 Celebrate Imbolc with rituals that honor the season. Image © Patti Wigington 2008; Licensed to About.com
Depending on your particular tradition, there are many different ways you can celebrate Imbolc. Some people focus on the Celticgoddess Brighid, in her many aspects as a deity of fire and fertility. Others aim their rituals more towards the cycles of the season, and agricultural markers. Here are a few rituals you may want to think about trying -- and remember, any of them can be adapted for either a solitary practitioner or a small group, with just a little planning ahead.
For our southern hemisphere readers, Lammas is just around the corner - be sure to read the links in the sidebar off to the right for some Lammas ritual ideas!
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Set Up Your Imbolc Altar
It's Imbolc, and that's the Sabbat where many Wiccans and Pagans choose to honor the Celtic goddess Brighid, in her many aspects. However, other than having a giant statue of Brighid on your altar, there are a number of ways you can set up for the season. Depending on how much space you have, you can try some or even all of these ideas -- obviously, someone using a bookshe lf as an altar will have less flexibility than someone using a table, but use what calls to you most. How to Set Up an Imbolc Altar
Imbolc Candle Ritual
 Celebrate Imbolc with candles and more. Image © Getty Images; Licensed to About.com
Hundreds of years ago, when our ancestors relied upon the sun as their only source of light, the end of winter was met with much celebration. Although it is still cold in February, often the sun shines brightly above us, and the skies are often crisp and clear. As a festival of light, Imbolc came to be called Candlemas. On this evening, when the sun has set once more, call it back by lighting the seven candles of this ritual. Although this ceremony is written for one, it can easily be adapted for a small group. Hold an Imbolc Candle Ritual
Group Rite to Honor Brighid
This ritual is designed for a group of individuals, but could easily be adapted for a solitary practitioner. Imbolc is the time between Yule and the Spring Equinox, the halfway point in the dark months of the year . It's the time when the days suddenly seem to be getting longer, and the snow is beginning to melt, showing us small patches of earth and green. At this time of returning spring, our ancestors lit bonfires and candles to celebrate the rebirth of the land. Hold a Ritual to Honor Brighid
Family "Farewell to Winter" Celebration
 Celebrate the end of winter with your whole family. Image © Getty Images; Licensed to About.com
Imbolc is typically around the time when we're all getting cabin fever -- it's cold, we're snowed in, and frankly, we're all a bit tired of winter. This simple ritual is a fun one to do with your family on a snowy day, but can also be performed by a single person or a group. The best time to do it is when you have a fresh layer of snow on the ground, but if that's not possible, never fear. Find a big pile of snow to work in. Hold a Farewell to Winter Ritual
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 Imbolc is a celebration of the home and hearthfires. Image © Getty Images; Licensed to About.com
If you're one of our northern hemisphere readers, you'll be observing Imbolc on February 2. Sometimes called Candlemas, and in many traditions a time to honor the hearth goddess Brighid, Imbolc reminds us that spring is coming soon, and that we only have a few more weeks of winter to go. The sun gets a little brighter, the earth gets a little warmer, and we know that life will soon be quickening within the soil.
For our readers below the equator, it's the harvest season, a time to celebrate Lammas or Lughnasadh. Be sure to read the links in the sidebar on the right, and down below under Featured Articles. A festival of the grain fields, and in some traditions honoring the god Lugh, Lammas is a time of reaping what we have sown, and a reminder that soon, the earth will darken once more.
Whichever of these occasions you may be celebrating this weekend, wherever you may be, I wish all of you a happy and blessed Sabbat!
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All About Imbolc, Feb. 2
There are a number of different ways to celebrate this Sabbat, but first, you may want to read up on:
Depending on your particular tradition, there are many different ways you can celebrate Imbolc. Some people focus on the Celtic goddess Brighid, in her many aspects as a deity of fire and fertility. Others aim their rituals more towards the cycles of the season, and agricultural markers. Here are a few rituals you may want to think about trying -- and remember, any of them can be adapted for either a solitary practitioner or a small group, with just a little planning ahead.
Imbolc Magic
 Take a ritual bath for Imbolc. Image © Getty Images; Licensed to About.com
Imbolc is a time of magical energy related to the feminine aspect of the goddess, of new beginnings, and of fire. It's also a good time to focus on divination and increasing your own magical gifts and abilities. Take advantage of these concepts, and plan your workings accordingly.
Imbolc Crafts and Creations
As Imbolc rolls in, you can decorate your home (and keep your kids entertained) with a number of easy craft projects. Start celebrating a bit early with a Brighid's Cross or a Corn Doll.
Feasting and Food
No Pagan celebration is really complete without a meal to go along with it. For Imbolc, celebrate with foods that honor the hearth and home -- breads, grains, and vegetables stored from fall such as onions and potatoes -- as well as dairy items.
Imbolc Traditions and Customs
 Many people honor Brighid at Imbolc. Image © Patti Wigington 2011; Licensed to About.com
Interested in learning about some of the traditions behind the celebrations of February? Find out how Valentine's Day became important, what the Romans were up to, and where the legend of the groundhog began!
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Some ideas for you...
1. Finding sources/donors
� Some Ideas & Tips on finding Sources on Sanguinarius's Page.
� Sites on hemachromatosis (basically healthy people who would benefit by being
o Throwing out good blood, a U.S. News and World Report article
o IronMan - The Lighter Side of Living with Hemochromatosis! (see especially the
link labelled Fun With Phlebotomy!)
o Iron Overload Diseases Association
(The above sites on hemachromatosis are not of much direct help in actually
finding donors, but you may find it useful to know that such people exist and
constitute a small yet significant portion of the population.)
� My article on Finding donors in the BDSM scene (primarily of use to female
2. Personal ad sites and other places to meet people
� List of vampire-related classified ad sites, on my Vampiric People's Resource
� National Gothic Singles Network
� Jaguar's D/S-BDSM Personals
Always remember that you are unique just like everybody else! -shadeYahoo
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Some ideas for you...
1. Finding sources/donors
� Some Ideas & Tips on finding Sources on Sanguinarius's Page.
� Sites on hemachromatosis (basically healthy people who would benefit by being
o Throwing out good blood, a U.S. News and World Report article
o IronMan - The Lighter Side of Living with Hemochromatosis! (see especially the
link labelled Fun With Phlebotomy!)
o Iron Overload Diseases Association
(The above sites on hemachromatosis are not of much direct help in actually
finding donors, but you may find it useful to know that such people exist and
constitute a small yet significant portion of the population.)
� My article on Finding donors in the BDSM scene (primarily of use to female
2. Personal ad sites and other places to meet people
� List of vampire-related classified ad sites, on my Vampiric People's Resource
� National Gothic Singles Network
� Jaguar's D/S-BDSM Personals
Always remember that you are unique just like everybody else! -shadeYahoo
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Some ideas for you...
1. Finding sources/donors
� Some Ideas & Tips on finding Sources on Sanguinarius's Page.
� Sites on hemachromatosis (basically healthy people who would benefit by being
o Throwing out good blood, a U.S. News and World Report article
o IronMan - The Lighter Side of Living with Hemochromatosis! (see especially the
link labelled Fun With Phlebotomy!)
o Iron Overload Diseases Association
(The above sites on hemachromatosis are not of much direct help in actually
finding donors, but you may find it useful to know that such people exist and
constitute a small yet significant portion of the population.)
� My article on Finding donors in the BDSM scene (primarily of use to female
2. Personal ad sites and other places to meet people
� List of vampire-related classified ad sites, on my Vampiric People's Resource
� National Gothic Singles Network
� Jaguar's D/S-BDSM Personals
Always remember that you are unique just like everybody else! -shadeYahoo
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