Star coven will be back to having meetings, we still need help so we are calling all Wiccan ,pagan , druids, and others in Utah and surrounding counties in Utah. To join us. meeting are family oriented. We are lokng for all type of people to help with rituals, meeting places, children's teachings, daycare, and more. you can reach me by email @ or text/call me @ 801687-6616 leave a message and i will get back to you between 5pm -9pm. or message me on meetup, facebook, twitter, and more. All Are Weclome! (we are all one)
Self help for you!
Sylvia_Browne The simpler we can keep life, the happier we are. Sometimes, in this age of noise and negative news, it's not...
Sylvia_Browne The simpler we can keep life, the happier we are. Sometimes, in this age of noise and negative news, it's not...
Dr. Phil "Life Code"

Let me start by saying… I WANT THIS BOOK… I WANT THIS BOOK... and I want it so bad. I was watching Dr. Phil, while kids have been sick… youngest’s ear infection is so bad he’s up most of the night crying, doing pain meds, and his doctor believes in things going naturally. Which means I had a recall of when he was an infant, up crying, me feeling helpless, and I’ve had such a lack of sleep that even the strongest coffee couldn’t cure.
Dr. Phil "Life Code"
Back from my sidetrack, I was watching Dr. Phil, half asleep to be honest (have other children so I am up all day too). And he started to say things I’ve felt! Like having a hard time understanding why horrible people get ahead, good people are walked all over, but mine has been a spiritual struggle.
Dr. Phil "Life Code"
Evil 8 (signs)
1.) Arrogant Entitlement
2.) Lack of Empathy
3.) No Remorse
4.) Irresponsposible/Self-Destructive
5.) Thrive on Drama
6.) Brag about Outsmarting
7.) Short-Term Relationships
8.) Fantasy World/Delusional
Nefarious 15 (More Signs)
1.) Infiltrate your life
2.) Create Conspiratorial Conflict
3.) Depend on Approval
4.) Build a file
5.) Misdirect and Obfuscate
6.) Blame Others
7.) Lie
8.) Frauds/Cheaters
9.) Isolate Victims
10.) Abuse Authority
11.) Press Hot buttons
12.) Revisionist of History
13.) Two-faced/Gossip
14.) Paranoid
15.) Passive-Agressive
Sweet 16 (how to succeed)
1.) Define Image
2.) Perception of Eloquences
3.) Play "big"
4.) Accept Praise
5.) Become Essential
6.) Know your real currency
7.) Always have a plan
8.) Keep things "close to the vest"
9.) Investigator Mode
10.) Behave your way to success
11.) Keep options Open
12.) Master System
13.) Nucleus of Supporters
14.) Deal only with truth
15.) Ute Others' ego
16.) Pick your battles
Easy meditation techniques
In this article, I will outline some of my favorite techniques for rapidly getting into a meditative state. It may be difficult to find time to sit down and forget about the world for half an hour. So, here I will describe techniques you can benefit from, even with limited time to practice.
Meditation tends to be as easy or difficult as we make it out to be. If you are the type of person who is constantly planning, or working on something, then it may be challenging to sit in silence. This may not be true though, if you have a highly focused mental attitude. So, it really depends on you. The meditation techniques which are outlined here, will help you quickly counteract racing thoughts.
Remember, the purpose of meditation is not to struggle with your mind; instead, allow it to peacefully settle on it's own.
First technique - Meditation Visualization Exercise
This meditation technique can be done easily, and requires very little time. The benefits of this technique are quite powerful. If practiced regularly, it will build your visualization and concentration skills over time.
For this meditation, focus should be placed on a mentally created visual image. Select a simple geometrical shape, with a basic color. Think of something which may be symbolically meaningful for you in some way. As an example, I choose to imagine a yellow triangle because it has personal significance. You might prefer to imagine a blue square, red circle or something to that effect.
In order to help you visualize, draw your chosen shape on a blank piece of paper. Then use it as a reference point to start your visualization meditation. Stare at the image for about 30 seconds, then close your eyes and try to see it in your mind's eye. Try to keep your eyes closed for 1 minute with the image in your head. If you can't see the image steadily yet, then open your eyes and stare for another 30 seconds. Continue doing this until you can hold the image of the shape in your mind steadily. If you find that your mind is wandering while practicing this visualization exercise, then you can also accompany the image with a simple mantra. Just by repeating to yourself , "Focus on the triangle" or whatever you've chosen, you will direct your mind back to focus on the intended task.
Doing this will help build concentration, while eliminating other mental distractions. If you keep with this practice, you will be able to clearly see this imagined shape in your mind. Eventually you can transfer this visualization ability to more complex imagery. This is a great technique for artists, or anyone interested in a simple effective meditation technique.
If you are interested in a more detailed explanation of the visualization process, please see this article: Mental Imagery Visualization
Second technique - Simple Stress relief visualization
We all experience stress at one point or another. So, it's important to know how to cope with it when we have a stressful experience. Learning a simple meditation technique which you can use at any time, will allow you to quickly eliminate stress.
Stress can be a good indicator that we need to make adjustments in our life. So, it shouldn't always be thought of as negative. Instead we should take a moment to see it for what it is. By using a few easy meditation techniques, you'll be able to take a step back from the situation, so that you can see it from a more objective point of view.
This quick stress relief method involves a simple visualization. If you have difficulty visualizing, then feel free to review my article describing different visualization building exercises.
This simple method can be described in one line - Imagine the source of your stress inside of a bubble. Please, allow me to elaborate a bit. Doing this causes two things to happen - You activate higher order thinking processes, and you eliminate the conditioned immediate negative reaction.
Rather than immediately reacting to the stressor in a conditioned way, we instead activate the higher regions of the prefrontal cortex. It allows us to be in the moment, using creative higher-order thinking processes.
While you imagine the source of your stress trapped inside of a bubble, you can also take a nice deep breath. Now imagine the bubble floating away with your problem trapped inside.
While your real problem may not float away, this easy meditation technique will allow you to take a moment to regain your composure, so you can deal with your difficulty in a calm productive manner.
I promised easy meditation techniques in this article; however, I've written another article outlining 3 very quick and effective stress relief techniques which you may be interested in as well.
Third technique - Mindfulness meditation
There are many different ways to engage in the practice of mindfulness meditation. I've found that the easiest meditation techniques for mindfulness are: counting breath, mantra meditation and cycling senses.
Each of these techniques are effective for bringing the mind into the present moment. The purpose of these exercises is to increase overall awareness. Generally speaking, increased awareness allows the practitioner to notice particular habits or patterns of thought, which they may want to change. Simply being aware of these habits will allow you to see them from a more objective point of view. Sometimes, seeing a problem from another point of view is all that's necessary to help resolve it.
The simplest method for mindfulness meditation is to focus on your breathing. Feeling the tactile sensations caused by the flow of air brings the mind to the present moment in one-pointed concentration. Combined with belly breathing, this technique for mindfulness creates a very powerful relaxation response. It's an excellent technique for ridding the mind of distracting thoughts, and relieving stress.
There are many ways to enhance this concentration, which I've outlined in another article that is dedicated entirely to mindfulness meditation. If you would like to learn more about this type of meditation, please read this article:Mindfulness meditation.
Fourth Technique - Meditation with Binaural Beats
In my opinion, binaural beats are an effective tool for helping reach deeper levels of meditation with minimal effort. Of course the purpose of meditation is to avoid mental efforts, but sometimes it seems unavoidable. Rather than allowing the mind to come to a peaceful state on it's own, we tend to become sidetracked with distracting thoughts. When these thoughts pop up, instead of allowing them to pass, we may find ourselves getting caught up in the thinking process. With binaural beats, distracting thoughts can be brought to a minimum through the process of brainwave entrainment.
Using binaural beats audio will help your mind come to a single point of concentration, with less conscious effort on your part. binaural beats will guide your brain to produce a different brainwave pattern. Doing so will put you into a relaxed state of mind, free from normal anxious thinking. The process of brainwave entrainment is described in my binaural beats article. If you are interested in learning how they can help you reach deeper levels of meditation, then please read the article here: binaural beats
I hope that you've found some easy meditation techniques here that interest you. It's always good to have a solid foundation when beginning your meditation practice. Remember, there are no shortcuts when it comes to meditation. These methods are outlined so that you can experience the positive mental states that will develop with a long standing meditation practice.
Learning these meditation techniques will help you maintain a beneficial meditation practice. Even if you intend to pursue advanced meditative states, it's always a good idea to keep these essential practices in mind.
Celebrate 2013: New Year, New You!
Many fear the number 13. However, I challenge you to make 2013 a lucky year for you! Stick with me, and you’ll shred those fat jeans and spandex for good.
What’s your 2013 resolution? Is it to lose weight? Quit smoking? De-stress? Whatever it is, the first step is to get motivated. Without the proper inspiration, how can you drive yourself to achieve your goals? Why not find a quote to inspire you and get you off that couch? One of my favorites is a quote by Gandhi: “Be the change you want to see in the world.” It motivates me to stay healthy and keep my patients and viewers happy and healthy. You can borrow a healthy quote or two from me and put it on your Pinterest board for safe-keeping! Try finding a healthy resolution for yourself on my official Pinterest board. Post it on your board to serve as a reminder.
Next, you’ll need to blast away all those holiday calories. Start with what you can handle. I’m a big fan of making small and reasonable goals for yourself. Why not start with planning to lose just 10 measly pounds? It may seem like nothing, but you’d be surprised how 10 pounds can drastically improve and lengthen your life. Read more about the benefits of losing 10 pounds, and learn our five rules to losing 10 pounds.
Exercising is a great way to jumpstart your weight loss and alleviate stress. Exercise releasesendorphins, which improves mood, reduces stress, and releases energy. Try some new yoga poses or my trainer Donovan Green’s No Excuse Workouts! These workouts serve as a great first step to get yourself into an exercise-friendly lifestyle. From there, you can graduate to harder exercise classes, swimming classes, water aerobics or my favorite, pilates!
Donovan Green’s exercises are below:
- No Excuse: Couch Potato workout
- No Excuse: Knee Injury workout
- No Excuse: Back Pain workout
- No Excuse: Chair Workout
- No Excuse: Sculpting Workout
Controlling your portions and cutting the junk food are good initial ground rules for every body type. Try some new healthy recipes from and my official Pinterest board. You’ll find hundreds of delicious Oz-approved recipes.
Finally, if stress is the biggest culprit in your life, you can count on my friend, Oprah, to show you six ways to hide the signs of holiday stress. From there, make 2013 a stress-free year filled with pure bliss! Find ways to improve your life with my ultimate stress checklist.
Need more ways to make 2013 a healthy new year for you? Visit my New Year, New You Pinterest board for more inspiration, ideas, and recipes.
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