Bliden started the discussion "INTRODUCTION TO BLOOD EXTRACTIONS FOR VAMPYRES AND DONORS" in the group Vampyre Temple on Pagan UnderWorld ------------ BLOOD DRINKING & LETTING " Blood Drinking and Blood letting are always symbolic into the Literal" Blood letting and drinking differ from self-mutilation, however the line is a fine one, even though the desired ends are different. Self-mutilation is always a solitary act. Where as blood drinking and letting can be done alone, but usually is done between couples or in a group setting. Historically Blood is a powerful symbol of life and death. VAMPIRIC IMITATORS Movies and the media in the past have done almost everything to romanticize vampires. Vampires were once regarded as demons in folklore, surrounded by superstitions of holy water, garlic, and crosses. This new contemporary age has shed much of the vampire's superstitions and has come to embody the darker desires of humanity, along with the maintenance of immortal souls. The Vampire has no longer been portrayed as the murderous demon of folklore. Instead has become a sensual creature of beauty, immortality, power, and free of inhibitions. A powerful symbol of what humanity wishes it could be: fearless, powerful, indulgent, immortal, and powerful. Almost all children have a fascination with supernatural creatures Unicorns, Fairies, Witches, Monsters, and Vampires. Teenagers are the most suggestible when they reach a time in their lives when they feel powerless, restricted, and uncertain. These are the individuals who partake in the imitating of vampiric lifestyles. Role Playing although is not a welcomed function of our greater communities is a reality to these individuals who wish to imitate our lives. They do not kill for blood, but they will drink from themselves or willing participants using sterile instruments such as surgical blades. These people do not necessarily think they are Vampyres, but they do enjoy playing the part of a vampire. CURIOSITY Some individuals will try blood letting just to see what it tastes like, what it looks like, how it feels, and to see the blood flow. These cuts are usually made with crude knives and are fairly superficial. They are done in a similar way to self-mutilators where they will extract in a place such as the inner arm, or other easy to hide area. Most times these people do this alone or once in a group for experimentation. BLOOD FETISHERS People who are drawn to the idea of blood drinking or letting, but for whom it is not an outright felt bodily need, are fetishes. Often it is either an erotic turn on or a preferred expression of intimacy/bonding. Blood fetishers are generally NOT considered Vampyres within the Vampyre communities; blood fetishes have a long history of being associated with vampyrism both in psychiatric literature, newspapers, non-fiction, and fiction books. However it also needs to be noted that among the Sanguinarians, there are some whose cravings are associated with an erotic aspect and others who do not. There is a continuous spectrum, not an absolute division between fetishers and sanguinities. BLOOD/PSI VAMPS Those who crave both Blood and Pranic energy comprise the majority of self-described Vampyres on the web in today's culture. Many experience two cravings as interchangeable. Many regard blood as a physical source of Pranic energies. SANGUINARINS These individuals have the ongoing need to drink blood or they suffer physical, emotional, and psychic traumas. Many will experience a "blood lust" periodically which for some can be painful, and for others it is like having a cigarette fit from hell. Unlike the other categories real-life Vampyres aka Sanguinarians do not manifest psychic abilities more than the general population, it is more of a DNA genetic makeup that is significantly different than others. BONDING & CRAVING Sharing and drinking blood is one the most intimate activities that a couple can engage in. Within the act it says to each other "I trust you and I place my life within your hands" However it is important to remember that this intimacy does not to be a blind tragedy either. People in general crave things from food to drugs to sex. There is a concept within them that says they need these things from time to time. Blood is no different. These are the ones who are more sensitive to what their body/mind is craving. Most everyone knows that blood contains nutrients one needs to survive. My belief is that fresh blood has other properties that are what the sanguine communities crave. HUNGER/ THE DRAGON The hunger or Dragon is an overwhelming drive towards forcing the body and the mind to pursue the attainment of blood. It is more powerful than the feeling of hunger associated with starvation. It is the most singular thing most feared by Vampyres due to its all- consuming abilities. It is the singular most influential thing to a Vampyre whether they are a psychic-Vampyre whose drive is to consume emotional energy, or is it is the bloodlust associated with sanguine Vampyres. The one common key between the two that ties them together as the Hunger/ Dragon. Pranic energy is the energy released from one living or living organisms. Adenosine Triphosphate is the element that Pranic energy and ties the bond to blood deficiencies. All living things, plants and animals, require a continual supply of energy in order to function. The energy is used for all the processes, which keep the organism alive. Some of these processes occur continually, such as the metabolism of foods, the synthesis of large, biologically important molecules, e.g. proteins and DNA, and the transport of molecules and ions throughout the organism. Other processes occur only at certain times, such as muscle contraction and other cellular movements. Animals obtain their energy by oxidation of foods; plants do so by trapping the sunlight using chlorophyll. However, before the energy can be used, it is first transformed into a form, which the organism can handle easily. This special carrier of energy is the molecule adenosine triphosphate, or ATP. ATP Structure The ATP molecule is composed of three components. At the center is a sugar molecule, ribose (the same sugar that forms the basis of DNA). Attached to one side of this is a base (a group consisting of linked rings of carbon and nitrogen atoms); in this case the base is adenine. The other side of the sugar is attached to a string of phosphate groups. These phosphates are the key to the activity of ATP. Mitochondria genetics is population genetics. Each cell contains only one nucleus but hundreds or even thousands of mitochondria and mtDNAs (which, as Alexander Tzagoloff of Columbia's biological sciences department discovered, have their own unique genetic code). Tissues with high demands for energy, such as muscle, heart, brain, and eye, are particularly vulnerable to mitochondria defects. Second, at fertilization all mitochondria in the zygote come from the acolyte; thus, both mtDNA and most mtDNA-related diseases are maternally inherited. Third, patients with mitochondria genome defects usually harbor a mixture of normal and mutant mtDNAs, a condition known as heteroplasmy. A tissue with 20 percent mutant mtDNAs, unsurprisingly, suffers different effects than one with 90 percent. Moreover, the proportion of mutated mtDNAs can vary both in space (among tissues) and in time (over the patient's lifespan); one mutation may cause two diseases, or a patient may have totally different diseases early and later in life. Are more common disorders also associated with mtDNA mutations? The answer is a qualified yes. Diabetes is unusually frequent in mitochondria diseases, and about 2 percent of patients with adult- onset (type II) diabetes have known mutations in mtDNA, along with anemia on all levels. So what does all this have to do with Pranic and bloodist Vampyres? This is one of the reasons a psychic Vampyre or sanguine will subconsciously instigate situations causing intensity in emotions that are but not limited to confrontations, situations of extreme bliss, sexual situations. For the bloodist a sexual outlet is the most practical in fulfilling the hunger within the Vampyre. The most common misconception is that the hunger the dragon is allies a psychological impairment that misleads the person into believing that he or she needs blood. A common theme lead by the psychological world. To be honest this is not the case. There is a psychological side to the hunger, given the fact that it does overwhelm all sides of the person. But it is not the sole reason. The body cannot produce enough ATP to sustain the body. Food seems to just not contain enough to suit the needs of a Vampyre. Due to the enormous content of ATP in blood, this becomes the most logical choice for a food source. This is genetic in origin as when a person has been crossed into the becoming a Vampyre they also inherit the Hunger from the "parent". The physical side of the Hunger is difficult to explain yet to a varied degree we all in the Sanguine category of Vampyres share a common thread. Some of which are a very strong thirst, regardless of the amount of liquids consumed. A feeling of "addiction" is common. Physical discomforts are abdominal cramping, headaches from mild to migraine level, fatigue, blurred visions, or sudden on and off again night blindness, and in some cases depending on the length of not feeding a catatonic state of being similar to a dark depression. The psychological side of the hunger is also just as potent. The emotions coming through are very overpowering they are: irritability, anger, rage, frustration, and depression are all common. These emotions depending again on the time frame of not feeding can turn into violent mood swings, states of confusion, and loss of control, disorientation. TREATMENTS Treatments of the hunger are varied and the efficiency of these methods varies greatly from each individual. For the sanguine, a research into foods that container high levels of ATP that are good to the pallet will help with the strong physical urges associated with the Hunger. Some of these include carbohydrates, starches. For psychic Vampyres attending large events where there are massive amounts of people present will calm the heightened levels of energy deficiencies. Such as Concerts, bars, ball games, Acquiring energy in large massive amounts without hurting the people there is a safe environment that can be built on the road to recovery from extreme hunger. Meditation exercise is also good for both Pranic, and bloodist Vampyres. Sit in a comfortable position and focus your mind on a single objective or image such as the ocean, thunderstorms, lightning, artwork, these are good to focus to use to divert your attending from the Hunger, thus calming it for even a short time. These methods take time, but the more you practice the more you promote a healthy stability for your hunger condition. Whatever you do DO NOT USE BLOOD AS A FOCUS that is what you are trying to avoid. Spiritual approach of merging or becoming one with all natural things also helps in dealing with the powers of hunger. In the beginning use one item as the focus. Once proficient, use ALL things around you as you balance your focus. Focus on an object; now visualize you becoming that object, and it becoming you. Feel what it is like to be that object, gain its strength, as you progress uses more objects as you focus simultaneously. This exercise will help you draw strength from the things around you. Also it allows you to disperse your hunger into your surroundings, thus alleviating the Hunger by it no longer being in your body. SANGUINE - PRECAUTIONS 1- never drinks from someone who you cannot trust with your life. 2- Test your self every 6 months for HIV and STD's. If possible, have any new partners tested also. Make sure you see the results of the blood tests before you engage in blood letting. BE AWARE: HIV IS THE MOST CONTAGIOUS WHEN IT IS IN THE INCUBATION PERIOD, MEANING WITHIN THE FIRST FEW WEEKS OF INFECTION. This means that you have no idea whether your partner is clean or not... 3- Never drink blood if you have cuts or sores in your mouth, or in any area in your throat. The sore spots are what will leave you open to HIV infection. It is better to keep yourself safe than to be sorry for it later when you are infected. 4- When extracting blood, use latex gloves. Unless you are intimate with your partner, Latex will always be your friend! 5- If you think adding blood to alcohol will sterilize it and keep you safe. Think again! Yes the alcohol will sanitize most viruses. But the serious ones like HIV are too small to be affected and they will survive being drown into alcohol. HIV, VD DISEASES - WARNING FOR SANGUINES Take this special precautionary note into account each time you engage in blood letting and drinking. Although as Vampyres we have heightened senses, and can detect danger a mile away, this does not mean that we are clear of more potent dangers out there. The world is much different than it was years ago, although we may not be fighting the plague, or malaria. We are fighting together in this world a new plague, this one is said to be 100 times more deadly than the plague that wiped out most of Europe in the 1800's. I am talking about HIV. No matter who you are, how clean you say you are, how careful you are. Engaging in unsafe situations without taking the precautions will have the end result of your death. Meaning as much as you love those coffins, you will be resting in one 12 feet down for good. So don't run through these pages thinking this is the same old warning. For Sanguine vampires there is never enough we can do to keep our donors safe, and ourselves but we must still perfect the method each time. It would be wise to remember that HIV does not show up on either an ELISA or a WESTERN BLOT test until after the incubation period, when it is most contagious. A clean bill of health is not failsafe. HIV is not the only incurable disease out there, HERPES cannot be cured either. It can only be treated. HEPATITIS can be vaccinated against, however the vaccine for HEPATITIS B is only 70% effective. Leaving you a 30% chance of having the infection. HEPATITIS C takes 6 months to get, and is a series of 3 shots. These shot are expensive and not always covered by a medical plan, especially if you reside within the USA. And then there is SYPHILIS, do the research on syphilis; believe me you do not want to end up with this painful disease. And some strains are not resistant to antibiotics. So if you contract this one, and the doctor has you on antibiotics, you may not know for 6 months if the antibiotics helped you or not.... Don't mess with your life or someone else's, your better off taking the precautions. ANIMAL BLOOD Drinking animal blood also has a high risk, most blood from large producers if infected with salmonella, sometimes with e coil, and botulism as well. The human body can tolerate small amounts of these bacteria. Continued exposure will build up an even greater resistance to such toxins, but once again it is best to not push your luck. Eating rare steak may be safe if you have a solid stomach. Drinking the blood is not safe unless you get it from the butcher, who in turn gets it from a free-range supplier, but then again you are placing your life in the hands of the butcher. There is still a risk to Americans these days who eat meat, rare or not. American farming still feed their ranch animals food that is made from reconstituted animal parts. Unless you are hunting and slaughtering the animals yourself, only then do you know the animal was not slaughtered in an abattoir and processed in an environment that gets animal manure into places in the animals where it is not suppose to be in the first place. If you want to engage in animal blood feeding, try Blood pudding, aka Black pudding, it is very nutritious and filling, it will satisfied the blood craving, plus the blood is cooked, so it is safe to consume. PARTNERSHIPS Allow me to explain here that the human stomach can only handle the equivalent of two shot glasses of blood, before it curdles and makes you vomit something fierce. You can increase your tolerance, but remember you should not have to. People who engage in bloodletting, which includes your donor(s), must be prepared for the worst-case scenario each time. There is a slim chance that your partner(s) may loose too much blood or your partner may go into shock. Be careful when choosing your donor circles; don't pick up strangers unless you get the full details of whom they are. For some there is never a thing as too much blood, however there is a thing as giving too much blood. It is just as important to remember how much blood they are taking from their donor and at what level does the blood cause health problems. Very few Vampyres are willing to go to their health care professional to ask about how much blood is ok to take from a donor. Just as not many donors would want to admit they are donating their blood to a blood drinking Vampyre. Despite the hesitancy in the area of seeking this type of advice, there are Vampyres in the communities that are RN's and doctors that can give this advice to you via the net. Generally it is not good to take more than one pint from your donor in a 56-day period. The conversion for this is 473.18ml (us conversion tables). In a standard blood test an average of about 54ml is taken from one person. But bare in mind this amount is not suitable for those donors under the age of 17. Then the conversion tables are much less. Normal red blood cell counts vary, depending on the type of sample and your age and gender: Men: 4.2 to 5.4 million red blood cells per micro liter of blood Women: 3.6 to 5.0 million red blood cells per micro liter of blood Children: 4.6 to 4.8 million red blood cells per micro liter of blood A 10cc shot or 1ml of blood per day adds up to a total of 70 cc per week. This may not seem like much, but taken on a regular basis this number will grow to 560ml for two months. Although plasma regenerates within a few hours, red blood cells do not reproduce fast enough to replace a pint taken more often than a 56-day period. BLOOD LOSS CONCERNS - DONORS Anemia is the most common concern, there are many different types of Anemia, but the one I am talking about here is iron-deficiency Anemia, which occurs with blood loss. The symptoms of Iron-Deficiency Anemia are Fatigue, Low Energy, Rapid Heart Beat, Shortness of Breath, Headaches on a scale from mild to frequent Migraines, Concentration difficulties, Dizziness, Pale skin, elastic skin, (if you pinch your skin it will go back to its original form, elastic skin, is when the skin looks like it stayed pinched) leg cramping, and insomnia, mouth soreness, nails growing in a upward curve, hunger for abnormal things that are normally not consumed. Dirt, paper, or paste. And since the medical world considers blood an unusual thing, extreme blood thirst is also a symptom. There are a number of reasons why you should take care of your donor's health. Aside from the emotional and psychological attachments that usually occur. There are the more practical concerns. Anemia must be diagnosed with a blood test and since it is always a side effect from many other underlying conditions, a doctor will look at the underlying condition. If none are found the doctor will begin to ask questions. Few donors are going to admit they are feeding a hungry Vampyre, However there is an alternative, this is not an excuse to avoid seeing your health care professional, or an avoidance for donors to avoid their doctors when health problems are present, just an alternative when the health risk is not great. Eating a well-balanced meal that includes sources of iron such as red meats, nuts, seafood, eggs, and whole grain products, will reduce iron deficiency. Food rich with Vitamin B-12 and foliate is also good in preventing Anemia. Do not take iron supplements unless anemia is present, and only if a doctor recommends you too. Too much iron can make you very ill and can cause fatalities also. Vitamin C encourages iron absorption into your body; so keeping to your regular vitamin intake will be just fine. SCREENING Believe it or not the Red Cross can help you screen your donors. (Unknowingly of course) Remember though substituting the Red Cross for a doctor is not suitable for maintaining healthy bodies, but they can help in the screening process. The Red Cross takes a drop of blood from the donor to determine blood type and to make sure there is enough red blood cells to donate safely. If the Red Cross for low red blood count refuses the donor, then this is your first red flag that drinking from them is not a good idea. There are independent labs such as Planned Parenthood that offer a basic CBC blood test. (Complete Blood Count) this test determines the size, number, volume, and presence of hemoglobin in your red blood cells. As well as testing for blood borne diseases as well. Accompanying the donor to the Red Cross may help to at least verify the results of them having enough to donate safely. If the donor walks away with a refusal, I would suggest exploring the donor's health further, or shopping somewhere else. This mind you also apply to blood drinkers as well. Practicing safe blood letting methods and maintaining yours and your donor's health is vital within the Vampyric communities. As well as being educated in these areas. Society says that Vampyres are non- existent, the Sub-culture says we exist. Society says if they do exist, it is within the Gothic communities and are strange, we may not all be Gothic, We may be odd to society. But we are far from lacking in intelligence. Be safe! FEEDING TECHNIQUES Biting- Biting is not a good idea. The human mouth carries many germs, and can be very painful. The blood drawn is not a significant amount to constitute a feeding. And once again many people have cuts or sores in their mouths from time to time, from bleeding gums after brushing to eating hot and spicy foods that incinerate our mouths and throats. This opens us up to infections that are easily spreadable by biting another. There are a variety of ways for a Vampyre to take blood; of these many methods these are the ones that our household practices that are the most beneficial and safe. Surgical Steel Scalpels- These knives come in their own plastic wrap, should you purchase them through a medical or pharmaceutical supplier. Other wise Exacto Blades worked well too, most exacto knives are surgical steel. However you must get rid of the used blade afterwards. And are razor sharp, I almost cut my finger off getting them out of the wrapping so be careful. We use the method of making an X on several different locations available on the body. When making an X the blood will collect to the center, and be bountiful. A- The best areas for these incisions are the Breasts on women and men, about 2 inches away from the nipple towards their collarbone. B- The back of the shoulder near the shoulder blade------- STAY AWAY FROM THE NECK WITH A SCALPEL, YOU CAN EASILY SLICE THROUGH AN ARTERY AND KILL YOUR DONOR C- The fatty fold of skin on your elbows, this works best for the squirmiest new donors. What they don't see won't hurt them, and this area of your elbow is most fat, their are very few nerves. Not a lot of pain will be generated from this site. We joke about this area being our Irrigation system. D- Upper shoulder on the front side of the arm E- Some prefer the Inner thighs... And on a woman this area tends to be a risk area. On men, you may not want to do to the hair. F- On the hand, the area between your fore finger and your thumb is a fatty blood rich area also on men and women. The deepness of the X is to bury at least the point of the scalpel into the skin; this is usually considered a superficial wound, because it is not very deep. This will heal well too, you should rub the area with rubbing alcohol or iodine first, I personally cannot stand the taste, so I have my donors wash the area well with regular soap. Dial and Zest work best. Do not use antibacterial soap, because that believe it or not to a fresh wound is a magnet for infections. Never make a circular cut, the skin in the middle of the circle might die once it has been cut off from normal blood flow, and it will hurt something fierce to your donor. The X shape incision will remain open for about 10 to 15min. And then begin to seal for most donors. Remember you are only trying to gather the equivalent of a mouth full of blood, if you start to feel dizzy, or ill, stop drinking you have reached your limit. After making the incision have a disinfectant such as Bactine or Neosporin ready along with band-aids, to ensure rapid and proper healing of the wounds. Also Neosporin minimizes the appearance of scarring. Syringes- If you have the basic knowledge of phlebotomy you can obtain a kit for blood letting, similar to a heroine addicts kit. This can be done in these areas I mentioned above without a major concern of hitting nerves. However your donor may or may not end up with black and blue marks from the skin, because it was not done from a vein, but from the skin. Here you must prep the skin before an after with rubbing alcohol or iodine for sanitary reasons, and again band aid the area afterwards also. I would not recommend piercing the skin in this manner, unless a tattoo artist does it. VEIN FEEDING & LANCETS You can get hypodermic needles from any clinic, pharmacy, or hospital that is part of a needle exchange program, or set up for diabetics on welfare, who cannot afford the needles. Lancets are available at Wal- Mart, and anywhere there is a pharmacy, they come in a box about 500. Are small handy, and sharp. The best place to take out blood with a needle is from the vein in the crook of the arm. However it is best to allow someone with the training in this to teach you how it is done. Otherwise you run the risk of going through a vein, or aggravating a nerve. Not to mention you can pierce an artery also. Many times hospitals offer free classes to new diabetics on using needles for insulin shots, and how to measure blood, these classes are beneficial in learning how to tap a vein. Using Lancets is much easier in tapping the vein, because if your experience level is not very high in using hypodermic needles, with a Lancet your needle is very small, punctures easily, and you will not go through or harm the vein you are tapping. The best place for tapping the vein with a lancet is the top of the hand. The pain is very minor; most do not even feel it. And the veins are exposed more in the upper hand then most places on the body. Unless of course you are vein that you can tap most veins this way. After tapping the vein with a lancet you can suck the blood directly from the vein. And usually afterwards the bleeding will stop, then all you must do is use some bactine. That's it. This is our way of blood feeding, it is easy, not so complicated to learn, and better for the donors. Bibliography: Blood Illnesses Past & Present Nova- Secrets of the Dead Series- Creatures of the Night- Vampires Rush Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Hospital- Interview with Dr. Smegelski retired American Medical Journal, Blood Deficiencies, Blood Born Illness, Symptoms 1978, 1989, 1991 American Medical Association, Diseases of the Blood & Treatment Hematology and Symptomatic Guide Maya & Aztecs Blood Gods Egyptian Book of Funeral Offerings Alexian Brothers Workshop 1988- Blood Transfusions & Blood therapy Medical Book of Blood Born Illnesses, 1967 American Red Cross Guide to HIV/Aids Epidemic, 1988 Columbia's biological sciences department, Study of the Blood Download - Blood Sharing Agreement (printable) Feeding by Proximity To feed by proximity is simply to feed by line of sight, and not by touch. It is a little harder to master but it is safer for the donor (if you take too much or too quickly you could hurt them),and it attracts less attention to you. It is safer to feed from large groups of people than from one person. When you feed from crowds you take a little from a lot of people and hurt no one and most people do not even realize you fed from them. If you take from just one person you could seriously deplete them and they will know that they have been drained (this happens if you feed from them too often as well). When feeding by proximity it is best to walk through a busy shopping area and feel their energy swirling together in a funnel around you. All you need to do is picture or feel this funnel being made of water and simply drink in some of this "water". Many psi-vampires go with the breathing method which is when you breathe in, you breathe in some of the energy you need. And inversely when you breathe out you donate or give some energy to someone who is depleted or sick. There are two types of energy to feed on by proximity There are two types of energy to feed on when feeding by proximity. Life energy or pranic energy and then there is emotional energy. The first and hardest type of energy to tap into is life or pranic energy. Just feed on this using the way described in feeding by proximity. The second is emotional energy. When a person feels the stronger emotions like aggravation, anger, fear, hatred, or they are feeling rushed or panicked they actually broadcast out energy to let others know to leave them alone. Part of the reason that body language is more pronounced currently is because they are using more energy. A better description of this is if a person is drinking water and you want some of this water you would have to get it out of their cup but if they are feeling stronger emotions then it would be like the were standing in one of those little kiddie pools and it suddenly much easier to get the water. It is much easier to tap into this energy because it is outside their bodies and not inside them. Also I have noticed that when I feed on this emotional energy it actually drains away the emotion that they were feeling. Meaning that they no longer feel this emotion because the energy they were using to sustain this emotion is no longer there. So this would be a good way to stop someone from being angry. NEVER feed on their fear though. It could cause permanent emotional and mental damage(drive them insane). To stop someone from feeling depression you must give them energy not take it. Depression is a lack of energy. This explains why a clinically depressed person is always tired. If we feed to heavily from someone it can cause clinical depression, sickness and eventually cancer or some other fatal disease. This is the reason we do not keep a ring of donors like the sanguinarians do. When I feed on emotional energy I actually seek out this energy and siphon it off, like when you are overflowing the sink and the water will not turn off. This emotional energy is easier and safer to feed on and it is helpful to the nils when we feed on this energy. It puts them in a better mood making them feel better. Feeding by touch or physical contact We can feed in many ways by touch; however, this normally tends to draw attention to who and what we are. Any place on your body that forms a hollow (like the hollow in the base of your throat, or in your shoulder, or palm and females have an extra "hollow" that men don't have *smiles*) can be used to feed from. We can also drain someone when they touch us and we don't wish to be touched. To feed by touch can be done in self-defense, casual contact like a handshake, or even during sex. To feed by touch we tend to use our right hand and drain with our palm (NEVER put your palm over their heart when feeding because the shock could seriously hurt the donor and even kill them if they have a heart condition), this is the reason we don't like to shake hands. If we are attracted to someone we will feed with our mouths, either from their shoulder or from their necks. We tend to be easily aroused if someone nuzzles our necks because of this. We do not drink their blood but we do drink their energy, it is similar to giving a hickey (could be where giving hickeys came from*winks*) and this is the most intimate we psi-vampires get without actually having sex. Some female psi-vampires feed from the hollow nature gave them during sex and letting the man just assumes that they are now tired do to the exertions of having sex (this can be addicting to the man though). When we are attacked or grabbed by someone in a threatening manner we tend to grab their arm or hand with our hand or hands and drain them reflexively or instinctively. Many of us don't even realize that we are doing this (especially if we are in the process of awakening), we just assume that the attacker got tired of fighting us. Some of us psi-vampires will feed from you by touch if you have angered us, and only enough to tire you and get over our anger. If you have greatly angered someone and they then walk up to you and put their hand on your shoulder while talking to you in a quiet even voice, and you start to feel detached and tired then you are more then likely being feed from and they are trying to mesmerize you with their abilities so you won't notice what they are doing. One of the ways of recognizing a psi-vampire. Feeding by touch in self-defense We can feed on the aggressive emotions of our attacker as well as the energy they are using to attack us with. When we drain this energy it throws the attacker off balance and weakens them so that they tend to run away either in confusion or because they think they bit off more than they can chew. In martial arts you are taught to redirect the energy of your attacker but we prefer to feed on it which makes the attacker believe that we are super strong when we are not. Perception is the most important thing in stopping any attack. We tend to intimidate most people because of how strong and self-assured we are perceived to be. Since we are feeding on them we suddenly appear to be stronger than they are which frightens them and if we do not control ourselves we will start feeding on the fear as well and this DOES draw attention to what we are. You do not have to be a Wiccan or pagan to believe in the threefold law that whatever you do to others will come back on you so make sure you only use enough force to stop and only take enough energy to deter them and try not to hurt them. We are not monsters and we all tend to start thinking of ourselves as monsters if we knowingly hurt someone when it was not necessary to survive. We will start to feel remorse and guilt which leads to hating ourselves in the end. So do not harm anyone. This site is sponsored by Graveyard Publishing © 2008-2012 All Rights Reserved This Material is for educational purposes only ------------ To view this discussion, go to:
a blog of daily updades,info and news to up in my grimore and attch to my book of shadows for my coven
Friday, February 17, 2012
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