Merry meet my friends and family. I have been watching a lot of paranormal shows on near death experances, ghostly encoounters,Crop circles, signs, ailan/UFOs,and some science/history shows on 2012,eygpt and king tut,the nasca lines.They are very informitive.I also went to the Saterday meetup and it was insparing at least to me.I need to keep to my life path ,if I stray than the negitive energies just mess with me.Goddess and God put me on this path I must,go for my dreams.heres the wiccan and web news:Star Coven of wicca and W.P.A.
is in need is of Donations. Please help if you can.$5.00 minim for other types
Donations send to us directly! call (801)465-3003 for where to send.
Walmart and Detroit Schools Team Up To Teach
Filed under: Entry-Level Jobs, Employment News & Trends, Employment News by Company Print Article
Posted Feb 19th 2010 2:20PM
By Gwen Parkes
Four inner-city Detroit schools have teamed up with area Walmarts to offer students a for-credit after-school class that teaches job-readiness and shows students how to apply for entry-level positions. The program has raised both eyebrows and controversy. Like a lot of things Walmart does, it's made people ask, is the store helping or hurting the community in which it does business?
It's no secret that Detroit has been hit harder by the recession than many other places. A city that was already down has lately been plagued with a 50 percent unemployment rate. With a shrinking tax base, the public school system, which has been in the red since the early 1990s, is really struggling. The city routinely closes public schools and opens charter schools in their place. More and more teachers are laid off each year.
The upshot of all these problems is that the city's largely minority student base is receiving an increasingly stripped down education that is "more privatized," says Donna Stern, national coordinator at the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration and Immigrant Rights and Fight For Equality By Any Means Necessary, or BAMN as it's commonly known.
All that is currently known about these classes is that students will receive 11 weeks of job-readiness training during the school day in exchange for 10 academic credits. The specifics about what the class will teach are unknown to the public at this point and there is no outline or checklist that has been publicized about what job-readiness training is through the Walmart program, or what skills Walmart is aiming to teach these students.
Walmart Is Not The Answer
BAMN argues that the Walmart program "leaves the business of education in the hands of businessmen, not educators," Stern says. For her the issue is that, rather than getting Walmart to to fund enrichment programs or art or music classes, the company is using an after-school program to teach vocational skills that are usable primarily at its suburban stores. "These are skills for jobs that do not even command a living wage," she argues. "This is not a promising training program for education or jobs." Stern noted that many Walmart workers supplement their wages with welfare.
Others within the education sector concur. Patricia Kokinos, author of the book Angel Park: A Novel About Ourselves, Our Schools, and Our Nation, echoes Stern's concerns that the store is primarily putting its resources toward cultivating future employees and customers. The program is, "about as backward as I can imagine for kids who have to face the 21st century with some knowledge and critical thinking skills," she says.
Rich Demanowski moved from Utah to New Hampshire in 2007 to start a business as a photographic artist. During his first year there he took a second job to help pay his rent and cover his start-up costs. That job, of course, was at Walmart. He earned $11.75 an hour selling cell phones and service plans at the store's "Connection Center."
While he admits he's not Walmart's biggest fan, he says the retail job was far better and less grueling than work he'd done previously as a prep chef and dishwasher, jobs that he says paid less than his Walmart gig. When I asked Rich if working at Walmart was good and educational for him, he said sure. "It let me earn an appropriate wage for simple work."
Walmart Is One Answer
One of the biggest advocates of this Walmart-school partnership is Sean Vann, principal at Douglas High School, one of the four schools involved in this pilot program. Thirty students from Douglas will get jobs at Walmart and Vann thinks it is a great opportunity for them. As he told the Detroit Free Press, "The program will allow students an opportunity to earn money and to be exposed to people from different cultures, since all of the stores are in the suburbs."
Jamie Beck, a former career counselor and now-owner of Baby Elephant Books in Los Angeles deems the program, "innovative, promising and brilliant." She notes, "Not everyone has what it takes to be the doctor, lawyer, professional athlete, fireman, etc. When we expose kids to practical life skills and practical options we allow them to make better choices in the long term."
She continues, "Maybe these kids will learn a skill and get a job now or right after high school. Maybe it will motivate them to go to college or trade school, to aspire to be more. Or maybe it will just teach them how to apply all the things they are learning in school or supposed to be learning."
There's no question that Detroit is suffering, and in these tough financial times many people believe that any job is a good one, but you still have to examine if it is appropriate for Walmart to try its hand at educating, or if this is just another attempt to eat up anything that stands in their way. In Detroit the stakes are high, and many people believe that Walmart is leading the charge.
Find a job at Walmart
Tags: charter schools, detroit, education, entry level jobs, EntryLevelJobs, job readiness, JobReadiness, jobs, laid off, public school systems, PublicSchoolSystems, unemployment, Walmart
( snipurl.com/EZHomeBiz )(snipurl.com/getjobs)
Money College: First-class bargains with second-hand furnishings
Alysse Dalessandro
Feb 22nd 2010 at 8:00AM
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Filed under: Money College
Signing the dotted line on the first apartment is only the beginning of independent living. Gone are the luxuries of furnished dorms, but then again, so are those hefty on-campus housing rates.
You might be glad to leave behind that standardized wooden dorm furniture and express your inner interior designer. Your checking account doesn't need to determine your new pad's appearance either. Before you run out to the nearest IKEA, consider buying used.
Prep work
Shopping for used furnishings takes prep work. Before you hop on Craigslist, you need a plan. Start by asking yourself: How much space do you need to fill? What do you, your family, or your friends already own that can contribute to your spot? How much are you willing to spend?
Once you figure out a few of those essentials, its time to get together a budget defining how much is too much to spend on furnishings. Be reasonable with yourself -- it's used but you'd still be hard-pressed to find a couch for $5.
And remember those measurements you were dwelling on when trying to figure out the price by square foot? Those measurements are important again. Before you move something in, you have to make sure it will fit. If your bedroom is 10 x 10, you probably won't want to squeeze in a queen-size bed. Other set-ups won't be so obvious so know room and wall measurements before you start to shop.
Unless you brought your family's minivan to college, you might need to consider how you are going to transport your finds. While I do have a friend who carried a futon down Chicago's city blocks back to his apartment, its better to ask friends with cars or vans for assistance.
You can also rent a U-Haul or other rental transportation. It is worth figuring out in advance -- it would be a shame to find your dream dresser only to discover you can't get it back to your place.
Start shopping
The best way to shop used is to figure out what you can get for free. If your parents won't part with their old kitchen table, that doesn't necessarily mean you'll have to pay. Curbside scavengers and Dumpster divers know that people throw away furniture among other items that are not really damaged or are easily repairable.
However, examine closely -- you don't won't to bring home a couch that appears fine only to find its covered in cat pee once moved into your apartment. Most people prefer to stay out of the Dumpsters and the free section on Craigslist accomplishes essentially the same action with a bit more competition.
While postings offer anything from free haircuts to a set of baby bottles, in general, people want to get rid of their larger items -- pianos, love seats, cabinets and desks. Another way to find furnishings is through Freecycle, a non-profit organization that sets up the giving and getting of unwanted goods. With it's eco-friendly message of keeping "stuff" out of landfills, its an easy way to get gratis goods. Membership is also free and its organized on a local level.
Craigslist is also the place to shop when money is involved. Click on the furniture tab under the "for sale" header to browse through 100 postings at a time. Use the search box as well as price maximums to your advantage. Along with the convenience of this online haven came scams so follow Craigslist's terms on personal safety and advice on avoiding scams.
Once you arrive on the scene to conduct the sale, you have the right to examine the piece. If something is damaged, think of how it can be repaired before writing it off completely. You also can try to haggle. Maybe this piece is in hot demand online or maybe the seller can't wait to get rid of it. So make an offer, worst case, you end up paying asking price.
Etsy is home to handmade crafters and vintage sellers. You can use the site to find one-of-a-kind furniture. These pieces may not be the cheapest, but they could add flair to an otherwise bland apartment. But beware that Etsy is a worldwide marketplace before you fall in love with a hand painted dresser in Australia. Vintage stores such as Cleveland's Flower Child have done the legwork for you. While the prices might be higher, they tend to sell retro items in peak condition.
Antique sellers will take the same care of vintage pieces. Thrift stores like national Salvation Army locations and Chicago's Brown Elephant carry reasonable furniture. To make it even sweeter, funds from these thrift store sales go to a good cause (the Brown Elephant benefits the Howard Brown Health Center).
Don't forget to check estate sales and yard sales for deals. It may be an old school way to shop, but the potential for haggling makes it viable option.
Whether in person or online, free or a nominal fee, buying used is the best way to punch up your apartment.
Eamonn invited you to "The Chapter Papers, observations on the symbolism of the Hell Fire Club'" today.
Eamonn says, "hello my friend! this is my new book and on the website link you will find at the top left a link to the Hell Fire Club Membership area ;)".
Event: The Chapter Papers, observations on the symbolism of the Hell Fire Club'
What: Retail
Start Time: Today, February 20 at 4:30pm
End Time: Tuesday, May 18 at 4:30pm
Where: worldwide
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Meetup Reminder
The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup
Your group has a Meetup tomorrow!
You still need to RSVP.
Charmed Goddesses
Sunday, February 21, 2010 2:00 PM
3 Yes / 0 Maybe
Avalon's Home
7752 Steffensen Dr
Cottonwood Heights UT 84121
Here's what people are saying about this Meetup Group
"Game night is a total blast!"
— Heron
"If you have a love of crystals and want to learn more and/or share your knowledge, then this is the place to be."
— Sandra
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Meetup Description
We will be making our own healing candles to use and burn when we need support and healing.
We will also be discussing and demonstrating how to do candle spells. Since this is our Charmed Goddesses group, it is for our female members only, sorry guys!
Sacred Circle will provide wax, wicks, candle coloring pigment
Participants will bring their own candle molds (such as empty shampoo bottles for pillar candles) and will
need to bring things to add to their own candles such as essential oils, stones or charms for healing.
Please note, this will be held at Pamela's home. Please bring a potluck dish to share.
Goddess: Brighid
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Meetup Announcement
The Springville Metaphysical and Law Of Attraction Group.
Your group has a Meetup Saturday, March 6, 2010 5:00 PM!
Springville Metaphysical & LOA group - Ekhart Tolle, Power of Now Part Two
Saturday, March 6, 2010 5:00 PM
1 Yes / 0 Maybe
Art City Coffee
484 S. 1750 W. ste D Freeway exit 260 - Behind Del Taco in Walmart Plaza ... (Google map is wrong)
Springville UT 84663
801 489 3600
Here's what people are saying about this Meetup Group
"knowege is power and you can get fresh persctive from things through other peoples eyes. people were great and friendly.good discusstion."
— HighPriestessChar
"We are a bunch or regular people that think out of the box with creativity and enjoy sharing in a safe place."
— Christopher Rumfield
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Meetup Description
Let's talk about Ekhart Tolle's "The Power of Now" book. We will discuss principals mentioned in the book from Chapter 4 to Chapter 7. If you don't know Tolle, it will be a VERY enlightening conversation for you... He talks about principals like: Living in the Now Moment, The chattering Ego, Paying attention to detail and the feelings you feel in a body as a spiritual person.
Got the book? Bring your copy and talk about what you noticed in the book.
The basic framework is to start with an opening discussion of the subject of the week. Members can add their personal experiences on the subject being discussed and usually do. Then after our discussion, a 5 to 10 minute meditation so we all come closer to a calmer and clearer mindset as we leave.
The hour and a half is usually very short for the conversations we have and it moves quickly.
We have a very upbeat group of positive and talented people.
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668
Vampire Community News
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Embrace The Dark Radio Interview With Sanguinarius
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
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Nathan E. Rasmussen's idea:
"27 Feb at Chili's"
I'm posting this on behalf of Matt Harrison. If he had better
Internet access right now, he'd be posting this as an official
Event, but he's tied up out of town. Here's the scoop:
Saturday, 27 February, at 11:30, meet him (and hopefully me
too) at Chili's on University Parkway in Orem. We'll have
lunch, get acquainted, answer your questions, and hear his
report on the American Conference of Grand Masters meeting
about the future of Masonry (which is where he is now). Hope
y'all can make it.
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David Torres's idea:
"Nathan, I will be there on the 27"
Ok. thanks for a fast answer.
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by the Temple of Isis Utah
Gathering at 4:00, Ritual at 4:30.
Held at:
Odd Fellows Hall (Murray #33 IOOF)
8698 Center Street
Sandy, Utah
Map Link: http://www.meetup. com/Salt- Lake-Witches/ venue/857920/ ?eventId= 11747075& popup=true
Please bring a VEGETARIAN potluck dish with a Mediterranean theme (like Greek, Egyptian, Italian, etc.) and re-usable DINING WARE. We can supply the silverware and cups. We strive to reduce unnecessary waste from paper plates, etc so please NO paper plates and disposable dining ware.
ALSO please ponder and bring some type of healing request you would like from the goddess for the earth or humanitarian efforts within the new season growing.
Salt Lake Wiches Meetup Event Listing: http://www.meetup. com/Salt- Lake-Witches/ calendar/ 11747075/ ?success= event_edit_ short&eventActio n=editing
Temple of Isis Utah: http://www.templeof isis.com/ SaltLakeCityUT
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Your weekly Payson Meetup Calendar
Your recommendations are highlighted in yellow, and your Meetups are in pink.
The Newest Payson Meetup Groups:
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in Utah
SLC Investors Business Daily
Introduction to Releasing The Sedona Method Way
New Strummers
Theta Healing
EFT Well-being
This Week's Meetups
Monday, February 22, 2010
7:00 PM
Happiness 101: Happiness 101: Mindfulness
Quantum Leap: Energy Healers Meetup Group: Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
7:00 AM
Fiscal (weekly) Networking Breakfast: Fiscal (weekly) Networking Breakfast Meetup
12:00 PM
Fiscal Networking Sandy: Fiscal Networking Sandy Meetup
Fiscal Networking South Valley: Fiscal Networking South Valley Meetup
1:00 PM
Utah Rising: SL County 9-12 Project: Take Utah Back Rally
2:00 PM
Utah Women in Business: Working Women and Coffee
6:00 PM
AYSO Cottonwood Co-Ed Adult Soccer: Co-Ed FUTSAL w/KEEPERS, East Millcreek, 1st SESSION
True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship: Longsword Fundamentals
6:30 PM
Salt Lake Active Singles: Dinner at One World Cafe
Salt Lake City Metaphysics Meetup Group: Mocking Up and Bringing in What you want
The Salt Lake City French Language Group: Conversation a la Bibliotheque
7:00 PM
ProvoCreative Meetup Group: General Meeting for the ProvoCreatives!
7:30 PM
AYSO Cottonwood Co-Ed Adult Soccer: Co-Ed FUTSAL w/KEEPERS, East Millcreek, 2nd SESSION
New! Introduction to Releasing The Sedona Method Way: Introduction to Releasing The Sedona Method Way February Meetup
Salt Lake Swing Dancing: Salt Lake Swing Dancing Meetup
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
11:00 AM
Salt Lake Witches: Silvermoon Community Acupuncture - GRAND OPENING!
12:00 PM
Fiscal Networking Salt Lake City West: Fiscal Networking Salt Lake City West Meetup
Internet Marketing for Small Businesses Owners - Utah County: February Internet Marketing Mastermind Meetup
6:00 PM
Salt Lake City Law of Attraction Circle: Salt Lake City Law of Attraction Circle Meetup
SLC Photography Workshops & Learning Group: couples shoot, the second shoot in the series of three
True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship: Manual Interpretation
6:30 PM
Club Fearless - Salt Lake -Mastermind: Mastermind Connect Conference Call
Quantum Leap: Energy Healers Meetup Group: Lotus - Reconnective Healing/The Reconnection
6:45 PM
Salt Lake Active Singles: Banff Mountain Film Festival at Kingsbury Hall
7:00 PM
2012 Conscious Evolution: Conscious Revolution!
Community Reiki Circle: Reiki Practice: Working with the Reiki II Symbols
Salt Lake Active Singles: Utah Grizzlies
Salt Lake City Spanish Language Meetup Group: Spanish Conversation Night
Utah Singles Networking: Utah Singles Networking February Meetup
Vicarious Gourmet Utah County Cooking Classes: Gyoza/Pot Stickers, Fried Rice, and Sweet and Sour Chicken (NOT deep-fried!)
7:30 PM
New! EFT Well-being: EFT Well-being Meetup
Utah Valley Biz Owners: "The big boys got their bailout money where is mine"
9:00 PM
Thursday, February 25, 2010
11:45 AM
The Athlete Within Ski/Snowboard Utah Group: Skiing at Solitude
12:00 PM
SLC Small Business Owner - Internet Marketing: February Internet Marketing Mastermind Meetup - Salt Lake City
Southern Utah Entrepreneurs: Fiscal Networking Utah County Meetup
6:00 PM
The Utah Good Witches Meetup: Its Tea Time !!
6:30 PM
NetWorth Real Estate Group: Main Event
The Wasatch Front Freemasonry Meetup Group: The Wasatch Front Freemasonry February Meetup
Utah Stompers: Utah Stompers February Meetup
7:00 PM
Atheists of Utah-Zion Sect: Atheists of Utah-Zion Sect Meetup
Meetup for The Work of Byron Katie SLC: The Work of Byron Katie in Salt Lake City
8:00 PM
Salt Lake Active Meditation: Salt Lake Active Meditation - Kundalini
Friday, February 26, 2010
11:00 AM
Salt Lake City Metaphysics Meetup Group: Friday Psychic Readings at The Windswept Center
1:00 PM
Mind-Body-Soul Experience: Mind-Body-Soul Experience at Healing Spirit Arts
6:00 PM
The SLC & Utah County Card Making Meetup Group: Cookbook Club
7:00 PM
Salt Lake Active Singles: Thai American & Tea House -Before Bowling
Utah Quirky Don't-Fit-Any-Type Friends Meetup Adults 21 up: Desert Star Playhouse Presents Twi-lite
8:00 PM
Salt Lake Witches: Stealth Coffee - Greenhouse Effect
8:45 PM
Salt Lake Active Singles: Friday Night Bowling
9:00 PM
Salt Lake Active Singles: Another Salsa Social
Saturday, February 27, 2010
8:00 AM
Salt Lake City Backcountry Ski and Board: The Big LaPowski!!!!
9:00 AM
Community Reiki Circle: Reiki II Class: The Usui System of Natural Healing
9:30 AM
The Provo Photography Meetup Group: February Photo Shoot - Outdoor Portraiture
10:00 AM
Backpacking and Outdoor Recreation Group: Doughnut Falls Snow Hike
11:45 AM
Quantum Leap: Energy Healers Meetup Group: Ogden Reconnective Healing Meetup
The Salt Lake City Angels Meetup Group: Are You an Earth Angels (literally)?
1:00 PM
Salt Lake Active Singles: Hollywood fun center. (skate ,minigolf, lasertag) Dinner after TBA
The Salt Lake City Great Dane Meetup Group: Silent Auction for Great Dane Assistance League Inc.!!!
Utah Big Dogs Play Dates and Events!: Join us at Lindsay Gardens Dog Park for another BIG dogs play date on 2/27!!
2:00 PM
The Salt Lake Board Game Meetup: Kids game day
5:00 PM
The Springville Metaphysical and Law Of Attraction Group.: The Springville Metaphysical Group - open subject
6:00 PM
SLC Rifters: Minion War Campaign Game XIII - David's Group
7:00 PM
Acoustic Aficionados: Michael Stone Concert
Salt Lake Active Singles: Accoustic Concert. Performer: Michael Stone
True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship: Longsword Development
7:30 PM
SLC Get Up Get Out (GUGO) Group: Saturday Night Burgers and Bowling II
The Wasatch Artists Meetup Group: Art Gallery/ Open Mic Night at Trolley Square
8:00 PM
Salt Lake Witches: The Gnostic Mass of the Ordo Templi Orientis
Timpanogos Wine Club: Pizzeria Seven Twelve Wine pairing
Sunday, February 28, 2010
10:00 AM
The Salt Lake City Tantric Meetup Group: The Salt Lake City Tantric Meetup
11:00 AM
Salt Lake Active Singles: Sunday Brunch - Blue Plate Diner
12:30 PM
The Athlete Within Ski/Snowboard Utah Group: Skiing at Snowbird
1:00 PM
The Magna Christian Fellowship: The Magna Christian Fellowship Meetup
TheSalt Lake City & Las Vegas Homeless Advocates: TheSalt Lake City & Las Vegas Homeless Advocates Meetup
3:00 PM
Sedona Method Support Group Utah: February 5th way Sedona Method meeting
The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup: Mooncraft Full Moon Circle
7:00 PM
SLC 's Liberal-minded Culture Seekers: ADMIN MEETUP: For those who would like to be the new organizer(s)
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Blessed Be...High Priestess Char Norton
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