a blog of daily updades,info and news to up in my grimore and attch to my book of shadows for my coven
Monday, December 31, 2012
new year new you!
Star coven will be back to having meetings, we still need help so we are calling all Wiccan ,pagan , druids, and others in Utah and surrounding counties in Utah. To join us. meeting are family oriented. We are lokng for all type of people to help with rituals, meeting places, children's teachings, daycare, and more. you can reach me by email @ charnorton@aol.com or text/call me @ 801687-6616 leave a message and i will get back to you between 5pm -9pm. or message me on meetup, facebook, twitter, and more. All Are Weclome! (we are all one)
Self help for you!
Sylvia_Browne The simpler we can keep life, the happier we are. Sometimes, in this age of noise and negative news, it's not... fb.me/2dAbN2nlm http://www.sylviabrowne.com/video?chartID=308&pid=7649
Sylvia_Browne The simpler we can keep life, the happier we are. Sometimes, in this age of noise and negative news, it's not... fb.me/2dAbN2nlm http://www.sylviabrowne.com/video?chartID=308&pid=7649
Dr. Phil "Life Code"

Let me start by saying… I WANT THIS BOOK… I WANT THIS BOOK... and I want it so bad. I was watching Dr. Phil, while kids have been sick… youngest’s ear infection is so bad he’s up most of the night crying, doing pain meds, and his doctor believes in things going naturally. Which means I had a recall of when he was an infant, up crying, me feeling helpless, and I’ve had such a lack of sleep that even the strongest coffee couldn’t cure.
Dr. Phil "Life Code"
Back from my sidetrack, I was watching Dr. Phil, half asleep to be honest (have other children so I am up all day too). And he started to say things I’ve felt! Like having a hard time understanding why horrible people get ahead, good people are walked all over, but mine has been a spiritual struggle.
Dr. Phil "Life Code"
Evil 8 (signs)
1.) Arrogant Entitlement
2.) Lack of Empathy
3.) No Remorse
4.) Irresponsposible/Self-Destructive
5.) Thrive on Drama
6.) Brag about Outsmarting
7.) Short-Term Relationships
8.) Fantasy World/Delusional
Nefarious 15 (More Signs)
1.) Infiltrate your life
2.) Create Conspiratorial Conflict
3.) Depend on Approval
4.) Build a file
5.) Misdirect and Obfuscate
6.) Blame Others
7.) Lie
8.) Frauds/Cheaters
9.) Isolate Victims
10.) Abuse Authority
11.) Press Hot buttons
12.) Revisionist of History
13.) Two-faced/Gossip
14.) Paranoid
15.) Passive-Agressive
Sweet 16 (how to succeed)
1.) Define Image
2.) Perception of Eloquences
3.) Play "big"
4.) Accept Praise
5.) Become Essential
6.) Know your real currency
7.) Always have a plan
8.) Keep things "close to the vest"
9.) Investigator Mode
10.) Behave your way to success
11.) Keep options Open
12.) Master System
13.) Nucleus of Supporters
14.) Deal only with truth
15.) Ute Others' ego
16.) Pick your battles
Easy meditation techniques
In this article, I will outline some of my favorite techniques for rapidly getting into a meditative state. It may be difficult to find time to sit down and forget about the world for half an hour. So, here I will describe techniques you can benefit from, even with limited time to practice.
Meditation tends to be as easy or difficult as we make it out to be. If you are the type of person who is constantly planning, or working on something, then it may be challenging to sit in silence. This may not be true though, if you have a highly focused mental attitude. So, it really depends on you. The meditation techniques which are outlined here, will help you quickly counteract racing thoughts.
Remember, the purpose of meditation is not to struggle with your mind; instead, allow it to peacefully settle on it's own.
First technique - Meditation Visualization Exercise
This meditation technique can be done easily, and requires very little time. The benefits of this technique are quite powerful. If practiced regularly, it will build your visualization and concentration skills over time.
For this meditation, focus should be placed on a mentally created visual image. Select a simple geometrical shape, with a basic color. Think of something which may be symbolically meaningful for you in some way. As an example, I choose to imagine a yellow triangle because it has personal significance. You might prefer to imagine a blue square, red circle or something to that effect.
In order to help you visualize, draw your chosen shape on a blank piece of paper. Then use it as a reference point to start your visualization meditation. Stare at the image for about 30 seconds, then close your eyes and try to see it in your mind's eye. Try to keep your eyes closed for 1 minute with the image in your head. If you can't see the image steadily yet, then open your eyes and stare for another 30 seconds. Continue doing this until you can hold the image of the shape in your mind steadily. If you find that your mind is wandering while practicing this visualization exercise, then you can also accompany the image with a simple mantra. Just by repeating to yourself , "Focus on the triangle" or whatever you've chosen, you will direct your mind back to focus on the intended task.
Doing this will help build concentration, while eliminating other mental distractions. If you keep with this practice, you will be able to clearly see this imagined shape in your mind. Eventually you can transfer this visualization ability to more complex imagery. This is a great technique for artists, or anyone interested in a simple effective meditation technique.
If you are interested in a more detailed explanation of the visualization process, please see this article: Mental Imagery Visualization
Second technique - Simple Stress relief visualization
We all experience stress at one point or another. So, it's important to know how to cope with it when we have a stressful experience. Learning a simple meditation technique which you can use at any time, will allow you to quickly eliminate stress.
Stress can be a good indicator that we need to make adjustments in our life. So, it shouldn't always be thought of as negative. Instead we should take a moment to see it for what it is. By using a few easy meditation techniques, you'll be able to take a step back from the situation, so that you can see it from a more objective point of view.
This quick stress relief method involves a simple visualization. If you have difficulty visualizing, then feel free to review my article describing different visualization building exercises.
This simple method can be described in one line - Imagine the source of your stress inside of a bubble. Please, allow me to elaborate a bit. Doing this causes two things to happen - You activate higher order thinking processes, and you eliminate the conditioned immediate negative reaction.
Rather than immediately reacting to the stressor in a conditioned way, we instead activate the higher regions of the prefrontal cortex. It allows us to be in the moment, using creative higher-order thinking processes.
While you imagine the source of your stress trapped inside of a bubble, you can also take a nice deep breath. Now imagine the bubble floating away with your problem trapped inside.
While your real problem may not float away, this easy meditation technique will allow you to take a moment to regain your composure, so you can deal with your difficulty in a calm productive manner.
I promised easy meditation techniques in this article; however, I've written another article outlining 3 very quick and effective stress relief techniques which you may be interested in as well.
Third technique - Mindfulness meditation
There are many different ways to engage in the practice of mindfulness meditation. I've found that the easiest meditation techniques for mindfulness are: counting breath, mantra meditation and cycling senses.
Each of these techniques are effective for bringing the mind into the present moment. The purpose of these exercises is to increase overall awareness. Generally speaking, increased awareness allows the practitioner to notice particular habits or patterns of thought, which they may want to change. Simply being aware of these habits will allow you to see them from a more objective point of view. Sometimes, seeing a problem from another point of view is all that's necessary to help resolve it.
The simplest method for mindfulness meditation is to focus on your breathing. Feeling the tactile sensations caused by the flow of air brings the mind to the present moment in one-pointed concentration. Combined with belly breathing, this technique for mindfulness creates a very powerful relaxation response. It's an excellent technique for ridding the mind of distracting thoughts, and relieving stress.
There are many ways to enhance this concentration, which I've outlined in another article that is dedicated entirely to mindfulness meditation. If you would like to learn more about this type of meditation, please read this article:Mindfulness meditation.
Fourth Technique - Meditation with Binaural Beats
In my opinion, binaural beats are an effective tool for helping reach deeper levels of meditation with minimal effort. Of course the purpose of meditation is to avoid mental efforts, but sometimes it seems unavoidable. Rather than allowing the mind to come to a peaceful state on it's own, we tend to become sidetracked with distracting thoughts. When these thoughts pop up, instead of allowing them to pass, we may find ourselves getting caught up in the thinking process. With binaural beats, distracting thoughts can be brought to a minimum through the process of brainwave entrainment.
Using binaural beats audio will help your mind come to a single point of concentration, with less conscious effort on your part. binaural beats will guide your brain to produce a different brainwave pattern. Doing so will put you into a relaxed state of mind, free from normal anxious thinking. The process of brainwave entrainment is described in my binaural beats article. If you are interested in learning how they can help you reach deeper levels of meditation, then please read the article here: binaural beats
I hope that you've found some easy meditation techniques here that interest you. It's always good to have a solid foundation when beginning your meditation practice. Remember, there are no shortcuts when it comes to meditation. These methods are outlined so that you can experience the positive mental states that will develop with a long standing meditation practice.
Learning these meditation techniques will help you maintain a beneficial meditation practice. Even if you intend to pursue advanced meditative states, it's always a good idea to keep these essential practices in mind.
Celebrate 2013: New Year, New You!
Many fear the number 13. However, I challenge you to make 2013 a lucky year for you! Stick with me, and you’ll shred those fat jeans and spandex for good.
What’s your 2013 resolution? Is it to lose weight? Quit smoking? De-stress? Whatever it is, the first step is to get motivated. Without the proper inspiration, how can you drive yourself to achieve your goals? Why not find a quote to inspire you and get you off that couch? One of my favorites is a quote by Gandhi: “Be the change you want to see in the world.” It motivates me to stay healthy and keep my patients and viewers happy and healthy. You can borrow a healthy quote or two from me and put it on your Pinterest board for safe-keeping! Try finding a healthy resolution for yourself on my official Pinterest board. Post it on your board to serve as a reminder.
Next, you’ll need to blast away all those holiday calories. Start with what you can handle. I’m a big fan of making small and reasonable goals for yourself. Why not start with planning to lose just 10 measly pounds? It may seem like nothing, but you’d be surprised how 10 pounds can drastically improve and lengthen your life. Read more about the benefits of losing 10 pounds, and learn our five rules to losing 10 pounds.
Exercising is a great way to jumpstart your weight loss and alleviate stress. Exercise releasesendorphins, which improves mood, reduces stress, and releases energy. Try some new yoga poses or my trainer Donovan Green’s No Excuse Workouts! These workouts serve as a great first step to get yourself into an exercise-friendly lifestyle. From there, you can graduate to harder exercise classes, swimming classes, water aerobics or my favorite, pilates!
Donovan Green’s exercises are below:
- No Excuse: Couch Potato workout
- No Excuse: Knee Injury workout
- No Excuse: Back Pain workout
- No Excuse: Chair Workout
- No Excuse: Sculpting Workout
Controlling your portions and cutting the junk food are good initial ground rules for every body type. Try some new healthy recipes from Doctoroz.com and my official Pinterest board. You’ll find hundreds of delicious Oz-approved recipes.
Finally, if stress is the biggest culprit in your life, you can count on my friend, Oprah, to show you six ways to hide the signs of holiday stress. From there, make 2013 a stress-free year filled with pure bliss! Find ways to improve your life with my ultimate stress checklist.
Need more ways to make 2013 a healthy new year for you? Visit my New Year, New You Pinterest board for more inspiration, ideas, and recipes.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
new year 2012

![♥ ===> @[315857621811604:274:Body Positive] & @[162540213867109:274:Positive P's Page] <=== ♥](https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/s480x480/602693_466065280124170_1456880486_n.jpg)

![@[308905965834497:274:Women's TEA TIME] <3](https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/s480x480/3885_461678743890551_1751083780_n.jpg)
The Istari of Middle-Earth.
from left: Pallando, Radagast, Saruman, Gandalf, and Alatar
Art by Tristan Wang.
http:// tristan-haohao.deviantart.com/
Daily Devotions of the Goddess
Goddess of all creation, bless this new year,
Let us sing your praises for all the world to hear.
In love and light and peace sublime,
As it was in the beginning and through the end of time.
Goddess of all creation, bless this new year,
Let us sing your praises for all the world to hear.
In love and light and peace sublime,
As it was in the beginning and through the end of time.

“Did you know that a snowflake is a mirror? A tiny snowflake is a reflection of the human soul. If you really look at the leaf of ice that lands on your palm, you will see the creative design, the unique and beautiful pattern that is once only. It will never exist again in that form. It is perfect and precious as it is. It is like all other snowflakes, for it is made of the same substance, but it is unlike all others because it has its own special mark, like the finger prints on your hands. So, when you next see the first few flakes of winter snow don’t just rush to thoughts of snowballs or stuck cars, think deeper. Think first of your own uniqueness and then the uniqueness of every other human soul. And thank God/dess for your place within this remarkable world-wide family.”

![~ via @[215224475274336:274:Doctor Of Laughter] ~
visit us at: www.doctorlaughter.com](https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/s480x480/207680_241420185988098_860481345_n.jpg)
![Share the Wisdom ---------------->>>> @[197995260283190:274:Words of Wisdom]
Visit our NEW website : www.Daveswordsofwisdom.com for more <3
For more meaningful posts, pay a visit to our sister pages : -http://www.facebook.com/WordsToInspireTheSoul
A beautiful fact from a wolf brother and advocate --
Jimmy Wilson
The Dec. full moon is called "The moon when the wolves run together." by Native Americans..
Jimmy Wilson
The Dec. full moon is called "The moon when the wolves run together." by Native Americans..

The Full Moon
Full Moon is when the moon has reached its zenith, it forms a perfect silvery sphere in the sky. This is a time for spells that transform, increase psychic ability, for fertility spells and invocation to lunar goddesses.
This is a time of strength, love and power.
At this time the moon represents the Goddess in her Mother aspect, give praise to Cerridwen, Isis or one of the other Mother Goddesses. The period of the Full Moon lasts from about 3 days before to 3 days after the actual full moon.
Moon of Celebration"
Location: Moon is 180 - 255 degrees ahead of the Sun
Span: Fourteen days to seventeen and a half days after the New Moon.
Time of the Mother Goddess. Anu, Hera, Isis, Demeter, Freya, Luna, Diana, Spider Woman, Chaos, Frigg, Morrigan, Ta - Urt. Beautiful, radiant MoonMother. LadyMoon.
Positive activities:
Very intuitive and productive time. Especially: Fertility; Magic; Dreams; Meditation; love; Matters of the home; Beauty; Money; Creativity; Psychic abilities. A time of heightened feelings. Not a good time for major decisions for they will be colored with emotional debris. Do not seek medical treatment, inoculations, operations are at its least favorable. Wounds bleed more, and the formation of scar tissue is more pronounced.
Major workings should occur now. This is the climax of the obvious moon power. Relates to the Growing plant as it pierces the ground.
______________________________ ________________
Full Moon Rituals/Magick
Posted by Lady of the Abyss ♥ ( Witches of the Craft.com )
The Full Moon each month is particularly potent magickal ally. Some of your best magick can be created under her influence and with her guidance. Although there is only one night every month which the Moon is totally full, a Natural Magician knows that two days before and two days after the Full Moon are also good times for magickal endeavors. Use the following as a guide for your spellcrafting.
January Full Moon – Wolf Moon
Good for…..
Spells involving organization, ambition, career, politics, healing for the knees, bones, teeth, skin.
February Full Moon – Ice Moon
Good for………
Spells involving science, freedom, friendship, breaking bad habits or addictions; healing for the calves, ankles, blood.
March Full Moon – Crow Moon
Good for…….
Spells involving music, art, telepathy, dreams, healing for the feet and lymph glands.
April Full Moon – Planter’s Moon
Good for….
Spells involving authority, rebirth, leadership; healing for the face and head.
May Full Moon – Flower Moon
Good for……
Spells involving love, money, acquisition; healing for the throat and neck.
June Full Moon – Strawberry Moon
Good for…..
Spells involving communication, writing, travel; healing for the arms, hands and lungs.
July Full Moon – Blood Moon
Good for…….
Spells involving the home and for honoring lunar gods and goddesses; healing for the chest and stomach.
August Full Moon – Corn Moon
Good for…..
Spells involving authority, courage, fertility; healing for the upper back, spine, heart.
September Full Moon – Harvest Moon
Good for……
Spells involving employment, health, diet; healing for the intestines and nervous system
October Full Moon – Hunter’s Moon/ Blood Moon
Good for………
Spells involving justice, unions, balance (spiritual and otherwise), artistry; healing for the lower back and kidneys.
November Full Moon – Snow Moon
Good for……….
Spells involving power, psychic growth, sex; healing for the reproductive organs.
December Full Moon – Cold Moon
Good for……….
Spells involving travel, sports, truth, animals; healing for the liver and thighs.
It is very likely that you will find different names for each month’s Full Moon, depending on which source and traditions you use. It really makes no difference what you call the Full Moon; these correspondences still apply. And of course, you don’t have to wait for the “correct” Full Moon. These guideline just help add the appropriate Goddess energy to your own natural energies to meet your desires.
Sources: Thewhitegoddess.co.uk
Amazing art by: Jarto
Many Full Moon Blessings
Magickal Moonie
Yvonne )O(
Full Moon is when the moon has reached its zenith, it forms a perfect silvery sphere in the sky. This is a time for spells that transform, increase psychic ability, for fertility spells and invocation to lunar goddesses.
This is a time of strength, love and power.
At this time the moon represents the Goddess in her Mother aspect, give praise to Cerridwen, Isis or one of the other Mother Goddesses. The period of the Full Moon lasts from about 3 days before to 3 days after the actual full moon.
Moon of Celebration"
Location: Moon is 180 - 255 degrees ahead of the Sun
Span: Fourteen days to seventeen and a half days after the New Moon.
Time of the Mother Goddess. Anu, Hera, Isis, Demeter, Freya, Luna, Diana, Spider Woman, Chaos, Frigg, Morrigan, Ta - Urt. Beautiful, radiant MoonMother. LadyMoon.
Positive activities:
Very intuitive and productive time. Especially: Fertility; Magic; Dreams; Meditation; love; Matters of the home; Beauty; Money; Creativity; Psychic abilities. A time of heightened feelings. Not a good time for major decisions for they will be colored with emotional debris. Do not seek medical treatment, inoculations, operations are at its least favorable. Wounds bleed more, and the formation of scar tissue is more pronounced.
Major workings should occur now. This is the climax of the obvious moon power. Relates to the Growing plant as it pierces the ground.
Full Moon Rituals/Magick
Posted by Lady of the Abyss ♥ ( Witches of the Craft.com )
The Full Moon each month is particularly potent magickal ally. Some of your best magick can be created under her influence and with her guidance. Although there is only one night every month which the Moon is totally full, a Natural Magician knows that two days before and two days after the Full Moon are also good times for magickal endeavors. Use the following as a guide for your spellcrafting.
January Full Moon – Wolf Moon
Good for…..
Spells involving organization, ambition, career, politics, healing for the knees, bones, teeth, skin.
February Full Moon – Ice Moon
Good for………
Spells involving science, freedom, friendship, breaking bad habits or addictions; healing for the calves, ankles, blood.
March Full Moon – Crow Moon
Good for…….
Spells involving music, art, telepathy, dreams, healing for the feet and lymph glands.
April Full Moon – Planter’s Moon
Good for….
Spells involving authority, rebirth, leadership; healing for the face and head.
May Full Moon – Flower Moon
Good for……
Spells involving love, money, acquisition; healing for the throat and neck.
June Full Moon – Strawberry Moon
Good for…..
Spells involving communication, writing, travel; healing for the arms, hands and lungs.
July Full Moon – Blood Moon
Good for…….
Spells involving the home and for honoring lunar gods and goddesses; healing for the chest and stomach.
August Full Moon – Corn Moon
Good for…..
Spells involving authority, courage, fertility; healing for the upper back, spine, heart.
September Full Moon – Harvest Moon
Good for……
Spells involving employment, health, diet; healing for the intestines and nervous system
October Full Moon – Hunter’s Moon/ Blood Moon
Good for………
Spells involving justice, unions, balance (spiritual and otherwise), artistry; healing for the lower back and kidneys.
November Full Moon – Snow Moon
Good for……….
Spells involving power, psychic growth, sex; healing for the reproductive organs.
December Full Moon – Cold Moon
Good for……….
Spells involving travel, sports, truth, animals; healing for the liver and thighs.
It is very likely that you will find different names for each month’s Full Moon, depending on which source and traditions you use. It really makes no difference what you call the Full Moon; these correspondences still apply. And of course, you don’t have to wait for the “correct” Full Moon. These guideline just help add the appropriate Goddess energy to your own natural energies to meet your desires.
Sources: Thewhitegoddess.co.uk
Amazing art by: Jarto
Many Full Moon Blessings
Magickal Moonie
Yvonne )O(

![Find opportunities in EACH new day...
<3 @[507450309280707:274:Happy by Choice] <3](https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/s480x480/309495_577536922272045_2074274250_n.jpg)

Fairy Faery Names and Description
This fairy creature originates from England, which is odd because the name Anthropophagi is Greek. There is no known evidence of this fairy being involved with the Greek folk beliefs. In Greek, this fairy’s name translates to “Man eating”. This is an air fairy, meaning its main element is air.
First of all, this is not a fairy you want to run into since he is a headless cannibal. The tiny brain he has in the first place is said to be near his reproductive organs. His eyes are placed on his shoulders, and his mouth is in the center of his chest. He has no nose, which is good because it enables him to eat human flesh without gagging. It is said they only kill when they are hungry but still be weary of them extremely weary.
Do not try to contact them because they are unknown. No one knows where it is at and what help they could give you if found them. But, it would be a better idea not to go looking for them anyway. These fairies weren’t commonly known in England until the famous playwright William Shakespeare. In his plays Othello and Merry Wives of Windsor he made these horrible creatures famous. This type of fairy was already a part of the lore in England but his play made them even better known.
Now, some people say these aren’t even real fairies, but a remnant memory of a cannibalistic race that migrated from Africa to Britain in the Dark Ages. Here is a fairy that proves not all fairy creatures that live in fairyland are nice people.
Posted by Lady Abigail
![From the @[131609146980505:274:Stifyn Emrys] page.](https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/s480x480/65150_184211141720305_1160614182_n.jpg)

Cheers to India. I wish people in America reacted like this to rape, crime, or ANYTHING unjust, really. Sadly, we're taught to be apathetic, self-centered drones in this country, but I have hope that both social concern and empathy will increase with time.
(Admittedly, I may be overly pessimistic, as a number of significant sociopolitical protests have occurred in the USA in the recent future, and have seen varying amounts of success -- not all hope is lost!)

or cowen
you got here Wil Wheaton sing soft kitty!
Singing Soft Kitty For Anne
My wife is home sick with bronchitis and sinusitis. She asked me if I would sing her Soft Kitty. When I obviously said yes, she asked if she could film it, s...

Charlene Norton shared a link.
for those we have lost
When death visits
it is not always about physical death
but about the end of old ideas
thought patterns
old perceptions.
When death visits accompanied by horse and bat
horse carries you through safely
under the camouflage bat shows you how to use.
If this resonates with you, I sense you are on the verge of great change in many areas of your life.
Embrace it, you'll emerge with a greater understanding of the cycle of birth, death and rebirth with a new view of the world.
It is also a time of understand the reality of what is dark (and I do not mean evil) so you can conquer any fears. This is a testing time for many.
Do not fear this, for if you do your fears will manifest. If you embrace change, look to new opportunities then you manifest more than you can imagine.
Exciting times ahead.
love & light ... ♥
copyright Soul Wolf Journey 2012
it is not always about physical death
but about the end of old ideas
thought patterns
old perceptions.
When death visits accompanied by horse and bat
horse carries you through safely
under the camouflage bat shows you how to use.
If this resonates with you, I sense you are on the verge of great change in many areas of your life.
Embrace it, you'll emerge with a greater understanding of the cycle of birth, death and rebirth with a new view of the world.
It is also a time of understand the reality of what is dark (and I do not mean evil) so you can conquer any fears. This is a testing time for many.
Do not fear this, for if you do your fears will manifest. If you embrace change, look to new opportunities then you manifest more than you can imagine.
Exciting times ahead.
love & light ... ♥
copyright Soul Wolf Journey 2012

“The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.” – Black Elk

Dog bless you Joe Krieble
![✭ From the @[131609146980505:274:Stifyn Emrys] page. ✭](https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/s480x480/15658_10151411849881518_126143652_n.jpg)
From - The Wyrding Way
The moon is high upon the hill
And we have come to work our will
What is your will, O children wise-o?
To call the Queen who rides the skies-o
Our silver Queen who rides the skies
But is she dark or is she bright?
How shall you know her in the night?
What is her token to her own-o
That she among you might be known-o
That she among you might be known..
She is bright as starlight clear
Yet in the dark we know her near
The threefold moon is her own sign-o
That we may know her as divine-o
That we may know her as divine.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hdd4AvIyO9w -

we are all one!
Did you need a reason to smile today? Well, here you go. :)

Four Lower Bodies For Healing Resources

"Screams Of The Unicorns Filled The Air"
The dark-gray steeds, with pure white horns, were ordered to act as the first wave when the Barbarian King’s army attacked. These unicorns were fearless, and they moved ahead of Kepler’s giant cats who were assigned to be the second wave.
Numbering 50 strong, the magical steeds galloped into battle. Lightning erupted from the end of their horns and arced between the men of Brandor’s army. The joints of their plate armor and links of their chainmail were welded solid as they fell to the ground, charred, smoldering and lifeless.
The magic of the unicorns was overwhelming, and Brandor’s men were forced to retreat, dodging from side-to-side to avoid an electrical death. But on this Peak, at this very spot, Nathan, a sergeant, and four of his men would choose to hold their ground. They refused to run. They found an alcove within the lava rock that covered the battlefield and hid inside it while they waited for the unicorns to pass.
Nathan’s father, Fordamus, had been a tactician of war for most of his life, and he had advised the late King of Brandor, Keldwin, for many seasons. Fordamus was essential when it came to planning battle strategies to protect the kingdom. These strategies had also been embedded into Nathan as a child and allowed him to recognize a helpless situation when he saw one.
Nathan knew their current location on the battlefield was without an exit strategy, but he would not go down without a fight. The sergeant and his men would attempt to narrow the odds before they perished.
The five men removed their armor and crawled out of the alcove. “Careful boys,” Nathan whispered. We’re only going to have one shot at this.”
Nodding, the men crept up behind the magical steeds. Their approach was fast and silent. From a stealth-run, the men plunged their blades deep into the necks of an equal number of unsuspecting unicorns. As the steeds fell to the ground, the men quickly chopped off their horns and clenched them in their hands.
Realizing what had happened, the rest of the herd stopped.
Nathan shouted, “Hold them tightly! The horns will protect us from their magic! Ready your blades, and fight together! No matter what ... no surrender!”
“NO SURRENDER!” the men shouted in the direction of the unicorns.
As the steeds encircled the group, lightning, fireballs, and a storm of ice was used against them, but the severed horns’ magical resistances kept them safe.
The eyes of the unicorns filled with rage. They knew their magic was useless against their own power. They scuffed their hooves across the lava stone and tightened the circle.
Nathan shouted, “We will perish with honor, boys! No surrender!”
Suddenly, from above, the mighty griffins, led by Soresym, plowed into the unicorns. One after another, like meteors, the griffins dove with their wings tucked tight against their bodies. Just before impact, they spread their razor-sharp talons on their front legs and the claws on their back paws and drove the unicorns into the ground.
Red sprayed in all directions like bombs of blood had been dropped from a tremendous height. The force of the spray stung the faces of Nathan’s men and offered renewed hope during the same moments.
The screams of the unicorns filled the air, matched only by the shrieking battle cries of the griffins. The smallest of these winged attackers—weighing more than 4,900 pounds—buried its talons deep into the flesh of one of its enemies and severed the unicorn’s spine with ease.
Thirty unicorns perished with no chance of defending themselves. The others, though injured, responded by using their magic to teleport home to the Dark Forest. The mightiest threat to Brandor’s army had been disbanded in a matter of a few short moments, and Nathan’s men shouted praises for their winged allies.
Here is the Amazon link for the ebooks
http://www.amazon.com/dp/ B009D78VW0
Here is the Barnes and Noble link
http:// www.barnesandnoble.com/w/ worlds-of-the-crystal-moon- phillip-e-jones/ 1106968854?ean=294001569510 6
"Screams Of The Unicorns Filled The Air"
The dark-gray steeds, with pure white horns, were ordered to act as the first wave when the Barbarian King’s army attacked. These unicorns were fearless, and they moved ahead of Kepler’s giant cats who were assigned to be the second wave.
Numbering 50 strong, the magical steeds galloped into battle. Lightning erupted from the end of their horns and arced between the men of Brandor’s army. The joints of their plate armor and links of their chainmail were welded solid as they fell to the ground, charred, smoldering and lifeless.
The magic of the unicorns was overwhelming, and Brandor’s men were forced to retreat, dodging from side-to-side to avoid an electrical death. But on this Peak, at this very spot, Nathan, a sergeant, and four of his men would choose to hold their ground. They refused to run. They found an alcove within the lava rock that covered the battlefield and hid inside it while they waited for the unicorns to pass.
Nathan’s father, Fordamus, had been a tactician of war for most of his life, and he had advised the late King of Brandor, Keldwin, for many seasons. Fordamus was essential when it came to planning battle strategies to protect the kingdom. These strategies had also been embedded into Nathan as a child and allowed him to recognize a helpless situation when he saw one.
Nathan knew their current location on the battlefield was without an exit strategy, but he would not go down without a fight. The sergeant and his men would attempt to narrow the odds before they perished.
The five men removed their armor and crawled out of the alcove. “Careful boys,” Nathan whispered. We’re only going to have one shot at this.”
Nodding, the men crept up behind the magical steeds. Their approach was fast and silent. From a stealth-run, the men plunged their blades deep into the necks of an equal number of unsuspecting unicorns. As the steeds fell to the ground, the men quickly chopped off their horns and clenched them in their hands.
Realizing what had happened, the rest of the herd stopped.
Nathan shouted, “Hold them tightly! The horns will protect us from their magic! Ready your blades, and fight together! No matter what ... no surrender!”
“NO SURRENDER!” the men shouted in the direction of the unicorns.
As the steeds encircled the group, lightning, fireballs, and a storm of ice was used against them, but the severed horns’ magical resistances kept them safe.
The eyes of the unicorns filled with rage. They knew their magic was useless against their own power. They scuffed their hooves across the lava stone and tightened the circle.
Nathan shouted, “We will perish with honor, boys! No surrender!”
Suddenly, from above, the mighty griffins, led by Soresym, plowed into the unicorns. One after another, like meteors, the griffins dove with their wings tucked tight against their bodies. Just before impact, they spread their razor-sharp talons on their front legs and the claws on their back paws and drove the unicorns into the ground.
Red sprayed in all directions like bombs of blood had been dropped from a tremendous height. The force of the spray stung the faces of Nathan’s men and offered renewed hope during the same moments.
The screams of the unicorns filled the air, matched only by the shrieking battle cries of the griffins. The smallest of these winged attackers—weighing more than 4,900 pounds—buried its talons deep into the flesh of one of its enemies and severed the unicorn’s spine with ease.
Thirty unicorns perished with no chance of defending themselves. The others, though injured, responded by using their magic to teleport home to the Dark Forest. The mightiest threat to Brandor’s army had been disbanded in a matter of a few short moments, and Nathan’s men shouted praises for their winged allies.
Here is the Amazon link for the ebooks
Here is the Barnes and Noble link
![White Holiday.
from: @[228348587275368:274:Wild Eyed Southern Celt]](https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/s480x480/531852_10151039650882537_1611895136_n.jpg)

Dear Lady, under the full moon I do pray, may your light shine down upon all of your children and bring them healing. May our hearts know peace. May we awaken our spirits unto you, and see the things that as of yet been unseen. We worship and adore your beauty, as we bathe in your full moon light, may we breathe it in and feel it cleanse our souls and renew us. Blessed Be!

![A public service announcement from the @[131609146980505:274:Stifyn Emrys] page.](https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/s480x480/557559_184030305071722_616746853_n.jpg)

rose by any other name still smells a sweet, rose is rose is ,is rose

![One powerful quote ~ @[131609146980505:274:Stifyn Emrys]](https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/s480x480/307208_10151412322966518_1904867105_n.jpg)

![Mila Kunis on being chosen Sexiest Woman Alive by Esquire magazine ...
Thanks to @[171908146175659:274:Beauty Is Inside].](https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/s480x480/155842_534385396572443_704247706_n.jpg)
Pan and Dionysus/Dionysos
At the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.
At the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.

Mother's quote "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other." A week ago today, 20 beautiful angels were forcibly taken from us in the massacre at Newtown, Connecticut. We pray for their families and friends. We especially pray for the brave souls that put themselves between the killer and the children and sacrificed their lives. It was Henry Ward Beecher that said "Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven." May their souls rest in peace.
~ Three Ways to Find an Animal Totem ~
(Written by Lupa and posted to llewellyn.com - http://www.llewellyn.com/
Any animal species that has ever existed has a totem. (The same goes for plants, fungi, and the like, but we'll stick to the critters here.) Even better, we're not limited to working with just one totem. People often ask me, "How do I find my animal totem?," to which the response may be, "Well, which one?" Mind you, I'm not talking about a set number of totems. In my experience, we don't all have a template that we have to fill up with our own totemic menagerie. The nature and number of totemic relationships we have are unique to each of us.
The most common way people find animal totems is through guided meditation. This usually involves traveling a path or down a tunnel that comes out into a place where you can meet your totem. (One example may be found here.) The benefits of this method are that you have enough structure to get you into a meditative state of mind, while having enough freedom to allow whatever totem wants to meet you to show up.
But what other options are there, especially for those who may not want to grub around in metaphysical tunnels? A deck of totem cards is simple, but severely limits the potential range of totems that can come up (since there is just one totem per card, and you can only fit so many cards into a deck). Animal sightings in dreams and waking life may or may not have significance, but most of the time the former is a matter of your brain picking out animal symbols at random while you sleep, and the latter involves living animals going about their daily business without a care for any human's spiritual business. Your favorite animal isn't necessarily your totem, either; totems most often choose us, especially those who shake us out of our familiar comfort zones.
So what's an aspiring totemist to do? Here are a few possibilities that may work for you.
Totems of the Four Directions
First, make a list for each of the four cardinal directions (North, East, South, and West). In each list include all the qualities and correspondences that you associate with that direction.
Next, set up a ritual space and set each list in its corresponding quarter, along with any other symbols of that direction you like. (Avoid any animal symbols, as they may subconsciously bias you toward the species depicted.)
Start with North. Settle yourself comfortably in the Northern quarter. Meditate on all the qualities of North that you wrote down, and any others that come up. As you do, be on the lookout for animals that come up in your stream of consciousness. If you like, quietly call for a totem to step forth out of the North, and see if anyone shows up.
You may find you get a very clear answer, or you may just get hints of a fin or wing. Either way, once you're done meditating in each quarter take down as detailed a set of notes of your meditation as you can, before moving on to the next quarter. If you only get definite totems in some quarters, start working with them, and then "check in" with the other quarters periodically to see if any totems show up after time.
Meeting the Totemic Self
When Carl Jung wrote about archetypes in the first half of the twentieth century, he wasn't just talking about "the archetypal dragon," but rather about deep impulses in the shared human psyche that took on particular forms. For example, the Shadow archetype embodies our most hidden (and sometimes shameful) drives, the things about us that we may find very frightening. The Persona is not who we are, but who we present ourselves to be, the mask of being a social creature.
In my own totemic system, the totem that most people think of as "my" totem is what I call the primary totem. (While you can have more than one primary totem, I'm going to refer to a singular primary for the time being.) In many cases, the connection a person has with their primary totem isn't just a very strong bond; it stems from the Self, who they are and what makes them an individual. While Jung's original conception of the Self isn't in animal form, and it shouldn't be seen as exactly the same as an animal totem, one's primary totem can represent the Self in a convenient personal shorthand, as it were. On the other hand, your primary totem, and the totem that represents your Self to you most closely, may be two entirely different species.
Some of you may already know exactly which totem(s) are your Self totems. If not, ask yourself these questions: Have I ever thought of myself as a (non-human) animal, in play or symbolism? Do I feel a particular resonance with another species? Have others thought I reminded them of a type of animal?
If you've never thought of yourself in animal terms, take the time to do so now. If you were going to be any other animal, what might it be? Spend some time reading about animals around the world, watch some documentaries, and otherwise immerse yourself in finding out about the great diversity of beings on this planet. Do any of them remind you of yourself?
Don't assume that the animal(s) that come up when you answer these questions are totemic, but they are starting points. Again, you can check with the totems themselves through meditation to ask them whether there is a real connection, or if it's just wishful thinking on your part. Also, the Self is a very deep archetype, and the totem(s) you associate with it may not be the sum total of what that archetype is, just as you are not limited to your totem. Over time, though, you may discover very intricate relationships among you, your Self, and the totem(s) you are closest to.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider Totem
As the Self totem brings you to your deepest inner workings, so Bioregional totems take you to explore the world around you. Your bioregion (also known as an ecoregion) is the natural area around you, often defined by a particular type of ecosystem, or delineated by the boundaries of a given watershed. Bioregions may also overlap and even contain each other.
Your first step should be to identify your bioregion(s). Wikipedia has a listing of ecoregions by country that you can use as a starting point. You're welcome to hone your focus even more finely, sticking to perhaps a mile radius from your home as an example.
You may already be familiar with the local fauna; however, if not, this is a great time to get out and get to know the area and its nonhuman inhabitants better. While a lot of them, especially the smaller critters, are sleeping here in the Northern hemisphere as winter approaches, others may be out and about (and on the other half of the world everyone's waking up, being born, and otherwise making a fuss!) And, of course, you can continue your explorations indefinitely.
While you're exploring your territory, as it were, you may find that certain animals really jump out at you (hopefully not literally!) These may just be the most noticeable of the local fauna, but there's also a chance that their totems may be willing to help you connect to your area. If you do think that a particular bioregional totem may have a special connection with you, again take the time to ask it directly. This is especially effective when done in a place where you see the physical animals quite a bit, if possible. And if it does turn out that this totem wants to work with you, take special care to get to know the habits and adaptations of its physical counterparts in the places where you find them. Understand their relationship with their habitats, and you'll have a good, strong start to knowing both your totem and your bioregion better!
Checking Your Work, and Other Troubleshooting
One of the potential pitfalls of trying to identify one of your totems is letting your expectations get in the way. For example, many people think that their totems should be big, powerful animals like Gray Wolf or Bald Eagle. Sometimes they may be right, but other times they may be ignoring totems that are a better fit for them, like King Salmon or Western Telipna Butterfly or even Organ Pipe Coral.
If you want, use the guided meditation I linked to early in the article to go and talk directly to the totem you think may be contacting you. It could be a case of mistaken identity, but it could also be the beginning of a beautiful friendship! Also, the proof may be in the pudding—over time, anyway. If you find that a totem's presence in your life is disruptive, or simply doesn’t seem to be a good fit, you may have misidentified the totem, or the relationship may simply not be a good match.
If more than one totem shows up during your explorations, don't assume you have to choose among them! As I mentioned before, there are no hard and fast rules as to how many totems you can (or must!) have. It may be that you have three totems that want to show you different parts of your bioregion, or four different totems that each represent the direction of South depending on what season it is.
Finally, if you don't get a totem to show up immediately, don't fret. Sometimes the totem that's the best match may not feel ready to approach you, or may not feel you're ready to work with it just yet. You could be having trouble concentrating enough to get a good connection (this is especially true for those who are fairly new to meditation and other spiritual practices). Give yourself a few weeks or even a couple of months off from trying, and then give it another shot!
(Artwork by WhiteSpiritWolf - www.whitespiritwolf.devian
*The Coven Avalon claims no rights to this artwork, or any on our page. If this work belongs to you and you would like for us to remove it, please contact us and we will certainly do so. Being a non-profit educational site, we operate under the Fair Use rule of the US Copyright Law - please refer to the page information for full details. Blessings!

~ Crock Pot Spinach & Mushroom Lasagna ~
This vegetarian lasagna is assembled and cooked in the crock pot--a perfect solution for people on the go.
* Ingredients:
1× 10 oz Frozen Box of Spinach, thawed and squeezed dry
1 Tbsp Olive Oil
1 clove Garlic
1 Small Onion
1× 8 oz Fresh Mushroom
2 Tbsp Dry Red Wine
½ tsp Salt
1× 8 oz Tomato Sauce
1× 6 oz Tomato Paste
2 cups Spaghetti Sauce
12 Lasagna Noodles, uncooked
1 Egg, slightly beaten
1× 15 oz Ricotta Cheese
½ cup Grated Parmesan Cheese
2 Tbsp Parsley Flakes
1 dash Fresh Ground Black Pepper
2½ cups Mozzarella Cheese, shredded
* Directions:
Heat olive oil in a medium skillet.
Add garlic, mushroom, onion, salt and wine let simmer for about 10 minutes or until mushrooms and onion are tender. Next, add tomato paste, tomato sauce, and spaghetti sauce cooking at least 10 minutes. Meanwhile, mix egg, spinach, ricotta cheese, Parmesan cheese, parsley, and pepper. Add enough milk to make ricotta cheese mixture creamy. I add 3 to 4 tbsp milk, (it depends on whether you like it creamy).
Spread a layer of spaghetti sauce over the bottom of a 4 to 6 qt crock pot.
Layer 4 noodles, broken into pieces to fit, then add a layer of spaghetti sauce mixture followed by a layer of ricotta cheese mixture, sprinkling half of mozzarella cheese over ricotta cheese mixture. Repeat layers.
Cover and cook on low setting 4 to 7 hours.
(Recipe/photo courtesy of http:// crockpot.betterrecipes.com/ crock-pot-spinach-and-mushroom- lasagna.html?utm_source=crowdi gnite.com&utm_medium=referral& utm_campaign=crowdignite.com)
*The Coven Avalon claims no rights to this artwork, or any on our page. If this work belongs to you and you would like for us to remove it, please contact us and we will certainly do so. Being a non-profit educational site, we operate under the Fair Use rule of the US Copyright Law - please refer to the page information for full details. Blessings!

Light And Dark Witchcraft shared BlackListed.'s photo.

Chain of Healing - Please continue the chain...
Please add your name or a loved ones name to this Healing Chain in the comments…
Light and Love of the Goddess --- Lady Patti
“Love is a chain of love as nature is a chain of life” Truman Capote
Each day we come across those that need our blessings of light from within The Goddess to heal a sickness, to heal a sorrow, to heal a loss. To heal…
The blessing below I will post it each day so that you may “like” the posting and comments on the healing needs. Add your healing comments and needs to this chain. By liking the post and comment, those in need will see that you thinking of them and sending your healing energies to them.
Please add your comments, wishes and blessings as needed to the Chain of Healing.
Blessed Lady – healer of our pain, source of our strength.
As I light the candle of white, the healing of this heated light
Give this light and healing love to those that are in need.
Blessings and healing light to those as we call out their names
As You are our Light, You are our Strength, You are our source of love
So mote it be.
Lady Patti
Copyright © 12272011
Rex is still missing from Long Island...his reward amount is now $6,000 for his safe return, no questions asked. Please share - photos are included in the article link! You can follow any new developments athttp://www.facebook.com/ BringRexHome
~ Stool Organizer ~
This was a Pinterest share from a friend (yes, I admit it, I need some form of AA for my Pinterest Addiction)...
A typical stool is flipped upside-down and wheels added to the bottom - they tie on laundry sorting bags and ... voila!
For a full photo tutorial, check out the blog "2 Little Hooligans" - http:// www.2littlehooligans.com/2012/ 06/08/ fat-quarter-friday-wrapping-pap er-organizer-tutorial/
*The Coven Avalon claims no rights to this artwork, or any on our page. If this work belongs to you and you would like for us to remove it, please contact us and we will certainly do so. Being a non-profit educational site, we operate under the Fair Use rule of the US Copyright Law - please refer to the page information for full details. Blessings!

Tonight's moon is known as the full cold moon. It's the last full moon on the last weekend of the year. May your dreams be sweet, and may you remember to always be kind.
COCONUT OIL POUND CAKE SERVED WITH SALTED CARAMEL GELATO! http:// www.hugsandcookiesxoxo.com/ 2012/11/coconutpoundcake.html
Merticus Stevens

wear it for your protection !
Third Day of Christmas Giveaway: Share this image to enter to win 3 Celtic Bags. We'll be having 12 Days of Giveaways as we have for the past few years to ThankYou for being such great fans and customers.
If you don't want to wait and hope you can get these and more great Celtic Goodies, shop here:http://www.celtictrims.com/

To live as a Wiccan is not to do the spectacular every day, but to do the small things and look at the things we already do in a different light, then do the spectacular once in a while.

Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don't know how great you can be. How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is. - Anne Frank

1/4 cup chopped onions
1/4 cup chopped mushrooms
1/4 cup butter or margarine, melted
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup milk
1 cup chicken broth
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
1 teaspoon dried trarragon
1/4 teaspoon pepper
Dash of ground nutmeg
2-1/2 cups cooked spaghetti or fettuccine
1-1/2 cups chopped cooked turkey
1/2 cup shredded Swiss or Gruyere cheese
SAUTE onions and mushrooms in butter in a large heavy saucepan until just tender. Add flour stirring well. Cook one minute, stirring constantly. Gradually add milk and chicken broth; cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until mixture is thickened and bubbly. Stir in your spices and nutmeg. Stir in spaghetti, turkey and 1/4 cup cheese mixing well.
POUR into a greased 1-1/2 quart casserole. Bake at 350F for 20 minutes. Sprinkle remain cheese over top and bake an additional five minutes. Garnish with parsley.
Southern Living, 1986
Enjoy everyone!!
Dans l'amour et la lumiere,
Lady Angelique

Know we are not out to convert you; know we mean you no harm. All we ask for is tolerance, understanding, and the freedom to practice as we choose.
Extending the Atlantean Reiki online attunement discount through the end of the year. Only $10...valued at $50. Amazing manual with reiki information for all the levels, including much about crsytals and channeled information on Atlantis, Egypt and ancient Greece. The 2nd attunement (can be done separately) is the Crystal Reiki and it is discounted 1/2 price $25 til the end of the year. Don't miss these discounts! Both will go up in January to $50 each. Love and light! Maggie Batt.
Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes.
Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow.
Let reality be reality.
Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.
~ Lao Tzu
Cyndi Lauper - True Colors
Music video by Cyndi Lauper performing True Colors. (C) 1986 Sony BMG Music Entertainment

Aged Wisdom
Do not question each very movement or reason why; for both happiness and unhappiness should be but times to consider what you desire from within your life. If changes are needed… than make them. Happiness is your choice.
Do not question each very movement or reason why; for both happiness and unhappiness should be but times to consider what you desire from within your life. If changes are needed… than make them. Happiness is your choice.

Keynote: The Mystery of Magic, Omens, Silent Wisdom, and Vision
As with nighttime, owl has much mystery associated with it. Owl is a symbol of the feminine, the moon, and the night. Because of it's associations with the moon, it has ties to fertility and seduction.
To the Greeks, owl was a symbol of Athena, and a symbol of higher wisdom; it was the guardian of the Acropolis. To the early Christian Gnostics, it was associated with Lilith. To the Pawnee, it was a symbol of protection; to the Ojibwa, it was a symbol of evil and death; to the Pueblo, it was associated with the Skeleton Man, the god of death, but who was also a spirit of fertility.
Many superstitions and beliefs have come to be associated with owl. The most predominant is that of the owl being able to extract secrets. It was believed in ancient Rome that to place a feather or part of an owl on a sleeping person would enable you to discover his/her secrets. This is tied into the owl's acute senses of vision and hearing.
The owl is a bird of the night, and the night has long been a symbol of the darkness within--the place in which humans hid their secrets.
The yellow coloring of owl's eyes is very symbolic. It makes the eyes much more expressive, but it hints of the light of the sun, alive in the dark of the night. The sun lives through the owl at night.
Owl people will be able to see and hear what others try to hide; they will hear what is not being said, see what is hidden, and detect and pinpoint subtleties. Owl people have the unique ability to see into others' souls and life--this is very scary to most people. This vision and hearing capability has metaphysical ties to the gifts of clairvoyance and clairaudience as well.
As a bird of the night, owl can teach all of the secrets of the night.
Owls fly silently. Most owls have wings that are great for the size of the owl. This also enables the owl to fly slowly and smoothly, facilitating its silent hunt. This silence is something that all with an owl totem should practice. Keep silent and go about your business. This will bring you the greatest success.
The owls form of wast disposal--regurgitating pellets--reflects its ability to eliminate those aspects that are unbeneficial and unhealthy for it.
Some owls have raptor counterparts. Some of the most common are:
Great Horned Owl = Red-Tailed Hawk
Barred Owl = Red-Shouldered Hawk
Screech Owl = Kestrel
Short-Eared Owl = Harrier Hawk
Snowy Owl = White Phase Gyrfalcon
It is important to study the individual characteristics of both your totem species of owl, as well as owls in general. This will help you to define exactly how the owl is going to affect you and your life.

![♥ ===> @[315857621811604:274:Body Positive] & @[162540213867109:274:Positive P's Page] <=== ♥](https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/s480x480/64550_464839876913377_1171767170_n.jpg)

You guys know me and cakes... check this one out! :)
To see more beautiful pictures of the handfasting that this cake came from, go here: http://offbeatbride.com/2011/ 04/ uk-pagan-handfasting#.UM6m29RcW u8.pinterest
*The Coven Avalon claims no rights to this artwork, or any on our page. If this work belongs to you and you would like for us to remove it, please contact us and we will certainly do so. Being a non-profit educational site, we operate under the Fair Use rule of the US Copyright Law - please refer to the page information for full details. Blessings!
COOKIE DOUGH BROWNIES WITH CHOCOLATE GANACHE http:// www.hugsandcookiesxoxo.com/ 2011/09/ cookies-dough-brownies-topped-w ith.html
The whole game is based on Faith. ♥
Happy Holidays to All.

This is the "Dracula Raven Orchid" (Drac. vampira x Drac. roezlii).
How cool is this?! :)
The strange name Dracula, literally means "little dragon", referring to the strange aspect of the two long spurs of the sepals.
Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Dracula_(orchid)

urry, fluffy, rolly, polly lil white teddy bears!!!! OMG!

FBI's OWN VIOLENT CRIME STATISTICS: "When considering 5- and 10-year trends, the 2011 estimated violent crime total was 15.4 percent below the 2007 level and 15.5 percent below the 2002 level."
Because People are starting to Protect themselves & their Homes w/ the 2nd Amendment!! Read the FBI statistics here: http://www.fbi.gov/ -------------------------- Video Documentary: Gun myths exposed: Assault rifles, full-auto, buying guns online and more http://youtu.be/ Video Documentary: "Gun Control is Genocide" http://youtu.be/ -------------------------- Personal Pledge of Resistance Against Any Attemp to Disarm Us by Means of an “Assault Weapons Ban” Via Oath Keepers I __________, pledge the following: I Pledge to never disarm, and in particular, to never surrender my military pattern, semi-automatic rifles (and full capacity magazines, parts, and ammunition that go with them), regardless of what illegitimate action is taken by Congress, the President, or the courts. I also pledge to pass on those military pattern rifles to my children and my children’s children, as well as the full capacity magazines, parts, and ammunition to needed to use them, regardless of what illegitimate action is taken by Congress, the President, or the courts. ------------------------- 2nd Amendment: A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of THE PEOPLE to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. 2nd Amendment 101: The right to arms and/or the right to bear arms and/or state militias was viewed to be important for one or more of these purposes: · deterring tyrannical government; · repelling invasion; · suppressing insurrection; · facilitating a natural right of self-defense; · participating in law enforcement; · enabling the people to organize a militia system. -------------------------- Stop any legislation that will ban "assualt weapons", semi-automatic rifles or handguns and high capacity magazines. - (31,000+ Signed in 6 Days) PETITION: https:// PETITION INFO: We must petition Obama to uphold our second amendment rights, all of them. Including our right to bear arms that will reasonably defend us from ALL ENEMIES foriegn or domestic. We must also educate the public as the media and goverment have demonized the words "assualt weapon". In fact there has not been any type of "assualt weapon" used in any of the recent shootings. An assualt weapon is a weapon with selective fire. If we move forward on the assault weapon ban we move towards the total disarming of Americans. Where will the line be drawn? These so called assault weapons have few differences from our hunting rifles with the only difference being the stock and furniture. It was proven once before that a ban on "assualt weapons" is useless. Columbine happen in the middle of the Clinton ban -------------------------- Deport Piers Morgan For Foreign Subversion: Deport British Citizen Piers Morgan for Attacking 2nd Amendment - (90,000+ Signed in 6 Days) PETITION: https:// PETITION INFO: British Citizen and CNN television host Piers Morgan is engaged in a hostile attack against the U.S. Constitution by targeting the Second Amendment. We demand that Mr. Morgan be deported immediately for his effort to undermine the Bill of Rights and for exploiting his position as a national network television host to stage attacks against the rights of American citizens. Arrest Piers Morgan For Foreign Subversion! Video: http://youtu.be/ The Law Says Deport Piers Morgan Article: http://bit.ly/VehM0N -------------------------- Impeach Sen. Diane Feinstein for violating her oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, re: AWB PETITION INFO: Sen. Diane Feinstein has announced that she will be introducing new gun legislation in Jan 2013. The proposals of this legislation are in direct contradiction to both the spirit and letter of the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights. Her blatant disregard for the rights of citizens, and willingness to make criminals of a large number of law abiding gun owners, needs to be addressed. The summary of the new proposals can be seen at: http:// PETITION: https:// |

BEFORE YOU START ANNNNNNY "NEW YEAR" DIETS IN 2013, YOU MUST MAKE THESE IN 2012!!!!!!!!! http:// www.hugsandcookiesxoxo.com/ 2012/06/ chocolate-chip-cookie-dough-bil lionaire.html
![Make it a good one! <3
@[156498024364689:274:The Peace & Love Train]](https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/s480x480/530912_514003451947476_1345454962_n.jpg)

Unwrapping of Christmas: It's History Myths, & Traditions
(Why it was banned before 1820 in America)
"NIMROD" - The LORD of Christmas
Article: http://bit.ly/UjQ6a3
The Origins of Christmas
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Saturnalia

![Honk if you're grateful that Bernie's got our back.
Thanks to @[205053416279935:274:A cause for ideas].](https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/s480x480/534397_534834783194171_961980068_n.jpg)

The History of Propaganda Exposed. An in depth look at subliminal programming and the Father of Propaganda, Edward Bernays. - Video:http://youtu.be/gGibMrc3G74

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Believe the old craft of magick is not learnt with the mind for to know it you must allow your thoughts to rest. It is my belief that the power of magick is felt when the spirit awakens.

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