Celebrate the Solstice with Circle Sanctuary!
Come together with community to celebrate the magic of the longest night of the year and the joy of the returning sun with Winter Solstice events.

Winter Solstice Pageant
Solstice Eve, Friday, December 20, 7-9pm
First Unitarian Society, Madison WI
Tickets available online now!
Celebrate Solstice eve with a family-friendly celebrations of traditions and folklore surrounding the Winter Solstice. Come with us on a journey into the dark woods and discover the spirits of solstice that dwell there.
Solstice Eve, Friday, December 20, 7-9pm
First Unitarian Society, Madison WI
Tickets available online now!
Celebrate Solstice eve with a family-friendly celebrations of traditions and folklore surrounding the Winter Solstice. Come with us on a journey into the dark woods and discover the spirits of solstice that dwell there.
Community Yule Festival
Solstice Day, Saturday, December 21, 9am-5pm
Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve
Register online now!
Enjoy the revels at this Solstice day celebration, featuring Yuletide lore from Northern European traditions. Craft a Yule broom, learn the lore of the goddess Holda and send your New Year's wishes blazing forth in the Viking Yule boat.
Solstice Day, Saturday, December 21, 9am-5pm
Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve
Register online now!
Enjoy the revels at this Solstice day celebration, featuring Yuletide lore from Northern European traditions. Craft a Yule broom, learn the lore of the goddess Holda and send your New Year's wishes blazing forth in the Viking Yule boat.
- Interfaith Awareness Week Program - December 13, Noon at the Wisconsin State Capitol Rotunda
- 'Deck the Halls' Volunteer Appreciation Celebration - December 14, 9-Noon
- Happy Holidays Interfaith Open House - December 14, Noon-4pm
- Yuletide Joy Full Moon Circle - December 16 7-9pm
Come get into the Yuletide spirit and ring in the new solar year with Circle Sanctuary
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Circle Sanctuary | PO Box 9 | Barneveld, WI 53507
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Hi everybody!!! I have gotten some awesome feedback on what some of you would like to have as some of our meetup groups!! Thank you!!!
Here are a few ideas...let me know if you have any more.
I would like to begin holding meetups where people can practice developing their abilities in a safe environment and gain confidence to go out in the world and provide readings. This can propel your life forward in an astronomical way, socially, mentally, financially and you share your gift and love for the world.
Psychic gifts come in a myriad of ways, so I think that having meetups for the different abilities would be the best. If you are a real master in your field let me know if your interested in teaching a basic workshop.
It was also suggested that we have a "Getting To Know You" party. I think that sounds like a blast.
With the holidays approaching we are moving into the time where depression, sadness, loneliness and the like are rampant, I would like to see us going out and supporting those people with our gifts, and in kind you will develop your abilities more rapidly, gain new friendships, spiritual relationships etc. while earning some extra money.
And it is a misnomer that your having a "gift" means you have to gift it away. It is a respectable living doing readings for others and you should receive energy in kind for the energy you are giving away. If you want to give it away that is fantastic, if you want to earn something for it, that is fantastic too. It doesn't matter, whatever makes you happy is all that matters.
Please email me with the following abilities you either possess, want to develop, or want to learn more about.
- Aura Reading
- Tarot
- Angel Reading
- Channeling
- Automatic Writing
- Clairvoyance
- Developing Intuition
- Clairaudience
- Clairsentient
- Divination
- Mediumship
- Psychometry
- Precognition
- Telepathy
If you are interested in having a party then let me know as well. I need a body count so I can get an idea of what kind of space and amount of food we will need.
When the wave of fortune takes you, ride it with gratitude and a big grin. Life is what you make it.

Compassion is not something that we do merely to make a show of our feelings and emotions, or to make a show of ourselves being important. Rather, we need to think about what it is that the other person needs.
NOTE TO SELF AS WE SLIP-SLIDE INTO THE HOLIDAY SEASON: "One kind word can warm three winter months."
(from an old, wise Japanese proverb)
Have a Beautiful, Spirit-Dance-Filled Weekend....and if you are Traveling Somewhere, Wishing You a SAFE JOURNEY!
Sandra Cline for DOTS
Share and Print Spells: The Medicine Wheel
Some of these shares are old. Some of just cool, some are fun and some of these have very old spell words and ideas. They are not always going to sound "Wiccan friendly." Remember not all Witches are Wiccan and some of these spells, poems and shares can be older than Wicca.
Web of Life Chief Seattle
Teach your children what we have taught our children - that the Earth is our Mother. What ever befalls the Earth befalls the sons and daughters of the Earth. If men spit upon the ground, they spit upon themselves. This we know. The Earth does not belong to us, we belong to the Earth. This we know. All things are connected like the blood that unites one family. All things are connected. Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons and daughters of the Earth. We did not weave the web of life; We are merely a strand in it. Whatever we do to the Web, We do to ourselves.
Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata (@Astro_Wakata) posted this image of Earth from space station to Twitter and wrote, “It looks like the Aurora curtain over Canada is extending up to about a few hundred kilometers above Earth surface.”
I wonder if making one of these indoors would help combat the dryness of winter? Interesting way to bring a water element inside. On my list to try!
Why Poor People's Bad Decisions Make Perfect Sense
My energy levels are through the roof tonight. I love feeling this way. So figured i would sit and be a bit creative for you all. For those who, like me their element is water......
Blessed Be,
Please share our super-useful free database of herbs! A full page of info is provided for each herb. All free of course!
Beloved Archangel Michael please assist me today and everyday in freeing myself of the fears and negativity that hold me in pain and suffering. Empower me with your Divine strength to be a fully liberated spiritual warrior and lightworker
~Lavender Wands~
Young ladies in Victorian times used to while away the afternoon hours making lavender "wands" or "bottles" by encasing fresh lavender heads in their own stalks, then weaving them with ribbons. In addition to having a pleasing scent, lavender also has a moth-chasing property. Once they are thoroughly dry they may be placed in a linen cupboard.
Young ladies in Victorian times used to while away the afternoon hours making lavender "wands" or "bottles" by encasing fresh lavender heads in their own stalks, then weaving them with ribbons. In addition to having a pleasing scent, lavender also has a moth-chasing property. Once they are thoroughly dry they may be placed in a linen cupboard.
Click on the following link if you're interested in making these pretties and see a step-by-step guide with illustrations to help: http:// fairegarden.wordpress.com/ 2010/06/04/ how-to-make-lavender-wands/

Native Spirits Tribal Community
Gypsy Wagon updated the description of the group Summer Solstice Utah 2014.
Here's a fun thing to do with your children...make them then..
I'm a fire hand, which matches my astrology and numerology, what's yours?
Came across this beautiful picture that just drew me in! Can you imagine coming across such doors one day? Oh the choices!
Granny’s Toffee
3/4 cup of brown sugar
1 stick of butter
Chocolate chips
Chopped Almonds or pecans. Enough to cover the bottom a 9" x 9" pan with some extra to put on top of the chocolate chips
Melt the sugar and butter in a heavy bottomed saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat. Boil for seven minutes stirring constantly. Test in cold water. When the thread cracks in the cold water, pour mixture into a buttered 9" x 9" pan with chopped nuts in the bottom.
Put chocolate chips on top. Cover to contain the heat to melt the chocolate. Spread the melted chocolate and sprinkle with remaining chopped nuts. Let cool. Break into servings.
Granny's Favorites Cookbooks
*'Get off thy ass shall be the whole of the law’.
As this year winds to a close, I have taken some time for self-reflection and realize that I could have done many things differently.
I have made many mistakes.
As painful as they have been, I have grown and matured much because of them.
It is my wish for this coming year that we all make many mistakes.
It’s easy to sit in an armchair comfortably positioned on the sidelines, lamenting our lives and blaming others and circumstances for our perceived failures.
The true test comes in getting off our ample asses and fearlessly Doing Something to make Life different.
Be bold, step out, step forth and grab Life by throat.
Jump. Make your mistakes and make them fearlessly. - BW
From Neil Gaiman:
“I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes.
Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world.
You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re Doing Something.
So that’s my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself.
Make New Mistakes.
Make glorious, amazing mistakes.
Make mistakes nobody’s ever made before.
Don’t freeze, don’t stop, don’t worry that it isn’t good enough, or it isn’t perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life.
Whatever it is you’re scared of doing, Do it.
Make your mistakes, next year and forever”. – Neil Gaiman
Quote via: http://www.brainpickings.org/
Image via: http:// discovering-the-arcane.tumblr.c om/
Scientists Discover That Cannabis May Reduce Brain Damage Caused By Alcohol
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Salt Lake Comic Con
Announcing the 2014 Salt Lake Comic Con FanXperience

Salt Lake Comic Con is excited to announce our 2014 Comic Con schedule. We are busy planning our Second Inauguaral Salt Lake Comic Con 2014, but in the meantime, we are announcing a second event, the 2014 Salt Lake Comic Con FanXperience. We're expecting over 100,000 attendees so we have secured virtually the entire Salt Palace Convention Center. Tickets are on sale here. Read the press release for details here.
News Coverage for Salt Lake Comic Con 2014 Events
Norman Reedus is coming to 2014 Salt Lake Comic Con FanXperience. Find out more about the initial guests on our website newsfeed: Click Here for Details