Very cool news: The Obama administration will recognize the 1300+ same-sex marriages that Utah won't.
...........Cin ☽✪☾
For those of you who like a little astronomy when you gaze up into the Universe, I came across this! From All Science, All the Time So, it's 2014, and astronomy is looking really good this year! In fact, we've gone ahead and put together some of the most notable events right here for you, courtesy of Universe Today. Be sure to mark your calendars and keep your eyes on the sky! One of the most exciting events may be a possible meteor shower, courtesy of the remains of would-be comet of the century ISON.
CANDLE RITUALS: Share a way you use Candles in rites here and/or at our Full Moon Circle workshop & ceremony on Wednesday, January 18, 7pm at Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve:
Love it!!
I was recently part of a panel discussion with Deepak Chopra and Dr. David Agus, interviewed by Susan Desmond-Hellmann, MD, MPH, who is the Chancellor of the University of California, San Francisco. It was a really wonderful discussion, and I am happy to be able to share the video with all of you.
A herd of pregnant male seahorses.
The female seahorse lays the eggs and transfers them into the male seahorses pouch where they are then incubated. Every male seahorse has an incubation pouch in its body. The eggs are fertilized by the male, who also goes through the labor process and it takes 2-3 weeks for the babies to be born.
Thanks to Green Renaissance for this one.
The female seahorse lays the eggs and transfers them into the male seahorses pouch where they are then incubated. Every male seahorse has an incubation pouch in its body. The eggs are fertilized by the male, who also goes through the labor process and it takes 2-3 weeks for the babies to be born.
Thanks to Green Renaissance for this one.
Great photos of two adorable snow leopard cubs caught on camera in eastern Russia:
“Wilderness areas are places for wildlife to remain as wild as is possible in today’s modern world. If Idaho’s wildlife officials won’t let wolves and elk interact naturally in the Frank Church Wilderness, then clearly they will allow it nowhere.”
Washing that gray right out of your hair? Adding some highlights? Be wary of commercial hair dyes: they often contain chemicals that are harmful to you and the environment. Here are some you can buy or make yourself.
POOCHIE is almost 3 years old and came to the
Humane Society of Utah from another animal
shelter. They did not send along POOCHIE's "chart"
so we're just starting to get to know this little guy
(14 lbs). Here's a thought...why don't YOU come in...See More
Humane Society of Utah from another animal
shelter. They did not send along POOCHIE's "chart"
so we're just starting to get to know this little guy
(14 lbs). Here's a thought...why don't YOU come in...See More
Pain and struggle are the best teachers who make the smartest students. Enjoy each learning experience and make sure you actually learn from them so you never have to repeat the lesson! Share this with family and friends to remind them of the same!
The Blyssful Witch - Dark Paganism and the Occult · 179,105 like this
8 hours ago · Edited ·
Please help the Blind Cats stock the pantry with just a few clicks of the mouse. Check out our Amazon Wish List!
Or our Walmart Wish list First name: blind Last name: rescue We are always in need of food & supplies
Thank you for helping! Please share
Or our Walmart Wish list First name: blind Last name: rescue We are always in need of food & supplies
Thank you for helping! Please share
Despite not having the most sexually active teens, the US has the highest teen pregnancy rate of wealthy countries. it's time for an honest conversation about how to address it. (HINT: Abstinence-only programs aren't the answer...)
Free Archangel Michael and Metatron podcast
Most people are familiar with the beloved Archangel Michael, the angel of strength, protection, and courage. This podcast discusses Archangel Michael's role in helping you with your life purpose. You'll also receive information about how Archangel Metatron can help you to better manage your schedule and energy levels so that you can fulfill your Divine life purpose.
The podcast includes a healing meditation which many people have reported having miraculous results from.
You'll find the free podcast "The Miraculous Archangels Michael and Metatron" under the Archangels tab on this link:
Most people are familiar with the beloved Archangel Michael, the angel of strength, protection, and courage. This podcast discusses Archangel Michael's role in helping you with your life purpose. You'll also receive information about how Archangel Metatron can help you to better manage your schedule and energy levels so that you can fulfill your Divine life purpose.
The podcast includes a healing meditation which many people have reported having miraculous results from.
You'll find the free podcast "The Miraculous Archangels Michael and Metatron" under the Archangels tab on this link:

Today is Day 1 of Start the New You Now, and I hope you will take some time for yourself these next 7 days and use this tool to help empower you to create the life of your dreams.
Louise Hay is featured on every day of this free online event, and today is extra special because her film, You Can Heal Your Life, is also featured and streaming for free!
There is also a video today, and every day for the next 7 days, with Tara Stiles who gracefully leads you through a yoga meditation flow. Such a wonderful way to start your day!
If you haven't yet registered for this free online event, here is the link to do so:
Louise Hay is featured on every day of this free online event, and today is extra special because her film, You Can Heal Your Life, is also featured and streaming for free!
There is also a video today, and every day for the next 7 days, with Tara Stiles who gracefully leads you through a yoga meditation flow. Such a wonderful way to start your day!
If you haven't yet registered for this free online event, here is the link to do so:
This is such a fun and easy one that anyone can do to help the energy flow in their home. Emeralds do not have to be large and can be found at crystal healing shops, metaphysical stores and even some natural health food stores carry them. Have any questions about healing, affirmation or prayer work, feel free to contact us
This is such a fun and easy one that anyone can do to help the energy flow in their home. Emeralds do not have to be large and can be found at crystal healing shops, metaphysical stores and even some natural health food stores carry them. Have any questions about healing, affirmation or prayer work, feel free to contact us
Now that Wall Street recognizes that Pacific Gateway coal port in Cherry Point, WA is risky and dangerous to our climate and communities, we can put a stop to it completely! TAKE ACTION NOW:
Photo credit: Ralph Avesen on Flickr
Photo credit: Ralph Avesen on Flickr
Maybe you saw these two characters on Fox 13's Good Day Utahyesterday before noon? Meet DAISY (left), five-years old, and BARNEY (right), eight-years old. They were brought in by their older owners because they didn't have time to care for the pair any longer. These adorable Basset Hounds truly adore each other. We are determined to get them adopted to a new home together, and we have reduced their adoption fees--for only $75.00 you can adopt the pair! They have both lived with children, cats and other small dogs in their previous home. They love walks and the dog park. Help us keep them together, please LIKE & SHARE to spread the word.

I have never seen anything like this... WOW!
LOTS of people post comments for me that say "Please visit (insert name of city)." LOTS of times, I already have events scheduled in (or near) that city! Or I have been to that city (or nearby) in the recent past.
PLEASE check out the events and appearances page on my website. Here's the link:
Bookmark the page and check back every now-and-then.
PLEASE check out the events and appearances page on my website. Here's the link:
Bookmark the page and check back every now-and-then.
Gross, I would never ever do this to my family or friends in my coven.

::How To Summon The Protection Of Your Guardian Angels:: So here is a very basic technique that will allow you to feel the protection of your Guardian Angels: 1. The first thing to do is to acknowledge them. You can do this by saying the following out loud or silently in your mind: “I call on my angels with a true, heartfelt intent to feel their presence and protection!” 2. Then close your eyes, and quite your mind for a few moments to center yourself. 3. As you are sitting or standing there, pay attention to your body. 4. Notice any sensations that may start to come over you. 5. Some people feel: – Tingling (angel energy) – Itching (angel feathers rubbing against you) – Coolness (angel wings wrapping around you), – Warmth (your angel hugging you) – Heat (several angels standing around you) – Chills (angel’s healing you) – Or a variety of sensations 6. After about 5 or 10 minutes, slowly open your eyes! Why You Should Use This Technique Often Even if you don’t feel anything, it only means you are not sensitive to angel energy, but it does not mean they are not around you! This technique very powerful, and it works!! If you aren’t able to feel them around you, keep practicing this technique, and with time, your body will become more sensitive to angel energy!
Utah Pagan Alli shared Utah Pagan Alliance's photo.
Ravens have a long history of myth and lore associated with them. In some native tribes they are known as the "keeper of secrets." They hold the teachings of mysticism and magic. Ravens are linked to the void, where universal secrets are stored. Their inky black color is the color associated with darkness. The darkness is a place where unconscious fears live. Raven, a master magician, embodies the energy of transformation and shows us how to eliminate our inner demons. Ravens are the largest songbirds in North America. They are extremely intelligent and are clever mimics. They incorporate and mimic calls of other species and can teach us how to understand the language of animals. They have also been known to learn some human words. The raven knows the mystery of life. They have an intimate association with death and rebirth. Because raven would feed on the corpses of the dead hanging on the gallons, early European settlers feared this bird and considered it to be an ill omen. In truth, however, raven should be respected not feared. There are many stories in native cultures about this illusive black bird. Shamans know the power of an unexpected piercing sound in altering consciousness. Ravens exercise this power, emitting a variety of sounds and can aid us in shifting our consciousness into various dimensional realms. This is one reason why the raven is known as a shape shifter with magical powers. Anyone with raven as a totem can expect continual changes and spiritual awakenings throughout their life. Raven picks its students according to their accumulated wisdom. It flies into a persons life carrying the energy of magic and healing. If it decides to settle in and take up residence, it will stay as long as necessary to aid you in transmuting your karma then return you to the light. It will push, prod, and lead you into the discovery of your multidimensional self and reunite you with the secrets of the multidimensional universe. Those with this totem should remember to meet raven, not with fear, but rather with an appreciation for the teachings that it holds. MEANINGS OF THIS ANIMAL TOTEM: Magic, Healing, Creation If a raven totem has come into our life, magic is at play. Raven activates the energy of magic and links it to our will and intention. With this totem, we can make great changes in our life; the ability to take the unformed thought and make it reality. The raven shows us how to go into the dark of our inner self and bring out the light of our true self; resolving inner conflicts which have long been buried. This is the deepest power of healing we can possess.
Hey everyone! FREE, FREE, FREE EBOOK! "The Seduction of Pinecrest" is FREE TODAY through January 14th. RATED #6 on Kindle Contemporary Fiction! It's a fun, romantic romp through golf, clubhouses, cocktails, rednecks, and shady real estate deals. Facebook says it might be spam, but when you click through, you immediately get to the book on Amazon. Many thanks and enjoy!


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