as a registered nurse, I felt “bored stiff” one evening and attended a prayer meeting. After prayers had been said and hymns had been sung, I suddenly felt a powerful “presence” overshadow me. Like a sleepwalker, I was moved across the room to where my mother was sitting and my hands were placed on her head. Ripples of warmth and energy pulsated through my body for about five minutes, then it stopped and the same “Presence” gently guided me back to my chair.Later on, my mother told me that she had had a migraine headache and that, when I placed my hands on her, the power working through me had healed her instantly!I was stunned. Having undergone three years of intensive, medical and scientific training, I had never heard of curing people by “the laying on of hands”! At the time, as far as I was concerned, only the knife and drugs could heal.That incident changed my life forever. I had experienced the African “call to priesthood”. I was now, what Zulu Traditional Healers called a “twasa”, an apprentice. My training as a healer had begun.In the beginning, I treated the ability to heal as a joke. I would say to my friends who were ill, “I don’t know what this is or how it works, but if I put my hands on you and say a prayer, ‘something’ happens”. As more and more people responded to my healing, however, I became fascinated by this strange phenomenon.
I became so totally absorbed in spiritual practices, that I rapidly lost interest in conventional medicine. The next three months were very difficult for me, as I struggled to find the balance between the spiritual and the physical. I was so caught up in the desire to “heal” humanity that nothing else mattered.I did not realize at the time, that I was in a process of spiritual emergence and that my gifts were developing too rapidly for me to control. In African culture, this is regarded as normal for the One who has been “called”, but was however, unheard of in the western tradition. My mind and emotions were in such a state of turmoil, that as a result I left nursing and took time out to “ground” and integrate the experience.Thirteen years passed, during which time, I married James Lee and had two sons whom we named, Gareth and Michael respectively. They grew up in a home where hands-on healing was normal behaviour and who, from an early age, were also taught how to heal.The marriage dissolved amicably in 1981 and I once again became more and more involved in spiritual practices, doing healing and counselling whenever the opportunity presented itself, in the evenings and over weekends.Then in 1983, at the height of my career in Public Relations, Marketing and Advertising, more and more people began to ask me to teach them how to heal. I found this extremely difficult. The gift I had came naturally. How did one teach something so abstract?The only healing course available at that time was one written by the late, great Harry Edwards. I managed to get hold of a copy and with help from the National Federation of Spiritual Healers in the United Kingdom, it took me another two years to formulate a “Basic Healing Course”, which has steadily been perfected over the last forty years.It did not stop there. Intuitively I felt that it would not just be enough to teach people how to heal. To be recognised by Government and the Medical Profession, we would need proper training, disciplinary procedures, ethics and a code of conduct. So, in 1988, with the help of Jan de Vries, David Melamdowitz and Karl Kruger, we established The Healing Association of Southern Africa. The object was to train people to be medically orientated, professional, competent healers, who could earn the respect of the public and medical profession. Jan started conducting healing courses in Durban, Natal and I in Johannesburg, the largest city in South Africa.
Time and time again, my loyal supporters would phone and tell me about schemes that were afoot within some religious organisations to stop me doing this work. Television and radio stations also climbed onto the bandwagon. In those days, anything to do with the supernatural was “satanic”, especially spiritual healing, which was regarded as “the work of the Devil”.
Newspapers and magazines also became the mouthpiece to decry this sacred art, but persevere I did. Every time spiritual healing received bad publicity, I fought back by writing to all the newspapers, by conducting radio and television interviews and by embarking on publicity campaigns to educate the public about the benefits of healing. I fielded abusive phone calls from the public, handled “hate mail” in the post and never ever gave up on my dream.
I moved to Cape Town from Gauteng in 1993, handing The Healing Association of South Africa over to Jan de Vries in Natal. The Academy of Metaphysical Study, Cape, then came into being. The Academy changed its name to the Atlantean School of Creative Learning in 2005, when I left Cape Town and returned to live in Johannesburg.Today, thanks to a change in Government and a massive shift in consciousness, holistic healing has taken its place alongside western medicine and literally hundreds of healers have been trained nationally, either by myself, Jan de Vries, George Loots, Steven Hudson, Deon Brits, Chris Rall, Dave and Ish Bailey, all of whom I trained as Regional Training Officers with the original Academy.
HEALING IN SOUTH AFRICAHealing[1] has been practised in practically all cultures and religious customs since the beginning of time. Most cultures had a resident shaman, medicine man or woman to treat their illnesses.In South Africa you cannot become a traditional healer, (medicine man or woman) until you have experienced a “call to priesthood”. This is recognized as an illness, the symptoms of which are caused by Ancestral Spirits who wish to possess the future Traditional Healer. It is regarded as a holy calling that comes from God via the Ancestors.In African Culture the ancestors could be the spirits of deceased family members who now wish to continue their healing work through the mediumship of the initiate. The sickness may come at any age, but is most common during adolescence and menopause.When an ancestral spirit possesses someone, the individual becomes ill with a sickness that does not respond to any form of treatment. The onset of the illness is sudden and the person who has been called, may be present with mental disturbance, emotional turmoil, physical pains in various parts of their body; or the person may become moody, restless, brooding, nervous, suffer from palpitations, hallucinations, depression and even have vivid dreams. The ill health may be accompanied with feelings of fatigue and does not respond to any form of treatment.[2]The initiate (thwasa in the Zulu Culture) may even hear the “voices” of her ancestors calling her and be able to see them clairvoyantly. In the Western culture, this is called a “Spiritual Emergency”. Once the Call to Priesthood is diagnosed, the person may sacrifice a goat, appealing to their ancestors, to release them from the calling. If she does not recover, her only option is to obey the calling by moving into the home of a “isangoma” (traditional healer) to begin her studies as an initiate. She then withdraws from society and undergoes her training, which could be from a minimum of six months to six years or more. Zulu training is rigid and includes abstentions, taboos, rigid observances, daily cleansing rituals and impressive ceremonies. The Initiate is required to work in the home of her teacher, without remuneration, until her schooling is complete. This is to teach her humility first and foremost.Prior to being exposed to traditional healing she will need a thorough knowledge of herbs, their habitat, preparation and dosage. During this period she will also be taught how to “throw the bones”, an excellent method of diagnosis which was developed long before x-rays and medical tests came into being. This is a bag, containing carefully selected bones of animals and shells from the ocean. Few in number, they accurately represent all aspects of life and are used for diagnostic purposes. To be able to read them, the apprentice is given powerful herbs to sharpen her psychic ability and through drumming and dancing, she learns to connect with her ancestors, who then work through her. Any patient who consults her will test her diagnostic abilities, before she is allowed to treat them.[3]Consultation involves placing a mat on the floor for the patient to sit on, with their legs straight out on the mat facing the healer.The patient then meditates asking their emotions to guide them. The initiate proceeds by asking the patient to blow into the bag and after that, the bones are thrown onto the mat. By observing the position of the bones and shells and the way they fall, the healer must be able tell the patient all his/her ailments, pausing every now and then to allow the patient to respond. If the patient has some questions regarding his/her life they have the right to ask the healer to explain further until they are satisfied. No money exchanges hands until the patient is satisfied with the diagnosis.
This is a far cry from the Western way of doing things, where the patient has to tell the doctor what is wrong and undergo a series of medical tests before a diagnosis is made.
The apprentice will have to undergo several initiations before qualifying as a Traditional Healer. The final graduation is very difficult with tests of physical fitness, endurance and the length of time it takes her to find hidden objects. This will determine the strength of her links with her ancestors. Like medical doctors, the initiate who qualifies as an “isangoma”, will need to develop a reputation in the community. Those who are perceived to have strong powers and influential connections to their ancestors may become enormously influential. Not many initiates succeed however, these people are considered “phupha’d” which means they ‘can only dream and can no longer talk reality’.
Once qualified, the Traditional Healer, normally has a multifaceted role which includes training, knowledge, power and ability to serve in a number of medico religious functions, such as a herbalist, seer, ceremonial leader, physician, spiritual leader and psychologist, priest and mystic all rolled up into one.
Do some further research and using your own words, write an essay of +/-500 on the different types of healing practised in your own country.
[5]WHAT IS HEALING?(SOME ANSWERS TO CLIENT’S QUESTIONS)[6]The ability to touch and transfer energy can actually be as normal to our being as reading or writing. The only difference is that people have never been taught how to do it. It is as simple as placing your hands on an area of discomfort, holding them there and relaxing. Just lovingly touching and soothing someone, releases healing energy from a person’s hands, bringing ease, comfort and release of tension for someone in distress.A healer works directly with the client's energy field to bring mind, body and spirit back into balance. Healing may be given for any illness, stress or injury as a therapy, which has no side effects and is complementary to any other form of treatment. Case histories range from the trivial, to the medically diagnosed terminal illness, but no one can say in advance what the outcome will be. Apart from its therapeutic effect in relieving pain and in the return of function, healing is significant for noticeable improvements in the client's attitude and their quality of life.The healer acts as a channel by absorbing and then sending external, positive energy into the client, with the laying on of hands (contact healing), or with the hands held slightly away from the body, working on the energy field. Distant healing again, works by sending energy to a person through the power of telepathic thought, intuitively, mentally or emotionally.HOW DOES IT WORK?By laying their hands on or near the body, the trained healer has the ability to introduce energy into the physical, thus stimulating the client’s body to heal itself. In a state of deep relaxation, the healer absorbs, transforms and transmits energy, which the client may experience as heat, tingling, vibration, coldness, or a combination of all these. In some cases, the client may not feel anything at all. The healer simply gives energy and the client uses this, to bring about his or her own healing, either physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually.
IS IT NECESSARY TO HAVE FAITH?No, but a strong will to get better does help. Unlike “Faith Healing”, the client does not have to “believe” in the healer, in order to be healed. Priests did healing long before “Doctors” were established as a profession. We are not concerned with distinctions of race, class, religious or political beliefs.
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I GO TO A HEALER?The healer will take a careful case history and explain the procedure to you. You will then be asked to sit or lie down, fully clothed. The healer will help you to relax mentally and physically and allow healing energy to flow to you by laying their hands on or near you, which induces a deep state of relaxation and peace.DOES HEALING ALWAYS WORK?Sometimes “miracles” do happen. It depends on the healer’s abilities and sometimes, when an illness has fulfilled its purpose, the client may recover after only one treatment. Many find that a steady inner change occurs, which helps to make their health problems more manageable. Very occasionally, total relief is obtained after one visit, but sometimes between three and six visits are required, maybe even more. Usually, beneficial results appear gradually - even if it is only being more relaxed about everything and experiencing a positive change in attitude to life and emotions. Healing also helps to control pain.CAN IT DO ANY HARM?Occasionally a client may experience a "healing crisis" (a temporary worsening of symptoms), before relief is obtained. Unlike drugs, however, healing does have the immeasurable advantage of not having any harmful side effects. It is important, however, to ask the client to drink plenty of water after a healing treatment, to help the body to flush out any toxins that may have been released during the healing process. Healers should also cancel their clients for the day, if they are feeling angry, upset or severely depressed and unable to “get themselves” out the way. Their state of mind could affect the outcome of the treatment.WHAT ABOUT MY DOCTOR?Healers do not interfere with medical treatment, as healing is always "in addition to" and never "instead of" conventional medical care. It is also complementary to all other forms of treatment. You should always tell a healer what medical or other treatment you may be receiving. If you are having active medical treatment, in addition to receiving healing, make sure your doctor/homoeopath/psychiatrist carefully monitors your progress and adjusts your medication accordingly.AND AFTER A SERIOUS ILLNESS OR SURGERY?Healing can speed up the recovery from a serious illness, surgery and treatments like chemotherapy and radiation. It works well in conjunction with all forms of holistic medicine and with new approaches to cancer.CAN I DO ANYTHING TOWARDS HELPING THE HEALER?Yes. Have an open mind and wait patiently and confidently. Putting up a barrier in your mind blocks the flow of healing energies. Learn to think positively and creatively about restoring your bodily health and peace of mind, exercise yourself gently, practice deep breathing, relaxation and daily visualize yourself in better health. Give a little time each day for your own attunement to the Universal Energy Field, to supplement the help you are getting from your healer.IS THERE ANY CHARGE FOR HEALING?Healers are professional, qualified people who practice from private consulting rooms, in clinics and conduct therapy groups. You should ask when making the appointment what the fee will be. Please remember that the healer also has expenses and has undergone several years of training in order to be in private practice.HAS HEALING BEEN SCIENTIFICALLY VALIDATED?Healing research shows that healing is a potent therapy. Over 150 controlled studies have been published. More than half of these demonstrate significant effects. Dr. Daniel J. Benor, an American Psychiatrist living in England, has written four volumes on the subject of healing research and these were published by Helix in 1992.SOME FURTHER THOUGHTSHealing goes to the deeper levels of a person's being where many illnesses have their origin (stress, tension and fatigue) so that symptoms disappear when the cause is removed. A change to right thinking and sensible living will continue the good work started by the healer.It has been shown time and again that there are tremendous forces of nature to be tapped. Over many years, healing has been neglected in the search for technological removal of symptoms rather than tackling the basic reasons for disease. Hundreds of clients go for healing every day and speak of the benefits they have received; so many, that it cannot be coincidence in every case.
HEALING – SOME ANSWERS TO CLIENT’S QUESTIONSRevisionYou have received the following letter.Dear Sir/Madam,I have been diagnosed with cancer of the colon and have been receiving chemotherapy and radium treatment. The Doctors say that I only have a few months to live and a friend suggested that I go for spiritual healing.Although I do need help, I know nothing about the subject. Please would you write to me and explain the following:1) What is Spiritual Healing? Some people say “it is the work of the devil”.2) Will the treatment cause pain and how does it work?3) I am a non-believer - do I have to believe in God for this to work?4) Some people say that if I visit a healer, it will be lots of “mumbo-jumbo” e.g. dark room, candles, incense etc. Is this true?5) Can you guarantee me a cure?6) Can I stop my medication and chemotherapy if you are treating me?7) I really am in a difficult situation financially, so how much is all this going to cost?I really would appreciate it, if you would reply as soon as possible, because I am feeling very depressed and in a lot of pain and I am desperate for help.Thanking youSincerelyFaith SimonMRS. FAITH SIMONUsing your own words, draft a reply to this letter of approximately 500 words.Total Number of Points (100)
Model AnswerHEALING - SOME ANSWERS TO CLIENTS QUESTIONSDear Mrs. Simon,Thank you sincerely for your letter. My healing thoughts go out to you at this very difficult time.I would like to put your mind at rest about the misconception people have about healing. Healing in the form of prayer, or by the laying-on-of-hands, has been practised by virtually every known culture since the beginning of time. Prayers and rituals for healing are universally a part of religion. Reports of folk-healers are familiar from legend, the Bible, anthropological studies of traditional healing practices, the popular press and more recently from scientific research.A healer acts as a channel by absorbing and then sending external positiveenergy into the client, with the laying-on-of-hands (contact), or the hands held slightly away from the body, working on the energy field. Distanthealing, again, works by directing energy to a client through the power oftelepathic thought, intuitively, mentally or emotionally.I personally have undergone two years of intensive study and am a“Trained and Registered Healer” with The Healing Association International. As a member of this organisation, I follow a stringent Code of Conduct and Ethics, which uphold and maintain the high standards of my profession.Healing is painless. Healers have the ability to transform and transmit vitality tostimulate the client's body to heal itself. Clients may experience the flow of energy as heat,tingling, vibration, coldness, or a combination of all these. In individual cases of illness or stress, these energies can be directed and applied to stimulate a natural recovery for the client.Unlike faith healing you do not have to “believe” in order for the healing to work. The beauty of this therapy is that it works at all levels of a person’s being, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically. While I cannot guarantee a cure, healing is remarkable for pain control and in one way or another you can be helped to feel better. Sometimes, miracles do happenbut as merely a conduit for God’s healing force, I cannot say what the outcome will be.Many find that an inner change occurs which helps to make their health problems more manageable. Very occasionally, total relief is obtained after one visit, but sometimes between three and six visits are required, maybe even more.Usually, beneficial results appear gradually - even if it is only being more relaxed about everything and experiencing a positive change in attitude to life and emotions.Healers are professional, highly trained people. If you came to see me, the first thing I would do, would be take a careful case history and explain the procedure to you. You would then be asked to sit or lie down, fully clothed. I help you to relax mentally and physically by laying my hands on or near your body, allowing healing energy to flow into you and because this is such a peaceful feeling, you probably will fall asleep!It is important to remember that healing is always “in addition to” andnever “instead of” conventional medical treatment, so if you decide to have healing, kindly continue with the treatment your Doctor is giving you.I normally charge $______ for a healing treatment. If there is a serious financial problem, however, we can negotiate a fee according to what you can afford.In conclusion, it has been shown time and again that there are tremendous forces of nature to be tapped. Over many years healing has been neglected in the search for technological removal of symptoms rather thantackling the basic reasons for disease. Hundreds of clients go for healing every day and speak of the benefits they have received - so many that it cannot be coincidence in every case, so why not make an appointment to come and see me?In the meantime, I will be holding you in my prayers and will do some absent healing to help you from a distance.Sincerely,Kate HolmesKATE HOLMESRegistered HealerThe above model answer is merely a guideline for key words and phrases. The idea is to see what interesting answers and guidelines you can come up with to help the client to feel better.
[2] Zulu.. Roger and Pat de La Harpe. Barry Leitch, Sue Derwent. Pub. Struik Publishers 1998.[3] T/Dr H.B. Zungu. President. Traditional Healers Organisation of South Africa.[4] Rosalind Stone[5] National Federation of Spiritual Healers[6] The Healer’s Hand Book. Georgina Regan. Debbie Shapiro. Pub. Element Books 1988
You are encouraged to post your lessons on the forum or send them toamy@ulcseminary.org and she will post them for you. The goal is to begin some meaningful dialogue with other ministers and to learn from the different exchanges.
See you next week!
Hello char,
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
CEREMONY BOOK - The new book continues to move along. I am mostly done with the editing. Other things (life) got in the way again and slowed me down. It happens. :) I apologize for my last announcement where it seems I wasn't clear enough about the people on the list. Those people are in the book, which is why they are getting a free copy. For everyone else, I'll send multiple emails so you all can get a discounted copy for ordering early.
SALE - For March (through April 5th), , we are offering a great sale. One is on the Master of Divinity. It's on sale for $19.95 (a $10 savings.)http://www.ulcseminary.org/oscommerce/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/23/products_id/192It can be a great present to yourself or to someone you love. Usually, this is only available through the Seminary Credential Package, but for this month, it's available as a stand-alone item. It's a wonderful addition to the Dr. of Divinity because most people are aware that a Masters degree comes before a Doctorate, so by showing that you have both, you give yourself some enhanced credibility and show the consistency in your dedication. We've never offered this before, so take advantage while you can.
NEW COURSE - Last announcement, I talked about the New course on Gnosticism,which is now available in the church store. I'd like to point out, for those who have made comments, that I put up the courses as they come in. I have no control over who offers to write a course, so if I have several of one type of religion come in and then several of another, that has nothing to do with the direction of the Seminary or any religious preferences one way or another. If there's a course you'd like to see, let me know and, if possible, find an appropriate instructor for me to contact. This course is available through the link below.http://www.ulcseminary.org/oscommerce/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/190
We do have another new course available. It's called the Dr. of Biblical Egyptology. This course talks about Moses and the Exodus. I think Egyptian stuff is really interesting on quite a few levels, so I'm personally enjoying the course very much. It's available through this link: http://www.ulcseminary.org/oscommerce/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/29/products_id/191
Another course that will be coming out soon is call the Master of the Gospel of Thomas. It should be available by next month. For Christians, it's a great new look at another gospel. This gospel was touched upon in the Christian Studies course. For those who are not Christian, it's a wonderful look at some spiritual and healing words by a great leader of people. We have many more courses to come, so keep an eye out.
Essays from the various programs are at: www.ulcseminaryprogram.blogspot.com.
POTENTIAL NEW COURSES: We still have those two things in the works, but I need more of your help. The first is that we're working on a course for pastoral counseling. What the instructor would like to know is what sort of questions/topics you'd like to get covered in the course. What questions do you get asked? What would you like to know more about to help you in your ministry?
The other question is 'What course would you like to see?' The author of the course on Prayer and Dr. of Metaphysics, Dr. Loretta Siani, is interested in writing a new course and would like to know what sort of course/topic interests you. For both of these questions, please send me an email and let me know.
CANADIAN APPROVAL - I've been doing a little research into getting approved in Canada. Headquarters says they have hired an attorney to help. I've posted a page atwww.ulcseminary.org/canadianapproval.php with the general guidelines, so any help you can give would be greatly appreciated by many. If you're on the Ning community, let's start a discussion either there or on the forum at www.ulcseminary.org/forum. I've had some people send me some of the info they have so far and I'll be posting some of that. It's slow-going, but at least it's going. :)
SEMINARY GRADUATES - We have more graduates. Michael Barth and Nitza Melgar are two of the most recent. James Connor has also graduated recently. Their information will be going on the site shortly. They've been doing a great job.
Nitza says:
"Dear Amy,
I wish to thank you and all the professors for the wonderful programs and courses you have offered. I have achieved my Master of Ministry through the ULC Seminary and I am two courses away, from my Doctorate. I love this Seminary. I love all my fellow ministers. It has been one of the best experiences of my life. Being a good Minister means a great deal to me. Your Seminary has given me the opportunity to study and learn a whole new world of ideas.
Thank you all so much. And least I forget, thank you especially, Amy for all your kindness and support. Whenever, I had a question or a problem, you were right there to help me through. You are the best. ULC is very lucky to have you as the President of the Seminary.
May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob watch over all of you. And may AWEN be always present in your life.
Rev. Nitza L. Melgar, ULC Minister, SBT, Christian Druid"
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, etc. please feel free to ask. Oh, and if your name is, by chance, incorrect, it can easily be adjusted just by letting me know. :) Also, for those who have asked, there are still copies of the ULC book, The Many Faces of ULC.
Rev. Amy Long
Program Director,
To be removed, click here: http://www.ulcseminary.org/mailing/users/unsub.php?Mem=84062&ConfirmCode=d744976fb48d66bfdf0e052b4e711e54
Hello char,
Happy Upcoming Easter!
For those of you who recently had your account re-activated and got a flurry of emails, I do apologize. The program I use keeps track of all the one it would've sent if the program had continued, so it's just catching you up. After it does, the mailings will resume in a normal fashion.
SALE - For April (through May 5th), , we are offering a great sale. We have had a great response to the Master of Divinity offer, so we will continue it through this next month as well, along with a new item that is going to be offered for a limited time only. It's a Bachelor of Divinity. If you wish to order them both, now is a great time. I suggest asking that the date of the Master of Divinity be made a few months after the Bachelor. Both will be on sale for this month.
It can be a great present to yourself or to someone you love. Usually, the Master of Divinity is only available through the Seminary Credential Package, but for this month, it's available as a stand-alone item. It's a wonderful addition to the Dr. of Divinity because most people are aware that a Masters degree comes before a Doctorate, so by showing that you have both, you give yourself some enhanced credibility and show the consistency in your dedication. The same is true for the Bachelor of Divinity. We've never offered this before, so take advantage while you can.
NEW COURSE - Previously, you got the announcement about the Master of Gnosticism, which is available through the link below and about the Dr. of Biblical Egyptology, offered through the link under that.http://www.ulcseminary.org/oscommerce/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/190
The newest course out is called the Master of the Gospel of Thomas. It just came out. For Christians, it's a great new look at another gospel. This gospel was touched upon in the Christian Studies course. It's a little different because it's not in story form, like the others, but rather a collection of sayings attributed to Jesus. For non-Christians, it's a wonderful look at some spiritual and healing words by a great leader of people. It's available from this link:
Essays from the various programs are at: www.ulcseminaryprogram.blogspot.com.
POTENTIAL NEW COURSES: We have several other courses in the works. We will release them as they become available. We post courses as they come in, so if you are interested in teaching one or know someone qualified who is, they can go to www.ulcseminary.org/coursesubmission.php for the info. I believe I still have one or two other courses that have been sent to me that haven't been addressed yet, so for that I apologize to those who have submitted them. I have to read and edit all the courses as they come through and I generally don't do more than 2 at a time. I'm currently working on 3, so I'm a bit behind on other things. I appreciate your patience.
CANADIAN APPROVAL - I've been doing a little research into getting approved in Canada. Headquarters says they have hired an attorney to help. I've posted a page atwww.ulcseminary.org/canadianapproval.php with the general guidelines, so any help you can give would be greatly appreciated by many. If you're on the Ning community, let's start a discussion either there or on the forum at www.ulcseminary.org/forum. I've had some people send me some of the info they have so far and I'll be posting some of that. It's slow-going, but at least it's going. :)
ORDINATION CEREMONY - I've had several people ask me for a ceremony for ordination/installation. I don't have anything to offer. Have any of you come up with a ceremony to ordain someone into your church or for installation into your church? If so, please send it to me and I'll post it.
I'm still working on the ceremony book. I had to take a break in favor of getting these new courses out and getting my taxes done. Life happens to me too. I'm almost done though, so it shouldn't be too long.
FREECYCLE - On a different note, I found a really great website called Freecycle. (www.freecycle.org). Their motto is 'changing the world one gift at a time.' It's a way for people to give things direct to people who need it and for people to get a helping hand. I personally enjoyed giving away a toy chest and am looking forward to receiving some legos. (My kids have become lego nuts.) The site isn't everywhere, but it's in a lot of places, so I thought I'd give it a plug. I know there are a lot of generous folks at the ULC and others who are currently in need.
RSS FEED - The last thing is the RSS feed. I'm trying to figure out how to keep it updated by email. It's a WordPress blog. I can't make it work. Does anyone know how it works and can they help me set it up? That way I can keep it updated better. Thanks.
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, etc. please feel free to ask. Oh, and if your name is, by chance, incorrect, it can easily be adjusted just by letting me know. :) Also, for those who have asked, there are still copies of the ULC book, The Many Faces of ULC available.
Rev. Amy Long
Program Director,
PS. On a side note, one of our ministers just had her first book published Titled: "When It's Time To Say Good-bye." By Marti Tote. Check it out on Amazon.
Also, for those who are interested in studying the Christian Bible, someone sent me this link: http://www.scripture4all.org/download/download_ISA20.php
If you wish to change your name, email or to be sure that you are added to all the lists you wish to be, click: http://www.ulcseminary.org/mailing/users/modify_details.php?Mem=84062&Send=47&List=1&Conf=d744976fb48d66bfdf0e052b4e711e54&Form=4
To be removed, click here: http://www.ulcseminary.org/mailing/users/unsub.php?Mem=84062&ConfirmCode=d744976fb48d66bfdf0e052b4e711e54
This is the ULC Seminary Newsletter. To unsubscribe, click the link on the bottom of the page.
Hello Reverend char!
Welcome to the Universal Life Church Seminary Newsletter, where we want to educate you, inform you and invite you to participate. If you didn't request this letter or wish to discontinue it, please scroll down to the bottom and hit the unsubscribe link. If it doesn't work for any reason, please just reply and let us know to unsubscribe you and we will with no problem.
We have some new sections in the sermon area that might interest you. Some people prefer to get their sermons emailed to them, so we have made this possible by setting up a weekly mailing of various sermons. This service is free, so go to the sermon section and sign up. We also expect to have the same function available for Sunday School lessons as well. (This may already be done by the time you get this newsletter.)
If you have any suggestions for things you'd like to see, please write to me atamy@ulcseminary.org and I'll do what I can.
If your name is listed incorrectly or you'd like to change your contact info, you can write toamy@ulcseminary.org.Current Seminary Classes Available:Our courses are getting almost too numerous to list.We have been adding them at a record pace lately, so to get a complete listing, go to www.ulcseminary.org/seminaryProgram.php and scroll down. We add new ones regularly. Each course listing on that page has a page of information aobut the course as well as a sample lesson, so please look through the list to see what interests you. If you know someone who you feel would be an appropriate instructor for any course, please first go to www.ulcseminary.org/coursesubmission.php to look at the course submission guidelines, then send your idea and outline to amy@ulcseminary.org.If you are taking a course, remember that when it's done, you need to email me your essay or I can't send out your certificate. The essays are posted on www.ulcseminary.blogspot.com. If you have submitted your essay, but not gotten your degree, look for your essay there. If you find it, then your essay has been processed and the certificate should be on its way. If it was posted awhile ago and you don't have it, let me know please so I can re-issue you one for you.New Product Info:To join the seminary, go to www.ulcseminary.org/seminaryProgram.php From that page, you will find information about each class and a link to apply to be a student. Thistakes only a few minutes to do and, once entered into the database, you'll start receiving emails every two weeks with samples of courses and other information.
Our newest products are the disciples crosses.
They come in red, silver and black I've gotten a lot of really great comments on them.. There is more information about them on the website using the link below..
This unique necklace is made up of three components that are significant in remembering what the cross stands for. The wrapped wire stands for the thorn branches twisted into a crown to mock the King of Kings.http://www.ulcseminary.org/oscommerce/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=164
Below is an essay from one of the students of the Master of Paganism Course. I will periodically be including some of the essays to give you an idea of what the courses are about and to determine what might be of interest. The complete list of programs is at www.ulcseminary.blogspot.com
by Rev. Amber D. Gray
“It is requisite that those who are willing to hear concerning the Gods should have been well informed from their childhood, and not nourished with foolish opinions.” – Sallust [Gods and the World]
“That person is all-best who themselves works out every problem and solves it, seeing what will be best late and in the end. This person, too, is admirable who follows one who speaks well. They who cannot see the truth for themselves, nor hearing it from others, store it away in their minds, those persons are utterly useless.” – Hesiod [Works and Days].
The decision to take the Masters of Paganism course was not easy. I didn’t know much about the broad subject of Paganism. What I knew of Wicca, were the little bits I learned when I was 17, and general Paganism, I admittedly knew nothing about. My entire life, my religion has been Hellenismos, also know as Hellenic Paganism or Reconstructionism. I had been sheltered and separated from other Pagans, who like me, were devout and true to their belief system. I had come across two passages which ultimately helped me to decide to take the Masters of Paganism course. I decided to learn about my fellow Pagans and what their belief systems were, as well as what moved their hearts. This course helped to pave that road for me.
The course was broken up into twenty parts: creation, deity, pantheon and culture, magical beings, the after life, pagan celebrations, sabbats and many other aspects of New Age Paganism. One of the most interesting aspects to this type of Paganism is that New Age Paganism pulls from several different religions. When I was learning about New Age Pagan beliefs in creation, I noticed that the Hellenic view of Chaos is shared between the religions. However, one of the first variants I noticed was a dyadic system, in which it appeared that the universe, world, nature and all of life was comprised of a masculine and feminine power. Another variant that was interesting was that New Age Pagans appear to be pantheist, where All Gods are One. This is a foreign concept to me, being a rigid Polytheist. While I understand the conceptualizations presented within the course, I was not as receiving of this point of view. However, while I didn’t agree with the philosophy, I most certainly would not censure the belief of others. Another concept that got my attention was the wheel of the year philosophy. It was remarkable how that philosophy was able to be adjusted to all Pagan beliefs in some form or another. Finally, another lesson which held my attention was the two part lesson on the Great Rite. The Great Rite seems to be a ritualistic aspect in New Age Paganism that gives its members a sense of oneness, unity and communion with their spiritual deity. I believe that a person, who is spiritually in tuned with their divinity, truly understands the importance of piety and wholeness.
Things that did not work for me, were things that I felt I could not put into a philosophical context, that I could understand. For example, the lesson on magical beings and spiritual guides was philosophically understandable, until it had rationales in it that stated things like, “Demons only have the power that we give them.” Inimical spirits within my own belief system have metaphysical powers, whether a human being believes them to or not. Thus, the conceptualization of that particular line of thinking was particularly arduous for me.
Another concept that did not engage me was the concept of magick: the manipulation and vibration of energy for a positive change. This concept reminded me somewhat of Christian prayer, and “making things happen.” It is my belief that the will of the Gods changes things, and no chant or manipulation of energy can force the hand of the Gods. On the flip side, when put within the context of advanced prayer, suddenly, the concept of magick seemed to bring humans back down to earth and was far more palatable. Overall, this was an interesting experience.
Personally, I feel like this course helped me to understand where New Age Pagans are coming from, and why certain Pagan populaces receive this group well, or do not receive this group of Pagans well. This course opened my eyes to a groups understanding of how the universe functioned, and how one could be in communion with their God. New Age Paganism is very in tuned with nature, other religions, and a myriad of philosophies and concepts from all over the world. To understand New Age Pagans, from their own words, text and philosophies will help me to be a better Pagan Priestess, and have a better understanding of a group which is often ostracized by other Pagan groups. That sort of spiritual growth is favored most by the Gods… and should be favored by all Pagan Priesthoods.Do you know:
The Master of Metaphysical Healing is one of our newest courses and is very interesting. It's similar to Reiki style healing.The other new course is the Dr. of Spirituality. We have a sample lesson online as well as a great write-up, so check it out. It's written by Loretta Siani, who wrote the Dr. of Metaphysics program.
After you've been ordained, even if you've lost or misplaced your credential, you are still ordained. You can confirm your ordination by writing to andre@ulchq.com.
If you have any little articles or paragraphs of information about weddings, funerals, baby namings, etc. that you'd like to share or any other tidbit that you think the other ministers would be interested in, we're happy to include it in our newsletter. Send me the information and make note that you intend it for the newsletter and I'll get back to you.We have a terrific forum where you can join in interesting discussions with other ministers?
We have some new free training information for you. For those of you who are Christian or merely are interested in learning about the Christian Path, one of our ministers, Dr. Louis Hook, has created a really interesting new book that he has donated use of to the Seminary. You can download a free copy of his book, Omega Dawn.
We also have available Marriage Certificate cards. These are cards you can give to your couples.
They can put in their names, the date and your signature with a permanent ink pen and put it in their wallets.
Our seminary is free to join and you can take classes at your leisure, as time and finances allow?
Consider ordering the Instant Ministry.
You'll be prepared for any ceremony request and will be able to perform in an educated and professional manner.
Guest Book
Please take a few moments to sign our guest book. This helps others to learn about our site and it increases the general feelings of goodwill that contact with you generates.
Sunday SchoolIf you'd like to share one of your Sunday School lessons, we have an area posted to share them, as well as a new feature where you can get different lessons email to you every week. Then you can pick and choose what to share with your students.
Stories & Sermons
We're always looking to hear your sermons, poetry and Stories. Tell us about your wedding or funeral experiences or how you came to the church.
We also have a new feature where you can receive sermons emailed directly to your email address every week. This may work out a lot easier for those who like to keep up, but don't always have time to go to the site.
.Robes and StolesThe Robes and Stoles take approximately six weeks to arrive, unless it's something our distributor has in stock.. We are working on improving that delivery time, but right now that's the best we can do, so please try to be patient. There are some styles that we have in stock, so if you need it right away, please feel free to ask.
Visit Our Website |
ULC Seminary
4714 Careyback Ave.
Elk Grove, CA 95758
To remove yourself from this newsletter, please click here:http://www.ulcseminary.org/mailing/users/unsub.php?Mem=84062&ConfirmCode=d744976fb48d66bfdf0e052b4e711e54Hello char,
Happy Mother's Day! This month we have a lot of announcements, so please bear with me and read them all.
THE BOOK IS DONE! - Since this is the most exciting thing, I'm going to lead with this. The book is done. I'd like to thank everyone who submitted ceremonies and apologize to anyone whose ceremony I wasn't able to include. It was a difficult decision as to which ceremonies to include and at some point, I had to cut it off.http://www.ulcseminary.org/oscommerce/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/198
The book is heading off to the printers shortly. At this time, we are offering you a special deal on this amazing new 400 page book.
This book has all the wedding ceremonies from The Ultimate Wedding & Ceremony Workbook, along with tons more.
By having the ceremonies of the yellow book in this beautiful hardbound book, you increase your level of professionalism.
There are also Divorce Ceremonies, Baptisms, Baby Namings, House Blessings, Funeral Ceremonies, Pet Funerals (For a dog and for a goldfish) and a lot more. There are blessings for boats, a Quincinera ceremony and other interesting ceremonies. As a minister, it's great to be prepared. With this book, along with its companion, you'll have everything you could possibly need.
For a limited time, we are offering the book at a deeply discounted pre-sale price. The cost of printing is astronomical, so we're offering you a chance for a discount while also helping us cover the cost of getting the book printed. This price is good for the next month, at which time it'll go up for the next two weeks before the book is ready to be shipped. You can also get the first book at a discounted rate as well, to complete your collection.
When you order now, the books will be shipped as soon as we get them in. When you place your order, we will hold your order (with the exception of courses ordered) until the books arrive, so you may want to order the books separately.
NEW FEATURE - The newest feature that we have is in the Spiritual Sermon section of the site. In the Religious (Christian) section, we've had a weekly sermon section where you can get a sermon emailed to you. We now have that for the Spiritual Sermon section. You'll get either a sermon or a mini-course on spiritual writings. Some of them are from our ministers and others are some great things I've found on the internet. If you are interested in spiritual topics and spiritual growth, this is a great free thing to sign up for.www.ulcseminary.org/sermonSpiritual.php
Essays from the various programs are at:www.ulcseminaryprogram.blogspot.com.
NEW COURSE: We have a brand new course, hinted at in a previous mailing, called Dr. of Spiritual Development. It's a college-level course about spiritual development. A sample can be found atwww.ulcseminary.org/spiritualdevelopment.php. The course uses NLP techniques, among others, to show you how to improve the quality of your life and your intereactions with others. Some of the topics include:
- Improving clarity of Purpose
- Stacking anchors to concentrate focus and intent
- Implementing the nature of purpose into your daily lives -- Futurepacing change
- Connecting with the Divine through naturally occurring altered states (Shamanic and Meditative States of Consciousness)
- Sacred Trance -- Listening for the still voice within
- Deepening Levels of Sacred Trance -- How to reach Focus Points of Awareness
- Out of Body Journeying/Soul Journeys
- Generative Visualization -- Connecting with the Divine through the Movies in Your Mind
ORDINATION CEREMONY - I've had several people ask me for a ceremony for ordination/installation. I now have a few to offer. Have any of you come up with a ceremony to ordain someone into your church or for installation into your church? If so, please send it to me and I'll post it as well. The latest ones I've received are listed under 'other' ceremonies on the site.http://www.ulcseminary.org/otherceremony.php
PRE-MARITAL COUNSELING- This is a topic that several people have asked me about. We do offer a pre-marital counseling kit that is Christian-oriented, but we'd like to have some other options. If any of you have done any pre-marital counseling and have any forms, questionnaires, or other material you'd be willing to share with the other ministers, please send it to me so I can post it.http://www.ulcseminary.org/oscommerce/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/189
RSS FEED - The last thing is the RSS feed. I'm trying to figure out how to keep it updated by email. It's a WordPress blog. I can't make it work. Does anyone know how it works and can they help me set it up? That way I can keep it updated better. Thanks.
PAYPAL - Since several people have asked, I'll throw it out there that we do accept paypal. It's not hooked to the shopping cart because the interface never worked right. If you want to pay by paypal, the address is amy@ulcseminary.org. You can place your order through the store, hit 'check or money order' when you check out, then make a note that you're paying by paypal and I'll keep an eye out for it. I hope that helps. :)
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, etc. please feel free to ask. Oh, and if your name is, by chance, incorrect, it can easily be adjusted just by letting me know. :) Also, for those who have asked, there are still copies of the ULC book, The Many Faces of ULC available.
Rev. Amy Long
Program Director,
To be removed, click here: http://www.ulcseminary.org/mailing/users/unsub.php?Mem=84062&ConfirmCode=d744976fb48d66bfdf0e052b4e711e54
Universal Life Church Seminary "Doing that which is right."Universal Life Church Seminary**********ClarificationHello char!I'm sorry to bother you, but after the last announcement, I got a lot of emails about a problem with the links, as well as a little confusion about how the new book offer works.
It seems that the program ate the first part of all the links. Odd, because it has never done that before.
The link to order a pre-sale copy of the new book 'More Weddings, Funerals and Rites of Passage' for $19.95 is:
Please copy and paste this address into your browser (if the link doesn't work again for some reason) if you are interested in the book. You'll notice, in the description, there is a drop-down menu that says 'discounted copy of 1st book'. What this means is that if you don't have the first volume of ceremonies and would like one for $5 off, you can add it at that time. If not, just change it to 'no thank you' and the price will reflect only the $19.95 for a discounted copy of the new book. This price will be through the month of May.
Also, apparently the link for the new course was broken as well. The course is called 'Dr. of Spiritual Development'. The address for more info about the course is:
Have a great day!
If you have any questions, please write to me any time at amy@ulcseminary.org.
To be removed, click the link:
http://www.ulcseminary.org/mailing/users/unsub.php?Mem=84062&ConfirmCode=d744976fb48d66bfdf0e052b4e711e54This is the ULC Seminary Newsletter. To unsubscribe, click the link on the bottom of the page.
Hello Reverend char!
Welcome to the Universal Life Church Seminary Newsletter, where we want to educate you, inform you and invite you to participate. If you didn't request this letter or wish to discontinue it, please scroll down to the bottom and hit the unsubscribe link. If it doesn't work for any reason, please just reply and let us know to unsubscribe you and we will with no problem.
We have some new sections in the sermon area that might interest you. Some people prefer to get their sermons emailed to them, so we have made this possible by setting up a weekly mailing of various sermons. This service is free, so go to the sermon section and sign up. We also expect to have the same function available for Sunday School lessons as well. (This may already be done by the time you get this newsletter.)
If you have any suggestions for things you'd like to see, please write to me at amy@ulcseminary.org and I'll do what I can.
If your name is listed incorrectly or you'd like to change your contact info, you can write to amy@ulcseminary.org.Donations:
Recently, I've had a number of people ask me where they can make donations to the Seminary. Some people have been listed on the Announcements page and their donations are greatly appreciated. I have never been about making money, but at consistent urging, I decided to add a place for donations in the shopping cart. The Seminary has grown really huge and the site requires a considerable amount of maintainence. I have plans to hire someone to help me as soon as the site is making enough to support some help (for what I can afford to pay.) We have had donated the course in Shamanism; all proceeds from that course will go towards hiring some help for the Seminary. We will have a course in counseling soon that has also been donated and will be used for the same thing. If either course interests you, taking them will greatly support getting the Seminary caught up and expanded.Seminary Course Information:If you know someone who you feel would be an appropriate instructor for any course, please first go to www.ulcseminary.org/coursesubmission.php to look at the course submission guidelines, then send your idea and outline to amy@ulcseminary.org.If you are taking a course, remember that when it's done, you need to email me your essay or I can't send out your certificate. The essays are posted onwww.ulcseminaryprogram.blogspot.com. If you have submitted your essay, but not gotten your degree, look for your essay there. If you find it, then your essay has been processed and the certificate should be on its way. If it was posted awhile ago and you don't have it, let me know please so I can re-issue you one for you. Also, since someone stole our original blog name, we had to change the name of it to the one above. Please check it out. If it gets a lot of hits, it can get us back into the search engines more readily.New Product Info:To join the seminary, go to www.ulcseminary.org/seminaryProgram.php From that page, you will find information about each class and a link to apply to be a student. Thistakes only a few minutes to do and, once entered into the database, you'll start receiving emails every two weeks with samples of courses and other information.
Our newest products are the disciples crosses.
They come in red, silver and black I've gotten a lot of really great comments on them.. There is more information about them on the website using the link below..This unique necklace is made up of three components that are significant in remembering what the cross stands for. The wrapped wire stands for the thorn branches twisted into a crown to mock the King of Kings.
Below is an essay from one of the students of the Master of Comparative Religion Course. I will periodically be including some of the essays to give you an idea of what the courses are about and to determine what might be of interest. The complete list of programs is at www.ulcseminaryprogram.blogspot.com.
By Rev. Lauren MoloneyFirst, I would like to extend my thanks to Rev. Kythera Ann for putting her time, energy, and knowledge into this course. Also, to the Seminary director Rev. Amy Long for having the inspiration of starting the seminary to begin with. I am sure there are many of us who will agree.Second, to say I loved this course. I was challenged. I appreciated having a break down of various beliefs that I normally would not have taken the time to learn about, much less even thought of.
For the final essay we were asked to write about what we have gained from this course. What we liked most, what we liked least, any improvements we would suggest and comments that we had. As for what I have gained, the list could get as long as my “wish list” of books from the Recommended Reading section from each of the discourses.
Each of the religions mentioned have their similarities of course, but the details are where the biggest differences come in. Take the section in lesson 3 about the Golden Rule. With very few exceptions, most religions boil down to: treat everyone they way you want to be treated. But it’s where the emphasis comes in that says the most about each path. Like in Baha’i, in addition to their golden rule they added an aspect of personal integrity. Compare that to Islam, which starts off on a negative thought (“not one of you is a believer unless…”) and to Jainism and Native American, both of which include nature and “All things” in the rule. But only one of the rules listed, acknowledged that accomplishing this task is not always attainable. In Mencius VII.A.4 is says “Try your best to treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself, and you will find that this is the shortest way to benevolence”. Try your best, isn’t that the simplest way to put it? We may not always get it right, but as long as our intent was there it counts.
I had heard about esoteric teachings, especially on the History channel when they have shows on about various religions. But exoteric was new to me, as a word at least. Mostly, I think this is because of our basic need/want to see behind the curtain. People don’t often talk about what they already know, they want to figure out the mysteries, solve the. These lessons had me enthralled. Although I think it is a bit arrogant of the former president Bush to say that the Universal Laws of Noah are “the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization”. Did he mean to say western civilization, or some variation? Because otherwise isn’t he implying that societies unaware of Noah were not civilized? This is not to say that I didn’t understand the greater lesson and importance of the legislation, it’s just that, that particular tidbit stuck out for me.
I could write about every discourse. Each one taught me something, even if it was that I had absolutely no interest in that particular religion at this point in time. Next week, who knows, I could find it most fascinating, which is why I didn’t mention which religion it was. And this takes us to what I liked the best.
Lesson 12 is the one I underlined and highlighted the most. Religious ceremonies are the meat and potatoes part of any religious practice. They connect and enrich. Especially when you think of how historically the feeling of being empowered by the members of the congregation was most likely not an emotion they felt often. It’s probably why people went to church so often.
It was amazing to see the similarities of the December rituals. Osiris, dies, is entombed and is reborn. Dionysos, was killed and is reborn. Jesus is born. Emperor Aurelian began the festival called the “Birthday of the Unconquered Sun”. I see a pattern here.
Rituals and Ceremonies give a sense of community and direction in an often lonely and chaotic world. As reverends and people of the cloth, it is our responsibility to provide the direction for the men and women who look to us for leadership. But just as important is allowing those same people, to provide their own direction. Being raised Catholic; this was my chief reason for leaving the church. But I digress.
Another area I liked, which is purely from a personal point of view, is now I can discuss concepts form various religions. From the concepts of sin and salvation (in lesson 11) to creating a sacred space (lesson 13) at the absolute least, this course has helped me become a better conversationalist.
I find it hard to answer the questions, what I liked least, and how I think these discourses can be improved.
Ecologically, I would have preferred the lessons be able to be printed out on fewer pages and using less ink without having to edit each section. I’m also a charts and lists kind of girl. I know this wouldn’t work on this level, but maybe throw some more in?
As far as suggestions go, discourse quizzes I’ve always found helped to focus me on aspects I may have overlooked. Most of the lessons had a question or two in the Suggested Activities section, maybe add a couple of questions to get the mental juices flowing. The only other suggestion I would make is, to make part 1 about 4 or 5 bigger religions and make each of those more in-depth, and then make part 2 about 4 or 5 other religions that may be lesser known. Or even mix them up say Part 1 is: Judaism, Christianity, Sikh, & Taoist. Than make Part 2 Buddhism, Wicca, Baha’i, Islam, & Jainism.
All in all, I would recommend this course even if it wasn’t a required class for graduation. It was well written, intelligent, even handed, and challenging.
When Part 2 comes out I will be signing up for that as well.
Thank you again,
Blessed Be,
Rev. Lauren MoloneyDo you know:
The Master of Metaphysical Healing is one of our newest courses and is very interesting. It's similar to Reiki style healing.The other new course is the Dr. of Spirituality. We have a sample lesson online as well as a great write-up, so check it out. It's written by Loretta Siani, who wrote the Dr. of Metaphysics program.
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ULC SEMINARY – Loretta SianiHello char,This is a sample lesson of the Dr. of Spirituality course. This course is not a new age fad. It is based on solid spiritual wisdom and offers real mentoring not only for ministers but for anyone who is looking for a way to escape the pain and suffering of this world. Based on the radical metaphysics of A Course in Miracles The Miracle of Prayer offers its students step by step guidance on how to lay aside the characteristic patterns of thinking that have failed them in the past and open themselves up to receive the truth about themselves and about the power of prayer. It teaches the spiritual and psychological reality of love that produces miracles instead of the worldly illusion of attack, judgment and separateness that produces sickness, war, depression, phobias, fears and every kind of malady. It teaches its students how to harness the power of the mind to overcome these worldly obstacles to love and how to use that power to work miracles.If you are interested in ordering the complete course, go tohttp://www.ulcseminary.org/oscommerce/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=29&products_id=176Welcome to lesson four of the Dr. of Spirituality program. Each week you will receive a discourse that talks about the Miracle of Prayer. You will be receiving an email for this course approximately once a week. If for any reason you don’t receive one, please write to amy@ulcseminary.org so she can re-send your material.
Dr. of Spiritualitywww.ulcseminary.orgUniversal Life Church Seminary**********Lesson 4 - ForgivenessForgivenessNo gift of Heaven has been more misunderstood than has forgiveness.A Course in MiraclesThus far we have seen how A Course in Miracles fills familiar spiritual teachings with radical new meanings that change our minds about the kind of God we believe in. These new meanings, that primarily change us, not God, also turn out to change the way in which we pray. In particular, they turn out to have a transformational effect on the way in which we pray for forgiveness.
Everyone knows that the most fundamental of all Christian teachings is the idea of forgiveness. We have already said that Jesus himself was the great symbol of forgiveness. Yet the Course says that no other gift of God has been more misunderstood than forgiveness. Its traditional use has made a mockery of what Jesus taught and God intended. What was to function as a healing agent has become an instrument of guilt. Its purpose therefore now suits the ego far more than God. It tears down rather than builds up and turns God's mercy into a twisted knife that would destroy the holy Son He loves. (Song of Prayer-2.I.2: 6).
In this chapter we will examine what the Course calls True Forgivenessversus the Forgiveness to Destroy promoted by this world and the Three Steps to Forgiveness. Along the way we’ll gain new insight into what it means to “overlook sin,” and how it is impossible to forgive others without forgiving ourselves.
Forgiveness to Destroy
Jesus says that the kind of forgiveness that is traditionally taught by the world is the kind that tears down rather than builds up. This is why he calls it forgiveness to destroy. It’s more about disparagement and denigration than it is about mercy. It’s more about vengeance and reinforcing guilt than it is about absolution. Following are four examples of how the world’s forgiveness destroys.
1. We’ve all experienced situations in which we believed we were “wronged.” Perhaps we felt someone “cheated” us or betrayed our trust in some way. These are the exact situations that are dear to the heart of the ego and its forgiveness to destroy. It seeks them out in order to “prove” that you, the injured, innocent party, are subject to the evil that exists in the other person. Here the ego uses forgiveness to destroy to teach you to “forgive” the other party for two reasons: one, because he or she is “guilty” of injuring you; and two, because he is inherently inferior to you, as his guilt proves. Your ego tells you that you are “better than he” and therefore you mustn’t “stoop” to his level by counter attacking.
Jesus says that while this kind of “forgiveness” appears to be doling out mercy what it’s really dolling out is arrogance. With this kind approach we purport to forgive but secretly despise our offender and want “what goes around to come around” to him. Jesus asks us to consider how it could possible for us to forgive and hate someone at the same time. Forgiveness and hate are irreconcilable. We can either forgive someone or denounce him. We can’t do both things at the same time. Jesus says, as long as we hate and seek revenge for what was “done to us” we are being arrogant not forgiving. Moreover, the hate we harbor in our hearts blocks the flow of love in our own lives and imprisons us as much as it does our “offender.”
2. Another kind of forgiveness to destroy is the kind where we forgive another person not because we feel like we are “better than he or she” but because we feel we are “just like him.” In this situation we empathize with the other person’s weakness so much that we feel we have to forgive him. Our own guilt tells us we are as unworthy and deserving of punishment as he is, but we absolve him because we want to be absolved ourselves.
Jesus says that this kind of forgiveness may appear to be humble but it’s actually just as arrogant as the first type. Why? because self condemnation is no different than condemnation of another. They both deny the truth of who and what we really are. This kind of condemnation is the ego’s vicious attack upon the integrity of the Self. It is constantly looking for ways to negate the truth about us and make us feel unworthy and deserving of punishment. What’s worse, we are constantly listening to and believing what it says. The low opinion of ourselves that we buy into on a regular basis is what Jesus tells us is one of our biggest problems. He is asking us to let go of all this self degradation because it is precisely this self degradation that is hiding the truth from our awareness.
Weakness is an attribute made up by our ego not by God. Furthermore, God does not punish or despise us for our weaknesses. We do. We are always underestimating and undervaluing ourselves and investing our faith in whatwe made instead of what God made. The truth is you are the glorious reflection of God. You are His Son. There is nothing you can do today, tomorrow or yesterday that could ever destroy or even remotely threaten what God has made perfect. Only the ego has the nerve to claim this. Only the ego can be this arrogant. This doesn’t mean we should deny our “wrongdoings.” It means we should not fall into the trap of identifying with them.
The most wholesome response to the weaknesses we find in ourselves is to pray to God that He find new purpose in them. Then our weaknesses can become our blessings and the very means by which we can uncover ourlost, eternal true selves. As the great Mahatma Gandhi’s said, My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as are my successes and talents and I lay them both at his feet.
3. There is another type of forgiveness to destroy that is particularly insidious. This type of “forgiveness” is the kind offered by the martyr who “suffers in silence” at the hands of another.” Here’s what Jesus says about martyrdom:
…whenever you consent to suffer pain, to be deprived, unfairly treated or in need of anything, you but accuse your brother of attack upon God's Son. You hold a picture of your crucifixion before his eyes, that he may see his sins are writ in Heaven in your blood and death, and go before him, closing off the gate and damning him to hell. (Text -27..I.. 3-6.)
One can clearly see that the “martyr’s” sacrifice is in reality an act of cruel condemnation not saintly charity. It secretly seeks to destroy the other person not build him up. Rather than pardoning the other person the martyr is tacitly justifying his or her reasons for resenting her. The overall purpose of martyrdom is to make one’s self look good at another person’s expense.
4. Another form of forgiveness to destroy is the kind that attempts to make bargains with the one who’s supposedly “injured” you. This masquerade for forgiveness says “I’ll forgive you if you do such and such or give me such and such. This twisted version of “forgiveness” turns it into a vehicle of slavery rather than one of freedom. Jesus says that anything that purports to take away freedom is not forgiveness.
True Forgiveness
No gift of Heaven has been more misunderstood than has forgiveness. (Song of Prayer -2.I.1) The reason for this is that the ego is so clever at twisting forgiveness into a tool of condemnation rather than one of mercy. Yet Jesus tells us forgiveness is the very means by which we can return to God. In fact he teaches us that forgiveness is the singular ingredient that actually potentiates our prayers. Forgiveness offers wings to prayer, to make its rising easy and its progress swift. (Song of Prayer -2.in.1)
True forgiveness is the greatest help that God ordained for us. In this regard, forgiveness is not something that is possible for us to do on our own. True forgiveness is something that is done for us by the mercy of God and through us by the power of the Holy Spirit. A more complete discussion of how the Holy Spirit works through us will occur in Chapter 5. For now we’ll pay attention to the remedy God gives us for forgiveness to destroyand some of the other attributes of true forgiveness.
1. True forgiveness is something that is done for us by the mercy of God and through us by the power of the Holy Spirit. we cannot do it on our own. We need God’s help. When we pray to ask for His help the remedy He gives us through the Holy Spirit is what Jesus calls Christ’s vision. WhenChrist’s vision is restored to our minds we are able to see beyond what anyone does to us all the way through to the truth of who and what they really are. Our Christ vision sees no guilt at all and so asks for no recompense. Christ is for all because He is in all. (Song of Prayer -2.II.7:7). What is actually happening is that Christ’s vision is restoring our awareness of the truth of who and what we really are. Once we recall the truth about ourselves we recognize that our case in mistaken identity has been forgiven. Now it is impossible for us to continue to purport arrogance, justify resentment, seek retaliation, be a martyr, or make demands of any kind. When we awaken to the truth we demand nothing from others because we need nothing. We want only to give. And what we give is the remedy that has been given to us – true forgiveness through Christ’s vision.
When we receive God’s remedy the idea that we are justified in attack or holding grievances of any kind vanishes from our minds. Our perception of the situation shifts. We no longer worry about what to do or say in order to forgive. Christ’s vision gives us the means to forgive through the Holy Spirit. Our part is to get out of the way. He knows what everyone involved needs in order for forgiveness to be accomplished. Through the voice of the Holy Spirit He tells us what to say and what to do. We don’t have to worry about a thing. Thus true forgiveness is Christ’s function, not ours.
Does this mean that we suddenly we approve of murderers and rapists etc. Does it mean that we blithely allow ourselves to be taken advantage of by those who are unjust? No. It doesn’t. It merely means that instead of seeing what they did as deserving of punishment we are given the ability to see it as a mistake that needs correction. We don’t see them as guilty. Our eyes are opened to seeing them as having forgotten who they really are. We don’t judge them as despicable. We are given the gift of seeing them as calling for love. When someone calls for love the Holy Spirit answers that call through us. He is the one who decides on the form the forgiveness will take. He is the one that makes our hearts, minds and actions right.
2. True forgiveness doesn’t change the other person. True forgiveness changes us. How does it do that? by reminding us that it is impossible for our peace to be taken from us. A heart that is changed by true forgivenessrecognizes that inner peace is not dependent upon circumstances or other people. God’s peace is unchangeable. We can deny it but we can’t alter it in any way. The only way we can lose our peace is through our decision to let it go. Circumstances or other people may appear to rob us of our peace. But in the end they are merely justifications for our decision to let go of God’s peace in the first place. A mind that is changed by true forgiveness now sees these circumstances as vehicles for once again choosing the peace of God.
True forgiveness doesn’t mean that we lack compassion for tragic circumstances or that we approve of or support bad behavior. What it does mean is that our healed perception recognizes that whatever happened it didn’t happen to us. Our true self is invulnerable. Therefore it whatever happened didn’t really harm us. Nothing can ever really harm us. Nor can anyone ever do anything to us that changes us. Why? because the truth cannot be changed. When true forgiveness fills our hearts we perceive those who perpetrate “evil” as those who have forgotten the truth about themselves. In their forgetting they may make grievous mistakes but when they do they are only hurting themselves not us. When our hearts become hosts of true forgiveness we remember that what happens to us in this world doesn’t matter. It’s our resentment over what happens that matters. True forgiveness locks the door on resentment.
3. True forgiveness is always self forgiveness. When we forgive, we’re never really forgiving anyone but ourselves. Why? because the sins we condemn in others are the sins we have first condemned in ourselves.
When we are unforgiving we are full of fear and uncertain of our own identity. Confused about who we really are we are unsure of what to do. Jesus says we’re terrified of the dark and more afraid of the light. We don’t know whether to go forward or backward. We want to live yet we wish we were dead. The only thing we’re sure of is our own condemnation. We think our only escape from the punishment we deserve is to project our guilt onto events outside ourselves. Our projected fear makes us perceive things that seem to be attacking us. Worse still, our unforgiving minds are unwilling to question the judgments that we make about these things.
A mind that is filled with true forgiveness is willing to question its judgments. True forgiveness is open-minded. Open mindedness makes way for Christ’s vision to shine through us. It makes way for the Holy Spirit to use the people and circumstances of our lives to teach us to reclaim our peace. It uses them to teach us to forgive others in order to forgive ourselves.
4. True forgiveness gives up the idea that another person has “wronged” us in any way. It recognizes …,
… what you thought your brother did to you has not occurred. It does not pardon sins and make them real. It sees there was no sin. And in that view are all your sins forgiven. (Workbook - pII.1.1)
What is this really saying? Is it saying that your husband or wife didn’t cheat on you, that your mother or father didn’t abuse you; that your son or daughter wasn’t raped? Is it saying that murder doesn’t happen and wars are all in our imagination? Is it making a mockery out of justice?
No it isn’t saying or doing any of this. If you go back and read the quote carefully you’ll see that it says that what you thought your brother did to you did not occur. It’s not saying that an event did or didn’t happen. It’s saying what you thought happened didn’t happen. It’s giving you a way of seeing what happened through Christ’s vision instead of yours.
This is why true forgiveness doesn’t pardon sins. Pardoning sins makes the sins real. It gives power to what is false in the first place. True forgivenessdoesn’t make our enemies wrong and then struggle to “overlook” what they have done by refraining to punish them. It doesn’t see wrong in them in the first place. It sees there was no sin. It sees only a call for love and so responds with love.
You may be thinking “this all sounds good but it’s just too lofty of an idea for me to swallow.” I’m on your side. I have felt the same way too. But try to let this idea in if only for a moment. We think bad things happen to us because we are so identified with our bodies. We think what happens to our bodies happens to us. But we are not our bodies. We are the ones using our bodies. In the same way, we are not our livelihoods, our possessions, our money. We are not our hurt feelings. We are not our lost reputation. We are not our blind eyes or our paralyzed legs. We are not our injuries. We are not our cancer. We are not the abuses we suffered as children. We are not even our gender. We are not our bodies. We are spirit. As spirits we are invulnerable to the happenings of this world. We are God’s Son. His one eternal love. Complete and healed and whole. And who we are can never, ever change or be taken from us in any way shape or form.
Three Steps to Forgiveness
As was already said forgiveness is a gift from God that offers wings to prayer, to make its rising easy and its progress swift. If this is the case, the question is how do we accept the wings of prayer? How do we make a welcoming place in our hearts for forgiveness? The Course says there are three steps to praying for forgiveness:
1. The first step is a prayer to forgive the other person. Actually it is a prayer that asks that it be shown to us how what we have condemned in another is what we have first condemned in ourselves. What we are actually praying for is that we be shown how to withdraw our projection from the event in order that we may take responsibility for our part. In this step our prayer might sound something like:
Please help me to be at peace.
Help me to see that the problem that I face is in me
not in the situation or the person.
It is my perception that has caused my loss of peace.
Please heal my perception.
This prayer asks that the problem be brought back to the only place where it can be resolved – in our mind. Why is this so? Because our problem is never what we think it is. Our problem is always our belief in our problem. The ego wants us to think that the answer to our problem is outside ourselves. But the answer is always within. God placed the remedy within our mind. Therefore the only place where our mistaken perceptions can be healed is within our mind.
2. The second step entails asking for help in healing our perception of ourselves. It asks for help in abandoning our false perception of ourselves in favor of our true Self. Here our prayer sounds something like:
What I have chosen and decided has cost me the vision
of who and what I really am.
Now I ask for help from the Holy Spirit to
Undo the consequences of my wrong decision.
3. The third step calls for the Holy Spirit to do everything else. The only thing we have to do is give him what Jesus calls our “little willingness” that he may bridge our little willingness with the willingness of God. In the third step to forgiveness our prayer sounds as simple as:
I give everything to the Holy Spirit. Please let him decide for God for me.
One can see that the first two steps entail our decision to change. The last step entails our decision to let the Holy Spirit change us. Each of these steps are based on a prayer that Jesus teaches us in the Course and urges us to use any time we feel we have lost our peace.
I must have decided wrongly, because I am not at peace. I made the decision myself, but I can also decide otherwise. I want to decide otherwise, because I want to be at peace. I do not feel guilty, because the Holy Spirit will undo all the consequences of my wrong decision if I will let Him. I choose to let Him by allowing Him to decide for God for me. (Text – t.VII.6:7-1 1)
Prayer Exercise:
1. Explain how you agree or disagree with the Course’s view of true forgiveness. Give examples that support your thoughts.
2. Re-write one of your own prayers for forgiveness in light of the true forgiveness taught by the Course. Show the before and after examples here:
Prayer Visualization:1
Sit in a comfortable chair, feet flat on the floor, eyes closed. Put your attention on your breathing. Follow it’s gentle rising and falling until you notice that it and your heart rate have slowed down. Affirm your intention to let God’s gift of true forgiveness come through your heart and give wings to your prayers.
Now in your mind’s eye
Select someone you fear or even hate; someone you think you love who angered you; someone you call a friend, but whom you see as difficult at times or hard to please, demanding, irritating or untrue to the ideal you set up for him.. Regard his body with its flaws and better points as well, and think of his mistakes and even of his "sins." Review his/her faults, the difficulties you have had, the pain or neglect and hurts he or she has created.
Affirm your decision to take back your projection from this person. Affirm your decision take back your peace. Pray to the One who knows this Son of God in his reality and truth that you may look on him in a different way, and see him through Christ’s eyes shining in the light of true forgiveness. Ask Him in the name of Jesus:
Please heal my perception of the situation and the person involved. Let me see him or her through the eyes of Christ. Let me see his or her innocence instead of their guilt; Let me see them as part of myself.
Affirm your desire to refuse to let this person’s light be hidden behind your justification for resentment or by the grievance you hold.
Let my mind behold the light in this person that is beyond all my anger.
Now picture a pure white light radiating above this person’s head, showering down over him or her and filling his entire being. See him showered with love, attention, good health and all the time to enjoy these gifts. See him enjoying himself or receiving whatever you think he would perceive as a good thing for him. Pray to the Holy Spirit:
Let me give everything in this situation to you.
Please decide for God for me.
Now rest in certainty and patience that your prayer will be answered. What you have asked for cannot be denied because what you have asked for is the truth. It is the only kind of prayer which reaches God who loves all His sons. God thanks you for your prayer. Become aware of how much more relaxed and at peace you feel now. Open your eyes feeling relieved and ready to let the wings of true forgiveness have a transformational, easy and swift effect on your life.
1 adapted from Lesson 78 in the Workbook of A Course in Miracles.You are encouraged to post your lessons on the forum or send them to amy@ulcseminary.org and she will post them for you. The goal is to begin some meaningful dialog with other ministers and to learn from the different exchanges.
Talk to you next week!
The main website is www.ulcseminary.orgHello char,
Happy Early Father's Day and Happy Early birthday to me. (LOL)
Some of this material is repeated from last month, as I know that not everyone gets a chance to read every email that crosses your mailbox. :)
THE BOOK WILL BE BACK FROM THE PRINTERS SOON! - The book is at the printers now and is due in about a month. Those who pre-order will get it first and those of you who do should have it in your hands in the first week or so of July.http://www.ulcseminary.org/oscommerce/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/198
At this time, we are continuing to offer you the special deal on this amazing new 400 page book.
This book has all the wedding ceremonies from The Ultimate Wedding & Ceremony Workbook, along with tons of brand new ceremonies of wide variety.
By having the ceremonies of the yellow book in this beautiful hardbound book, you increase your level of professionalism and it's a great resource. In addition to those wedding ceremonies are a ton more new ones.
There are also Divorce Ceremonies, Baptisms, Baby Namings, House Blessings, Funeral Ceremonies, Pet Funerals (For a dog and for a goldfish) and a lot more. There are blessings for boats, a Quincinera ceremony and other interesting ceremonies. As a minister, it's great to be prepared. With this book, along with its companion, you'll have everything you could possibly need.
For a limited time, we are continuing to offer the book at the deeply discounted pre-sale price. The cost of printing is astronomical, so we're offering you a chance for a discount while also helping us cover the cost of getting the book printed. You can also get the first book at a discounted rate as well, to complete your collection. When you look to order the book, if you only want a copy of the second book, look at the options and change it to 'no thank you' and you'll just be charged for the one book. If you want a copy of the first ceremonies book, leave it saying 'discounted copy of first book' and you'll get that book for $19.95 as well.
Once printed, this book will never again be offered at this price, so get it while you have a chance. Order it by mail now, if you need to save up for the book, so you'll at least have the book locked in at that price. You'll have a little time to save the money before the offer is withdrawn. You can send payment when you have it.
When you order now, the books will be shipped as soon as we get them in. When you place your order, we will hold your order (with the exception of courses ordered) until the books arrive, so you may want to order the books separately.
NEW FEATURE - The newest feature I mentioned last month, is in the Spiritual Sermon section of the site. In the Religious (Christian) section, we've had a weekly sermon section where you can get a sermon emailed to you. We now have that for the Spiritual Sermon section. You'll get either a sermon or a mini-course on spiritual writings. Some of them are from our ministers and others are some great things I've found on the internet. If you are interested in spiritual topics and spiritual growth, this is a great free thing to sign up for.www.ulcseminary.org/sermonSpiritual.php So far, it has been a huge success. The feedback I'm getting is overwhelmingly positive.
NEW SEMINARY EMAIL ADDRESSES? - I have an idea for a few new things and would like some feedback. I recently had someone ask if he could buy a ulcseminary.org email address. This is something I could easily set up for people to order by the year. I don't know if this is a big interest or just his. Drop me a line and let me know.
DEGREE CARDS -The other thing that I've been asked about is getting copies of degree cards for those who got a Dr. of Divinity or other degree from ulc headquarters and would like it on a degree card. We would need to see a copy of whatever degree you're asking for and its date of issue from headquarters before we could supply it, but since they don't offer the cards, we would basically duplicate it for you on a plastic card. The issuing body would still be headquarters, so this is only a new way to carry and show off your degree -- we are not issuing that particular degree itself. We only would send them out after we receive a picture of your degree with your name and date of issue visible. Is this something of interest? If so, let me know. (To clarify, we do still offer our own degrees, but the ones from headquarters are different and are separate from them. We are offering the degree cards for courses you've already finished.)
NEW COURSE: We have a brand new course, mentioned in a previous mailing, called Dr. of Spiritual Development. It's a college-level course about spiritual development. A sample can be found atwww.ulcseminary.org/spiritualdevelopment.php. The course uses NLP techniques, among others, to show you how to improve the quality of your life and your intereactions with others. Some of the topics include:
- Improving clarity of Purpose
- Stacking anchors to concentrate focus and intent
- Implementing the nature of purpose into your daily lives -- Futurepacing change
- Connecting with the Divine through naturally occurring altered states (Shamanic and Meditative States of Consciousness)
- Sacred Trance -- Listening for the still voice within
- Deepening Levels of Sacred Trance -- How to reach Focus Points of Awareness
- Out of Body Journeying/Soul Journeys
- Generative Visualization -- Connecting with the Divine through the Movies in Your Mind
It's a course like no other and it's really amazing. The reviews so far, from those who have started it, is that it's a whole new way of looking at spiritual growth.
ORDINATION CEREMONY - I've had several people ask me for a ceremony for ordination/installation. I now have a few to offer. Have any of you come up with a ceremony to ordain someone into your church or for installation into your church? If so, please send it to me and I'll post it as well. The latest ones I've received are listed under 'other' ceremonies on the site.http://www.ulcseminary.org/otherceremony.php
Essays from the various programs are at:www.ulcseminaryprogram.blogspot.com.
PRE-MARITAL COUNSELING- This is a topic that several people have asked me about. We do offer a pre-marital counseling kit that is Christian-oriented, but we'd like to have some other options. If any of you have done any pre-marital counseling and have any forms, questionnaires, or other material you'd be willing to share with the other ministers, please send it to me so I can post it.http://www.ulcseminary.org/oscommerce/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/189I've had a few people send me info and I'll be posting them as time permits.
RSS FEED - The RSS feed is still of concern. I'm trying to figure out how to keep it updated by email. It's a WordPress blog. I can't make it work. Does anyone know how it works and can they help me set it up? That way I can keep it updated better. Thanks. The email address I send it to will only post the title of the posting and not the actual post itself. If I can get this fixed, the RSS feed will be kept much more updated. :)
PAYPAL - I'm still having people ask, so I'll post this again. We do accept paypal. It's not hooked to the shopping cart because the interface never worked right. If you want to pay by paypal, the address is amy@ulcseminary.org. You can place your order through the store, hit 'check or money order' when you check out, then make a note that you're paying by paypal and I'll keep an eye out for it. I hope that helps. :)
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, etc. please feel free to ask. Oh, and if your name is, by chance, incorrect, it can easily be adjusted just by letting me know. :) Also, for those who have asked, there are still copies of the ULC book, The Many Faces of ULC available.
Rev. Amy Long
Program Director,
www.ulcseminary.orgTo fix your name or change your email, clickhttp://www.ulcseminary.org/mailing/users/modify_details.php?Mem=84062&Send=53&List=1&Conf=d744976fb48d66bfdf0e052b4e711e54&Form=4To be removed from the list, click here: http://www.ulcseminary.org/mailing/users/unsub.php?Mem=84062&ConfirmCode=d744976fb48d66bfdf0e052b4e711e54This is the ULC Seminary Newsletter. To unsubscribe, click the link on the bottom of the page.
Hello Reverend char!
Welcome to the Universal Life Church Seminary Newsletter, where we want to educate you, inform you and invite you to participate. If you didn't request this letter or wish to discontinue it, please scroll down to the bottom and hit the unsubscribe link. If it doesn't work for any reason, please just reply and let us know to unsubscribe you and we will with no problem.
We have some new sections in the sermon area that might interest you. Some people prefer to get their sermons emailed to them, so we have made this possible by setting up a weekly mailing of various sermons. This service is free, so go to the sermon section and sign up. We also expect to have the same function available for Sunday School lessons as well. (This may already be done by the time you get this newsletter.)
If you have any suggestions for things you'd like to see, please write to me at amy@ulcseminary.organd I'll do what I can.
If your name is listed incorrectly or you'd like to change your contact info, you can write tohttp://www.ulcseminary.org/mailing/users/modify_details.php?Mem=84062&Auto=126&List=1&Conf=d744976fb48d66bfdf0e052b4e711e54&Form=4.Donations:
Recently, I've had a number of people ask me where they can make donations to the Seminary. Some people have been listed on the Announcements page and their donations are greatly appreciated. I have never been about making money, but at consistent urging, I decided to add a place for donations in the shopping cart. The Seminary has grown really huge and the site requires a considerable amount of maintainence. I have plans to hire someone to help me as soon as the site is making enough to support some help (for what I can afford to pay.) We have had donated the course in Shamanism; all proceeds from that course will go towards hiring some help for the Seminary. We will have a course in counseling soon that has also been donated and will be used for the same thing. If either course interests you, taking them will greatly support getting the Seminary caught up and expanded.Seminary Course Information:If you know someone who you feel would be an appropriate instructor for any course, please first go to www.ulcseminary.org/coursesubmission.php to look at the course submission guidelines, then send your idea and outline to amy@ulcseminary.org.If you are taking a course, remember that when it's done, you need to email me your essay or I can't send out your certificate. The essays are posted onwww.ulcseminaryprogram.blogspot.com. If you have submitted your essay, but not gotten your degree, look for your essay there. If you find it, then your essay has been processed and the certificate should be on its way. If it was posted awhile ago and you don't have it, let me know please so I can re-issue you one for you. Also, since someone stole our original blog name, we had to change the name of it to the one above. Please check it out. If it gets a lot of hits, it can get us back into the search engines more readily.Featured Product Info:
AMBER stick™ is the only Child ID System endorsed by Code Amber
Why AMBER stick™ ?
In today's day and age, the U.S. Department of Justice places a child's chances of being abducted at 1 out of every 42 (children 19 and under). Every year 359,000 children are kidnapped or go missing. Of that 359,000 total, 4,600 children are kidnapped by people who are not relatives.
Unfortunately, many result in rape and assaults. With roughly 3000 children reported missing daily, this translates to 125 children per hour, roughly 2 children per minute. These numbers do not include the rising rate of adults and the elderly reported missing.
Therefore parents / guardians must stay on the cutting edge of technology in case the unthinkable happens.
Every piece of data concerning missing children states that the first 3 hours of a abduction are the most crucial.
This data also states that it takes about 2 hours for a parent / guardian to give vital information to investigators.
As recommended by National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, every child should have a readily available resource with a current color photo, along with personalized information that can be immediately used in the event that it is needed.
The AMBER stick™ can upload your loved one's profile onto our central server in case of an emergency. In under a minute you can have the information on our server and available to law enforcement all over the country with email/password combination for authorized access. The information can then be passed by a police officer on location to Code Amber for a quick verification and activation of the code amber, Amber Alert ticker.
This innovative software design allows the AMBER stick™ to be the ONLY product of it's kind that is 100% portable and easy to use without any previous computer experience.
Once you have the AMBER stick™ in your possession, you can feel confident knowing that if the unthinkable happens, your child goes missing, you have vital information you will need to provide law enforcement officers instantaneously to issue the local and national AMBER ALERT!
* The AMBER stick™ also automatically creates "Missing Person" flyers instantly.
* The AMBER stick™ automatically creates a file to be imported into a law enforcement officer's computer.
* The AMBER stick™ is password protected and all information is encrypted for total privacy.
* The AMBER stick™ can hold information about your entire family all on one AMBER stick™..
* The AMBER stick™ can hold information about your Children, Elderly family members and Pets
The AMBER stick™ is very simple to use:
* Plug into any available USB port on your computer
* On windows XP and Vista, the Amber Stick Autoplay Feature will pop on your screen
* Start the program and enter your password to unlock
* Select operation mode (Child, Adult or Pet)
* Add your loved one's information and photos
* Done, close the program and un-plug from computer
* Attach to your key chain or place in your wallet
"I have one. Easy to use and works great!" -- Rev. Amy Long
Featured Essay:
Below is an essay from one of the students of the Master of Metaphysics Course. I will periodically be including some of the essays to give you an idea of what the courses are about and to determine what might be of interest. The complete list of programs is at www.ulcseminaryprogram.blogspot.com.
To list all of the spiritual experiences I’ve had from my meditations, or the life-long skills I’ve learned to apply from this course are too numerous to list in one short essay. But let me tell you a short story about living in a difficult situation with an alcoholic roommate, and how this course helped me find a new home.
I moved in with my roommate, we’ll call her Cathy, here in Sedona, Arizona back in December of 2005. At the time we both seemed to be on the same spiritual path, both being interfaith ministers. In the beginning life was grand, and the house we were renting was filled with the sounds of laughter, the vibe of love. As time drew on, Cathy fell in love and experienced all the joys of a new partnered relationship. While at the time she did like to drink socially, however it was never a problem. Then one day she calls me on the phone telling me her boyfriend dumped her and was moving to Canada.
Of course, Cathy was crushed. She stopped going to work as frequently, working for herself as a private contractor, and eventually ending up spending her days in bed depressed. I on the other hand had a new ministry forming, and found I was being constantly bombarded with the “depression vibe” as I call it and dark energy. As time drew on I found out Cathy was drinking more and more alcohol, hoping to fill this new void in her life in some way. Our relationship, while still only roommates and nothing more, was beginning to suffer and I found myself dreading having to go home and dealing with Cathy.
So upon starting this course, I learned the tools of creating protection roses, and filling the space with the golden sun energy. In the morning when I woke up, the first thing I would do is visualize my day – having smooth transitions between all my appointments I needed to keep, as well as creating and destroying roses for the house to help shift Cathy’s depression. I said my daily affirmation, “I am in alignment with God’s will for my life, and I’m a magnet of love and abundance.”
I quickly found I was being less and less affected by this bombardment of negative energy, and I even felt a jump in Cathy’s general energy level. Cathy’s alcohol problem still remained however. This happened to be my first exposure to true alcoholism and the psychological effects of the disease. Needless to say it was an eye opening experience! As time drew on, Cathy’s situation seemed to get worse and worse and my only option was to move out and find a new space to live. When I looked at the local property manager’s websites, as well as cruising the local newspapers I quickly discovered two things: there was no one bedroom/one bathroom apartments available at the time – or the only ones that were available were way out of my price range.
So as time drew on I became increasingly desprate to find a new home while my current living situation was out of control. So one day I come home and find the local city newspaper sitting on the kitchen table. I opened up the paper to the rentals section and my eyes were immediately drawn to an ad for a one bedroom, one bathroom condo here in Sedona. The price was out of my range, but I had the feeling I should call the home owner anyways to inquire. It turned out the condo had been vacant for three months and the couple who owned it were deparately looking for a renter. I completely fell in love with this cute little space that seemed perfect for me, so I made them an offer slightly below their asking price for the monthly rent with a one year lease.
I went home and got to work. I printed off a picture of the house and I wrote down the rent amount I had offered the couple on the picture itself. I used the golden sun technique to surround the house with light and love, and I put the thought in my mind that the condo was already mine. I waited and waited for a call back from the home owners to find out either way if they had accepted my rental offer. A week went by with no word, in retrospect I found out they were just leaving town for a short vacation, but I kept surrounding the house with light and love anyways and expected that I’d be moving in shortly. Amazingly enough, when the home owners returned to Sedona they called me and told me they liked my personality and decided to accept my offer! So in closing, this story is living proof these techniques do work and I’ll carry the skills I’ve learned from this seminary course with me the rest of my life!Do you know:
The Master of Metaphysical Healing is one of our newest courses and is very interesting. It's similar to Reiki style healing.The other new course is the Dr. of Spirituality. We have a sample lesson online as well as a great write-up, so check it out. It's written by Loretta Siani, who wrote the Dr. of Metaphysics program.
After you've been ordained, even if you've lost or misplaced your credential, you are still ordained. You can confirm your ordination by writing to andre@ulchq.com.
If you have any little articles or paragraphs of information about weddings, funerals, baby namings, etc. that you'd like to share or any other tidbit that you think the other ministers would be interested in, we're happy to include it in our newsletter. Send me the information and make note that you intend it for the newsletter and I'll get back to you.We have a terrificforum where you can join in interesting discussions with other ministers?
We also have available Marriage Certificate cards. These are cards you can give to your couples so they can carry a tangible representation of their special day.
They can put in their names, the date and your signature with a permanent ink pen and put it in their wallets.
Our seminary is free to join and you can take classes at your leisure, as time and finances allow?
Consider ordering theInstant Ministry.
You'll be prepared for any ceremony request and will be able to perform in an educated and professional manner.
Guest Book Please take a few moments to sign our guest book. This helps others to learn about our site and it increases the general feelings of goodwill that contact with you generates.
Sunday SchoolIf you'd like to share one of your Sunday School lessons, we have an area posted to share them, as well as a new feature where you can get different lessons email to you every week. Then you can pick and choose what to share with your students.
Stories & Sermons
We're always looking to hear your sermons, poetry and Stories. Tell us about your wedding or funeral experiences or how you came to the church.
We also have a new feature where you can receive sermons emailed directly to your email address every week. This may work out a lot easier for those who like to keep up, but don't always have time to go to the site.
Visit Our Website |
ULC Seminary
4714 Careyback Ave.
Elk Grove, CA 95758
To remove yourself from this newsletter, please click here:http://www.ulcseminary.org/mailing/users/unsub.php?Mem=84062&ConfirmCode=d744976fb48d66bfdf0e052b4e711e54
I'm Rev. Amy Long. If you're new, then welcome to the Universal Life Church Seminary. If you're someone who has been with us for a long time, then..... hello. :)
I'm having some issues with my mailing program, so I wanted to drop you all a note through the store to let you know that the new book, More Weddings, Funerals and Rites of Passage is in. It's now available and can be purchased as a discounted price for a little while longer.
Once the mailing program is 'upgraded' (fixed), the regular mailings will resume. :)
If you had already removed yourself from our regular mailing list, then rest-assured you won't be getting any more after this. This is being sent to anyone who has ordered from us in the past. Hopefully, you're only getting this once. The mail God/Goddess is in a foul mood these days. :)
If you have already ordered it, you probably have it in your hot little hands already. If not, it'll be there any day. Please put in a review when you get a chance.
We also have ID cards available for the Dr. of Motivation that you may have already earned from headquarters. It looks just like the degree you have, but it's in black and gold. You'll have to send proof that you've already earned it before we send the card, but you'll love it when you get it. More degrees will become available as our cardmaker perfects each template.
If you want the special deal on the book AND on the first volume of Weddings, Funerals and Rites of Passage, please hurry and order it now, while you have a chance.
If you have any questions about anything, please write to amy@ulcseminary.org for a prompt reply.
I'm Rev. Amy Long. If you're new, then welcome to the Universal Life Church Seminary. If you're someone who has been with us for a long time, then..... hello. :)
I'm having some issues with my mailing program, so I wanted to drop you all a note through the store to let you know that the new book, More Weddings, Funerals and Rites of Passage is in. It's now available and can be purchased as a discounted price for a little while longer.
Once the mailing program is 'upgraded' (fixed), the regular mailings will resume. :)
If you had already removed yourself from our regular mailing list, then rest-assured you won't be getting any more after this. This is being sent to anyone who has ordered from us in the past.
If you have already ordered it, you probably have it in your hot little hands already. If not, it'll be there any day. Please put in a review when you get a chance.
We also have ID cards available for the Dr. of Motivation that you may have already earned from headquarters. It looks just like the degree you have, but it's in black and gold. You'll have to send proof that you've already earned it before we send the card, but you'll love it when you get it. More degrees will become available as our cardmaker perfects each template.
If you want the special deal on the book AND on the first volume of Weddings, Funerals and Rites of Passage, please hurry and order it now, while you have a chance.
If you have any questions about anything, please write to amy@ulcseminary.org for a prompt reply.
I'm Rev. Amy Long. If you're new, then welcome to the Universal Life Church Seminary. If you're someone who has been with us for a long time, then..... hello. :) I'm having some issues with my mailing program, so I wanted to drop you all a note through the store to let you know that the new book, More Weddings, Funerals and Rites of Passage is in. It's now available and can be purchased as a discounted price for a little while longer. Once the mailing program is 'upgraded' (fixed), the regular mailings will resume. :)
If you have already ordered it, you probably have it in your hot little hands already. Please put in a review when you get a chance.
We also have ID cards available for the Dr. of Motivation that you may have already earned from headquarters. It looks just like the degree you have, but it's in black and gold. You'll have to send proof that you've already earned it before we send the card, but you'll love it when you get it. More degrees will become available as our cardmaker perfects each template.
If you want the special deal on the book AND on the first volume of Weddings, Funerals and Rites of Passage, please hurry and order it now, while you have a chance.
If you have any questions about anything, please write to amy@ulcseminary.org for a prompt reply.
This is the ULC Seminary Newsletter Announcement. To unsubscribe, click the link on the bottom of the page.
"Doing That Which is Right"
Hello char,
The last few weeks have been pretty crazy here at the Seminary. For those of you who have been wondering, our mailing program has been non-functioning. When I did a simple 'upgrade', half of my newsletter database got eaten, which explains why a lot of you have gotten either empty or incomplete mailings. I do apologize about that and I'm working to fix it. That also meant that the ordinations weren't accepting anything new, nor were the Seminary Applications or Newsletter sign-ups working. All in all, very stressful. I have been wanting to get this mailing out for close to two weeks. I have some exciting things to report.
THE NEW BOOK, More Weddings, Funerals and Rites of Passage, is HERE! - Because of the delay in getting this out, those of you who still want to get it at the discounted price may do so for another few days. We're still working on getting the first pre-orders for the book out the door, so during that time, you can still get it at the $19.95 price. After that, it will be $29.95.http://www.ulcseminary.org/store/product_info.php/products_id/198
Those of you who have ordered before got the notice about a week ago that it had arrived. If you got the notice more than once, I apologize. My fault totally. I thought the program wasn't running because it was just sort of spinning and looking at me, so I canceled and sent it again. Just my luck, it was working great. :)
The book came out so beautiful! It has a hardbound, black cover with silver writing. I'm bursting with pride. The ceremonies included are really beautiful and I'm very grateful for all of you who submitted your wonderful work. Those listed in the book will be receiving their copies shortly, if you haven't already. There are a few people who had submitted material for the book and I'd told them it was accepted, then they didn't get in. For those people, I wish to apologize again. I had a computer crash some time ago and I lost a lot. I thought I'd posted that enough to let people know to re-submit, but for some, it was just too late.
"I got the book today. What an excellent job. Everyone involved should be applauded for their contributions. For anyone sitting on the fence wondering if they should buy this book I say jump."
--Rev. Sally Christie
"I just wanted to thank you SO much for sending me the book. It was so exciting for me to see something that I wrote published in a book :) To be honest since I became ordained I have had a horrible fear of speaking in front of a crowd, but now I feel like a "real" minister, and I have agreed to perform 2 weddings, even though I wrote a funeral ceremony for the book :). I owe that confidence to you. I can't thank you enough, and the book looks beautiful! Take care. "
--Rev. Keri R. CharonIn the book are also Divorce Ceremonies, Baptisms, Baby Namings, House Blessings, Funeral Ceremonies, Pet Funerals; a general one, one for a dog, one for a goldfish, and a lot more. There are blessings for boats, a Quincinera ceremony and other interesting ceremonies. As a minister, it's great to be prepared. With this book, along with its companion, you'll have everything you could possibly need.
For just a few days more, we are continuing to offer the book at the deeply discounted pre-sale price. The cost of printing is astronomical, so we're offering you a chance for a discount while also helping us cover the cost of getting the book printed. You can also get the first book at a discounted rate as well, to complete your collection. When you look to order the book, if you only want a copy of the second book, look at the options and change it to 'no thank you' and you'll just be charged for the one book. If you want a copy of the first ceremonies book, leave it saying 'discounted copy of first book' and you'll get that book for $19.95 as well.
Once this sale is done , this book will never again be offered at this price, so get it while you have a chance. Order it by mail now, if you need to save up for the book, so you'll at least have the book locked in at that price. You'll have a little time to save the money before the offer is withdrawn. You can send payment when you have it.
NEW PROJECT - Now that the new book is done, my mind is turning to new projects. I've been working on a new handbook for ministers. I have included in it a lot of stuff posted on the site (mostly from the training section), along with at least one sample ceremony for a wedding, funeral, baby-naming, etc. What other sorts of things would you like to see in it? I am making it partially because I know a lot of people don't have regular access to the internet and would like a hardbound copy of things. Please let me know your suggestions.
HQ DEGREE CARDS - Many of you have been ministers with the ULC for years and years and have received degrees from ULC Headquarters. One of our ministers had asked for a Dr. of Metaphysics card from us, even though he earned the degree from headquarters. I didn't feel right about that, so I asked the cardmaker if he could duplicate the degrees from headquarters onto a card. He has done a beautiful job. We have gotten a lot of the new degree cards posted. So far, we have quite a few done, which look stunning. This way, you can have a pocket credential to show people or just to have for yourself. Before we will send it, we do need to have some proof that you earned the degree from headquarters that you are wanting. Please follow up your request with a picture in an email.
(You'll notice too that we changed the path name to the store, so now it just says 'store' instead of all those other things. Much easier to find.)
He also did a great job of duplicating the ordination credential onto a card as well. It's another option for getting an ID card showing your credentials of ministry.
We are also offering our Seminary Membership Certificates at a big discount right now. We want you to be able to display your affiliation proudly, so we have discounted the certificates to $10.
CHAPLAINCY COURSE - I've just had submitted to me a new chaplaincy course. It would be the first of a full program for people who wish to be chaplains. The Chaplaincy program will consist of this new course, along with several other required courses, including the Comparative Religion and the Spirit Quest. We haven't set the entire program yet, but when we do, we'll let you all know.
ORDINATION CEREMONY - I'm still interested in any more ordination ceremonies that you might have. I've posted the ones I've received, but I'm always interested in how different people do different ceremonies.http://www.ulcseminary.org/otherceremony.php
Essays from the various programs are at:www.ulcseminaryprogram.blogspot.com.
PRE-MARITAL COUNSELING- This is a topic that several people have asked me about. We do offer a pre-marital counseling kit that is Christian-oriented, but we'd like to have some other options. If any of you have done any pre-marital counseling and have any forms, questionnaires, or other material you'd be willing to share with the other ministers, please send it to me so I can post it.http://www.ulcseminary.org/store/product_info.php/products_id/189 I've had a few people send me info and I'll be posting them as time permits.
RSS FEED - The RSS feed is still of concern. I'm trying to figure out how to keep it updated by email. It's a WordPress blog. I can't make it work. Does anyone know how it works and can they help me set it up? That way I can keep it updated better. Thanks. The email address I send it to will only post the title of the posting and not the actual post itself. If I can get this fixed, the RSS feed will be kept much more updated. :)
PAYPAL - Paypal is now available through the church store. We finally got it integrated right. :)
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, etc. please feel free to ask. Oh, and if your name is, by chance, incorrect, it can easily be adjusted using the link at the bottom that says 'modify details':) Also, for those who have asked, there are still copies of the ULC book, The Many Faces of ULC available.
Last, but not least, I'll be on vacation, mostly away from the computer, from the 11th to the 25th of this month. Please be patient if you order a course since it'll take me a few days to get back online. Our orders will still be going out regularly, but the ID cards may take an extra couple of days, as our cardmaker is going for a short vacation as well.
Rev. Amy Long
Program Director,
Visit Our Website |
ULC Seminary
4714 Careyback Ave.
Elk Grove, CA 95758
To Unsubscribe, click here: http://www.ulcseminary.org/mailing/unsubscribe.php?M=84062&C=d744976fb48d66bfdf0e052b4e711e54&L=1&N=17
To fix your name or change your email, clickhttp://www.ulcseminary.org/mailing/modifydetails.php?M=84062&C=d744976fb48d66bfdf0e052b4e711e54&L=1&N=17&F=4This is the ULC Seminary Newsletter Announcement. To unsubscribe, click the link on the bottom of the page.
"Doing That Which is Right"
Hello char ! ,
We have some updates for August. First of all, the mailing program is now working, but I'm still in the process of re-installing all of the regular mailings. So, if you're still getting blank mailings, bear with me. They take awhile to re-install. I've also updated all of the other newsletters to include more information, so that has taken a little while too. It's getting there though!
More Weddings, Funerals and Rites - I know I said that I was going to discontinue the sale on this book, but I also want to be sure that everyone who wants to get it has had a chance to order it at the discounted price. I have posted a survey here:
It only accepts 100 responses, so if we're over the amount and you want to say yes, email me.
NEW SEARCH FUNCTION: We have a web new search function button on the website. It's through a new search group called 'LeapFish'. The cool thing about it is that when you search through it, you can look at Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc. It also automatically shows images, videos from youtube and a lot more. It's one-stop shopping, which is really convenient. Go to the website and try it out. It's on the front page at the top of the gray sidebar.
CHAPLAINCY COURSE - I've just had submitted to me a new chaplaincy course. It would be the first course of a full program for people who wish to be chaplains. The Chaplaincy program will consist of this new course, along with several other required courses, including the Comparative Religion and the Spirit Quest. We haven't set the entire program yet, but when we do, we'll let you all know. We are also getting ready to offer the option of another Christian-oriented chaplaincy course created by Rev. Louis C. Hook. We don't have all the particulars, but his is a college-level course, so we'll keep you posted.
NEW PROJECT - I'm still kicking around ideas for the new Seminary Handbook. If you have any ideas, please let me know. I plan on having one sample of several types of ceremonies, training info from the site, a catalog and a lot more. Oh, I will also be making available the new Weddings, Funerals and Rites book available on disc very shortly. The autoresponder crash has put me way behind.
TWITTER - I signed up the Seminary for Twitter, but I'll be honest -- I don't get it. I don't get what I'm supposed to do or why. lol. I'm working on getting a Facebook going for the Seminary too, but the way things are going these days, it's just too hard to keep up on everything! I get invites all the time for myyearbook and tagged and a bunch of other things like that. Maybe some day. :) If there's anyone who knows about those and want to help keep up a page for the Seminary, I'd greatly appreciate it.
HQ DEGREE CARDS - Many of you have been ministers with the ULC for years and years and have received degrees from ULC Headquarters. One of our ministers had asked for a Dr. of Metaphysics card from us, even though he earned the degree from headquarters. I didn't feel right about that, so I asked the cardmaker if he could duplicate the degrees from headquarters onto a card. He has done a beautiful job. We have gotten a lot of the new degree cards posted. So far, we have quite a few done, which look stunning. This way, you can have a pocket credential to show people or just to have for yourself. Before we will send it, we do need to have some proof that you earned the degree from headquarters that you are wanting. Please follow up your request with a picture in an email.
(You'll notice too that we changed the path name to the store, so now it just says 'store' instead of all those other things. Much easier to fine.)
Our cardmaker also did a great job of duplicating the ordination credential onto a card as well. It's another option for getting an ID card showing your credentials of ministry.
We are also offering our Seminary Membership Certificates at a big discount right now. We want you to be able to display your affiiliation proudly, so we have discounted the certificates to $10.
Wedding Workbooks by the Box - I am pleased to say that there are a lot of you who are finding value in giving a copy of The Ultimate Wedding & Ceremony Workbook for the 'Planning-Impaired' to your brides and grooms. Many of you have been using the Business Builder Package to order more for less. We are now making that even easier. It's a larger up-front cost, but you are saving more money on every book. If you buy the books by the case, you can get the books for a mere $9 each, which is more than 50% off the cover price.
Essays from the various programs are at:www.ulcseminaryprogram.blogspot.com.
Rev. Amy Long
Program Director,
Visit Our Website |
ULC Seminary
4714 Careyback Ave.
Elk Grove, CA 95758
To Unsubscribe, click here: Unsubscribe me from this list
To fix your name or change your email, clickhttp://www.ulcseminary.org/mailing/modifydetails.php?M=84062&C=d744976fb48d66bfdf0e052b4e711e54&L=1&N=247&F=4This is the ULC Seminary Newsletter. To unsubscribe, click the link on the bottom of the page.
Hello Reverend char!
Welcome to the Universal Life Church Seminary Newsletter, where we want to educate you, inform you and invite you to participate. If you didn't request this letter or wish to discontinue it, please scroll down to the bottom and hit the unsubscribe link. If it doesn't work for any reason, please just reply and let us know to unsubscribe you and we will do so with no problem.
I'm still working on getting the database set up so we can add events that our ministers have done, but I keep screwing it up. If any of you are good at MySql and feeling generous enough with your time that you'd like to help me fix it, I'd very much appreciate it.
If you have any suggestions for things you'd like to see, please write to me atamy@ulcseminary.org and I'll do what I can.
If your name is listed incorrectly or you'd like to change your contact info, you can write toamy@ulcseminary.org.New Events:
Please keep your eyes peeled for several new courses coming up. We've been having increasing numbers of graduates from the overall program.Seminary Course Information:If you know someone who you feel would be an appropriate instructor for any course, please first go to www.ulcseminary.org/coursesubmission.php to look at the course submission guidelines, then send your idea and outline toamy@ulcseminary.org.If you are taking a course, remember that when it's done, you need to email me your essay so I can send out your certificate. The essays are posted onwww.ulcseminaryprogram.blogspot.com. If you have submitted your essay, but not gotten your degree, look for your essay there. If you find it, then your essay has been processed and the certificate should be on its way. If it was posted awhile ago and you don't have it, let me know please so I can re-issue you one for you. Also, since someone stole our original blog name, we had to change the name of it to the one above. Please check it out. If it gets a lot of hits, it can get us back into the search engines more readily.Featured Product Info:
SPECIAL NOTICE: The Seminary sends out all certificates on gold foil certificate paper with beautiful large gold seals.
The list of current titles are on the drop-down menu. You may also request another choice if the one you want is not available.
We cannot issue the title 'chaplain', as it is not a strictly religious title. Also, we will not issue any medical-sounding titles either for legal reasons. The titles can be used for business purposes or just for fun. It depends on the title, I guess. These make great gifts too.
http://www.ulcseminary.org/oscommerce/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=23&products_id=65Featured Essay:
The complete list of programs is at www.ulcseminaryprogram.blogspot.com.Mystical Christianity Final
Sharon J. Mayer
Mother Maryesah Karelon’s classes on Mystical Christianity were a definite turning point for me on my path to knowledge. The lessons covered many themes of early Christianity and church dogma. The practice of making the church masculine and taking the feminism out of worship was brought into the Christian church in the fourth century. In 1950’s the Marian Year was introduced to the Catholic Church and has been an intrical part of the religious structure since. Why was the feminine part of the church removed? And why was it brought back in such a form? It can not be said because of the area of the globe where the church started as the church had moved beyond its humble beginning to encompass most of the known world. It seems that it was done as the many peoples who were members of the church needed to have a feminine side to worship as well as the all powerful male side. The people clambered for a softer side to hold on to in faith. Since the church could make the Mother of God a person who was obedient and pure this belief was allowed by the church.
The Church had followed the Roman Road throughout the years and the leaders had taken much of the thought from the religions that were prevalent in the areas that Rome conquered. If one studies the areas and beliefs of the people it can be seen that intrigal parts of local belief were added to the practices of the church. This was done either to pacify the people or make the church more accessible to the masses but with the final reason of holding all to one faith and rule. By making the church part of the ruling country and making it the only means of salvation ruling the masses was made much easier. If the beliefs of the masses fit in and the holidays and services were compatible with what the church and the rulers wanted then they were added to church doctrine. This is why we celebrate when and what we do if members of the faith.
In many areas it was the belief in the feminine that prevailed as the life giver and sustainer to all. The feminine was considered the seed that all life sprang from and the nurturer that sustained life. Because the church and the leaders of the world thought that too much worship was given to the feminine and they were espousing a masculine all powerful and vengeful god they suppressed that part of the worship and made only the masculine god the deity to worship. The concept of Spirit was changed to one and the duality of the spirit was suppressed. By doing this the church and leaders could control the peoples as according to the new religious belief on through the church could one find peace, joy and redemption. Before this time, about the fourth through twelfth centuries the belief in a feminine side of Spirit was normal. It was the feminine side that was the teacher and giver.
It was about the fourth century when the church wanted to make a point that their “founder” was as much a mythical god” as other religions that the true nature of Jesus was changed and the feminine was removed. The debate of who was a part of Jesus’ life also started at this time. There are passages in the modern Bible that are in conflict because this family and possibly his personal life did not include women. If he was to be thought of as a teacher in the time he most certainly would have followed the prescribed rules and taken a wife. I find it hard to believe that he was sent by God to be a part of the human on earth and was not to live life. How would he be able to fully understand if he did not participate in life fully?
As for the church taking a person out of context and at first giving her a dubious history and then making her a saint as they did with the Magdalene is one of the mysteries of the church. There are so many female mystics of the church that it seems improbable that the feminine side of religion can be ignored. All other with the exception of Christianity have a decidedly female side. With the introduction of Mary, Mother of Jesus into the picture this feminine since has been reintroduced. That seemed to be acceptable when she was deemed to be pure at the birth of Jesus and made to be able to represent all other women no matter who they may have been or their relationship to Jesus. In the early years of the Church women were able to teach but after the fourth century they were greatly monitored.
It is so interesting to see in one publication all the women being a part of the understanding of purpose of life and what we are to learn while in our earthly bodies. No matter what is written or believed by some the feminine must play an important part in the paths each of us must take to gain understanding and reach our full potential of wholeness. Even in modern times the women who have tried to guide us to this understanding have been given a back seat to the masculine side of religion.
When the Europeans came to the New World they were met by peoples that believed it was Mother Sky, Corn Women, White Buffalo Women, and Spider Woman – to name a few that gave life and sustenance to the people. The Europeans worked very hard to suppress these teachings and to impose the teachings of the Church on the people. Granted they allowed the teaching that Mary, the Mother of Jesus could be worshiped as this had been a part of the church for some time. All else was taken away from the people and women were thought of as lower than men. Since the basis teaching of the value of womanhood was lost the poor and in some cases brutal treatment of women has prevailed among the Native Americans to this day.
If the time is coming when we all must start learning the real reason we are on earth and bring the thought of Oneness to the world then both sides of understanding must be taught and present. There must be a masculine and a feminine to have a whole. All must come to an understanding of the true teachings for the great Oneness to happen. When both sides come back together learning and peace will be possible.
Mother Maryesah has skillfully written the course so we can see history unfold and gain understanding of what has taken place in the church and what needs to be accomplished. With her writing skills and ability to bring us to a point of further reference and understanding she has shed light on a part of religion that has been suppressed for many centuries. I truly feel that much light has been cast on the subject by this class.
In addition to the lessons I also read the following books which in many parts parallel the writings of Mother Maryesah: The Secret Teachings of Jesus, Four Gnostic Gospel; ; Forbidden Faith, the Gnostic Legacy, Richard Somley; Peter, Paul & Mary Magdalene, the followers of Jesus in History and Legend, Bart D. Ehrman; Lost Christianities, the Battles of Scripture and Faiths We Never Knew,Bart D. Ehrman; Lost Scriptures, Books that Did not Make It into the New Testament, Bart D. Ehrman; and Sylvia Browne’s The Two Marys.
This course is available at: http://www.ulcseminary.org/store/product_info.php?cPath=29&products_id=174Do you know:
The Master of Shamanism is one of our newest courses and is very interesting. It steers clear of the drug aspects of this ancient practice and looks at all the different manners that Shamans practice.The other new course is the Dr. of Spirituality. We have a sample lesson online as well as a great write-up, so check it out. It's written by Loretta Siani, who wrote the Dr. of Metaphysics program.
After you've been ordained, even if you've lost or misplaced your credential, you are still ordained. You can confirm your ordination by writing to andre@ulchq.com.
If you have any little articles or paragraphs of information about weddings, funerals, baby namings, etc. that you'd like to share or any other tidbit that you think the other ministers would be interested in, we're happy to include it in our newsletter. Send me the information and make note that you intend it for the newsletter and I'll get back to you.We have a terrificforum where you can join in interesting discussions with other ministers?
We also have available Marriage Certificate cards. These are cards you can give to your couples so they can carry a tangible representation of their special day.
They can put in their names, the date and your signature with a permanent ink pen and put it in their wallets.
Our seminary is free to join and you can take classes at your leisure, as time and finances allow?
Consider ordering theInstant Ministry.
You'll be prepared for any ceremony request and will be able to perform in an educated and professional manner.
Guest Book Please take a few moments to sign our guest book. This helps others to learn about our site and it increases the general feelings of goodwill that contact with you generates.
Sunday SchoolIf you'd like to share one of your Sunday School lessons, we have an area posted to share them, as well as a new feature where you can get different lessons email to you every week. Then you can pick and choose what to share with your students.
Stories & Sermons
We're always looking to hear your sermons, poetry and Stories. Tell us about your wedding or funeral experiences or how you came to the church.
We also have a new feature where you can receive sermons emailed directly to your email address every week. This may work out a lot easier for those who like to keep up, but don't always have time to go to the site.
Visit Our Website |
ULC Seminary
4714 Careyback Ave.
Elk Grove, CA 95758
916-690-1682http://jbullfrog74.wordpress.com/2009/06/25/llewellyn-journal-the-wiccan-rede-and-the-art-of-persuasion/http://jbullfrog74.wordpress.com/2009/06/25/llewellyn-journal-the-wiccan-rede-and-the-art-of-persuasion/This is the ULC Seminary Newsletter Announcement. To unsubscribe, click the link on the bottom of the page.
"Doing That Which is Right"
Hello char ! ,
We have some great news for September.
CHAPLAINCY PROGRAM - The Chaplaincy course is now available! Go towww.ulcseminary.org/chaplaincyprogram.php to sign up. For those of you who have been taking courses through the seminary, those courses may also go towards your Chaplaincy program. Six courses are required and two are elective. Check it out and sign up. It's free to sign up and you'll get some mailings along the way.
CHAPLAINCY COURSE - On a related note, we have a new Chaplaincy Course available. It's called the Master of Chaplaincy Studies. It's a core required course for the Chaplaincy Program.http://www.ulcseminary.org/store/product_info.php?products_id=205
This program will teach you what it means to be a chaplain, the history and expectations.
MASTER OF THE HISTORICAL JESUS- This is a banner month for new things at the Seminary because we also have a new course called the 'Master of The Historical Jesus.' I'm in the process of getting it posted on the seminary program page, along with a sample, so please check it out.
http://www.ulcseminary.org/store/product_info.php?products_id=206More Weddings, Funerals and Rites - I know I said that I was going to discontinue the sale on this book, but I also want to be sure that everyone who wants to get it has had a chance to order it at the discounted price. The survey was overwhelmingly one-sided. People want to save for the book and want me to continue offering it at the sale price for a bit longer. Your wish is my command. :)
NEW SEARCH FUNCTION: Last month, I talked about the new Leapfish search function on the site. I wanted to mention it again because I'd like to ask all of you a favor. Aside from the fact that it's a really neat search thingy, providing images, videos and more all in one spot (it's linked directly with Google and Youtube), the seminary gets a nickel for every unique user that uses the function through the seminary site. If everyone on the list did a search, it would be a big help. It doesn't cost you anything and you get to try out a really interesting search engine -- plus it really helps the seminary. Have everyone you know try it. People have asked how they can be of service to the Seminary -- spending a few minutes doing a search from the site would be a great help.
ULC HANDBOOK - I've gotten some great ideas from people for the new handbook. Keep 'em coming. I'm working on getting it completed. I might get it done this year -- it just depends on how much time I can devote to it.
ULC ANNOUNCEMENT ARCHIVES- I have updated the Archives for the announcements that have been sent out. I have newsletters, which are sent at various times and I have the announcements, which are sent all at once. The announcements have more timely information and are sent about once a month. To see previous announcements, go here:http://www.ulcseminary.org/mailingsarchive.php
MONASTERY NONSENSE - I've been informed recently that the monastery (the alleged ulc site that we have nothing to do with), has been sending out emails telling people that I'm personally involved in some sort of criminal conspiracy against them with Daniel Zimmerman (the former and rightful owner of the site). If this isn't funny enough, Daniel has been telling people that I'm in a criminal conspiracy against him with George Freeman (the one currently running the site.) So, I guess I'm some sort of double agent in conspiracy with both to do...something, I guess. If so, I'm not very good at it because they have both 'found me out' and I don't seem to have benefited in any way whatsoever. I thought I'd share because it was too weird not to.
HQ DEGREE CARDS - Many of you have been ministers with the ULC for years and years and have received degrees from ULC Headquarters. One of our ministers had asked for a Dr. of Metaphysics card from us, even though he earned the degree from headquarters. I didn't feel right about that, so I asked the cardmaker if he could duplicate the degrees from headquarters onto a card. He has done a beautiful job. We have gotten a lot of the new degree cards posted. So far, we have quite a few done, which look stunning. This way, you can have a pocket credential to show people or just to have for yourself. Before we will send it, we do need to have some proof that you earned the degree from headquarters that you are wanting. Please follow up your request with a picture in an email.
(You'll notice too that we changed the path name to the store, so now it just says 'store' instead of all those other things. Much easier to find.)
Our cardmaker also did a great job of duplicating the ordination credential onto a card as well. It's another option for getting an ID card showing your credentials of ministry. If you get one, be sure to make note of your original date of ordination or the current date will be put on it.
We are also offering our Seminary Membership Certificates at a big discount right now. We want you to be able to display your affiliation proudly, so we have discounted the certificates to $10.
Wedding Workbooks by the Box - I am pleased to say that there are a lot of you who are finding value in giving a copy of The Ultimate Wedding & Ceremony Workbook for the 'Planning-Impaired' to your brides and grooms. Many of you have been using the Business Builder Package to order more for less. We are now making that even easier. It's a larger up-front cost, but you are saving more money on every book. If you buy the books by the case, you can get the books for a mere $9 each, which is more than 50% off the cover price.
Essays from the various programs are at:www.ulcseminaryprogram.blogspot.com.
We also have a new cool function called the ULC Seminary Tool Bar. It's a toolbar that has links to different pages on our site to make it easier for you to check in on things. I'll be updating it more as time allows and as I learn all the functions.
Rev. Amy Long
Program Director,
Visit Our Website |
ULC Seminary
4714 Careyback Ave.
Elk Grove, CA 95758
To Unsubscribe, click here: Unsubscribe me from this list
To fix your name or change your email, clickhttp://www.ulcseminary.org/mailing/modifydetails.php?M=84062&C=d744976fb48d66bfdf0e052b4e711e54&L=1&N=265&F=4Master of Metaphysics
Written by Rev. Amy E. Long
Hello char,
Welcome to a sample of Spirit-Quest. This is the twenty-ninth of 30 discourses designed to assist you on your spiritual journey. When you sign up for this course, you will receive a new one each week or so in your e-mail box, so be sure to let the spiritquest@ulcseminary.org know if your e-mail address has changed. Earlier, you received a sample of lesson 2, I believe, so I thought I'd send you something towards the end of the course.http://www.ulcseminary.org/store/product_info.php?cPath=29&products_id=105Your job is to study each of these discourses at least 3 times throughout the week and review them as many times as you like. Do the exercises and ponder the questions. As with all things in life, you get out of it exactly what you put into it.
Master of Metaphysicswww.ulcseminary.orgUniversal Life Church Seminary**********Lesson 29 -- MoneyThis week we’re going to talk about money.Money. Money. Money. It’s a charged word.
Money is a beautiful thing. Well,money itself isn’t necessarily all that much to look at, but really it’s whatmoney symbolizes that is a beautiful thing.
Money symbolizes freedom and power for most people.
Money has been given a bad rap over the centuries. It has been said that money can’t buy happiness and that money is the root of all evil.It has also been said that a rich man has as good a chance of getting into heaven as a camel has of fitting through the eye of a needle.“Money can’t buy you love.”
It seems to me that if you listen to all that is said about money, you wouldn’t be the least bit interested in it. Sayings like this make money sound like a bad thing! I can’t say as I go along with that.I’ll say it again: Money is a beautiful thing. It has been given a certain value, which, if used correctly, can get you many good things.It’s very true that money can’t buy you love, but it can reduce the stress on a couple in love, who have children and a mortgage, which allows them to stay in love.Money can buy a car that is safe and reliable, which will keep you and your family safe from harm. Money can buy you good food to eat (if you choose), which will keep you healthier longer and improve your physical quality of life.Can money make you happy? No, happiness is a choice. People can choose to be happy whether they are rich or poor and they can choose to be unhappy in the same situations. Money can, however, make the road to happiness easier to travel, if you let it.Money can be used to buy your special wonderful child the gift he or she has been dreaming of and watching the look on that angelic face when the gift is opened is …. priceless. It’s like those credit card commercials for Mastercard (I think).So, if money can buy all of these wonderful things, then why is it spoken of with such disdain?It’s not the money that’s bad. It’s what people are willing to do for it that’s the bad thing. Some people are willing to kill, steal, scare and degrade themselves for money. Whereas, other people aren’t willing to get off the couch to earn a single dime. Why is this?
Money means different things to different people. In relationships, Money is one of the biggest things that people fight about and is the source of probably the greatest stress. Many marriages have ended largely because of moneyissues.For some people, money is the be all and end all. With money, you can buy the latest fashions and drive fancy cars. Some people spend themselves deeply into debt. They are willing to work long hours to earn more money to pay for this lifestyle. That’s their choice. They do it because that’s what money means to them.Money is an emotional thing and for some people, spending money is a balm on whatever pictures they are struggling with. It also alleviates boredom. There’s nothing like something new to perk up a person.When I met my husband, he told me he had $300 in disposable income every month. In my mind, disposable income meant that all the bills were paid, food was purchased, gas was covered, etc. And possibly even a savings account had been set up. My hubby meant that his rent was paid and he’d made minimum payments on all of his (many) credit cards.When we were engaged, I found out what his debt was and I about had a heart attack. My belief about money was that if I didn’t have enough money for it, I didn’t buy it. Credit cards were for emergencies only, designed to be paid off every month. Disposable income was for people who didn’t save enough.Very different concepts.When I talked with him about it, he said, “I don’t work to pay my creditors.” This wasn’t a sane statement to me. It sounded like something he’d heard someone else say and was just repeating it. My response was that you do work to pay your creditors as long as you have creditors to pay!I have always had a fair amount of anxiety about money. I hate to owe it and I hate to spend it unnecessarily. I used to be downright cheap (as I mentioned before). I’ve been working on that over the years, so now I’m mostly just thrifty.I had a friend though who was just the opposite, but she did it on a tiny income. She never worried about money. She didn’t worry about her rent until it was due and she said she always came up with the money somehow. If she needed something, she usually found enough change at the bottom of her purse. If she paid her bills late, she didn’t really care. She also didn’t care about borrowing money either.It was a very different attitude about money than what I had. I tried it her way for a little while (more out of necessity than choice at the time) and I found it kind of fun. I don’t think I could’ve done it for very long, but a year or so it was great. I decided not to worry. Since like attracts like, the universe rewarded my outlook. I received free tickets to Marine World in the mail, for no known reason. It was a thank you for my donation. (What donation?) I won tickets to the circus off the radio. I went to a big seminar for several days without fee. It was interesting how many things started to come my way when I stopped worrying about it.I couldn’t live like that all the time though. I didn’t like living hand to mouth. I prefer having a little cushion of money to make me feel safe. Not everyone needs that.It’s the need for money that causes a lot of people grief. For many people, it’s not possible to have enough money. Even if they did achieve wealth, it’s not enough because it’s the thrill of the chase that excites them.
Gambling is a huge addiction for many people. The anticipation that the big win is just around the corner. Just one more hand of cards, one more roll of the dice and they will be wealthy. This, of course, is pure fantasy because even if they did win the big payoff, they would blow it all again before long in search of an evenbigger payoff.SMITH’S LAW:
Greed Never Diminishes.
One of the rules about money is that it follows the rule of karma: What comes around; goes around. If you are reluctant to let it go, it will be reluctant to come back to you. As you give, so shall you receive.So now we’ve looked a little at money. The next question is: So what? Money is a symbol and we all see if differently. Again, so what? How does that help you in your every day life?You’ve learned about mock-ups, so you already know how to create many of the things you want. The next goal then is how can you create more money for yourself?The first step in creating more money is determining exactly what money means to you.Is money safety?Is money status?Is money power?You can do this either intuitively or in your meditation space. If you do it during meditation, you can create a rose in front of you that symbolizes your money concept. See what color the rose is. Is it open or closed? Ask the rose what money means for you. What’s the first word that jumps in your head? That’s usually the right answer.Once you have determined what it means for you, you can begin to work with that information.Say that money to you means safety. Look underneath that and ask yourself what kind of safety it is? Safety from what?If it’s status, ask yourself in whose eyes do you need the status. Is it yourself or someone else?Keep asking yourself questions until you come to something that feels like the right answer. How much money would you need to feel those things?When you do find the right answer, you know the area you have to work on. You can create and destroy roses for that energy and bring in golden suns that have that energy in it.Also be aware that in order to keep the money you create, you must be sure that are you getting the thing that money symbolizes. The best trick for keeping the money then is to see if you can have the things that money symbolizes without actually having the money.
Another important question to look at with money is what you do to earn it. Are you following your passion? Are you doing something you love doing or are you doing something because you’re afraid of what will happen if you quit? There have been many people throughout time who have gotten up every day to go to a job they hate because they need to support their families or they need to fulfill someone else’s picture of what they are supposed to be doing.Imagine if you were doing something you loved? You would gain at least 40 hours of joy in every week. People who own their own businesses tend to work twice as much as people who work for someone else. This is usually because they love what they do and don’t see it as work. I know that I love what I do. I love to write these discourses, help ministers find and stay on their paths, and share information with the world. I do other things too and I love all of them. So much so that it’s hard for me to take a vacation. Getting a break is good, but since I love what I’m doing, working is seldom a problem.The next area of creating money you will want to work on is your havingness. We’ve talked a little about havingness before. Your level of havingness for something is where you have created a boundary and restriction for yourself. You only allow yourself a certain amount of some things.There’s an idea floating around about money. It has been said that if you took all the money in the world and evenly distributed it among all the people, within a year or so, it would go back to being roughly as it was before. There would be a few different rich people and a few who’d managed to lose it all, but it would even out about the same. This is because of havingness.It’s like the people who make a million dollars and then lose it, several times over. They have the ability to create, but not the ability to have.When my husband was on Wheel of Fortune years ago, he had the opportunity to win 30k. He didn’t get it. He did win $17,515.00, which is nothing to sneeze at, but in retrospect, we couldn’t HAVE the additional 30k. Interestingly enough, the amount he won was just enough to pay down our debts so we could qualify for a loan, have just enough down payment to get the house we want with just enough left over to buy a refrigerator and blinds for the new house. The rest went to taxes. Our havingness, between the two of us, allowed us to win just enough to get what we needed.Over the years, we have raised our level quite a bit and if presented with a similar situation, just might possibly win the big money (or at least bigger money).Your Assignment This WeekHavingness is something you can work with. In your meditation space, create an image of a sliding scale from zero to 100. Ask to have light up on that scale the percentage of your havingness for whatever it is you want.Ground that scale. Bring a gold sun into it.Take your finger and push the pointer up a little higher. Give it a new grounding cord, create and destroy roses and bring in another golden sun. Keep doing that until the scale won’t go any higher.Blow up the scale, give yourself some gold suns, create and destroy some roses.Create a new scale and see where it is this time. This is an exercise you can do to enhance your havingness for anything you want, either a physical or an emotional thing.Another money thing you can do is to make a goal for how much money you want to make and what you will do with it when you get it. I don’t just mean all the things you will buy, I’m talking about a plan for the future.Figure out how much you will need each month to reach your goal. For me, my goal is to have a good retirement and a college fund for my kids. I also want enough money to travel when we retire, so I’m planning now. I have it worked out for how much I’ll need to achieve this and the amount would seem ridiculous if I told you. It’s HUGE. But I put it out there anyway and I work every day to achieve that goal.I give myself good kudos when I take a new step and each time I do, I work out another step for the future. I’ve had this goal for several years and every day I move closer to it. I use the affirmations we discussed early in this program and I’m careful to own each step as it comes.This will raise my havingness as well. It’s not a quick process for most people, but if you are consistent, you will prevail.You, char, are an awesome spirit in a body, capable of anything you set your mind to. You’re doing a great job. Keep up the good work and keep me appraised of your successes.And most importantly remember:You are a perfect being.God Loves You.You were created in perfection,by perfection,for perfection.Your success is guaranteed.
You are encouraged to post your lessons on the forum or send them to amy@ulcseminary.org and she will post them for you. The goal is to begin some meaningful dialogue with other ministers and to learn from the different exchanges.
See you next week!
Copyright Notice Copyright 2003 by Rev. Amy E. Long All rights reserved. No part of this lesson may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. ULC Seminary , Inc. © Copyright 2007, All Rights Reserved.
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If your name is listed incorrectly or you'd like to change your contact info, you can write to amy@ulcseminary.org to get it fixed.
New Events: It was brought to my attention recently that one of the ulc websites is doing something that is, by internet standards, considered unethical.
They have created what are called 'mirror sites' -- those are identical sites with different domain names. Those sites are all going back to their main site, giving them false rankings. Both google and yahoo consider this a huge no-no. I was contacted by a number of web-savy ministers who felt this went against the motto of 'doing what's right' and wanted me to do something about it. I was told that if enough people complain to google and yahoo, that something may be done about it.
The links I was given are: http://www.google.com/quality_form?q=universal+life+church&hl=en&pwst=1 http://feedback.help.yahoo.com/feedback.php?.src=FP&.from=501&.done=http://www.yahoo.com At each of these places, I submitted the message: http://www.getordained.org/ http://www.ulcordination.org/ http://theuniversallifechurch.org/ These are all just mirror sites. They have, for some reason, gotten good search engine rankings, but they are all mirror sites for www.themonastery.org. If this message is submitted by enough people, perhaps the search engines will look at it. At the ULC, we frown on unethical behavior and would expect better from those in positions of 'authority'.The complete list of essays can be found atwww.ulcseminaryprogram.blogspot.com
Essay from one of our seminary students:Dr. of Spirituality Final Essay
I first once again wish to thank the ULC Seminary for having the insight and forethought in offering this wonderful course written by Dr. Loretta Siani. Dr. Siani has a great God given gift as a Spiritual Teacher and Counselor and I am grateful to the ULC Seminary and to her for providing me with the opportunity to become ever more enlightened on my spiritual path.
This course has taught me a great deal about prayer and I can more effectively use prayer in my life of form on this Earth. Jesus prays frequently in the four gospels, addressing God personally as his Father. Jesus tell us that we too can ask God for anything, and that our prayers will be answered. I have found this to be true. I have had my prayers answered and have experienced miracles by becoming more miracle minded. I do try and change my mind about the world and let go of ego which serves no purpose but to create a false identity and separates me from God. Sometimes the answers to my prayers I thought were no. This used to be of great concern to me because of ego but then I realized that prayer is clearly a powerful communication tool. It serves as my way to tell God not only what I want in terms of guidance but allows me to communicate with Him at the most personal and sacred level. The level at which I know that I am his Son and that his mercy and miracles are at hand for me to experience.
Often times man uses prayer for all things today, yet in an age of doubts, it is difficult to believe that prayer can achieve as much as Jesus claims. For Him, prayer has no limits. whether one prays to the Father or to the Son, Jesus is absolute that no request will be denied which is demonstrated by the most famous prayer in The Bible, the Lord's Prayer. The Lord's prayer in essence asks for Heaven on earth. Deepak Chopra in his book The Third Jesus states "That God could grant this seems idealistic to the point of impossibility. Our world may have progressed since the first century, but the Lord's Prayer hasn't delivered Heaven on this material plane". This may be true but he further states "that one thing that can make the Lord's Prayer real is enlightenment". I could not agree more.
The basis for A Course in Miracles and other enlightened materials written by either revelation or inspiration from God points to the fact that a person in God-consciousness would address the Father exactly like Jesus does. The basic principle of prayer is "ask and you shall receive" is the theme that Jesus comes back to time and time again. In this course my prayers have changed as I have progressed on the spiritual path, becoming more powerful on the basis of consciousness. As I stated before I thought that God gave me answers of negative content but I now realize that God doesn't grant or deny prayers, nor does He hear some and turn a deaf ear to others. These were appearances seem from my level of awareness. I know that Jesus put the blame for unanswered prayers on the one who prays rather than God. This is an acceptable fact for me and one I have discovered while taking this course.
Prayer is not magic. It is however applied consciousness. One cannot expect God to fulfill requests unless there is an intimate connection with spirit. "Jesus was keenly aware of this, since he lived from the source of reality and therefore could change reality at will". The Third Jesus by Deepak Chopra. I have a knowing that the closer my connection with God, the greater my spiritual power becomes. In Buddhism, "mindfulness" has a central meaning of being aware. Remembering who we truly are, living to be worthy of God and praying so that we will be connected to Him. I have learned or and am trying to learn to speak from the heart instead of using rhetoric. To be sincere as Jesus tells us. To pray in faith. "Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive." Matthew 21:22
It seems that for centuries that prayer has been the litmus test for faith. In the past it has been hard for me to utter a prayer without feeling a twinge of guilt and doubt. This is once again because of the level of my God-consciousness. At the lower levels I always begged for help and at the highest level my prayer is no different from any other thought because all thoughts bring about a result with focused attention and surrendered doing. Jesus knew this and knows this because he tells us to believe that our prayers will come true. What a valuable lesson to be learned at any level of consciousness. I know that Jesus is telling the truth because Jesus is truth. Therefore prayer is meant to be answered. Further if prayer is meant to be answered then praying can bring about two results. Either prayer brings about results or there will be obstacles that block a response. Obstacles and resistance to what is exist in ego and unconsciousness and therefore can be cleared away. So instead of being a litmus test for faith, prayer shows us what we need to do on the spiritual path. that is to open the channels of communication with God. Jesus assures us that the channel is never cut off but only temporarily blocked.
I cannot attest as Dr. Siani say's that A course in Miracles is a revelation from God. But the broader implication is that spirit communicates not through words but through direct experience. We all learn this from the time we are infants as we begin to experience life. Yet we sometimes believe that we can learn about God secondhand through authority and scripture. Jesus underscores the need to be in the presence of spirit, God consciousness or being yourself and to be affected by it personally. I can tell you from personal experience that this is truth.
My goal is not to imitate Jesus but to be part of Him or as he said to abide in Him. I strive for this by not becoming part of the process that turns into separation but that which turns into unity. Not what I do but how I do it will determine how I fulfill my destiny and the level of my God-consciousness. My level of prayer is also dependent on three things. Acceptance, Enjoyment, and Enthusiasm.
Acceptance is my willingness to accept this moment, this situation and what it requires me to do and do it willingly.
Enjoyment when I link into the universe that God created which turns into a great sense of aliveness and joy.
Enthusiasm which is a deep enjoyment in what I do plus the added element of a goal or a vision that I work toward.
These three modalities working hand in hand with prayer and mediation will not allow ego to control reality. Ego cannot coexist with acceptance, enjoyment and enthusiasm. It has no hold and doesn't like this fact. Just as Jesus said on the Sermon on the Mount, "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." The meek are the egoless. The ones who have awakened to their essential true nature and recognize all other life forms. Living in a surrendered state as Jesus did seems an impossibility in our modern day life. However I submit that it is possible achieve a level of God-consciousness and that prayer is one medium by which the door can be opened. And once it is opened and you walk through it a new world will manifest itself to you. One of presence, stillness and love.
Rev. Dennis ZerullThis course can be found at:http://www.ulcseminary.org/oscommerce/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=176Why I became Ordained :Hi Amy,
My name is Nigel Markey, I'll keep this as brief as possible.from a young child I was brought up as Anglican Catholic, church 3 times on Sunday..altar boy ..the lot..Then came my divorce 20 years later or so and a celibate priest had no idea how to counsel or help me. This was in the UK.I married Jenni and moved to Arizona where out of anger for the church I became a very active white witch.I then was called back to the church and became a eucharistic minister in Douglas Az.The priest in charge of the church was not very popular and couldn't care less so i ended up doing many of the services and to keep weddings legal joined the ULC. (Done many weddings Western Style outside in the desert!)We then moved to Belize Central America where I again was made a eucharistic minister in the local church and met such a hostile hatefilled jealous reaction in the Sanctuary I was left with no alternative but to quit.We have now opened our own chapel in our garden where we celebrate holy communion every Sunday with a congregation of between 12 - 20 and growing.In fact we are having to expand the building starting this week, have performed 4 baptisms.How I am so thankful for my sanctuary upbringing and even my divorce just qualifies me to empathise with others with similar problems.Jenni who is also an ordained ULC minister took her first communion service last Sunday and did great.We are totally non profit and any offerings go to people who can't afford food, need surgeries,students who need educational funds or whatever we have (which isn't much) collection is usually $25 US a week if we are lucky but we share totally.For more ordination stories, go tohttp://www.universallifechurchseminary.org/Q. What do they call pastors in Germany ?A. German Shepherds.
Sale on Four Gospels Course
Credential Certificates or other order problems:If you ordered a credential and have not received it, send your ordination confirmation email (the one you received welcoming you to the church) toandre@ulchq.com and let him know you are waiting for it. They won't send them until they have entered your name and sometimes that takes awhile. If there are any other orders you haven't received, please let me know right away so I can follow-up. Sometimes people wait a really long time and I hate to see people not getting what they ordered, so please speak up. The robes and stoles, by the way, take approximately six weeks to arrive.If there is anything you'd like to see on the site, please let me know. There's a thread about it on the forum where you can post your ideas. I read them all the time to try and keep on top of what you want, so please feel free to post. Or, if you don't have the time, just drop me a line at amy@ulcseminary.org.
DirectoryIt's so great to see our directory growing every day. I've had many people call needing information about getting a minister in a certain area or calls from ministers needing someone in their area to talk to and I've been pleased to be able to refer them to the directory. Remember that the directory is voluntary, so if you're not there, it's because you haven't signed up yet.
ULC Seminary Forum -- We have a wonderful forum on the website. It's a great place to chat with other ministers, gain interesting information and share your thoughts. I would love to see more activity on the forum because it's the best way for me to keep up on what the needs and interests are of the ULC Seminary community.
:"Amy I am LOVIN' this comparative religions class - in fact, I was sitting around WAITING for this weeks lesson to arrive..
Thanks so much.
WAY interesting.
I am shopping around to sign up for a second class.....this one is GREAT!
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"Doing That Which is Right"
Hello char ! ,
KIND WORDS - October is, again, another interesting month. I created something new for the site that came to me in a dream. I make it a point to try and stay away from saying things like that, because it can sound sort of 'fluffy', but that's where I got the idea from. It's called 'Kind Words.' So many people go through their lives without hearing enough kind words. I am fortunate enough to have a job here where people send me lots of kind words on a regular basis. It got me to thinking. So I created this feature to give you all a chance to hear the kind of good things said to you that you all deserve. It's available at www.ulcseminary.org/kindwords.php.
ULC BUSINESS CARDS - We have a new item available. I've been asked for it by a number of different ministers over the years and only recently had a means to make it happens. ULC Business cards are a great new addition to our catalog. They have a beautiful new seal for the seminary that you can have on it, or you can choose from some other options. They are offered at a great deal for these custom cards.
FREE TOOLBAR - One of the other really cool new things we're doing is that we created a free downloadable toolbar. It's similar to one you may already have by Google or Yahoo, but this has the added bonus of having all the pages of the site presented in a simple-to-use format. People have said it's hard to find things on the site sometimes, because of its size, so I've simplified things on this new toolbar. I also have a section for 'new stuff'. Things will be posted there before they are announced, so if you get the toolbar, you'll always be in the know. Click here to get a look at what it is and, if you like it, download it quickly and for free:http://ulcseminary.ourtoolbar.com/
MORE WEDDINGS, FUNERALS, AND RITES - I know I said that I was going to discontinue the sale on this book, but I also want to be sure that everyone who wants to get it has had a chance to order it at the discounted price. The survey was overwhelmingly one-sided. People want to save for the book and want me to continue offering it at the sale price for a bit longer. Your wish is my command. :) It'll be on sale through Christmas. Forward the link to your spouse or family and write 'hint hint' at the top. :)
NEW SEARCH FUNCTION: Last month, I talked about the new Leapfish search function on the site. I wanted to mention it again because I'd like to ask all of you a favor. Aside from the fact that it's a really neat search thingy, providing images, videos and more all in one spot (it's linked directly with Google and Youtube), the seminary gets a nickel for every unique user that uses the function through the seminary site. If everyone on the list did a search, it would be a big help. It doesn't cost you anything and you get to try out a really interesting search engine -- plus it really helps the seminary. Have everyone you know try it. People have asked how they can be of service to the Seminary -- spending a few minutes doing a search from the site would be a great help.
ONLINE RADIO PROGRAM - Recently, I was honored to be invited to be on the Mona Magick show. She interviewed me for an hour about the ULC Seminary. You can download it and listen to it here:
Under information & organizations:
TWITTER/FACEBOOK/MYSPACE - We've been getting crazy lately doing the Twitter/Facebook/MYspace thing. There are links on the toolbar that will bring you directly to the various pages. Follow us, add us, etc. I think I'm getting the hang of using them.
CHAPLAINCY PROGRAM - Go towww.ulcseminary.org/chaplaincyprogram.php to sign up. For those of you who have been taking courses through the seminary, those courses may also go towards your Chaplaincy program. Six courses are required and two are elective. Check it out and sign up. It's free to sign up and you'll get some mailings along the way. The program is going well. There may end up being one more requirement for the course, but it's one that everyone will want to take. It's a course on pastoral counseling.
CHAPLAINCY COURSE - On a related note, we have the new Chaplaincy Course available. It's called the Master of Chaplaincy Studies. It's a core required course for the Chaplaincy Program.http://www.ulcseminary.org/store/product_info.php?products_id=205
This program will teach you what it means to be a chaplain, the history and expectations.MASTER OF THE HISTORICAL JESUS- I mentioned this last month, but I wanted to make it known again. We also have a new course called the 'Master of The Historical Jesus.' There's a sample link listed on the Seminary Program page.
http://www.ulcseminary.org/store/product_info.php?products_id=206We are also offering our Seminary Membership Certificates at a big discount right now. We want you to be able to display your affiliation proudly, so we have discounted the certificates to $10.
Thanks for everything!
Rev. Amy Long
Program Director
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ULC Seminary
4714 Careyback Ave.
Elk Grove, CA 95758
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Hello Reverend char!
Welcome to the Universal Life Church Seminary Newsletter, where we want to educate you, inform you and invite you to participate. If you didn't request this letter or wish to discontinue it, please scroll down to the bottom and hit the unsubscribe link. If you haven't checked out the site lately, take a peek.
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If your name is listed incorrectly or you'd like to change your contact info, you can write to amy@ulcseminary.org to get it fixed.The complete list of essays can be found atwww.ulcseminaryprogram.blogspot.com
Essay from one of our seminary students:Comparative Religion Final Essay
By Rev. Patricia Buben
The course in Comparative Religion was very interesting and had a huge amount of information. I came out of it having a much better understanding of religion as a concept as well as amazed at how many similarities there are between religions and their stories. Most religions have associated with them sacred texts, some type of sacred space or church, stories, prayer, invocations/evocations and practices that do not change.
Many religions have very similar stories – such as the birth of Jesus and Krishna – even being similar to the point of them both having to escape from the clutches of an evil ruler. Many have the concept of a “golden rule” even though they may be worded a little bit differently. I think it is important for all of us to find and appreciate the similarities in religions rather than exploit the differences—especially as ministers.
It has always been my belief that there is truth in more than just one religion. Almost every culture on earth believes in a power larger than they are. Everyone has at least a concept of God. Therefore, I believe that there are many religions because there are many cultures. It only makes sense, but it doesn’t make one right and another wrong. Everyone needs to decide what works best for them.
I really enjoyed going through the comparisons and being exposed to so many rich faith traditions, their stories, architecture, similarities and differences. The bibliography for this course is one of the most extensive I’ve seen so far. Kythera Ann must have done a tremendous amount of research and study to put this course together. I would definitely take more courses written by this author if they were made available.
There is nothing that I did not enjoy about the course. It is very scholarly and requires a lot of concentration to get through it, but the ability to understand so many different traditions, how they came into existence and the history of each is very worthwhile.
This course could be enjoyed by anyone that has an interest in religious traditions outside of their own. I think everyone should be encouraged to understand as many religions as possible. It would encourage cooperation, collaboration and understanding among countries and possibly even prevent wars.
This course addressed many areas that I have always wondered about. I have a strong interest in other faiths and find a different perspective from each new one that I learn about.Why I became Ordained :My name is Rev. Terrance L. Rundell. My story is somewhat not that of the ordinary. My fathers forefathers were part of the original members of the Methodist Church and were very strict indeed in their belief, on the other hand my mother was High Church of England, however I managed to keep away from religion altogether much to the disgust of my parents and latter the Chaplin in the Armed Forces who tried every argument in the book to get me to move away to my leanings which were to the Philosophical and Mystical side of things.
I have been a student and neophyte on the Spiritual Path for over 35 years, and a lecturer in Metaphysics. Ten years ago I completed six months of solitude not unlike the 40 days which Moses did in the desert, which in the end brought me to a grater understanding of God and his Devine plan, over the ten years since I have completed this now three times and have found that with each I seem to get closer to my god, it is from this I have had a very strong desire to become an Ordained Priest.
I became a registered Marriage Celebrant and yet this was still not enough and so when I saw the ULC site, decided to give it a go and apply to be ordained a priest. I was a little bemused that one could get an ordination over the net but then again if the backing and training was available then it seemed to be a good idea, however there is a stigma to this side of things and many people scoff at the thought of it but as the months have rolled by I have become more comfortable with it because really it is God who makes you what you are and so it is not important to me that I have the title of Reverend for I am full of his Devine Love but to do the work that I wish to it is better that there is that title.
I have done several weddings where the couple concerned have been very religious within themselves but because they are marrying outside of their faith or have not attended a particular church they have not been able to obtain the services of a minister to marry them and to marry them outside of the church not because they do not wish it but either they live too far away in a small community or that they feel that God would be with them no matter where they were married and since I have been ordained I seem now to be filling that gap.
The other day I was called upon to do a funeral for a widow whose husband had committed suicide and as she could not get a minister to officiate called on me not knowing I was also an ordained minister, during consultation I was able to tell her that I was a minister of ULC which is a non denomination church and when she saw the service that I hade put together for her she became overwhelmed and after a long conversation with her I was able to bring her to peace within herself over the matter of her husband.
Today many have turned away from mainstream churches because of its dogmatic structure but are very religious within themselves and I feel that the ULC ministry can play a very big part here in helping maintain peoples belief in the God of their hearts and realization.
The logo of the ULC is what has brought me to it as I believe in the brotherhood of man and as humanity is linked in countless ways through karmic relationships, there are even more fundamental relationships which draw humanity together, which provide a potential for the collective human organism to achieve its intended place in the overall consciousness. The basis of these relationships is the brotherhood or fellowship of man humanity in the limited sense and the continuity of life in the greater sense. The brotherhood of humanity has always been a reality on the level of the soul, in the passive subjective sense, where the distinction of one soul from another is recognized as an illusion of objective existence. The evolutionary intention for humanity can be viewed as the achievement of that brotherhood, on the level of the soul, in the active conscious subjective sense, where each soul has fully achieved a quality of consciousness and a rapport with humanity that passes beyond the recognition of the illusion of individual distinction.
The reality of brotherhood is found first in the common source of all life, as all lives can be traced back through intermediate stages to an original common creation. Thus the essence of humanity (on the level of the soul) is a common source of life, which sustains existence and progression. Moreover, many intermediate bonds can be found which link the life of humanity to all other life, on every level of consciousness. Another reality of brotherhood can be found in the conclusion of humanity, which already exists outside of time and space where all of humanity participate directly in the communion fellowship rapport on the level of the soul that passes beyond humanity as the distinction of humanity is no longer pertinent. Between the source and the relative conclusion is the qualification of brotherhood, there to be recognized and realized, a qualification that serves also as an evolutionary force.
An intermediate achievement is the evolution of mundane humanity on the personality level to the conscious realization and manifestation of a sense of brotherhood the reality of brotherhood is actually a common sense, not merely for humanity, but for all of life and the sense of equality. A superficial sense of brotherhood based upon personality relationships is not sufficient; to have any real meaning, brotherhood must be unconditional and must involve the energy of the soul manifested through an aligned personality. And in this sense, brotherhood is quite simply a mutual realization of the higher fellowship a communion of the souls, a realization unencumbered by the personality or mundane energy. Furthermore, true brotherhood is the culmination or product of a number of elements of experience; the realization of brotherhood emerges naturally as a consequence of experience and the gradually evolving consciousness.
This sense of brotherhood is important to the waking‑consciousness of the spiritual student, for it then qualifies the interaction of the student with humanity on both mundane levels and on more mature levels. The sense of brotherhood includes the manifestation of a number of human qualities coincident with the spiritual temperament. But the sense of brotherhood also provides an awareness of distinction between aligned and unaligned humanity between those who are relatively consciously aligned with the soul and those who are relatively absorbed by the mundane life. The student can recognize the God within all, regardless of alignment, but the student must also learn to interact with unaligned humanity without being absorbed. With impersonality true respect for the God within, the love of the soul can be a force of encouragement for humanity toward the realization of brotherhood.
May the Devine essence be always with you.
Reverend Terrance L. RundellFor more ordination stories, go tohttp://www.universallifechurchseminary.org/
- www.universallifechurchseminary.org- this one discusses ordination and shares some ordination stories
- www.ulcseminary.net - this site has online sermons. There are just a few up now, but there will be more.
- www.ministersupplies.com - I'm going to list reviews and more expansive information of some of the products.
- www.onlineseminary.org - This has a description of all the seminary courses with links to samples and broader descriptions
- www.ulcceremonies.com - this one has some ceremonies for weddings and funerals. As I get a chance, it will be expanded.
- www.weddingwordsandmore.com - This site just focuses on weddings. All the wedding info on the site will all be in one place so if weddings are your main interest, this would be a great site to visit.
Chuckle for the Day:A child was watching his mother sift through and delete a long list of junk E-mail on the computer screen.
"This reminds me of the Lord's Prayer," the child said.
"What do you mean?" the mother asked.
"You know. That part about 'deliver us from E-mail."
New Mini-Sites :
Since some people have had trouble navigating the site, I have created some new mini-sites that specialize in certain areas of interest on the site. I've also updated the sidebar navigation to help better categorize the areas of interest on the site. I hope that makes it easier.
The actual site names are listed below on the left.
Credential Certificates or other order problems:If you ordered a credential and have not received it, send your ordination confirmation email (the one you received welcoming you to the church) to andre@ulchq.com and let him know you are waiting for it. They won't send them until they have entered your name and sometimes that takes awhile. If there are any other orders you haven't received, please let me know right away so I can follow-up. Sometimes people wait a really long time and I hate to see people not getting what they ordered, so please speak up. The robes and stoles, by the way, take approximately six weeks to arrive.New community for ULC MinistersWe have a new community for ULC Ministers. It's called 'Ning'
It's kind of like myspace for grown-ups, so if you haven't signed up, please do. It's another great way to communicate with other ULC ministers and to keep up with what's going on.
If there is anything you'd like to see on the site, please let me know. There's a thread about it on the forum where you can post your ideas. I read them all the time to try and keep on top of what you want, so please feel free to post. Or, if you don't have the time, just drop me a line at amy@ulcseminary.org.
ULC Seminary Forum -- We have a wonderful forum on the website. It's a great place to chat with other ministers, gain interesting information and share your thoughts. I would love to see more activity on the forum because it's the best way for me to keep up on what the needs and interests are of the ULC Seminary community.
Current Seminary Classes Available:Four Gospels, Spirit-Quest, Wicca, Defining Spiritualism, Paganism for the New Age, Metaphysics and Miracles, Buddhism, Gnosticism, Shamanism, Comparative Religion, Awareness and Master of Religion, Dr. of Spiritual Development, Mystical Christianity, Metaphysical Healing, and a lot of other courses. ! Go towww.ulcseminary.org/seminaryProgram.phpfor the complete listing.ANNOUNCEMENTS ARCHIVE - Currently, we have several ways to stay in touch. If you are a seminary student, you get a mailing every two weeks with either a sample of an existing course or special info that we only send to seminary students. This could be info on writing sermons, it could be a free mini-course or something else entirely. You may be on our newsletter list. If that's the case, you get a monthly newsletter, semi-monthly course offering samples and occasionally some announcements. You also might be receiving the weekly Christian sermons that we have offered. (I'm going to have some Spiritual and Pagan weekly sermons too, but I've jut had trouble keeping up.) We also have free weekly Sunday school lessons via email.DONATIONS - For those of you who have generously contributed to the seminary recently, I'd like to offer my very hearty thanks. There were about 10 people who found it in their hearts to offer a contribution to keep the seminary going. Times are rough for everyone and I am very appreciative for any and all help that has come our way. If any of you would like to contribute through paypal, the seminary address is amy@ulcseminary.org.A LITTLE CHUCKLEA father was at the beach with his children
when the four-year-old son ran up to him,
grabbed his hand, and led him to the shore
where a seagull lay dead in the sand.
'Daddy, what happened to him?' the son asked.
'He died and went to Heaven,' the Dad replied.
The boy thought a moment and then said,
'Did God throw him back down?'
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ULC Seminary
4714 Careyback Ave.
Elk Grove, CA 95758
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"Doing That Which is Right"
Hello char !
KIND WORDS - As many of you know, there's a new function on the site called 'Kind Words'. So far, it has been a really big hit. People go through their lives on a daily basis without hearing anything nice. This is a great way to change that. Periodically, you'll get an email that tells you something warm, kind and uplifting about yourself. It's a free service and I hope you all sign up.
It's available at www.ulcseminary.org/kindwords.php.
MORE WEDDINGS, FUNERALS, AND RITES on Email - This is something that people have been asking me for ever since the book came out (and a few BEFORE the book came out.) This amazing book is available as an email -- sent to you in a Word document so you can manipulate the ceremonies and customize them for your own events. There are new ceremonies of a wide variety. If you are a minister serious about being prepared, this is a must-have item.
NEW NAVIGATION - If you haven't dropped by the site in the last couple of weeks, be sure to check our new navigation bar. I spent a lot of time on it getting all the pages on the site listed in a comprehensive way. One of the suggestions you ministers have said to me was that it would be good if I could create an easier navigation. The sidebars helped, but I think the new drop-down menus will clarify things. I think it'll make it a lot easier for people to find what's on the site. Let me know what you think. Perhaps you'll find areas on the site that you didn't know existed!
NEW COURSE - This is a unique course in that the first installment of 6 is free. Dr. Louis Hook has put it together and because of his reputation, we have agreed to offer it here for you in this unusual format. The course is called: The Foundations of Traditionalist Theology One. There are six installments and you can order them one at a time. The first free section is available at OMEGA DAWN.
The degree will be a Master of Traditionalism.
The rest of the course can be ordered at:http://www.ulcseminary.org/store/product_info.php?products_id=209
ONLINE RADIO PROGRAM - Recently, I was honored to be invited to be on the Mona Magick show. She interviewed me for an hour about the ULC Seminary. For those that missed it, you can download it and listen to it here:
Under information & organizations:
ULC BUSINESS CARDS - We have a new item available. I've been asked for it by a number of different ministers over the years and only recently had a means to make it happens. ULC Business cards are a great new addition to our catalog. They have a beautiful new seal for the seminary that you can have on it, or you can choose from some other options. They are offered at a great deal for these custom cards.
FREE TOOLBAR - One of the other really cool new things we're doing is that we created a free downloadable toolbar. It's similar to one you may already have by Google or Yahoo, but this has the added bonus of having all the pages of the site presented in a simple-to-use format. People have said it's hard to find things on the site sometimes, because of its size, so I've simplified things on this new toolbar. I also have a section for 'new stuff'. Things will be posted there before they are announced, so if you get the toolbar, you'll always be in the know. Click here to get a look at what it is and, if you like it, download it quickly and for free:http://ulcseminary.ourtoolbar.com/
TWITTER/FACEBOOK/MYSPACE - Just a reminder that we are now on all of these social networking sites. I'm still getting the hang of it. For those that aren't on Twitter, but want up to the minute info (such as there is), the Twitter box is on the front page of the site and it updates automatically.
Previously Mentioned:
CHAPLAINCY PROGRAM - Go towww.ulcseminary.org/chaplaincyprogram.php to sign up. For those of you who have been taking courses through the seminary, those courses may also go towards your Chaplaincy program. Six courses are required and two are elective. Check it out and sign up. It's free to sign up and you'll get some mailings along the way. The program is going well. There may end up being one more requirement for the course, but it's one that everyone will want to take. It's a course on pastoral counseling.
CHAPLAINCY COURSE - On a related note, we have the new Chaplaincy Course available. It's called the Master of Chaplaincy Studies. It's a core required course for the Chaplaincy Program.http://www.ulcseminary.org/store/product_info.php?products_id=205
This program will teach you what it means to be a chaplain, the history and expectations.MASTER OF THE HISTORICAL JESUS- I mentioned this last month, but I wanted to make it known again. We also have a new course called the 'Master of The Historical Jesus.' There's a sample link listed on the Seminary Program page.
Thanks for everything!
Rev. Amy Long
Program Director
Visit Our Website |
ULC Seminary
4714 Careyback Ave.
Elk Grove, CA 95758
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"Doing That Which is Right"
Hello char !
HAPPY HOLIDAYS - Not a lot of big news this month, other than some outstanding sales and just general well-wishes on my part to you. Just so you know, I'm very grateful to be able to be part of the ULC and to head up its seminary. I love being able to share in your lives, even if only in a small way, and I rejoice in hearing all the great things you all are doing. Thank you for being there.
KIND WORDS - The kind words campaign has been a huge hit! On a whim, I decided to add all of our seminary students to the list. I think it was a good decision. I've sent out several emails so far and have gotten some great responses. As with all acts of kindness, it's selfish on my part. I feel so darn good every time I send one out that I grin for days. I can feel the well wishes coming back my way. If you haven't signed up for it yet, please do. It costs nothing and asks for nothing. The one thing I have found that surprised me was that I've had 5 or 6 people unsubscribe. I guess I'm curious as to why. Why wouldn't you want to hear some kind words coming your way. I like to get them, even the ones I wrote myself and sent myself. lol. Please sign up at any time.
It's available at www.ulcseminary.org/kindwords.php.
SALE ITEMS - For the month of December, I've decided to go all out and put a lot of stuff on sale. This is a great opportunity to get some things that you've been wanting from the Seminary, but didn't have the money for. I know the times are tough for everyone, so I thought a deep discount would be a great Christmas/holiday present that you can give yourself. There are going to be a lot of things on sale, so go to the sale section to view them all. If you have considered taking a course, this is the time because these are some great discounts on both courses and products.
FREE TOOLBAR - I mentioned this in the last couple of newsletters and I'm going to throw it out here again as well. This is a free new toolbar for your computer. One of the newest aspects of it is the 'chat' section. People have asked if we were going to reinstate the chat area, so we've done it via the toolbar. It's a free, real-time chat section for anyone who wants to jump on and say hello. It's a great way to talk in real-time without giving out your personal email or other info.
Click here to get a look at what it is and, if you like it, download it quickly and for free: http://ulcseminary.ourtoolbar.com/
NEW NAVIGATION - If you haven't dropped by the site in the last couple of weeks, be sure to check our new navigation bar. I spent a lot of time on it getting all the pages on the site listed in a comprehensive way. One of the suggestions you ministers have said to me was that it would be good if I could create an easier navigation. The sidebars helped, but I think the new drop-down menus will clarify things. I think it'll make it a lot easier for people to find what's on the site. Let me know what you think. Perhaps you'll find areas on the site that you didn't know existed!
NEW COURSE - I mentioned this last month, but I thought I'd throw it out again. This is a unique course in that the first installment of 6 is free. Dr. Louis Hook has put it together and because of his reputation, we have agreed to offer it here for you in this unusual format. The course is called: The Foundations of Traditionalist Theology One. There are six installments and you can order them one at a time. The first free section is available at OMEGA DAWN.
The degree will be a Master of Traditionalism.
The rest of the course can be ordered at:http://www.ulcseminary.org/store/product_info.php?products_id=209
ULC BUSINESS CARDS - I'm sorry to say I've had to discontinue the business cards for the time being. The person who was making them for us seems to have disappeared. I can't contact him through email or phone, so I don't want to send him any more orders until I figure out what's going on. Sorry about that.
TWITTER/FACEBOOK/MYSPACE - Just a reminder that we are now on all of these social networking sites. I'm still getting the hang of it. For those that aren't on Twitter, but want up to the minute info (such as there is), the Twitter box is on the front page of the site and it updates automatically.
Thanks for everything!
Rev. Amy Long
Program Director
Visit Our Website |
ULC Seminary
4714 Careyback Ave.
Elk Grove, CA 95758
To Unsubscribe, click here: Unsubscribe me from this list This is the ULC Seminary Newsletter. To unsubscribe, click the link on the bottom of the page.
Hello Reverend char!
Welcome to the Universal Life Church Seminary Newsletter, where we want to educate you, inform you and invite you to participate. If you didn't request this letter or wish to discontinue it, please scroll down to the bottom and hit the unsubscribe link. If you haven't checked out the site lately, take a peek.
If your name is listed incorrectly or you'd like to change your contact info, you can write to amy@ulcseminary.org to get it fixed.Visit Our Website |
ULC Seminary
4714 Careyback Ave.
Elk Grove, CA 95758
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