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The crash of meteors on early Earth likely generated hydrogen cyanide, which could have kick-started the production of three essential biomolecules needed to make the first cells. This new study may eventually help explain one of the deepest mysteries in modern science!
Stonehenge Stone Circle shared Buzz Aldrin's photo.
1 hr ·
While at Stonehenge yesterday I decided to send a message to the cosmos. #GYATM(Photo by James O.Davies)
Good Morning, People of the Page. Thanks to Pop Mythology for this article "Twenty Irish Novels To Read Before You Die." St. Patrick's Day is tomorrow. Will you be wearing something green? My maiden name is O'Brien. I will be wearing something green. In my home town of New Orleans, St. Patrick's Day is a day of special celebration, and I so miss my hometown!
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free book on kindle..grab it fast not sure how long it'll be on sale..
Stacey :o)
Stacey :o)

like mine...
was the old rule the new one is always talk about us!
How many do you have?
Wiccan Parents and Sacred Heart's Witches Den shared David Wolfe's photo.
!['Thanks to @[316368185154752:274:Learning Mind] for creating this image
Ostara Countdown: If you're a Pagan do you have to worry about giving stuff up for Lent? A reader wants to know. http://paganwiccan.about.com/…/ostar…/fl/Pagans-and-Lent.htm
The Witches' Voice, Inc. shared a link.
11 hrs ·
, this began on the weekend of the Venus & Mars joining when so much COSMIC LIGHT filtered through us. Light shows up the dark. Positive reflects the negative. And thus, there has been a noticeable upswing in people throwing their negativity around at others. Of course add this to the eclipses beginning this week, the Super New Moon and Equinox and we have a hot soup of potential volatility and unawareness. Has this happened to you?
Why negatives tend to stick more than positives
Have you ever noticed that when someone says something negative about you, it stays with you far longer than a crowd of people saying positives? Wondered why that is?
It's the FORCE behind the words.
If there is a build up of tension, pain, anxiety and holding back fear, then all it takes is one opportunity for someone to see how they can be free of their own pain and they will push it onto others (via judgments or put downs) without even realizing what they are doing until it happens. They then feel even worse for it and the recipient feels in shock. It's like releasing a poison arrow. It stings.
If there is a build up of tension, pain, anxiety and holding back fear, then all it takes is one opportunity for someone to see how they can be free of their own pain and they will push it onto others (via judgments or put downs) without even realizing what they are doing until it happens. They then feel even worse for it and the recipient feels in shock. It's like releasing a poison arrow. It stings.
Positive comments and appreciation usually come from people who are content and happy (or want to be) The force behind them is warm and uplifting. It sends a glow and love through someone.
And hence this is why we tend to notice the negatives more than the positives. So....keep this in mind.
It hurts us all, it will hurt you and it adds to the confusion on Earth. There is critiquing and then there are nasty criticisms. There is a difference. Grow, mature, learn and practice being in your power heart emoticon
Perfect Saturn Retrograde lesson for this weekend ...
In the NEW issue (March 13-19) of The Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast SUBSCRIBERS receive my exclusive video overview of how March's cosmic movements will help you to shift and how to do it. Plus my NEW 13 page ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO THE ECLIPSES.
In the NEW issue (March 13-19) of The Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast SUBSCRIBERS receive my exclusive video overview of how March's cosmic movements will help you to shift and how to do it. Plus my NEW 13 page ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO THE ECLIPSES.
If you forward, the links in this email will open to a page with your personal information.
High Priestess Char
Find me at about.me/officialstarcovenofwiccaandwpa

Find me at about.me/officialstarcovenofwiccaandwpa
Hello Mr Llewellyn ,
I am a a Reverend High Priest ,psychic and more titles. I live the wiccan religion and live in a state that is predominantly LDS. I was one day approached by a group claiming to be restarting the America witches council. So I being cyber savvy I research it. and found them to be fake or lacking. I also found that you and member of the original group have parted ways .For what ever reason its not my place to know. How ever I Helped them a little ,but after a moth they where gone, so I felt that what you and your friends has started so many years before ,need to start up again and continue. But you did not have what me and my friends have a online presents. This way you could now reach all who needs news, information, help, coven info.and a friend in the Wiccan community. I found your 13 beliefs do still hold true and to still be the foundation of the group. Also made new coven are using them in there by - laws. I made sure to enplane what we were and about original group and how there are no longer and that we are here in there place but are not them. I did reach out to Oberon VIA Facebook and he is on our page not really a active member but I see him as a friend he though it was a good idea as long as he was not running it .I have many high wiccan friends I have talked on facebook and VIA email and offline. I have been Running the pages for years and even made the name different so not to infringe on your copyright. The name is different as well to include others in the community that are under the umbrella wicca, but are not Wiccan per say. I just want a place where we can be a community. I post my blog with information on all covens, groups, and news from the community. I post information and help others. I have council-ed a dying person who felt bad for being gay. I have helped people find covens , groups and events near them. I have gained the respect of elders from coast to coast .I just ask that you let me continue with my good works. Why I am asking for you to give me your blessing is that there some evil doers that won't me to stop all my good work , because they feel I am a fake. The Wild Hunt found them to be not who the said the where and their page was taken down, I had no beef with them. I even posted their page on mine as a friendly community welcome. Now They want me to take mine down and let other be lost and not have my help and loving support. I just as that you please let me continue my good work and community unity . If you write me a email I can post I am sure they will leave me alone and I can go back to my peaceful ,love ways and help those I can . Your Friend, Reverend High Priestess Char Norton M.W.R.

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