The Coven Spell
O ancient ones of heaven, earth and sea,
We chant the coven spell, thus shall it be!
To music of the night-wind blowing free,
We chant the coven spell, thus shall it be!
The owl hoots within the hollow tree,
The black cat runs by night silently,
The toad beneath the stone dwells secretly,
We chant the coven spell, thus shall it be!
To moon that draws the tides of air and sea,
We chant the coven spell, thus shall it be!
To god that bides beneath the greenwood tree,
We chant the coven spell, thus shall it be!
By witches' garter bound about the knee,
By staff and cauldron and all powers that be,
We will the thing in our minds we see,
We chant the coven spell, thus shall it be!
The Spell is flowing like the sea,
The spell is growing like the tree,
Like flame that burns and blazes free.
We chant the spell, thus shall it be!
We chant the spell, thus shall it be!
We chant the spell, thus shall it be!
From: Witchcraft for Tomorrow
O ancient ones of heaven, earth and sea,
We chant the coven spell, thus shall it be!
To music of the night-wind blowing free,
We chant the coven spell, thus shall it be!
The owl hoots within the hollow tree,
The black cat runs by night silently,
The toad beneath the stone dwells secretly,
We chant the coven spell, thus shall it be!
To moon that draws the tides of air and sea,
We chant the coven spell, thus shall it be!
To god that bides beneath the greenwood tree,
We chant the coven spell, thus shall it be!
By witches' garter bound about the knee,
By staff and cauldron and all powers that be,
We will the thing in our minds we see,
We chant the coven spell, thus shall it be!
The Spell is flowing like the sea,
The spell is growing like the tree,
Like flame that burns and blazes free.
We chant the spell, thus shall it be!
We chant the spell, thus shall it be!
We chant the spell, thus shall it be!
From: Witchcraft for Tomorrow

Migraine Tea
This is an amazing tea for those who suffer from migraines. No it will not stop them all together but it will ease them and can stop some in the beginnings. It need to be taken at the time you feel the headache coming on. For most people that is during the eye aura.
2 - teaspoon dried red pepper seed (NOT powdered)
1 - teaspoon Mint
1 - Whole Fresh Basil Leaves (or 1, teaspoon dried)
Twist of Lemon for taste.
The tea is not spicy hot. But after drinking it you may feel hot, flushed and sweat. That is it working.
To make mix together, Step in covered cup for 3 to 5 minutes. Add honey to taste... Works Fast.
The information contained herein is not intended to replace the services of trained health professionals. You are advised to consult with your health care professional with regard to matters relating to your health, and in particular regarding matters that may require diagnosis or medical attention.
Lady Abigail
Copyright © 03032001
Author Lady Abigail: Information via Witch of the Old World Book of Herbs by: Lady Abigail on CD. All rights reserved under the US copyright laws and statues. Copyright © 12312011. For more information or see to purchase see: The Glass Witch Magick Shoppe: http:// www.theglasswitchmagickshoppe.c om/product/ witch-of-the-old-world-cd-book- of-herbs-by-lady-abigail
![Courtesy of @[131929868907:274:Collective Evolution].](
The Magick of Life
I Breathed in the air, tasted the cool crispness of the mist
I closed my eyes and let the sounds around me enter
I heard the flutter of a wing, the song on the wind
Then I Felt the earth at my feet, as it vibrated with life
Then She Touched my heart, warmed my soul
She is all there, as I opened my heart and felt
The Light, The Love, The Gentle quietness of Her.
With every breath, with every touch, with every sound
She is there. She touches me with the Magick of Life.
Goddess of All…..
Lady Patti ©02282012

- Did you get to see this?
2013/02/17/ fox-news-attacks-wiccans/192713 There are "more Zoroastrians in this country than Wiccans"? What the heck? That's simply incorrect. Ignorance is bliss for Fox News. Wiccans have "20 holidays"? Last time I looked there were eight sabbats on the Wheel of the Year. The Catholic Church, by contrast, has a saint for every day. Watch this clip only if you don't mind getting REALLY offended.
Charlene Norton Charlene Norton
just now
I was so offended by fox news & friends sunday! I have never been married, I have never even seen the game you talked about. I happen to be the leader of my oven or church and I can states all the Wiccan holidays. Barbara Baatzell said it best if you don't know that much about the subject or have and opinion keep it to your self . Being a journalist surly your supposed to objective/non-parasail and show both side to story. It would have been nice to have a wiccan side on this story. I think the wiccan community, needs an apology from fox news and friend sunday!
Read more: all co-eds: Don’t expect to be cramming for an exam ahead of Wiccan and Pagan holidays at the University of Missouri.

![via @[324673527563957:274:bob lucas] page](

![Over a year old and going strong. Here's to Jon Bon Jovi and the Soul Kitchen Community Restaurant!
Thank to @[177486166274:274:Being Liberal] fan page for the image.](
via @[281168802721:274:Political Loudmouth]](

This week a number of animal advocacy groups filed a lawsuit in federal court against the U.S. Fish and Wildli...
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