Misty Clairaudient Intuitive March 21 at 1:39pm Reply
Seed plantation would be the most appropriate way of celebrating Ostara as symbol of new life and new beginning.
Picking up some wild flowers while going for a walk in the woods can
be an enjoyable way to celebrate Ostara and you may add to your list of
celebrations things like shunning the smoking and even going for a new
Blessings of love and light to you all
)O( ]
Raven Grimassi March 19 at 7:39am Reply
Spring is just a few days away. Time to bless a seed and name it something you wish to gain this year. Plant the seed and care for the plant, and you will be magicallly drawing what you deisre into manifestation.
And speaking of magic, come by an visit the shop:
With all good wishes,
Irish Pagans March 16 at 7:27am Reply
hi I have a broken wrist so this Round-Up will be short and sweet
merry part
Anti Irish Racism March ~ Kirkintilloch
Saturday, March 27th, 12:00am at Assemble Civic Way Kirkintilloch (Tom Johnston House)
You have been invited by Cairde Na HÉireann.
SAVE NEWGRANGE http://www.facebook.com/?sk=2361831622#!/group.php?gid=438725795435
PAGAN PARENTING http://www.facebook.com/?sk=2361831622#!/group.php?gid=59934566740
Galway Pagan Moot http://www.facebook.com/reqs.php#!/event.php?eid=340296120740
Cork Pagans Open Ritual- Hi all We're organising an Open Ritual to celebrate the Spring Equinox for next Sunday, the 21st of March.
It will take place in a local woodland near Cork City. We will organise a taxi to and from the location.
An Fainne Moot - Neil Byrne
Cork Monthly Pagan Moot http://www.facebook.com/?sk=2361831622#!/group.php?gid=279526580790
WITCHES OF FACEBOOK - THE UNIVERSAL CRAFT- WICCA- PAGANS - DRUIDS http://www.facebook.com/?sk=2361831622#!/group.php?gid=20851170868
Dublin Pub Moot http://www.facebook.com/?sk=2361831622#!/group.php?gid=28386197287
Maternity for Downpatrick, HELP. http://www.facebook.com/reqs.php#!/group.php?gid=314660568826
"C E L T I C" - 'My People, My Ancestors, My Heritage!' http://www.facebook.com/?sk=2361831622#!/group.php?gid=287639572265
Waterford Animal Welfare http://www.facebook.com/?sk=2361831622#!/group.php?gid=342823205981
Ireland for Megan's Law http://www.facebook.com/?sk=2361831622#!/group.php?gid=340610984642
Fans of Tiocfaidh Ár Latte! http://www.facebook.com/?sk=2361831622#!/group.php?gid=368638626928
SAVE IRELAND ... We want out of the EU it's killing our Independence http://www.facebook.com/?sk=2361831622#!/group.php?gid=292988335599
The Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages http://www.facebook.com/?sk=2361831622#!/group.php?gid=69354642222
Misty Clairaudient Intuitive March 8 at 3:36pm Reply
Faeries of both day and night,
Guide my mind to gain insight,
Help me walk the path that's right,
Through knowledge, spirit love and light.
I am trying to write a book of guidance spells and fae blessings (amongst other things) and would love to know what areas of your lives you would like to have this sort of spiritual guidance on.
Blessings of love and light
Rochelle Moore March 5 at 3:40am Reply
What are your thoughts on telepathy? - from BEYOND THE THIRD EYE ( a journey into the realms beyond our physical existence)
paranormal book- Rochelle Moore
Franz Anton Mesmer (born Friedrich Anton Mesmer) on May 23rd 1734 and was a German physician and astrologist, who discovered what he called magnétisme animal (animal magnetism) which was later named Mesmerism. His theory was based on an belief that "living bodies contain a magnetic fluid and through manipulating this fluid, a state of balance could be restored within the body."
Mesmer named his theory Animal Magnetism and in the year 1783 started The Society of Universal Harmony in Paris. France was not ready for Mesmer's theory and he settled in Germany where he withdrew his involvement with the society and began to work on his own. Mesmerism was the forerunner to Telepathy.
"Telepathy" is derived from the Greek terms tele ("distant") and pathe ("occurrence" or "feeling"). The term was coined in 1882 by the French psychical researcher Fredric W. H. Myers, a founder of the Society for Psychical Research (SPR). Telepathy essentially means that one person is able to communicate with another, without using sight, sound, body language, or any other type of actual physical communication. There are many paranormal states attached to the mind and Telepathy is another unique gift which very few people possess.
Telepathy, through Telekinesis, is the art of moving solid objects by the used of mind power alone. Others, using telepathy, can create thoughts that affect how we respond or even force us to act in a way that is foreign to our very nature. Telepathy is the ability for direct mind-to-mind contact and communication e.g.; being able to pick up on another's thoughts or transfer your thoughts to another. It is the ability to communicate via our mind with another person via their mind. As with any other natural ability such as seeing and smelling some individuals are born with this natural talent.
.........skipped a bit in the chapter
In Scientific terms the universe is full of this energy; it is what creates everything at that basal level. Through Quantum Physics and Physics all things in the universe, at basal level, are made up of energy. .......
Science has proven that we expend energy through our emotions, thoughts etc., and if this is the case then it is possible for one person to pick up on the energy of another person's brain and absorb it into their energy...
what are your views on Telepathy?
Jezi Bee March 4 at 6:48pm Reply
I have utah wasatch pagans set so anyone can post anything? I'm just hoping that people didn't think otherwise. I'd love for us to chat more here. Thanx for your support.
Misty Clairaudient Intuitive March 2 at 1:16pm Reply
May the angels keep you till morning.
May they guide you through the night.
May they comfort all your sorrows.
May they help you win the fight.
May they keep watch on your soul.
May they show you better ways.
May they guard you while you're sleeping.
May they see you through your days.
May they show you new hopes.
May they still your every doubt.
May they calm your every fear.
May they hear you when you shout.
May the angels keep you till morning.
More than this I cannot pray.
And if the angels ever fail you.
Then may God be there that day.
Rochelle Moore February 17 at 3:57am Reply
Hi this is a very interesting read and link (photos on main wall of group)
join in
Maria Leach February 12 at 2:28pm Reply
Bring into play the almighty power within you, so that on the stage of life you can fulfill your high destined role.
-Paramahansa Yogananda
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.
-Marcel Proust
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.
-A Course In Miracles
Always define who you are before you define others, open your eyes to all of lifes possibilites, and never close yourself off to anything life has to offer.
Just remember everyone no matter how down you feel, or how low you have become, just bring yourself up and make clear definitions as to what you want and seek them out with an open mind, body, and soul
Light and Love
Irish Pagans February 4 at 10:18am Reply
Merry meet a survey please. How many of you do not wish to receive my WEEKLY ROUND UP as it has been pointed out (rather stupidly) to me that someones boss may see it.
If you do not wish to receive the weekly round up from me let me know
This is a service for all pagans in Ireland and Abroad and I have been informed the Pagan Federation of Ireland dont like it???? wtf???
If you dont want to be a part of this group you have a choice guys but I will not be berated for sending out a pagan service by one man with an obvious grudge...
sorry about this I just want to know if you want the information about Moots, meetings, events etc. in ireland and internationally and if not I also want to know
Merry part
VAMPIRE.COM March 19 at 5:35pm Report
Dear romantic immortals,
The New Moon DVD lands tonight! Thus, I invite you click here-http://bit.ly/9C4dKA- and enjoy the movie in the company of 12 vampires!
Eternally Yours,
VAMPIRE.COM March 17 at 12:27pm Report
Happy St. Patrick's Day to all Immortals! Celebrate and enjoy - 10% OFF all purchases at http://www.wickedwinesonline.com - Only Today!!! Type on the checkout cart coupon code: VSTPAT
TI Beverage Group, Ltd.
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Fear Nought Productions March 16 at 3:43pm Report
Hi Noughties -
Check out this event. Bring the kiddies, tell your friends.
Anna Childs Storytime Reader
Location:Barnes and Noble Olympia
Time:6:00PM Saturday, March 27th
Pagan Writers Community March 15 at 5:52am Report
Please lend us a hand in voting for the best entry in our 2010 PWC Flash Fiction Contest!
1. Head to this site: http://pwc-contests.webs.com/
2. Read the four entries competing for the Grand Prize.
3. Select your favorite entry from the list to the right.
Voting will officially end at 11:59 pm CST on Friday, March 19th so get your vote in today!
Angelique Mroczka
Founder, Pagan Writers Community
Voting for the PWC Contests - Home
The guidelines, prizes and timeline for the PWC Poetry Contest should be announced before the end of the month. Watch the site or our wall on Facebook for notification when they become available.
Realms of Magick March 10 at 7:26pm Report
We have combined both realmsofmagick.com and realmsofmusic.com ito one site. we took all the good from both, started over an added new features..check it out and rejoin, show your support
we could use everyones support...i really like to have eveyone at least check it out and join.
tom and anne
Welcome to the Frontpage
Realms of Magick and Realms of Music. Discover the Mysteries together today :)
Travel. Write. Live. The No B.S. blog about Travel and Writing March 9 at 4:09pm Report
This Saturday night, I will be giving a chat about what I love to
do most, travel and write. The talk will be at VIVA Gallery, 13261
Moorpark Street, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 for the California Writers Coalition at 6:45,
http://www.meetup.com/Writers-Coalition/calendar/12681057/. I hope to help budding travel enthusiasts how to write about travel better and answer questions and concerns about the field of travel writing.
Hope to see you there.
And now for the highlights and inspiration from the past couple of weeks!
Now Featured on Travel. Write. Live.
* What is Creative Nonfiction? Think the Three Little Pigs,
part 1: Exploring fact or fiction and where truth comes into the
story of the Three Little Pigs. http://travelwritelive.com/?p=1057
* What is Creative Nonfiction? Truth in Pigdom, part 2: Okay,
great. We have talked about pigs, but about the rest of us?
* In Photos: Pueblos Magicos of Mexico: Some photos from some
of the Magical Town in historic Mexico.
* Serving Travel: Teaching Travel Writing: A few thought on
public speaking before I actually do it.
* Free Stuff: Culture is Our Weapon: Travel. Write. Live. is
now offering a new giveaway. Culture is our Weapon by Patrick Neate
and Damian Platt and welcomes Penguin Group to TWL's giveaway
sponsors, bookmark my Free Stuff page and check back the15th of
every month. http://travelwritelive.com/?p=990
Until next time, happy travel,
The No B.S. blog about Travel and Writing for Life.
Travel. Write. Live. is the No. B.S. blog about travel and writing for life
Shaman's Blessings March 7 at 7:01pm Report
If you know anyone (including yourself) who could use a physical and spiritual progression NOW, please get in contact. This is elite spiritual training and will allow you to create your life in balance and joy.
Empower Thyself
Enter through the doors of the temple to your soul - Discover the Mysteries within.
Time:10:00AM Saturday, March 27th
VAMPIRE.COM January 25 at 6:27pm Report
Here is how I like to get seduced...
Eternally yours,
TI Beverage Group, Ltd. :: Vampire Wines :: Trueblood Wine :: Trueblood Napa Valley Syrah
The inky black and blue color of the 2004 Trueblood Napa Valley Syrah is an indication of its power. This wine will bruise your soul with its palate crushing cherry, plum smoke and spice. Rich toasty oak and silky smooth tannins soften the blow enough for you take another sip. ...
VAMPIRE.COM January 22 at 6:34pm Report
I welcome you to meet and enjoy my family...
Eternally yours,
TI Beverage Group, Ltd. :: Specials :: Meet the Vampire Family
As we all know, for centuries vampires have been transforming mortals into immortals. After a human is transformed, he or she then becomes part of the family of his maker. For the past 300 years, I have been expanding my family of Vampires and giving the gift of eternity for those who deserve it. .....
VAMPIRE.COM January 21 at 3:40pm Report
Let me know if you have a recipe to seduce a Vampire that uses Vampire Chocolate ...
TI Beverage Group, Ltd. :: Vampire Chocolate :: Vampire Fine Belgian Chocolate 10 Pack with $8.99 SH
Vampire Fine Belgian Chocolate 10 Pack with $8.99 SHIPPING Vampire Chocolate X-Cart: full-featured PHP/MySQL shopping cart software & ecommerce solutions for the best ecommerce websites
VAMPIRE.COM January 20 at 4:18pm Report
Dear Vampire,
I would like to invite you, my special friend, to join our Vampire Wine Society. Join us on our quest for the ultimate wine experience and indulge in the pleasures of the Vampire world.
Eternally yours,
TI Beverage Group, Ltd. :: Vampire Wines :: Vampire Vineyards :: Vampire Wine Society
Come join us “behind the scenes” and become part of our Vampire Wine Society, a club comprised of enthusiasts, friends and family of Vampire Vineyards®’ family of wines. It is free to join, and as a member ...
VAMPIRE.COM January 19 at 6:42pm Report
This is one of my favorite gadgets as it allows me to drink a few different bottles at the time without having to finish them - so I can drink them again at a latter occasion.
Let me know what you think...
Eternally yours,
TI Beverage Group, Ltd. :: Specials :: Vampire in the Bottle Special
Vampires have always been fascinating nocturnal creatures. I would bet my left fang that if you have already encountered a Vampire® and survived to tell how seductive and charming a Vampire® can be, you would die to have a second rendezvous. ...
VAMPYRES November 17, 2009 at 1:17pm Report
C'est officiel ! Les dvds de VAMPYRES sont arrivés dans les (somptueux) locaux du Chat Qui Fume et les précommandes sont déjà en phase de livraison !!! On verse une larme sur le sort de Stéphane qui doit passer beaucoup de temps dans les bureaux de poste de son quartier... ; )
. http://www.scope35.fr/47-vampyres.html
VAMPYRES November 15, 2009 at 5:27pm Report
Mise en ligne sur la page de VAMPYRES d'un court extrait de l'interview de LUKAS ZPIRA présente en bonus sur le dvd de VAMPYRES.
Autres actualités :
Publication ce mois-ci d'un article d'Hubert Prolongeau dans Le Monde Magazine, où il est question de VAMPYRES et de Father Sebastiaan. Rien de bien transcendant, mais il est intéressant de noter que les médias se mettent à exploiter le filon vampyrique pour surfer sur le phénomène Twilight.
Du côté de VAMPYRES et de LA SPIRALE, on attend la mise en ligne imminente d'une interview de MARCOS DRAKE entièrement consacrée à ses recherches sur le vampirisme et à la nature très particulière de la ville de Venise.
Des recherches qui donneront prochainement lieu à un nouveau livre de MARCOS DRAKE. Actualité également à suivre sur LA SPIRALE.
An eZine for the Digital Mutants ! :.
Cyberculture, pop culture, contre-culture et subcultures du 3eme Millenaire... La Spirale - Un eZine pour les Mutants Digitaux !
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Paganism / Wiccan
Paganism / Wiccan
Pagan Living
From Patti Wigington, your Guide to Paganism / Wiccan
Some big news in the religious freedom files this week -- the state of New Jersey has ok'd Pagan holidays as excused absences for students, and an Arizona town has rescinded a ban on in-home religious meetings. Also this week, the Sedona sweat lodge deaths have been ruled accidental, but James Arthur Ray could still go to trial, Hadrian's Wall gets illuminated, and cops in Mexico as for some magical protection. Have a magical week, and watch for our special edition on Magical Gardening coming on Friday!
Follow Pagan/Wiccan on Twitter or Join Me On Facebook.
NJ Approved Pagan Holidays for Excused Absences
There have been some rumblings about this for a couple of weeks, but I wanted to wait to share it until it was actually confirmed -- and this is really cool. Kris Bradley of Examiner.com reports that the New Jersey Board of Education has approved a list of eight Pagan holidays for excused absences. This means that if you're a Pagan with a kid in the New Jersey public school system, your child may take a religious holiday as an... Read more
AZ Town Will Rescind Ban on In-Home Meetings
The town of Gilbert, Arizona, stirred up a Constitutional poo-storm when they started enforcing a little-known zoning code that prohibited in-home religious assembly. The ordinance was originally created a few years back to help alleviate traffic problems in neighborhoods, but apparently was interpreted by town officials "to mean that small church groups could not meet in their own homes." That caused a problem when the Oasis of Truth Church, which has a whopping seven parishioners, got a cease-and-desist letter saying they could no longer ... Read more
Sweat Lodge Deaths Ruled Accidental
CNN is reporting that a medical examiner in Arizona has determined that the October deaths of three people in a sweatlodge were accidental. Autopsy reports show that James Shore and Kirby Brown died of "heat stroke brought on by the sauna-like conditions inside the tent." Lizbeth Neuman died two weeks later after multiple system organ failure, "a result of prolonged exposure in the sweat lodge." The three were participating in ... Read More
Switch Off Your Lights for Earth Hour
Spring's here, the days are getting a little longer, and it's time once again for Earth Hour. If you haven't heard of this, it's a growing movement that encourages people to shut off their lights for one hour in an effort to call for action on climate change. It's not a partisan issue, it's not a political one, it's simply a chance to take an hour out of your ... Read more
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Mexican Police Turn to Magic for Help
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for your communities to grow and free and independent, while allowing interaction with houses etc, while remain protected and free from the politics of a house haven rules...
we need organizers to plan meertups, and events i would like to have more people in the various areas, find good meeting places hit area 51 as it would seem to be thw only goth club i the whole of utah please subit more ideas , and places ...
it is not very difficult to be leader in your own communities, being a leader is very simple. just be willing to put out the idea of something to do (hell chuckie cheese bbq hit the cemetery for a picnic skiing hiking we can do just about anything , group rates might apply, movies, etc. here in cali we like to go to pizza and watch a movie then hit the midnight showing of the sequel .
hit the club in a group. we had a great meetup at the fang bangers ball at barsinister 22 people including a few non affiliated visitors like Ziltchy , ui will be doing a interview on night watch radio so once again any questions or even if you might be interested in helping this group just message me
D, ,
This message was sent by D, , (danzigevillive@aol.com) from Club des Vampires Utah Chapter Meetup Group.
To learn more about D, ,, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668
support@meetup.com Meetup Reminder
Club des Vampires Utah Chapter Meetup Group
Your group has a Meetup tomorrow!
You still need to RSVP.
Ogden Meetup
Thursday, March 25, 2010 6:00 PM
4 Yes / 0 Maybe
There's still room for 16 more.
Grounds For Coffee
111 25th Street
Ogden UT 84401
Here's what people are saying about this Meetup Group
"Fun people, coffee, laughter."
— kailover
"to have community with others of our ilk"
— michael
Learn more about this Meetup
Meetup Description
After reviewing the answers to the poll, it looks like there's just some folks with issues regarding transportation (contact me via email - maybe we can arrange something) and folks with rotating shifts who are going to be hit or miss anyway.
With that in mind, Mike and I would like to host the next Ogden Meetup on Thursday, March 25th.
We'll meet at Grounds for Coffee from 6 pm until 8 pm. The shop closes up at 8, but if we're deep in discussion, we will make arrangements to continue them. We'll be in the loft, as always. Everyone is, of course, welcome! Hopefully, we'll see you there.
Again: If you're struggling for transportation, contact me! We should be able to work something out.
Carpe Noctum~
Heather, PQ
Add info@meetup.com to your address book to receive all Meetup emails
To manage your email settings for this group, click here
Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668
Real Vampirism & Energy Work Research Study
A message to all members of Real Vampirism & Energy Work Research Study
1.) LibraryThing - Vampire & Otherkin Community
In case anyone's curious as to what's on my shelves or other's from the vampire and otherkin community (one's I could find). I finally finished cataloging and tagging the books in my personal library on LibraryThing earlier today. Yet one more thing checked off the "To Do List" before I get married next month. There are some uncommon works on vampirism and the occult listed for those interested in such subject matter.
Merticus - http://www.librarything.com/profile/Merticus
Michelle Belanger - http://www.librarything.com/profile/kheperu
Raven Orthaevelve - http://www.librarything.com/profile/Orthaevelve
Nytemuse - http://www.librarything.com/profile/nytemuse
Lupa - http://www.librarything.com/profile/lupabitch
Orion Sandstorrm - http://www.librarything.com/profile/therithere
2.) Jason Constantine Of SangSpace Is Hosting A Vampire Community Q&A Session With Jonathon Sharkey Tonight (March 24, 2010) @ 9 PM ET (6 PM PT) On IRC
* Review the instructions before joining this chat:
We have 3 ways you can access this chat this evening.
1. Visit SangSpace.com and log in then join the chat room
2. The general public may access this chat by going to http://www.mibbit.com/chat/ and searching for SangSpace
3. From any IRC client
Server: irc.dal.net
Port: 6667
In order to keep thing legible in the chat and make sure any many peoples as possibles questions gets answered I am asking that everyone understand this will not be an OPEN chat discussion. What I mean by not open is that only those who are currently asking questions will be able to type in the chat room along with myself and Jonathan Sharkey.
We are expecting a fairly large group tonight and in order to ask your questions I ask that you message me via private message with your question. From there i will ask the question and give you and Jonathan the chance to discuss. Answers to each question and rebuttal will be limited to 3 minutes.
Jonathan has stated that he only has 30 minutes to chat this evening. so if you wish to get your question asked early, please send it to me via email at masterjc86@gmail.com and i will address these first.
Please understand that this is in everyones best interest so that we can keep the chat moving and not get misdirected and have people talking about random things or making comments. I do apologize for having to do this in this manner but I have to keep things as organized as possible since we have limited time.
There is to be absolutely no foul language, no flaming, and no smart ass comments. You are all to act as civil as possible on BOTH sides of the fence. If there are any threats, or abusive language you will be removed from chat immediately.
If you would like to submit your question via email please provide the following information in your email:
Name you will be using in chat:
Your question:
Thank you
Jason Constantine
Visit Real Vampirism & Energy Work Research Study at: http://suscitatio.ning.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network
To control which emails you receive on Real Vampirism & Energy Work Research Study, click here
This past weekend the Southern Utah Pagan Alliance did meet for out 2010 Ostara Celebration. The event was held in Ivins down by a branch of the Santa Clara river in a fairly private yet surprisingly convenient location.
The weather was absolutely beautiful and the temperature was perfect. It was lovely to see such friendly and familiar faces. We were blessed to have Sagemoon as our hostess who helped us stay focused and the particular events of the celebration ran smoothly and was very enjoyable. Thanks to Rose who called directions of our circle in a very beautiful way and I'm hopeful she will do a repeat of that in the future. Sagemoon, your guided meditation was a special gift. Sagemoon was such a gracious hostess that she arranged for her sweet Sister, Eyvonne, to perform events with the children, who were delighted in crafts and play, while the adult attendees were freed up to be completely in the circle. How very thoughtful.
All attendees really connected in the circle and we were able to speak to each other from our hearts and ego-less selves. I love the way Lynn's love overflows as he speaks to us in the circle. We all commented on how blessed we all felt to know that there were others like ourselves to share such an experience with.
After our wonderful circle completed we broke for a pot luck of delicious picnic fair. Everyone had more than enough to eat and the children were in particularly happy moods. Little Zara said she had "the best time ever", and she wants to meet her new friends again very soon. At about 5pm we decided that we would all journey back to our cars and depart. Along the way our group made sure to pick up any trash around the site or path.
I can see us now, a sweet little group of friends and family down the path away from the road by a babbling brook. Hawk mates dance overhead in the sky. As we sing, dance, laugh, love, play, eat, give thanks and then make sure we are good caretakers of this spot we've been blessed to find for our Ostara celebration. Viewing the whole event I smile upon our creation and I do believe the universe rejoices with us.
See you all at the next brew which should be the 1st Sunday in each month.
I have a special proposal to present to the group this coming brew.
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Blessed Be...High Priestess Char
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