October is only ONE week away!
Steven Posch says the best answers to questions of "why" in religion are stories. #PaganSquare
Amy Jean Gooslin shared The Daily Spell's photo.
20 hrs ·
All hail my mighty Queen!!!
ISIS is not a Terrorist Group in the Middle East
ISIS is the Holy Goddess of Love and Peace
Do NOT use the Goddess' Name in Vain!
ISIS is the Holy Goddess of Love and Peace
Do NOT use the Goddess' Name in Vain!
Wiccan Parents shared Sandra Boynton's photo.
20 mins ·
Archer writes about the positive side she finds in fear. #PaganSquare
Dr. Mays, our new Native blogger, shares some examples of indigenous women in film who *aren't* stereotypes. #PaganSquare
Every now and then we hear rumors about a forthcoming reality TV show about Witches. The funny thing is that we have one, it just isn't being filmed. We can, however, "watch" it all over the Internet. Someone recently referred to it as "The Real Housewives of Witchcraft" show - although a lot of men are involved as well.
Sadly, I see so much hatred, bickering, plotting, loathing, lying, seeking of vengeance, and worse than all, I see attackers not caring about the collateral damage they cause to others who are on the outskirts of their target. Is this really who we have become as a People?
What comes from the mouth first thrives in the heart. Do our words and actions reflect our spirituality? Do they reveal the way others should see us, I mean what is true about us? Do our words and actions make our hearts feel good in the moment, or do we mistake that good feeling for what is actually us getting high on what is toxic?
If our words and actions don't uplift the spirit, but instead are arrows of ill will, maybe it's time we check in with ourselves and see if the light is still on.
It is my sincere wish that we don't rush to think the worst of one another, but that we linger awhile to see the best.
#PaganSquare Deborah Blake offers an Equinox spell for balance.

Devin Hunter and Storm Faerywolf explain how to make your own other-world wax talisman. #PaganSquare
- You may have read her most interesting and southern sassy blog ---- "In the local Alabama Pagan community and in the blogosphere, Dr. Privett-Duren is better known as Seba O’Kiley, the Southern Fried Witch. She has been a spiritual leader, Pagan teacher and blogger for years. However, until May, her two identities were, more or less, kept separate. Religion is generally not discussed."f
Smarter Every Day's new video...
Selena Fox shared Circle Sanctuary's photo.
4 mins ·
Tune in and Connect tonight 8pm CDT as Circle Sanctuary Community Members discuss the Circle Sanctuary's work toward Pagan religious rights through the Lady Liberty League. Selena Fox and LLL case manager Minerva will be on the show.
![]() Migrating birds are resting in the trees and apples are ripening - September has come to Circle Sanctuary! Join us on the land, around the country, and online this month:
At Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve:
Sanctuary Day
This Saturday, September 6, 9:30 am - 4 pm Volunteers are needed to lend a hand at our workday. We'll be working on projects inside and out that will help sustain Circle Sanctuary's buildings and the nature preserve. Bring a sack lunch and RSVP online to let us know that you are coming!
Super Moon Magic Full Moon Circle
Monday, September 8, 7-9pm Join us as we celebrate one of the biggest & brightest of the Full Moons in 2014. Explore ways to work with Super Moon occasions to deepen connections with sacred dimensions of the Moon. This event is free and open to adults. Please RSVP.
Welcome Fall Festival
Saturday & Sunday, September 20-21 Put on your dancing shoes, pack your tent and bring the family out for a spectacular celebration of Fall at Circle Sanctuary's 'Old Tyme Community Harvest Faire.' Featuring performances by daredevil artist Josh B'Gosh, Tarot readings, face painting, square dances, accessible tours of the Nature Preserve and much more! Come for the day or camp overnight. Space is limited so register online today!
Visiting Days
Visiting days are open to those who wish to visit Circle Cemetery and other sacred sites or walk the trails at Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve. To visit please RSVP online.
Land Stewardship Nights
On Tuesday evening volunteers come together to work on projects to sustain Circle Sanctuary's Nature Preserve. Join the Facebook Group to learn more and RSVP.
Registration Now Open for Samhain
October 31 - November 2 Circle Sanctuary's popular Samhain festival is coming up soon! Space is very limited for this festival so please register soon if you want to attend! Early-Bird discount registration continues now throughSeptember 15. Learn more and register online! ![]()
Northern Illinois Proud to be Pagan Day
Saturday, September 13, in Rockford, Illinois Selena Fox will be giving a presentation on Paganism Around the World. For more information visitwww.nipagan.org/paganproud.html
Chicago Pagan Pride Day
Sunday, September 14, in Oak Park, Illinois Visit Circle Sanctuary's booth all day, and join Selena Fox for a special Cauldron Magic workshop. For more information visitwww.chicagopaganpride.org
(In October Circle Sanctuary will be at Fox Valley Pagan Pride Day and Madison Area Pagan Pride Day. Selena Fox will also be at South Carolina Upstate Pagan Pride Day. More information on these events will be coming next month!)
Learn more online. NEW!! Sign up for our Circle Radio email list to get the latest news and schedules for Circle Sanctuary's educational Internet Radio broadcasts.
CIRCLE Magazine Deadline:
CIRCLE Magazine is accepting submissions of articles, art and poetry now through September 23 the upcoming issue. We are seeking work on 'Aging & Elders' or other topics of interest to the Pagan and Nature Spirituality community. Learn more, subscribe or submit your work online.
Blessings of Fall to you!
Circle Sanctuary - - - Circle Sanctuary | PO Box 9 | Barneveld, WI 53507 To change your preferences, please click this link. To unsubscribe, please click Unsubscribe. Circle Sanctuary will not sell, trade, share or rent your email address.
work & ask your friends or family to join in to take back our planet.
Invite a friend to our ecology fund team to heal our Mother Earth & give animals back their homes! When we all work together to spread the word the healing is so much faster. Ecology Fund http://ecologyfund.com By visiting Ecology fund each day you can save 63 sq ft of land for FREE! by clicking. For $25.00 you can get DOUBLE CLICKS all year long:) Join Pagans Save The World Ecology Fund Team Click Here! http://ecologyfund.com/registry/ecology/groups_listing.html?serial=2170 Sign up FREE today & save 500 sq ft of land just for signing up! Pagans Save The World is a Care2 group I created to help save & heal Mother Nature. If you wish to visit? Here is the URL but you must be signed into Care2 to join & view this group. ~Pagans Save The World~ 447 Pagan Member & Three Hosts:) http://www.care2.com/c2c/group/Pagans_Save_The_World Love & Light Mari
Greetings Beautiful Goddesses in this Autumn Equinox season,
I hope this email finds you in a place of beauty, or learning ;-) whatever your need may be. There are a couple of topics I felt the need to communicate about: 1) Goddess Gatherings are moving to back to Thursdays. Angela threw up the next 3 meetings so all may see the shifted dates they fall on. Details will flow soon. Hope to see you there. 2) BIG NEWS! I Just got word from some dear friends of Circle Sanctuary in Wisconsin that they and thousands of other Goddess worshipping, tree hugging, moon dancing pagans (and Buddhist, and Native Americans and representatives from of wide range of the religions around the world) will be in Salt Lake City next year. Here’s a blurb: The Parliament of the World’s Religions announced today that it will bring the world’s largest and most historic interfaith gathering to Salt Lake City in October 2015, marking its return to the United States for the first time in 22 years. Selena Fox will be coming to speak. Here’s a bit more info on the official page: http://www.parliamentofreligions.org/index.cfm?n=35 THERE IS A 60 % discount if you register by NOVEMBER 30 2014! Last time it was in the US, 22 years ago 3,000 people were turned away.
SO… I would love to group buy tickets with 9 others (at least) for an even bigger discount.
It would be 189.00 for the full conference if we buy by Nov 30 vs 550.00 if you go to the door.
Need to know no later than Nov 15 so we can coordinate funds. Brightest Blessings, Gabrielle Greetings & Bright Blessing! Here are some Fund raising ideas you can do at Pagan Pride to make our world greener & show Gaia you still care! Every dollar plants a Tree! Raising as little as $25.00 in a fundraiser on Pagan Pride day & planting 25 trees will be a gift to the earth & animals that will last lifetimes! This is so easy to do! Even if people all get together & throw in a few dollars that money will start adding up! 25 Trees is a very small goal but even if it was just 25 it really does make a difference. American Forests http://www.americanforests.org American Forests works to protect, restore and enhance the natural capital of trees and forests. Healthy forests filter water, remove air pollution, sequester carbon, and provide homes for wildlife. Help plant trees to restore areas damaged by wildfire, where critical wildlife habitat has been lost, and to clean our air and water. Every Dollar Plants a Tree! 25 Trees - Forest Member 100 Trees - Forest Protector 250 Trees - Forest Steward 500 Trees - Forest Guardian 1000 Trees - Forest Legacy Sustain the Legacy ($1,000+) Learn about other ways individuals and corporations can help through donations, endowment funds, and bequest. http://www.americanforests.org Please respond to this File & share your Gaia Healing ideas for Pagan Pride as well we would love to hear them:) Share these ideas with your Coven & Freinds. You can also send them an invite to this group by visiting this URL: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GreenPaganPride/subs_invite Love & Light Mari (Group Owner) ~Green Pagan Pride~ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GreenPaganPride
Shopping!? Visit http://www.therainforestsite.com & visit the Store because they have excellent Pagan Products but these products also heal Mother Earth every time you shop! When you shop at The Rainforestsite you save Rain forest land with each purchase!
The National Arbor Day Foundation� Visa The Visa Card That Heals Our Earth :) As a loyal member of The National Arbor Day Foundation�, you�ve given support to the environment. That�s why we want you to know about The National Arbor Day Foundation� Platinum Visa Card! The National Arbor Day Foundation� Visa is the ONE and ONLY credit card that actively supports our mission. A percentage of all your purchases on this card are contributed back to The National Arbor Day Foundation� to help us plant and care for trees.** By using your card for everyday purchases, like gas and groceries, you�ll be contributing to a healthier environment without spending any extra money! And you�ll enjoy great credit card benefits � including a low 1.9% Fixed Introductory APR on Purchases and Balance Transfers for 9 months.*There�s NO annual membership fee, which means even more money in your pocket. And with a generous credit line, you can use your card for everything from daily purchases to special vacations. Apply Today! (Secure) http://www.arborday.org * The 1.9% introductory on APR Purchases, Balance Transfers and Convenience Checks is applicable for the first nine months after the account is opened and requires that you maintain your current level of credit performance and that timely payments are received. Please see Terms & Conditions for the National Arbor Day Foundation Platinum Visa Card for additional information regarding this offer including the APR for Cash Advances, the allocation of payments, the transaction fee for Balance Transfers and Convenience Checks, and the APR if your payment is received late, you exceed your credit line, or your payment is not honored by your bank. A Balance Transfer fee applies. During the introductory period: 3% of the amount of each transfer or check with a $5 minimum fee and $50 maximum fee; After the introductory period: 3% of the amount of each transfer or check with a minimum fee of $5. The National Arbor Day Foundation Visa Card is issued by Juniper Bank. ↵ **Juniper will donate 1% of charges to The National Arbor Day Foundation�. ↵ http://www.arborday.org ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ Shopping!? Visit http://www.therainforestsite.com & visit the Store because they have excellent Pagan Products but these products also heal Mother Earth every time you shop! When you shop at The Rainforestsite you save Rain forest land with each purchase! ------------------------------------ Yahoo Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GreenPaganPride/ <*> Your email settings: Individual Email | Traditional <*> To change settings online go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GreenPaganPride/join (Yahoo! ID required) <*> To change settings via email: GreenPaganPride-digest@yahoogroups.com GreenPaganPride-fullfeatured@yahoogroups.com <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: GreenPaganPride-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com <*> Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to: https://info.yahoo.com/legal/us/yahoo/utos/terms/ ![]() Please click on link to read the story: http://paganunderworldse.com/groups/topic/view/group_id/82/topic_id/4061/post_id/6701
Ancient Greek Mysticism
![]() by Hannah M.G. Shapero The Greeks gave us the very word for mysticism. The Greek word MUO means, “to shut the eyes or mouth.” MUO is closely related to the verb MUEO, “to initiate into the mysteries.” The closed eyes and mouth in this context do not signify blindness or muteness, but secrecy and silence, and the order not to reveal the secrets of the initiation and revelation that one had received. These Greek root-words have given us “mystic” and “mysticism,” “mystery” and “mysterious,” as well as “mute.” Every time we talk about mysticism we speak a bit of Greek. But what exactly is Mysticism? The word is often downgraded to mean superstition, priestcraft, occultism or magic, or other things regarded as irrational, all of which are somewhat related to mysticism and the mystical life. But the basic meaning of “mysticism” has to do with the relationship of human beings to a divinity or deity, or, for non-theists, “ultimate reality.” Mysticism is about direct contact between human beings and this divine reality. This contact, when mystics try to speak about it, is said to be ineffable and indescribable—yet for thousands of years, those mystics have given us many exact and definite testimonies of their experiences. Mysticism is “introverted.” It is an “inner” experience, taking place within the consciousness of an individual human being. The characteristic expression of this individual “inwardness” is Plotinus’ famous phrase, “the flight of the Alone to the Alone.” Yet there is also an “extroverted” mysticism, which is found in ritual and communal contexts, in liturgy, initiation into a group, and sometimes in visions seen by many people at once. And though mysticism is thought to be “irrational,” there is also a form of it, which I would call “rationalist mysticism,” which builds systems of ideas and symbols onto the base of an intuitive, mystical revelation. Both kinds of mysticism occur in the ancient Greek world, though the “extroverted” kind is more easily traceable. And in most cases, the “introverted” and the “extroverted” were both present in a mystical practice, rite, or event. The practice of ritual or liturgy would, it was hoped, lead to an individual experience of insight or a meeting with an otherworldly and divine being. Please click on link to read full story in Core of Wicca group: http://paganunderworldse.com/groups/topic/view/group_id/21/topic_id/2340 ![]() With this different platform some things are a bit different, amongst them is where you can find your activity or friends activity. At the home button all activity shows up in the feed that is only seen by you, you can also find a flag next to your avatar on the very top bar that will turn red with messages via groups, personal messages or comments. We are still in the process of going through each group to see what transferred properly over and what did not, please be patient as we add the discussions to the groups that did not transfer and/or recreate the group completely. This means you will have to rejoin it but we will send you links to discussions and groups which will make it easy for you. Thank you again for your patience, any questions please feel free to ask. Persephone
Time to journey into the UnderWorld of Hades. Each fall when she leaves again for the Underworld below, her mother mourns and winter comes, while she waits for her return. Yet, for Persephone there is no remorse. She looks forward to the time she spends as Hades' Queen and wife, and to guiding those who have lost their way to the next phase of their life.
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Utah Pagan Community Publications is looking for submissions for a Community Cookbook. please submit recipes for Appetizers, Beverages, Bread, Salad, Soups, Main Dishes, Desserts, Canning, Vegan and Vegetarian, Organic, etc. Please also submit your recipes for Incense, Oils, and other Craft Projects. If you would like to include a short description of your recipe please do so. Magickal associations, appropriate sabbat, pictures or anything else you would also be appreciated. I am really excited about this project and would love to here from you!
I will also be looking for a name for our cookbook, if you have any ideas please submit them.If your name gets chosen for the cookbook, you will receive a free copy.
Do not hesitate however to submit literary/art etc. works I will save them for our next publication.
To submit your work simply search the following words on Yahoo Groups: Utah Pagan Community Publications. Or contact me off list at:
utah_pagan_community_publication@yahoo.com or moonflower22383@aol.com.
Or call me at: 801-309-5392
This is a project that depends entirely on you!
Thanks a bunch!
Happy Submitting
Bye, bye!
Blessed Be!
Carlee Nowling , Christine Moonflower
I will also be looking for a name for our cookbook, if you have any ideas please submit them.If your name gets chosen for the cookbook, you will receive a free copy.
Do not hesitate however to submit literary/art etc. works I will save them for our next publication.
To submit your work simply search the following words on Yahoo Groups: Utah Pagan Community Publications. Or contact me off list at:
utah_pagan_community_publication@yahoo.com or moonflower22383@aol.com.
Or call me at: 801-309-5392
This is a project that depends entirely on you!
Thanks a bunch!
Happy Submitting
Bye, bye!
Blessed Be!
Carlee Nowling , Christine Moonflower
Some ideas for you...
1. Finding sources/donors � Some Ideas & Tips on finding Sources on Sanguinarius's Page. � Sites on hemachromatosis (basically healthy people who would benefit by being donors....) o Throwing out good blood, a U.S. News and World Report article o IronMan - The Lighter Side of Living with Hemochromatosis! (see especially the link labelled Fun With Phlebotomy!) o Iron Overload Diseases Association (The above sites on hemachromatosis are not of much direct help in actually finding donors, but you may find it useful to know that such people exist and constitute a small yet significant portion of the population.) � My article on Finding donors in the BDSM scene (primarily of use to female blood-drinkers) 2. Personal ad sites and other places to meet people � List of vampire-related classified ad sites, on my Vampiric People's Resource Page � National Gothic Singles Network � Jaguar's D/S-BDSM Personals shade ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ Always remember that you are unique just like everybody else! -shade ------------------------------------ Yahoo Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Vampiresofutah/ <*> Your email settings: Individual Email | Traditional <*> To change settings online go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Vampiresofutah/join (Yahoo! ID required) <*> To change settings via email: Vampiresofutah-digest@yahoogroups.com Vampiresofutah-fullfeatured@yahoogroups.com <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: Vampiresofutah-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com <*> Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to: https://info.yahoo.com/legal/us/yahoo/utos/terms/
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