I went to a new meetup today a Psychics meetup and it was great! Very hands on and interactive.
Char Norton's JObituary was just purched by seed.com so hope to see it soon on aol story or news boards!
St Patrick's/ Ostara Meeting Party open house
(For All Star Coven of Wicca Coveners, Wiccan Paranormal Association members, and Norton/McGowan Clan Family And friends)C/o High Priestess, Psychic, Chieftain Char Norton and Chieftain John McGowan
Where: Char's Home and Coven Sted
Address:149 N 100 E Payson , UT 84651
Date: March 19th,2010 
[If you are in need of a ride please car pool or contact me and we will work out a way for you to be able to attend] This will be a Potluck Party and Open house. When you R.S.V.P. Please pick a menu item that you would like to bring(menu at end)or you can simply donate $1. and attend We will be having a dinner. An Egg hunt for the children, A bring in the spring drum circle, ritual, ceremony ,Irish music, Fun Family togetherness. Tarot card readings. Genealogy and family Clan Stories. A ghost hunt in the evening. Come bring your family and friends. All Are welcome!
Corned Beef, Irish coffee/Tea ,some colored eggs (me)
Potato Rolls 2-4 bags, Irish Potato chips 2 plan bags and 2 BBQ
Hard Boiled Colored Eggs( colors green, orange, purple, and blue)
Candy, Boiled Cabbage ,2 bottles of brown mustard, Potato Salad 6 bottles of soda
Paper cups and Plates, Plastic sliver wear (I do not drink adults may bring beer but drink responsible, and have a designated driver please not fights)
Hey guys,
Next Saturday we are scheduled to have our first tarot class. I am going to have to reschedule this class due to some unforeseen circumstances. Our options is this.......We can have this two day class on March 20th and 21, which is a Saturday and Sunday or we can hold the first class on March 20th (Saturday) and then schedule the next one on Saturday April 3, so there would be a weekend inbetween the two classes. (this is because I am taking a weekend class up in SLC). Our other option is to move this workshop into April and then schedule it with consecutive weekends. Please email me and let me know which option you would prefer. I do apologize for the short notice on this, thank you for your understanding.
This message was sent by Diane (namaste730@live.com) from The Springville Metaphysical and Law Of Attraction Group..
To learn more about Diane, visit his/her member profile
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The Springville Metaphysical and Law Of Attraction Group.
Your group has a Meetup Saturday, March 13, 2010 5:00 PM!
You RSVPed Yes.
Springville Metaphysical & LOA group - Social Party and Free Psychic Fair
Saturday, March 13, 2010 5:00 PM
6 Yes / 1 Maybe
To Be Determined
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6 Spiritual Beings RSVPed Yes, including…
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Meetup Description
It is our First Party!!!
This is a social get together with dance music, really cool people, Possibly Karaoke (Art City Coffee has a machine with lyrics and I might give it a try), light hors d'oeuvres and plenty of coffee!!!!
The Psychic Fair part comes in with our members... Many of our members really enjoy reading cards, auras and just chatting about life purpose and direction. What else are a bunch of psychics going to do when we get together?
This is very informal, fun and social. Come by from 5:00 pm till 8:00 pm Saturday night
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Meetup Reminder
The Utah Good Witches Meetup
Your group has a Meetup tomorrow!
You still need to RSVP.
Sweat Lodge /Gathering
Sunday, March 7, 2010 5:00 PM
Safe Haven Ministries
824 South 700 East
Here's what people are saying about this Meetup Group
"A great bunch of people. Very friendly and caring. Willing to help each other out in a pinch."
— Denise
"This is an amazing group and feel acceptance every time I around them. Love It!!!!"
— Amy Davis
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Meetup Description
We will be praying for Chili this Sunday. Also, will be giving thanks for the good out come of Maire's surgery, Rene and Joy's safe travels and the purchase of the ground for Safe Haven Village in Sanpete county!
March 7 @ 5pm.
If you do not want to sweat, feel free to come for the feast @ 7:30pm and socialize. We've been doing Angel walks and dancing! We could really use firewood if anyone has any to bring. Schedule:
5pm- Gather
5:15- Pipe Ceremony
5:30- Sweat Starts
7:30- Feast/Social
8:00 - Angel Walk
Address: 824 South 700 East, SLC, ut.
The Lodge will hold approximately 13 people so please be on time to insure a place.Bring a towel, water, clothes to sweat in, a pot luck item and a friend! Please be alcohol & drug free.
It is customary to bring an offering to the Lodge. Offerings can include: $, Tobacco, sage, essential oils, rocks, firewood, a smile etc. Let "Spirit" guide you.
Renee & Torg
Safe Haven Ministries
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668
Meetup Announcement
The Springville Metaphysical and Law Of Attraction Group.
Your group has a Meetup Saturday, March 20, 2010 5:00 PM!
Springville Metaphysical & LOA group - Ekhart Tolle, Power of Now Part Three
Saturday, March 20, 2010 5:00 PM
2 Yes / 0 Maybe
Art City Coffee
484 S. 1750 W. ste D Freeway exit 260 - Behind Del Taco in Walmart Plaza ... (Google map is wrong)
Springville UT 84663
801 489 3600
Here's what people are saying about this Meetup Group
"knowege is power and you can get fresh persctive from things through other peoples eyes. people were great and friendly.good discusstion."
— HighPriestessChar
"We are a bunch or regular people that think out of the box with creativity and enjoy sharing in a safe place."
— Christopher Rumfield
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Meetup Description
Let's talk about Ekhart Tolle's "The Power of Now" book. We will discuss principals mentioned in the book from Chapter 8 to the end of the book. If you don't know Tolle, it will be a VERY enlightening conversation for you... He talks about principals like: Living in the Now Moment, The chattering Ego, Paying attention to detail and the feelings you feel in a body as a spiritual person.
Got the book? Bring your copy and talk about what you noticed in the book.
The basic framework is to start with an opening discussion of the subject of the week. Members can add their personal experiences on the subject being discussed and usually do. Then after our discussion, a 5 to 10 minute meditation so we all come closer to a calmer and clearer mindset as we leave.
The hour and a half is usually very short for the conversations we have and it moves quickly.
We have a very upbeat group of positive and talented people.
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668
Meetup Announcement
You Are Psychic!
Your group has a Meetup Saturday, March 20, 2010 1:00 PM!
You Are Psychic Meetup
Saturday, March 20, 2010 1:00 PM
4 Yes / 0 Maybe
Coffee Creations
147 E State Road 73
Saratoga Springs UT 84045
(801) 768-4475
Here's what people are saying about this Meetup Group
"If you want to open up to your psychic abilities, then this is a good place to start."
"They have open and minds and open hearts. You will learn and grow from this group."
— Shelley
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Meetup Description
Outline for this meetup still pending based on where we are at on the Mar. 6 Meetup, more than likely Meditation training will be the focus.
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Iowa Pagan Pride is now taking Vendors applications for the Iowa Pagan Pride event on August 21st, at Des Moines, Iowa at Union Park. If interested in vending please contact us. This year we will have a couple of changes in vending. Vending fees will be $40.00 (non-refundable) by June 1st. After June 1st there will be a $5 late fee for July and August. Will take vendors up to the day before.
We will have a vendor sitter, which is someone from the pagan pride committee will sit at your vending table to give you the opportunity to shop and go to workshops.
We will also have a combing vendor table for those who only have less than 25 items. The vending fee will be divided amongst the vendors.
We will be having Raven Grimassi and his wife Stephanie Taylor-Grimassi that will be joining us this year ads guest speakers and vendors.
If interested in vending please contact iowapaganpride@yahoo.com or on facebook, http://www.facebook.com/iowapaganpride and my space, http://www.myspace.com/iowapaganpride
Chrissy Dunham
Administrator, Iowa Pagan Pride 2010
Gypsy (HPS of The Coven of the Blessed Lady)
Shannon Webber
Co-Administrator of Iowa Pagan Pride
Lunarprayers (HPS of The Coven of the Blessed Lady)
Lisa Bonar
Co-Administratorof Iowa Pagan Pride
NightWind (initiate of The Coven of the Blessed Lady)
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Shopping!? Visit http://www.therainforestsite.com & visit the Store because they have excellent Pagan Products but these products also heal Mother Earth every time you shop! When you shop at The Rainforestsite you save Rain forest land with each purchase!
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We have room for a few more students. If interested please go to the Ardantane website www.ardantane.org a register. PLEASE DO SO BY MONDAY! WORKSTUDY IS AVAILABLE... if you need more info please email me at fthrdwlf@yahoo.com
The healing relationship is the interaction one has with one's self, with another person, with soul and spirit, with community and place, with nature and the universe. This two day workshop explores and teaches the interpersonal skills and the basic elements of that healing relationship.
An intentional healing relationship is a partnership of persons who come together for the purpose of health and healing. The healing relationship is both intuitive and sensing, It focuses attention and intention. It is participative and co-creative.
In this workshop we will examine, discuss and learn the nature of being a healer, the elements of a healing relationship, creating and participating in a healing community, intentionally and the healing field, the traps and shadows of the healer, ethics and the boundaries of a healing relationship.
This class is a basic class in the Healing Arts Certificate Program.
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Shopping!? Visit http://www.therainforestsite.com & visit the Store because they have excellent Pagan Products but these products also heal Mother Earth every time you shop! When you shop at The Rainforestsite you save Rain forest land with each purchase!
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The Utah Good Witches Meetup
Your group has a Meetup Saturday, March 20, 2010 12:00 AM!
Repo the Genetic Opera ~ Special Screening Shadow Cast !!!
Saturday, March 20, 2010 12:00 AM
1 Yes / 0 Maybe
Tower Theater
876 E 900 S
Salt Lake City UT 84105
(801) 321-0310
Here's what people are saying about this Meetup Group
"People are nice and accepting. Come learn something new and have fun while you learn. You leave feeling lighthearted."
— Lucie Vigil
"its fun"
— Philip
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Meetup Description
MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!! The Tower Theatre and the Utah Scalpel SL,UT's will be showing a special midnight screening of REPO! The Genetic Opera. We also be screening a brand new 10 minute movie by Spooky Dan. The film includes never before seen Repo media that includes footage from the original 10 minute movie, the Repo Road Tour, the original stage play, and... what everyone has been dying to see... UNUSED DELETED FOOTAGE FROM THE FILM!!!
March 19, 2010
Friday night
The Tower Theatre (876 E 900 S)
$8.00 (tickets can be pre-purchased at the theatre lobby)
P.S. If this interests you, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell all your friends about this event so we can get the word out there.
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668
__,_._,___FW: Chinese sick leave
Hung Chow calls into work and says, 'Hey, I no Come work today, I
really sick. Got headache, stomach ache and legs hurt, I no come work.'
The boss says, 'You know something, Hung
Chow, I really need you today. When I feel sick like you do, I go to
my wife and tell her to give me Sex. That Make everything better and I go
to work.. You try that.' Two hours later Hung Chow calls again. 'I
do what You say and I feel Great. I be at work soon...............
You got nice house' Welcome!
You Are Psychic!
Welcome to You Are Psychic!, HighPriestessChar!
Here's what other group members are saying...
Will "What I enjoyed most about this Meetup was the wonderful interaction between the members. I especially was blown away by the awesome psychic connections members made when they paired up for the shape and location reading exercise. Awesome validation for all. Thanks again for all the wonderful sharing and input from members across a wide range of psychic development topics. Thats what its all about, sharing and great energy!! See everyone in about 2 weeks for the next Meetup! What a wonderful journey we have begun."
Shelley "They have open and minds and open hearts. You will learn and grow from this group."
Now that you're a member...
RSVP for an upcoming Meetup
Saturday, March 6, 2010 1:00 PM — You Are Psychic Meetup- Location (Lehi UT/area) more info
Saturday, March 20, 2010 1:00 PM — You Are Psychic Meetup more info
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The Team at Meetup HQ
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Reminder from: supaganalliance Yahoo! Group
Title: Witches' Brew
Date: Sunday March 7, 2010
Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Repeats: This event repeats every month on the first Sunday.
Location: Starbucks in Barnes and Noble
Street: Red Cliffs Mall
City State Zip: St. George, Utah
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Sorry i havnt really made it out to any of the meetings. its just too expensive :( i already have to drive in and out of St. George 2 times a day taking my bf to and from work everyday mon-fri so i try not to use gas much on the weekends. Anyway i kinda sorta hosted Beltane last year though most of the group bailed on account of weather, sickness, etc. so i was wondering if i could have another go at it this year ?? Im in my family home in hurricane and we have a wonderful large yard and i would happily dig out a fire pit and we could have the event here. i know its still a ways out but i wanted to volenteer before it got snapped up. This is my favorite holiday after all ... well next to xmas/yule i suppose lol. neway, if everyones ok with it please get back to me. feel free to cal me also. im a stay at home everything so im always availible to talk. 435-215-6381Marissa/Twilight
--- On Thu, 3/4/10, Kara
From: Kara
Subject: [supaganalliance] Follow the Staff: Ostara Planning
To: supaganalliance@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, March 4, 2010, 2:27 PM
I have taken the staff and am in the process of planning our Ostara celebration. It occurred to me today that I had not settled on a date yet. Saturday is the actual equinox but Sunday would be our regular meeting day for coffee. I have posted a poll. Please respond ASAP as this poll will also serve as an approximate body count for my planning purposes. If you are planning to bring more than one person with you, please email me to let me know how many will be in your group. Thanks!
Have a blessed day,
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We have just received notice from the Hands On Network that the Give a Day,
Get a Disney Day program will be discontinued VERY soon, due to the massive
popularity of the program which generated very high levels of participation.
We had a wonderful time with our previous events in January and February,
and enjoyed working with our volunteers who came from all parts of Utah to
help us out.
We have accordingly scheduled our final day of volunteerism, so if you would
like to participate in this program it is very important that you sign up
for this event as soon as possible as there are only 30 possible slots left
to fill.
Please go to our blog to get all the details about how to sign up!
http://sacredcircle church.blogspot. com/2010/ 03/last-chance- to-volunteer- for-give- day.html
Add Starrlites to your hair today !
"Sometimes we stare so long at a door that is closing that we see too late the one that is open." (Alexander Graham Bell)
Blesssed Be
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Aspen Grove Ostara by the Temple of Isis Utah, Ploiaphesia
March 13, 2010 4:30 PM
Oddfellows Hall
8698 Center St. , Sandy, UT 84070
Winter fades and spring arises....
Join in the ancient tradition of honoring Isis at the end of winter to give protection and guidance for safe travels.
A sacred ship was dedicated and set sail among the seas, which was once held in chaos by the storms of winter, to a calm sea given by the providence of she, the Mighty Divine Isis, to make a safe spring voyage.
Join the Temple of Isis for Ploiaphesia Festivities.
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The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup
Your group has a Meetup Friday, March 19, 2010 7:00 PM!
Crystal Allies Gem Club
Friday, March 19, 2010 7:00 PM
3 Yes / 1 Maybe
Sacred Circle Temple
3464 W 3800 South
Salt Lake City UT 84119
Here's what people are saying about this Meetup Group
"I would not venture to tell anyone what groups they should join."
— Marie
"Tons of fun."
— Robin
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Meetup Description
Come to our Crystal Allies Gem Club and learn how to work with stones and crystals for healing, spellwork and magick! Bring yourself or a friend, all materials provided. Casual dress. More info on our Facebook events page here : http://www.facebook.com/sacredcirclechurch
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Dear charlene,
Thank you for signing my petition supporting my "Save Our Democracy" platform.
To make the strongest possible statement, I hope you will forward the message below to your friends and invite them to sign the petition as well.
Thank you so much for your support.
Alan Grayson
Member of Congress
Dear Friend,
Last week, five Supreme Court Justices stabbed at the heart of democracy, our electoral system.
They overturned over 100 years of statute and precedent, and declared that corporations can spend all the money that they want to buy elections. In fact, these five men in robes declared, they have a constitutional right to do so.
Now, we have to fight.
That’s why I just signed Rep. Alan Grayson's petition to support his "Save Our Democracy" platform, because we cannot have a government that is bought and paid for by huge multinational corporations. We need a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
Join me and click here to sign the petition. Thank you!
Where Did Maxine Come From? This is interesting.. I never knew who the creator of Maxine was! After the Maxine jokes there is a summary on how she was created and a photo of her creator. More from the gal everyone loves and admires, and you finally get to meet her creator at the end.. AFTER THAT THERE ARE NEW ONES NEVER SEEN BEFORE...DON'T MISS THE VERY LAST ONE "TOWEL HEADS"..I loved it! http://pressroom.hallmark.com/Multimedia/Item/John-WagnerJohn Wagner, Hallmark artist since 1970, says Maxine was inspired by his mother, his maiden aunts and his grandmother, the woman who bought him art lessons when 'fill in the pumpkins' was about the extent of his art classes at St. John's Catholic School in Leonia
John remembers doodling as a preschooler and says both his grandmother and his mother encouraged his artistic interests. He eventually attended the Vesper George School of Art in Boston and landed at Hallmark as part of a new artists group. But it was the birth of the humorous Shoebox Greetings (a tiny little division of Hallmark) in 1986 that added a new dimension to John's professional life. The Shoebox way of seeing the world unleashed his talents and he created Maxine.
'Cartoonists are sensitive to the insanities of the world; we just try to humanize them,' John says. 'If Maxine can get a laugh out of someone who feels lonely or someone who is getting older and hates the thought of another birthday, or if she can make someone chuckle about stressful interpersonal relationships, then I'm happy. Putting a smile on someone's face is what it's all about.'
Those smiles have led to Maxine's becoming a bit of a celebrity. She (and John) havebeen the subject of media stories, including People, USA Today, Good Morning America, The Wall Street Journal, St. Petersburg (FL) Times, and Las Vegas Journal-Review, and they have been included in a major Associated Press story. Collector and trade publications have reported fans nationwide are collecting
Maxine items. Letters from consumers and fans to John and Maxine reveal a very personal connection to Maxine.
Many people say they are just like her.
Why the name 'Maxine'? 'People at Shoebox started referring to the character as 'John Wagner's old lady,' and I knew that would get me into trouble with my wife,' John says. The Shoebox team had a contest among themselves to name the character and three of the approximately 30 entries suggested 'Maxine'. John says the name is perfect.
John, who says he's humbled by such acceptance of Maxine, admits he's proud of her.
Now you know the story of how Maxine came to be.

If Laura, Kate and Sarah go out for lunch, they will call each other Laura, Kate and Sarah.
If Mike, Dave and John go out, they will affectionately refer to each other as Fat Boy, Godzilla and Four-eyes.
When the bill arrives, Mike, Dave and John will each throw in $20, even though it's only for $32.50. None of them will have anything smaller and none will actually admit they want change back.
When the girls get their bill, out come the pocket calculators.
A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs.
A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn't need but it's on sale.
A man has six items in his bathroom: toothbrush and toothpaste, shaving cream, razor, a bar of soap, and a towel .
The average number of items in the typical woman's bathroom is 337. A man would not be able to identify more than 20 of these items.
A woman has the last word in any argument.
Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.
A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.
A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.
A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.
A successful woman is one who can find such a man.
A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.
A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, but she does.
A woman will dress up to go shopping, water the plants, empty the trash, answer the phone, read a book, and get the mail.
A man will dress up for weddings and funerals.
Men wake up as good-looking as they went to bed.
Women somehow deteriorate during the night.
Ah, children. A woman knows all about her children. She knows about dentist appointments and romances, best friends, favorite foods, secret fears and hopes and dreams.
A man is vaguely aware of some short people living in the house.
A married man should forget his mistakes. There's no use in two people remembering the same thing!
SO, send this to the women who have a sense of humor and who can handle it ... and to the men who will enjoy reading it.__
Meetup Reminder
The Springville Metaphysical and Law Of Attraction Group.
Your group has a Meetup tomorrow!
You still need to RSVP.
Springville Metaphysical & LOA group - Ekhart Tolle, Power of Now Part Two
Saturday, March 6, 2010 5:00 PM
3 Yes / 0 Maybe
Art City Coffee
484 S. 1750 W. ste D Freeway exit 260 - Behind Del Taco in Walmart Plaza ... (Google map is wrong)
Springville UT 84663
801 489 3600
Here's what people are saying about this Meetup Group
"This is a SAFE place to discuss ideas that are "out of the box" according to the local culture."
— Diana
"Any positive influence in your life is beneficial"
— Anne Rumfield
Learn more about this Meetup
Meetup Description
Let's talk about Ekhart Tolle's "The Power of Now" book. We will discuss principals mentioned in the book from Chapter 4 to Chapter 7. If you don't know Tolle, it will be a VERY enlightening conversation for you... He talks about principals like: Living in the Now Moment, The chattering Ego, Paying attention to detail and the feelings you feel in a body as a spiritual person.
Got the book? Bring your copy and talk about what you noticed in the book.
The basic framework is to start with an opening discussion of the subject of the week. Members can add their personal experiences on the subject being discussed and usually do. Then after our discussion, a 5 to 10 minute meditation so we all come closer to a calmer and clearer mindset as we leave.
The hour and a half is usually very short for the conversations we have and it moves quickly.
We have a very upbeat group of positive and talented people.
Add info@meetup.com to your address book to receive all Meetup emails
To manage your email settings for this group, click here
Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668
Brainless Beck Does 9/11 Truthers a Favor
The Texas political arena erupted in a gnashing of teeth last week over a response given by poll-climbing Republican gubernatorial hopeful Debra Medina to a question raised by the rapidly self-destructing Glenn Beck on his February 11 radio broadcast. Wasting no time exposing himself as a hired gun for the Republican frontrunner, incumbent Governor Rick Perry, Beck ambushed Medina right from the gate by blurting out, “There was a theme that ran against you, which is that you’re a 9/11 Truther . . . Do you believe the government was in any way involved with the bringing down of the World Trade Center on 9/11?”
More . . .
Regan Straley
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Stop Global Warming: End Our Oil Addiction! America consumes over 19 million barrels of oil per day. More than 70% of that is for transportation; we burn most of our oil as gasoline in our cars, trucks and SUVs. Like any addiction, our oil dependence has serious consequences. We are at war for oil. Tailpipe emissions contribute to global warming. Oil extraction destroys forests and communities in countries like Nigeria, Colombia and Ecuador.
It's time for change... It's time to break our addiction.
PLEASE SIGN & Send to a friend
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__,_._,___ Vampires Today: The Truth About Modern Vampirism
By Joseph Laycock
A message to all members of Vampires Today: The Truth About Modern Vampirism
Letter: Vampire Craze Is A Dangerous Fad
(Danger Of Library Books On Vampirism In Hands Of Teens)
To the Editor:
and blood fetishes run amok: Twilight, the “vampire lifestyle” and
paraphilias turned fads. Parents are responsible in the youth culture
war that is being lost.
By: John Shaw, Mitchell
March 5, 2010
The Daily Republic: Mitchell, South Dakota
View Entire Article Here + Library Information:
Visit Vampires Today: The Truth About Modern Vampirism at: http://vampirestoday.ning.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network
To control which emails you receive on Vampires Today: The Truth About Modern Vampirism, click here
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
On Saturday, February 6, 2010
Tahuti Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis is proud to present ….
TAROT FOR LOVERS---- and the people who want them!
A Special Presentation from Professional Tarot Reader & Teacher
4:00 – 6:00 pm
What is the number one question for the tarot?
"How do I get it?" "How is it going?" "Is my ex ever coming back?"
This class focuses solely on the Love Reading.
Students will discover the cards that represent their own romantic situation and
those of their significant others and explore the romantic natures of both
Trumps and Pips.
Whether you single or partnered, this class will have interesting
and helpful things to teach you!
Great for readers who read regularly for others, as well as for
those who primarily read for themselves.
It will also provide new readings including the "Love Prescription" reading
--when you consult the Tarot to find out how to bring new love into your life or
increase the affection and chemistry in a relationship you already have!
Instructor Courtney Weber has lectured on the Tarot at Harvest Home Gathering,
Pagan Odyssey, Laurelin Community Center, New York City Pagan Pride Day and at
Tahuti Lodge, O.T.O., NYC.
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Tuesday, Feb 23, 2010 06:24 EST
The Democratic Party's deceitful game
By Glenn Greenwald
Democrats perpetrate the same scam over and over on their own supporters, and this illustrates perfectly how it's played:
Politics Daily, October 4, 2009:
Jay Rockefeller on the Public Option: "I Will Not Relent"
Jay Rockefeller has waited a long time for this moment. . . . He's [] a longtime advocate of health care for children and the poor -- and, as Congress moves toward its moment of truth on health care, perhaps the most earnest, dogged Senate champion of a nationwide public health insurance plan to compete with private insurance companies.
"I will not relent on that. That's the only way to go," Rockefeller told me in an interview. "There's got to be a safe harbor."
President Obama often says a public option is needed to drive down costs and keep insurance companies honest. To Rockefeller, it's both more basic and more vital: The federal government is the only institution people can count on in times of need.
The Huffington Post, yesterday:
Rockefeller Not Inclined To Support Reconciliation For The Public Plan
Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.V.) threw a wrench into Democratic efforts to get a public option passed through reconciliation, saying that he thought the maneuver was overly partisan and that he was inclined to oppose it. . .
"I don't think the timing of it is very good," the West Virginia Democrat said on Monday. "I'm probably not going to vote for that" . . . In making his sentiment known, Rockefeller becomes perhaps the most unexpected skeptic of the public-option-via-reconciliation route. The Senator was a huge booster of a government run insurance option during the legislation drafting process this past year.
In other words, Rockefeller was willing to be a righteous champion for the public option as long as it had no chance of passing (sadly, we just can't do it, because although it has 50 votes in favor, it doesn't have 60). But now that Democrats are strongly considering the reconciliation process -- which will allow passage with only 50 rather than 60 votes and thus enable them to enact a public option -- Rockefeller is suddenly "inclined to oppose it" because he doesn't "think the timing of it is very good" and it's "too partisan." What strange excuses for someone to make with regard to a provision that he claimed, a mere five months ago (when he knew it couldn't pass), was such a moral and policy imperative that he "would not relent" in ensuring its enactment.
The Obama White House did the same thing. As I wrote back in August, the evidence was clear that while the President was publicly claiming that he supported the public option, the White House, in private, was doing everything possible to ensure its exclusion from the final bill (in order not to alienate the health insurance industry by providing competition for it). Yesterday, Obama -- while having his aides signal that they would use reconciliation if necessary -- finally unveiled his first-ever health care plan as President, and guess what it did not include? The public option, which he spent all year insisting that he favored oh-so-much but sadly could not get enacted: Gosh, I really want the public option, but we just don't have 60 votes for it; what can I do?. As I documented in my contribution to the NYT forum yesterday, now that there's a 50-vote mechanism to pass it, his own proposed bill suddenly excludes it.
This is what the Democratic Party does; it's who they are. They're willing to feign support for anything their voters want just as long as there's no chance that they can pass it. They won control of Congress in the 2006 midterm elections by pretending they wanted to compel an end to the Iraq War and Bush surveillance and interrogation abuses because they knew they would not actually do so; and indeed, once they were given the majority, the Democratic-controlled Congress continued to fund the war without conditions, to legalize Bush's eavesdropping program, and to do nothing to stop Bush's habeas and interrogation abuses ("Gosh, what can we do? We just don't have 60 votes).
The primary tactic in this game is Villain Rotation. They always have a handful of Democratic Senators announce that they will be the ones to deviate this time from the ostensible party position and impede success, but the designated Villain constantly shifts, so the Party itself can claim it supports these measures while an always-changing handful of their members invariably prevent it.
One minute, it's Jay Rockefeller as the Prime Villain leading the way in protecting Bush surveillance programs and demanding telecom immunity; the next minute, it's Dianne Feinstein and Chuck Schumer joining hands and "breaking with their party" to ensure Michael Mukasey's confirmation as Attorney General; then it's Big Bad Joe Lieberman single-handedly blocking Medicare expansion; then it's Blanche Lincoln and Jim Webb joining with Lindsey Graham to support the de-funding of civilian trials for Terrorists; and now that they can't blame Lieberman or Ben Nelson any longer on health care (since they don't need 60 votes), Jay Rockefeller voluntarily returns to the Villain Role, stepping up to put an end to the pretend-movement among Senate Democrats to enact the public option via reconciliation.
Basically, this is how things have progressed:
Progressives: We want a public option!
Democrats/WH: We agree with you totally! Unfortunately, while we have 50 votes for it, we just don't have 60, so we can't have it. Gosh darn that filibuster rule.
Progressives: But you can use reconciliation like Bush did so often, and then you only need 50 votes.
Filbuster reform advocates/Obama loyalists: Hey progressives, don't be stupid! Be pragmatic. It's not realistic or Serious to use reconciliation to pass health care reform. None of this their fault. It's the fault of the filibuster. The White House wishes so badly that it could pass all these great progressive bills, but they're powerless, and they just can't get 60 votes to do it.
[Month later]
Progressives: Hey, great! Now that you're going to pass the bill through reconciliation after all, you can include the public option that both you and we love, because you only need 50 votes, and you've said all year you have that!
Democrats/WH: No. We don't have 50 votes for that (look at Jay Rockefeller). Besides, it's not the right time for the public option. The public option only polls at 65%, so it might make our health care bill -- which polls at 35% -- unpopular. Also, the public option and reconciliation are too partisan, so we're going to go ahead and pass our industry-approved bill instead . . . on a strict party line vote.
This is why, although I basically agree with filibuster reform advocates, I am extremely skeptical that it would change much, because Democrats would then just concoct ways to lack 50 votes rather than 60 votes -- just like they did here. Ezra Klein, who is generally quite supportive of the White House perspective, reported last week on something rather amazing: Democratic Senators found themselves in a bind, because they pretended all year to vigorously support the public option but had the 60-vote excuse for not enacting it.
But now that Democrats will likely use the 50-vote reconciliation process, how could they (and the White House) possibly justify not including the public option? So what did they do? They pretended in public to "demand" that the public option be included via reconciliation with a letter that many of them signed (and thus placate their base: see, we really are for it!), while conspiring in private with the White House (which expressed "sharp resistance" to the public option) to make sure it wouldn't really happen.
The only thing I wonder about is whether Washington Democrats are baffled about the extreme "enthusiasm gap" between Democratic and Republican voters, which very well could cause them to lose control of Congress this year. By "enthusiasm gap," it is meant that the very people who worked so hard in 2006 and 2008 to ensure that Democrats became empowered are now indifferent -- apathetic -- about whether they keep it. Even as crazed and extremist as the GOP is, is it remotely possible that the Democratic establishment fails to understand not only why this "enthusiasm gap" exists, but also why it's completely justifiable?
UPDATE: I didn't intend to make an argument here one way or the other about the desirability of the public option, but was merely highlighting the game Democrats play in general. But for those interested in that question, it has always seemed clear to me that -- no matter where one falls on the ideological spectrum (including conservatives and libertarians) -- once the Government is going to mandate that all citizens purchase health insurance, it is preferable to provide an option to purchase a public plan rather than forcing everyone to buy from the private health insurance industry. On both policy and political grounds, a public-option-free mandate seems distastrous for Democrats.
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Stop Global Warming: End Our Oil Addiction! America consumes over 19 million barrels of oil per day. More than 70% of that is for transportation; we burn most of our oil as gasoline in our cars, trucks and SUVs. Like any addiction, our oil dependence has serious consequences. We are at war for oil. Tailpipe emissions contribute to global warming. Oil extraction destroys forests and communities in countries like Nigeria, Colombia and Ecuador.
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Bernanke's Reappointment: A Colossal Failure Of Governance
by Simon Johnson
Economist and MIT Professor
Posted: January 28, 2010 07:16 PM
When representatives of American power encounter officials in less rich countries, they are prone to suggest that any failure to reach the highest standards of living is due in part to weak political governance in general and the failure of effective oversight in particular. Current and former US Treasury officials frequently remark this or that government "lacks the political will" to exercise responsible economic policy or even replace a powerful official who has clearly become a problem.
There is much to be said for this view. When a minister or even the head of a strong government agency is no longer acting in the best interests of any country - but is still backed by powerful special interests - who has the authority, the opportunity, and the fortitude to stand up and be counted?
Fortunately, our Constitution grants the Senate the power to approve or disapprove key government appointments, and over the past 200 plus years this has served many times as an effective check on both executive authority and overly strong lobbies - who usually want their own, unsuitable, person to be kept on the job.
Unfortunately, two massive failures of governance at the level of the Senate also spring to mind: first, the strange case of Alan Greenspan, which stretched over nearly two decades; second, Ben Bernanke, reappointed today (Thursday).>
Greenspan, as you recall, was worshiped as some sort of economic magician. Even his most asinine comments were seized upon by a legion of acolytes. Instead of providing meaningful periodic oversight, every Senate hearing was essentially a re-coronation.
And now we can look back over 20 years and be honest with ourselves: Alan Greenspan contends for the title of most disastrous economic policy maker in the recent history of the world.
Some on Wall Street, of course, would disagree - arguing that the financial sector growth he fostered is not completely illusory, that we have indeed reached a new economic paradigm due to the Greenspan tonic of deregulation, neglect, and refusal to enforce the law. Prove the ill-effects, they cry.
What part of 8 million net jobs lost since December 2007 do you still not understand?
And now the same Greenspanians and their fellow travelers rally to the support of Ben Bernanke's troubled renomination. Certainly, they concede that Bernanke was complicit in and continued many of Greenspan's mistakes through September 2008. But, they argue, he ran a helluva bailout strategy after that point. And, in any case, if the Senate had refused to reconfirm him - financial sector representatives insist - there would have been chaos in the markets.
Take that last statement at face value and think about it. Have we really reached the situation where the Senate as a body and individual Senators - accomplished men and women, who stand on the shoulders of giants - must bow down before financial markets and high-ranking executives who are really just talking their book? (emphasis added)
Here's what markets really care about: credible fiscal policy, sufficiently tough monetary policy, and the extent to which big banks will be allowed to run amok - and then get bailed out again.
Reappointing Ben Bernanke solves none of our problems. In fact, given his stated intentions, a Bernanke reappointment implies larger bailouts in the future - thus compromising our budget further with contingent liabilities, i.e., huge payments that we'll have to make next time there is a crisis. What kind of fiscal responsibility strategy is this?
Rather than messing about with a meaningless (or damaging) freeze for part of discretionary spending, the White House should fix the financial system that - with too big to fail at its heart - has directly resulted in doubling our net government debt to GDP ratio from 40 percent (a moderate level) towards 80 percent (a high level) in a desperate attempt to ward off a Second Great Depression.
If you think we can sort out finance with Ben Bernanke at the helm, it was sensible to reappoint him. But when the time comes for members of the Senate themselves to be held accountable, do not be surprised if people point out that pushing Bernanke through - come what may - was the beginning of the end for any serious attempt at reform.
Ultimately, sensible democratic governance prevails in the United States. Sometimes it takes a while.
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Stop Global Warming: End Our Oil Addiction! America consumes over 19 million barrels of oil per day. More than 70% of that is for transportation; we burn most of our oil as gasoline in our cars, trucks and SUVs. Like any addiction, our oil dependence has serious consequences. We are at war for oil. Tailpipe emissions contribute to global warming. Oil extraction destroys forests and communities in countries like Nigeria, Colombia and Ecuador.
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Thanks so much for the links, Tracey, I'm saving this email to check out the links at a later time.
On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 2:39 PM, dmadchatr
I know this is an old post, but I thought I'd respond anyhow! Maybe the info will help you if you haven't already found it ... *smile*
The first thing I considered when reading your post is that the spiders may be your current animal totem --- totems are not always your birth totems and many will come in and out of your life as you grow and evolve on your path.
Here are a few sites that may interest you:
As for Celtic deities associated with spiders, that would be Ariadne. More info on her can be found here:
I follow the Celtic Deities, although I've an affinity for a few outside the Celtic pantheon. Are you familiar with Ann Moura? Her books are my bible --- love her and it was in reading her books years ago that I connected with the path of the Green/Earth Witch.
Here is her website: http://annmourasgarden.com/
Hope the info helps you.
Blessed Be
)O( Tracey
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It's time for change... It's time to break our addiction.
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--- On Sat, 2/6/10, Regan Straley
From: Regan Straley
Subject: Big government vs big business, round 4
To: PghLibertarians@yahoogroups.com
Cc: filmslitter@yahoo.com, info@lppa.org
Date: Saturday, February 6, 2010, 8:53 PM
Thanks for contributing, Mr. Eckhardt.
>Libertarians aren't big on the Federal Reserve, but it's
>not clear its existence threatens libertarian thinking.
It's been my main theme in this Big Government vs. Big Business discussion that the Federal Reserve and multinational corporations are, in fact, the #1 threat to the individual freedoms Libertarians hold dear, because it is the undue influence of money over government that turned it into the monstrosity that it is today. This has been the crux of the debate, because apparently most Libertarians don't believe that. I do.
>The big banks wanted to control the money supply, which
>isn't surprising: lots of people want to control lots of
>things. And according to the system we're supposed to
>live under, everybody else (Congress, the President, the
>Supreme Court) is supposed to tell them "no".
You're right. The U.S. Constitution placed the responsibility for controlling the money supply in the hands of Congress. That the banks were able to wrest that control away, and make it impossible to get back, is a clear indication to me that corporate power trumps government power in head-to-head battle. Here's what a few respected Americans had to say on the subject:
"Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money-power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed." -- Abraham Lincoln
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations that will grow up around them, will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the
continent their fathers conquered." --Thomas Jefferson
“History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.” -- James Madison
“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world, no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”
--Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserve Act of 1913
>The problem with the left-wing "whatever it takes" analysis is
>that it leaves out the key question: who decides? If we
>"remove private money from politics", then who decides which
>candidates get how much money? In practice it will be incumbents
>deciding who is appointed to the commissions that make the rules.
>If we "break up corporate monopolies", who will decide which
>companies are "too big"? What about the senseless *government*
>monopolies (remember "To professionalize we must federalize"?).
Who decides any of these things now? Certainly not the vast majority of Americans whose lives are affected by them. "Whatever it takes" was a poor choice of words on my part, I admit, but I don't think it's too much of an overstatement if the survival of the Constitutional Republic itself is at stake, and I believe it is. How public campaign financing would be distributed fairly without the interference of incumbent parties, or how big of a corporation is "too big," are excellent questions and hashing them out would be no easy task. It could only be accomplished in a society in which people across the political spectrum can agree that saving the democracy is priority #1. If we can't reach that agreement, then America is doomed, but no more so than it already is under the current system. I just simply cannot believe that an attempt at public financing could result in elections that are any more undemocratic than they already are, or in government that is any more corrupt and dangerous than it already is. As far as what constitutes a corporation that is "too big," I think we could start by defining any company as too big if it needs to be bailed out by taxpayer dollars in order to avert economic catastrophe. What about government monopolies? Well, it would be hard to find someone who's more opposed to centralization of government in Washington than me, even among your most hard-core Libertarian friends. I'm constantly harping in my blog not only for a return to economies of local and regional scale, but also for restoring to states and municipalities most of the powers that have been unconstitutionally usurped by the federal government over the last century.
>If you want a candidate who won't take big
>corporate donations, tell the candidates you feel that way
>and don't vote for any who take those donations (not even
>the ones who are the "lesser of two evils"). Even better,
>form a PAC or bundling group with your friends and neighbors
>to make it clear to candidates that lots of people feel the
>way you do. This can work... *something* resulted in the
>Ross Perot campaign running on small donations. If people
>want this they can have it today, without creating any more
>rules. And if people *don't* want this, it won't happen no
>matter how many nice-sounding rules there are.
Personal responsibility in such a hopelessly lopsided system is no match for the corporate state. There aren't enough small donations in the universe to rival what the forces of international greed can muster just out of petty cash. There are also no viable leaders in either of the major parties who have the courage to sacrifice either their political or physical lives for something as quaint as "the people." Although I don't think Ross Perot would really have been a representative of the people, his fate does exemplify what happens when anyone dares challenge the two corporate parties. It didn't work with Ross Perot. Despite his support among voters, he was eventually driven from the political landscape by Demopublican threats and intimidation. Here in Pennsylvania, third party candidates end up getting sued if they challenge a major party candidate for state office. We can't win under the current system, even if the people do want an independent candidate.
>Just out of curiosity, have you ever run a business large enough
>to be victimized, i.e., one which had to deal with employee tax
>withholding, health insurance, mandatory family leave, an
>"equal-opportunity" review of your hiring practices, etc.?
I think you're confusing me with someone else. The corporations I'm opposed to are immune to these afflictions. When such regulations dig too deeply into their pockets, they can pack up and take their jobs overseas, which is precisely what they've been doing for the last 30 years. The small- and medium-sized businesses that I would like to see dominate the American economy--the ones that don't have the luxury of moving to Mexico but can't get away for long with passing the costs onto consumers--they are the ones that are destroyed by these policies, and it's no accident. Banks and corporations write our tax and regulatory codes (and then turn them over to congressional frontmen to sell) with the intent of eliminating their competition. Again, government following orders from its corporate sponsors.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Big Business or Big Government? The history is conclusive on this point: Big Business did. In a way, it doesn't even matter anymore. They have become each other's lifeblood, and you can't eliminate one without eliminating the other.
Regan Straley
--- On Sat, 2/6/10, Dave Eckhardt
From: Dave Eckhardt
Subject: lppgh: Re: Fw: [MoveOnPgh] ~~~Big government vs big business
To: PghLibertarians@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, February 6, 2010, 4:50 PM
Libertarians aren't big on the Federal Reserve, but it's
not clear its existence threatens libertarian thinking.
The big banks wanted to control the money supply, which
isn't surprising: lots of people want to control lots of
things. And according to the system we're supposed to
live under, everybody else (Congress, the President, the
Supreme Court) is supposed to tell them "no".
The "big business" problem directly parallels the "big
religion" problem. Many religious groups believe they know
what's right for other people (who can marry, how many,
which days of the week people should be able to buy alcohol,
whether girls should go to school). Once again, the people
are supposed to realize this is a bad idea and elect
legislators and presidents who choose judges who say "no".
It may seem to you that the U.S. has a fundamental "big
business" problem. But in Afghanistan it's clear they
have a fundamental "big religion" problem.
Libertarians don't think either one is more fundamental than
the other, and we think human happiness and prosperity depend
on an absence of both problems (and other ways that people
can't choose for themselves--I'm not sure whether the current
trouble over which leaves people can smoke is a "big business"
problem or a "big religion" problem or neither, but it's a big
dumb idea).
> None of these things will occur until average citizens take a
> focused, active role in removing private money from politics,
> breaking up corporate monopolies, deincentivizing the growth
> of business beyond the local and regional scale, and whatever
> else it takes to eliminate the corrosive influence of
> unaccountable, unelected corporation over national public policy.
The problem with the left-wing "whatever it takes" analysis is
that it leaves out the key question: who decides? If we
"remove private money from politics", then who decides which
candidates get how much money? In practice it will be incumbents
deciding who is appointed to the commissions that make the rules.
If we "break up corporate monopolies", who will decide which
companies are "too big"? What about the senseless *government*
monopolies (remember "To professionalize we must federalize"?).
The "whatever it takes" analysis starts by omitting personal
responsibility. If you want a candidate who won't take big
corporate donations, tell the candidates you feel that way
and don't vote for any who take those donations (not even
the ones who are the "lesser of two evils"). Even better,
form a PAC or bundling group with your friends and neighbors
to make it clear to candidates that lots of people feel the
way you do. This can work... *something* resulted in the
Ross Perot campaign running on small donations. If people
want this they can have it today, without creating any more
rules. And if people *don't* want this, it won't happen no
matter how many nice-sounding rules there are.
> Finally, in closing, for real this time. The tendency among
> Libertarians to regard corporations as yet another victim or
> a by-product of out-of-control government is, in my view,
> wrong-headed and self-defeating.
Just out of curiosity, have you ever run a business large enough
to be victimized, i.e., one which had to deal with employee tax
withholding, health insurance, mandatory family leave, an
"equal-opportunity" review of your hiring practices, etc.?
Dave Eckhardt
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Stop Global Warming: End Our Oil Addiction! America consumes over 19 million barrels of oil per day. More than 70% of that is for transportation; we burn most of our oil as gasoline in our cars, trucks and SUVs. Like any addiction, our oil dependence has serious consequences. We are at war for oil. Tailpipe emissions contribute to global warming. Oil extraction destroys forests and communities in countries like Nigeria, Colombia and Ecuador.
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"Doing my part to pass it on"
Brightest of Blessing Je'Amour
Source: Satori
This seems to go 'round every year, so I thought even though I haven't seen it yet, I'd get a jump on it, LOL:
From: SeekingWolf
St. Patricks Day:
A day that St.Patrick chased the snakes out of Ireland. Well, the snakes were the
Pagans. And they weren't just chased out. They were executed; Men,
women and children. So, I've started a tradition with my coven and other friends.
On St. Patricks Day , all Pagans should wear something with a snake
on it. A t-shirt, necklace, ring, etc.... This is our way of saying that
the "snakes" are still here and that we are here to stay.
The Snake is a symbol of wisdom and free will. Which is why the
church wants to get rid of all Pagans. We believe in free will and
responsibility for our own actions. So, I am reaching out to all my
pagan friends to join me in this new tradition and to pass it on to
all other pagans you know. If we can get at least 1,000 people
wearing a snake this year, it would be a definite great start.
Please Pass this on. Thank You and Blessed Be. And May the Goddess
Kiss Your Brow and Bring Light into Your Darkness.
'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'
"Doing my part to pass it on"...
Brightest of Blessing Je'Amour
Source: Satori
By Flame RavenHawk
Patrick was a Christian priest whose job it was to convert the
population of Ireland to Christianity. The Druids, however, stood in his way. The Druids were very important people in Ireland at that time, and their symbol was the Snake of Wisdom. Druids could be priests of the old religion of Ireland, but there were also much more.
One part of the Druid class were the "Bards", whose job it was to remember all of the history of the people, as well as to record current events. Because the Irish Celts did not rely on a written language, everything had to be memorized. Bards were poets and musicians, and used music and poetry to help them remember their history exactly. Because of this, Bards were highly respected members of the Irish society. The Irish believed that history was very important, for if you didn't remember what had happened in the past, you couldn't safely plan for the future. Bards, therefore, held the future of the people in safekeeping.
Another important part of the Druidic class were the "Brehons". Brehons were the Judges and the Keepers of the Laws. The Celtic people had a highly complicated society, and with it, a highly developed set of laws. Brehons trained for many years to learn the laws of the people, so that whenever there was a dispute, the Brehon could Fairly decide the matter and make peace. The laws were there to make sure that everyone; man, woman, and child, were treated fairly and with respect. Because of the wisdom that the Brehons held, and
the knowledge of the laws of the society, they too, like the Bards, were held with much respect.
And, of course, there were the Druid Priests. This branch of the Druid set were the keepers o f the knowledge of Earth and Spirits. It was their responsibility to learn the Spirit World, in order to keep people and Earth in harmony. Priests performed marriages and "baptisms", they were healers, and psychiatrists. The Priests were The wise grandparents to whom you could go with a problem. They were there to help you solve them, with the help of the Earth and the Spirit World.
Into this world of the Irish Celts entered a highly energetic and devoted Christian Priest named Patrick. Because he believed so strongly in the tenets of Christianity, he thought that anyone who was not Christian had to become one in order to be "saved". He came to Ireland to convert the Irish people to Christianity.
The Irish people at that time were happy and doing quite well
without Patrick and his ideas, but he was persistent. He noticed that the Druids were really the important people of the society. He thought that if he could convert the Druids to Christianity, the rest of the people would follow. Patrick's main problem was that the Druids were very comfortable with what they had already learned, and were not willing to change. Druids had spent their entire lives learning the ways of the people, and were the last people who were willing to change.
Although Patrick was not willing to abandon his vision of a
Christian Ireland, he was getting desperate. He knew that because the strength of the people rested with the Druids, he had to get rid of them in order to get the people to listen to him.
Patrick was not alone in his efforts. He had brought many people with him from Britain to establish the new religion. Patrick began to destroy the influence of the Druids by destroying the sacred sites of the people and building c hurches and monasteries where the Druids used to live and teach. Gradually, the might of the Druidic class was broken by a bitter campaign of attrition. Instead of hearing the teachings and advice of the Druids, the people began to
hear the teachings of Rome. Because the Druids were the only ones who were taught to remember the history, with the Druids dead and their influence broken, the history was forgotten.
Patrick won. By killing off the teachers and the wise ones, his own religion could be taught. For this mass conversion of a culture to Christianity, and for the killing of thousands of innocent people, Patrick was made a Saint by his church.
Today the story is told that Patrick is the patron Saint of Ireland because he "drove the snakes out". We now know that the "snakes" were the Druids. So although I love the Irish people and celebrate their Celtic heritage, I don't "celebrate" a day dedicated to the man called Patrick, Patron Saint of Ireland.
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'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.
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Goldman Sachs and other big banks aren't just pocketing the trillions we gave them to rescue the economy - they're re-creating the conditions for another crash
Posted Feb 17, 2010 5:57 AM
On January 21st, Lloyd Blankfein left a peculiar voicemail message on the work phones of his employees at Goldman Sachs. Fast becoming America's pre-eminent Marvel Comics supervillain, the CEO used the call to deploy his secret weapon: a pair of giant, nuclear-powered testicles. In his message, Blankfein addressed his plan to pay out gigantic year-end bonuses amid widespread controversy over Goldman's role in precipitating the global financial crisis. More . . .
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Paganism / Wiccan
Paganism / Wiccan
Pagan Living
From Patti Wigington, your Guide to Paganism / Wiccan
In this week's Special Edition of the newsletter, we'll be talking about the magic of ritual. For people in many Pagan and Wiccan belief systems, ritual is the cornerstone of worship. It is how we honor our gods, how we find inner peace and balance, and a place in which we can join hands and hearts with like-minded friends. Today, let's look at the concept of ritual, how to craft one of your own, the best way to behave when you're a guest, and some simple rituals you can perform to mark various milestones in your life.
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There are literally dozens of rituals available on this website and others. There are hundreds more to be found in books on the subject of Wicca, NeoWicca, Paganism, and witchcraft in general. These rituals make a great template -- and certainly, if you've never held a ritual on your own, it's nice to have one already written for you. For many people, an important aspect of the spiritual growth process lies in planning one's own ritual.
You may find that in planning your own rituals, it helps to follow the same format each time. After all, part of ritual is the concept of repetition. That doesn’t mean you have to speak the same words each time, but if you follow the same general order of things, it will help you become more in tune with the ritual process. Something else to keep in mind is that ritual should be celebratory. That means that it should celebrate something -- a Sabbat holiday, a phase of the moon, the change of the seasons, a phase in one's life. Know what you're celebrating, and then you'll know what your focus should be for the rite.
Answer the questions below before you begin your planning process. This will help you determine what it is you hope to achieve with the ritual, and how to go about doing so.
Why are you having the ritual? In other words, what is the point? What are you celebrating? You can have one purpose or multiple ones. Just know ahead of time what they are.
Who is to be involved? Is this a group of loose friends who get together once in a while, or is it an organized coven? Will one person lead the rite while others watch, or will all members be actively participating? Will it be a public ritual held where anyone can see you, or a private one?
Does your tradition require the creation of sacred space before a ritual? Will you need to cast a circle, or simply purify the area with smudging or asperging?
Does your tradition require you to call upon deity during ritual, or is this not necessary?
In many traditions, the concept of grounding and centering are used, as well as the raising of group energy, and meditation work. It is up to you how your group will perform, based upon the needs of the group. Here is a sample of how a ritual might be run:
1. All members are welcomed to the altar area, ritually blessed
2. Cast a circle/call the quarters
3. Meditation exercise
4. Calling upon the deities of the tradition, offerings made
5. Rite to celebrate a Sabbat or Esbat
6. Additional healing or energy work as required
7. Dismissal of the circle
8. Cakes and ale, or other refreshments
Another group, following a less formal, not-as-structured format, might do something like this instead:
1. Everyone hangs out in altar area until ready to start
2. Cast a circle
3. Rite to celebrate Sabbat or Esbat
4. Dismissal of circle
5. Cakes and ale, or other refreshments
If you're going to ask other people to participate in the ritual, you'll need to make sure everyone knows their part in advance. The further ahead you can plan, the better off you'll be, and the more powerful your ritual experience will become.
Perhaps you're not Wiccan or Pagan, but you've been invited by your friend to join in her coven's next circle. You want to participate, but have no idea how Wiccans and Pagans behave, or what the proper protocol is for a non-Wiccan attending a ceremony. Or perhaps you are a Pagan, and you've been invited to attend a ritual with a group that's brand new to you. So now what do you do?
Believe it or not, most rules of common sense and courtesy apply here, just as they would apply to you attending any other religious service. For starters, it's important to be respectful. For a non-member to be invited to a coven's ritual -- which are typically members only -- is a privilege and an honor. Part of that is showing up on time. Although you may hear jokes about "Pagan Standard Time", which is the practice of showing up twenty minutes late for everything, be punctual. Typically, there's an arrival time when everyone shows up, and then another time designated for when ritual will start. If you arrive too late, you might find the doors locked and no one answering your knock.
When you do arrive, you may see people who look different or downright unusual. If you see someone wearing Ren-Faire garb, Spock ears, or even nothing at all, don't stare. Try not to make assumptions about people based on what they're wearing (or, as the case may be, not wearing). You should ask the person who has invited you what the proper attire is for the ceremony beforehand. You may be welcome to show up in sweatpants and a t-shirt, or it may be more formal than that. Ask in advance, and react accordingly. It's a good idea, also, to ask if there's something you should bring. You may be invited to make an offering, or contribute food for people to eat after ritual.
When you enter the ceremonial area, you may be anointed with oil or smudged with sage. It's also possible that the High Priestess (HPs) or some other member of the group will welcome you with the words, "How do you enter the circle?" The proper answer is nearly always, "In perfect love and perfect trust." You may wish to check with the friend who invited you to be sure there's not some other answer used by the group. Once you are in the ritual space, walk in a clockwise direction unless otherwise directed.
Bear in mind that an open circle is not a Wicca 101 class. In other words, there's going to be stuff done and said that you don't understand -- but the middle of ritual is not the time to ask for explanations. If there's something you're unfamiliar with or would like more information on, wait until after the ceremony has concluded to ask your questions. Don't raise your hand in the middle of things and say, "Hey, why are you waving that knife around?"
If things are happening that are making you feel uncomfortable -- whether it's the words being spoken or just the general energy of the circle -- ask someone to cut you out of the circle. This is a formal way of you exiting the circle without disrupting the energy for everyone else.
If you've never attended a Wiccan or Pagan ceremony before, try to remember that for many Pagan traditions, joy and laughter is often a part of ceremony. While Wiccans and Pagans do indeed honor their gods and goddesses, they also understand that a little levity is good for the soul. While in many religions, solemnity and somberness is the rule, in Wicca you may find it's the exception. Wiccans and Pagans typically will tell you that the universe has a sense of humor, so if someone drops an athame or sets their robe on fire, it's all just part of the ritual experience, and it's okay to find it amusing.
A few things to remember here -- again, all matters of common courtesy. First, don't touch anything on the altar unless you are invited to. Second, don't handle anyone else's tools without permission -- what may look like just a plain old rock to you may be a crystal that another individual has charged with their energy. Remember the basic rule of kindergarten: don't touch things that aren't yours.
Also, don't be alarmed or surprised if you begin to feel a little strange -- some people new to a circle may feel dizzy, lightheaded, or even a bit jittery. If this happens to you, don't panic -- a lot of energy can be raised within the circle, and if you're not familiar with the experience, it can feel pretty weird. Let someone know how you're feeling -- without leaving the circle -- and they'll help you get "grounded" and back to normal.
Once the ritual is over, there are often refreshments and drinks. In many traditions, the High Priestess takes the first bite before anyone else may eat or drink -- be sure to watch and see what everyone else is doing before shoveling any food in your mouth.
Finally, be sure to thank your host for allowing you to attend their ritual. If you're interested in learning more about the group and their practices, this is a good time to mention it. If the High Priestess invites you back, consider it a great honor indeed!
A Year of Pagan Sabbat Rituals
Looking for some rituals for your next Sabbat celebration? Here's our collection of Pagan and NeoWiccan sabbat rites, from the Samhain harvest celebration to the magical rites of spring and summer. Find the one that suits the season -- and your part of the world -- best! Read More
Making Offerings to the Gods
In some spiritual traditions, a crucial aspect of ritual and worship is to make offerings to the gods of the tradition. Here are some ideas on why we make offerings, as well as what are some appropriate things to present to various types of deities... Read More Paganism / Wicca Ads
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Featured Articles
Ritual Fasting
Hold a Croning Ritual
Ritual to Consecrate Magical Tools
Full Moon Esbat Ritual
Hold a Journal Ritual
Be Sure to Read:
The Role of Prayer in Wicca & Paganism
Perform a Self Dedication Ritual
Purifying Your Sacred Space
Rochelle Moore sent a message to the members of BEYOND THE THIRD EYE Rochelle Moore (book/group)THE PARANORMAL ENCYCLOPEDIA.
Subject: What are your thoughts on telepathy?
What are your thoughts on telepathy? - from BEYOND THE THIRD EYE ( a journey into the realms beyond our physical existence)
paranormal book- Rochelle Moore
Franz Anton Mesmer (born Friedrich Anton Mesmer) on May 23rd 1734 and was a German physician and astrologist, who discovered what he called magnétisme animal (animal magnetism) which was later named Mesmerism. His theory was based on an belief that "living bodies contain a magnetic fluid and through manipulating this fluid, a state of balance could be restored within the body."
Mesmer named his theory Animal Magnetism and in the year 1783 started The Society of Universal Harmony in Paris. France was not ready for Mesmer's theory and he settled in Germany where he withdrew his involvement with the society and began to work on his own. Mesmerism was the forerunner to Telepathy.
"Telepathy" is derived from the Greek terms tele ("distant") and pathe ("occurrence" or "feeling"). The term was coined in 1882 by the French psychical researcher Fredric W. H. Myers, a founder of the Society for Psychical Research (SPR). Telepathy essentially means that one person is able to communicate with another, without using sight, sound, body language, or any other type of actual physical communication. There are many paranormal states attached to the mind and Telepathy is another unique gift which very few people possess.
Telepathy, through Telekinesis, is the art of moving solid objects by the used of mind power alone. Others, using telepathy, can create thoughts that affect how we respond or even force us to act in a way that is foreign to our very nature. Telepathy is the ability for direct mind-to-mind contact and communication e.g.; being able to pick up on another's thoughts or transfer your thoughts to another. It is the ability to communicate via our mind with another person via their mind. As with any other natural ability such as seeing and smelling some individuals are born with this natural talent.
.........skipped a bit in the chapter
In Scientific terms the universe is full of this energy; it is what creates everything at that basal level. Through Quantum Physics and Physics all things in the universe, at basal level, are made up of energy. .......
Science has proven that we expend energy through our emotions, thoughts etc., and if this is the case then it is possible for one person to pick up on the energy of another person's brain and absorb it into their energy...
what are your views on Telepathy?
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--- On Fri, 3/5/10, Avalon Starr
From: Avalon Starr
Subject: [witches-1473] New Meetup: Sweat Lodge /Gathering
To: witches-1473-announce@meetup.com
Date: Friday, March 5, 2010, 12:27 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Utah Good Witches Meetup!
What: Sweat Lodge /Gathering
When: Sunday, March 7, 2010 5:00 PM
Safe Haven Ministries
824 South 700 East
We will be praying for Chili this Sunday. Also, will be giving thanks for the good out come of Maire's surgery, Rene and Joy's safe travels and the purchase of the ground for Safe Haven Village in Sanpete county!
March 7 @ 5pm.
If you do not want to sweat, feel free to come for the feast @ 7:30pm and socialize. We've been doing Angel walks and dancing! We could really use firewood if anyone has any to bring. Schedule:
5pm- Gather
5:15- Pipe Ceremony
5:30- Sweat Starts
7:30- Feast/Social
8:00 - Angel Walk
Address: 824 South 700 East, SLC, ut.
The Lodge will hold approximately 13 people so please be on time to insure a place.Bring a towel, water, clothes to sweat in, a pot luck item and a friend! Please be alcohol & drug free.
It is customary to bring an offering to the Lodge. Offerings can include: $, Tobacco, sage, essential oils, rocks, firewood, a smile etc. Let "Spirit" guide you.
Renee & Torg
Safe Haven Ministries
Learn more here:
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