Posted by: HighPriestessChar on Mar 29, 2010
In June we will be haveing our midnight movie meetup at payson's Statium Cinamas.I will post a link to get per checks when they go on sale and you can show up anytime up to 10 mins to show time we vow to be the first in line this year!
Paysons Scottish festival 2010
Posted by: HighPriestessChar on Mar 29, 2010
We would like to have mixed clan/vendor booth at the Scottish Festival in Payson this year.But we need people who would like to help with the booth and aslo help pay if we get 10 persons we would just need $20 from each.We can sell only celtic ,wiccan or clan items. We would like to do readings for $10 if anyone would like to help. please contact me at or call me 801-465-3003
Blessed Be...High Priestess Char Norton
This is the ULC Seminary Newsletter Announcement. To unsubscribe, click the link on the bottom of the page.
"Doing That Which is Right"
Happy Mother's Day!
Hello char!
Spring has Sprung and the Grass has Riz - May is always so beautiful. Warm enough to wear shorts, but not so hot that we long for air-conditioning. If it weren't for allergies, it would be absolutely perfect.
NEW COURSE - The Master of Astral Projection and the Dr. of Christian Ethics are both underway. Both can be ordered through the church store.
Master of Astral Projection:
Dr. of Christian Ethics:
CURRENT GROWTH - The last month for me has been about computers. I'm not sure if a constantly breaking computer counts as a growth period, but it has been a struggle for sure. I now have a reliable laptop from one of our mini sters, Gene Hughes (, who has set me up! This should reduce the drama for awhile.
I think part of my growth this month is about the concept of setting boundaries and knowing when the right time is to draw a line in the sand. This can be difficult for a lot of us. If you have a friend or loved one who is terrific in many ways, but not so good in others, the challenge is to determine which ones weight more importantly. Maybe someone is kind and loving, but not good with money and spends recklessly or doesn't bring much into the household. Or a friend who you've known forever -- Does your history with that person outweigh some truly inconsiderate and selfish behavior? Where do we draw the lines? At what point do we decide that the cons are more important than the pros? Tough decision. It changes with every situation. Even when you draw the line, it can be hard to let go.
TESIMONIALS - I'd like to add more video to the website. I have a camera and I'm going to get started adding video sections with blurbs and such to talk about different things. What I would love is to have you all do the same thing, if you would. If you have access to a videocamera of any sort, videotape yourself talking briefly about weddings you've done, any of the books or products that you've used, classes you've taken, the church you started, etc. I'd love to get a montage of these and put them throughout the site. A short .mwv file would be great. Something I can play on windows. I'll edit them together into a few clips to post. Cool, huh? It would also be great to put a face/voice with so many of your names.
MAILING PROGRAM - I have been moving my mailings to a new program to head off some of the problems we've been having. For those of you who got the kinds words sent multiple times, I do apologize. If you unsubscribed because of it and want to sign up again, you can at One of the new things I have going on with the mailings is that on the forms, you can sign up for everything at once. I'm still making adjustments, but when you sign up for one, you should see the options for adding yourself to all the mailings that interest you. Some people have already taken advantage of it. I think it'll streamline things. I've also been getting some wonderful assistance from my beau, Ron, who has been adding a ton of new sermons and Sunday School lessons to the cue. If you sign up for those, you'll be getting them weekly for a year, at least, without interruption.
CANADA - Unfortunately, the drive to get Canada approved was abruptly halted when I found that I have to have the cooperation of the 'head of the denomination', which is Andre Hensley. S o, I'm at his mercy right now. Sorry about that. I'll keep doing what I can though. The other thing I'm reading is that even if they accept all the paperwork, it'll still take 2 years for them to approve a new denomination.
CONTEST - I'd like to thank all of you who took the time to vote for me in the book contest I'm in. Round one has ended and I do believe I'm heading off to round two. If you didn't get a chance to vote the first time around, please check in for round two and place your vote for me. http://www.Ne I'd greatly appreciate it. I believe I'll be posting the book outline and a sample chapter or two for this round.
ROBES AND STOLES - I did an oops on the newsletter that just went out. I had re-done my newsletters and inadvertently left in a line about robes and stoles being added to the store. They aren't. Our distributor went out of business, but I do have a line on a new one just recently. I have an email out to them about terms and if it is favorable, I'll be putting robes and stoles back in the store. Sorry for the misun derstanding.
Thanks for everything!
Rev. Amy Long
Program Director
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ULC Seminary Master of Awareness #4
ULC-SEMINARY – Rev. Elizabeth King
Hello char,
This is a sample of the Insights into Awareness Course. You are not necessarily subscribed to this course. This is a sample to give you an idea if this course is something that would be of interest to you. By joining the seminary program, you will get samples of all of the courses, along with a lot of other interesting information. It's free to join. If this doesn't interest you, then please enjoy reading this and any other samples that are sent your way. To order this course, go to:
Welcome to week four of Insights Into Awareness. Every week you will receive an email in your box that has wonderful information for you to study. Please read each discourse at least 3 times, as three is the magic number. Do you assignments carefully and diligently and at the end of this course, you will receive a masters degree.
Awareness Universal Life Church Seminary
Lesson 4-- Fulfilling our need for Energy
The Fourth Insight reveals the human tendency to steal energy from other humans by controlling them and taking over their mind -- a crime in which we all engage because we so often feel depleted of energy and cut off. This shortage of energy can be remedied when we connect with the higher Source.
The Universe = Energy = Us
The Universe can provide all the energy we need as long as we are receptive. Eventually, humans will understand that the universe is comprised of dynamic energy, an energy that can sustain us and respond to our expectations. However, we will also see that there is a disconnect between us and this greater source of this energy. We have cut ourselves off and in doing so, feel weak, insecure and lacking. In the face of this deficit, humans have always sought to increase our personal energy in the only manner we have known: by seeking to psychologically steal it from others--an unconscious competition that underlies all human conflict in the world.
As with history and science, we begin to understand this Insight by studying why humans treat each other so violently. We have always known that this violence comes from our urge to control and dominate one another bu t only recently have we studied this phenomenon from the point of view of the individual's consciousness.
We have asked what occurs within a human being that makes him want to control someone else. We have found that when an individual walks up to another person and engages in a conversation - which happens billions of times per day in the world - one of two things can happen: The individual can walk away feeling strong or the individual can walk away feeling weak, depending on the nature of the interaction. In the interest of survival, many people seem to take a manipulative posture. Regardless of the particulars of the situation, we prepare ourselves to say whatever's necessary to prevail in the conversation. Each of us seeks some way to control to remain "on top" in the encounter. Here's an exercise you can practice that will help you to connect to your Higher Wisdom.
Meditation to Connect to our Inner Wisdom.
Have someone read the following aloud slowly, or you can make a tape and play it as you perform the Meditation.
Step 1: Sit or lie down in a comfortable position where you will not be disturbed for 15 to 20 minutes. Begin your breathing exercise. Take a few deep cleansing breaths, and then begin to breathe easily and effortlessly. Let your body relax and let your mind become quiet. As each thought arises, simply let it go, like bubbles rising in a pond. Continue to let the thoughts flow past without holding on to them.
Step 2 : Bring your attention to the Hara (that area about 3 centimeters below the navel). Imagine that your inner wisdom resides in this place. In this deep quiet place, you may bring any question or issue you want to know more about. Ask your Inner Wis dom (Higher Self), “What do I need to know here? What is this situation trying to show me?” Listen quietly for any message from your intuition. Remember any suggestions for actions that you are given. Whenever you feel complete, you may end your meditation.
Step 3: Take the action(s) that your intuition has indicated to you. If you are on track, you will feel more aliveness and doors will open. Coincidence may increase.
Controlling is our way of gaining the Psychological “lift”
If we are successful in having our viewpoint prevail, we receive a psychological boost instead of feeling weak. In other words, we want to outwit and control each other not just for the achievement of some tangible goal but for the psychological benefits. This is why there are so many irrational conflicts in the world both at the individual level extending outward to nations.
The consensus in psychology is that this whole matter is now emerging into public consciousness. We are becoming aware of how much we manipulate each other and consequently we are reevaluating our motivations. We're looking for another way to interact.
The withering remnants of early pain, neglect, abuse, abandonment, belittlements, fear and guilt are the advent of our struggle to gain and maintain control. As we grow toward adulthood, we carry this baggage along with us. Ultimately, these early experiences give birth to the formation of our particular method of winning energy.
As children, we possessed few ego defenses to understand and fend off the painful effects of being ignored, criticized, or ridiculed, especially by those who were supposed to be nourishing, sustaining and caring for us. As we grew, we found ourselves affected by the accumulation of negative encounters which, in turn, affected and continues to affect our self-evaluation and expectations from the world. We have a deficit and it is only natural that we have a desire to compensate by grabbing energy from others. By becoming aware of how we discount ourselves, we can begin taking responsibility for our own part in a negative energy exchange.
Personal Insecurity and Conflict
For a long time, we humans have been unconsciously competing for the only part of this energy to which we have been receptive: the part that flows between people. This is what human conflict has always been about: from all the petty conflict in families and employment settings to wars between nations. It is the result of feeling insecure and weak and having to steal so meone's energy to feel okay. And it can begin at a very early age.
The need for control and the
addictive quest for dominance
is a universal quest aimed at
avoiding the inner void.
Because of its scope and because
it forms the underpinnings of all
unhealthy addictions, it has won
itself the label as the Master Addiction
In a power struggle, you might discover that your critical inner Parent is very busy at work making the other person appear in the wrong. Your behavior might even closely resemble that of your parents and a reflection of their values. For example, if you and your spouse are in a power struggle and your personal Parent ego state is alive and active, you might hear yourself saying, "There you go again. You alway s leave the toilet seat up. Why can't you get more organized and sensitive to the feelings of the women in this house?"
According to Eric Berne in his best-seller book Games People Play, the human ego can be defined in the following way: Parent, Child and Adult. These controlling factors of our psyche govern how we perceive the world and how the world perceives us.
Our Internal “Parents ”
The Parent State of our beings basically corresponds to the more aggressive voice in our head, that inner voice that questions us, intimidates us, ridicules us and even tells us how “stupid, illogical or “bad” we are.” It's a sta te that seeks to control us, often with erroneous or abusive messages.
The Child State in us, like all children, is that part of us which says, “I didn’t do it!” or cries “Poor me, everybody hates me!” and also makes us feel or appear aloof – uncaring, self-absorbed, etc.
The Adult State comes with the development of a connection to our Higher Self, that part of us that corresponds to a heightened state of mental and spiritual growth. Being aware of these inherent ego states is very helpful in understanding what drives our personal interactions and their extreme complexity.
The Parent Ego
The Parent Ego is composed of the behaviors, attitudes, and values that we modeled after our parents or other significant adults in our growing years. When you communicate to yourself in this state, you sound critical, judgmental, often rigid and righteous. Conversely, with this state, you might go the way and be overly protective and rescuing. Because YOU want to feel in control, you try to control others.
Very often, the Parent in you finds fault with the other person. In reality, your behavior might closely resemble that of one or both parents as you become very busy making the other person “wrong” and you “right.”
You might even wince inwardly thinking, "God, I sound just like my mother!" In Parent ego states, key words like "always" or "you never" will serve to alert you to the fact that old, past patterns are being d redged up and used in a present situation. When you hear yourself going on about other people's transgressions, it can be very helpful to simply step back and pay attention to what is happening inside of yourself. This will quickly let you know if you control mode for the purpose of winning energy.
The Child Ego
The next state we often find ourselves having to deal with in our internal dialogue is the Child Ego. This is defined by Berne as that familiar part of us that feels just as we did when we were an infant or young child.
At that stage of life, we were basically forced to deal with the world around us through manipulation from a position of weakness, guilt or irresponsibility. The Child Ego makes us want it “NOW” while assuming that others must fulfill our needs because they feel responsible.
The Adult Ego
Transactional analysis refers to the third state of our psyche as the Adult Ego state. When we operate from this state, we use our abilities to gather information from a variety of sources. We take the time to consider options and to make choices that are based on current information. These choices are made by using common sense, sensitivity as well as our innate sense of responsibility.
Those in the Adult stage are able to understand the reality of being in the “here and now” state. We are aware of our true feelings and we truly understand that we do have choices. If there are any risks to making a choice, then we rely on the best information we can find, taking into consideration what others have to say and trusting in ourselves to make a decision most conducive to the highest good of ourselves and others.
We are able to hear differing opinions without feeling threatened or by falling into feelings of “winning” or “losing.” In this state, we are able to stay in touch with our own feelings and express ourselves accurately with no intent of manipulating those around us. We know that more will be revealed to us as we open ourselves to life and what transpires in our lives. In other words, the Adult state is our ego’s readiness to connect with our faculties of intuition and to the Inner Guidance that is available to all of us.
The movement of this energy, if we can systematically observe it, is a way to understand what humans are receiving when we compete and argue and harm each other. When we control another human being, we receive their energy. We fill up at the other's expense and the filling up is what motivates us. People are, for the most part, unconscious to what they are doing. All we know is that we feel weak and when we control others, we feel better. What we don't realize is that this sense of feeling better costs the other person. We have stolen their energy.
The Energy Hunt
Most people go through their entire lives in a constant hunt for someone else's energy. To become unhooked from the need to control, the best thing you can do is to focus on feeling in the moment when you feel caught or anxious. There is no need to analyze others or to try to change them. All we need do is ask, "What amI feeling right now? What is it that I need here?" Once you have made contact with your inner self and the gut-level feelings you are experiencing, you can then move into your adult mode -- agreeing to disagree, not needing to win -- then shifting your attention toward tapping into the universal source of energy.
Occasionally, it does work differently. We meet someone who at least for a little while will voluntarily send us their energy. Sometimes, we meet another person who wants us to define their situation for them and will give us their energy outright. This e mpowers us and helps to relate our experiences and concepts with clarity and ease. But the gift doesn't usually last. Most people are not strong enough to keep giving energy. That's why most relationships eventually turn into power struggles.
Humans link up energy and then fight over its control. And the loser always pays the price. It makes no difference if we tell ourselves that we are doing it for the person's own good, i.e. - they are our children and therefore, we should be in control all the time. The damage still occurs. These addictive relationships are a direct result of failing to remain centered, accepting each other's energy and not allowing ourselves to become dependent upon it.
If someone dominates you psychically, they actually take your mind away. This leaves you without the energy or mental clarity for debate. All your mental powers are sucked up by the dominator. Unfortunately, this kind of p sychic violence happens all the time throughout human culture, often by otherwise well-meaning people.
Often, someone thinks he's right to control a situation and no doubt he learned a long time ago that he could be in control successfully by following a certain strategy. He first pretends to be your friend to gain your confidence, then he begins finding something wrong with what you're doing. In effect, he subtly undermines your confidence in your own path until you begin to identify with him. As soon as that happens, he has you. Prime examples of this kind of control can be found with psychically strong people like David Koresh, Jim Jones or other cult leaders who dupe less powerful people into believing their truth and following it to the exclusion of personal interest.
Abusive behavior towards family members and spouses is a direct result of this need for psychological control. An example of this is the fa mily where the parents are abusive to their weaker, more vulnerable children. This is what the human need to control others leads to when taken to the extreme.
The mother and father are in a position of completely dominance over their children which continues until the children are fed up with it and strike out, often with disastrous results. Children often lash out violently because it is the only way they can gain some control for themselves. Unfortunately, when these children grow up, because of the direct influence of this early trauma, they will think they have to seize control and dominate others with the same intensity.
This characteristic becomes deeply ingrained and will make them just as domineering as their parents, especially when they are around people who are vulnerable. In fact, this same trauma no doubt happened to their parents before they ever entered the picture. That's the means through whi ch psychological violence is passed down from one generation to another. With practice, you can actually see the energy moving between the members of a conflicted family. The mother and father will be seen sucking their children's energy into themselves, often until the children are literally almost dead, and vice versa, in a vicious cycle of energy theft.
Understanding the competition
Understanding the Fourth Insight is a matter of seeing the human world as a vast competition for energy and essentially, power. When we can stop depending on control as the sole impetus for change, the Universe guide us and puts the mystery back into life and makes us feel truly alive again. Although each bout of resistance and struggle is not necessarily "bad" because it offers an opportunity to see what needs to be changed. Nevertheless, the Fourth Insight teaches that there is a different, more exciting way to live and develop.
Recognizing our “need for control” leads to true Freedom
The Fourth Insight helps us recognize our need to control energy in our personal interactions in order to gain the psychological life that accompanies it. After you become aware of this t endency, you are then able to make a change in how you relate. It is human nature to want to take action. However, the key point in evolution is to increase consciousness of yourself and the Universe and the relationship you have with It. If you expect radical or sudden shifts toward harmonious relationships but you continue to get stuck in the competition for energy, don't assume that you aren't "getting" it.
All you need to become aware of will be presented to you.
If you are feeling frustrated at what is seemingly slow progress, realize that all your new insights need time to become integrated with your whole belief system. Once humans understand their struggle, we can immediately begin to transcend this conflict. We are able to begin breaking free from the competition over mere human energy because we finally are able to receive our energy fr om another Source, the whole of the universe, which is alive and pulsating with nourishing energy.
Part of the work we have to do is to transform self-imposed obstacles by first discovering what they are and then how to change them. The next time you find yourself in a situation that feels like a power struggle, consider how you might be justifying your position or preventing resolution. To discover our self-imposed obstacles, you can ask yourself the following and note them in your Journal for further analysis:
Part I:
Do you feel you have locked yourself into a position that feels like a power struggle? What are you feelings about the situation and what are you trying to accomplish? What are your most important needs in this situation? Who is in control of this interaction – your inner Parent or Child voice?
Being righteous – ho w have you categorized the other person and kept looking for ways to reinforce this judgment?
How are you limiting your options by looking only for a certain outcome? What are three more options you can consider?
Ask yourself what are you afraid of? Are you focusing on the feeling of “scarcity?”
How is this struggle showing you what you need to become aware of? Do you interpret the other person’s actions through the filter of your own fears? Are some parts of your own unwanted anger, hatred, sexual feelings, or judgments being reflected by the person?
Are you using perfectionism or confusion as an excuse for staying stuck? Are you unwilling to move ahead until everything is “perfect” or because you are not “perfect” yet? Are you claiming confusion instead of recognizing what it is you really want or need to do?
Are you focusing on the strug gle instead of trying to find equitable resolution? Are you infesting energy into this power struggle instead of taking responsibility and acting on your own issues?
Are you focusing on problems in order to keep energy coming to you? Are you focusing on this problem to keep yourself under the illusion of being in control of something? What is the payoff for you to stay focused on this problem rather than finding a resolution?
What could be the worst outcome of this situation? What are you in fear of the most? Is your worst fear realistic for this situation?
Part II: Transforming Self-Imposed Obstacles.
a What do you want from others that you could do for yourself?
b What could you do differently?
c What is an action that you would be willing to do to turn this situation around for yourself?
d How would you like the universe to support you in resolving this situation?
Become familiar with the following Affirmations and practice them often during the day. You might want to write them on 3" X 5" cards and keep a copy at your desk, in your purse, tapped to your bathroom mirror or in your daily planner.
☼ I am increasing my awareness of energy
☼ I have a strong internal connection to my higher self
☼ My best decisions are made when I am connected to my inner wisdom
☼ Once I have made a decision, I follow through with appropriate action.
☼ I take time to reflect on important decisions.
☼ I trust that my process is taking me to a higher level of living.
This Week's Assignment
Using New Behaviors to keep your energy focused while at the same time remain free-flowing and life affirming.
1 Choose one of the following behaviors. In your Journal describe how you will go about applying it to a current problem.
2 Choose one behavior and practice it for a week. At the end of the week, review and see if you have felt an increased energy and are more open? As a result of this practice, have new opportunities come your way?
Practice these Behaviors to keep your energy focused and free :
* Stay present in the moment.
* Be your authentic self – be real.
* Pay attention to your feelings.
* Listen actively – clarify what you hear.
* Stay in your Adult ego state.&nbs p;
* Focus on how you want to feel.
* Tell the truth as you feel it.
* Let go of attachment to only one outcome.
* Let the mystery unravel.
* Stay open.
Change happens not by trying to make yourself change, but by
Becoming conscious of what’s not working
Have a wonderful week, and Walk in Light.
Until next week, Blessings be with you in all you endeavor to do .
Thank you for joining us this week, char. See you next week! If you have any questions or comments about this course, please write to me at or post it in the forum at
You are encouraged to post your lessons on the forum or send them to and she will post them for you. The goal is to begin some meaningful dialogue with other ministers and to learn from the different exchanges.
Talk to you next week!
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Meetup Reminder
The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup
Your group has a Meetup tomorrow!
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Game Night
Friday, May 7, 2010 7:00 PM
7 Yes / 0 Maybe
Sacred Circle Temple
3464 W 3800 South
Salt Lake City UT 84119
Here's what people are saying about this Meetup Group
"Because we ROCK !!"
— Scott
"Tons of fun."
— Robin
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Meetup Description
Come bring your family to have a fun filled night with various games
(bunco, board games, cards etc.)! Bring your own games , snacks
and drinks to share! Come commune with community !
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668
Meetup Announcement
The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup
Your group has a Meetup Friday, May 21, 2010 7:00 PM!
Crystal Allies Gem Club
Friday, May 21, 2010 7:00 PM
6 Yes / 0 Maybe
Sacred Circle Temple
3464 W 3800 South
Salt Lake City UT 84119
6 Witches RSVPed Yes, including…
see all
Meetup Description
Come to our Crystal Allies Gem Club and learn how to work
with stones and crystals for healing, spellwork and magick!
Bring yourself or a friend, all materials provided. Casual dress.
More info on our Facebook events page here :
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668
Meetup Reminder
The Utah Good Witches Meetup
Your group has a Meetup tomorrow!
You still need to RSVP.
CUUPS Pancake Breakfast
Sunday, May 9, 2010 11:00 AM
2 Yes
South Valley Unitarian Universalist Society
6876 Highland Dr
Salt Lake City UT 84121
How Much
Price: $7.00 per person
Here's what people are saying about this Meetup Group
"This is an amazing group and feel acceptance every time I around them. Love It!!!!"
— Amy Davis
"the sweat is a totally sacred experience, and anyone who wants to feel cleansed should come"
— james
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Meetup Description
11 - 1 Pancake Breakfast to support CUUPS at South Valley Unitarian Universalist Society.
Pancakes ~ Yummmm
sausages, meat and vegetarian
bread pudding
breakfast burritos
cinnamon roles
fruit and all things breakfast
Come on out and enjoy a wonderful breakfast supporting a great cause with good people
and great community !
Cost ~ $7 suggested donation per person or $15 for family
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668
Meetup Reminder
Star Coven and W.P.A.
Your group has a Meetup Sunday, May 16, 2010 10:00 AM!
You RSVPed Yes.
late Betlane /Mother's day Brunch
Sunday, May 16, 2010 10:00 AM
1 Yes / 0 Maybe
Star Coven of Wicca's coven sted
149n 100e
Payson UT 84651
Update your RSVPHere's what people are saying about this Meetup Group
"Anyone with interest in paranormal would benefit. Give it a try! You wont be disappointed!!"
— Traci Bagshaw
"Because your treated like family as soon as you walk threw the door. It is wonderful meeting like-minded people. I can't wait till the next meet up."
— Shelley
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Meetup Description
Merry meet , Friends.
Bring your family and a breakfast or snack like desert to share.
Come,celebrate the Goddess in you or your mother.Everyone is welcome.We will be talking about Ladies, mothers, Goddess who inspired or still inspire us.And a quick fun Betlane circle.This is a gift to the mother's.Dress Casual in comfortable clothes as always.We will do a meditation,and have loads of fun.Men are always welcome.I will be giving the mothers a gift if there family knows them well.Hope to see you there! Blessed Be...High Priestess Char
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668
Meetup Announcement
The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup
Your group has a Meetup Sunday, May 23, 2010 2:00 PM!
Charmed Goddesses ~ Women's Circle
Sunday, May 23, 2010 2:00 PM
10 Yes / 0 Maybe
Sacred Circle Temple
3464 W 3800 South
Salt Lake City UT 84119
10 Witches RSVPed Yes, including…
see all
Meetup Description
Join us on Facebook
"Love Spell Bath Salts"
Everyone needs love in their lives, so we will be taking advantage of the
great Beltane energies and crafting
ourselves some nice smelling bath salts to help ourselves feel beautiful,
love ourselves, and attract more love!
Sacred Circle will provide sea salt, epsom salts and other salt ingredients
Participants will need to bring favorite love herbs, essential oils, and
other ingredients.
*Held at the Temple
*Goddess: Aphrodite*
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668
Meetup Reminder
The Utah Good Witches Meetup
Your group has a Meetup tomorrow!
You still need to RSVP.
The Order of Our Lady of Salt - Goddess Worship Service
Monday, May 10, 2010 7:30 PM
2 Yes
6876 S 2000 E
Salt Lake City UT 84120
Here's what people are saying about this Meetup Group
"I feel like part of the family. I love going to these meetups!"
— Saffyre
"A great bunch of people. Very friendly and caring. Willing to help each other out in a pinch."
— Denise
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Meetup Description
Gwenhwyfar: Historical figure or fiction? Human or divine? Fickle
adultress or maligned Goddess?
Sources tell us that she is the predecessor to Guinevere the wife of
King Arthur. And who doesn’t know Guinevere, the beautiful Guinevere.
She was the betrayer of the round table, adulteress, fickle, and
unworthy of such a king as Arthur. Victorian writers, such as Lord
Tennyson, portray King Arthur as virtuous and moral. His Queen,
Guinevere, undermines his morality by taking his “best knight” to
her bed and falling deeply in love with Lancelot. However, this
story is not all its cracked up to be. If we look at the literature
critically, and go a little further back, and unpack this assumption
we find a very different story indeed.
Join the OOLS as we celebrate Gwenhwyfar on May 10, 2010.
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The Newest Payson Meetup Groups:
SLC Yoga Mindfully Feminine
Salt Lake Pinochle Group
Mountain Bike Skills with BetterRide SLC
Live and Thrive Barter and Trade Group
CQB Airsoft
Magna Concerned Citizens
OrFUN Crafts and Service
CEO Space UT
South Jordan Evening Meditation Group
Live and Thrive Community Garden Group
South Jordan Meditation Group
SLC The Sandlot
Truth in Education
Forex BionicCyborg Automated Trading Meetup Group
Utah Blog U
South Jordan Bipolar Support Group
This Week's Meetups
Monday, May 10, 2010
6:00 PMCommunity Reiki Circle: Combo Night: Reiki Share + Reiki for the Earth
New! Utah Blog U: Utah Blog U Weekly
7:00 PMHappiness 101: Happiness 101: Social Comparison
Mind-Body-Soul Experience: Mind
Salt Lake City Metaphysics Meetup Group: Mind Body Soul Experience at Tatwic Tide
9:00 PMWordPress Website & SEO Club of Salt Lake: Drop In Club - WordPress Maintenance Monday
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
7:00 AMFiscal (weekly) Networking Breakfast: Fiscal (weekly) Networking Breakfast Weekly Meetup
8:00 AMHikeOn - WAM (Weekday Mornings): Circle-All Peak from Butler Fork
8:30 AMSheryl's Outdoor Adventure Group: Weekday Hiking Outing
12:00 PMFiscal Networking Sandy: Fiscal Networking Sandy Meetup
5:00 PMSLC Get Up Get Out (GUGO) Group: Bouncing Tuesdays
6:00 PMAYSO Cottonwood Co-Ed Adult Soccer: COTTONWOOD, Pickup Soccer
Community Reiki Circle: Advanced Reiki Training
Quantum Leap: Energy Healers Meetup Group: South - Pizza "Meet and Greet"
6:30 PMSalt Lake City Metaphysics Meetup Group: Why Hypnosis?
Salt Lake City Spanish Language Meetup Group: Mestizo coffeehouse spanish group
7:00 PMNew! South Jordan Bipolar Support Group: South Jordan Bipolar Support Group Meetup
Timpanogos Wine Club: Communal Restaurant Dinner Club
Utah County 9/12 Meetup Group: Utah County 912 General Membership Meeting
Utah County We Surround Them Meetup: Utah County 912 General Membership Meeting
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
3:00 PMThe Salt Lake City/Murray Knitting Group: The May Daytime SLC/Murray Knitting Group Meetup
6:00 PMCommunity Reiki Circle: Hospice Volunteer Training
Salt Lake City Law of Attraction Circle: Salt Lake City Law of Attraction Circle Weekly Meetup
6:30 PMCard-Making and Scrapbooking Enthusiasts: Monthly Scrapbook Club
7:00 PMEmpowerment Trailblazers: Empowerment Trailblazers Weekly Meetup
Salt Lake City Spanish Language Meetup Group: Margaritas and conversation espanol
7:45 PMNew! SLC Yoga Mindfully Feminine: SLC Yoga Mindfully Feminine Meetup
Thursday, May 13, 2010
8:30 AMSheryl's Outdoor Adventure Group: Weekday Hike
5:00 PMThe Salt Lake City Meditation Group and SLC Breathe: Circle Up and Breathe w/Corrie Borris - Free Intro to Breathwork
6:00 PMAYSO Cottonwood Co-Ed Adult Soccer: COTTONWOOD, Pickup Soccer
The Salt Lake City French Language Group: Soiree chez Gourmandise
6:30 PMNew! CEO Space UT: CEO Space UT: Whatever You’re Looking for Is Just a SNAP w/Jerry Hayward
Community of Healers (SLC, Utah): Reiki Practitioners Healing Circle
Salt Lake City Metaphysics Meetup Group: Beginning Learn how to Do Psychic Readings
7:00 PMAtheists of Utah-Zion Sect: Atheists of Utah-Zion Sect Weekly Meetup
Meetup for The Work of Byron Katie SLC: Open Session The Work of Byron Katie in SLC
Mental Self-Defense - The SLC Hypnosis Meetup: Mental Self-Defense - The SLC Hypnosis Meetup Monthly Meetup
8:00 PMSalt Lake Witches: Karaoke
9:00 PMWordPress Website & SEO Club of Salt Lake: Drop In Club - WordPress Theme and SEO Thursday
Friday, May 14, 2010
10:00 AMSalt Lake Witches: Utah Renaissance Festival and Fantasy Faire - Day 4
5:00 PMMojave Underground Utah: Family Campout
6:00 PMUtah Quirky Don't-Fit-Any-Type Friends Meetup Adults 21 up: Dinner/ Off Broadway
7:00 PMBoard Game Meetup: Salt Lake City Metro Area: Game Night
Salt Lake Witches: Meet the OTO
7:30 PMThe Salt Lake Magicians Group: Night of Magic
8:00 PMSalt Lake Witches: Stealth Coffee - Greenhouse Effect
Saturday, May 15, 2010
8:15 AMSheryl's Outdoor Adventure Group: Church Fork Waterfall Hike and Grandeur Peak Trail
9:00 AMBackpacking and Outdoor Recreation Group: Kolob Canyons (Zion National Park) Backpacking Trip May 15 - 17
Utah Intentional Communities: Earth building workshop (Cob)
10:00 AMSalt Lake Witches: Utah Renaissance Festival and Fantasy Faire - Day 5
11:00 AMNew! SLC The Sandlot: SLC The Sandlot Meetup
The Salt Lake City Great Dane Meetup Group: Great Dane Day!
11:30 AMThe Utah County Freemasons MeetUp: Masonic Meetup at Chilis
12:00 PMCampaign for Liberty - Greater Salt Lake Area: RLC of Utah Convention w/ Gov. Gary Johnson
1:00 PMYou Are Psychic!: Psychic Meetup
2:00 PMVicarious Gourmet Utah County Cooking Classes: Grilling Steak to Perfection
4:00 PMAYSO Cottonwood Co-Ed Adult Soccer: Cottonwood Co-Ed Soccer, 4pm Kickoff, Field #11
4:45 PMThe Springville Psychic and Law Of Attraction Group.: The Springville Psychic Group - Sharing Successes and Teaching Each Other
5:00 PMSalt Lake City Ex-Mormon Meetup: Salt Lake City Ex-Mormon Meetup Monthly Meetup
6:00 PMSLC Get Up Get Out (GUGO) Group: Roller Derby
The Salt Lake City Meditation Group and SLC Breathe: Circle Up and Breathe w/Corrie Borris
7:00 PMNew! CQB Airsoft: CQB Airsoft Meetup
The Salt Lake Board Game Meetup: Game Night
7:30 PMSLC 's Liberal-minded Culture Seekers: belly dance performances
The Salt Lake Magicians Group: Magic Night
Sunday, May 16, 2010
8:30 AMCommunity Reiki Circle: Reiki II Class: The Usui System of Natural Healing
10:00 AMSalt Lake Witches: Utah Renaissance Festival and Fantasy Faire - Day 6
Star Coven and W.P.A.: late Betlane /Mother's day Brunch
The Salt Lake City Tantric Meetup Group: The Salt Lake City Tantric Meetup Group Weekly Meetup
11:00 AMAdventure Seekers in Salt Lake: SkyDiving--Lets Jump Out of A Perfectly Good Airplane-
1:00 PMSalt Lake Active Meditation: Salt Lake Active Meditation - Chakra Sounds
SLC 's Liberal-minded Culture Seekers: Utah Renaissance Festival
3:00 PMSalt Lake Witches: Swap-O-Rama!!!
4:00 PMSedona Method Support Group Utah: May Sedona Method Support Group Meeting
7:00 PMThe Salt Lake City Meditation Group and SLC Breathe: Sitting Mindfulness Meditation w/Marlise
All Meetup Groups in Payson
Start your own Payson Meetup Group
Best regards,
The Team at Meetup HQ
661 W. State St. Suite D
Pleasant Grove
Hosted by Linda Radford
Thurs. May 13th RSVP
7pm - 9pm
The Crystal Ray
Intuitive Healing Fair
Saturday, May 22nd
10am - 5pm
The Crystal Ray/Lighten Up Wellness and The Awaking to Your Intuition Class invites you to participate in our Intuitive Arts & Healing Fair. Come and explore many modalities of healing and wellness to find your place of peace and serenity for your mind body and spirit.
Sessions starting from $10 for 20 minutes.
Intuitive Readings
Aura Photography
Card Reading
Earth Energy Blessing
Class Information Contact: Diane Dunnavant 801-319-7670
Foot Baths or Carlene Steadman 801-785-8855 for more
Aromatherapy Scans information.
Intuitive Life Coaching
Energy Healing Sessions
Nutrition and Essential Oil Info
Akashic Record Reading
And Much More**
Women's Divine Gathering
May 14th 6pm - 8pm
May 15th 9am - 6pm
May 16th 9am - 5pm
Presented by Loray Hattaway, Boise, ID
We will be learning from four feminine Divine Messengers, as received by Loray through the Gift of Revelation. Our Divine Messengers will be Sarah, Mary, Deborah, and Miriam; four powerful women from biblical times.
click underlined words for Event description
ThetaHealing - DNA 1 & 2 Training
**** Fri. May 28,29,30th ****
with Carlene Steadman D.D.
click underlined words for class description
RSVP and pre-register by May 15th with a $200 deposit
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Friday, May 7, 2010
Mashed Potatoes
With this recipe you'll have a mash hit on your hands. The addition of chicken gravy transforms this scrumptious side dish from clumpy to creamy. One taste of these tempting taters and everybody will be coming back for more.
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For many dieters, that post-dinner period...
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The Moon in Pisces now has the potential...
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They tried to make them go to rehab and...
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Monday, May 10, 2010
Hummus With Tomatoes
We've got hummus that will leave you humming a happy tune. Fresh tomatoes give this traditional Mediterranean favorite a new twist. Serve with pita chips and crackers -- or simply enjoy it by the spoonful. It's good eating.
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It sounds like a dieter's delight - a big...
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The Moon in Aries trines Mars today,...
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Vampire Community News
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'Vampire' Victim In Hospital For A Week
The Dominion Post
Last Updated 05:00 07/05/2010
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Vampire Community News
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Deviant Leisure
Professional Insights By Dr. D J Williams
So, people shouldn’t challenge conventional doctrine—nor use their minds to arrive at unique understandings of themselves and their subjective worlds? BITE ME!
Self-identified vampires do not believe they are superhuman versions of various myths. Rather, these vampires are normal human beings who simply identify strongly with any number traits associated with vampires. Mythical vampires are powerful, mysterious and seductive. Some traits of vampires are highly valued within the mainstream while other traits are despised. Thus, mythical vampires often reflect a range of attractive and undesirable—yet human—characteristics.
Despite our tendency focus on virtues and to present ourselves toward others in a socially desirable fashion, we humans can be greedy, inconsiderate, and sometimes even downright nasty to each other (often without even knowing it). Just think for a moment about the widespread and systematic war and dehumanization throughout human history! Vampires are reflections of us, which explains their incredible popularity in books, movies and popular culture. Mythical vampires, like people, are a complicated mixture of light and dark. However, many people who self-identify as vampires believe that it is healthy to acknowledge and manage one’s darkness, rather than deny and avoid it.
Self-identified vampires describe deficits in processing energy, and these vampires may be distinguished based on the different sources of energy from which they “feed.” There seem to be resemblances in core vampire practices and other forms of energy work that gradually have become more accepted in mainstream society. Extensive demographic research conducted within the international vampire community shows that vampires vary considerably in ethnicity, religious affiliation, education, and psychological profile. Self-identified vampires seem to be, well, rather normal people!
Unfortunately, there seems to be an almost universal belief among mental health and forensics professionals that anyone who identifies as a vampire is perhaps delusional and may be at higher risk for inflicting violence. Professionals point to a handful of violent criminal cases where offenders claimed to be vampires (but were not part of the vampire community). Plenty horrific cases have occurred by violent individuals who identify with various social groups, such as being male, American, Judeo-Christian, etc. This does not mean a person within such groups is exceptionally dangerous.
The community of self-identified vampires encourages respect for human beings and their beliefs. Vampires do not condone violence or abuse. Whether you are aware of it or not, there is probably someone you already know who is a vampire...and that vampire is probably a polite, decent, law-abiding citizen.
Selected Publications
* Williams, D J (2008). Contemporary vampires and (blood-red) leisure: Should we be afraid of the dark? Leisure/Loisir, 32, 513-539.
Additional Links
* Atlanta Vampire Alliance -
* Vampire Church (note: Vampire Church is not a religion, but an educational and supportive resource) -
About Dr. Williams
Dr. Williams completed a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree and a Master of Science (MS) degree from the University of Utah, and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree and postdoctoral fellowship from the University of Alberta. His multidisciplinary education and professional experience crosses leisure sciences, sexology, social work and criminology. Dr. Williams is a social worker, postmodern thinker, creative body-modifier, sex-positive educator, and a leading expert on deviant leisure. He has lectured internationally and consulted with business organizations, law enforcement and mental health agencies. Dr. Williams has been a faculty member at Idaho State University and the California State University at Los Angeles.
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Inspiring Quotes About Mothers
We honor mothers with these inspiring quotes that will make all mom feel loves and appreciated.
Prayers for Mother's Day
Mothers nurture and love their, providing them with wisdom and guidance toward happiness. Celebrate motherhood with these nine prayers and blessings.
Prayers for Jobs and Money
In the grip of financial crisis or trying to make ends meet? These 10 prayers for financial stability will help you ask for the good fortune that is yours.
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Learn How to Write What You Know
Do you enjoy scrapbooking? Do you keep a journal? Learn from an expert how to turn those memories and reflections into a journey of self-discovery.
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Quote of the Day
I have a 'Play The Melody' philosophy. It means don't over-arrange, don't make life difficult. Just play the melodyand do it the simplest way possible.
- Jackie Gleason
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A Video Tribute for Mothers Day
We asked people to share what inspires them about their moms. See the uplifting video and upload your own tribute.
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If you find in your heart to care for somebody else, you will have succeeded.
- Maya Angelou
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Julia Lydia Molnar sent a message to the members of hands on healer.
Julia Lydia MolnarMay 7, 2010 at 1:35am
good morning sprirtual brothers and sister's
the wkends is almost upon us all,
plze good you pop onto my website, feel free to leave comments ,
andplze could you sign the guestbook to say you been on and had a look
also what you would like to see on there ,
wishing you all a blessed wkend hoping it's filled with much kindness,
and filled with many angelic blessings , love and light ,
Namaste xx ♥
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Julia Lydia Molnar sent a message to the members of hands on healer.
Julia Lydia MolnarMay 7, 2010 at 1:50am
Subject: Angel-being.
The art of an angel is the heart of an Angel.
how good are you at sharing with other's?
Most of us share friendship and fun together but how easy is it to our private feelings ?
Our thoughts, ideas and love, the reality of who we really are, these are often kept very close to out hearts for fear of rejection, ridicule, criticism and pain .
Sharing is a two-way living experience.
The Universal law of generosity works in such a way that what you give willing will be returned to you , some times more fully.
Sit Meditatively and create a safe space for yourself,
Then call upon the Angels of harmony to draw close to you ,
Ask them to help dissolve barriers of poverty-consciousness or rejection that prevent you from sharing either your material possessions or your feeling's.
surround yourslef in a pink loving light of warmth and know that you are always supported in you generosity.
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Julia Lydia Molnar sent a message to the members of hands on healer.
Julia Lydia MolnarMay 10, 2010 at 2:45am
Subject: Angel Reassurance
Angels are there ,
even when you think the rest of the world has gone away.
we are never alone . when we feel sad, lonely and even unloved, we need to rember that each of us has a gurdian angel whl knows and loves us eve though no one else seems to care .
In a quiet peaceful place it is possible to think things through with your guardian angel who already know all your problems and secerts.
Talk out loud to your angels and ask for a sign that is meaningful to you.
Practise listening and feeling as a form of meditaion; this will bring the presence of the angels closer to you until a sense of ' knowing' is developed as a form of communication between you and your angels.
Feathers are a divine symbol that your angels are with you .
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Paganism / Wiccan
Paganism / Wiccan Basics Celebrations Pagan Living
From Patti Wigington, your Guide to Paganism / Wiccan
As the Pagan population constantly grows and changes, more and more people are finding themselves in the position of raising kids in a Pagan tradition. There are often a unique set of issues that go along with being part of a Pagan family. In addition, there are questions about how to raise a child in a Pagan tradition -- after all, we don't have weekly Sunday school like some other religions, so almost all education falls on parents. Let's look at some of the important issues that impact Pagan parents and their children.
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Including Kids in Pagan Practice
As the modern Pagan movement progresses and evolves, the Pagan community has grown to encompass people of all age levels. Those who discovered Paganism as teens or college students two or three decades ago are now raising their own children, and so the demographic within the Pagan community is constantly changing. It's not uncommon at all to meet families in which one or both parents are Pagans or Wiccans, and they may have kids who follow a variety of religious paths. One of the questions that arises, though, is that of how to include children in Pagan practice... Read More
Ten Activities for Pagan Kids
For many Pagans and Wiccans, it's hard to find kid-friendly activities that celebrate our spiritual path. Believe it or not, sharing your beliefs with your kids is easier than you think. After all, you're the parent, so you can lead by example. Show your children what you do, and they'll emulate you in their own way. Teaching by doing is the key. By living a Pagan life, you'll show your kids what it means to be Pagan or Wiccan or whatever your family's path is. These very simple activities are easy enough that you can do them with nearly any child, so have fun with them! Read More
Your Rights as a Pagan Parent
People often say that they're afraid to come out of the broom closet -- what if their ex-spouse uses Wicca as a weapon in a divorce proceeding? What if a teacher singles out someone's child because mom and dad are Pagan? How do you find a balance that allows you to practice your faith, and yet still protect your rights as a parent? Read More
Pagan Kids Book List
The biggest problem here is that there just really isn't a whole lot out there commercially available for kids in Wiccan and Pagan families. That makes it kind of tough sometimes to find books... however, once you do a little digging, you'll find there are a ton of books that support Pagan and Wiccan principles and values. Things like stewardship of the earth, respect for nature, reverence of the ancestors, tolerance for diversity, a hope towards peace -- all things that many Wiccan and Pagan parents would like to see instilled in their kids... Read More
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I am so glad you posted this, Bell. I have been meaning to call you or Marissa to see how things went but life has been crazy for the past couple weeks. Today I am finally at home and refusing any obligations or drama. I plan to sit on the couch and watch movies today. I am glad to hear things went well with Beltane and I am so sorry I missed it. I thought about you all a lot last Saturday. I dreamed I was there, dancing around the Maypole.
Any word on who is taking the staff for Litha?
--- On Wed, 5/5/10, Bell
From: Bell
Subject: [supaganalliance] Beltaine 2010 Report
Date: Wednesday, May 5, 2010, 10:37 PM
Hello All,
This past weekend we had our Southern Utah Pagan Alliance Beltaine Celebration at the home of Twilight in Hurricane, UT. Twilights home is an historic beautiful turn of the century home with a lushious yard. Even though our celebration was very near the center of town there was plenty of beautiful new blooms and greenery to admire.
Twilight, Asheley(new to the group), and I were the only attendees for a good long while. Twilight and I set up the Maypole, and bricked the fire pit, and then we made flower crowns and greenman masks and had conversation until about 7pm. During this time many friends of Twilight came and went and participated in the crafting. It was really good to see one other familiar face "pagandarwin" (Scott) of course our good friend pulled up in his law enforcement- type vehicle and for a second we thought that the neighbors had gotten preturbed(we had just started the fire) but then I realized that poor pagandarwin was on duty, uniform and all(lookin sharp though-thanks for taking such a nice pic of me, i'll try and post that). About 7pm Twilights boyfriend(superswee t) joined us. Twilights friends Asheley and her husband and Allie (all new to the supa group) joined us to perform the Maypole dance, which was a lot of fun. After that we toke our favorite quarters and called the energies of the directions to join us. We formed a lovely friendly circle and danced and I especially enjoyed shaking my shaker. We all moved to the center to recognize the 5th element of spirit. We felt the presence of the God and Goddess and I was very greatful to have participated in the very first Maypole erected and danced in downtown Hurricane that I know of. It felt very Historical to me and we were all blessed to be in the company of others that understood and participated in our desire to create such an event.
When the circle was taken down and all elements released the group disbanded fairly quickly after that. We had all had a full day. I slept there in my popup tent trailer and was very comfortable.
Even though I will always prefer to be more out in nature for the celebrations that we host, especially those that occur in the warmer months, I thoroughly enjoyed our Beltaine celebration. Twilight is a youthful, gracious hostess and I appreciate her opening up her home and her time to be hostess. I might add that Twilight is currently in her 1st trimester of pregnancy and even though she is constantly in a state of nausea, this did not deter her from her commitment as a hostess. I Thank you Twilight for all the love and work that you put into our Beltaine celebration for 2010. My only regret was that a lot of our other members(who I missed) had other commitments that pulled them away from joining us this year. But, never fear the wheel is always turning and we will see you all soon at the next Brew and most hopefully at out next celebration.
Blessed Be,
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Announcing a new Meetup for The Utah Good Witches Meetup!
What: Fighting for Air ~ Lung Walk
When: Saturday, May 15, 2010 8:00 AM
Sugar House Park
1330 East 2100 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84106
Each year, too many lives are lost to lung disease and this is
your chance to walk, raise money and make an impact in their
honor. By joining the Lung Walk you are making the commitment
to fight lung disease so everyone can breathe easier- including you!
Join us in our fight against lung disease May 15, 2010, 8 a.m. registration, 9 a.m. the Walk starts at Sugarhouse Park in Salt Lake City. Directions to Sugarhouse Park .
Last years walk was a blast! And this year promises to be even more exciting. Come join us to fight Lung Disease, mingle with new friends, JAZZ BEAR and watch the talented high school drill teams perform and enjoy light snacks and refreshments.
Be sure not to miss all the fun!
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668
Announcing a new Meetup for The Utah Good Witches Meetup!
What: Fighting for Air ~ Lung Walk
When: Saturday, May 15, 2010 8:00 AM
Sugar House Park
1330 East 2100 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84106
Each year, too many lives are lost to lung disease and this is
your chance to walk, raise money and make an impact in their
honor. By joining the Lung Walk you are making the commitment
to fight lung disease so everyone can breathe easier- including you!
Join us in our fight against lung disease May 15, 2010, 8 a.m. registration, 9 a.m. the Walk starts at Sugarhouse Park in Salt Lake City. Directions to Sugarhouse Park .
Last years walk was a blast! And this year promises to be even more exciting. Come join us to fight Lung Disease, mingle with new friends, JAZZ BEAR and watch the talented high school drill teams perform and enjoy light snacks and refreshments.
Be sure not to miss all the fun!
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Fear less, hope more,
Eat less, chew more,
Whine less, breathe more,
Talk less, say more,
Hate less, love more,
And all good things will be yours. ~ Author unknown
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Announcing a new Meetup for The Utah Good Witches Meetup!
What: Fighting for Air ~ Lung Walk
When: Saturday, May 15, 2010 8:00 AM
Sugar House Park
1330 East 2100 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84106
Each year, too many lives are lost to lung disease and this is
your chance to walk, raise money and make an impact in their
honor. By joining the Lung Walk you are making the commitment
to fight lung disease so everyone can breathe easier- including you!
Join us in our fight against lung disease May 15, 2010, 8 a.m. registration, 9 a.m. the Walk starts at Sugarhouse Park in Salt Lake City. Directions to Sugarhouse Park .
Last years walk was a blast! And this year promises to be even more exciting. Come join us to fight Lung Disease, mingle with new friends, JAZZ BEAR and watch the talented high school drill teams perform and enjoy light snacks and refreshments.
Be sure not to miss all the fun!
click for More info
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Add Starrlites to your hair today !
Fear less, hope more,
Eat less, chew more,
Whine less, breathe more,
Talk less, say more,
Hate less, love more,
And all good things will be yours. ~ Author unknown
Blesssed Be
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Announcing a new Meetup for The Utah Good Witches Meetup!
What: Fighting for Air ~ Lung Walk
When: Saturday, May 15, 2010 8:00 AM
Sugar House Park
1330 East 2100 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84106
Each year, too many lives are lost to lung disease and this is
your chance to walk, raise money and make an impact in their
honor. By joining the Lung Walk you are making the commitment
to fight lung disease so everyone can breathe easier- including you!
Join us in our fight against lung disease May 15, 2010, 8 a.m. registration, 9 a.m. the Walk starts at Sugarhouse Park in Salt Lake City. Directions to Sugarhouse Park .
Last years walk was a blast! And this year promises to be even more exciting. Come join us to fight Lung Disease, mingle with new friends, JAZZ BEAR and watch the talented high school drill teams perform and enjoy light snacks and refreshments.
Be sure not to miss all the fun!
click for More info
Learn more here:
Add Starrlites to your hair today !
Fear less, hope more,
Eat less, chew more,
Whine less, breathe more,
Talk less, say more,
Hate less, love more,
And all good things will be yours. ~ Author unknown
Blesssed Be
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Reminder from: supaganalliance Yahoo! Group
Title: Witches' Brew
Date: Sunday May 16, 2010
Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Repeats: This event repeats every month on the third Sunday.
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Location: Starbuck's at Barnes and Noble
Street: Red Cliffs Mall
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Title: Ranea
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Sunday, May 9, 2010
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Milk does a body good, but this buttermilk pie does a body great. With a handful ingredients, every bite is sure to melt in your mouth. Top with your favorite fruits to really liven things up. It's great no matter how you slice it.
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Saturday, May 8, 2010
Baked Ziti
What music is to the ears this tasty and filling pasta dish is to a hungry stomach. Best of all it's super easy to make. Throw all of the ingredients together and you've got one tasty meal on your hands.
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