10 facts you didn't know about starbucks
Nichelle Nichols

Virginia Action Alert: Tell your Senator to Oppose SB 236! Americans United strongly supports the right of students to engage in free speech activities, but this legislation will result in school sanctioned religious speech that is both inappropriate and unconstitutional.
Necromancer's Dagger with Solid Black Yew Handle. Created exclusively for the "Hex" Stores in Salem and New Orleans. This knife has a bronze hilt, pommel and a solid bronze 6.5" blade. Solid yew handle. Overall length is 12" Find this ritual tool and others at HexWitch.comhttps://hexwitch.com/necromancers-dagger-with-solid-black-yew-handle/dp/5001 - Brian Cain
Cancer Full Moon Meditation~
When the full moon is in the starter sign of Cancer, the sun is in the starter sign of Capricorn. With this combination we have sacred water and Mother Earth, an amazing combination for continued good health meditations and workings! Meditations for stability in the home, honoring your personal roots, and even ending matters in a positive way through limits, rules, structure and rewards are good applications of this energy. Protection meditations, too, for family, property and pets would be good, as well as working on anything that you choose to bring into the home within the next cycle of the moon. If you are having trouble visualizing this energy, think of a matriarch who only carries a clutch bag building the family empire.
For this meditation you will need any of the following: anything small and stackable such as building blocks (the type children play with,) a small puzzle, or a picture cut into six or seven pieces.
Place the objects on a white surface. Take several deep breaths in n the nose and out through the mouth. When you are perfectly calm and no thoughts interfere, gaze at the objects before you. For this example we are going to use building strength and security within the home. Create your energy and fill it with love and blessings, then slowly put that energy into the blocks. Stay in the moment. Think of nothing but the blocks. Very slowly, stack the blocks in a pleasing shape or put together the puzzle.
When you have created your pattern, sit with your hands in your lap, palms on your thighs. Raise your hands limply (like a puppy begging), until they are at eye level. Straighten your fingers so they point toward the blocks. Flip your hands up (slowly) so that your palms are facing the blocks, and then bring your hands down slowly back to their original position on your thighs. Now, let's do that again with a nice, deep breath as you raise your hands, and exhale as you lower your hands. Keep going. Every time your hands go up, think of the energies around you building in a positive way. As your hands go down, think of that stable energy enfolding you like a warm blanket. When you feel relaxed and refreshed, the meditation is over.
If it has been particularly stressful in the home, do this meditation every evening until chaos abates. What if someone knocks over your blocks? That's the person causing the most wild energy, even if it doesn't appear to be so on the surface. If an animal knocks over the blocks, determine who else is in the room at the time, that is the key. If it is just you and the cat, for example, who were you thinking about right before the blocks tumbled? Did you receive a phone call? If the blocks tumbled down, don't fret. Simply do the meditation again.
~ This is from Silver Raven Wolf
Cancer Full Moon Meditation~
When the full moon is in the starter sign of Cancer, the sun is in the starter sign of Capricorn. With this combination we have sacred water and Mother Earth, an amazing combination for continued good health meditations and workings! Meditations for stability in the home, honoring your personal roots, and even ending matters in a positive way through limits, rules, structure and rewards are good applications of this energy. Protection meditations, too, for family, property and pets would be good, as well as working on anything that you choose to bring into the home within the next cycle of the moon. If you are having trouble visualizing this energy, think of a matriarch who only carries a clutch bag building the family empire.
For this meditation you will need any of the following: anything small and stackable such as building blocks (the type children play with,) a small puzzle, or a picture cut into six or seven pieces.
Place the objects on a white surface. Take several deep breaths in n the nose and out through the mouth. When you are perfectly calm and no thoughts interfere, gaze at the objects before you. For this example we are going to use building strength and security within the home. Create your energy and fill it with love and blessings, then slowly put that energy into the blocks. Stay in the moment. Think of nothing but the blocks. Very slowly, stack the blocks in a pleasing shape or put together the puzzle.
When you have created your pattern, sit with your hands in your lap, palms on your thighs. Raise your hands limply (like a puppy begging), until they are at eye level. Straighten your fingers so they point toward the blocks. Flip your hands up (slowly) so that your palms are facing the blocks, and then bring your hands down slowly back to their original position on your thighs. Now, let's do that again with a nice, deep breath as you raise your hands, and exhale as you lower your hands. Keep going. Every time your hands go up, think of the energies around you building in a positive way. As your hands go down, think of that stable energy enfolding you like a warm blanket. When you feel relaxed and refreshed, the meditation is over.
If it has been particularly stressful in the home, do this meditation every evening until chaos abates. What if someone knocks over your blocks? That's the person causing the most wild energy, even if it doesn't appear to be so on the surface. If an animal knocks over the blocks, determine who else is in the room at the time, that is the key. If it is just you and the cat, for example, who were you thinking about right before the blocks tumbled? Did you receive a phone call? If the blocks tumbled down, don't fret. Simply do the meditation again.
~ This is from Silver Raven Wolf
Spiritual and Magical Philosophies – Divine Madness (Mania theia) or ‘Crazy Wisdom’
*Are you highly eccentric? Does your heart beat only for the Old Ways? Are you a recluse?
Do people consider you ‘strange’ or unorthodox? Perhaps you are one of the Chosen, one who suffers from Divine Madness.
If so, you are in good company. - BW
"Crazy wisdom, also known as holy or divine madness, is a manifestation of certain spiritual adepts where they behave in unconventional, outrageous, or unexpected fashion.
Divine madness shares a semantic field with: sacred fool, divine madman & madwoman, village idiot, divine ecstasy, and the Tarot archetype of 'The Fool', etc.
It is considered to be a manifestation of spiritual accomplishment evident in such Dharmic Traditions as Sanatana Dharma, Tantra, Vajrayana, and Zen as well as amongst other traditions such as Sufi, Bonpo, Daoism and Russian Orthodoxy.
Divine Madness is often evident in human cultural spiritual universals such as shamanism
Feuerstein in his article 'Holy Madness' lists Han-shan (9th c) the Daoist and Zen poet, herbalist and mountain recluse (who as a pointed aside, was held in high regard by the Dharma- inspired poetic beatniks of the Beat Generation) as one of the crazy-wise:
"Han-shan, the legendary Chinese adept with a Cheshire-cat grin, lived alone in the most desolate mountain areas gathering roots and herbs. When people would try to talk with him about Zen, he would only laugh hysterically."
Feuerstein also lists Ikkyu (15th c), a Zen master, famed for the crazy-wisdom of sporting a skeleton around town and the pithy Sufi storyteller Mulla Nasruddin (13th c) as one of the crazy-wise:
"Among the Sufi, some of the best teaching stories feature Mulla Nasruddin, the holy fool whose unreasonable behavior reflect the deepest truths."
Crazy wisdom is also a modality of communication, in which the adept employs esoteric and seemingly unspiritual methods to awaken an aspirant's consciousness."
Feuerstein, George (1991). 'Holy Madness'. In Yoga Journal May/June 1991.
Image: ‘Insanity’ by *nondani
Spiritual and Magical Philosophies *One of the things I most love about the occult path is that we never reach the end of learning; we are eternal students, and class is always in session. Beware of those who claim adept knowledge of every path, tradition, genre or God. This is an insult to those who spend entire lifetimes in study of ONE system and even with that dedication, never attain total and complete mastery. The Way of true knowledge, both of Self and Universe is hard-won and bloody. Much will be lost. Each must ask himself if the goal is worth the sacrifice. Blessed are those who seek for knowledge with persevering devotion, discipline and above all, humility. Arrogance, conceit and self-promotion are not traits to be cultivated.- BW ________________________ "I have no right to call myself ‘one who knows’. I was one who seeks, and I still am, but I no longer seek in the stars or in books; I’m beginning to hear the teachings of my blood pulsing within me. My story isn't pleasant; it’s not sweet and harmonious like the invented stories. It tastes of folly and bewilderment, of madness and dream, like the life of all people who no longer want to lie to themselves". Hermann Hesse – ‘Demian’. Image: ‘Tree of Knowledge’ by ~hewsan http://hewsan.deviantart.com/

We're having a marvelous time at Sundance Film Festival. Tomorrow evening at 7PM MST I'll be hanging out on G+ with Entertainment Weekly and #ToBeTakei director Jennifer M. Kroot answering your questions LIVE! I hope you'll join us. http://ohmyyy.gt/3tg3Km

We've been hearing so many powerful stories this week from some of the unsung heroes of women's health: the folks who spend their time volunteering to escort patients into and out of health centers. They're telling real stories of what they experience, and speaking out in support of "buffer zones" that protect patients from harassment, intimidation, and violence. Here's one of many—with gratitude to all of the health center escorts who are standing up for women's access to health care.

Our southern hemisphere readers are getting ready for Lammas, the harvest festival. Learn about how the Spirit of the Grain has been honored in different cultures:

Got Ireland shared Independent.ie's photo.
Who's got a spare million hanging around? You can pick up a nice Irish round tower with it! Here's some more that are not for salehttp://gotireland.com/2012/09/04/round-towers-the-medieval-mysterious-marvels-of-ireland/
I have been watching and following the recent capture of 250 bottle nose dolphins in Taiji , some are captured purely for the entertainment industry and sold and trained to perform , while the rest are often slaughtered and sold for human consumption. Sadly with tears in my eyes a baby albino bottle nose dolphin has just been ripped away by Taiji fishermen to be taken to a world of captivity while its mother is probably going to be killed , it is very inhumane how these dolphins are treated and killed, The Taiji fisherman have not taken in this many bottle nose dolphins into capture and slaughter for years, today is the day to share, inform, and help raise awareness of what is happening over in Taiji , if you wish to support and know more please follow at sea shepherd coves offical page, tweet, share, donate, write to the embassies and help make a change, more information and live streaming can be found at the link below - Wendy )0(https://www.facebook.com/SeaShepherdCoveGuardiansOfficialPage

I have told people at work that I am clergy, that I have a masters in religion.But we keep so things private.

Barry's op-ed about the challenges to the contraceptive mandate is being carried by a number of news websites - check it out!
Post by 95.7 KJR.
Haha, yes.
Theatre Play Reveals Unknown Greek Vampire History

A California teen was in a coma with a severe brain injury after a hit-and-run accident, and his family went against orders from doctors and tried numerous unconventional therapies.
The teen emerged from his coma and can speak again, and his family says one of those alternative therapies is responsible for healing his brain: http://go.fox13now.com/LxOWYt
The teen emerged from his coma and can speak again, and his family says one of those alternative therapies is responsible for healing his brain: http://go.fox13now.com/LxOWYt

Oberon Zell was tagged in a photo.

Julie Epona with Oberon Zell
My beloved Morning Glory Zell has gone into the hospital. She has been battling cancer for several years. Please pray for her, send healing energy. I will post updates as I receive them.
"It's not that I don't want (to die)...it's just that life is a habit that's hard to break." - Terry Prachett, "Reaper Man" XX JE
"It's not that I don't want (to die)...it's just that life is a habit that's hard to break." - Terry Prachett, "Reaper Man" XX JE
One of the best ways to learn more about crystals is to go to museums, shops, shows, or many different websites. By picking crystals up or studying their photos you pick up more of the vibrations and it gets easier to know which crystals are the right ones for you. Here is a list of the gem shows on our site.

LIVE -Heaven
Love Is A Giving Thing!
Angel Femia
Many people feel love has passed them by or they have simply given up.
Most believe that being loved, by other humans, {especially family members} is some kind of Divine Right given to all humans.
At the same time, a belief in the fact that we Love without ever learning how is a right due to Human Birth as well, and no learning is necessary.
Then there is the aspect of this so-called unlearned way of love:
1. That if I love you, you love me and that this is fact just because we exist!
If I love myself and you love yourself this can very well be a true statement, but if I love myself and you hate yourself the same statement can be just as untrue.
2. I gave you birth so you automatically love me and I love you!
Again this is only a true statement if I, as the mother loves herself and in turn teaches her child, through example, teachings and care to love her in return.
If I, the mother, don’t love myself, I cannot love my child, thus my child will not be able to love me.
3. The score board love or keeping tabs to measure love!
Many believe that if they do someone a favor, treat a person with kindness or respect, or help a person in some way, that this is automatically love. At best these are loving deeds.
The intentions and reasoning as to why these deeds are being done counts. If I intend to do something with loving intentions it is a loving deed but if I do these deeds to get something in return then the deed is reduced to a bargain or deal.
In some cases these deeds are done out of love but in no way are they love.
Keeping score is not love either, such as: I have done all these kind deeds for you now it is your turn.
Love should not be weighed out to show how much a person loves another. {I did the dishes to show you I love you! or I bought you a diamond ring, now do you see I love you)? (I gave you birth, of course I love you, and many more}.
When I look at these types of conditional love, I see that love is very much taken for granted and that we as humans are looking more for what we can get, how much we have done, or what is owed to us for the doing, as opposed to working towards the giving aspect, which is truly what love is all about.
Quite a few years ago I met a doctor who woke me up to the truth of the Love situation. I was feeling unloved and I truly felt I had been cheated. At this time I was very self-centered. I was angry at the entire world because I did not have an easy, happy life. This doctor asked me a few very important questions to ask myself.
The questions:
Why was I expecting to be loved when all I seemed to be doing was living within the anger from the fact that I felt unloved and how much did I love if I was being self-centered and resentful. He showed me that if I gave love {consider love being a giving thing} and just put no conditions upon it at all, that I would soon feel and see that love is returned but not necessarily from the same place it was given to.
Love is a giving thing and what is gotten from this giving should be of no consideration if it is unconditional love. Love is Free of all charge or costs. If I love a person that is incapable of loving me in return, the universe will see to it that the love I gave will be returned from other, unexpected sources, therefore I receive the love I gave and more.

Flidais is a female mythological figure in early Irish literature, including the Lebor Gabála Érenn, the Metrical Dindsenchas and the Ulster Cycle. She is a shape-shifter and member of the Tuatha Dé Danann, known by the epithet Foltchaín ("beautiful hair").
In the Lebor Gabála Érenn (Book of Invasions) she is said to have been the mother of the cultivators Arden,[disambiguation needed] Bé Chuille, Dinand, and Bé Téite. In the Middle Irish glossary Cóir Anmann ("Fitness of Names") she is said to be the wife of the legendary High King Adamair and the mother of Nia Segamain, who by his mother's power was able to milk deer as if they were cows. According to the Metrical Dindshenchas, she was the mother of Fand.
Central figure in the Táin Bó Flidhais ("The Driving off of Flidais's Cattle"), an Ulster Cycle work, where she is the lover of Fergus mac Róich and the owner of a magical herd of cattle. The story, set in Erris, County Mayo tells how Fergus carried her and her cattle away from her husband, Ailill Finn. During the Táin Bó Cúailnge (Cattle Raid of Cooley) she slept in the tent of Ailill mac Máta, king of Connacht, and every seven days her herd supplied milk for the entire army. In Táin Bó Flidhais she has a favoured white cow known as "The Maol" which can feed 300 men from one night's milking. Another Ulster Cycle tale says that it took seven women to satisfy Fergus, unless he could have Flidais. Her affair with Fergus is the subject of oral tradition in County Mayo.
In the Lebor Gabála Érenn (Book of Invasions) she is said to have been the mother of the cultivators Arden,[disambiguation needed] Bé Chuille, Dinand, and Bé Téite. In the Middle Irish glossary Cóir Anmann ("Fitness of Names") she is said to be the wife of the legendary High King Adamair and the mother of Nia Segamain, who by his mother's power was able to milk deer as if they were cows. According to the Metrical Dindshenchas, she was the mother of Fand.
Central figure in the Táin Bó Flidhais ("The Driving off of Flidais's Cattle"), an Ulster Cycle work, where she is the lover of Fergus mac Róich and the owner of a magical herd of cattle. The story, set in Erris, County Mayo tells how Fergus carried her and her cattle away from her husband, Ailill Finn. During the Táin Bó Cúailnge (Cattle Raid of Cooley) she slept in the tent of Ailill mac Máta, king of Connacht, and every seven days her herd supplied milk for the entire army. In Táin Bó Flidhais she has a favoured white cow known as "The Maol" which can feed 300 men from one night's milking. Another Ulster Cycle tale says that it took seven women to satisfy Fergus, unless he could have Flidais. Her affair with Fergus is the subject of oral tradition in County Mayo.

"Aracnafaria" by Anne Stokes www.annestokes.com
This is so beautiful!
So how many spider-killers vs spider-lovers do we have here? It's always interesting to hear how pagans deal with spiders and other creepy-crawly critters. I heard of a Buddhist monastery being overtaken by fire ants. They tried vacuuming them up and releasing them elsewhere, but the ants kept coming. Poor monks keep getting stung, but they can't kill the ants because it's against their beliefs.
Everything Under the Moon

Laurie Cabot

Sign up for Tea 101, our FREE educational email series. Learn all about tea varieties, blends, sourcing, steeping & more. Get the series here!http://bit.ly/1frsQk3

Pagans and Self-Injury: Trigger Warning - if you are someone with a history of self-injury and you find that reading about self-harm is a trigger for you, you may wish to skip reading this article.
On Gossamer Wings shared TPF Faerie Wear's photo.
Ooooh, fairies!! Our friends over at TPF Faerie Wear are having a lovely giveaway for a short fleece 'Tournedot' jacket in your size and choice of colors! So, CLICK ON THE IMAGE to get all the information on what you need to do to enter! Best of luck to everyfae!!
Since organizing a raffle proved impossible and we didn't want to disappoint you all, we are having a cheeky giveaway anyway We are giving you the chance to win a short fleece 'Tournedot' jacket in your size and choice of colours (available in S to XXL and you will be able to choose up to 2 fleece colours and a colour for the trim/stitching) To enter you can click on the giveaway tab on the main TPF Faerie Wear page or follow this link : http://tinyurl.com/lnuzdbo
Earn points to win by Liking and Commenting on this post! You are in no way required to share this post to win but if you choose to do so I would appreciate it. Thank you and good luck!!! The contest runs for one month, until Febuary 18, 2014 at 12amGMT. The winner will be chosen at random and announced on the same day. The winner will have three (3) days to get in touch with me through my page here. If no one claims their gift, I will choose another winner. Anyone from around the world can enter, and I will pay for the shipping! I am responsible for this giveaway and completely release Facebook from this post or product giveaway. I give a complete release of Facebook by each entrant or participant. I acknowledgement that the promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook.
Earn points to win by Liking and Commenting on this post! You are in no way required to share this post to win but if you choose to do so I would appreciate it. Thank you and good luck!!! The contest runs for one month, until Febuary 18, 2014 at 12amGMT. The winner will be chosen at random and announced on the same day. The winner will have three (3) days to get in touch with me through my page here. If no one claims their gift, I will choose another winner. Anyone from around the world can enter, and I will pay for the shipping! I am responsible for this giveaway and completely release Facebook from this post or product giveaway. I give a complete release of Facebook by each entrant or participant. I acknowledgement that the promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook.
you have to see this Illusionist!
Post by Trinikid.

Imbolc Countdown: Make Your Own Butter
Have you tried this? It's super easy, and makes a great addition to your Imbolc food and feasting!
Have you tried this? It's super easy, and makes a great addition to your Imbolc food and feasting!
Hermeticism in Theory and Practice
The Last Words of the Thrice-Great Hermes
*Having sounded this prayer over the works of his hands, Hermes was received in the sanctuary of Eternity:
‘Wise words although written by my decaying hand,
Remain imperishable through time;
Imbued with the medicine of immortality by the All-Master.
Be unseen and undiscovered by all those who will come and go,
Wandering the wastelands of life.
Be hidden, until an older heaven
Births human beings who are worthy of your wisdom’.
Source: ‘The Hermetica, the Lost Wisdom of the Pharoahs' by T. Freke and P. Gandy
(No, one should feel that they need to be a hermit, we should not feel alone in the world , or feel that our religion or serenity depends upon it. most Animals, have the need to be with other like them , live in family groups or herds, Humans have in grained in there nature to find people with there same values, to be with. No one truly wants to be or live alone.) WE ARE ALL ONE!

A reader is shocked to find herself among a group of military Pagans at an event - she asks, "how can any self-respecting Pagan have the "warrior mentality" when we're all supposed to be peace-loving people who do no harm to others?" Click the link to read the response:
The rise of black robins laying rim eggs in New Zealand reveals how human conservation efforts can have unforeseen consequences.

The photo of the tribesman hovering behind the photographer is my favorite. - Rossalyn Warren

baby elephant walk
The Elephants Knew Some will say there is no God, try and tell that to the elephants..... THE ELEPHANTS' JOURNEY TO PAY RESPECT, BUT HOW DID THEY KNOW? Lawrence Anthony, a legend in South Africa and author of 3 books including the bestseller, The Elephant Whisperer. He bravely rescued wildlife and rehabilitated elephants all over the globe from human atrocities, including the courageousrescue of Baghdad Zoo animals during US invasion in 2003. On March 7, 2012 Lawrence Anthony died. He is remembered and missed by his wife, 2 sons, 2 grandsons, and numerous elephants. Two days after his passing, the wild elephants showed up at his home led by two large matriarchs. Separate wild herds arrived in droves to say goodbye to their beloved 'man-friend'. A total of 31 elephants had patiently walked over 12 milesto get to his South African House. Witnessing this spectacle, humans were obviously in awe not only because of the supreme intelligence and precise timing that these elephants sensed about Lawrence's passing, but also because of the profound memory and emotion the beloved animals evoked in such an organized way: Walking slowly, for days, making their way in a solemn one-by-one queue from their habitat to his house. Lawrence 's wife, Francoise, was especially touched, knowing that the elephants had not been to his house prior to that day for well over 3 years! But yet they knew where they were going. The elephants obviously wanted to pay their deep respects, honoring their friend who'd saved their lives - so much respect that they stayed for 2 days 2 nights without eating anything. Then one morning, they left, making their long journey back home. SOMETHING IN THE UNIVERSE IS GREATER AND DEEPER THAN HUMAN INTELLIGENCE. IN GOD WE TRUST

Author Donald Michael Kraig, my oldest friend, has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, stage four. He and his wife Holly welcome prayers and healing energy.
I am coordinating action to use this image of the Phoenix as a focal point for centering healing energy. A candle bearing this image is being sent to Don to burn in his home. The idea here is to send energy to him that will collect at this center, and he can draw on it as needed.
If you want to help, please use this image when working with healing/magical energy. Thank you.
I am coordinating action to use this image of the Phoenix as a focal point for centering healing energy. A candle bearing this image is being sent to Don to burn in his home. The idea here is to send energy to him that will collect at this center, and he can draw on it as needed.
If you want to help, please use this image when working with healing/magical energy. Thank you.

Join us for a celebration of Brigid at Circle Sanctuary's Imbolc Festiv...
Answer the call of Brigid, Goddess of Poetry, Healing, Crafting and Nature!
Join the Circle Sanctuary Community as we celebrate Imbolc also known as Brigid’s Day. This is the time when we celebrate the lengthening days and promise of coming Springtime.
Join the Circle Sanctuary Community as we celebrate Imbolc also known as Brigid’s Day. This is the time when we celebrate the lengthening days and promise of coming Springtime.
Imbolc Festival, at Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve, near Barneveld, Wisconsin
Saturday, February 1, 2014, 9am-7pm
Register online to attend.
Saturday, February 1, 2014, 9am-7pm
Register online to attend.
- Brigid is an ancient Goddess with many aspects. At this Imbolc Festival you will have the opportunity to connect with Her in a variety of ways:
- Brigid as Healer – build a healing wreath for your home,
- Brigid as Bard – get creative with an open mic/poetry jam in honor of Brigid,
- Brigid as Crafter – Create a Brigid Doll out of felted wool, build a suet bird feeder to help sustain wild birds through the winter,
- Brigid as Mother Nature – Selena Fox will explore how we can connect with Brigid in the natural world through her connection with sacred lands, elements creatures and plants,
- Brigid around the World – Michael McDermott shares perspectives from his co-edited anthology, Brigit: Sun of Womanhood
- Honor Brigid in all Her forms and celebrate the turning of the Wheel of the Year at our Imbolc Ritual.
Additional activities will include the annual Imbolc burning of the Yule Greens and a potluck feast in honor of Brigid. More information and a complete schedule is available online.
This event is open to those of all ages who wish to connect with Brigid and celebrate the magic of Imbolc. Please register online to attend. Some at-gate registration may also be available.
Know of others who might want to join us? Please share this email with them & share link via social media. Thanks!
Blessings of Brigid upon you!
- - -
Circle Sanctuary | PO Box 9 | Barneveld, WI 53507
To change your preferences, please click this link. To unsubscribe, please click Unsubscribe.
Circle Sanctuary will not sell, trade, share or rent your email address.
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