Your mind is creative, original and alert
at Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve
near Barneveld, Wisconsin
At our Green Spirit Festival we celebrate the vitality of the land and honor the many spirits of Nature across cultures. Join us for feasting, bonfires, drumming, workshops, firespinning, Nature walks, kids' crafts, lore, music and so much more!
Special Events:
- Help consecration of the Circle Sanctuary Fairy Shrine in it's new, more protected location on Friday afternoon with Billy Crow, Selena Fox, others.
- Discover the music of Native American recording artist Michael Jacobs at a Concert on the Green on Friday Evening
- Find inspiration at a reading and presentation on Native American poetry and perspectives by Oneida author and professor Roberta Hill on Saturday morning
- Join Selena Fox Saturday afternoon Lughnassadh Magic for prosperity workshop
- Connect wtih the spirits of the season in Lughnasadh Rites with Jenn, Bo, Selena, Ana, others.
This event is open to men and women of all ages.

 Are you involved in your Pagan community? Image © Getty Images; Licensed to
This week, we're looking at different aspects of our Pagan community. We're talking about how to meet other Pagans - even if you don't think there are any near you - as well as finding a Pagan teacher, and how to become clergy. We're also looking at the unique sets of issues faced by disabled Pagans, and adults who come to Pagans later in life. Finally, let's talk about what happens when you get outed online by accident!
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How to Meet Other Pagans
Ever worry you might be the only Pagan in town? Well, you could be, but it's not likely. Chances are good there are other people just like you -- and they're probably feeling alone too. If you've decided it's time to find some good old-fashioned fellowship, here are some ideas on how to find those elusive Pagans!Read Full Article
Older Adults New to Paganism
While most people new to Paganism are younger, there is an increasing segment of the community that consists of older adults who are just discovering modern Paganism. If you're an older adult who's a "newbie," don't worry - you're not alone! Read Full Article
Finding a Pagan Teacher
Are you ready to start looking for someone to teach you about modern-day Paganism? Great! Here are some tips to keep in mind when you get started - as well as some hints on what NOT to do. Read Full Article
How to Become Pagan Clergy
In most Pagan religions, the priesthood is accessible to anyone who's willing to put the time and energy into it - but the requirements tend to vary, depending on both your tradition, and the legal requirements of the place where you live. Here are some tips on becoming Pagan clergy. Read Full Article
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 | Global V.D.T.O.R.S. Community Directory - July 12, 2013 Update
The Global V.D.T.O.R.S. Community Directory is now 100% updated through July 12, 2013. More than 1,...
 Celebrate the grain harvest! Image © Getty Images; Licensed to
Lammas is a late summer harvest holiday celebrated by many modern Pagans. In some magical traditions, it is a celebration of the grain that is threshed and stored for the coming winter months. In belief systems that follow a Celtic-based path, it is often Lughnasadh, a time to honor Lugh, the craftsman god. Whichever way you choose to mark this Sabbat, it's a good time to get to know the customs and folklore that have surrounded the Lammas/Lughnasadh season for centuries.
If you're one of our Southern Hemisphere readers, that means that Imbolc is right around the corner for you, so be sure to read the links in the sidebar on the right!
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The Final Sheaf
If you are preparing for Lammas, it's the middle of high summer right now. For you, Lammas is approaching, and that means the time of the first harvest. In many societies, the cutting of the final sheaf of grain was indeed cause for celebration. People celebrated by making corn dolls, which represented the spirit of the grain. Sometimes these dolls were full-sized, made of the last stalks of corn to be harvested, and decorated with ribbons, streamers and even articles of clothing. Read Full Article.
In addition, many societies honored the grain as an entity of its own. The spirit of the grain was celebrated around the world. Read about: The Spirit of the Grain.
Lugh and Deities of the Harvest
Similar to the Roman god Mercury, Lugh was known as a god of both skill and the distribution of talent. There are countless inscriptions and statues dedicated to Lugh, and Julius Caesar himself commented on this god's importance to the Celtic people. Many groups honor him even today at the season of Lughnasadh:Lugh, the Celtic God of Skill.
In addition to Lugh, there are a number of deities from many cultures who are associated with the harvest season. Read about: The Gods and Goddesses of the Fields.
Harvest Folklore
Did you know that in India, there's a harvest celebration in which rich people put on their finest clothes and give food to the poor? Or that English landowners gave a gift of gloves at Lammas? Or that Thor's wife is associated with the harvest season? There are plenty of legends and folklore from around the world that tie into the Lammas harvest. Read Full Article
Bread Folklore and Legends
When Lammas, or Lughnasadh, rolls around, many modern Pagans celebrate the harvest of the grain crops. The word "Lammas" comes from the Old English phrase hlaf-maesse, which translates to "loaf mass." Today, it's not uncommon to find a celebration of bread at a Pagan festival during the Lammas season.Read Full Article
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Green Ones, Green Magic, Green Spirit!
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GREEN SPIRIT! Celebrate Summer & the Green Magic World at Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve in Wisco... |

Lammas is the time to celebrate
the grain harvest and more.
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Lammas, or Lughnasadh, is fast approaching, and that means it's time to start planning your rituals to celebrate the Sabbat. It's a time to mark the first harvest, break bread with friends, and honor the god Lugh, if he's part of your tradition. Use this season as a time of reflection and thought, working protection magic, and honoring the gifts of the earth.
If you're one of our Southern Hemisphere readers, you're getting ready for Imbolc, so be sure to read the links in the sidebar to the right!
Follow Pagan/Wiccan on Twitter or Join Me On Facebook.
Celebrate with a Bread Sacrifice Ritual
Grain is the heart of Lammas, and the beginning of the harvest season is a milestone in many societies. Once the grain is threshed and milled it is baked into bread and consumed, honoring the spirit of the grain god. This ritual celebrates both the harvest and the sacrifices we make each year, as well as the sacrifice of the grain god. Read Full Article
Rite Honoring Lugh, Master of Skills
Lugh was known to the Celts as a god of craftsmanship and skill -- in fact, he was known as the Many-Skilled God, because he was good at so many different things. In one legend, Lugh arrives at Tara, and is denied entrance. He enumerates all the great things he can do, and each time the guard says, "Sorry, we've already got someone here who can do that." Finally Lugh asks, "Ah, but do you have anyone here who can do them ALL?" This ritual is a chance for you to brag a little bit and take pride in your own skills and abilities! Read Full Article
Lammas Harvest Ritual
In some Wiccan traditions, Lammas is the time of year when the Goddess takes on the aspects of the Harvest Mother. The earth is fruitful and abundant, crops are bountiful, and livestock are fattening up for winter. However, the Harvest Mother knows that the cold months are coming, and so she encourages us to begin gathering up what we can. This is the season for harvesting corn and grain, so that we can bake bread to store and have seeds for next year's planting. This ritual celebrates the beginning of the harvest season and the cycle of rebirth, and can be done by a solitary practitioner or adapted for a group or coven setting. Read Full Article
The Magic of Lammas/Lughnasadh
Lammas is a time of excitement and magic. The natural world is thriving around us, and yet the knowlege that everything will soon die looms in the background. This is a good time to work some magic around the hearth and home.
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An extremely active post that seemed to resonate with readers...posted a few months ago...wanted to just pop it back in here because we certainly need it.
3/3 Bettany reveals the remarkable women from history who left their mark on their faiths.
2/3 Examining the lost era of the priestess, from the ancient Greeks to early Christianity.
Witches Rising
"When we follow the stories of 'divine women' we uncover new evidence for the character of humanity and a fuller, truer history of the world."
Saturday's Card: The Ace of Cups, Reversed. (Sacred Circle)
Just as we are entering the dark of the moon, this card tells of the dark night of the soul. Right before our eyes and minds are opened, we experience what is called a dark night of the soul. We may be feeling unhappy or isolated; we just aren't feeling "connected". We are restless and unsure of what we want to do. Our emotions are just spilling out all over the place. We realize there is so much more than we know and we are starting to want to know! We start to doubt things we were once sure of ~ our spiritual beliefs, our direction in life, and we may feel like we have lost our way. We're not even sure if we know the way we want to go. We now doubt. We begin to question things. This darkness is necessary to shake us up, wake us up, test us, and in the end, make us stronger. Watch out for emotional instability today, whether it's us or someone else - spending some quiet time in meditation should help. We really need to love ourselves! If we don't love and care for ourselves, just as we are, how can we expect someone else to do so? Being kind to ourselves is important! Do something nice to YOU today.
Good advice..... from The Pagan Musings ~Lady K
Shared by Mary/Willow Wind, page moderator ☮
) O (
We know family lice remedies are passed down for generations, but this one is insane and dangerous!
Headaches can come on for a variety of reasons, but the many people suffer from stress headaches and tension built up within their energy centers, meridians and muscles. Work with simple amethyst crystals to help heal these the next time you get a headache!
"A creative cat exceeds the baggage allowance." Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE! CREDITS
Yawn...stretch. It's a beautiful Saturday morning. Let's have an early cup together. Cheers!
Harvesting Blessings and Prosperity
Spell Date: Saturday, August 3, 2013
Color of the day: Black
Incense of the day: Sage
This simple daily practice will bring blessings and prosperity into your life and send blessings and prosperity into the world.
Whenever you see a penny (or other coin) on the sidewalk, pick it up. Most people are careless with pennies and think they have no value. But we know that tiny things can add up to big things. We also know that copper is sacred to Aphrodite, the Great Creatrix. We're not careless with tiny things.
Pick up the penny with your receptive hand (your life hand, if you're right-handed) and say aloud:
"For those in need."
Tuck the penny into your pocket. Carry it around for a few days, then lay it on one of your home altars.
I lay coins on my Dame Fortuna altar. I have piled up so many pennies, I had to buy a little bank. It's filled with blessings for and of prosperity.
Lady Fae~
Cat Takes Care Of 3 Orphan Ducklings! :)
Please Share
Good morning world! Happy Saturday!
Can't blame KAISER if he's a bit confused. Only 2,
one day he's at home hang'in with the other dog in
the house (who's his best briend). Next thing he
knows...moving vans are pulling away...and KAISER'S
getting an escort to the Humane Society of Utah. He's
good with kids & other dogs...needs a little guidance
on house manners. But Flat Coat Retreivers (blended
with Border Collie's) tend to be quick studiies. Speak
now or forever hold your piece. Once everyone starts
hitting LIKE & SHARE there will be a lot of folks anxious
to take KAISER home. The how-to's on adopting from
the HSU are all on - thanks!
Let's be clear, I do NOT smoke this stuff because I just don't like it, nor do I condemn anyone who does. Try to look beyond that and learn about the uses of hemp and you will learn how we can change the world even to the point of taking control away from the oil barons.
Very well said )O(
Newspaper Article On Paganism
This is so true
Goodnight all...we are redrawing the malachite rosary competition winner in the morning so please check back for the winners name
Sweet dreams x
Milan Il. Blind Cat needs home: (we are just cross posting) Precious is a sweet cat that came to the QCAWC because her person could no longer take care of her. She is a seven year old female spayed Siamese cat. She has been diagnosed with high blood pressure and is blind in both eyes. We do have her on medication. 13-139 For more information about Precious please call our Adoption Center at 309-787-6830 ext. 10 or visit our website at
Precious is a sweet cat that came to the QCAWC because her person could no longer take care of her. She is a seven year old female spayed Siamese cat.

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