Finally! a legendary band returns to the shadows! Tonight we are proud to present The “Cruxshadows” as our very own Band of the Night!! Only at www.bloodlitradio.com
Tracklist for Bloodlit Session #014
Session Date - Aug 14/2012 at 9pm ET
Gothic Night
Intro with: Dj Father CoVen
1. Cruxshadows - Indivisible
2. Assemblage 23 - Noise Inside My Head
3. Radioaktivists - Pieces Of Me
Tonights classic track:
4. HMB - This Fire
5. Decoded Feedback - Blood Red Moon
6. Informatik - World Of Wonder
7. Cruxshadows - Infinite Tear
Intro with: Dj Father CoVen
1. Cruxshadows - Indivisible
2. Assemblage 23 - Noise Inside My Head
3. Radioaktivists - Pieces Of Me
Tonights classic track:
4. HMB - This Fire
5. Decoded Feedback - Blood Red Moon
6. Informatik - World Of Wonder
7. Cruxshadows - Infinite Tear
Outro with: Dj Father CoVenThere are some of you out there that have seen all the posts on my story: A Choice; but, for some reason have been hesitant to read it. A Choice isn't just about Domestic Violence -- it is about making important choices for your well being. The story, a true one, was the platform...the window in time...I used to share with you what one person went through (me) to make a choice -- and in the end, what I think about that choice 30 years later. It is also a story about other players -- and the choice they make. Powerful, impact oriented, it is designed to help you heal and make you think. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=374670519271174&set=a.372371326167760.84805.372209459517280&type=1&theater
http://www.space.com/ 17076-nasa-record-breaking-gala xy-cluster-announcement.html
Salt Lake Witches
Added by TaMara
Thursday, August 30, 2012
5:00 PM
Crone's Hollow
2470 S. Main St.
Salt Lake City, UT 84115
the Transpersonal Alchemy Study Program is a dedicated 8 week Course that walks an individual from the point of knowing absolutely nothing about Alchemy to being able to existentially experience it on a Deep Level by working with the Psyche and p...
Salt Lake Witches
Added by TaMara
Thursday, August 23, 2012
5:00 PM
Crone's Hollow
2470 S. Main St.
Salt Lake City, UT 84115
Price: $33.00 per person
The Alchemical Community in Salt Lake City is Growing by leaps and bounds and we now have lots of individuals furthering their Spagyric Practice, which means that a new series of Trainings have to be provided. As a result, we have created some in...
LEARN MOREClass: Free Intro to the NEW Transpersonal Alchemy Study Program
Salt Lake Witches
Added by TaMara
Thursday, August 16, 2012
5:00 PM
Crone's Hollow
2470 S. Main St.
Salt Lake City, UT 84115
The Transpersonal Alchemy Study Program is a dedicated 8 week Course that walks an individual from the point of knowing absolutely nothing about Alchemy to being able to existentially experience it on a Deep Level by working with the Psyche and p...
Salt Lake Witches
Added by TaMara
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
6:30 PM
Crone's Hollow
2470 S. Main St.
Salt Lake City, UT 84115
Price: $25.00 per person
Living Connected is an interactive, experiential class about accessing, interpreting and directing intuitive message. We will focus on techniques and processes that make sense of the messages we receive and the development of personal habits and...
LEARN MOREUtah: Keep nuclear executive off the Radiation Control Board
Ty Markham to youshow details
Dear Utah MoveOn member,
Utah legislators should reject the appointment of nuclear industry executive Dan Shrum to the state's new Radiation Control Board. This is literally a case of the fox guarding the hen house!
Shrum's company, "EnergySolutions," is a company in deep financial difficulties scrambling to ram hotter nuclear waste past Utah officials.
I created a petition on SignOn.org to the Utah State Senate and Governor Gary Herbert, which says:
On August 15th, Utah's senators will vote to confirm or reject the appointment of nuclear industry executive Dan Shrum to Utah's new Radiation Control Board. Whereas his appointment would constitute a blatant conflict of interest, comparable to the fox guarding the henhouse, we ask all Utah senators to REJECT the appointment of Shrum, Senior VP of EnergySolutions, Inc. EnergySolutions is in deep financial difficulties with strong motive to ram hotter nuclear waste past Utah officials. We ask you to stand for the right thing and reject this appointment!
–Ty Markham
This petition was created on SignOn.org, the progressive, nonprofit petition site. SignOn.org is sponsored by MoveOn Civic Action, which is not responsible for the contents of this or other petitions posted on the site. Ty Markham didn't pay us to send this email—we never rent or sell the MoveOn.org list.
Want to support our work? MoveOn Civic Action is entirely funded by our 7 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.
Added by Lotus
Saturday, August 18, 2012
1:00 PM
12896 South Pony Express Road
Draper, UT 84020
Monday by appoinments Call for information or to RSVP 801 368 2932
Angelic Chanelling with Suzanna Rose www.AngelRoseHealing.com “I love to reach into the Heart of Hearts for this where We make the Angelic Connection”
The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup
Sunday, August 19, 2012
3:00 PM
Sacred Circle Temple
3464 W 3800 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84119
6 Members attending, including:
"Reverend Lady Avalon Starr , Office of Fire (Events Coordinator) for Sacred Circle...."
"Hi! I'm Rev. Heron, founder of The Church of the Sacred Circle, minister and Priestess..."
"Hello everyone! I am the newest member of the OOLS and I am looking to make more..."
"Later this year, before the start of the school year, my 7 and 5 year old, and myself..."
"I have been to a couple of activities. Love this group of people and want to know..."
"I am new to the area and looking for a place to meet and connect with people of similar..."
Meet us at the Temple for our monthly Open Circle! This structured-format circle features group meditation, songs, an adult study group and a children's circle. Join us on Facebook at facebook dot com / sacredcirclechurch
Charmed Goddesses ~Women's Circle
Sunday, September 9, 2012 2:00 PM · 2 attending
Open Circle
Sunday, September 16, 2012 3:00 PM · 1 attending
Mooncraft Full Moon Circle
Sunday, September 30, 2012 2:00 PM · 2 attending
Re: [supaganalliance] Hello All
Kara McCoy to supaganallianceshow details
I am glad you are doing well and hope you had fun on your camping trip. I was caught up in the illness and death of my dog during July and did not even think about Lammas. We need to get something planned for Mabon. Does anyone have any ideas or want to host a gathering?
Have a blessed day,
--- On Fri, 8/10/12, Bell <magicbell1313@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: Bell <magicbell1313@yahoo.com>
Subject: [supaganalliance] Hello All
To: supaganalliance@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, August 10, 2012, 1:50 PM
Still here doing good. Hope you all are doing fabulous.
Reminder from: utah_pagan_community_publications Yahoo! Group
Title: Evanne b day
Date: Monday August 13, 2012
Time: 12:00 am - 1:00 am
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Witches' Brews are open to anyone. We just need someone to set up a place, date, and time. I think there are a couple of people who would be interested in meeting up with you. Hopefully they will see this and respond.
From: katiebertie <katinabertoch@yahoo.com>
Subject: [supaganalliance] witches brew cedar city
To: supaganalliance@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, August 10, 2012, 8:25 AM
Any plans for a witches brew in Cedar City in August or September?
Does someone in the group have to invite you, or can you just show up?
Greetings & Bright Blessing!
Here are some Fund raising ideas you can do at Pagan Pride to make our world greener & show Gaia you still care!
Every dollar plants a Tree! Raising as little as $25.00 in a fundraiser on Pagan Pride day & planting 25 trees will be a gift to the earth & animals that will last lifetimes! This is so easy to do! Even if people all get together & throw in a few dollars that money will start adding up! 25 Trees is a very small goal but even if it was just 25 it really does make a difference.
American Forests
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25 Trees - Forest Member
100 Trees - Forest Protector
250 Trees - Forest Steward
500 Trees - Forest Guardian
1000 Trees - Forest Legacy
Sustain the Legacy ($1,000+)
Learn about other ways individuals and corporations can help through donations, endowment funds, and bequest.
Please respond to this File & share your Gaia Healing ideas for Pagan Pride as well we would love to hear them:) Share these ideas with your Coven & Freinds. You can also send them an invite to this group by visiting this URL:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GreenPaganPride/subs_invite
Love & Light
(Group Owner)
~Green Pagan Pride~
Shopping!? Visit http://www.therainforestsite.com & visit the Store because they have excellent Pagan Products but these products also heal Mother Earth every time you shop! When you shop at The Rainforestsite you save Rain forest land with each purchase!
114 current Members & we have now saved 183,225.1 sq ft! Keep up the awesome
work & ask your friends or family to join in to take back our planet.
Invite a friend to our ecology fund team to heal our Mother Earth &
give animals back their homes! When we all work together to spread the
word the healing is so much faster.
Ecology Fund
By visiting Ecology fund each day you can save 63 sq ft of land for
FREE! by clicking. For $25.00 you can get DOUBLE CLICKS all year long:)
Join Pagans Save The World Ecology Fund Team Click Here!
Sign up FREE today & save 500 sq ft of land just for signing up!
Pagans Save The World is a Care2 group I created to help save & heal
Mother Nature. If you wish to visit? Here is the URL but you must be
signed into Care2 to join & view this group.
~Pagans Save The World~ 447 Pagan Member & Three Hosts:)
Love & Light
Shopping!? Visit http://www.therainforestsite.com & visit the Store because they have excellent Pagan Products but these products also heal Mother Earth every time you shop! When you shop at The Rainforestsite you save Rain forest land with each purchase!

Merticus Stevens 9:42am Jul 30
Vampire Community Accountability Questionnaire - The Responses
July 18, 2012 – July 27, 2012
Responses - Text & PDF: http://veritasvosliberabit.com/accountability.html
The purpose of this questionnaire is to objectively evaluate what issues are adversely affecting the Vampire Community (if any) and what steps can be taken in the future both as a larger body and individually to proactively address these issues for the betterment of all parties involved.
The Voices of the Vampire Community (VVC) would like to thank the 230 respondents to this questionnaire and encourage constructive discussions based on the opinions and ideas offered for review. Responses were collected by Merticus of the VVC on July 28-29, 2012 and made publicly available to the vampire community on July 30, 2012. The responses to this questionnaire were solicited from dozens of ‘real vampire’ related websites, groups, forums, mailing lists, and social media outlets and do not necessarily represent the views of the VVC or its members. The VVC assumes no responsibility over the use, interpretation, or accuracy of responses and claims made by those who chose to participate. This document may be reproduced and transmitted for non-commercial use without permission provided there are no modifications.

Voices of the Vampire Community (VVC)
Voices of the Vampire Community (VVC) is an international network of diverse voices from the real va...

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New post on GetFanged

To Meet or Not to Meet? Interactions in the Real Vampire Community
by getfang
The world of the Internet, for those who can still remember a time before it existed, is an astounding thing. Some see it as an unprecedented opportunity; an exchange of information an ideas; a chance to find and network with like-minded, kindred spirits. The Internet, some say, is an opportunity to meet those who can remind you that you're not alone. And for a self-identified vampire on the cusp of Awakening, this can be an invaluable thing.
But for every positive there is a negative; for every positive testimonial, a horror story. Hundreds, if not thousands, of articles have been written and published on the subject of Internet safety and the dangers of assuming everyone turns on their computer with the same intent.
In a recent interview with community leader and founder of the New Orleans Vampire Association (NOVA), Belfazaar Ashantison (Zaar), several members of the community mentioned the importance of real-life interactions amongst self-identified vampires, grounding the OVC by making it an extension of a primarily flesh-and-blood experience. Comments have also been made regarding a propensity to dismiss self-identied vampires who exclusively rely on the Internet for their vampiric life (also often referred to as one's "Nightside").
But is it reasonable to invalidate or dismiss those members of the OVC who may not have found a way to connect with other real vampires in their area? While some may live within, or reasonably near, well-known vampire "hubs" such as New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta or New Orleans, others may find themselves isolated in small towns, never knowing where to begin. Some have even reported negative experiences with what's known in the community as "lifestylers" or fetishists - those who are not vampires themselves, but still emulate various aspects of the vampire mythology and/or lifestyle in social settings. A real vampire with these kinds of experiences may then retreat, choosing social seclusion, subsequently relying only on the connections made and conversations hosted through various channels of the OVC.
Posted today on the Facebook group Vampire Community News (VCN) was a poll regarding this topic. Members of the OVC were asked "How many self-identified 'real vampires' - psychic, sanguinarian, living, etc." they had met in real life. And while the current most popular choices are 3-5 and 6-10, not far behind is "none".
While the reasons for limiting one's Nightside to the Internet are varied, it begs the question: What is the OVC's place within the real vampire community? Should it be viewed exclusively as an extension of a physically social vampiric life, or can exceptions be made for those who are newly Awakened, isolated, or even those individuals who simply prefer to discuss their vampirism with others from a distance?
In a time where community unity is at the forefront of everyone's minds, wouldn't further severing the ranks of the OVC work against these goals? While the VC and the OVC are often very closely linked, as one blends into the other, can they also be considered 'separate but equal' opportunities to connect and learn?
How varied and valid are the places where real vampires meet?
getfang | July 16, 2012 at 1:46 am | Tags: Internet Nightside, Meeting Real Vampires,Online Vampire Community, Real Vampire Community, Real Vampires Meeting, Vampire Community, Vampires and the OVC, Vampiric Life | Categories: News, Real Vampirism | URL: http://wp.me/p2oTJq-ft
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Intuitive Spiritual Arts
Added by TaMara
Friday, August 3, 2012
7:00 PM
Crone's Hollow
2470 S. Main St.
Salt Lake City, UT 84115
Price: $15.00 per person
Starting Friday, August 3, the new cycle of the Tarot class will begin. The full course is 10 weeks long, meeting every Friday from 6pm to 7:00pm. The price is only $120, and can be paid at Crone's Hollow any time between 7/15/12 and 8/2/12. Afte...
Class at Crone's Hollow: Living Connected
Tuesday, July 31, 2012 6:30 PM · 1 attending
Learn Tarot Now! 101
Friday, August 10, 2012 7:00 PM · 1 attending
Class at Crone's Hollow: Living Connected
Tuesday, August 14, 2012 6:30 PM · 1 attending
Sponsored by Windswept Center and Crone's Hollow
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From Patti Wigington, your Guide to Paganism / Wiccan
Welcome to another edition of the Pagan/Wiccan newsletter! Today we'll be talking about your Book of Shadows -- how to make one, and what to put in it! We'll look at some simple magical correspondences, and things to keep in mind when crafting and using your BOS. Be sure to check the Featured Articles below to learn about candle magic, ritual planning, magical ethics, and tools of the craft. Also, read some of our other readers' contributions on what makes their Books of Shadows so special!
Follow Pagan/Wiccan on Twitter or Join Me On Facebook.
What is a Book of Shadows?
We've all heard the term "Book of Shadows" before -- and sometimes, the BOS is portrayed as a Really Super Secret Big Deal in movies or television. So what IS a Book of Shadows, or BOS -- and why would you want to have one? Read Full Article
How to Make Your Book of Shadows
In many Pagan belief systems, including but not limited to Wicca, it's traditional to create a Book of Shadows. This is a notebook containing information regarding your tradition, gods and goddesses, correspondence tables, sabbat and esbat rites and rituals, magical recipes, and more. Learn how to make your own BOS here. Read Full Article
Writing Your Own Spells
Many Pagans and Wiccans use their BOS as a place to record spell workings they've done. You can use other peoples' spells, but it's important to learn how to create your own. Use this simple five-step process to write a working that's right for you - go ahead, give it a try! Read Full Article
Tell Us About Your BOS
A Book of Shadows, or BOS, is a very personal item, and something most people like to make themselves. If you've got a helpful hint to share with other readers making a BOS, this is your chance to tell us. What's special about your personal Book of Shadows? Read Full Article
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How to Plan Your Own Ritual

Magical Tools of the Craft

Magical Ethics: What You Should Know

Basics of Candle Magic

Bodily Fluids in Magical Practice

Spellwork and Folk Magic
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Patti Wigington
Paganism / Wiccan Guide
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August 13, 2012
Still Active Discussions (2)
What is the pagan think about the Mayan Prohecy of Dec. 21, 2012.
Started by Djinto Tjandra - 张智 仁
@John: Yes, I did read your post, several times. I still can not find anything that says "Greed is ...". As for Gaia's Justice, I thought... more »By Phillip Wayne
Does the Pagan belief that death is the beginning of a new life?
Started by Djinto Tjandra - 张智 仁
Yes Pagans do believe that death is the beginning of a new life, not the final ending. We believe in reincarnation. We go thru life... more »By Jean Lima Machado
New Pagan blog
Started by Jennifer L. Moore, Administrative Assistant and Small Business Owner
Maligned Cats in the press
Started by Layla Morgan Wilde, Cat Wisdom 101 at Cat Wisdom 101
Share the Love - Share the Light....
Started by Tom Om, Holistic Health Visionary
Spell tiME...Mend a Broken Heart
Started by Sharon Ann Rowland, Author of The Crystal Channelers Book Series
Business Coach?
Started by Linda Ursin, Artist, Witch, Wise Woman, Vísenda, Volva, Owner of Heksebua
Need a Personal Clearing?
Started by Tom Om, Holistic Health Visionary
What is the New Age according to Paganism? What will change during that time period?
Started by Djinto Tjandra - 张智 仁, World Humanist (Invite Welcome)
What is the New Age according to Paganism? What will change during that time period?
Started by Djinto Tjandra - 张智 仁, World Humanist (Invite Welcome)
Love Marriage Specialist – How to Resolve Conflict in Marriage
Started by Love guru Kartik, Relationship and love marriage Consultant Astrologer atwww.lovemarriageguru.com
Need More Self Esteem?
Started by Tom Om, Holistic Health Visionary
A greatplace to find all things for your metaphysical use...
Started by Maighread Birdsong, Social Media Representative at The Beyond Natural show
Healing Wings Reiki and more... - Home
Started by Maighread Birdsong, Social Media Representative at The Beyond Natural show
A new site to find all things for healing and ritual practices...
Started by Maighread Birdsong, Social Media Representative at The Beyond Natural show
Tree of Life Healing Meditation.wmv
Started by Maighread Birdsong, Social Media Representative at The Beyond Natural show
Youth Spirituality Discussion Group
Started by Maighread Birdsong, Social Media Representative at The Beyond Natural show
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Health Bliss
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21 Days to Awaken the Writer Within
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21 Days to Understand Qabalah
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Protected by Angels
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My Greatest Teacher
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Painting the Future
Louise L. Hay and Lynn Lauber
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The Magic Hand of Chance
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From Patti Wigington, your Guide to Paganism / Wiccan
One of the most popular aspects of the About Pagan/Wiccan site is our information on Tarot. This form of divination is one that many modern Pagans use, and has been around for centuries. Anyone can learn to read Tarot cards, but it does take some practice. It's a highly intuitive process, so while books and charts come in handy, the best way to actually learn what your cards mean is to handle them, hold them, and feel what they are telling you. Let's get started by looking at some of the different ways people use Tarot.
Follow Pagan/Wiccan on Twitter or Join Me On Facebook.
Introduction to Tarot Cards
To people unfamiliar with divination, it may seem that someone who reads Tarot cards is "predicting the future." However, most Tarot card readers will tell you that the cards offer a guideline, and the reader is simply interpreting the probable outcome based upon the forces presently at work. A Tarot deck consists of 78 cards. The first 22 cards are the Major Arcana. These cards have symbolic meanings focused on the material world, the intuitive mind, and the realm of change. The remaining 56 cards are the Minor Arcana, and are divided into four groups or suits, each of which focuses on a theme. Read Full Article
Tarot Cards and Their Meanings
The Tarot is a great tool for guidance and advice, as well as solving problems. Each of the cards has a meaning of its own, and as you learn the cards and get to know them better, you'll become a more effective reader. Anyone can learn to read Tarot cards, but it does take some practice. It's a highly intuitive process, so while books and charts come in handy, the best way to actually learn what your cards mean is to handle them, hold them, and feel what they are telling you. Let's look at the Major Arcana, and the four different suits of Tarot cards found in every deck. Read Full Article
How to Prepare for a Tarot Reading
So you've got your Tarot deck, you've figured out how to keep it safe from negativity, and now you're ready to read for someone else. Perhaps it's a friend who's heard about your interest in Tarot. Maybe it's a coven sister in need of guidance. Perhaps -- and this happens a lot -- it's a friend of a friend, who has a problem and would like to see "what the future holds." Regardless, there are a few things you should do before you take on the responsibility of reading cards for another person. Read Full Article
Interpreting the Cards
Now that you've laid down your Tarot cards, in the spread of your choice, this is where the real fun begins. If someone has come to you as a Querent, it's because they want to know what's going on -- what sorts of things will present obstacles to them, what positive outcomes they can expect, that sort of thing. But they also want it to be interesting. After all, anyone can flip open a book and read that the Ten of Cups means contentment and happiness. What they really want to know is how does it apply to them? Read Full Article
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[Vampires/Vampyres] Get Fanged changed the group description
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Get Fanged 8:08pm Aug 13
The media has been recently saturated with negative and misleading stories concerning real vampyres/vampires. It is hoped this group can help to provide and share positive, intelligent, and comprehensive information in a conducive environment based on constructive dialogue between community groups and individuals affected by such unfavorable misconceptions.
Vampyres/Vampires is a group dedicated to highlighting the positive contributors, projects, news, and initiatives found within the real vampire/vampyre communities.
PerseH started the discussion "Chaoism & Chaos Magic by Pete Carroll" in the
group Belief Studies on Pagan UnderWorld
Chaoism & Chaos Magic
A Personal View
Pete Carroll
As there are as many Chaos Magicians as there are Chaoists practicing magic, I
cannot speak for the subject in general but only for my own Chaoism and Chaos
However, if you want a one-line definition with which most Chaoists would
probably not disagree, then I offer the following. Chaoists usually accept the
meta-belief that belief is a tool for achieving effects; it is not an end in
It is easy to see how other people and cultures are the victims of their own
beliefs. The horrors of Islam and the ghastly state of politics in sub-Saharan
Africa, are obvious examples, but we rarely pause to consider the extent to
which we are the victims of our own beliefs, and the ability we have to modify
them if we wish.
It is perhaps worth considering the recent history of belief in Western cultures
before mounting an attack on the very foundations of the contemporary world
view. For about a millennia and a half the existence of "God" was an
incontrovertible fact of life in Christendom. It was never questioned or thought
to be questionable. Hideous wars and persecutions were conducted to support one
interpretation of deity against another. Learned men wrote thousands of books of
theology debating points which seem utterly tedious and idiotic to us now, but
the central question of the existence of "God" was never considered. Yet now,
the belief in "God" as the author of most of what goes on in the world has been
almost completely abandoned, and belief in even the existence of an absentee
"God" is in most places fading. Satanism as an anti-religious gesture is now a
waste of iconoclastic talent. The alchemists, sorcerers and scientists of the
late Middle Ages and the Renaissance won a stupendo
us posthumous victory. Their questioning of the medieval world view started a
rot that brought the whole edifice down eventually.
We can laugh looking back on it now, but I assert that we now live under a
collective obsession which is even more powerful and will appear equally
limiting and ridiculous to future historians.
Since the eighteenth century European enlightenment, a belief has grown to the
point where it is now so all-pervasive, and so fundamental a part of the Western
world view, that one is generally considered mad if one questions it. This is a
belief that has proved so powerful and useful that virtually everyone in the
Western world accept it without question. Even those who try to maintain a
belief in "God" tend to place more actual faith in this new belief for most
practical purposes. I am about to reveal what this fundamental contemporary
belief is. Most of you will think it is so obvious a fact that it can, hardly be
called a belief. That, however, is a measure of its extraordinary power over us.
Most of you will think me a madman or a fool to even question it. Few of you
will be able to imagine what it would be like not to believe it, or that it
would be possible to replace it with something else. Here it is: the dominant
belief in all Western Cultures is that this universe
runs on material causality and is thus comprehensible to reason. Virtually
everyone also maintains a secondary belief that contradicts this - the belief
that they have something called free will, although they are unable to specify
what this is - but I will deal with that later.
We spend billions every year indoctrinating our young with the primary belief in
material causality in our schools. Our language, our logic, and most of our
machines, are built largely upon this belief. We regard it as more reliable than
Now, it has been one of the functions of the Magician to try and break through
to something beyond the normal. My own magical quest has always had a strongly
antinomian and iconoclastic element, and I long ago decided to go for broke and
attack the primary beliefs of our culture. Religion is too easy a target as it
is already fatally disabled by our ancestors, the Renaissance sorcerers and
scientists. Contemporary Satanists are wasting their efforts. Ideology is
thankfully being gradually replaced with economics. The main thrust of my
Chaoism is against the doctrine of material causality and secondarily against
most of the nonsense that passes for modern psychology.
Anyway, now I have to firstly try and convince you that there is something
seriously wrong with material causality, and that there is something that could
supersede it as a belief. These are vitally important questions for magicians,
for since the demise of essentially spiritual descriptions of magic, the belief
in material causality has been increasingly used in a haphazard fashion to form
various ill-conceived metaphors such as "magical energy" or "magical force"
which are tacitly presumed to be something analogous to static electricity or
radio waves. This is, I think, complete bullshit. Magic can sometimes be induced
to behave a bit like this, but it is not a very effective description.
Before attempting a frontal assault on material causality I shall backtrack a
little to gather ammunition. Few people noticed that in the 1930`s a serious
crack was discovered in the fabric of material causality which, on the grounds
of faith alone, was supposed to cover everything. This crack was called Quantum
Physics, and it was pre-eminently Niels Bohr who, with his Copenhagen
Interpretation, poked a finger into the crack and pried open a wrap to reveal a
different reality.
Basically Bohr showed that this reality is better modeled by a description of
non-material causality operating probabilistically not deterministically. This
may sound tame at first, but the implications for our everyday view of the world
and for our theories of magic are awesome. It brought to an end the era of the
clockwork universe paradigm which began over two hundred years ago and which
almost everyone still believes in their guts, even if they cannot formulate it
precisely. I urge magicians everywhere to give thanks by drinking what is
probably the best lager in the world, for it was the Carlsberg Brewery in
Copenhagen that supported Bohr and his colleagues while they did the physics.
The majority of straight scientists find quantum physics as distasteful as a
priest would find witch-craft. If they have to use it they prefer not to think
about the implications. Even Einstein, who started quantum physics going but
made his major contribution in Relativity, felt repelled by its implications, on
ground of scientific faith and residual Judaic belief, and wasted much of his
later life campaigning fruitlessly against it.
Quantum physics says to me that not only is magic possible in a world that is
infinitely Chaotic than we thought, but that magic is central to the functioning
of this universe. This is a magical universe not a clockwork one. Causal
materialist beliefs were a liberating and refreshing breath of fresh air after a
millennia and a half of monotheism, but now, at their zenith, they have become
tyranny. Relativity and the fundamental physics associated with it are probably
close to a final refinement of the causal materialist paradigm, and as such they
now seem a terrible prison. For all practical purposes they confine us to this
planet forever and rule out magic from our lives. Quantum physics, which I
believe currently to be basically an investigation of the magical phenomena
underlying the reality most people have perceived as non-magical for the last
two hundred years, shows us a way out.
It may be some time before any significant portion of humanity learns to believe
the new paradigm in their guts and live accordingly, but eventually they will.
Until then it is bound to sound like discombobulating gobbledygook or tarted-up
intellectualism to most people.
I would like to mention my other favorite iconoclasm in passing without
explanation. I reject the conventional view of post-monotheistic Western
psychology that we are individual unitary beings possessing free will. I prefer
the description that we are colonial beings composed of multiple personalities;
although generally unafflicted with the selective amnesia which is the hallmark
of this otherwise omnipresent condition. And that secondly there is no such
thing as free will; although we have the capacity to act randomly, or perhaps
one should say more precisely stochastically, and the propensity to identify
with whatever we find ourselves doing as a result.
All the gods and goddesses are within us and non-materially about us as well, in
the form of non-local information.
I consider that all events occur basically by magic; the apparent causality
investigated by classical science is merely the more statistically reliable end
of a spectrum whose other end is complete Chaos. However, I would like to end
with a few words about how my Chaoism affects my personal activity in what is
ordinarily called magic.
There are for me two main aspects of magic; the parapsychological and the
psychological. In enchantment and divination I believe that the magician is
attempting to interact with nature via non-material causality. He is basically
exchanging information with his environment without using his physical
faculties. Austin Osman Spare precisely identified the mental maneuvers
necessary to allow this to occur. The maneuvers are startlingly simple and once
you have understood them you can invent an unlimited number of spells and forms
of divination. The maneuvers are sacred but the forms of their expression are
arbitrary; you can use anything at random. Bohr and Spare are for me Saints of
the Church of Chaos.
I consider that when a magician interacts with those apparently sentient sources
of knowledge, inspiration and parapsychological ability that used to be called
spirits, gods, demons and elementals, he is tapping into the extraordinary
resources that each of us already contains. When activated they may also receive
some input via non-material causality from outside. Yet since we all contain
such a rich multitude within our own unconscious or subconscious and can also
receive congruent information from the collective unconsciousness as it were,
then the possibilities are practically limitless. Given the correct technique
one can invoke or evoke anything, even things which did not exist before one
thought of calling them. This may sound like complete Chaos, and I have to
report that my own researches confirm that it is !
Chaos Magic for me means a handful of basic techniques which must be adhered to
to get results, but beyond that it offers a freedom of expression and
intent undreamed of in all previous forms of magic.
To view this discussion, go to:

Richard Hargett 5:39pm Aug 13

Occult Witchcraft - Academy of Occult Witches
The Art of the Fearless Witch, is one whom chooses to embrace the power, and nature, they have withi...
The candle we lit last night in circle for Domestic Violence victims is burning beautifully -- strong and clear.
Salt Lake Witches
Added by TaMara
Thursday, August 30, 2012
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
Crone's Hollow
2470 S. Main St.
Salt Lake City, UT 84115
2470 S. Main St.
Salt Lake City, UT 84115
the Transpersonal Alchemy Study Program is a dedicated 8 week Course that walks an individual from the point of knowing absolutely nothing about Alchemy to being able to existentially experience it on a Deep Level by working with the Psyche and p...
Salt Lake Witches
Added by TaMara
Thursday, August 23, 2012
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
Crone's Hollow
2470 S. Main St.
Salt Lake City, UT 84115
2470 S. Main St.
Salt Lake City, UT 84115
Price: $33.00 per person
The Alchemical Community in Salt Lake City is Growing by leaps and bounds and we now have lots of individuals furthering their Spagyric Practice, which means that a new series of Trainings have to be provided. As a result, we have created some in...
LEARN MOREClass: Free Intro to the NEW Transpersonal Alchemy Study Program
LEARN MOREClass: Free Intro to the NEW Transpersonal Alchemy Study Program
Salt Lake Witches
Added by TaMara
Thursday, August 16, 2012
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
Crone's Hollow
2470 S. Main St.
Salt Lake City, UT 84115
2470 S. Main St.
Salt Lake City, UT 84115
The Transpersonal Alchemy Study Program is a dedicated 8 week Course that walks an individual from the point of knowing absolutely nothing about Alchemy to being able to existentially experience it on a Deep Level by working with the Psyche and p...
Salt Lake Witches
Added by TaMara
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
Crone's Hollow
2470 S. Main St.
Salt Lake City, UT 84115
2470 S. Main St.
Salt Lake City, UT 84115
Price: $25.00 per person
Living Connected is an interactive, experiential class about accessing, interpreting and directing intuitive message. We will focus on techniques and processes that make sense of the messages we receive and the development of personal habits and...
LEARN MOREUtah: Keep nuclear executive off the Radiation Control Board
LEARN MOREUtah: Keep nuclear executive off the Radiation Control Board

Ty Markham to youshow details
Dear Utah MoveOn member,

Utah legislators should reject the appointment of nuclear industry executive Dan Shrum to the state's new Radiation Control Board. This is literally a case of the fox guarding the hen house!
Shrum's company, "EnergySolutions," is a company in deep financial difficulties scrambling to ram hotter nuclear waste past Utah officials.
I created a petition on SignOn.org to the Utah State Senate and Governor Gary Herbert, which says:
On August 15th, Utah's senators will vote to confirm or reject the appointment of nuclear industry executive Dan Shrum to Utah's new Radiation Control Board. Whereas his appointment would constitute a blatant conflict of interest, comparable to the fox guarding the henhouse, we ask all Utah senators to REJECT the appointment of Shrum, Senior VP of EnergySolutions, Inc. EnergySolutions is in deep financial difficulties with strong motive to ram hotter nuclear waste past Utah officials. We ask you to stand for the right thing and reject this appointment!
–Ty Markham
This petition was created on SignOn.org, the progressive, nonprofit petition site. SignOn.org is sponsored by MoveOn Civic Action, which is not responsible for the contents of this or other petitions posted on the site. Ty Markham didn't pay us to send this email—we never rent or sell the MoveOn.org list.
Want to support our work? MoveOn Civic Action is entirely funded by our 7 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.
Added by Lotus
Saturday, August 18, 2012
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
12896 South Pony Express Road
Draper, UT 84020
12896 South Pony Express Road
Draper, UT 84020
Monday by appoinments Call for information or to RSVP 801 368 2932
Angelic Chanelling with Suzanna Rose www.AngelRoseHealing.com “I love to reach into the Heart of Hearts for this where We make the Angelic Connection”
Angelic Chanelling with Suzanna Rose www.AngelRoseHealing.com “I love to reach into the Heart of Hearts for this where We make the Angelic Connection”
The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup
Sunday, August 19, 2012
3:00 PM
3:00 PM
Sacred Circle Temple
3464 W 3800 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84119
3464 W 3800 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84119
6 Members attending, including:
"Reverend Lady Avalon Starr , Office of Fire (Events Coordinator) for Sacred Circle...."
"Hi! I'm Rev. Heron, founder of The Church of the Sacred Circle, minister and Priestess..."
"Hello everyone! I am the newest member of the OOLS and I am looking to make more..."
"Later this year, before the start of the school year, my 7 and 5 year old, and myself..."
"I have been to a couple of activities. Love this group of people and want to know..."
"I am new to the area and looking for a place to meet and connect with people of similar..."
Meet us at the Temple for our monthly Open Circle! This structured-format circle features group meditation, songs, an adult study group and a children's circle. Join us on Facebook at facebook dot com / sacredcirclechurch
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The candle we lit last night in circle for Domestic Violence victims is burning beautifully -- strong and clear.
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