The Mother Night, Yule Eve
Helya's Night - The night of the mother
Tulya's E'en was followed by Helya's Night.
Helya's Night - The night of the mother
Tulya's E'en was followed by Helya's Night.
This was the night that saw the children of each household committed into the protection of "Midder Mary", or Mother Mary.
On first glance, although this looks like a purely Christian ritual, the veneration of the Virgin Mary was a later addition to a pagan tradition.
Helya’s night is undoubtedly the same as "Mother's Night" – a night that, wrote the 8th century monk Bede, coincided with Christmas Eve.
In his account of the pagan calendar in 725 AD, the Venerable Bede wrote:
"And the very night that is sacrosanct to us, these people call modranect, that is, the mothers' night, a name bestowed, I suspect, on account of the ceremonies which they performed while watching this night through."
The “mother” connection and the “watching” ceremonies of Mother’s Night seem to indicate that Helya’s Night was the same event, although overlaid with a Christian veneer.
On Helya’s Night, just as the children had once been committed to the protection of a goddess, ancestor, or the female deities known as the Disir, the ceremony became Christianised and the “mother” was naturally equated with the Virgin Mary, Christ’s mother.
But what was the ceremony?
An account written in the 19th century recounts the experience of one woman who remembered her grandmother carrying out the ritual. She explained that, once the children were in bed, the old woman rose from her place by the peat fire and made her way over to the cradle where the youngest lay.
Raising her hands over the slumbering infant, she spoke aloud:
"Mary Midder had de haund
Ower aboot for sleepin-baund
Had da lass an' had da wife,
Had da bairn a' its life.
Mary Midder had de haund.
Roond da infants o' wur land."
This procedure was repeated over all the children, while the grandfather sat raking the peats in the hearth. The old man was also thought to have been reciting something but, unfortunately, his softly spoken words were inaudible.
As to the name, Helya strikes me as a corruption of the Old Norse heilagr, meaning holy – Holy Night being an obvious later name for Christmas Eve.
The observance of winter solstice was very important in ancient times and its significance was obvious to early human civilizations. As the nights grew darker and longer, the days colder and shorter, and the rural folk faced lean times, it was imperative the sun be "lured" back to the earth.
Of the many pagan customs that eventually became the foundation of the Christian Christmas season, many were adapted from the Norse and their mythology. The celebration of the Yule month, or Thor's month, began on the night before the Solstice which they called the Mother Night...for it was in the darkness that the goddess Freya labored to bring Baldur, the young son (light) to birth once more. It was also a night for spirit contact and celebration with one's ancestors in much the same way that the Celts did at Samhain.
The festival itself was called Yule, derived from the Norse word Jul, means wheel, a symbol of the Sun revolving across the sky. It was traditionally held for 12 days or more, beginning on Mother Night and ending on January 6th. The most important symbols of Yule continue to live on in our modern Christmas celebrations. For example, the evergreen tree and holly which remain green throughout the long months of cold and darkness, were widely used in in the Pagan celebration of Yule because they hold promise that spring will once again return to the land.
Because ancient Norwegians believed the sun was returning, as part of their Winter Solstice celebration, the Vikings would cut a huge log, drag it back to the village and set it on fire. This Yule Log was supposed to drive away the evil spirits and bring good luck to the people as well as welcome back the sun. From Scandinavia, the Yule log custom spread through the European content and England. Some decked out their Yule log with greenery, ribbons, and paper flowers and sang Yuletide songs as they dragged it home.
Thousands of years ago, the Scandinavian god, Odin, rode through the world at Midwinter bringing reward or punishment, and Thor, his son, came from the far North. His color was red, and at Midwinter, he fought the gods of ice and snow ...conquering the cold. The elves connected with our current Santa Claus are remnants of the supernatural nature folk of the Old Religion, and our modern custom of leaving cookies and milk for Santa is most likely a modern continuation of leaving offerings for the Alvar and other nature folk. Although usually associated with Santa, many believe that the reindeer, northern animals, actually represent the stags that drew the chariot of Freya, the Sun Goddess of the North.
For the Norse, it was a time of rejoicing for the labors of the old year were done, and the laborers were ready to rest before beginning the round afresh for the new year. The earth, too, takes Her rest at this season and lies asleep under her covering of snow...so that all the seeds may be matured in her bosom and burst into life when the spring is come.
For many of us, this is also a time of cold and darkness. It is a time for balancing our spirit, our nature, our physical bodies as we, too, await the season of rebirth. Our meditations should focus on the hidden energies lying dormant within the earth and within ourselves. It is a time of returning hope. Yule reminds us to take care of the earth and all of her creatures in this magical season of hope and good will.
information from
http://www.orkneyjar.com/ tradition/yule/yule3.htm
http:// moontides-mxtodis123.blogspot.c om/2010/12/ dec-20the-mother-night-yule-eve .html
On first glance, although this looks like a purely Christian ritual, the veneration of the Virgin Mary was a later addition to a pagan tradition.
Helya’s night is undoubtedly the same as "Mother's Night" – a night that, wrote the 8th century monk Bede, coincided with Christmas Eve.
In his account of the pagan calendar in 725 AD, the Venerable Bede wrote:
"And the very night that is sacrosanct to us, these people call modranect, that is, the mothers' night, a name bestowed, I suspect, on account of the ceremonies which they performed while watching this night through."
The “mother” connection and the “watching” ceremonies of Mother’s Night seem to indicate that Helya’s Night was the same event, although overlaid with a Christian veneer.
On Helya’s Night, just as the children had once been committed to the protection of a goddess, ancestor, or the female deities known as the Disir, the ceremony became Christianised and the “mother” was naturally equated with the Virgin Mary, Christ’s mother.
But what was the ceremony?
An account written in the 19th century recounts the experience of one woman who remembered her grandmother carrying out the ritual. She explained that, once the children were in bed, the old woman rose from her place by the peat fire and made her way over to the cradle where the youngest lay.
Raising her hands over the slumbering infant, she spoke aloud:
"Mary Midder had de haund
Ower aboot for sleepin-baund
Had da lass an' had da wife,
Had da bairn a' its life.
Mary Midder had de haund.
Roond da infants o' wur land."
This procedure was repeated over all the children, while the grandfather sat raking the peats in the hearth. The old man was also thought to have been reciting something but, unfortunately, his softly spoken words were inaudible.
As to the name, Helya strikes me as a corruption of the Old Norse heilagr, meaning holy – Holy Night being an obvious later name for Christmas Eve.
The observance of winter solstice was very important in ancient times and its significance was obvious to early human civilizations. As the nights grew darker and longer, the days colder and shorter, and the rural folk faced lean times, it was imperative the sun be "lured" back to the earth.
Of the many pagan customs that eventually became the foundation of the Christian Christmas season, many were adapted from the Norse and their mythology. The celebration of the Yule month, or Thor's month, began on the night before the Solstice which they called the Mother Night...for it was in the darkness that the goddess Freya labored to bring Baldur, the young son (light) to birth once more. It was also a night for spirit contact and celebration with one's ancestors in much the same way that the Celts did at Samhain.
The festival itself was called Yule, derived from the Norse word Jul, means wheel, a symbol of the Sun revolving across the sky. It was traditionally held for 12 days or more, beginning on Mother Night and ending on January 6th. The most important symbols of Yule continue to live on in our modern Christmas celebrations. For example, the evergreen tree and holly which remain green throughout the long months of cold and darkness, were widely used in in the Pagan celebration of Yule because they hold promise that spring will once again return to the land.
Because ancient Norwegians believed the sun was returning, as part of their Winter Solstice celebration, the Vikings would cut a huge log, drag it back to the village and set it on fire. This Yule Log was supposed to drive away the evil spirits and bring good luck to the people as well as welcome back the sun. From Scandinavia, the Yule log custom spread through the European content and England. Some decked out their Yule log with greenery, ribbons, and paper flowers and sang Yuletide songs as they dragged it home.
Thousands of years ago, the Scandinavian god, Odin, rode through the world at Midwinter bringing reward or punishment, and Thor, his son, came from the far North. His color was red, and at Midwinter, he fought the gods of ice and snow ...conquering the cold. The elves connected with our current Santa Claus are remnants of the supernatural nature folk of the Old Religion, and our modern custom of leaving cookies and milk for Santa is most likely a modern continuation of leaving offerings for the Alvar and other nature folk. Although usually associated with Santa, many believe that the reindeer, northern animals, actually represent the stags that drew the chariot of Freya, the Sun Goddess of the North.
For the Norse, it was a time of rejoicing for the labors of the old year were done, and the laborers were ready to rest before beginning the round afresh for the new year. The earth, too, takes Her rest at this season and lies asleep under her covering of snow...so that all the seeds may be matured in her bosom and burst into life when the spring is come.
For many of us, this is also a time of cold and darkness. It is a time for balancing our spirit, our nature, our physical bodies as we, too, await the season of rebirth. Our meditations should focus on the hidden energies lying dormant within the earth and within ourselves. It is a time of returning hope. Yule reminds us to take care of the earth and all of her creatures in this magical season of hope and good will.
information from
Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer, and more beautiful. *•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸♥ •.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸
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Follow an epic tale of discovery, love, murder, mystery, betrayal and deceit as you meet the Ascendants of Ancients Sovereign. Welcome to the chaos. Welcome to the Worlds of the Crystal Moon.
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Now, a new journey has begun. The humans' quest will test Sam’s skill with a blade, Shalee’s hidden knowledge of magic, and feed George’s hunger for power. Finding the pieces of the Crystal Moon will push them down different paths, and their choices could ultimately send kingdoms to war.
Follow an epic tale of discovery, love, murder, mystery, betrayal and deceit as you meet the Ascendants of Ancients Sovereign. Welcome to the chaos. Welcome to the Worlds of the Crystal Moon.
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We are available on all digital platforms, NOOK- KINDLE - I-TUNES-KOBO and others
Book I: Ascendants of Ancients Sovereign.
Book II: The Eye Of Luvelles
Book III: Tear Of Gramal

!["Once Upon a Time is Really Here and Now." <3 ~ Angi Sullins @[127510390611984:274:Spiritual Networks] and www.spiritualnetworks.com](http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/s480x480/559895_545513885478297_42136591_n.jpg)
“By the time Frederic Seaman became John’s personal assistant in February 1979, John Lennon's main interest was reading books on religion, psychic phenomena, the occult, death, history, archeology, and anthropology. Specific books Seaman can remember him asking for included Rebel in the Soul: An Ancient Egyptian Dialogue Between a Man and His Destiny, by Bika Reed; Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America Today, by Margot Adler…Seaman, who was present with John’s sons, Sean and Julian, recalled, “John began working himself up into a tirade against Christianity, saying that it had virtually destroyed what was left of pagan culture and spirituality in Europe-a great loss to civilization.” He then announced that he was now a ‘born again pagan.’”
http://wildhunt.org/2007/01/ john-lennon-born-again-pagan.ht mll
I know in my digging, I have found several references in his songs. Songs that were done not
long before his death, that is. I point to "Out the Blue" where he references The Lord & Lady as well as in "Mind Games" he mentions "Druids" and "Lifting the veil" as well as other things... ~ Leandra
Mind Games - http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=mnM66YKHYec
Out The Blue -- http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=coPc8Dnzna4
In the book, "Last Days of John Lennon" by Frederic Seaman - he speaks of just this subject.
Mind Games - http://www.youtube.com/
Out The Blue -- http://www.youtube.com/
In the book, "Last Days of John Lennon" by Frederic Seaman - he speaks of just this subject.

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HAVE FAITH: You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it.
Thanks to GSDC member Leif Hovstadius of his GSD Aliyan. Aliyan has degenerativ
Thanks to GSDC member Leif Hovstadius of his GSD Aliyan. Aliyan has degenerativ
e myelopathy. His neurologist said a week ago that he was surprised that Aliyan is still alive. Usually they dont last longer than about a year after the hind legs stop working. Aliyan has now used his cart for 14 months and counting. ♥ As always, feel free to tag or click share. ~cheryl

This is my Truth about the world population breakdown in terms of character or "roles" people play...
50% Victims
35% Bystanders
14% Critics
50% Victims
35% Bystanders
14% Critics
1% Heroes
People are not BORN into their roles. They choose them. I will concede that most of the time it is an unconscious choice. But it is still a choice. Here is the cool thing....you can change.
I challenge you to try out the HERO role. It is tougher in some cases, but in my opinion...it is worth it. Risk vs Reward.
Be the Hero!
Scott Goodknight Join me on Facebook
http://positiveatmosphere.com/ profile/ScottGoodknight <-- atmosphere.="atmosphere." div="div" on="on" own="own" positive="positive" profile="profile" set="set" up="up" your="your">-->
People are not BORN into their roles. They choose them. I will concede that most of the time it is an unconscious choice. But it is still a choice. Here is the cool thing....you can change.
I challenge you to try out the HERO role. It is tougher in some cases, but in my opinion...it is worth it. Risk vs Reward.
Be the Hero!
Scott Goodknight Join me on Facebook

Pagan History of the Yule Tree
Yule Trees aka Christmas trees are a central part of the holiday celebrations around the world. Families gather around them to exchange gifts, cities put them up in squares and town halls, you'll find them in nearly every hotel and shopping mall... Although there's some debate as to whether the Yule/Xmas tree as it's used today has Pagan origins, it's clear that several non-christian cultures brought evergreen plants indoors at the time of the winter solstice.
Dating back centuries before Christ, cultures brought evergreen trees, plants, and leaves into their homes upon the arrival of the winter solstice, which occurs in the northern hemisphere between December 21st and 22nd. Although the specific practices were different in each country and culture, the symbolization was generally the same: to celebrate the return of life at the beginning of winter's decline.
Egyptians particularly valued evergreens as a symbol of life's victory over death. They brought green date palm leaves into their homes around the time of the winter solstice.
Druid priests in Great Britain also used evergreen plants and mistletoe in pagan ceremonies, and the mistletoe plant was the symbol of the birth of a god. Celtic Druids and Norseman of Scandinavia also used mistletoe in a mysterious ceremony just after the winter solstice.
Romans had a public festival called Saturnalia, which lasted one week beginning on December 17th, and included a variety of celebrations around the winter solstice. Curiously, the Roman winter solstice was marked on December 25th on the Julian calendar. These celebrations are thought to have merged with pagan practices of hanging mistletoe and the burning of the Yule log.
In Britain, the Yule log was originally seen as a magical amulet, and eventually made it into the hand's of Father Christmas. In Italy the Yule log is still burned for the "Festa di Ceppo". In Catalonia, the log is wrapped in a blanket until Christmas Eve, when it's unwrapped and burned for the custom of "fer cagar el tio". And in Serbia, families bring the Yule log (known as a "badnjak") into their homes on Christmas Eve to be burned along with prayers to God to bring happiness, luck, and riches.
In the mid 1500's, Germans began using evergreen trees as a symbol of hope for the coming of spring. This practice is likely to have gradually evolved from Pagan rituals of past, and merged with the celebration of Xmas leading to the tree's being shared as it were by other religions.
Posted by Lady Abigail
Egyptians particularly valued evergreens as a symbol of life's victory over death. They brought green date palm leaves into their homes around the time of the winter solstice.
Druid priests in Great Britain also used evergreen plants and mistletoe in pagan ceremonies, and the mistletoe plant was the symbol of the birth of a god. Celtic Druids and Norseman of Scandinavia also used mistletoe in a mysterious ceremony just after the winter solstice.
Romans had a public festival called Saturnalia, which lasted one week beginning on December 17th, and included a variety of celebrations around the winter solstice. Curiously, the Roman winter solstice was marked on December 25th on the Julian calendar. These celebrations are thought to have merged with pagan practices of hanging mistletoe and the burning of the Yule log.
In Britain, the Yule log was originally seen as a magical amulet, and eventually made it into the hand's of Father Christmas. In Italy the Yule log is still burned for the "Festa di Ceppo". In Catalonia, the log is wrapped in a blanket until Christmas Eve, when it's unwrapped and burned for the custom of "fer cagar el tio". And in Serbia, families bring the Yule log (known as a "badnjak") into their homes on Christmas Eve to be burned along with prayers to God to bring happiness, luck, and riches.
In the mid 1500's, Germans began using evergreen trees as a symbol of hope for the coming of spring. This practice is likely to have gradually evolved from Pagan rituals of past, and merged with the celebration of Xmas leading to the tree's being shared as it were by other religions.
Posted by Lady Abigail

I know and I affirm
That no matter how heavy my heart may be
No matter what the day brings
No matter how others treat me and try to bring me down
I am Strong. I am Alive with Love. I Breathe in Magick.
She sends Her Spirits to Guide me.
To Watch Over Me as I weep. To Life me Up when I fall.
There to Protect and Guide me.
So Mote It Be
Lady Patti
Copyright © 19jun2012
Lady of my Heart
So dark and faire
I hear Your gentle sigh
I feel Your warm embrace
Yes in the midst of pain
Yes in the midst of sorrow
Indeed with Love and Laughter
You are There
I am because of You
Blessed Lady of My Heart
Forever I am Your
..…never to part
Lady Patti © 08dec2012
She sends Her Spirits to Guide me.
To Watch Over Me as I weep. To Life me Up when I fall.
There to Protect and Guide me.
So Mote It Be
Lady Patti
Copyright © 19jun2012
Lady of my Heart
So dark and faire
I hear Your gentle sigh
I feel Your warm embrace
Yes in the midst of pain
Yes in the midst of sorrow
Indeed with Love and Laughter
You are There
I am because of You
Blessed Lady of My Heart
Forever I am Your
..…never to part
Lady Patti © 08dec2012
Yule Rice
Recipe submitted by Sherily Ontiveros
to from Latinofoodie.com
A menu staple gets a festive upgrade in this recipe. White rice is cooked in a cara
Recipe submitted by Sherily Ontiveros
to from Latinofoodie.com
A menu staple gets a festive upgrade in this recipe. White rice is cooked in a cara
mel of soda pop and water, sweetened by raisins, topped off with a salty, savory piece of ham, and adorned with red, green, and yellow peppers. Feliz Tronco!
1tablespoon unsalted butter
4tablespoons canola oil
1white onion, chopped
1red pepper, half chopped for cooking and other half for garnish
1yellow pepper, half chopped for cooking and other half for garnish
1green pepper, half chopped for cooking and other half for garnish
3cups extra long grain rice
1 1/2cups Coca-Cola
2 1/2cups water
*salt, to taste
1/2cup raisins
1/2cup walnuts, chopped
1/2cup ham, diced
If you want it to be vegetarian then leave out the ham.
1tablespoon unsalted butter
4tablespoons canola oil
1white onion, chopped
1red pepper, half chopped for cooking and other half for garnish
1yellow pepper, half chopped for cooking and other half for garnish
1green pepper, half chopped for cooking and other half for garnish
3cups extra long grain rice
1 1/2cups Coca-Cola
2 1/2cups water
*salt, to taste
1/2cup raisins
1/2cup walnuts, chopped
1/2cup ham, diced
If you want it to be vegetarian then leave out the ham.

![Keep calm and love @[8526405673:274:The Twilight Saga]: @[123422907786627:128:Breaking Dawn - Part 2]. http://bit.ly/BD2-tix
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Know Who (The .0000001%) Owns the PRIVATE Central Bank that has been Waging Financial Espionage WORLDWIDE, So that they cannot Pose as our Saviors as they attempt Genocide.
Bail out the POEPLE!
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Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura on truTV added a new photo.

Day Nine is Posted!

How can you tell when a country is about to get invaded? Listen to the sellout traitor talking heads on television tell you the country has “weapons of mass destruction” or “chemical weapons” and is “about to use them on their own people”..
The Gullible American public fell for it once, the media and government assume it will work again, only will it?
Fool me once, shame on you… It’s amazing the American people are not up in arms over this obvious scam taking place in order to coax the masses into supporting yet another war.
The only thing stopping them (the cabal running our country) from invading another sovereign nation, plundering our treasury, and ending our soldiers lives is an uneducated, gullible public they are counting on it.

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Plus you can spend $10 in the giftshop your first visit.
55 N Center St. Lehi, UT
Support Circle Sanctuary with Yuletide Shopping at our Owl's Nest.
Proceeds support the work of our non-profit center.
Proceeds support the work of our non-profit center.
Shop ONLINE: www.circlesanctuary.org/store
Check out New Items, Yuletide Specials, & more
Order by December 16 for arrivals by Solstice, December 21.
Free shipping through December 31, 2012
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OwlsNestCircleSanctuary
Shop ON SITE on Saturday, December 8, 10am-4pm
Our shop will be open to the public as part of our Yuletide Open House.
Visit our newly renovated, expanded, & named resource shop, the Owl's Nest, located next to our Offices & Temple at Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve in southwestern Wisconsin just north of Barneveld at 5354 Meadowvale Road.
Owl's Nest also is open in connection with most of our events, including our upcoming Community Yule Festival on Saturday, December 22 and prior to our Winter Magic Full Moon on Thursday night, December 27.
Yuletide Blessings to you and yours!
Circle Times & Community Circle: Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Circle Sanctuary | PO Box 9 | Barneveld, WI 53507
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Circle Sanctuary | PO Box 9 | Barneveld, WI 53507
To unsubscribe from this list or change your preferences, please click this link.
Circle Sanctuary will not sell, trade, share or rent your email address.
Circle Sanctuary has been taking part in the Interfaith Awareness Week in Wisconsin every year since it began in 1998. We are among the religious organizations hosting an Open House as well as among those with displays that are part of the World Religions of Wisconsin exhibit in the rotunda of the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison.
Here's a press release with more details. It also is on-line: https://circlesanctuary.org/index.php/interfaith-ministries/interfaith-awareness-week

Contact: Rev. Selena Fox, – (608) 924-2216 or circle@circlesanctuary.org
Rev. Fr. John-Brian Paprock, – 608) 217-8144 or inroads@minister.com
Rev. Fr. John-Brian Paprock, – 608) 217-8144 or inroads@minister.com
December 3, 2012 - For Immediate Release
People Around Wisconsin Join Together for Interfaith Awareness Week
People Around Wisconsin Join Together for Interfaith Awareness Week
Madison, WI – This week, people of many faiths and traditions are joining together to celebrate religious diversity at Wisconsin’s Annual Interfaith Awareness Week.
“A variety of religions have holidays in December, and it is a perfect time to celebrate together and learn about Wisconsin’s considerable religious diversity,” said Rev. Selena Fox, Senior Minister of Circle Sanctuary, one of the participating religious communities. “We are pleased to again be part of this important celebration through our participation in the World Religions of Wisconsin exhibits in the Capitol all week and with our Interfaith Open House at Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve near Barneveld next Saturday.”
This is Wisconsin’s 15th annual Interfaith Awareness Week. Educational displays will be in the Rotunda of the State Capitol Building from December 3 to December 7, and a multi-faith presentation, the annual Capitol Celebration, will be held at Noon on December 5.
"After 15 years, I see we still have interfaith awareness needs," said Rev. John-Brian Paprock of Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Chapel, founder and co-director of Interfaith Awareness Week. "We need to invite one another continually to the common ground in our communities. We need to invite one another to our houses of worship being good hosts and good guests. We have a need for regular ongoing education about the variety of religious/spiritual groups locally to enable any successful dialogue when crisis occurs. We continue to need multi-faith service responses to our community needs."
In addition to having displays in the Rotunda, a variety of Open House events will be at houses of worship all week.
“We join with people of many religions, spiritualities, and philosophies in praying for peace, understanding and cooperation this month and year-round,” said Rev. Fox, who has been part of the interfaith team organizing this event since it began. “I invite everyone to join us at our Open House and at the Capitol this week to learn, share and celebrate Wisconsin religious pluralism.”
Fast Facts:
• Interfaith Awareness Week (IAW), was founded in 1998 by Rev. John-Brian Paprock, and is coordinated by him and Rev. Anne Wynne of the Madison Eckankar Community. More information including details on Interfaith Open Houses: http://interfaithsociety.blogspot.com/
• This year’s IAW began with Open Houses held on Sunday at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Chapel, Madison Eckankar Community, the American Hindu Association and the Wisconsin Sikh Society – Middleton Gurdwara.
• There will be Continuing Dialogue with the Sikh Community on Wednesday, December 5, at 6 pm at Prairie UU Society, 2010 Whenona Way in Madison. The Madison Eckankar Community will be holding a Community HU Prayer Song at 7:30 pm at the Gates of Heaven, 302 East Gorham Street, in Madison’s James Madison Park.
• The Madison Baha’i Center Open House will be on Thursday from 6:30-9 pm at the Baha’i Center at 324 W. Lakeside St. in Madison.
• Circle Sanctuary’s Open House near Barneveld will begin with a potluck lunch at Noon followed by a multicultural & interfaith Happy Holidays traditions talk by Rev. Selena Fox at 2pm. Call 608-924-2216 or emailevents@circlesanctuary.org for directions. https://www.circlesanctuary.org/index.php/events/happy-holidays-interfaith-open-house-12-8-2012
• Circle Sanctuary also will be sponsoring its 34th annual interfaith and multicultural Winter Solstice Pageant this month. It will be held in the New Auditorium of the First Unitarian Society in Madison on December 21st from 7-9pm. For more information and tickets go to: https://www.circlesanctuary.org/index.php/events/winter-solstice-pageant.html
Please share news with your readers & others who may be interested.
Pagan News Media: Monday, December 3, 2012
Circle Sanctuary | PO Box 9 | Barneveld, WI 53507
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Circle Sanctuary | PO Box 9 | Barneveld, WI 53507
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Beginning tonight, Tuesday, December 4, 2012 Selena Fox of Circle Sanctuary will be presenting a series of Winter Solstice programs on internet radio.
Tonight's show will be on Crafting Yuletide and will explore ways to create and enhance personal, household, and community festivities. Listen live, 8-9 pm central. Join live chat and/or call in: (347) 308-8222. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/witchschool/2012/12/05/ptrn-presents-circle-craft-study-and-pagan-priest
Also upcoming, Tuesday nights, 8-9 pm central:https://www.circlesanctuary.org/index.php/events/classes-with-selena-fox.html
December 11: Sacred Plants of Winter Solstice
December 18: Winter Solstice Ritual
December 25: Yuletide Giftbringers
January 1, 2013: Hogmanay & Other New Year Traditions.
December 11: Sacred Plants of Winter Solstice
December 18: Winter Solstice Ritual
December 25: Yuletide Giftbringers
January 1, 2013: Hogmanay & Other New Year Traditions.
In addition, Selena Fox will speak on Celebrating Winter Solstice on Karen Tate's Voices of the Sacred Feminine on internet radio on Thursday night, December 13, from 8-9 pm central. Call in (718) 766-4662.http://www.blogtalkradio.com/voicesofthesacredfeminine/2012/12/14/selena-foxpagan-roots-of-xmas-new-years
Additional Winter Solstice Resources
Selena's Yuletide Planning Guide - rites, chants, articles, morehttps://www.circlesanctuary.org/index.php/celebrating-the-seasons/winter-solstice
Selena's Yuletide Updates - photos, lore, linkshttps://www.facebook.com/SelenaFoxUpdates
Circle Times & Networking News: Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Circle Sanctuary | PO Box 9 | Barneveld, WI 53507
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Circle Sanctuary | PO Box 9 | Barneveld, WI 53507
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Operation Circle Care Yuletide gifts packages are already on their way to Pagan Troops serving in Afghanistan and in other places around the world.
More packages are being assembled and are going out next week.
There is still time to contribute to this annual program operated by Circle Sanctuary - but please do so soon.
How to Help:
(1) Contacts Needed. Email names & contact info of Pagans in the US Military serving overseas - include name, postal address, & if known, email address. We keep contact info private.
Please get in names & contact info to us right away & before Thursday, December 13 in order for packages to arrive later this month or early January 2013.
(2) Funding. Donate funds to cover postage & other costs of this program. Donations are tax deductible & can be made on-line at our secure site (select Operation Circle Care):https://www.circlesanctuary.org/index.php/organization/donating-to-circle.html
(3) Networking. Let others know about this program & the need to get us names of possible Military Pagan recipients right away.
Founded in 2007, Operation Circle Care is part of the military ministry services provided by Circle Sanctuary:https://www.circlesanctuary.org/index.php/military-ministries/circle-military-ministries.html
Operation Circle Care:
Contact David & Jeanet Ewing, Operation Circle Care coordinatorsocc@circlesanctuary.org
Contact David & Jeanet Ewing, Operation Circle Care coordinatorsocc@circlesanctuary.org
Circle Times & Circle News Release: Friday, December 7, 2012
Circle Sanctuary | PO Box 9 | Barneveld, WI 53507
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Circle Sanctuary | PO Box 9 | Barneveld, WI 53507
To unsubscribe from this list or change your preferences, please click this link.
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