“ Since you alone are responsible for your thoughts,
only you can change them.
You will want to change them
when you realize that each thought creates
according to its own nature.
Remember that the law works at all times
and that you are always demonstrating
according to the kind of thoughts you habitually entertain.
Therefore, start now to think only those thoughts
that will bring you health and happiness.”
~ Paramahansa Yogananda (1893 – 1952)

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From Patti Wigington, your Guide to Paganism / Wiccan
Many modern Pagans incorporate the deities of their traditions into magical practice and ritual. Some honor a non-specific "The Goddess" or "The God," and others take a more hard-polytheistic view, and honor specific and separate deities, each having its own aspects and traits. Whichever system works best for you, today we're going to talk about how to incorporate working with deity into your magical practice, as well as some of the different gods and goddesses found in modern Paganism.
Follow Pagan/Wiccan on Twitter or Join Me On Facebook.
Which Deity Should I Call Upon?
Many modern Pagans and Wiccans describe themselves as eclectic, which means they may honor a god of one tradition beside a goddess of another. In some cases, we may choose to ask a deity for assistance in a magical working or in problem solving. Regardless, at some point, you're going to have to sit and sort them all out. If you don't have a specific, written tradition, then how do you know which gods to call upon? Read Full Article
Making Offerings to the Gods
In many Pagan traditions, it's not uncommon to make some sort of offering or sacrifice to the gods. Bear in mind that despite the reciprocal nature of our relationship with the divine, it's not a matter of "I'm offering you this stuff so you'll grant my wish." It's more along the lines of "I honor you and respect you, so I'm giving you this stuff to show you how much I appreciate your intervention on my behalf." So the question arises, then, of what to offer them? Read Full Article
Can I Dedicate to More Than One Deity?
A reader is feeling conflicted about whether or not it's acceptable to honor more than one deity. Is this going to be disrespectful, and earn some divine retribution? Read Full Article
Many Paths, Many Pantheons
Interested in working with the gods of your Celtic ancestors? Perhaps you feel a connection to the ancient Greeks or Romans. Is the Norse or Egyptian pantheon calling to you? Be sure to explore our list of some of the best known deities honored by modern Pagans. Read Full Article
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Patti Wigington
Paganism / Wiccan Guide
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Affirmation – I will believe in me.
I will not let others that may blindly or knowingly try to take me down.
I am who I am … I am proud. I am strong.
I am Free to be me. I stand with Pride.
I am a Child of The Goddess.
I shall be who I wish to be.
I will be what I believe I must be.
Knowing that this may cause some to walk from me…I will not falter for I am and I shall be…..
….Child of the Lady Moon…Child of the Mother Earth
I believe…..
Lady Patti © 16aug2012
![Thanks to @[330804050315234:274:The Wyrding Way] for this one!](https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/s480x480/555870_10151526505436518_369065359_n.jpg)


This national conference, now in its 19th year, brings together several thousand Pagans of many traditions each Presidents' Day weekend for workshops, rituals, vending, music, and other activities. This year's theme is "Co-operation, Tolerance & Love."
Selena's presentations:
* Religious Freedom: Pagans in the Military on Friday night, 9 pm in the Boardroom. Selena will be among the speakers on this panel coordinated by Morgan Ginther. Selena will speak about her work with Pagan military ministries and civil rights work. Selena also will award Pagan Military Service Ribbons to Pagan veterans and those currently serving in a short ceremony at the start of the panel.
* Paganism Around the World on Sunday morning, 11 am in the Fir Ballroom. Selena, Margot Adler, Starhawk, and Patrick McCollum will share international Pagan perspectives and experiences.
* Brigid Healing Ritual on Sunday afternoon, 3:30 pm in the Cedar-Pine Ballroom. Selena will facilitate this large group ritual that works with various forms of the Goddess Brigid for healing self, others, and planet.
Help with Brigid Healing Rite? Interested in helping Selena with this ritual? Please email:circle@circlesanctuary.org by Noon on Wednesday, February 13 and include your contact info.
About PantheaCon: for info on-site registration, lodging options, schedule, more:http://pantheacon.com/wordpress/
Circle Sanctuary News: Monday, February 11, 2013
Circle Sanctuary | PO Box 9 | Barneveld, WI 53507
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The Hay House Guide to Embrace Your Angels: New Angel Products and Courses

List price: $19.95
HayHouse.com: $15.96
(Save 20%)

In The Shadow of a Badge
Memoir about Flight 93, a Field of Angels, and My Spiritual Homecoming
by Lillie Leonardi
Former law enforcement professional Lillie Leonardi has always lived with her feet planted in two separate worlds - the metaphysical and the physical. In the Shadow of a Badge, her previously self-published spiritual memoir, takes you on a dramatic journey of what happens when Leonardi's two very distinct realities become dangerously intertwined.
During her work at the crash site of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, surrounding the fateful events of September 11th, Leonardi is forced to confront her connection to the divine - something she has struggled with since her youth. Her gripping personal account of the 12 days she spent acting as an FBI liaison between the law enforcement and social service agencies carries you into a world that combines the factual and logistical with the angelic and mystical.
After witnessing what she describes as a "field of angels" during her first minutes at the crash site, Leonardi must finally reconcile the opposing sides of her life. We walk with her through the diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, experience the guilt and fear that grip her, and witness the remarkable transformation of her soul as she discovers that forgiveness, of self and others, can be the best remedy. As an inspiring example of what it really means to be called to service, Leonardi shows that it's never too late to find your spiritual path and life's purpose.

List price: $17.95
HayHouse.com: $14.36
(Save 20%)

Angels Whisper In My Ear
Incredible Stories of Hope and Love From the Angels
by Kyle Gray
Since the age of four, Kyle Gray has been blessed by the presence of angels who stood alongside him as he developed his talents to become the UK's youngest professional psychic medium at the age of sixteen. In this book, Kyle takes the reader on an emotional and uplifting journey into the world of angels, and reveals his own beautiful and inspiring story of learning to communicate with the other side, which started when his beloved grandmother passed over. This communication was to become his vocation and purpose, and Kyle is now known for the startling accuracy of his readings.
Drawing on his years of experience helping people to share the wisdom and messages of the angels, Angels Whisper In My Ear teaches you ways in which you too can make your own connections, change your ways of thinking, and finally achieve everything you have ever dreamed of. An intensely personal and moving book, it offers comfort, wisdom and practical advice that will help transform your life.

List price: $16.95
HayHouse.com: $13.56
(Save 20%)

Messages From Margaret
Down-to-Earth Angelic Advice for the World...and You
by Gerry Gavin
When the first supernatural occurrences began, Gerry Gavin was, to say the least, skeptical. But as the messages from otherworldly beings grew stronger, he grew to accept and reach out to them. When he came into contact with his guardian angel, Margaret, he discovered he could communicate with her through writing letters. Their correspondence began by focusing on personal guidance, but soon expanded to assisting anyone who came to Gerry for her sage wisdom.
In Messages from Margaret, Gerry brings his message to the world, taking readers on a journey from the beginning of creation to the current day, delving into why this is such a special moment in history and explaining how we all have the power to change the world. Controversial issues are addressed, and common myths debunked, with simple explanations and easy-to-understand language.

Card Deck
List price: $16.95
HayHouse.com: $13.56
(Save 20%)

Angel Dreams Oracle Cards
by Doreen Virtue, Melissa Virtue
Every night when you're asleep, your angels, your unconscious mind, and the universe are giving you guidance, answers to your questions, and cautionary signs. You can take charge of your life and experience deep healing by understanding and processing these dream messages.
The guidebook to accompany the Angel Dreams Oracle Cards gives you step-by-step instructions on how to conduct accurate and trustworthy dream readings to resolve your deepest questions and concerns. It explains the meanings of the 55 dream symbols in the deck and provides specific details that can shine light upon your unconscious mind. In this way, you can harness the power of your dreams to steer yourself in your desired direction!

Card Deck
List price: $19.95
HayHouse.com: $15.96
(Save 20%)

Angel Tarot Cards
by Doreen Virtue, Radleigh Valentine
Tarot has long been revered for giving detailed and accurate forecasts. Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine have created the first deck of tarot cards that is 100 percent gentle, safe, and trustworthy!
All of the words in this deck, as well as the artwork by Steve A. Roberts, are positive and beautiful, while still retaining the magical effectiveness of traditional tarot. The accompanying guidebook explains the general meaning of each card and walks you through the steps of giving an accurate reading for yourself and others.

List price: $13.99
Discounted Price: $5.00
(Save 36%)

Messages from Your Angels 2013 Wall Calendar
by Doreen Virtue
With its meditations and messages from the angelic realm, the Messages from Your Angels wall calendar is a beautiful way to begin the day. Each month pairs gorgeous angel imagery with an uplifting message from best-selling author Doreen Virtue to set a positive and healing tone that will keep you centered in peacefulness. It acts as a reminder that your angels are always beside you, ready to support and encourage you in every area of your life.

Become a Certified Angel Card Reader™ Course
Mar 15, 2013 - San Jose, CA • Mar 25, 2013 - Austin, TX • Apr 22, 2013 - Vancouver, Canada • May 3, 2013 - Atlanta, GA
In this entertaining and enlightening one-day seminar, Doreen Virtue (the bestselling author of 24 oracle card decks) will guide you through the symbology and art of using angel oracle cards. Joining Doreen will be Radleigh Valentine, the co-author of the best-selling Angel Tarot Cards.
You’ll learn how to open your intuition and natural spiritual abilities to receive accurate information during your readings. This seminar will take your readings to the next level, so that you can receive specific and detailed answers for yourself and your client.

Advanced Angel Oracle & Tarot Cards (4-Lesson Series)
Premieres February 20th
Oracle Cards are the easiest way to get clear answers, especially if you’re stressed, worried, or sensitive to the energies of this complicated world. This online course is suitable for those who are new to oracle cards, as well as seasoned pros.
Following up on their enormously successful Certified Angel Card Reader™ Course,Doreen Virtue and Angel Tarot Cards co-author Radleigh Valentine offer this advanced course on how to get detailed, accurate, and inspiring information from oracle and tarot cards.
Please note: This class is open to everyone. You do not have to be an advanced student to take this class.

Angel Card Readings Online Course: Become a Certified Angel Card Reader!
Oracle Cards are the easiest way to get clear answers, especially if you’re stressed, worried, or sensitive to the energies of this complicated world. In this first-time-ever online course, Doreen Virtue and Angel Tarot Card co-author Radleigh Valentine will personally walk you through the process of giving yourself and others accurate, gentle, and safe oracle card readings.
As an added bonus, complete this course and become a certified Angel Card Reader! Doreen and Radleigh's course was designed as a way for you to become certified to give Angel Card Readings. Don't miss this opportunity to add this to your certifications!
Please note: You must complete all four lessons and each lesson's homework assignment in order to qualify.

Angel Messages Retreat with Doreen Virtue
Alaskan Cruise Event - July 28-August 4, 2013
ACT NOW! DEPOSIT ONLY $100 PER PERSON TO RESERVE YOUR CABIN! (Regularly $350.00 per person) Offer good from February 8th – 28th, 2014.
Want to escape into a calm serene nature environment for a few days with Doreen Virtue and your angels?
Then come aboard our luxury cruise to the calm, peaceful quiet wilderness of Alaska where you can hear your inner voice and receive clear messages from your angels.
If you need answers about the next steps to take in changing and healing your life, this workshop will give you clarity, motivation, and inspiration. Doreen Virtue will guide you through life-changing deep healing meditations, Angel Therapy ® healings, angel readings, and help you to gain confidence in making healthy life changes.
Accompanied by “Angel Food” co-author Michael Robinson’s ethereal healing keyboard music, you’ll let go of worldly concerns and release stress and fears. You’ll remember your true self and regain your passion for living.

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Hay House Announces a 7-Night Alaskan Cruise Event with 2 Programs to Choose From!
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Hay House Announces a 7-Night Alaskan Cruise Event
with 2 Programs to Choose From!
ACT NOW! DEPOSIT ONLY $100 PER PERSON TO RESERVE YOUR CABIN! (Regularly $350.00 per person) Offer expires February 28th, 2013

If you need answers
about the next steps to take in changing and healing your life, this workshop will give you clarity, motivation and inspiration.
Angel Messages Retreat with Doreen Virtue
Want to escape into a calm, serene nature environment for a 7-Night Alaskan Cruise with Doreen Virtue and your angels?
Then come aboard our luxury cruise to the calm, peaceful, quiet wilderness of Alaska where you can hear your inner voice and receive clear messages from your angels.
Doreen Virtue will guide you through life-changing deep healing meditations, Angel Therapy® healings, angel readings, and help you to gain confidence in making healthy life changes.
Accompanied by “Angel Food” co-author Michael Robinson's ethereal healing keyboard music, you’ll let go of worldly concerns and release stress and fears. You’ll remember your true self and regain your passion for living.
Doreen Virtue is the world-renowned "Angel Lady" and author of 50-plus books about angels and spirituality. She has appeared on Oprah, CNN, television, radio, magazines, and newspapers worldwide. Her workshops are usually limited to one day, so this cruise gives you the opportunity to work personally with Doreen over the course of several days.

Miracles Happen Alaskan Cruise with Dr. Brian Weiss
Learn How to Release All Your Anxieties and Fears By Unlocking the
Doors to Your Past with Dr. Brian Weiss on a 7-Night Alaskan Cruise
Dr. Brian Weiss astonished the world of psychiatry with the theories of past-life regression therapy detailed in his best-selling book, Many Lives, Many Masters. Brian is the nation’s foremost expert in this field. This highly experiential intensive workshop explores the latest in hypnotic regression therapy. When we discuss what happens before we are born and after we die—and our possible future lives—we awaken from the constrictions of our past conditioning to release anxieties and fears.
In a series of large and small group past life regression exercises, healing visualizations and right brain training, this exciting experiential workshop takes you on an incredible psychospiritual journey as you explore the limitless boundaries of the mind and soul. During the cruise, you will have an opportunity to:
• Discover extraordinary details about your past
• Release old phobias and fears from prior lifetimes
• Practice revolutionary healing visualizations and meditations
• Harness the power of love and understanding to transform your life
• Understand about your soul mates and soul companion
• Discover new tools for developing your intuition and psychic abilities
Join Brian Weiss as he opens unexpected doors into the astonishing realm of past-life regression, while he guides participants through the process, step by step!

Seattle, Washington
The Emerald City of the Pacific Northwest, this city’s stately skyline sparkles against a backdrop of inland seas and snow-capped mountains. Shop glittering downtown, the bustling Farmers’ Market, historic Pioneer Square, or see it all from the top of the Space Needle.

Puget Sound Inside Passage (scenic cruising)
This scenic waterway reaches 1,000 miles from beautiful British Columbia to historic Skagway. Through a maze of bays, straits and fjords you’ll cruise past an ever-changing panorama of unspoiled beauty with sights of cascading waterfalls, virgin forests and glacier-carved fjords.

Tracy Arm, Alaska
Located 50 miles north of Juneau, this spectacular fjord boasts some of Alaska’s most beautiful sights. Cruising allows for the perfect vantage point to take in the majestic beauty of dazzling waterfalls. Witness the white thunder as the ice of Sawyer Glaciers calves off of the wondrous granite canyons and crashes into the waters of the fjord below.

Juneau, Alaska
When a drifter named Joe Juneau picked up the first Alaska gold nugget out of Gold Creek in 1880, he could hardly imagine that his name would be affixed to the state capitol. Fronting on the blue waters of the Gastineau Channel and surrounded by the stunning backdrop of Mt. Juneau and the Tongass National Forest wilderness, its visual drama never fails to stir visitors. Visit the stately Governor’s Mansion, saunter through the swinging doors of the Red Dog Saloon, or sightsee the mighty Mendenhall Glacier, just outside town.

Sitka, Alaska
For 100 years, this charming port city reigned as the capital of Russian America. Today the influence of the Czars is still very present in the majestic St. Michael’s Cathedral and the Sheldon Jackson Museum, housing prized Russian and Indian artifacts.

Ketchikan, Alaska
This waterfront town built on trestles, docks and pilings looks like it has been plucked from a storybook about frontier life. Explore historic Creek Street, now a covey of contemporary art galleries and quaint boutiques. Meet the spirits of the raven, whale and eagle as you view the largest collection of totems in the world at Totem Bight Park.

Victoria, B.C., Canada
Victoria is known as "The City of Gardens" and is the most English city outside of England, featuring a beautiful harbor, historic museums, and the world-famous Butchart Gardens. The city's British colonial heritage is still very much in evidence, but contemporary Victoria has a distinctly Pacific northwest flavor. Victoria's unique character is deeply rooted in its 150-year history — a history full of colorful people and fascinating tales.

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Hay House eProducts Newsletter

eBook Specials starting at ONLY $0.99
Available from these online eBook sellers:

eBook pricing may vary across eBook Retailers and in countries outside of the U.S.
Hurry! Special eBook pricing ends Mar 7, 2013.

Stop Wondering If You'll Ever Meet Him
Ryan and Jessica Cassaday, Ph.D.
Kindle | Nook
iBooks | Sony
Wishes For The Heart
Tricia LaVoice
Kindle | Nook
iBooks | Sony
Little Things Make A Big Difference
Laurin Sydney
Kindle | Nook
iBooks | Sony
David Wygant
Kindle | Nook
iBooks | Sony

Heart Thoughts
Louise L. Hay
Kindle | Nook
iBooks | Sony
Love... What's Personality Got to Do with It?
Carol Ritberger, Ph.D.
Kindle | Nook
iBooks | Sony
Ecstasy is Necessary
Barbara Carrellas
Kindle | Nook
iBooks | Sony
Rewire Your Brain For Love
Marsha Lucas, Ph.D.
Kindle | Nook
iBooks | Sony

The Secret Lives of Teen Girls
Evelyn Resh and Beverly West
Kindle | Nook
iBooks | Sony
Authentic Success
Robert Holden, Ph.D.
Kindle | Nook
iBooks | Sony
Be Your Own Shaman
Deborah King
Kindle | Nook
iBooks | Sony
The Intuitive Advisor
Mona Lisa Schulz, M.D., Ph.D.
Kindle | Nook
iBooks | Sony
* iBooks note: Books can only be viewed using iBooks on an iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch.

ENHANCED eBOOKS with Audio/Video Content*
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Tapping Into Ultimate Success
Jack Canfield and Pamela Bruner
Kindle | Nook | iBooks
A few years ago, Jack Canfield, co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, wrote The Success Principles, one of the most powerful guidebooks for successful living ever written. Now a new, cutting-edge technique has emerged to make achieving success easier than ever before. Meridian Tapping, sometimes known as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), is a revolutionary tool to remove the fears, doubts, and upsets that keep you from living according to your values and ideals.
This eBook gives you a step-by-step guide to overcoming any obstacle that is keeping you from success. If you're familiar with tapping, you'll love the fresh, transformative methods in this book. If you're not yet familiar with these techniques that hundreds of thousands of individuals are using to transform their lives, you'll love the ease and simplicity of these methods. With Tapping Into Ultimate Success, the rewards you've been looking for are literally at your fingertips.
* Audio/Video content may not work on all eReaders.

Our online catalog dedicated to Mobile Apps is expanding every day! Not sure what an "app" is? Watch a video about how our Hay House Appswork and see how beautiful they are. Our apps are the perfect companion to take with you everywhere you go—enjoy them anytime—day or night!
We offer a wide variety of calendars, card decks, and instructional apps to choose from, and each month we discount 1 or 2 of them as a special "Thank You" for our Hay House customers! PLUS, our Hay House Sampler Card App and Hay House Radio App are always FREE!*
Soul Coaching Oracle Cards App
Denise Linn
$6.99 → $4.99 (valid until Feb 23)
This 52-card deck provides a direct connection to the soul and helps you touch that sacred place within. You'll come to understand what your Soul wants you to know about your relationships, your career, your creativity, and even your future. Every card glows with beautiful artwork and a positive message that can help you receive profound spiritual guidance from your higher self!

* Pricing may vary in countries outside of the U.S.

Hay House Live Online Events were created to support your desire for continuing education and enrichment on your spiritual journey. These budget-friendly workshops will inspire and motivate you, with the insights you've been searching for. Discover for yourself when you view a one-time event or take an entire series or course!
If you can't make the live airdates, you can still join!
For your convenience, all participants automatically receive downloadable MP3s of events. Events are uploaded to your account within a few days of the live airdate and are then available for you to download anytime within seven days. So you can still take the course no matter what your schedule!
PLEASE NOTE: This does not apply to FREE Live Online Events—downloadable MP3s are not available for FREE events.

Finding Sane Relationships in a Crazy World
Cynthia Ruiz
Feb 19, 2013
12:00pm - 1:00pm Pacific

Body Upgrade
Dian Nissen-Ramirez
Feb 26, 2013
4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific

The Glass Is Full
Gigi G.
Mar 7, 2013
4:00pm - 5:00pm Pacific


I Can Do It! Ignite 2013
San Jose
Live Video Stream
Mar 16-17, 2013

I Can Do It! 2013
Live Video Stream
Mar 23-24, 2013

Writing From Your Soul
Live Video Stream
Apr 27-28, 2013


Advanced Angel Oracle and Tarot Cards (4-Lesson Course)
Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine
Lesson 1: Feb 20, 2013 | 6:30pm - 8:00pm Pacific
Lesson 2: Feb 27, 2013 | 6:30pm - 8:00pm Pacific
Lesson 3: Mar 6, 2013 | 6:30pm - 8:00pm Pacific
Lesson 4: Mar 13, 2013 | 6:30pm - 8:00pm Pacific
Please note: This class is open to everyone. You do not have to be an advanced student to take this class. This online course is suitable for those who are new to oracle cards, as well as seasoned pros. Following up on their enormously successful Certified Angel Card Reader Course, Doreen Virtue and Angel Tarot Card co-author Radleigh Valentine offer this advanced course on how to get detailed, accurate, and inspiring information from oracle and tarot cards.As an added BONUS, complete this course and receive a frameable Certificate of Attendance.

Book Marketing Online Course (3-Lesson Course)
Hay House President/CEO Reid Tracy and COO Margarete Nielsen
Lesson 1: Feb 20, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 2: Feb 27, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 3: Mar 6, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
The most successful authors or entrepreneurs know that it takes a firm commitment of time and energy to build the kind of platform (audience) that not only reaches millions, but also creates a loyal following—now's your chance to learn from seasoned marketing experts and ask all your questions about what it takes to create a best-selling book or product. Whether you are a first time author/entrepreneur, or a multi-product author/entrepreneur, you'll want to register for this information-packed and exciting event!

Hungry: The Truth About Being Full
Dr. Robin L. Smith
Feb 25, 2013 | 4:00pm - 6:00pm Pacific
$75.00 OR FREE (with book purchase)
Hungry: The Truth About Being Full isn't about the hunger for food, but the craving to reclaim and embrace our true identity. It's not about making a plan or signing up for a program to change our lives or relationships. It is about signing up to be a witness to our own lives and journeys, as the main character in our own stories where we embrace life and our unique path with all of our quirks, idiosyncrasies, fragility and resilience. Hungry is about learning how to live the only life we can live with integrity, inspiration, liberation, grace, compassion and power—our own. As an added bonus, purchase a copy of Dr. Robin's newest bookHungry: The Truth about Being Full and receive access to this Live Online Event for FREE!

Take 2: Your Guide to Creating Happy Endings and New Beginnings
Leeza Gibbons
Feb 28, 2013 | 4:00pm - 6:00pm Pacific
$75.00 OR FREE (with book purchase)
If you've ever found yourself wishing you could hit the reset button on your life, this Live Online Event could be just the thing you need. Join award-winning journalist, television personality, successful entrepreneur and new Hay House author, Leeza Gibbons, for a special two-hour Live Online Event. Leeza will give you the tools, the inspiration, the techniques and the tips for your very own Take 2. Learn the importance of discovering your Goddess Quotient, get into the better business with Leeza's Life Support, and learn the importance of knowing where you're going and looking good when you get there! As an added bonus, purchase a copy of Leeza's newest book Take 2 and receive access to this Live Online Event for FREE!

Learn To Connect To The Spirit World (3-Lesson Course)
John Holland
Lesson 1: Mar 13, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 2: Mar 20, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 3: Mar 27, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Throughout the online course, John will impart the skills and specific techniques to enhance your abilities to 'Connect With Spirit' as well as sharing his philosophy on psychic foundation upon which mediumship is built. As a participant, you will walk away with some useful exercises to continue practicing and developing at home. As a BONUS John will end each Lesson by doing live readings for some of our lucky participants and one lucky participant will win a FREE private reading with John!

Astral Travel: Become a Certified Guide to the Inner Realm! (4-Lesson Course)
Deborah King
Lesson 1: Mar 14, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 2: Mar 21, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 3: Mar 28, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 4: Apr 4, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
This truly remarkable four-part program will act as your astral travel agency, with master healer and soul journeyer Deborah King as your tour guide, making sure your journeys out of body are exciting and spiritually helpful, yet at the same time, safe! As an added bonus, you'll also receive a 45-minute video lecture from one of Deborah's recent Live & Local Los Angeles events.

Anti-Aging Wisdom for Every Generation (3-Lesson Course)
Donna Gates
Lesson 1: Apr 11, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 2: Apr 18, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 3: Apr 25, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
In this three-lesson Live Online Course, you will discover the basic steps you can take to improve your appearance, energy, and moods … in some cases, as soon as the day you begin and take control of your life and look forward to, rather than fear, how you'll feel in another 10 years. You can unlock the secrets to radiant health and the potential to live the life you want. As an added bonus, you'll hear from some of your favorite Hay House authors about their anti-aging secrets!

Discovering Your Inner Design: How Your Birthdate Reveals the Plan for Your Life! (4-Lesson Course)
Jean Haner
Lesson 1: May 1, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 2: May 8, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 3: May 15, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 4: May 22, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
In this online course, author Jean Haner gives you a rich understanding of your unique inner design and how you're moving through the cycles of time. This is not astrology or numerology—Jean uses the ancient principles of Chinese medicine applied not to your health, but to who you are on a spirit level, to help you break free of old limitations, tap into your core strengths, find lasting love, and do your best work in the world!
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New On Demand Audio and Video events are constantly being added toHayHouse.com.
Here is just a sampling of some of the fabulous online audio and video content you won't want to miss!

Ego and Spirituality: The Consciousness of Egospiritualism
Nick and Linda Martin
On Demand Audio Stream or Download
During the course, Nick and Linda discuss the consciousness of Egospiritualism, what it is, and how it differs from the traditional approach to spiritual awakening and transcendence. Along the way they introduce various concepts such as ego, ego power, ego flexibility, ego vulnerability, ego imbalance, ego unconsciousness, and mental medicine.

2013 Horoscopes: Plan It By The Planets!
Ophira Edut and Tali Edut
On Demand Audio Stream or Download
What's in store for you with love, work, health and your dreams? The AstroTwins will give you the scoop for each zodiac sign, helping you strike while the iron is hot. Discover your best opportunities and plan around your challenges. Find out where you'll grow in 2013—and which lucky breaks are not to be missed!

Feeling Beautiful: How to Upgrade Your Body Image For Vibrant Health and Vitality
Dr. Christiane Northrup
On Demand Audio Stream or Download
$4.95-$29.95 OR FREE (with book purchase)
In this special 2-hour online course, Dr. Northrup will provide you with a seven-point Feeling Beautiful program for transforming your relationship with your body! Through interactive teaching and exercises, Dr. Northrup will help you upgrade your body image. And as a result, you'll be able to pass on better health and a positive body image to all the women in your life. As an added bonus, purchase a copy of Dr. Northrup's newest book Beautiful Girl and receive access to this On Demand for FREE!

Freedom From Within
Teresa Alexander
On Demand Audio Stream or Download
Learn to live the life you were born to live. Claim the intuitive right side of your brain, the nine-tenths most people don't use or acknowledge. Reveal the knowledge that real love marks the commencement of the beginning of each individual's quest to freedom.

Reclaim Your Hot Mama Mojo: Three Weeks to a Happier, Healthier, and Hotter Life! (3-Lesson Course)
Erin Cox
On Demand Audio Download
This three-lesson online course will help you be THE woman you've always dreamed you could be by guiding you through an incredibly fun and revolutionary life-rejuvenation process.

Cooking Up a Fabulous Year! Ignite the Most Incredible, Awesome, Glorious Twelve Months of Your Life! (3-Lesson Course)
Denise Linn
On Demand Audio Download
Join celebrated Hay House Author Denise Linn as she shares little-known secrets to assist you in clearing out your old limiting patterns and uncovering what it is your Soul really wants... and then hyper-manifesting your dreams so that your coming year can rock!
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Love & Relationships
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All Is Well
Louise L. Hay and Mona Lisa Schulz, M.D., Ph.D.
Pre-Order and Receive theFeeling Fine AffirmationsAudiobook for FREE with purchase!

Robert Holden, Ph.D.
Pre-Order and Receive theHappiness Now On Demand for FREE with purchase!

The Honeymoon Effect
Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.
Pre-Order and ReceiveThe Biology of Belief On Demand for FREE with purchase!


Dating Disasters and How To Avoid Them
Joy Browne
$12.95 → $8.03

How To Ruin Your Love Life
Ben Stein
$12.95 → $8.03

The Relationship Problem Solver For Love, Marriage, and Dating
Kelly E. Johnson, M.D.
$13.95 → $10.04

Unbinding the Heart
Agapi Stassinopoulos
$19.95 → $14.96


I Can Do It 2013 Calendar
Louise L. Hay
$13.95 → $6.98

The Love and Power Journal
Lynn V. Andrews
$10.95 → $7.01

Love Yourself, Heal Your Life Workbook
Louise L. Hay
$13.95 → $10.04

The Answer is Simple, Love Yourself, Live Your Spirit
Sonia Choquette
$13.95 → $10.04

Peace From Broken Pieces
Iyanla Vanzant
$15.95 → $11.96


101 Ways To Romance
Barbara DeAngelis, Ph.D.
$9.95 → $6.96

Secrets of Attraction
Sandra Anne Taylor
$13.95 → $10.04

Spirit-Centered Relationships
Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks
Hardcover with CD
$17.95 → $12.92

Romantic Relationships
Marianne Williamson
4-CD Set
$23.95 → $17.96

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Dying To Be Me
Anita Moorjani
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Wishes Fulfilled
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
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Crazy Sexy Kitchen
Kris Carr
Kindle | Nook
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You Can Heal Your Life
Louise L. Hay
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Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself
Joe Dispenza, D.C.
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Frozen berries, dry cake mix, and 1 can of sprite. yummy cobbler. It sounds so easy - and it is good and weight watcher friendly! Ingredients
Two 12-oz bags frozen mixed berries
1 box white cake mix (no pudding)
1 can of diet 7-up or sierra mist (clear soda)
Place frozen fruit in a 9x13 baking dish. Add dry cake mix over the top. Pour soda slowly over cake mix. DO NOT stir the cake mix and the pop - this will give you a 'crust'. If you stir the two, you will hsve a cake like topping.
Bake 350 for 45-50 min.
You may be able to use frozen peaches instead of mixed berries.
Serves 16; 4 PointsPlus
"How Sweet It Is"...
Please take a moment to complete the following polling question (feel free to syndicate throughout the VC/OVC). Thank you!

I remind you that Saturday, February 16 at 23.30 at "CARAGATTA" (former Boccaccio) in via del Tiglio, 143 city/town CALCINAIA (PISA), Italy held the Mega Vampire Party dedicated to all real Vampires and their donors and friends. not to be missed! "VAMPIRE NIGHT" EVENT "waiting for!!!!! Guests, music, disco, performance.

http://stitcher.com/ s?eid=21408330

Hello everyone, The Paranormal Corner now has our newest fresh brewed story for you if you like the story, please share it. Our blog is nothing without you our reader and we would love to reach to as many as possible, enjoy the Coffee Drinking Ghost.
Take a minute and watch the video. Imagine sitting in the middle of ancient gongs and instruments. Bring a pillow just in case if you wish
CARRARA COMMUNITY HALL. NOT ALBERT WATERWAYS ~ February 23rd 7pm with Healing Hertz and Lyza Saint Ambrosena. http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=5qeAnlNmIl4

![Thanks for the add @[100000056679363:2048:Ruthann Amarteifio]. merry meet ! )0(](https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/s480x480/184357_467782076622617_1218038883_n.jpg)

http:// paganritebookofshadows.webs.com / this is my site i am relly trying to get wiccans pagans and all sorts of our people to join together on one international site i have just started it up and i am makeing improvements it is free and has a comment and chat section check it out!
http://www.whitewolfpack.com/ 2011/08/ dog-medicine-what-dogs-can-teac h-us.html

http:// www.mysteriousbritain.co.uk/ occult/ 20-year-old-witch-burned-alive- papua-new-guinea-2013.html
Lillith Darkwraith uploaded a file.

http://www.seawitchartist.com/ Elen-of-the-Ways-AntleredGodess .htm
I have published a remarkable short story about Elen of the ways under my painting of her here....

The importance of freedom of religion is at stake here, if this is allowed not fighting is doing something nothing and is equivalent to doing something EVIL. take that concept with your threefold law. if this is allowed to happen it might as well be allowed to happen to anyone! that to me means burning witches is seriously next. so go here and sign the petition. to stand idle by is the same as being an accessory (so it seems in a court of law). So pagans wiccans, and atheists help save this man. you do not need to be christian to do the right thing.

Gods in Heaven Are All Companions
Gods of all religions living in Heaven are
companions one another.
They are existences possessing spirits
and living in eternal time like us.
All of them in Heaven
are watching over us on the ground.http://lmr.cc/ENGLISH/ essence.html
illustration : Ascending Into Oneness

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ news/uknews/9772379/ Witchcraft-thriving-in-the-Wels h-countryside.html
http://boston.cbslocal.com/ 2013/01/04/ neighbors-in-salem-nh-concerned -about-new-witchcraft-temple/
http://www.guardian.co.uk/ books/2011/oct/26/ archimedes-palimpsest-ahead-of- time
https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=d1cNVYcM-WQ
http://www.witchvox.com/va/ dt_va.html?a=usnv&c=words&id=15 204
http:// bookofshadowsandlight.com/ bookofshadowswindows/index.html
NEW Official Download Page! Enjoy!
http://www.ravensloft.biz/ NewsletterHTML.asp

Looking forward to seeing everyone Desserts & Divination
tomorrow evening between 6:30-9:30pm
As i learned rituals are to train the body and mark the soul to serve the energy and channeling nature of ones magic, or right to the magic(k) as an art.. it is to fine tune them to the heartbeat of the world or the wisdom therein, and to allow one to enter what normally would take years to learn by ones own hand, ..then once entered ritual is a new form of test and trials.. deity or not...

hmmmmmm,its ad,but maybe someone like it,:) its highly rated book,so wanted to share,take care

We must always be prepared for endless waves of transformation ~ St. Francis de Sales
Animal Rights Groups Unite to Get Wolves the Protection They Need
Read Story Here ===> http://bit.ly/ Animal-welfare-groups-sue-to-en d-Midwest-wolf-hunt
Having greater control over our environment than most other terrestrial beings, through intelligence as well as intention, we carry a special responsibility to protect nature. We should be aware that every choice we make plants seeds for the future we are creating.

As spiritual beings living in human bodies one of our greatest lessons is that of 'letting go'. Its one of the most challenging lessons that we face. Depression is a result of the inability to let go, to allow change. If we do not let go things become stagnant and we drown ourselves in a swamp of negative thoughts and inner punishment. It is safe to let go. When you do, you make space for other journeys, other adventures, other connections. Give yourself permission to let go. ♥ Blessings (Art:Ricardo Juarez)

Follow @faemagazine on Twitter :-) https://twitter.com/ FAEMagazine
Were you wondering how Tia Mowry got her sexy bod back after her pregnancy?
The actress explains how she slimmed down and was inspired to help others do the same with her new yoga DVD series:http://bet.us/11Bwl3V
!["Sometimes When Things Are Falling Apart They May Actually Be Falling Into Place." <3 ~ Art by Aumega
@[127510390611984:274:Spiritual Networks] and www.spiritualnetworks.com](https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/s480x480/535418_586917438004608_775238154_n.jpg)
I'm so excited to teach the Certified Angel Card Reader course in San Jose, Austin, Vancouver, Atlanta, and as a home-study course for those who can't attend in-person: http://www.hayhouse.com/ tour_details.php?tour_id=131

This is just one of the Mummies of the World on display at The Leonardo. The exhibit features mummies and artifacts from around the world, and Salt Lake City is one of seven U.S. cities that will host the wrapped-up relics.
More details: http://on.fox13now.com/KDHcwrg
Candle Magick: Once you light your candle, free your thoughts and focus on the flame. Watch the dance and take note of the rising smoke. Listen to the wax crackle as you begin to visualize your intent.
Homework: Write essays on one or more of these topics:
1. "How I Used My Nightmares to Become Smart and Strong"
2. "How I Exploited My Problems to Become a Spiritual Freedom Fighter"
3. "How I Fed and Fed and Fed My Monsters Until They Ate Themselves to Death"
4. "How I Turned Envy, Frustration, and Smoldering Anger into Generosity, Compassion, and Fiery Success"
5. "Why Perfection Sux"
-from my book "The Televisionary Oracle," http://bit.ly/Televisionary
Nature table.
Release the Quarters Chant: I release the quarters one by one, now that my ritual is done;/ Farewell to North, East, South, and West; thank you for honouring my request./ Goddess of soothing silvery light, thank you for attending on this night./ My circle is open, never broken;/ Magic wishes fulfilled, the words have been spoken. - Polly Taskey


Affirmation – I will believe in me.
I will not let others that may blindly or knowingly try to take me down.
I am who I am … I am proud. I am strong.
I am Free to be me. I stand with Pride.
I am a Child of The Goddess.
I shall be who I wish to be.
I will be what I believe I must be.
Knowing that this may cause some to walk from me…I will not falter for I am and I shall be…..
….Child of the Lady Moon…Child of the Mother Earth
I believe…..
Lady Patti © 16aug2012
I will not let others that may blindly or knowingly try to take me down.
I am who I am … I am proud. I am strong.
I am Free to be me. I stand with Pride.
I am a Child of The Goddess.
I shall be who I wish to be.
I will be what I believe I must be.
Knowing that this may cause some to walk from me…I will not falter for I am and I shall be…..
….Child of the Lady Moon…Child of the Mother Earth
I believe…..
Lady Patti © 16aug2012
![Thanks to @[330804050315234:274:The Wyrding Way] for this one!](https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/s480x480/555870_10151526505436518_369065359_n.jpg)


This national conference, now in its 19th year, brings together several thousand Pagans of many traditions each Presidents' Day weekend for workshops, rituals, vending, music, and other activities. This year's theme is "Co-operation, Tolerance & Love."
Selena's presentations:
* Religious Freedom: Pagans in the Military on Friday night, 9 pm in the Boardroom. Selena will be among the speakers on this panel coordinated by Morgan Ginther. Selena will speak about her work with Pagan military ministries and civil rights work. Selena also will award Pagan Military Service Ribbons to Pagan veterans and those currently serving in a short ceremony at the start of the panel.
* Paganism Around the World on Sunday morning, 11 am in the Fir Ballroom. Selena, Margot Adler, Starhawk, and Patrick McCollum will share international Pagan perspectives and experiences.
* Brigid Healing Ritual on Sunday afternoon, 3:30 pm in the Cedar-Pine Ballroom. Selena will facilitate this large group ritual that works with various forms of the Goddess Brigid for healing self, others, and planet.
Help with Brigid Healing Rite? Interested in helping Selena with this ritual? Please email:circle@circlesanctuary.org by Noon on Wednesday, February 13 and include your contact info.
About PantheaCon: for info on-site registration, lodging options, schedule, more:http://pantheacon.com/wordpress/
Circle Sanctuary News: Monday, February 11, 2013
Circle Sanctuary | PO Box 9 | Barneveld, WI 53507
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The Hay House Guide to Embrace Your Angels: New Angel Products and Courses

List price: $19.95
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In The Shadow of a Badge
Memoir about Flight 93, a Field of Angels, and My Spiritual Homecoming
by Lillie Leonardi
Former law enforcement professional Lillie Leonardi has always lived with her feet planted in two separate worlds - the metaphysical and the physical. In the Shadow of a Badge, her previously self-published spiritual memoir, takes you on a dramatic journey of what happens when Leonardi's two very distinct realities become dangerously intertwined.
During her work at the crash site of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, surrounding the fateful events of September 11th, Leonardi is forced to confront her connection to the divine - something she has struggled with since her youth. Her gripping personal account of the 12 days she spent acting as an FBI liaison between the law enforcement and social service agencies carries you into a world that combines the factual and logistical with the angelic and mystical.
After witnessing what she describes as a "field of angels" during her first minutes at the crash site, Leonardi must finally reconcile the opposing sides of her life. We walk with her through the diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, experience the guilt and fear that grip her, and witness the remarkable transformation of her soul as she discovers that forgiveness, of self and others, can be the best remedy. As an inspiring example of what it really means to be called to service, Leonardi shows that it's never too late to find your spiritual path and life's purpose.

List price: $17.95
HayHouse.com: $14.36
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Angels Whisper In My Ear
Incredible Stories of Hope and Love From the Angels
by Kyle Gray
Since the age of four, Kyle Gray has been blessed by the presence of angels who stood alongside him as he developed his talents to become the UK's youngest professional psychic medium at the age of sixteen. In this book, Kyle takes the reader on an emotional and uplifting journey into the world of angels, and reveals his own beautiful and inspiring story of learning to communicate with the other side, which started when his beloved grandmother passed over. This communication was to become his vocation and purpose, and Kyle is now known for the startling accuracy of his readings.
Drawing on his years of experience helping people to share the wisdom and messages of the angels, Angels Whisper In My Ear teaches you ways in which you too can make your own connections, change your ways of thinking, and finally achieve everything you have ever dreamed of. An intensely personal and moving book, it offers comfort, wisdom and practical advice that will help transform your life.

List price: $16.95
HayHouse.com: $13.56
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Messages From Margaret
Down-to-Earth Angelic Advice for the World...and You
by Gerry Gavin
When the first supernatural occurrences began, Gerry Gavin was, to say the least, skeptical. But as the messages from otherworldly beings grew stronger, he grew to accept and reach out to them. When he came into contact with his guardian angel, Margaret, he discovered he could communicate with her through writing letters. Their correspondence began by focusing on personal guidance, but soon expanded to assisting anyone who came to Gerry for her sage wisdom.
In Messages from Margaret, Gerry brings his message to the world, taking readers on a journey from the beginning of creation to the current day, delving into why this is such a special moment in history and explaining how we all have the power to change the world. Controversial issues are addressed, and common myths debunked, with simple explanations and easy-to-understand language.

Card Deck
List price: $16.95
HayHouse.com: $13.56
(Save 20%)

Angel Dreams Oracle Cards
by Doreen Virtue, Melissa Virtue
Every night when you're asleep, your angels, your unconscious mind, and the universe are giving you guidance, answers to your questions, and cautionary signs. You can take charge of your life and experience deep healing by understanding and processing these dream messages.
The guidebook to accompany the Angel Dreams Oracle Cards gives you step-by-step instructions on how to conduct accurate and trustworthy dream readings to resolve your deepest questions and concerns. It explains the meanings of the 55 dream symbols in the deck and provides specific details that can shine light upon your unconscious mind. In this way, you can harness the power of your dreams to steer yourself in your desired direction!

Card Deck
List price: $19.95
HayHouse.com: $15.96
(Save 20%)

Angel Tarot Cards
by Doreen Virtue, Radleigh Valentine
Tarot has long been revered for giving detailed and accurate forecasts. Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine have created the first deck of tarot cards that is 100 percent gentle, safe, and trustworthy!
All of the words in this deck, as well as the artwork by Steve A. Roberts, are positive and beautiful, while still retaining the magical effectiveness of traditional tarot. The accompanying guidebook explains the general meaning of each card and walks you through the steps of giving an accurate reading for yourself and others.

List price: $13.99
Discounted Price: $5.00
(Save 36%)

Messages from Your Angels 2013 Wall Calendar
by Doreen Virtue
With its meditations and messages from the angelic realm, the Messages from Your Angels wall calendar is a beautiful way to begin the day. Each month pairs gorgeous angel imagery with an uplifting message from best-selling author Doreen Virtue to set a positive and healing tone that will keep you centered in peacefulness. It acts as a reminder that your angels are always beside you, ready to support and encourage you in every area of your life.

Become a Certified Angel Card Reader™ Course
Mar 15, 2013 - San Jose, CA • Mar 25, 2013 - Austin, TX • Apr 22, 2013 - Vancouver, Canada • May 3, 2013 - Atlanta, GA
In this entertaining and enlightening one-day seminar, Doreen Virtue (the bestselling author of 24 oracle card decks) will guide you through the symbology and art of using angel oracle cards. Joining Doreen will be Radleigh Valentine, the co-author of the best-selling Angel Tarot Cards.
You’ll learn how to open your intuition and natural spiritual abilities to receive accurate information during your readings. This seminar will take your readings to the next level, so that you can receive specific and detailed answers for yourself and your client.

Advanced Angel Oracle & Tarot Cards (4-Lesson Series)
Premieres February 20th
Oracle Cards are the easiest way to get clear answers, especially if you’re stressed, worried, or sensitive to the energies of this complicated world. This online course is suitable for those who are new to oracle cards, as well as seasoned pros.
Following up on their enormously successful Certified Angel Card Reader™ Course,Doreen Virtue and Angel Tarot Cards co-author Radleigh Valentine offer this advanced course on how to get detailed, accurate, and inspiring information from oracle and tarot cards.
Please note: This class is open to everyone. You do not have to be an advanced student to take this class.

Angel Card Readings Online Course: Become a Certified Angel Card Reader!
Oracle Cards are the easiest way to get clear answers, especially if you’re stressed, worried, or sensitive to the energies of this complicated world. In this first-time-ever online course, Doreen Virtue and Angel Tarot Card co-author Radleigh Valentine will personally walk you through the process of giving yourself and others accurate, gentle, and safe oracle card readings.
As an added bonus, complete this course and become a certified Angel Card Reader! Doreen and Radleigh's course was designed as a way for you to become certified to give Angel Card Readings. Don't miss this opportunity to add this to your certifications!
Please note: You must complete all four lessons and each lesson's homework assignment in order to qualify.

Angel Messages Retreat with Doreen Virtue
Alaskan Cruise Event - July 28-August 4, 2013
ACT NOW! DEPOSIT ONLY $100 PER PERSON TO RESERVE YOUR CABIN! (Regularly $350.00 per person) Offer good from February 8th – 28th, 2014.
Want to escape into a calm serene nature environment for a few days with Doreen Virtue and your angels?
Then come aboard our luxury cruise to the calm, peaceful quiet wilderness of Alaska where you can hear your inner voice and receive clear messages from your angels.
If you need answers about the next steps to take in changing and healing your life, this workshop will give you clarity, motivation, and inspiration. Doreen Virtue will guide you through life-changing deep healing meditations, Angel Therapy ® healings, angel readings, and help you to gain confidence in making healthy life changes.
Accompanied by “Angel Food” co-author Michael Robinson’s ethereal healing keyboard music, you’ll let go of worldly concerns and release stress and fears. You’ll remember your true self and regain your passion for living.

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Hay House Announces a 7-Night Alaskan Cruise Event with 2 Programs to Choose From!
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Hay House Announces a 7-Night Alaskan Cruise Event
with 2 Programs to Choose From!
ACT NOW! DEPOSIT ONLY $100 PER PERSON TO RESERVE YOUR CABIN! (Regularly $350.00 per person) Offer expires February 28th, 2013

If you need answers
about the next steps to take in changing and healing your life, this workshop will give you clarity, motivation and inspiration.
Angel Messages Retreat with Doreen Virtue
Want to escape into a calm, serene nature environment for a 7-Night Alaskan Cruise with Doreen Virtue and your angels?
Then come aboard our luxury cruise to the calm, peaceful, quiet wilderness of Alaska where you can hear your inner voice and receive clear messages from your angels.
Doreen Virtue will guide you through life-changing deep healing meditations, Angel Therapy® healings, angel readings, and help you to gain confidence in making healthy life changes.
Accompanied by “Angel Food” co-author Michael Robinson's ethereal healing keyboard music, you’ll let go of worldly concerns and release stress and fears. You’ll remember your true self and regain your passion for living.
Doreen Virtue is the world-renowned "Angel Lady" and author of 50-plus books about angels and spirituality. She has appeared on Oprah, CNN, television, radio, magazines, and newspapers worldwide. Her workshops are usually limited to one day, so this cruise gives you the opportunity to work personally with Doreen over the course of several days.

Miracles Happen Alaskan Cruise with Dr. Brian Weiss
Learn How to Release All Your Anxieties and Fears By Unlocking the
Doors to Your Past with Dr. Brian Weiss on a 7-Night Alaskan Cruise
Dr. Brian Weiss astonished the world of psychiatry with the theories of past-life regression therapy detailed in his best-selling book, Many Lives, Many Masters. Brian is the nation’s foremost expert in this field. This highly experiential intensive workshop explores the latest in hypnotic regression therapy. When we discuss what happens before we are born and after we die—and our possible future lives—we awaken from the constrictions of our past conditioning to release anxieties and fears.
In a series of large and small group past life regression exercises, healing visualizations and right brain training, this exciting experiential workshop takes you on an incredible psychospiritual journey as you explore the limitless boundaries of the mind and soul. During the cruise, you will have an opportunity to:
• Discover extraordinary details about your past
• Release old phobias and fears from prior lifetimes
• Practice revolutionary healing visualizations and meditations
• Harness the power of love and understanding to transform your life
• Understand about your soul mates and soul companion
• Discover new tools for developing your intuition and psychic abilities
Join Brian Weiss as he opens unexpected doors into the astonishing realm of past-life regression, while he guides participants through the process, step by step!

Seattle, Washington
The Emerald City of the Pacific Northwest, this city’s stately skyline sparkles against a backdrop of inland seas and snow-capped mountains. Shop glittering downtown, the bustling Farmers’ Market, historic Pioneer Square, or see it all from the top of the Space Needle.

Puget Sound Inside Passage (scenic cruising)
This scenic waterway reaches 1,000 miles from beautiful British Columbia to historic Skagway. Through a maze of bays, straits and fjords you’ll cruise past an ever-changing panorama of unspoiled beauty with sights of cascading waterfalls, virgin forests and glacier-carved fjords.

Tracy Arm, Alaska
Located 50 miles north of Juneau, this spectacular fjord boasts some of Alaska’s most beautiful sights. Cruising allows for the perfect vantage point to take in the majestic beauty of dazzling waterfalls. Witness the white thunder as the ice of Sawyer Glaciers calves off of the wondrous granite canyons and crashes into the waters of the fjord below.

Juneau, Alaska
When a drifter named Joe Juneau picked up the first Alaska gold nugget out of Gold Creek in 1880, he could hardly imagine that his name would be affixed to the state capitol. Fronting on the blue waters of the Gastineau Channel and surrounded by the stunning backdrop of Mt. Juneau and the Tongass National Forest wilderness, its visual drama never fails to stir visitors. Visit the stately Governor’s Mansion, saunter through the swinging doors of the Red Dog Saloon, or sightsee the mighty Mendenhall Glacier, just outside town.

Sitka, Alaska
For 100 years, this charming port city reigned as the capital of Russian America. Today the influence of the Czars is still very present in the majestic St. Michael’s Cathedral and the Sheldon Jackson Museum, housing prized Russian and Indian artifacts.

Ketchikan, Alaska
This waterfront town built on trestles, docks and pilings looks like it has been plucked from a storybook about frontier life. Explore historic Creek Street, now a covey of contemporary art galleries and quaint boutiques. Meet the spirits of the raven, whale and eagle as you view the largest collection of totems in the world at Totem Bight Park.

Victoria, B.C., Canada
Victoria is known as "The City of Gardens" and is the most English city outside of England, featuring a beautiful harbor, historic museums, and the world-famous Butchart Gardens. The city's British colonial heritage is still very much in evidence, but contemporary Victoria has a distinctly Pacific northwest flavor. Victoria's unique character is deeply rooted in its 150-year history — a history full of colorful people and fascinating tales.

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Ecstasy is Necessary
Barbara Carrellas
Kindle | Nook
iBooks | Sony
Rewire Your Brain For Love
Marsha Lucas, Ph.D.
Kindle | Nook
iBooks | Sony

The Secret Lives of Teen Girls
Evelyn Resh and Beverly West
Kindle | Nook
iBooks | Sony
Authentic Success
Robert Holden, Ph.D.
Kindle | Nook
iBooks | Sony
Be Your Own Shaman
Deborah King
Kindle | Nook
iBooks | Sony
The Intuitive Advisor
Mona Lisa Schulz, M.D., Ph.D.
Kindle | Nook
iBooks | Sony
* iBooks note: Books can only be viewed using iBooks on an iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch.

ENHANCED eBOOKS with Audio/Video Content*
eBook pricing may vary across eBook Retailers and in countries outside of the U.S.

Tapping Into Ultimate Success
Jack Canfield and Pamela Bruner
Kindle | Nook | iBooks
A few years ago, Jack Canfield, co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, wrote The Success Principles, one of the most powerful guidebooks for successful living ever written. Now a new, cutting-edge technique has emerged to make achieving success easier than ever before. Meridian Tapping, sometimes known as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), is a revolutionary tool to remove the fears, doubts, and upsets that keep you from living according to your values and ideals.
This eBook gives you a step-by-step guide to overcoming any obstacle that is keeping you from success. If you're familiar with tapping, you'll love the fresh, transformative methods in this book. If you're not yet familiar with these techniques that hundreds of thousands of individuals are using to transform their lives, you'll love the ease and simplicity of these methods. With Tapping Into Ultimate Success, the rewards you've been looking for are literally at your fingertips.
* Audio/Video content may not work on all eReaders.

Our online catalog dedicated to Mobile Apps is expanding every day! Not sure what an "app" is? Watch a video about how our Hay House Appswork and see how beautiful they are. Our apps are the perfect companion to take with you everywhere you go—enjoy them anytime—day or night!
We offer a wide variety of calendars, card decks, and instructional apps to choose from, and each month we discount 1 or 2 of them as a special "Thank You" for our Hay House customers! PLUS, our Hay House Sampler Card App and Hay House Radio App are always FREE!*
Soul Coaching Oracle Cards App
Denise Linn
$6.99 → $4.99 (valid until Feb 23)
This 52-card deck provides a direct connection to the soul and helps you touch that sacred place within. You'll come to understand what your Soul wants you to know about your relationships, your career, your creativity, and even your future. Every card glows with beautiful artwork and a positive message that can help you receive profound spiritual guidance from your higher self!

* Pricing may vary in countries outside of the U.S.

Hay House Live Online Events were created to support your desire for continuing education and enrichment on your spiritual journey. These budget-friendly workshops will inspire and motivate you, with the insights you've been searching for. Discover for yourself when you view a one-time event or take an entire series or course!
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PLEASE NOTE: This does not apply to FREE Live Online Events—downloadable MP3s are not available for FREE events.

Finding Sane Relationships in a Crazy World
Cynthia Ruiz
Feb 19, 2013
12:00pm - 1:00pm Pacific

Body Upgrade
Dian Nissen-Ramirez
Feb 26, 2013
4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific

The Glass Is Full
Gigi G.
Mar 7, 2013
4:00pm - 5:00pm Pacific


I Can Do It! Ignite 2013
San Jose
Live Video Stream
Mar 16-17, 2013

I Can Do It! 2013
Live Video Stream
Mar 23-24, 2013

Writing From Your Soul
Live Video Stream
Apr 27-28, 2013


Advanced Angel Oracle and Tarot Cards (4-Lesson Course)
Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine
Lesson 1: Feb 20, 2013 | 6:30pm - 8:00pm Pacific
Lesson 2: Feb 27, 2013 | 6:30pm - 8:00pm Pacific
Lesson 3: Mar 6, 2013 | 6:30pm - 8:00pm Pacific
Lesson 4: Mar 13, 2013 | 6:30pm - 8:00pm Pacific
Please note: This class is open to everyone. You do not have to be an advanced student to take this class. This online course is suitable for those who are new to oracle cards, as well as seasoned pros. Following up on their enormously successful Certified Angel Card Reader Course, Doreen Virtue and Angel Tarot Card co-author Radleigh Valentine offer this advanced course on how to get detailed, accurate, and inspiring information from oracle and tarot cards.As an added BONUS, complete this course and receive a frameable Certificate of Attendance.

Book Marketing Online Course (3-Lesson Course)
Hay House President/CEO Reid Tracy and COO Margarete Nielsen
Lesson 1: Feb 20, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 2: Feb 27, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 3: Mar 6, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
The most successful authors or entrepreneurs know that it takes a firm commitment of time and energy to build the kind of platform (audience) that not only reaches millions, but also creates a loyal following—now's your chance to learn from seasoned marketing experts and ask all your questions about what it takes to create a best-selling book or product. Whether you are a first time author/entrepreneur, or a multi-product author/entrepreneur, you'll want to register for this information-packed and exciting event!

Hungry: The Truth About Being Full
Dr. Robin L. Smith
Feb 25, 2013 | 4:00pm - 6:00pm Pacific
$75.00 OR FREE (with book purchase)
Hungry: The Truth About Being Full isn't about the hunger for food, but the craving to reclaim and embrace our true identity. It's not about making a plan or signing up for a program to change our lives or relationships. It is about signing up to be a witness to our own lives and journeys, as the main character in our own stories where we embrace life and our unique path with all of our quirks, idiosyncrasies, fragility and resilience. Hungry is about learning how to live the only life we can live with integrity, inspiration, liberation, grace, compassion and power—our own. As an added bonus, purchase a copy of Dr. Robin's newest bookHungry: The Truth about Being Full and receive access to this Live Online Event for FREE!

Take 2: Your Guide to Creating Happy Endings and New Beginnings
Leeza Gibbons
Feb 28, 2013 | 4:00pm - 6:00pm Pacific
$75.00 OR FREE (with book purchase)
If you've ever found yourself wishing you could hit the reset button on your life, this Live Online Event could be just the thing you need. Join award-winning journalist, television personality, successful entrepreneur and new Hay House author, Leeza Gibbons, for a special two-hour Live Online Event. Leeza will give you the tools, the inspiration, the techniques and the tips for your very own Take 2. Learn the importance of discovering your Goddess Quotient, get into the better business with Leeza's Life Support, and learn the importance of knowing where you're going and looking good when you get there! As an added bonus, purchase a copy of Leeza's newest book Take 2 and receive access to this Live Online Event for FREE!

Learn To Connect To The Spirit World (3-Lesson Course)
John Holland
Lesson 1: Mar 13, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 2: Mar 20, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 3: Mar 27, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Throughout the online course, John will impart the skills and specific techniques to enhance your abilities to 'Connect With Spirit' as well as sharing his philosophy on psychic foundation upon which mediumship is built. As a participant, you will walk away with some useful exercises to continue practicing and developing at home. As a BONUS John will end each Lesson by doing live readings for some of our lucky participants and one lucky participant will win a FREE private reading with John!

Astral Travel: Become a Certified Guide to the Inner Realm! (4-Lesson Course)
Deborah King
Lesson 1: Mar 14, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 2: Mar 21, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 3: Mar 28, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 4: Apr 4, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
This truly remarkable four-part program will act as your astral travel agency, with master healer and soul journeyer Deborah King as your tour guide, making sure your journeys out of body are exciting and spiritually helpful, yet at the same time, safe! As an added bonus, you'll also receive a 45-minute video lecture from one of Deborah's recent Live & Local Los Angeles events.

Anti-Aging Wisdom for Every Generation (3-Lesson Course)
Donna Gates
Lesson 1: Apr 11, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 2: Apr 18, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 3: Apr 25, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
In this three-lesson Live Online Course, you will discover the basic steps you can take to improve your appearance, energy, and moods … in some cases, as soon as the day you begin and take control of your life and look forward to, rather than fear, how you'll feel in another 10 years. You can unlock the secrets to radiant health and the potential to live the life you want. As an added bonus, you'll hear from some of your favorite Hay House authors about their anti-aging secrets!

Discovering Your Inner Design: How Your Birthdate Reveals the Plan for Your Life! (4-Lesson Course)
Jean Haner
Lesson 1: May 1, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 2: May 8, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 3: May 15, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 4: May 22, 2013 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
In this online course, author Jean Haner gives you a rich understanding of your unique inner design and how you're moving through the cycles of time. This is not astrology or numerology—Jean uses the ancient principles of Chinese medicine applied not to your health, but to who you are on a spirit level, to help you break free of old limitations, tap into your core strengths, find lasting love, and do your best work in the world!
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New On Demand Audio and Video events are constantly being added toHayHouse.com.
Here is just a sampling of some of the fabulous online audio and video content you won't want to miss!

Ego and Spirituality: The Consciousness of Egospiritualism
Nick and Linda Martin
On Demand Audio Stream or Download
During the course, Nick and Linda discuss the consciousness of Egospiritualism, what it is, and how it differs from the traditional approach to spiritual awakening and transcendence. Along the way they introduce various concepts such as ego, ego power, ego flexibility, ego vulnerability, ego imbalance, ego unconsciousness, and mental medicine.

2013 Horoscopes: Plan It By The Planets!
Ophira Edut and Tali Edut
On Demand Audio Stream or Download
What's in store for you with love, work, health and your dreams? The AstroTwins will give you the scoop for each zodiac sign, helping you strike while the iron is hot. Discover your best opportunities and plan around your challenges. Find out where you'll grow in 2013—and which lucky breaks are not to be missed!

Feeling Beautiful: How to Upgrade Your Body Image For Vibrant Health and Vitality
Dr. Christiane Northrup
On Demand Audio Stream or Download
$4.95-$29.95 OR FREE (with book purchase)
In this special 2-hour online course, Dr. Northrup will provide you with a seven-point Feeling Beautiful program for transforming your relationship with your body! Through interactive teaching and exercises, Dr. Northrup will help you upgrade your body image. And as a result, you'll be able to pass on better health and a positive body image to all the women in your life. As an added bonus, purchase a copy of Dr. Northrup's newest book Beautiful Girl and receive access to this On Demand for FREE!

Freedom From Within
Teresa Alexander
On Demand Audio Stream or Download
Learn to live the life you were born to live. Claim the intuitive right side of your brain, the nine-tenths most people don't use or acknowledge. Reveal the knowledge that real love marks the commencement of the beginning of each individual's quest to freedom.

Reclaim Your Hot Mama Mojo: Three Weeks to a Happier, Healthier, and Hotter Life! (3-Lesson Course)
Erin Cox
On Demand Audio Download
This three-lesson online course will help you be THE woman you've always dreamed you could be by guiding you through an incredibly fun and revolutionary life-rejuvenation process.

Cooking Up a Fabulous Year! Ignite the Most Incredible, Awesome, Glorious Twelve Months of Your Life! (3-Lesson Course)
Denise Linn
On Demand Audio Download
Join celebrated Hay House Author Denise Linn as she shares little-known secrets to assist you in clearing out your old limiting patterns and uncovering what it is your Soul really wants... and then hyper-manifesting your dreams so that your coming year can rock!
Wisdom Community members receive 10% off On Demand Events!
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Love & Relationships
Loving Relationships
Romance & Intimacy

All Is Well
Louise L. Hay and Mona Lisa Schulz, M.D., Ph.D.
Pre-Order and Receive theFeeling Fine AffirmationsAudiobook for FREE with purchase!

Robert Holden, Ph.D.
Pre-Order and Receive theHappiness Now On Demand for FREE with purchase!

The Honeymoon Effect
Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.
Pre-Order and ReceiveThe Biology of Belief On Demand for FREE with purchase!


Dating Disasters and How To Avoid Them
Joy Browne
$12.95 → $8.03

How To Ruin Your Love Life
Ben Stein
$12.95 → $8.03

The Relationship Problem Solver For Love, Marriage, and Dating
Kelly E. Johnson, M.D.
$13.95 → $10.04

Unbinding the Heart
Agapi Stassinopoulos
$19.95 → $14.96


I Can Do It 2013 Calendar
Louise L. Hay
$13.95 → $6.98

The Love and Power Journal
Lynn V. Andrews
$10.95 → $7.01

Love Yourself, Heal Your Life Workbook
Louise L. Hay
$13.95 → $10.04

The Answer is Simple, Love Yourself, Live Your Spirit
Sonia Choquette
$13.95 → $10.04

Peace From Broken Pieces
Iyanla Vanzant
$15.95 → $11.96


101 Ways To Romance
Barbara DeAngelis, Ph.D.
$9.95 → $6.96

Secrets of Attraction
Sandra Anne Taylor
$13.95 → $10.04

Spirit-Centered Relationships
Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks
Hardcover with CD
$17.95 → $12.92

Romantic Relationships
Marianne Williamson
4-CD Set
$23.95 → $17.96

View all of the titles in theLove & Relationships catalog

Top 5 best-selling eBooks:

Dying To Be Me
Anita Moorjani
Kindle | Nook
iBooks | Sony

Wishes Fulfilled
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Kindle | Nook
iBooks | Sony

Crazy Sexy Kitchen
Kris Carr
Kindle | Nook
iBooks | Sony

You Can Heal Your Life
Louise L. Hay
Kindle | Nook

Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself
Joe Dispenza, D.C.
Kindle | Nook
iBooks | Sony
eBook pricing may vary across eBook Retailers and in countries outside of the U.S.


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Frozen berries, dry cake mix, and 1 can of sprite. yummy cobbler. It sounds so easy - and it is good and weight watcher friendly! Ingredients
Two 12-oz bags frozen mixed berries
1 box white cake mix (no pudding)
1 can of diet 7-up or sierra mist (clear soda)
Place frozen fruit in a 9x13 baking dish. Add dry cake mix over the top. Pour soda slowly over cake mix. DO NOT stir the cake mix and the pop - this will give you a 'crust'. If you stir the two, you will hsve a cake like topping.
Bake 350 for 45-50 min.
You may be able to use frozen peaches instead of mixed berries.
Serves 16; 4 PointsPlus
"How Sweet It Is"...
Please take a moment to complete the following polling question (feel free to syndicate throughout the VC/OVC). Thank you!

I remind you that Saturday, February 16 at 23.30 at "CARAGATTA" (former Boccaccio) in via del Tiglio, 143 city/town CALCINAIA (PISA), Italy held the Mega Vampire Party dedicated to all real Vampires and their donors and friends. not to be missed! "VAMPIRE NIGHT" EVENT "waiting for!!!!! Guests, music, disco, performance.

http://stitcher.com/ s?eid=21408330

Hello everyone, The Paranormal Corner now has our newest fresh brewed story for you if you like the story, please share it. Our blog is nothing without you our reader and we would love to reach to as many as possible, enjoy the Coffee Drinking Ghost.
Take a minute and watch the video. Imagine sitting in the middle of ancient gongs and instruments. Bring a pillow just in case if you wish
CARRARA COMMUNITY HALL. NOT ALBERT WATERWAYS ~ February 23rd 7pm with Healing Hertz and Lyza Saint Ambrosena. http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=5qeAnlNmIl4

![Thanks for the add @[100000056679363:2048:Ruthann Amarteifio]. merry meet ! )0(](https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/s480x480/184357_467782076622617_1218038883_n.jpg)

http:// paganritebookofshadows.webs.com / this is my site i am relly trying to get wiccans pagans and all sorts of our people to join together on one international site i have just started it up and i am makeing improvements it is free and has a comment and chat section check it out!
http://www.whitewolfpack.com/ 2011/08/ dog-medicine-what-dogs-can-teac h-us.html

http:// www.mysteriousbritain.co.uk/ occult/ 20-year-old-witch-burned-alive- papua-new-guinea-2013.html
Lillith Darkwraith uploaded a file.

http://www.seawitchartist.com/ Elen-of-the-Ways-AntleredGodess .htm
I have published a remarkable short story about Elen of the ways under my painting of her here....

The importance of freedom of religion is at stake here, if this is allowed not fighting is doing something nothing and is equivalent to doing something EVIL. take that concept with your threefold law. if this is allowed to happen it might as well be allowed to happen to anyone! that to me means burning witches is seriously next. so go here and sign the petition. to stand idle by is the same as being an accessory (so it seems in a court of law). So pagans wiccans, and atheists help save this man. you do not need to be christian to do the right thing.

Gods in Heaven Are All Companions
Gods of all religions living in Heaven are
companions one another.
They are existences possessing spirits
and living in eternal time like us.
All of them in Heaven
are watching over us on the ground.http://lmr.cc/ENGLISH/ essence.html
illustration : Ascending Into Oneness

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ news/uknews/9772379/ Witchcraft-thriving-in-the-Wels h-countryside.html
http://boston.cbslocal.com/ 2013/01/04/ neighbors-in-salem-nh-concerned -about-new-witchcraft-temple/
http://www.guardian.co.uk/ books/2011/oct/26/ archimedes-palimpsest-ahead-of- time
https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=d1cNVYcM-WQ
http://www.witchvox.com/va/ dt_va.html?a=usnv&c=words&id=15 204

This national conference, now in its 19th year, brings together several thousand Pagans of many traditions each Presidents' Day weekend for workshops, rituals, vending, music, and other activities. This year's theme is "Co-operation, Tolerance & Love."
Selena's presentations:
* Religious Freedom: Pagans in the Military on Friday night, 9 pm in the Boardroom. Selena will be among the speakers on this panel coordinated by Morgan Ginther. Selena will speak about her work with Pagan military ministries and civil rights work. Selena also will award Pagan Military Service Ribbons to Pagan veterans and those currently serving in a short ceremony at the start of the panel.
* Paganism Around the World on Sunday morning, 11 am in the Fir Ballroom. Selena, Margot Adler, Starhawk, and Patrick McCollum will share international Pagan perspectives and experiences.
* Brigid Healing Ritual on Sunday afternoon, 3:30 pm in the Cedar-Pine Ballroom. Selena will facilitate this large group ritual that works with various forms of the Goddess Brigid for healing self, others, and planet.
Help with Brigid Healing Rite? Interested in helping Selena with this ritual? Please email:circle@circlesanctuary.org by Noon on Wednesday, February 13 and include your contact info.
About PantheaCon: for info on-site registration, lodging options, schedule, more:http://pantheacon.com/wordpress/
Circle Sanctuary News: Monday, February 11, 2013
Circle Sanctuary | PO Box 9 | Barneveld, WI 53507
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Circle Sanctuary | PO Box 9 | Barneveld, WI 53507
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The Hay House Guide to Embrace Your Angels: New Angel Products and Courses |
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![]() Hardcover List price: $19.95 HayHouse.com: $15.96 (Save 20%) ![]() | In The Shadow of a Badge Memoir about Flight 93, a Field of Angels, and My Spiritual Homecoming by Lillie Leonardi Former law enforcement professional Lillie Leonardi has always lived with her feet planted in two separate worlds - the metaphysical and the physical. In the Shadow of a Badge, her previously self-published spiritual memoir, takes you on a dramatic journey of what happens when Leonardi's two very distinct realities become dangerously intertwined. During her work at the crash site of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, surrounding the fateful events of September 11th, Leonardi is forced to confront her connection to the divine - something she has struggled with since her youth. Her gripping personal account of the 12 days she spent acting as an FBI liaison between the law enforcement and social service agencies carries you into a world that combines the factual and logistical with the angelic and mystical. After witnessing what she describes as a "field of angels" during her first minutes at the crash site, Leonardi must finally reconcile the opposing sides of her life. We walk with her through the diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, experience the guilt and fear that grip her, and witness the remarkable transformation of her soul as she discovers that forgiveness, of self and others, can be the best remedy. As an inspiring example of what it really means to be called to service, Leonardi shows that it's never too late to find your spiritual path and life's purpose. | |||||
![]() Paperback List price: $17.95 HayHouse.com: $14.36 (Save 20%) ![]() | Angels Whisper In My Ear Incredible Stories of Hope and Love From the Angels by Kyle Gray Since the age of four, Kyle Gray has been blessed by the presence of angels who stood alongside him as he developed his talents to become the UK's youngest professional psychic medium at the age of sixteen. In this book, Kyle takes the reader on an emotional and uplifting journey into the world of angels, and reveals his own beautiful and inspiring story of learning to communicate with the other side, which started when his beloved grandmother passed over. This communication was to become his vocation and purpose, and Kyle is now known for the startling accuracy of his readings. Drawing on his years of experience helping people to share the wisdom and messages of the angels, Angels Whisper In My Ear teaches you ways in which you too can make your own connections, change your ways of thinking, and finally achieve everything you have ever dreamed of. An intensely personal and moving book, it offers comfort, wisdom and practical advice that will help transform your life. | |||||
![]() Paperback List price: $16.95 HayHouse.com: $13.56 (Save 20%) ![]() | Messages From Margaret Down-to-Earth Angelic Advice for the World...and You by Gerry Gavin When the first supernatural occurrences began, Gerry Gavin was, to say the least, skeptical. But as the messages from otherworldly beings grew stronger, he grew to accept and reach out to them. When he came into contact with his guardian angel, Margaret, he discovered he could communicate with her through writing letters. Their correspondence began by focusing on personal guidance, but soon expanded to assisting anyone who came to Gerry for her sage wisdom. In Messages from Margaret, Gerry brings his message to the world, taking readers on a journey from the beginning of creation to the current day, delving into why this is such a special moment in history and explaining how we all have the power to change the world. Controversial issues are addressed, and common myths debunked, with simple explanations and easy-to-understand language. | |||||
![]() Card Deck List price: $16.95 HayHouse.com: $13.56 (Save 20%) ![]() | Angel Dreams Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Melissa Virtue Every night when you're asleep, your angels, your unconscious mind, and the universe are giving you guidance, answers to your questions, and cautionary signs. You can take charge of your life and experience deep healing by understanding and processing these dream messages. The guidebook to accompany the Angel Dreams Oracle Cards gives you step-by-step instructions on how to conduct accurate and trustworthy dream readings to resolve your deepest questions and concerns. It explains the meanings of the 55 dream symbols in the deck and provides specific details that can shine light upon your unconscious mind. In this way, you can harness the power of your dreams to steer yourself in your desired direction! | |||||
![]() Card Deck List price: $19.95 HayHouse.com: $15.96 (Save 20%) ![]() | Angel Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue, Radleigh Valentine Tarot has long been revered for giving detailed and accurate forecasts. Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine have created the first deck of tarot cards that is 100 percent gentle, safe, and trustworthy! All of the words in this deck, as well as the artwork by Steve A. Roberts, are positive and beautiful, while still retaining the magical effectiveness of traditional tarot. The accompanying guidebook explains the general meaning of each card and walks you through the steps of giving an accurate reading for yourself and others. | |||||
![]() Calendar List price: $13.99 Discounted Price: $5.00 (Save 36%) ![]() | Messages from Your Angels 2013 Wall Calendar by Doreen Virtue With its meditations and messages from the angelic realm, the Messages from Your Angels wall calendar is a beautiful way to begin the day. Each month pairs gorgeous angel imagery with an uplifting message from best-selling author Doreen Virtue to set a positive and healing tone that will keep you centered in peacefulness. It acts as a reminder that your angels are always beside you, ready to support and encourage you in every area of your life. | |||||
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![]() | Become a Certified Angel Card Reader™ Course Mar 15, 2013 - San Jose, CA • Mar 25, 2013 - Austin, TX • Apr 22, 2013 - Vancouver, Canada • May 3, 2013 - Atlanta, GA In this entertaining and enlightening one-day seminar, Doreen Virtue (the bestselling author of 24 oracle card decks) will guide you through the symbology and art of using angel oracle cards. Joining Doreen will be Radleigh Valentine, the co-author of the best-selling Angel Tarot Cards. You’ll learn how to open your intuition and natural spiritual abilities to receive accurate information during your readings. This seminar will take your readings to the next level, so that you can receive specific and detailed answers for yourself and your client. | |||||
![]() | Advanced Angel Oracle & Tarot Cards (4-Lesson Series) Premieres February 20th Oracle Cards are the easiest way to get clear answers, especially if you’re stressed, worried, or sensitive to the energies of this complicated world. This online course is suitable for those who are new to oracle cards, as well as seasoned pros. Following up on their enormously successful Certified Angel Card Reader™ Course,Doreen Virtue and Angel Tarot Cards co-author Radleigh Valentine offer this advanced course on how to get detailed, accurate, and inspiring information from oracle and tarot cards. Please note: This class is open to everyone. You do not have to be an advanced student to take this class. | |||||
![]() | Angel Card Readings Online Course: Become a Certified Angel Card Reader! Oracle Cards are the easiest way to get clear answers, especially if you’re stressed, worried, or sensitive to the energies of this complicated world. In this first-time-ever online course, Doreen Virtue and Angel Tarot Card co-author Radleigh Valentine will personally walk you through the process of giving yourself and others accurate, gentle, and safe oracle card readings. As an added bonus, complete this course and become a certified Angel Card Reader! Doreen and Radleigh's course was designed as a way for you to become certified to give Angel Card Readings. Don't miss this opportunity to add this to your certifications! Please note: You must complete all four lessons and each lesson's homework assignment in order to qualify. | |||||
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![]() | Angel Messages Retreat with Doreen Virtue Alaskan Cruise Event - July 28-August 4, 2013 ACT NOW! DEPOSIT ONLY $100 PER PERSON TO RESERVE YOUR CABIN! (Regularly $350.00 per person) Offer good from February 8th – 28th, 2014. Want to escape into a calm serene nature environment for a few days with Doreen Virtue and your angels? Then come aboard our luxury cruise to the calm, peaceful quiet wilderness of Alaska where you can hear your inner voice and receive clear messages from your angels. If you need answers about the next steps to take in changing and healing your life, this workshop will give you clarity, motivation, and inspiration. Doreen Virtue will guide you through life-changing deep healing meditations, Angel Therapy ® healings, angel readings, and help you to gain confidence in making healthy life changes. Accompanied by “Angel Food” co-author Michael Robinson’s ethereal healing keyboard music, you’ll let go of worldly concerns and release stress and fears. You’ll remember your true self and regain your passion for living. | |||||
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Hay House Announces a 7-Night Alaskan Cruise Event with 2 Programs to Choose From! |
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Frozen berries, dry cake mix, and 1 can of sprite. yummy cobbler. It sounds so easy - and it is good and weight watcher friendly! Ingredients
Two 12-oz bags frozen mixed berries
1 box white cake mix (no pudding)
1 can of diet 7-up or sierra mist (clear soda)
Place frozen fruit in a 9x13 baking dish. Add dry cake mix over the top. Pour soda slowly over cake mix. DO NOT stir the cake mix and the pop - this will give you a 'crust'. If you stir the two, you will hsve a cake like topping.
Bake 350 for 45-50 min.
You may be able to use frozen peaches instead of mixed berries.
Serves 16; 4 PointsPlus
Two 12-oz bags frozen mixed berries
1 box white cake mix (no pudding)
1 can of diet 7-up or sierra mist (clear soda)
Place frozen fruit in a 9x13 baking dish. Add dry cake mix over the top. Pour soda slowly over cake mix. DO NOT stir the cake mix and the pop - this will give you a 'crust'. If you stir the two, you will hsve a cake like topping.
Bake 350 for 45-50 min.
You may be able to use frozen peaches instead of mixed berries.
Serves 16; 4 PointsPlus
"How Sweet It Is"...
Please take a moment to complete the following polling question (feel free to syndicate throughout the VC/OVC). Thank you!

I remind you that Saturday, February 16 at 23.30 at "CARAGATTA" (former Boccaccio) in via del Tiglio, 143 city/town CALCINAIA (PISA), Italy held the Mega Vampire Party dedicated to all real Vampires and their donors and friends. not to be missed! "VAMPIRE NIGHT" EVENT "waiting for!!!!! Guests, music, disco, performance.

http://stitcher.com/ s?eid=21408330

Hello everyone, The Paranormal Corner now has our newest fresh brewed story for you if you like the story, please share it. Our blog is nothing without you our reader and we would love to reach to as many as possible, enjoy the Coffee Drinking Ghost.
Take a minute and watch the video. Imagine sitting in the middle of ancient gongs and instruments. Bring a pillow just in case if you wish
CARRARA COMMUNITY HALL. NOT ALBERT WATERWAYS ~ February 23rd 7pm with Healing Hertz and Lyza Saint Ambrosena. http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=5qeAnlNmIl4

![Thanks for the add @[100000056679363:2048:Ruthann Amarteifio]. merry meet ! )0(](https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/s480x480/184357_467782076622617_1218038883_n.jpg)

http:// paganritebookofshadows.webs.com / this is my site i am relly trying to get wiccans pagans and all sorts of our people to join together on one international site i have just started it up and i am makeing improvements it is free and has a comment and chat section check it out!
http://www.whitewolfpack.com/ 2011/08/ dog-medicine-what-dogs-can-teac h-us.html

http:// www.mysteriousbritain.co.uk/ occult/ 20-year-old-witch-burned-alive- papua-new-guinea-2013.html
Lillith Darkwraith uploaded a file.

http://www.seawitchartist.com/ Elen-of-the-Ways-AntleredGodess .htm
I have published a remarkable short story about Elen of the ways under my painting of her here....

The importance of freedom of religion is at stake here, if this is allowed not fighting is doing something nothing and is equivalent to doing something EVIL. take that concept with your threefold law. if this is allowed to happen it might as well be allowed to happen to anyone! that to me means burning witches is seriously next. so go here and sign the petition. to stand idle by is the same as being an accessory (so it seems in a court of law). So pagans wiccans, and atheists help save this man. you do not need to be christian to do the right thing.

Gods in Heaven Are All Companions
Gods of all religions living in Heaven are
companions one another.
They are existences possessing spirits
and living in eternal time like us.
All of them in Heaven
are watching over us on the ground.http://lmr.cc/ENGLISH/ essence.html
illustration : Ascending Into Oneness

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ news/uknews/9772379/ Witchcraft-thriving-in-the-Wels h-countryside.html
http://boston.cbslocal.com/ 2013/01/04/ neighbors-in-salem-nh-concerned -about-new-witchcraft-temple/
http://www.guardian.co.uk/ books/2011/oct/26/ archimedes-palimpsest-ahead-of- time
https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=d1cNVYcM-WQ
http:// bookofshadowsandlight.com/ bookofshadowswindows/index.html
NEW Official Download Page! Enjoy!
http://www.ravensloft.biz/ NewsletterHTML.asp

Looking forward to seeing everyone Desserts & Divination
tomorrow evening between 6:30-9:30pm

As i learned rituals are to train the body and mark the soul to serve the energy and channeling nature of ones magic, or right to the magic(k) as an art.. it is to fine tune them to the heartbeat of the world or the wisdom therein, and to allow one to enter what normally would take years to learn by ones own hand, ..then once entered ritual is a new form of test and trials.. deity or not...

hmmmmmm,its ad,but maybe someone like it,:) its highly rated book,so wanted to share,take care

We must always be prepared for endless waves of transformation ~ St. Francis de Sales
Animal Rights Groups Unite to Get Wolves the Protection They Need
Read Story Here ===> http://bit.ly/ Animal-welfare-groups-sue-to-en d-Midwest-wolf-hunt
Having greater control over our environment than most other terrestrial beings, through intelligence as well as intention, we carry a special responsibility to protect nature. We should be aware that every choice we make plants seeds for the future we are creating.

As spiritual beings living in human bodies one of our greatest lessons is that of 'letting go'. Its one of the most challenging lessons that we face. Depression is a result of the inability to let go, to allow change. If we do not let go things become stagnant and we drown ourselves in a swamp of negative thoughts and inner punishment. It is safe to let go. When you do, you make space for other journeys, other adventures, other connections. Give yourself permission to let go. ♥ Blessings (Art:Ricardo Juarez)

Follow @faemagazine on Twitter :-) https://twitter.com/ FAEMagazine

Were you wondering how Tia Mowry got her sexy bod back after her pregnancy?
The actress explains how she slimmed down and was inspired to help others do the same with her new yoga DVD series:http://bet.us/11Bwl3V
!["Sometimes When Things Are Falling Apart They May Actually Be Falling Into Place." <3 ~ Art by Aumega
@[127510390611984:274:Spiritual Networks] and www.spiritualnetworks.com](https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/s480x480/535418_586917438004608_775238154_n.jpg)

I'm so excited to teach the Certified Angel Card Reader course in San Jose, Austin, Vancouver, Atlanta, and as a home-study course for those who can't attend in-person: http://www.hayhouse.com/ tour_details.php?tour_id=131

This is just one of the Mummies of the World on display at The Leonardo. The exhibit features mummies and artifacts from around the world, and Salt Lake City is one of seven U.S. cities that will host the wrapped-up relics.
More details: http://on.fox13now.com/KDHcwrg

Candle Magick: Once you light your candle, free your thoughts and focus on the flame. Watch the dance and take note of the rising smoke. Listen to the wax crackle as you begin to visualize your intent.
Homework: Write essays on one or more of these topics:
1. "How I Used My Nightmares to Become Smart and Strong"
2. "How I Exploited My Problems to Become a Spiritual Freedom Fighter"
3. "How I Fed and Fed and Fed My Monsters Until They Ate Themselves to Death"
4. "How I Turned Envy, Frustration, and Smoldering Anger into Generosity, Compassion, and Fiery Success"
5. "Why Perfection Sux"
-from my book "The Televisionary Oracle," http://bit.ly/Televisionary
Nature table.
Release the Quarters Chant: I release the quarters one by one, now that my ritual is done;/ Farewell to North, East, South, and West; thank you for honouring my request./ Goddess of soothing silvery light, thank you for attending on this night./ My circle is open, never broken;/ Magic wishes fulfilled, the words have been spoken. - Polly Taskey
Me with Ireland's next big playwright...Niall

Simple Herb Magick Listed by Power "F"
Chili Pepper, Giant Vetch, Licorice, Rye, Skullcap
Familiar Magick
Cloth of Gold, Horsetail, Houndstongue, Plantain
Agaric, Barley, Bistort, Chickweed, Chicory, Cuckoo-flower, Cucumber, Cyclamen, Dock, Dragon’s Blood, Dulse, Endive, Eryngo, European Mandrake, Garlic, Gourd, Hawthorn, Hazel, Hemlock, Horsetail, Lemongrass, Maguey, Mistletoe, Mustard, Myrtle, Olive, Palm, Date, Patchouli, Poppy, Radish, Rice, Saw
Palmetto, Sunflower, Walnut, Wheat, Ylang Ylang, Yohimbe
Figure Magick
Briony, Maidenhair
Finding Lost Items
Fire Elemental Invocation
Allspice, Dragon’s Blood, Ginseng, Peppermint
Fishing Magick
Cotton, Hawthorn
Basil, Belladonna, Cannabis, Morning Glory
Citronella, Lady’s Mantle, Lovage, Love Seed, Nutmeg, Orris, Passion Flower, Quassia Chips, Rosemary, Satyrion Root, Sweet Bulge, Sweetpea
Posted by Lady Abigail
Copyrights therein

Kenny G - As Time Goes By
This lovely song is from Kenny G, the ever famous saxophonist in the world... hope you all enjoy it as much as i do!
Kenny G - As Time Goes By
This lovely song is from Kenny G, the ever famous saxophonist in the world... hope you all enjoy it as much as i do!
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