Witchy Wizdom

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Fantasy con 2014 SLC

Charlene Norton added 10 new photos.
5 mins ·
Fantasy con was great ! I met Rose McGowan . Told about the name and she said we can keep saying were realted to her! I love her she's great ! And mark Sheppard was awesome!

Compassion and recognition.
It seems Burger King is making some waves with its new burger, released...

Keep an aloe plant around for burns, scrapes, and sunburn.
43 Uses Of Aloe Vera

Discover 43 incredible uses of the miracle plant, aloe vera.

Remember folks, don't take your freedom for granted! Brave men and women left their homeland to avoid state-sponsored religious persecution. Eventually colonies were formed, a war was waged, and a constitution was formed that promises the separation of church and state.
In case you missed it - the point of this post is NOT about nationalism, but about the current American debate related to continued lawsuits over the ADDITION of "under God" to the pledge of allegiance back in 1954 in the midst of Cold War list-making paranoia and propaganda. We aren't saying that "under God" should be taken out of the pledge, we are suggesting that it be taken BACK out. 
That said, yes - I am proud to be an American who happens to be an atheist. 
More on this subject...
This is one of the problems when people start drawing lines to say what is and isn't part of America. Our internal struggles are part of the story. Our history isn't just white and English. Native Americans are American. Immigrants are American. Disagreement and pluralism are quintessentially American. Tradition dictates the calendar day that we celebrate these things, but we should be celebrating the emancipation proclamation, the 19th amendment, and our hopes for future potential just as much as we celebrate our independence from a colonial power that happened before most of our ancestors were even "American"

(I say that last thing because the vast majority of the US population descends from post-1800 American immigrants, many post-1900) coke commercial   coke behind the commercial!

Far from being a horror from our medieval past, vigilante violence against those accused of witchcraft is very much still with us.

Love what this man has given as an inspiration for me.....this is why I'm sharing it!!!
Absolutely selfless amazing man. Beautiful person, if only all of us could do just a bit.
 This man didn't show this video for us to praise him or even salute him... He wanted us to do what he has done,,,,,, and I am sure that he would be happier if all of us or maybe some of us would do the same thing...Let's stop putting a label to each person,,,all of us are human beings... .. Let us restore humanity........ and God will do the rest...........................The grass is high and young woodpeckers are trying out their wings over the meadow - it is July at Circle Sanctuary!
Upcoming Events at Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve
Full Moon
Full Moon Circle
July 11, 7-9pm
Connect with the magic of the moon and summertime at our Summer Night Full Moon Circle.  Bring herbs to cast into the sacred fire and a rock or stone as an offering to the Stone Circle.  This free circle is open to all adults.  To attend please RSVP online.  Depending on weather and other factors, overnight camping may be possible for those volunteering for Sanctuary Day the next day. for more information.
Sanctuary Day
July 12, 9:30 am - 4 pm
Volunteers are needed to lend a hand at our July workday.  We'll be working on projects inside and out that will help sustain Circle Sanctuary's buildings and the nature preserve.  Bring a sack lunch and RSVP to let us know that you are coming!
Green Spirit 2014Green Spirit Festival
August 1-3
Come celebrate the fullness of summer as we connect with Celtic music, stories and traditions, featuring special guests Kathryn and Arthur Hinds!  Join us for music, workshops, ritual, sacred fire and traditional games!  This festival is family friendly, and registration is available for some or all days.  Registration includes meals and camping.  Space is limited, so please register online ASAP if you wish to attend.
July Visiting Days
Visiting days are open to those who wish to visit Circle Cemetery and other sacred sites or walk the trails at Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve.  To visit please RSVP online.
  • Wednesday, July 9, 11am-4pm (Tour at 1pm)
  • Wednesday, July 23, 11am-4pm (Tour at 1pm)
July Land Stewardship Volunteer nights:
  • Tuesday, July 1, 5-8pm
  • Tuesday, July 8, 5-8pm
  • Tuesday, July 15, 5-8pm
  • Tuesday, July 22, 5-8pm
  • Tuesday, July 29, 5-8pm
Upcoming Events Online
Connect with Circle Sanctuary wherever you are though our live Podcasts:
Circle Talk (Wednesdays, 8-9 PM CDT) This month Circle Talk celebrates America's birthday and continues the special Pagan Pathways series.
Circle Craft Study with Selena Fox continues on Tuesdays 8-9pm (CDT) .
Blessings for a warm and wonderful July to you!
Circle Sanctuary

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Circle Sanctuary | PO Box 9 | Barneveld, WI 53507

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From Patti Wigington, your Guide to Paganism / Wicca
Litha, the summer solstice, is rapidly approaching for our northern hemisphere readers - it falls on the 21st this year - so it's a good time to think about bringing the season into your home. Today we're going to look at craft projects and recipe ideas for Litha - after all, why not decorate your house and prepare a feast for the summer solstice? It's a day of great power and energy, so we may as well take advantage of it!
For our readers below the equator, you're just about to celebrate Yule - be sure to check out the links in the sidebar off to the right for some ideas on Yule decorations and recipes.
Also, watch for an extra newsletter on Friday morning, which will include all kinds of solstice content for you to use in rituals and celebrations over the weekend!

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5 Easy Decorating Ideas for Litha
Need some quick and affordable decorating ideas for Litha, the summer solstice? Here are some tips on how to bring the season into your home without breaking your bank account! 5 Easy Litha Decorations
Litha Craft Projects

Image © Patti Wigington 2013;
Licensed to

Celebrate the longest day of the year with fun crafts you can make with your family. This is the time of year when the herb gardens are blooming, so make some summer potpourri, Litha fire incense, a sunflower ring for your altar or wall, a handfasting basket for that lovey-dovey couple who's getting married, and a Stonehenge sundial. Litha Craft Projects
Search Related Topics:  litha  litha crafts  summer solstice
Litha Cooking & Recipes
Image by Lew Robertson/
Photographer's Choice/Getty Images

Litha is the celebration of the summer solstice - and what's a Sabbat without food? Take advantage of the summer crops of fruit and vegetables, and prepare a simple and delicious feast for your Midsummer gatherings. Litha Cooking & Recipes
Search Related Topics:  litha recipes  sabbat cooking  litha
Setting Up Your Litha Altar
Image © Patti Wigington;
Licensed to

Litha is a time of celebrating the sun, and spending as much time as you can outdoors. Try to set up your Midsummer altar outside if at all possible. If you can't, that's okay -- but try to find a spot near a window where the sun will shine in and brighten your altar setup with its rays. Setting Up Your Litha Altar
Search Related Topics:  altars  litha  craft projects

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From Patti Wigington, your Guide to Paganism / Wicca
All About Litha
Revelers gather every year at Stonehenge for the summer solstice.
Image © Matt Cardy/Getty Images

It's Litha this weekend, for our northern hemisphere readers, and that means it's the longest day of the year, a time to celebrate the power and energy of the sun. We've put together all kinds of information for you on celebrating with ritual, summer solstice customs and traditions you can draw from, craft projects, recipes, and more.
For our southern hemisphere folks, it's Yule, the longest night, and that too is a time to celebrate the sun - only for you, it's a day to mark its return. Yule is a time for focusing on the bonds of family and friendship, the security of the home, and the knowledge that soon the days will grow longer once more. Be sure to read the links in the sidebar to the right for Yule info.
Whichever solstice you may be celebrating this weekend, be it winter or summer, I wish you and your loved ones a happy and magical Sabbat!

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Litha Rites & Rituals
Depending on your individual spiritual path, there are many different ways you can celebrate Litha, but the focus is nearly always on celebrating the power of the sun. It's the time of year when the crops are growing heartily and the earth has warmed up. we can spend long sunny afternoons enjoying the outdoors, and getting back to nature under the long daylight hours.
Here are a few rituals you may want to think about trying -- and remember, any of them can be adapted for either a solitary practitioner or a small group, with just a little planning ahead. Litha Rites & Rituals
Search Related Topics:  litha  litha rituals  summer solstice
Traditions, Folklore & Customs of Litha
Image by Rene Frederick/Photodisc/
Getty Images
Interested in learning about some of the history behind Litha? Here's some background on Midsummer celebrations - learn who the gods and goddesses of summer are, how they've been honored throughout the centuries, and about the magic of stone circles!

Search Related Topics:  litha  litha customs  summer solstice
Litha Feasting & Food
No Pagan celebration is complete without a meal to go along with it. For Litha, celebrate with foods that honor the fire and energy of the sun. Enjoy light summery snack wraps, some fiery grilled salmon, spicy and sweet candied ginger, and more.

Search Related Topics:  litha recipes  sabbat cooking  litha
Litha Crafts & Creations
Image by Kristin Duvall/Photographer's Choice/
Getty Images
As Litha approaches, you can decorate your home (and keep your kids entertained) with a number of easy craft projects. Celebrate the sun's energy with an elemental garden, a fiery incense blend, and a magic staff to use in ritual!

Search Related Topics:  litha  litha crafts  summer solstice

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All About the Summer Solstice
Litha History
Deities of the Summer Solstice
Winter Solstice Traditions & Lore
Deities of the Winter Solstice
Yule Craft Ideas

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Patti Wigington
Paganism / Wicca Guide 
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From Patti Wigington, your Guide to Paganism / Wicca

are rooted in ancient folk magic." border="0" src=""/

Many modern traditions are
rooted in ancient folk magic.
Image © Patti Wigington 2009;
Licensed to

Many times in discussion of modern Paganism, it's easy for us to overlook a valuable source of information - the past. Some of our not-so-distant ancestors practiced various forms of folk magic, and we can learn a lot from those old remedies, charms, and stories. In fact, in many parts of the world, what is often dismissed as superstition is in fact a perfectly valid system of folklore-based practical magic. Today, let's look at some of the most popular types of folk magic. We'll talk about animal legend and folklore, weather magic, simple protection rituals, and more.

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Animal Folk Magic

Animal symbolism is important in
many Pagan traditions.
Image © John Foxx/Getty Images

In many modern Pagan traditions, animal symbolism -- and even actual animals -- are incorporated into magical belief and practice. Let's look at some of the ways people have welcomed animals into their magical practice throughout the ages, as well as specific animals and their folklore and legends. Read More About Animal Folk Magic
Search Related Topics:  animal magic  folklore 
Weather Magic and Folklore
Understanding weather is a handy skill.
Image by Carol Yepes/Moment/Getty Images

In many magical traditions, weather magic is a popular focus of workings. The term "weather magic" can be used to mean anything from divination and forecasting to actual control of the weather itself. When you consider that many of today's folk magic customs are rooted in our agricultural past, it makes sense that an ability to foretell or change weather patterns might be considered a valuable skill. After all, if your family's livelihood and life depended on the success of your crops, weather magic would be a handy thing to know. Read More About Weather Magic
Search Related Topics:  weather magic  folklore 
Protection Magic
Some of the most popular folk magic in the world relates to the protection of things (or people) that have value to you. In many magical traditions, workings can be done to ensure protection of home, property, and loved ones. There are a number of simple ways you can do protection workings. Learn About Protection Magic
Search Related Topics:  magical theory  folklore  protection magic
Graveyard Dirt in Magical Workings
Graveyard Dirt in Magical Workings
If you're going to use graveyard dirt,
make sure you collect it properly.
Image © Patti Wigington 2008

Have you seen a ritual or spell calling for the use of graveyard dirt? While it might seem a bit odd, graveyard dirt is used in many magical traditions for a variety of workings. Learn about why you might want to use some, and how to properly obtain it. Read More About Using Graveyard Dirt
Search Related Topics:  hoodoo  graveyard dirt  magical theory

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How to Make Black Salt for Protection
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Magical Banishing

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This newsletter is written by: 
Patti Wigington
Paganism / Wicca Guide 
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Contact Information:
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New York, NY, 10036

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From Patti Wigington, your Guide to Paganism / Wicca

Let's look at some Tarot basics!
Image © Patti Wigington 2009

One of the most popular aspects of the About Pagan/Wiccan site is our information on Tarot. This form of divination is one that many modern Pagans use, and has been around for centuries. Anyone can learn to read Tarot cards, but it does take some practice. It's a highly intuitive process, so while books and charts come in handy, the best way to actually learn what your cards mean is to handle them, hold them, and feel what they are telling you. Let's get started by looking at some of the different ways people use Tarot.

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Introduction to Tarot Cards
To people unfamiliar with divination, it may seem that someone who reads Tarot cards is "predicting the future." However, most Tarot card readers will tell you that the cards offer a guideline, and the reader is simply interpreting the probable outcome based upon the forces presently at work. A Tarot deck consists of 78 cards. The first 22 cards are the Major Arcana. These cards have symbolic meanings focused on the material world, the intuitive mind, and the realm of change. The remaining 56 cards are the Minor Arcana, and are divided into four groups or suits, each of which focuses on a theme. Read more about the Basics of Tarot
Search Related Topics:  tarot cards  basics of tarot reading  divination
Tarot Cards and Meanings
Tarot 101: A Basic Overview
Are you ready to read your Tarot cards?
Image © Patti Wigington 2008/Licensed to

The Tarot is a great tool for guidance and advice, as well as solving problems. Each of the cards has a meaning of its own, and as you learn the cards and get to know them better, you'll become a more effective reader. Anyone can learn to read Tarot cards, but it does take some practice. It's a highly intuitive process, so while books and charts come in handy, the best way to actually learn what your cards mean is to handle them, hold them, and feel what they are telling you. Let's look at the Major Arcana, and the four different suits of Tarot cards found in every deck. Learn more about Tarot Cards & Their Meanings
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Choosing Your Tarot Deck
For a beginning Tarot reader, few tasks are as daunting as actually choosingthat first deck. There are hundreds of different Tarot decks available. Some are based upon famous artwork, movies, books, legends, mythology, and even movies. Others proudly declare on their sparkly boxes that they are not justTarot cards -- they are oracle cards, wisdom cards, healing cards, and all kinds of other things. Really, it can be a little overwhelming. So how does a new person select a deck? Read more on How to Choose a Tarot Deck
Search Related Topics:  tarot cards  tarot reading  choosing a tarot deck
Preparing for a Reading
How To Prepare for a Tarot Reading
A little preparation goes a long way.
Image © Amanda Edwards/Getty Images 2003

So you've got your Tarot deck, you've figured out how to keep it safe from negativity, and now you're ready to read for someone else. Perhaps it's a friend who's heard about your interest in Tarot. Maybe it's a coven sister in need of guidance. Perhaps -- and this happens a lot -- it's a friend of a friend, who has a problem and would like to see "what the future holds." Regardless, there are a few things you should do before you take on the responsibility of reading cards for another person. Read about how to Prepare for a Reading
Search Related Topics:  tarot cards  divination 

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Do I Have to Use Tarot Reversals?
When a Reading Goes Bad
Keeping Your Tarot Cards Safe
How Much Should a Tarot Reading Cost?
Tarot-Inspired Craft Projects
Other Methods of Divination

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This newsletter is written by:
Patti Wigington
Paganism / Wicca Guide
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This newsletter is written by: 
Patti Wigington
Paganism / Wicca Guide 
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You are receiving this newsletter because you subscribed to the Paganism / Wicca newsletter. If you wish to change your email address or unsubscribe, please click here. If you would like to unsubscribe from all newsletters sent from, please send an email with "Unsubscribe" as the subject line. respects your privacy: Our Privacy Policy

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Some ideas for you...
1. Finding sources/donors 
� Some Ideas & Tips on finding Sources on Sanguinarius's Page. 
� Sites on hemachromatosis (basically healthy people who would benefit by being 
o Throwing out good blood, a U.S. News and World Report article 
o IronMan - The Lighter Side of Living with Hemochromatosis! (see especially the 
link labelled Fun With Phlebotomy!) 
o Iron Overload Diseases Association 
(The above sites on hemachromatosis are not of much direct help in actually 
finding donors, but you may find it useful to know that such people exist and 
constitute a small yet significant portion of the population.) 
� My article on Finding donors in the BDSM scene (primarily of use to female 
2. Personal ad sites and other places to meet people 
� List of vampire-related classified ad sites, on my Vampiric People's Resource 
� National Gothic Singles Network 
� Jaguar's D/S-BDSM Personals 




Always remember that you are unique just like everybody else!  -shade

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