Meetup Reminder
Star Coven and W.P.A.
Your group has a Meetup Friday, March 19, 2010 3:00 PM!
You RSVPed Yes.
Stpackricks day /Ostara meeting party
Friday, March 19, 2010 3:00 PM
8 Yes / 1 Maybe
Star Coven of Wicca's coven sted
149n 100e
Payson UT 84651
How Much
Price: $1.00 per person
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Organizer of Star Coven and W.P.A.
Meetup Description
St Patrick's/ Ostara Meeting Party
(For All Star Coven of Wicca Coveners, Wiccan Paranormal Association members, and Norton/McGowan Clan Family And friends)C/o High Priestess, Psychic, Chieftain Char Norton and Chieftain John McGowan
Where: Char's Home and Coven Sted
Address:149 N 100 E Payson , UT 84651
Date: March 19th,2010
This will be a Potluck Party and Open house. When you R.S.V.P. Please pick a menu item that you would like to bring(menu at end)or you can simply donate $1. and attend We will be having a dinner. An Egg hunt for the children, A bring in the spring drum circle, ritual, ceremony ,Irish music, Fun Family togetherness. Tarot card readings. Genealogy and family Clan Stories. A ghost hunt in the evening. Come bring your family and friends. All Are welcome! About this Meetup Groupstar coven wpa and Clan
Corned Beef, Irish coffee/Tea ,some colored eggs (me)
Potato Rolls 2-4 bags
Irish Potato chips 2 plan bags and 2 BBQ
Hard Boiled Colored Eggs( colors green, orange, purple, and blue)
Candy, Boiled Cabbage
2 bottles of brown mustard, Potato Salad
Paper cups and Plates, Plastic sliver wear (I do not drink adults may bring beer but drink responsible,and have a designated driver please not fights)
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668
Meetup Reminder
Norton/McGowan Clan
Your group has a Meetup Friday, March 19, 2010 3:00 PM!
You RSVPed Yes.
St patricks day ostara meeting party
Friday, March 19, 2010 3:00 PM
2 Yes / 0 Maybe
Star Coven of Wicca's coven sted
149n 100e
Payson UT 84651
How Much
Price: $1.00 per person
You only have until March 18, 2010 1:00 PM to RSVP!
Update your RSVP
Organizer of Norton/McGowan Clan
Meetup Description
St Patrick's/ Ostara Meeting Party
(For All Star Coven of Wicca Coveners, Wiccan Paranormal Association members, and Norton/McGowan Clan Family And friends)C/o High Priestess, Psychic, Chieftain Char Norton and Chieftain John McGowan
Where: Char's Home and Coven Sted
Address:149 N 100 E Payson , UT 84651
Date: March 19th,2010
This will be a Potluck Party and Open house. When you R.S.V.P. Please pick a menu item that you would like to bring(menu at end)or you can simply donate $1. and attend We will be having a dinner. An Egg hunt for the children, A bring in the spring drum circle, ritual, ceremony ,Irish music, Fun Family togetherness. Tarot card readings. Genealogy and family Clan Stories. A ghost hunt in the evening. Come bring your family and friends. All Are welcome! About this Meetup Groupstar coven wpa and Clan
Corned Beef, Irish coffee/Tea ,some colored eggs (me)
Potato Rolls 2-4 bags
Irish Potato chips 2 plan bags and 2 BBQ
Hard Boiled Colored Eggs( colors green, orange, purple, and blue)
Candy, Boiled Cabbage
2 bottles of brown mustard, Potato Salad
Paper cups and Plates, Plastic sliver wear (I do not drink adults may bring beer but drink responsible,and have a designated driver please not fights)
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668
Meetup Reminder
You Are Psychic!
Your group has a Meetup Saturday, March 20, 2010 1:00 PM!
You RSVPed Yes.
You Are Psychic Meetup
Saturday, March 20, 2010 1:00 PM
15 Yes / 2 Maybe
Coffee Creations
147 E State Road 73
Saratoga Springs UT 84045
(801) 768-4475
Update your RSVP
15 Psychics RSVPed Yes, including…
see all
Meetup Description
Outline for this meetup still pending based on where we are at on the Mar. 6 Meetup, more than likely Meditation training will be the focus.
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668
I want to thank EVERYONE THAT CAME!! it was crappy weather... good food.... very relaxed... a LOT of people got readings and we all got along great. I think it was really good. We even took requests!!! :-)
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This message was sent by Christopher Rumfield ( from The Springville Metaphysical and Law Of Attraction Group..
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 |

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The Springville Metaphysical and Law Of Attraction Group.
Your group has a Meetup tomorrow!
You RSVPed Yes.
Springville Metaphysical & LOA group - Social Party and Free Psychic Fair
Saturday, March 13, 2010 5:00 PM
14 Yes / 3 Maybe
To Be Determined
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14 Spiritual Beings RSVPed Yes, including…
see all
Meetup Description
It is our First Party!!!
This is a social get together with dance music, really cool people, Possibly Karaoke (Art City Coffee has a machine with lyrics and I might give it a try), light hors d'oeuvres and plenty of coffee!!!!
The Psychic Fair part comes in with our members... Many of our members really enjoy reading cards, auras and just chatting about life purpose and direction. What else are a bunch of psychics going to do when we get together?
This is very informal, fun and social. Come by from 5:00 pm till 8:00 pm Saturday night
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668
Paganism / Wiccan
Paganism / Wiccan
Pagan Living
From Patti Wigington, your Guide to Paganism / Wiccan
Think your history and sociology textbooks have been a bit whitewashed in the past? That's nothing compared to what Texas has planned -- a recent decision means there's going to be a whole lot of changes to public school curriculum. Also this week, a circuit court rules that custodial parents can't make demands about the other parent's religious choices, a major archeological find in Crete, and a question about a Nevada police stop leads to a complaint. Have a magical week, and watch for our special All About Ostara edition on Thursday, March 18!
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Texas OKs Conservative Textbooks
Everything's bigger in Texas, including poor decision-making. Remember back in January, when we talked about how the state was looking at some changes to public school social studies curriculum, which would have brought in an increased look at Christianity in reference to government, and added a lot of highly conservative viewpoints? Well, they've approved ... Read More
Non-Custodial Parent Can't be Denied Religious Rights
Here's an interesting story out of Louisiana. This is a legal brief from the case of two parents, identified only as DRS (the father) and LEK (the mother) in regards to the religious upbringing of their three-year-old daughter. Although they have joint custody, the child lives with the mother, and the father is granted visitation. Recently, DRS filed an appeal after a trial court determined that the mother, LEK, had "the sole authority to decide the ... Read More
Priestess' Tomb Unearthed in Crete
For those of you who dig archaeology as much as I do, there's a nifty find from the island of Crete. Last summer's excavation of a tomb at Orthi Petra has revealed, according to experts, the tomb of a high priestess of Zeus and three acolytes. Archaeologist Nicholas Stampolidis and his team date the graves to 2,700 years ago. Eti Bonn-Muller of Archaeology magazines says "People then may have considered them sorceresses, or intermediaries with the gods." What's really interesting, to me at least, is that these ... Read more
Complaint Filed in NV Prayer Stop
Thanks to Rowan for tipping me off to this one. A group of seven Muslim men who stopped to pray in a Henderson, Nevada, parking lot back in December have filed a complaint against the local police. According to reports, a resident called the police to say "seven Middle Eastern males were acting suspiciously by a gray minivan with California license plates." The caller also reported several of the men "were kissing the ground." Shortly afterwards, law enforcement officials showed up to ... Read More
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Paganism / Wiccan
Paganism / Wiccan
Pagan Living
From Patti Wigington, your Guide to Paganism / Wiccan
While many modern-day Pagans and Wiccans practice as solitaries, a significant number have chosen to belong to a group or coven. Although it's not for everyone, coven membership does have some benefits. Like anything else, though, being in a coven can have its downside, so it's important to thoroughly understand what you're getting into before you join one. Today we'll talk about how to find a coven in your area, things to watch out for, online groups, and some alternatives to coven life.
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Coven Practice vs. Solitary Worship
As you begin your studies of Wicca and Paganism, you may at some point be offered the opportunity to join a group. You may also find that you really prefer working alone. Let's take a look at some of the pros and cons of covens vs. solitary practice, so that when the time comes for you to make a decision, you can do so with some knowledge under your belt... Read More
Benefits of Joining a Coven
While it's a good idea to never overlook the potential problems of joining a coven or group, it's also important to recognize that there are many wonderful things you can gain by being part of one. A coven is like a second family - and unlike your real family, you get to choose who is in it with you! Let's look at some of the reasons you might wish to find a Wiccan coven or other Pagan group to join... Read More
How to Find a Coven
First of all, you need to understand that there are many different types of groups. You're not going to fit in with every one of them, and you're not going to feel comfortable in every one of them. They're not all going to feel comfortable with you. That's part of life, and it's part of the seeking process. Here are some tips to help ease you through the journey... Read More
Before You Join a Coven
You've found the coven that you think is right for you - in fact, they're PERFECT!! -- and they've asked you to join. So now what do you do? Before you say yes, there are a few questions you need to ask yourself. Here are the things you need to consider before you make that committment... Read More
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Patti Wigington
Paganism / Wiccan Guide
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Be Sure to Read:
Can I Join a Coven I Found Online?
Warning Signs in Prospective Covens
Not Ready for a Coven? Start a Study Group!

Irish Pagans sent a message to the members of PAGANS OF IRELAND NETWORKING SITE - NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL.
Subject: ROUND UP - if you want to be a part of this please message me
hi I have a broken wrist so this Round-Up will be short and sweet
merry part
Anti Irish Racism March ~ Kirkintilloch
Saturday, March 27th, 12:00am at Assemble Civic Way Kirkintilloch (Tom Johnston House)
You have been invited by Cairde Na HÉireann.
SAVE NEWGRANGE!/group.php?gid=438725795435
PAGAN PARENTING!/group.php?gid=59934566740
Galway Pagan Moot!/event.php?eid=340296120740
Cork Pagans Open Ritual- Hi all We're organising an Open Ritual to celebrate the Spring Equinox for next Sunday, the 21st of March.
It will take place in a local woodland near Cork City. We will organise a taxi to and from the location.
An Fainne Moot - Neil Byrne
Cork Monthly Pagan Moot!/group.php?gid=279526580790
Dublin Pub Moot!/group.php?gid=28386197287
Maternity for Downpatrick, HELP.!/group.php?gid=314660568826
"C E L T I C" - 'My People, My Ancestors, My Heritage!'!/group.php?gid=287639572265
Waterford Animal Welfare!/group.php?gid=342823205981
Ireland for Megan's Law!/group.php?gid=340610984642
Fans of Tiocfaidh Ár Latte!!/group.php?gid=368638626928
SAVE IRELAND ... We want out of the EU it's killing our Independence!/group.php?gid=292988335599
The Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages!/group.php?gid=69354642222
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David invited you to "Honoring the Sacred Earth: A Path to Spiritual Awakening RELEASED!" today.
Event: Honoring the Sacred Earth: A Path to Spiritual Awakening RELEASED!
Start Time: Today, March 16 at 4:10pm
End Time: Saturday, March 20 at 7:10pm
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Vampire Community News
A message to all members of Vampire Community News
If you haven't already voted or notified others (sites/groups/forums/e-lists etc.) about this poll please take a moment to do so:
Vote At Link Below:
Please select the letter above that corresponds to your choice from the option given below.
You may vote for more than one option.
Option A: Ignore Jonathon Sharkey; Statements Or Attention Given Would Be Counterproductive
Option B: Issue A Widespread Vampire Community Statement Disavowing Association Or Approval Of His Actions
Option C: Issue Individual Or Specific Group Statement(s) Disavowing Association Or Approval Of His Actions
Option D: Host Discussions For The Vampire Community About Jonathon Sharkey & His Actions
Option E: Engage In Direct Dialogue With Jonathon Sharkey To Express Concerns
Option F: I Support Jonathon Sharkey & His Actions
Option G: I Don't Know Enough About Jonathon Sharkey To Form An Opinion
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NOTICE: Vampire Community Please Vote In The Following Poll Regarding Jonathon Sharkey:
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Vampire Community News
A message to all members of Vampire Community News
Compilation Of Various News Stories About Jonathon Sharkey's Bid For 2012 U.S. Presidency
Question: Should the vampire community react, respond, or counter Jonathon Sharkey? If so, in what manner? (Please Visit Link Below To Vote In A Community Poll)
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Vampire Community News
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Vampire' Who Created Bomb Scare Held On $150,000 Bond
Vampire With Pipe-Bomb Strapped to His Arm Disrupts Downtown Traffic
Self-Described 'Space Cowboy,' 'Vampire' Sparks Bomb Scare
By KING 5 News Staff & Associated Press
KING5 Updated 9:47 PM ET, Saturday, March 13, 2010
SEATTLE -- The man who alarmed people in downtown Seattle Friday morning with a
device strapped to him, claiming to be a vampire, chose not to appear
in court Saturday, but was ordered held on $150,000 bond because he's
considered to be a significant threat to the public.
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Vampire Community News
A message to all members of Vampire Community News
Florida Vampire Wants To Replace Barak Obama In White House
Noah Pransky - 10Connects (Tampa Bay, FL) - March 13, 2010
TAMPA, Florida - Not satisfied with living in Florida, Jonathon "The Impaler"
Sharkey wants to move to Washington, D.C. to become the nation's first
vampire president.
Sharkey, 45, spent Friday on a Greyhound bus with his new fiancee, Audrianna Foster, a 19-year-old girl from Ohio he
met online. She too believes she is a vampire, or vampyre.
Rest Of Story At:
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Announcing a new Meetup for The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup!
What: Charmed Goddesses ~ Women's Circle
When: Sunday, July 18, 2010 2:00 PM
Sacred Circle Temple
3464 W 3800 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84119
Sun Mirrors for Empowerment Spell
You are Goddess!! We will work with empowering our Divine Feminine through
creation of Sun Mirrors.
Sacred Circle will provide mirrors
Participants will need to bring decorations, beads, glue gun, glitter,
whatever calls to you.
*Held at the Temple
Goddess: Amaterasu?*
Learn more here:
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This message was sent by Avalon Starr (Amber) ( from The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup.
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 | Announcing a new Meetup for The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup!
What: Charmed Goddesses ~ Women's Circle ~ Annual Campout
When: Friday, June 11, 2010 7:00 PM
Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)
*June 11-13th - Goddess Campout*
We will be actively planning this in April and May, so don't miss out, make
you come to those gatherings for more details. We will be making wands.
*We will be gathering our wand wood at the campout.*
Participants will need to bring beads, feathers, charms or other wand
Also we will need to bring campout items, details will be announced closer
to the date.
*Held at TBA
Goddess: ?*
Learn more here:
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This message was sent by Avalon Starr (Amber) ( from The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup.
To learn more about Avalon Starr (Amber), visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 | Announcing a new Meetup for The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup!
What: Charmed Goddesses ~ Women's Circle
When: Sunday, May 23, 2010 2:00 PM
Sacred Circle Temple
3464 W 3800 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84119
Love Spell Bath Salts
Everyone needs love in their lives, so we will be taking advantage of the
great Beltane energies and crafting
ourselves some nice smelling bath salts to help ourselves feel beautiful,
love ourselves, and attract more love!
Sacred Circle will provide sea salt, epsom salts and other salt ingredients
Participants will need to bring favorite love herbs, essential oils, and
other ingredients.
*Held at the Temple
*Goddess: Aphrodite*
Learn more here:
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This message was sent by Avalon Starr (Amber) ( from The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup.
To learn more about Avalon Starr (Amber), visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 | Announcing a new Meetup for The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup!
What: Charmed Goddesses ~ Women's Circle
When: Sunday, April 18, 2010 2:00 PM
Sacred Circle Temple
3464 W 3800 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84119
"Sisterhood Spell"
We will be crafting both a quilt to keep at the Temple with all of our
energies added to it, as well as
crafting a smaller wall hanging for each Goddess. Ladies with access to
sewing machines are encouraged
to bring them along!
Sacred Circle will provide backing fabric for all quilts so that they have
a common thread (yes that's a pun)
Participants will need to bring a 6"x6" square of fabric that they have
decorated for the common quilt
and will also need to bring 4"x4" squares to give to everyone for their own
wall hanging. (we are estimating
15 squares but this may change depending on RSVPs) which can be decorated if
you wish but can also
be just plain fabric. You might want to start thinking about what you want
to do for this one soon!
*Held at the Temple
"Goddess: Spider Woman*
Learn more here:
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This message was sent by Avalon Starr (Amber) ( from The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup.
To learn more about Avalon Starr (Amber), visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 | Announcing a new Meetup for The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup!
What: Charmed Goddesses ~ Women's Circle
When: Sunday, March 21, 2010 2:00 PM
Sacred Circle Temple
3464 W 3800 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84119
"Prosperity and Growth Spell"
We will be working with the lucky bamboo plant for our prosperity spell.
Since the plant is supposed
to be luckiest when given as a gift, Sacred Circle will be purchasing the
stalks as a gift for our ladies =)
We will be crafting a prosperity charm to add the energy of abundance to our
Sacred Circle will provide - lucky bamboo plants for each participant (we
will need RSVPs!)
Participants will need to bring things which symbolize prosperity and growth
for them, it was
mentioned that in Asian cultures the colors red and purple and gold are
often paired with the
lucky bamboo for added effect, so bring things of those colors as well. Some
are beads, yarns, things that glitter, mock or real coins or money, jewels.
*Held at the Temple*
*Goddess: Kwan Yin*
Learn more here:
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This message was sent by Avalon Starr (Amber) ( from The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup.
To learn more about Avalon Starr (Amber), visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 | Announcing a new Meetup for The Utah Good Witches Meetup!
What: The Order of Our Lady of Salt - Goddess Worship Service
When: Monday, April 12, 2010 7:30 PM
6876 S 2000 E
Salt Lake City, UT 84120
The OOLS will be celebrating The Sacred Fool on Monday, April 12, 2010. For more information on Goddess Service, click the Service Info tab above.
April is traditionally a time for foolishness. While the origins of April Fools Day aren’t totally clear, some believe it evolved from the inception of the Gregorian calendar in 1582, when New Year’s Day was moved to January 1. Previously it had been celebrated around the Spring Equinox, between the dates of March 25 and April 1. Those who refused to accept the new calendar and continued to celebrate on April 1 were considered backwards and labeled “fools” by the general public. They were subject to ridicule and made the butt of practical jokes. This harassment evolved over time into the modern tradition of prank-playing on the first day of April.
Even without April Fool’s Day to remind us, there’s plenty of foolishness in the air with the advent of Spring. Imagine yourself with a wiggly, squirmy, excited litter of puppies on your lap—all that youthful energy and enthusiasm is like a breath of fresh air after a long winter.
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This message was sent by Avalon Starr (Amber) ( from The Utah Good Witches Meetup.
To learn more about Avalon Starr (Amber), visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 | Meetup Reminder
The Utah Good Witches Meetup
Your group has a Meetup tomorrow!
You still need to RSVP.
Women's Council Gathering
Wednesday, March 17, 2010 7:00 PM
3 Yes / 0 Maybe
University Neighborhood Partners Blg.
1060 S. 900 W.
Salt Lake City UT 84104
Here's what people are saying about this Meetup Group
"OOLS is a wonderful group."
— Robin
"Great. Enjoyed it much."
— Dineh
Learn more about this Meetup
Meetup Description
I'm really excited to annouce this month's activity, New Moon ~
Spring Navratri Ceremony lead by Andrea Bernstein. This month
we will learn about the Hindu beliefs of the female divine and
dance her dance! Feel free to invite any others you feel so inspired.
Wednesday, March 17 , 7pm-9pm
located at:
University Neighborhood Partners Blg.
1060 S. 900 W. SLC, UT
next to the international peace gardens
go to the back in the basement
New Moon ~ Spring Navratri Ceremony
We will be dancing in celebration of the Hindu Holiday the Divine faces of the feminine and calling upon the New Moon cycle energy of Grandmother Moon. This evening will be a colorful and powerful celebration. Navaratri represents celebration of Goddess Durga, the manifestation of Deity in form of Shakti . At this time in our evolution, we are being called to unlock this shakti power together in ceremony and Sacred Circles.
Andrea Bernstein
Andrea has spent the past two decades dedicated to the study of a varied array of esoteric traditions to facilitate her own journey into her deepest truth and expression of her essential Self. Dedicated to sharing her wisdom and guiding others through their healing journeys, Andrea is a gifted and dynamic healer and teacher. Her passion is facilitating others to discover their deepest soul's journey - to live in their truth and highest essence. By calling upon and weaving together ancient technologies from the early indigenous medicine people as well as yogic traditions and modern quantum healing, Andrea leads the way to the recovery of innate wholeness and joy. learn more
7pm - Gather, introduce, plan,opening prayer/meditation, etc
7:30 - New Moon Spring Navrati Ceremony
by: Andrea Bernstein
8:30 - Refreshments and conversation-bring a treat!
Feel free to join our on-line community @
where you can Blog, discuss, add video or pics, etc.
Questions call Renee @ 801-364-0607
Love & Light,
Renee Shaw
In association with:
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The new issue of broomstix is up and ready to view at
Happy Spring!!!
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--- On Sun, 3/14/10, Avalon Starr (Amber)
From: Avalon Starr (Amber)
Subject: [witches-1473] New Meetup: Ostara & egg hunt
Date: Sunday, March 14, 2010, 11:01 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Utah Good Witches Meetup!
What: Ostara & egg hunt
When: Saturday, March 20, 2010 10:00 PM
6876 S 2000 E
Salt Lake City, UT 84120
Join SVUUS in Celebration of the Spring Equinox
with an Easter Egg Hunt !!
Learn more here: ar/12878897/
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This message was sent by Avalon Starr (Amber) ( from The Utah Good Witches Meetup.
To learn more about Avalon Starr (Amber), visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 |
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If you would like to join Sacred Circle's upcoming Psychic Fairs please email me Avalon ~ Office of Fire ~ Events Coordinator.
Saturday April 3 , 1-7pm or at Earth Jam Saturday April 24!/event.php?eid=416767730040&ref=nf
Add Starrlites to your hair today !
"Sometimes we stare so long at a door that is closing that we see too late the one that is open." (Alexander Graham Bell)
Blesssed Be
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I am really looking forward to the celebration. I could call south, though I'll have my little ones with me and they may be to distracting. I'll come prepared to call the south but if there are enough other participants and some one else is willing I'd rather not. Thank you Sagemoon. I'll probably bring a loaf of artesian bread and Ham and paper plates
Have Fun,
--- On Mon, 3/15/10, Kara McCoy
From: Kara McCoy
Subject: Re: [supaganalliance] Follow the Staff: Ostara 2010
Date: Monday, March 15, 2010, 1:11 AM
I forgot to mention. Bring water or something to drink. You never know what the weather will be like six days from now...
--- On Fri, 3/12/10, Kara
From: Kara
Subject: [supaganalliance] Follow the Staff: Ostara 2010
To: supaganalliance@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Friday, March 12, 2010, 4:46 PM
Ostara will be held at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 20th. The location will be the same as last year. We will meet at 3:00 in the dirt parking area across the highway from the entrance to Kayenta (on Highway 91). We will take a short hike to the ritual site. Please bring a left over grocery bag to pick up any trash you may see along the way. The ritual will feature a spring meditation. Bring a blanket to sit on. If you physically can not sit on a blanket (which is encouraged due to the nature of the meditation) please bring a chair. Volunteers for circle casting roles are welcome. Come prepared with words to call a direction/element. An easy craft will be provided for kids so they can have their own "circle" separate from the adults during meditation. Make sure they wear clothes which are ok to get messy with dirt or peanut butter. Bring a potluck item to share post ritual. If you're looking for themed items, dishes containing eggs, spring greens, or chocolate are traditional during this holiday as is wearing the color green.
So what is that I need to bring again?
1. Your sunny self
2. A potluck item
3. A bag to pick up any trash you may encounter
4. Ideas! i.e. Do you want to help cast the circle? Do you want to take the staff next?
I also think it is worth mentioning the Desert Rose Labyrinth at Kayenta. Each equinox is a good time to walk a labyrinth, to put life into perspective as the day and night are equal at this time. I encourage anyone who is interested to meet up either before or after ritual to walk the labyrinth as an individual or group.
Can't wait to see you all!
P.S. In the case of inclement weather, call me prior to 3:00 p.m. We will move the ritual indoors and meet at my house. I will give you the address then. 801-920-5421
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Hello All,
Here is a gift that was passed to me from a very good "Unity" friend of mine. This is a wonderful Mandala to meditate on. I love the words of inspiration encircling the people of the peace sign. I wanted to share this gift with my pagan friends and family especially leading up to the Ostara celebration.
Have Fun,
--- On Mon, 2/8/10, Luigi Pershicetti
From: Luigi Pershicetti
Subject: Fw: Living Peace Mandala: SNV's GIFT TO YOU
Date: Monday, February 8, 2010, 10:57 PM
I wanted to share this special Gift with you, to use as you wish during the "Season of Non-Violence." This is a beautiful site, created by friends and colleagues in AGNT. It includes a quote and affirmation along with suggestions for practicing peace and non-violence each day. You can enter at any point on/in the circle. Enjoy -- as we live into and spread the message of peace especially during this season -- 64 days leading to Easter on April 4.
Peace & Love, Luigi
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Barbara Fields
Sent: Fri, January 29, 2010 5:05:52 PM
Subject: Living Peace Mandala: SNV's GIFT TO YOU
Click to Enter Living Peace Mandala
The Living Peace Mandala
SNV's Gift in Consciousness to YOU
Welcome to the 13th Annual
Season for Nonviolence
Click Above to Enter Sanctuary
Association for Global New Thought
220 Santa Anita Rd.
Santa Barbara, California 93105
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If you would like to join Sacred Circle's upcoming Psychic Fairs please email me Avalon ~ Office of Fire ~ Events Coordinator.
Saturday April 3 , 1-7pm or at Earth Jam Saturday April 24!/event.php?eid=416767730040&ref=nf
Add Starrlites to your hair today !
"Sometimes we stare so long at a door that is closing that we see too late the one that is open." (Alexander Graham Bell)
Blesssed Be
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__,_._,___Announcing a new Meetup for The Utah Good Witches Meetup!
What: Oracles of Delphi Psychic Faire
When: Saturday, April 3, 2010 1:00 PM
Sacred Circle Temple
3464 W 3800 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84119
As the ancient ones
consulted with the
Priestesses at Delphi
So you can consult
with our Priestesses
and Oracles
Readings may be
obtained for $15
Entrance admission
is FREE!
Also @ Earth Jam
Sat. April 24th
RSVP also on Facebook
Learn more here:
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This message was sent by Avalon Starr (Amber) ( from The Utah Good Witches Meetup.
To learn more about Avalon Starr (Amber), visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 | Announcing a new Meetup for The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup!
What: Oracles of Delphi Psychic Faire
When: Saturday, April 3, 2010 1:00 PM
Sacred Circle Temple
3464 W 3800 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84119
As the ancient ones
consulted with the
Priestesses at Delphi
So you can consult
with our Priestesses
and Oracles
Readings may be
obtained for $15
Entrance admission
is FREE!
Also @ Earth Jam
Sat. April 24th
Visit us on Facebook at
Learn more here:
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This message was sent by Avalon Starr (Amber) ( from The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup.
To learn more about Avalon Starr (Amber), visit his/her member profile
To unsubscribe or to update your mailing list settings, click here
Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 | Announcing a new Meetup for The Utah Good Witches Meetup!
What: Spring Art Carnival Boutique
When: Saturday, April 10, 2010 10:00 AM
6876 S 2000 E
Salt Lake City, UT 84120
Spring Art Carnival (boutique) on April 10th from 10am-4pm.
Local Artisans and Vendors.
Learn more here:
Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list (
This message was sent by Avalon Starr (Amber) ( from The Utah Good Witches Meetup.
To learn more about Avalon Starr (Amber), visit his/her member profile
To unsubscribe or to update your mailing list settings, click here
Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 | Announcing a new Meetup for The Utah Good Witches Meetup!
What: Ostara & egg hunt
When: Saturday, March 20, 2010 10:00 PM
6876 S 2000 E
Salt Lake City, UT 84120
Join SVUUS in Celebration of the Spring Equinox
with an Easter Egg Hunt !!
Learn more here:
Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list (
This message was sent by Avalon Starr (Amber) ( from The Utah Good Witches Meetup.
To learn more about Avalon Starr (Amber), visit his/her member profile
To unsubscribe or to update your mailing list settings, click here
Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 | Announcing a new Meetup for The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup!
What: Introduction to Reiki Workshop
When: Saturday, June 26, 2010 1:00 PM
Price: $25.00 per person
Sacred Circle Temple
3464 W 3800 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84119
Introduction to Reiki
Have you been wondering what Reiki is all about? Or perhaps you’ve been thinking about learning Reiki?
Come join us for a short introduction to what Reiki is and how it can help you!
DATE: 26 June 2010
TIME: 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
COST: $25 per person
LOCATION: Church of the Sacred Circle, 3464 W. 3800 South, West Valley City, UT 84119
CONTACT: For more information email Libbii at
Reiki is considered to be a very safe, natural and completely effective relaxation and stress reduction technique. It is quite easy to learn and can be used on adults, children and animals. Reiki works by healing physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It is non-invasive and will leave you feeling very relaxed and content.
This informative class will introduce you to:
The history behind Reiki
The benefits of Reiki
The different Levels and Modalities of Reiki
What happens during a Reiki session
Reiki demonstrations
Hosted By Libbi Armstrong-Brown
Learn more here:
Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list (
This message was sent by Avalon Starr (Amber) ( from The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup.
To learn more about Avalon Starr (Amber), visit his/her member profile
To unsubscribe or to update your mailing list settings, click here
Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 |
I forgot to mention. Bring water or something to drink. You never know what the weather will be like six days from now...
--- On Fri, 3/12/10, Kara
From: Kara
Subject: [supaganalliance] Follow the Staff: Ostara 2010
Date: Friday, March 12, 2010, 4:46 PM
Ostara will be held at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 20th. The location will be the same as last year. We will meet at 3:00 in the dirt parking area across the highway from the entrance to Kayenta (on Highway 91). We will take a short hike to the ritual site. Please bring a left over grocery bag to pick up any trash you may see along the way. The ritual will feature a spring meditation. Bring a blanket to sit on. If you physically can not sit on a blanket (which is encouraged due to the nature of the meditation) please bring a chair. Volunteers for circle casting roles are welcome. Come prepared with words to call a direction/element. An easy craft will be provided for kids so they can have their own "circle" separate from the adults during meditation. Make sure they wear clothes which are ok to get messy with dirt or peanut butter. Bring a potluck item to share post ritual. If you're looking for themed items, dishes containing eggs, spring greens, or chocolate are traditional during this holiday as is wearing the color green.
So what is that I need to bring again?
1. Your sunny self
2. A potluck item
3. A bag to pick up any trash you may encounter
4. Ideas! i.e. Do you want to help cast the circle? Do you want to take the staff next?
I also think it is worth mentioning the Desert Rose Labyrinth at Kayenta. Each equinox is a good time to walk a labyrinth, to put life into perspective as the day and night are equal at this time. I encourage anyone who is interested to meet up either before or after ritual to walk the labyrinth as an individual or group.
Can't wait to see you all!
P.S. In the case of inclement weather, call me prior to 3:00 p.m. We will move the ritual indoors and meet at my house. I will give you the address then. 801-920-5421
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Reminder from: supaganalliance Yahoo! Group
Title: Witches' Brew
Date: Sunday March 21, 2010
Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Repeats: This event repeats every month on the third Sunday.
Next reminder: The next reminder for this event will be sent in 5 days, 4 minutes.
Location: Starbuck's at Barnes and Noble
Street: Red Cliffs Mall
City State Zip: St George, UT
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O-hoo! Have you SEEN? incredibly!
Its so fun!
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--- On Sat, 3/13/10,
Subject: [sunstave] SunStave Ostara / Spring Equinox
Date: Saturday, March 13, 2010, 9:33 PM
Persephone, welcome back to the land!
Demeter, rejoice! Your daughter's at hand.
Isis, Cybele, Astarte, Inanna,
Bachus, Green Man, Janus, we hail ya!
The Sun wakes in Aries, winter has passed;
Wake up ye faeries, lassies and lads.
Kalachakra, Vaisakha, Li Chum, Whuppity Scoorie!
Come Celebrate Spring at SunStave's Ostara!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Butler Park - behind the
Cottonwood Heights Recreation Center
7500 S 2700 E
09:00 AM
Family friendly – Potluck Feast
Questions: 801-205-6266
http://sunstave. blogspot. com/2010/ 03/sunstave- ostara-spring- equinox.html
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__,_._,___ Meetup Reminder
The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup
Your group has a Meetup tomorrow!
You still need to RSVP.
Open Circle
Sunday, March 14, 2010 3:00 PM
7 Yes / 0 Maybe
Sacred Circle Temple
3464 W 3800 South
Salt Lake City UT 84119
Here's what people are saying about this Meetup Group
"Caring people, quality interactions, lots of great memories."
— Clove
"Great to learn about an ancient method of using spirit to help and guide us on our spiritual earthly journey."
— Judi Evans
Learn more about this Meetup
Meetup Description
Meet us at the Temple for our monthly Open Circle!
This structured-format circle features group meditation,
songs, an adult study group and a children's circle.
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668
Aspen Grove Ostara by the Temple of Isis Utah, Ploiaphesia
March 13, 2010 4:30 PM
Oddfellows Hall
8698 Center St. , Sandy, UT 84070
Winter fades and spring arises....
Join in the ancient tradition of honoring Isis at the end of winter to give
protection and guidance for safe travels.
A sacred ship was dedicated and set sail among the seas, which was once held in
chaos by the storms of winter, to a calm sea given by the providence of she, the
Mighty Divine Isis, to make a safe spring voyage.
Join the Temple of Isis for Ploiaphesia Festivities.
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Aspen Grove Ostara by the Temple of Isis Utah, Ploiaphesia
March 13, 2010 4:30 PM
Oddfellows Hall
8698 Center St. , Sandy, UT 84070
Winter fades and spring arises....
Join in the ancient tradition of honoring Isis at the end of winter to give
protection and guidance for safe travels.
A sacred ship was dedicated and set sail among the seas, which was once held in
chaos by the storms of winter, to a calm sea given by the providence of she, the
Mighty Divine Isis, to make a safe spring voyage.
Join the Temple of Isis for Ploiaphesia Festivities.
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Ostara will be held at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 20th. The location will be the same as last year. We will meet at 3:00 in the dirt parking area across the highway from the entrance to Kayenta (on Highway 91). We will take a short hike to the ritual site. Please bring a left over grocery bag to pick up any trash you may see along the way. The ritual will feature a spring meditation. Bring a blanket to sit on. If you physically can not sit on a blanket (which is encouraged due to the nature of the meditation) please bring a chair. Volunteers for circle casting roles are welcome. Come prepared with words to call a direction/element. An easy craft will be provided for kids so they can have their own "circle" separate from the adults during meditation. Make sure they wear clothes which are ok to get messy with dirt or peanut butter. Bring a potluck item to share post ritual. If you're looking for themed items, dishes containing eggs, spring gree ns, or chocolate are traditional during this holiday as is wearing the color green.
So what is that I need to bring again?
1. Your sunny self
2. A potluck item
3. A bag to pick up any trash you may encounter
4. Ideas! i.e. Do you want to help cast the circle? Do you want to take the staff next?
I also think it is worth mentioning the Desert Rose Labyrinth at Kayenta. Each equinox is a good time to walk a labyrinth, to put life into perspective as the day and night are equal at this time. I encourage anyone who is interested to meet up either before or after ritual to walk the labyrinth as an individual or group.
Can't wait to see you all!
P.S. In the case of inclement weather, call me prior to 3:00 p.m. We will move the ritual indoors and meet at my house. I will give you the address then. 801-920-5421
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__,_._,___ Meetup Announcement
The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup
Your group has a Meetup Sunday, March 28, 2010 3:00 PM!
Mooncraft Full Moon Circle
Sunday, March 28, 2010 3:00 PM
7 Yes / 0 Maybe
Sacred Circle Temple
3464 W 3800 South
Salt Lake City UT 84119
Here's what people are saying about this Meetup Group
"We have so much fun, it makes the time fly!"
— Demetria
"It's a great place for all pagan's to be welcomed and feel like they have family"
— Lilli
Learn more about this Meetup
Meetup Description
We celebrate the full moon in many ways, through song,
poetry, meditation, sacred art and crafting of personal spells
and ritual items. We support the individual's journey to Spirit
in a family-friendly community.
Sacred Circle is non-denominational in that we do not celebrate
any single path or tradition over another. We strive for balance
and recognize both male and female deities in our workings.
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668
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