merry meet, remember march 19 @ 3pm is party!I'm almost done put together a E-book of shadows I call it Eclectic wicca a E- book of shadows by star coven of wicca and High Priestess Char Norton. If any one would like to buy one I will be selling them on eBay amazon,my site and probably here and thinking about cafe press as well.heres all the news you'll ever needStar Coven of wicca and W.P.A.
is in need is of Donations. Please help if you can.$5.00 minim for other types
Donations send to us directly! call (801)465-3003 for where to send.
Friday March 19th at 11 p.m.
Ultimate Fan Edition DVD releases
March 20th at 12:01 a.m.
Come and get cool Twilight giveaways!*
*(supplies are limited)
1052 South Turf Farm Road
660 South 1750 West
Vampires Today: The Truth About Modern Vampirism
By Joseph Laycock

A message to all members of Vampires Today: The Truth About Modern Vampirism
Letter: Vampire Craze Is A Dangerous Fad
(Danger Of Library Books On Vampirism In Hands Of Teens)
To the Editor:
and blood fetishes run amok: Twilight, the “vampire lifestyle” and
paraphilias turned fads. Parents are responsible in the youth culture
war that is being lost.
By: John Shaw, Mitchell
March 5, 2010
The Daily Republic: Mitchell, South Dakota
View Entire Article Here + Library Information:
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In a message dated 3/9/2010 10:25:55 PM Mountain Standard Time, writes:|htmlws-main-n|dl1|link5||htmlws-main-n|dl3|link5|
Live at Wal-Mart, Not Sprawl-Mart

Posted Mar 8th 2010 5:47PM by Katie McCaskey
Filed under: Renting 101
Text: A A A
In a move worthy of an Onion headline, a Wal-Mart will be built this year on top of a Lowes in Baltimore. Both big-box stores will anchor the development at the 25th Street Station in Remington. And amazingly, you might be able to live there, too.
The development is an usual arrangement. Rather than side-by-side construction the Lowes store will be mostly underground and Wal-Mart will be perched on top. The Wal-Mart will be about 93,000 square feet - smaller than most of its other superstore national locations. It will also feature a green roof covering more than an acre in size in the middle of the city (probably not much of a trade off for its 1,050 parking spots on eleven-and-a-half acres).
But most unusual? The megastore could be your next landlord - Wal-Mart is taking cues from apartment developers and will be offering 80 to 90 residences on site. Predictably, the reactions are mixed...
Those who are opposed to sprawl development applaud the in-fill, urban development. Writes Landscape+Urbanism "in the comparison to the normal sprawling model of big-box stores, this seems to take a step in the right direction".
And location is key. This Wal-Mart location will be within walking distance of several neighborhoods: Charles Village, Remington, Station North and the Old Goucher Historic District. The Baltimore-Sun says that Wal-Mart polled 500 people in the area and 77% viewed the move favorably. Says M.J. "Jay" Brodie, president of the Baltimore Development Corp., the city's quasi-public development arm, "It's an indication of increasing retail interest in the city." Indeed, they expect other retailers to set up shop nearby.
As for actually living in residences at the 25 Street Station, adjacent to Wal-Mart, plans are unclear. Calls were not returned by Kann Partners about the residential portion of the plan by the developer WV Urban Developments LLC.
Joan Floyd, president of the Remington Neighborhood Alliance tells The Baltimore Sun that the surrounding neighborhoods are filled with Wal-Mart shoppers.
Others are not so sure. Megan Hamilton, a nearby resident, is concerned about the additional traffic the Wal-Mart/Lowes will bring. "I think that people haven't processed that yet," Hamilton told The Baltimore Sun. As for Walmart, she said, "Some of my neighbors think it's great. Some of my neighbors think it's appalling."|htmlws-main-n|dl5|link5||htmlws-main-n|dl5|link5|

Thanks to all who came to the 3rd You Are Psychic Meetup. I honestly would have never thought that the Meeting would have ended up with several members reading the whole Coffee Creations staff. What wonderful validation for them to see how important and true our work is. I watched as each staff member left the couch after each reading w jaw after jaw dropped to not only their wonderment but the group as well. You all have it! You all are imbued with a wonderful psychic gift, and are now starting to functionally use it. How Awesome! For those of you who brought guests, what a wonderful spiritual experience you have given them.
The Meetup continues to take on new members weekly as we fill what little room is left in coffee creations. The capacity at coffee creations may soon become an issue if we continue to have >13 participants , so as noted at the meeting we may need to start looking at new venues , as always if you have any ideas please email them out :) .... We will continue to monitor the situation. Thanks again for the investing your time into this group. Also if you have a request for the meeting format, please email this out and we will accomodate.
Peace and Light! -Will/Diane
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I don't think I will make it today. There is a new person who may stop by today, though. I've been contacted by an adult male and an adult female through MySpace who have shown interest in coming to coffee.
--- On Sat, 3/6/10, Robert
From: Robert
Subject: [supaganalliance] Re: Witches' Brew, 3/7/2010, 1:00 pm
Date: Saturday, March 6, 2010, 8:28 AM
I may swing by and grab a coffee and danish and take a break from work. Is anyone else planning on stopping by?
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Terrific! You may want to attend Ostara so you can claim the staff.
--- On Fri, 3/5/10, marla nones
From: marla nones
Subject: [supaganalliance] Im still here !
Date: Friday, March 5, 2010, 1:35 PM
Sorry i havnt really made it out to any of the meetings. its just too expensive :( i already have to drive in and out of St. George 2 times a day taking my bf to and from work everyday mon-fri so i try not to use gas much on the weekends. Anyway i kinda sorta hosted Beltane last year though most of the group bailed on account of weather, sickness, etc. so i was wondering if i could have another go at it this year ?? Im in my family home in hurricane and we have a wonderful large yard and i would happily dig out a fire pit and we could have the event here. i know its still a ways out but i wanted to volenteer before it got snapped up. This is my favorite holiday after all ... well next to xmas/yule i suppose lol. neway, if everyones ok with it please get back to me. feel free to cal me also. im a stay at home everything so im always availible to talk. 435-215-6381
--- On Thu, 3/4/10, Kara
From: Kara
Subject: [supaganalliance] Follow the Staff: Ostara Planning
To: supaganalliance@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Thursday, March 4, 2010, 2:27 PM
I have taken the staff and am in the process of planning our Ostara celebration. It occurred to me today that I had not settled on a date yet. Saturday is the actual equinox but Sunday would be our regular meeting day for coffee. I have posted a poll. Please respond ASAP as this poll will also serve as an approximate body count for my planning purposes. If you are planning to bring more than one person with you, please email me to let me know how many will be in your group. Thanks!
Have a blessed day,
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Sorry to be a pain in the butt, but please take another look at the poll. I added an option for 3:00 p.m. on Saturday. I have been requested to be somewhere at 11:00 on that day so I thought I would bump it back a couple of hours and see if people are ok with a later afternoon time. Please vote or revote, the poll closes this week.
FYI I am looking at hosting it in the same location as last year (the crook in the river west of Kayenta). The weather has been rainy every day I've had available to go there so I still need to check it out. If you are planning to bring anyone who has the inability to take a short hike including an easy climb over a boulder, please let me know so I can find a different location. I have decided to be true to myself so this ritual will be a neopagan, earth-based ritual. So far I have come up with a meditation or two which means please prepare your kids for quiet time. Speaking of kids, I regret I have none and therefore have no idea how to keep a small child's brain engaged. I was wondering if someone is willing to set up a quick, cheap, and easy craft project so the kids have something to play with for the minutes we are in meditation? (I am willing to cover the cost since I'm hosting.) Or I'm also thinking of asking someone I know to come with to watch/play/craft with the kids while we're in circle. Does anyone know someone who would do this if I can't convince my sister-in-law to come along?
Ideas welcome,
(poll link below)
--- On Thu, 3/4/10,
Subject: [supaganalliance] New poll for supaganalliance
Date: Thursday, March 4, 2010, 2:18 PM
Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
supaganalliance group:
Let's get a preference for which day we would like to celebrate Ostara together. Saturday is the actual date of the equinox. However, Sunday is the day we would typically meet for coffee. Some of you may already have it planned to spend the third Sunday with their pagan friends. So...which do you prefer?
o Saturday, March 20th, 1:00 p.m.
o Sunday, March 21st, 1:00 p.m.
o I will not be able to attend on either date.
o I'll attend no matter which day is scheduled.
To vote, please visit the following web page:
http://groups. group/supaganall iance/surveys? id=2595812
Note: Please do not reply to this message. Poll votes are
not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups
web site listed above.
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Enjoy the Show: Another "9/11 Truther" Goes Berserk
Welcome to the latest in my series, Articles that Only Make Sense if You're On a Peyote Trip. As predicted by Libya Hill, a rash of violent rampages undertaken by alleged 9/11 "conspiracy kooks" is kicking into high gear with yesterday's shooting at the Pentagon Metro station. Also as predicted, the shooter is being associated with the 9/11 Truth Movement by the real conspiracy kooks--the ones in the government and media who have spent nine years successfully deluding us into believing that three Arabs who couldn't even fly a Piper Cub were able to bring the world's most sophisticated air defense system to its knees, destroying steel-girded skyscrapers with fires that couldn't possibly burn hot enough or long enough in the earth's atmosphere to accomplish such a thing. The implication here is that anyone who doubts the unsupportable, incongruent, and scientifically absurd "facts" paraded before us as justification for America's illegal and financially disastrous war-mongering must be a psycho who is preparing to go on a shooting spree. More . . .
Regan Straley
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The Utah Good Witches Meetup
Your group has a Meetup tomorrow!
You still need to RSVP.
The Order of Our Lady of Salt - Goddess Worship Service
Monday, March 8, 2010 7:30 PM
2 Yes / 0 Maybe
6876 S 2000 E
Salt Lake City UT 84120
Here's what people are saying about this Meetup Group
"I feel like part of the family. I love going to these meetups!"
— Saffyre
"A great bunch of people. Very friendly and caring. Willing to help each other out in a pinch."
— Denise
Learn more about this Meetup
Meetup Description

DJ Conway wrote that, “The faces of the Maiden aspect of the Great Goddess come in as many facets and descriptions as there are cultures around the world. Each facet is slightly different, presenting new thoughts on the Maiden, but the core symbolism remains the same.” The Maiden is creation. She is expansion—the promise of fertility, new life, and new hope. The Maiden is the transformation from the dark crone of winter to the vibrant virgin of spring bringing with her the promise of fertility to come.
Through the Maiden aspect of the Great Goddess, we discover who we are without the confines of our society. We begin to think completely for ourselves, making all of our own decisions, and living with our own consequences. We learn that we can create and construct the world we live in. We learn to speak only truth and remember the innocence we once had as children. The Maiden teaches our spirit how to truly be free.
Join the OOLS as we learn to tap into the Maiden’s energies and create a tool to manifest abundance into our lives on Monday, March 8, 2010. For more information on Goddess Service, click the Service Info tab above.
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Your weekly Payson Meetup Calendar
Your recommendations are highlighted in yellow, and your Meetups are in pink.
The Newest Payson Meetup Groups:
Utah Intentional Communities
BetterRide SLC
Utah Quidditch & Harry Potter Fans
WAM HIKES (weekday mornings)
"The System"
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in Utah
Gaming the Health Care Delivery System
SLC Investors Business Daily
Introduction to Releasing The Sedona Method Way
This Week's Meetups
Monday, March 8, 2010
7:00 PM
Happiness 101: Happiness 101: The Mechanics of Optimism
7:30 PM
The Utah Good Witches Meetup: The Order of Our Lady of Salt - Goddess Worship Service
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
7:00 AM
Fiscal (weekly) Networking Breakfast: Fiscal (weekly) Networking Breakfast Meetup
12:00 PM
Fiscal Networking Sandy: Fiscal Networking Sandy Meetup
Fiscal Networking South Valley: Fiscal Networking South Valley Meetup
6:00 PM
AYSO Cottonwood Co-Ed Adult Soccer: 1st SESSION, Co-Ed FUTSAL (No Keepers), East Millcreek
True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship: Longsword Fundamentals
Utah Grassroots Democratic Meet-up: OFA Provo Strategy Session
6:30 PM
Mind-Body-Soul Experience: Setting an Intention with Resonance RepatterningTM
Salt Lake City Metaphysics Meetup Group: Karmic Arena
The Salt Lake City French Language Group: Conversation a la Bibliotheque
7:00 PM
Card-Making and Scrapbooking Enthusiasts: Card Swap
Mind-Body-Soul Experience: Deeksha Oneness Blessing
ProvoCreative Meetup Group: Film Makers / Screen Writers Meetup
7:30 PM
AYSO Cottonwood Co-Ed Adult Soccer: 2nd SESSION, Co-Ed FUTSAL (No Keepers), East Millcreek
Salt Lake Swing Dancing: Salt Lake Swing Dancing Meetup
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
11:30 AM
BNR Networking & Referrals: BNR Networking & Referrals March Meetup
12:00 PM
Fiscal Networking Salt Lake City West: Fiscal Networking Salt Lake City West Meetup
1:00 PM
Liberty minded Patriots: Liberty minded Patriots March Meetup
6:00 PM
Mind-Body-Soul Experience: Windswept Center Meetup
Salt Lake City Law of Attraction Circle: Salt Lake City Law of Attraction Circle Meetup
Utah Grassroots Democratic Meet-up: OFA South Jordan Strategy Session
7:00 PM
New! "The System": "The System"
Card-Making and Scrapbooking Enthusiasts: Monthly Scrapbook Club
Community Reiki Circle: Open Reiki Night for Families
Utah Rising: SL County 9-12 Project: SL County Precinct Training & Mock Caucus
Vicarious Gourmet Utah County Cooking Classes: Fresh-ground Hamburgers and Portobello Mushroom Fries
7:30 PM
EFT Well-being: EFT Well-being Meetup
Thursday, March 11, 2010
12:00 PM
Happy Valley Entrepreneurs: Fiscal Networking Utah County Meetup
6:00 PM
Quantum Leap: Energy Healers Meetup Group: Millionaire Mind
Vino, Vite, Vin!: How to Choose Wine Like a Pro
6:30 PM
NetWorth Real Estate Group: Club Meeting
Utah County 9/12 Meetup Group: Mock Caucus and Delegate Training
Utah County We Surround Them Meetup: Utah County Mock Caucus and Delegate Training
7:00 PM
Atheists of Utah-Zion Sect: Atheists of Utah-Zion Sect Meetup
Meetup for The Work of Byron Katie SLC: The Work of Byron Katie in Salt Lake City - Open Group Session
Friday, March 12, 2010
9:00 AM
Entrepreneur exclusive: Turn Your Passions Into Profits Online
11:00 AM
Salt Lake City Metaphysics Meetup Group: Friday Psychic Readings at the Windswept Center
12:00 PM
Social Media University: Blogging 101
The Salt Lake City Raw Food SuperHero's Alliance: Lunch at Omar's Rawtopia!
12:30 PM
Utah Valley Real Estate Investors Association: March Afternoon Real Estate Investor Networking Meeting
6:00 PM
Paintball Meetup Group: Paintball at PBAddicts
Utah Quirky Don't-Fit-Any-Type Friends Meetup Adults 21 up: A war of Paint Ball
7:00 PM
Atheists of Utah-Zion Sect: FAMILY FRiENDLY Atheists of Utah event! Children welcomed!
Backpacking and Outdoor Recreation Group: Ding and Dang Canyons
Board Game Meetup: Salt Lake City Metro Area: Game Night - On the Road
The Hockey Meetup Group: Utah vs Stockton
Theta Healing: Group Theta Healing Session
8:00 PM
Salt Lake Witches: Stealth Coffee - Greenhouse Effect
Saturday, March 13, 2010
9:00 AM
AYSO Cottonwood Co-Ed Adult Soccer: 3v3 Futsal Round Robin Tournament, East Millcreek
9:30 AM
Salt Lake City Lost Coin Group: The Traveler's Intentions
10:00 AM
SLC 's Liberal-minded Culture Seekers: St. Patty's Day Parade!!!
True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship: Longsword Development
Utah Grassroots Democratic Meet-up: OFA Sandy Strategy Session
10:30 AM
Salt Lake City Spanish Language Meetup Group: Saturday conversation group
11:00 AM
The Salt Lake City Great Dane Meetup Group: Great Dane Day!
12:00 PM
The Springville Metaphysical and Law Of Attraction Group.: Learn to Read and Interpret the Tarot - Taught by Diane, Class One (of two)
1:00 PM
Salt lake area Paranormal society: Monestary meetup
2:00 PM
Mind-Body-Soul Experience: Mind Body Soul Experience Meetup at the Lotus
3:00 PM
Theta Healing: Theta Healing Introductory and Download in Tooele UT
4:30 PM
Salt Lake Witches: Aspen Grove Ostara by the Temple of Isis Utah. (Ploiaphesia-Isidis Navigium).
5:00 PM
Mountain West Pocket Critter Conference: Critter Info Meetup and swap
The Springville Metaphysical and Law Of Attraction Group.: Springville Metaphysical & LOA group - Social Party and Free Psychic Fair
6:00 PM
Germans in Salt Lake City: End of winter party
7:00 PM
Sober Friends: Sober Friends March Meetup
The Hockey Meetup Group: Utah vs Stockton
9:00 PM
SLC Get Up Get Out (GUGO) Group: Saturday Night Bowling
Sunday, March 14, 2010
10:00 AM
The Salt Lake City Tantric Meetup Group: The Salt Lake City Tantric Meetup
1:00 PM
Salt Lake City Coffee and Tea Lovers: March Meet up
The Magna Christian Fellowship: The Magna Christian Fellowship Meetup
TheSalt Lake City & Las Vegas Homeless Advocates: TheSalt Lake City & Las Vegas Homeless Advocates Meetup
3:00 PM
The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup: Open Circle
6:30 PM
Salt Lake City Metaphysics Meetup Group: Open Call in Show on Blog Talk Radio
7:00 PM
The Hockey Meetup Group: Utah vs Stockton
8:00 PM
Board Game Meetup: Salt Lake City Metro Area: Concert at the Cathedral of the Madeleine
All Meetup Groups in Payson
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The Team at Meetup HQ
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668

Sharon Jasper has spent 57 of her 58 years dedicated to one cause and one cause only, and has nothing to show for her dedicated servitude...
She has lived in Section 8 housing all but 1 of her 58 years. It was a legacy passed down from her parents who moved into Section 8 housing in 1949 when she was six months old. She has passed the legacy down to her children, but fears they may have to get jobs to pay for the utilities and deposits.
She laments about her one year hiatus from the comfort of her Section 8 nirvana, ' I tried it for a year -- you know, working and all. It's not anything I would want to go through again, or wish on anyone in my family, but I am damn proud of that year.'
Sharon was moved out of her St. Bernard housing project after hurricane Katrina and into a new, yet albeit, substandard quarterage. As can be noted from the above photo of her new Section 8 home, it is repugnant and not suitable for someone of Sharon Jasper's seniority status in the system. 'Don't be fooled by them hardwood floors,' says Sharon . 'They told me they were putting in scraped wood floors cause it was more expensive and elegant, but I am not a fool -- that was just a way to make me take scratched up wood because I am black. The 60 inch HD TV? It may look nice but it is not plasma. It's not a plasma because I'm black. Now they want me to pay a deposit and utilities on this dump. 'Do you know why?'
She has held her tongue in silence through the years of abuse by the system, but it came to a head at the New Orleans ' city council meeting where discussions were under way about the tearing down of the St. Bernard projects. When a near riotous exchange between groups opposing the tearing down of St. Bernard and groups wanting the dilapidated buildings torn down and newer ones built, Sharon unleashed verbal hell with her once silenced tongue. The object of her oratory prowess was an acquiescent poor white boy in attendance. The context of her scathing rebuke was, 'Just because you pay for my house, my car, my big screen and my food, I will not be treated like a slave!' and 'Back up and Shut up! Shut up, white boy! Shut up, white boy!'
Recapping from the mental log of the city council minutes in her head, Sharon repines, 'Our families have been displaced all over the United States. They are being forced to commit crimes in cities they are unfamiliar with It is a very uncomfortable situation for them Bring them back, then let's talk about redevelopment.'
Sharon directs the reporter's attention across the street to Duncan Plaza where homeless people are living in tents and states that, 'I might do better out there with one of these tents.' She further lamented her sentiments about her situation, 'I might be poor, but I don't have to live poor.'
Any wonder why this country is in the shape it is? Maybe we should all just chip in and get her the plasma TV she so richly deserves!
Remember to pay your taxes - Sharon needs your help. Spread the wealth!
March 8, 2010
Home | Recipes & Cooking | Shows | Chefs
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Announcing a new Meetup for The Utah County Freemasons MeetUp!
What: Masonic Meetup!

When: Saturday, March 27, 2010 11:30 AM
Chili's Grill & Bar
122 E University Pkwy
Orem, UT 84058
(801) 221-0884
Friends and Brethren!
Please come to our Saturday Morning Masonic meetup! Please feel free to bring questions, friends, spouses, and significant others. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday!
Learn more here:
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 | Come hang out at Iggy's this Thursday!
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 | Misty Clairaudient Intuitive sent a message to the members of Talking Tarot and other Spiritual techniques.
Subject: A fae blessing to gain deeper understanding

Faeries of both day and night,
Guide my mind to gain insight,
Help me walk the path that's right,
Through knowledge, spirit love and light.
I am trying to write a book of guidance spells and fae blessings (amongst other things) and would love to know what areas of your lives you would like to have this sort of spiritual guidance on.
Blessings of love and light
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Andersen did throw out two of the lawsuit's three counts but gave former contractors Donald Vance and Nathan Ertel the green light to go forward with a third count alleging they were unconstitutionally tortured under procedures personally approved by Rumsfeld.
Blessed are the PURR in heart!
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Switch to: Text-Only, Daily Digest • Unsubscribe • Terms of Use.Thank you everyone for responding about the upcoming Tarot class. So the class has been moved to next month. The first one will be held on Saturday April 24th and the second will be on Saturday May 1st. The time will be from 12-3pm at the coffee shop. Also I will be using the Universal Rider-Waite deck to teach the class with. If you can pick one up before class that would be wonderful. If anyone has any questions please feel free to email me anytime. Thanks so much and I am so looking forward to sharing with you all.
Bright Blessings
Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft. Get it now.
__,_._,___ Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Sweet Cookies

These scrumptious sweets will bring out the monster in you -- the cookie monster, that is. Prepared with powdered sugar you'll have a hard time to destroying all of the evidence.
Click to Read Recipe
Thank you everyone for responding about the upcoming Tarot class. So the class has been moved to next month. The first one will be held on Saturday April 24th and the second will be on Saturday May 1st. The time will be from 12-3pm at the coffee shop. Also I will be using the Universal Rider-Waite deck to teach the class with. If you can pick one up before class that would be wonderful. If anyone has any questions please feel free to email me anytime. Thanks so much and I am so looking forward to sharing with you all.
Bright Blessings
Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft. Get it now.
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 |
This is the ULC Seminary Newsletter Announcement. To unsubscribe, click the link on the bottom of the page.
"Doing That Which is Right"

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Hello char!
MAILINGS LAST MONTH! - Oh, the joys of technology! I'd like to sincerely apologize to those of you who got a flurry of emails from the seminary all in one day. Most of you, (I hope) realized it was a mailing program glitch and not some bizarre spamming technique. My program apparently hadn't been working properly for a little while now because when it was 'fixed', EVERYTHING that had been backlogged went out at once. Ugh with a capital U. Once I realized how many were going out, I had a bunch deleted from the cue, but a lot still went out. Please accept my apologies and know that it wasn't on purpose. If it ever happens that you get a flurry of emails from the Seminary, please know that it is NEVER on purpose and generally a glitch in either the mailing program or my use of the mailing program. Thanks.
NEW COURSE - A New Course is available. The course is called, the Master of Astral Projection. It's a 24 week course which talks about the techniques for increasing your ability to astrally project. There is information posted about it at, as well as a sample. Within a few weeks, we'll also have one called the Dr. of Christian Ethics. It'll be high-lighted in next month's announcement, but you can keep an eye out for it.
HELP FOR THE SEMINARY - I have been asked before how people can be of service to the seminary. I do have a request, for those who would be interested. As many of you know, we have mailings for two kinds of sermons, Sunday school, newsletters, seminary student mailings and Chaplaincy mailings. Oh, and the kind words. I have a little trouble keeping up on some of them. What I'm looking for is some help on the sermons and the Sunday School lessons. If you have an html program (I've found that there are free html programs available online -- shareware and such), I could use some help finding/formatting the lessons to be ready to go out. I've put up a page outlining my request/need with a place to download the lesson templates. If any of you could help with that, I'd be ever so grateful. There's no min. or max number you can do. If you sent something to me once or decided to do a few every couple of months, etc. it would all help.
CONTEST - Another request: I'm hoping that I'll be able to enlist your help next month. I'm entering a book writing contest that depends on people going online to vote. I'll let you know when it gets closer, but I do hope I can count on you to cast a vote in my direction.
KIND WORDS - I'd like to thank all of you who have been giving me such great responses to the kind words campaign. I think it has become my favorite thing to do for the Seminary. I am finding how big a difference it makes for people to get a few words of encouragement. I'd like all of you to try it. At least one day a week, if not more, say at least one encouraging thing to someone who needs it. Say something uplifting, positive and true. Say it without expectation, but with the intention of spreading good in the world. Mean what you say. Notice the difference.
It's available at
RADIO SHOW - I was on Cynthia Vickers' radio blog show last week. She did a great job. If you're interested, here's the link: If anyone else has a ULC-related radio show and would like a guest, I'm happy to do it.
CANADA - I've been working on the application for becoming a charity in Canada. It seems to be the first step. The universe seems to be putting things in my path because the email I was sent with the numbers to call/fax seem to have disappeared out of my email box. If the person who has those numbers to fax and call would re-send them to me, I'd appreciate it. It seems to all have disappeared.
GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE - We have great interest in this idea. Now that I know people want it, I'll start doing some research for the best deal and the best way to do it, given that there are so many different states involved. When I know something, I'll post it, announce it, put it on facebook, etc. I currently have a few people who have offered to look into it for us.
SALE ITEMS - There are still a lot of items on sale right now. Wedding Workbooks by the case are currently on sale. Buying the books in bulk are a great way to save money on the books. Giving the books to your couples enhances your professional image and makes your job much easier, by allowing the couples to select and customize their own ceremonies.
I found that by giving the couples a book, people comment frequently that the ceremony seemed so 'them' and wondered if the couple wrote the ceremony themselves. Give it a shot.
The social networking sites that we've been using are below:
Thanks for everything!
Rev. Amy Long
Program Director
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ULC Seminary
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Elk Grove, CA 95758
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Hello to all. I'm Joan and just now produse first movie with me naked. Is it looks normal?
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Paganism / Wiccan

Paganism / Wiccan
Pagan Living
From Patti Wigington, your Guide to Paganism / Wiccan
This week, the big story is that of an Iowa teacher who wouldn't allow a student to build a Wiccan altar in class -- was it a case of simple fairness, or is there some underlying discrimination at play here? We're also looking at the shenanigans of the folks in fundie fan club Repent Amarillo, and a reader wants to know what he should give up for Lent if he's Pagan. Have a magical week, and watch for Friday's Special Edition of the newsletter, where we'll be looking at the dynamics of coven structure!
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Altar Case Could Be Education Opportunity
We've been following the case of Iowa shop teacher Dale Halferty, who received a five-day suspension after forbidding a student to build a Wiccan altar in woodworking class -- there's been some question about the legality of Halferty's actions, so he's getting a few days off work while the school district's attorney's sort things out. Originally, Halferty said, "no religious items can be built at all by anyone," but later added that he was being forced to act against his Christian beliefs, and that Wicca is Really Really... Read More
Repent Amarillo Back in the News
Thanks to PollyAmory for sending this bit my way -- remember a year or so ago when we talked about the right-wing nutjobs from Repent Amarillo? They're the "prayer warrior" group that targets sin-filled places like swingers' clubs, coffee houses, and breast cancer events. Well, last month Observer reporter Forrest Wilder got a chance to sit down with Repent Amarillo's leader, Dave Grisham, and the conversation is, at the very least, illuminating. Grisham goes into extensive detail about how his mission is to save the souls of ... Read more
Reader FAQ: Pagans and Lent
OK, so I recently got an email that asked, in part, "I'm trying to figure out what to give up for Lent. I'm a Pagan, so it's kind of hard for me to decide. Do you have any suggestions?"
Yes. If you're Pagan, my suggestion would be to not even worry about Lent. Here's the thing - it's a Christian holiday, and the notion of giving things up for it is in no way related to any Pagan spirituality. Lent is a forty-day period of preparation before Easter, and the whole "giving stuff up" bit is in honor of the death and ... Read More
Join Me at the Gift of Light Expo!
If you're in the Central Ohio area, stop in next weekend, March 13 & 14, and visit me at the 8th Annual Gift of Light Expo! It's a great festival that brings the metaphysical community together, and includes all kinds of workshops, lectures, energy workers, readers, vendors and artists. I'll be doing readings and selling books at... Read More
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Patti Wigington
Paganism / Wiccan Guide
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Vampire Community News

A message to all members of Vampire Community News
Letter: Vampire Craze Is A Dangerous Fad
(Danger Of Library Books On Vampirism In Hands Of Teens)
To the Editor:
Vampire and blood fetishes run amok: Twilight, the “vampire lifestyle” and
paraphilias turned fads. Parents are responsible in the youth culture
war that is being lost.
By: John Shaw, Mitchell
March 5, 2010
The Daily Republic: Mitchell, South Dakota
View Entire Article Here + Library Information:
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Meetup Reminder
You Are Psychic!
Your group has a Meetup Saturday, March 20, 2010 1:00 PM!
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You Are Psychic Meetup
Saturday, March 20, 2010 1:00 PM
5 Yes / 2 Maybe
Coffee Creations
147 E State Road 73
Saratoga Springs UT 84045
(801) 768-4475
Here's what people are saying about this Meetup Group
"They have open and minds and open hearts. You will learn and grow from this group."
— Shelley
"Because of the accepting environment and opportunity to grow and learn from two very kind and gifted individuals."
— Diana
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Meetup Description
Outline for this meetup still pending based on where we are at on the Mar. 6 Meetup, more than likely Meditation training will be the focus.
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668
Hi Char,
Yes you can make payments no problem at all. Just let me know what you can do and we will get it worked out.
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2010 22:28:32 -0500
Subject: Re: [Applied-Metaphysics] Upcoming Tarot Class
that's is fine ,I still want to take the class ,but I want to work out a payment plan with you.I just can't pay $100.00 in one sitting.let me know what going on with the class as for shelly and i were going to take them together.
Blessed Be...High Priestess Char Norton
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Vampire Community News
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True Voodoo Documentary Series - 2010
Produced By: Edward Paige & Liane Su
Voodoo Authentica w/Belfazaar & Endless Night Vampyre Ball (Father Sebastiaan, Maven, etc.)
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Hello charTuesday March 09, 2010

If you haven't taken advantage of our special partnership with for a free copy of the The Angel Encounters E-Book, don't waste another second to download it.
Angels are with us 24/7. You might not notice, but they are there. Sometimes people feel like their angels aren’t in their lives, but their angels really are right there every moment and they are communicating with them with great love.
This must-read 89-page E-Book is filled with true life stories of how angels impact our every day lives and features real angel experiences from people just like you. Best of all, you can download it for FREE right now!
We're very lucky to be able to bring this special offer to members in conjunction with This fascinating 89-page E-Book will keep you glued from beginning to end. Don't waste another minute and download your FREE copy of the Angel Encounters E-Book today. Click here to Download Now!
Best Wishes,
PS. If you have a friend who is interested in angel, forward them this e-mail right now! We guarantee they will thank you over and over again for their copy of the The Angel Encounters E-Book!
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The Utah County Freemasons MeetUp
Your group has a Meetup tomorrow!
You still need to RSVP.
Meetup at Iggy's!
Thursday, March 11, 2010 6:30 PM
2 Yes / 0 Maybe
1087 South 750 East
Orem UT 84097
Here's what people are saying about this Meetup Group
"This group is great."
— Marco Greis
"Great bunch of guys."
— Jon
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Meetup Description
Meetup hosted by Tosh Metzer and David Reed to discuss Freemasonry. Masons and non-Masons are more than welcome!
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668
Remembering Corey Haim's Career & Life

He burst on to Hollywood scene at 13
and was poised to be the next 'It' boy.
But then he began a downward spiral.
Tragic story of triumph and despair|htmlws-main-n|dl3|link4||htmlws-main-n|dl3|link5||htmlws-main-n|dl4|link3||htmlws-main-n|dl5|link4||htmlws-main-n|dl5|link5|
Be Sure to Read:
The Pagan/Wiccan Reading Lists
Take the Seven-Day Ostara Class
2010 Pagan/Wiccan Calendar
Blessed Be...High Priestess Char Norton

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