Summer Solstice Campout 2014,
This is the 4th annual campout for Wiccan, pagan, and open minded individuals to come together to celebrate an awesome weekend of celebration of the sun, the longest day in the year, Summer Solstice. June 20, 21 & 22 2014
Camp is same area as last year (up Payson canyon) and more information will be posted as it becomes available,,
We could use everyone’s energy to create a harmonious, peaceful, celebration.

$40 Adult / $20 Youth (11-15)
Enjoy one full day of real-life fantasy, which includes:
$40 Adult / $20 Child
Saturday July 5th 10am-8pm
1 day Wristband
Access to All Panels/Workshops
Celebrities @ Fantasy Con :Billy Boyd, Renee O’Connor, Sean Astin, John Callen, Adam Brown, Rose McGowan, Marc Singer, Peter Hambleton, Tinsel Korey, Mark Sheppard, Claudia Christian, Mark Pellegrino, K.C. Collins, Paul Amos, Rachel Skarsten, Mark Ryan, Sylvester McCoy, Jed Brophy, William Kircher, John Rhys-Davies, Doug Jones, Ken Stott, Graham McTavish
We will meet there or we can take Provo Frontrunner up. Text me or see me about details If you would like to join Char Norton 801687-6616. To get Tickets go to

Salt Lake Comic Con 2014: September 4-6 Guest list
Expo Hall Hours: Thursday: 2PM-8PM (VIP: 1PM-8PM) Friday: 11AM-7PM (VIP: 10AM-7PM)
Saturday: 10AM-7PM (VIP: 9:30AM-7PM){This is the day that we are going}
Multi Pass $33 / $16.50 each
$33 Adult (+ admission for 2 children, 10-under)
Price is $30-$60 so buy early
$16.50 Teen (11-16 years old)
$16.50 Student (with school ID, includes college)
$5 Child (10-under)
Thursday, Friday and Saturday Event Entry
Expo Hall Entry
Regular entry to panels
Gold Pass $63 / $31.50 each
$63 Adult (+ admission for 2 children, 10-under)
Price is $60-$85 so buy early
$31.50 Teen (11-16 years old)
$31.50 Student (with school ID, includes college)
$5 Child (10-Under)
Thursday, Friday and Saturday Event Entry
Early Expo Hall Entry
Regular Entry to Panels
Collectible T-Shirt and Lanyard
$20 Photo Op Voucher
VIP Pass $214 each
$214 Adult (+ admission for 2 children, 10-under)
Price is $200-$250 so buy early
Thursday, Friday and Saturday Event Entry
Early Expo Hall Entry
Early Entry to Panels
Express Lines for Autographs and Photo Ops
VIP Collectible T-Shirt
VIP Collectible Lanyard
Limited Edition Collectible Print
$30 Photo Op Voucher
2 $5 Comic Cash
We will meet there or we can take Provo Frontrunner up. Text me or see me about details If you would like to join Char Norton 801687-6616. To get Tickets go to More Events to come in OCT, NOV, DEC, & JAN
I will Officiate for your marriage!
ALL Types of Weddings ! Normally $60. Results Agents Half off $30.
See Char Norton for more info
or Email Text (801) 687-6616
Using Essential Oils to Cure Disease
Did you know that you can use the fragrant essential oils of plants to cure diseases? The spicy aroma of fresh basil, the sweet fragrance of a rose, the savory smell of oregano, and thousands of other volatile oils from plants are not just pleasant to smell, but are powerful medicines. Many plants can help us heal, but those which contain aromatic oils occupy a special place in natural medicine. Here is some basic information that will help you select and use the healing essential oils.
Angelica, called Herb of Angels, is one of my favorite herbs for women. The roots and leaves of European angelica (Angelica archangelica) and dong gui (A. sinensis) its Asian cousin, are warming, strengthening, and energizing to the reproductive organs, as well as the digestive, circulatory, and endocrine systems. Angelica is a mighty medicine with many nourishing, restorative and revitalizing gifts. In China, dong gui is regarded as a supreme female tonic. For thousands of years, healers around the world have used angelica to regulate menstruation, relieve cramping and menopausal distress, promote healthy blood circulation, balance hormones, and generally ease the journey through the childbearing and menopausal years. Women who integrate angelica/dong gui into their weekly self nourishment program often experience side effects which include, but are not limited to, increased sexual pleasure and libido, the alleviation of constipation, a rosy complexion and sound sleep. Both angelicas offer abundant minerals and vitamins. They are brimming with antioxidants, including rich stores of vitamins A, B, (including B12), and E. Those B vitamins, in combination with abundant niacin, magnesium and calcium, help strengthen the nerves, relieving tension and promoting sleep. And all that vitamin E helps to keep skin, internal organs and tissues, especially those of the bladder and vagina, well lubricated, moist and flexible. The angelica’s high iron content nourishes and builds blood, prevents anemia and increases vital energy. Generous supplies of phytosterols (hormonal precursors found in plants), glycocides, saponins, and flavonoids support the body’s production of all important hormones, stabilizing emotional swings, and easing hot flashes, irritability, and hormone related headaches. Both these herbs are also rich in coumarin derivatives which promote antispasmodic and vasodilatory effects, and therefore are useful in relieving muscle tension and painful menstrual cramps. Coumarins are nourishing to the heart and circulatory system. They lower blood pressure and thin the blood, thus reducing risk of stroke. Women use angelicas to regulate menstrution after coming off The Pill, to relieve symptoms of premenstrual discomfort and to help stabilize blood sugar levels. The angelicas also contain limonene, which detoxifies carcinogens and disrupts the growth of cancerous changes within the cells.
Today's Free Kindle Books -
Supernatural added 5 new photos to the album Supernatural Design Challenge.
Here are the winners, designed by #Supernatural fans! Purchase your favorites here:
"Cosmic Journey" chronicles 54 years of space exploration, in high-res. —via Cosmic Diary
Pagan Lore, May 25
In Europe (especially France), this day is sacred to Saint Sarah of the Gypsies and also to an ancient Triple Goddess who rose from the waters of the ocean.
In ancient Greece, the birthday of Apollo, the twin brother of the Goddess Artemis, was celebrated annually on this date.
On this date in the year 1581, famed occultists and alchemist John Dee first realized his natural gift for looking into the future through the art of crystal-gazing. He served for years as the royal astrologer of Queen Elizabeth and had a reputation as a powerful wizard.
In Europe (especially France), this day is sacred to Saint Sarah of the Gypsies and also to an ancient Triple Goddess who rose from the waters of the ocean.
In ancient Greece, the birthday of Apollo, the twin brother of the Goddess Artemis, was celebrated annually on this date.
On this date in the year 1581, famed occultists and alchemist John Dee first realized his natural gift for looking into the future through the art of crystal-gazing. He served for years as the royal astrologer of Queen Elizabeth and had a reputation as a powerful wizard.
DON'T TAKE LIFE TOO SERIOUSLY ! To live life fully, you must play with it. From lightness comes light. Light brings awareness to the dark. A really mature person cannot be serious there is nothing to be serious about. The whole of life is FUN, it is a play, a play of consciousness. And that's what meditation reveals to you that the whole of life is a beautiful PLAY of energy.
Tantra Community
Outraged by Animal Planet’s distorted and disgraceful “Monster Week” special on wolves? Tell them so! Take Action at
Blessings to the Goddess and all non-christians in Virginia.
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