Say the words "vampire romance" these days and you'll receive a host of predictable reactions (and few of them good), all due to the recent pop-culture phenomenon known to one and all as "Twilight". So, not knowing anything about Midnight Son, one might look at its tagline "A Terrifying Love Story" as more of the same; another one of "those" vampire films.
 However, Midnight Son is anything but.
In writer/director Scott Leberecht's outstanding film, we're introduced to a vampire that immediately transcends the world of the motion picture; Jacob (Zak Kilberg) is a man with characteristics and struggles that, in spite of their extremities and horrific consequences, are still within the realm of possibility.
When Jacob says, "I'm sick", going through the paces of doctor visits and Internet research on his increasingly deteriorating physical condition, we believe him. Kilberg's performance in this film, even in its most extreme moments, never abuses the audience's suspension of disbelief; in the hands of a lesser actor, the emotional journey wouldn't have been nearly as profound, or grounded. Together, Leberecht and Kilberg give us a vampire who is stripped of all the usual fantasies - the romantic hero, the paranormal monster, and the action star are nowhere to be found. Instead, we're presented with real, gripping physical illness and the constant implication that biology is responsible for everything Jacob does - from avoiding the sun to drinking human blood.
Never bogged down by the weight of vampire mythology and its stereotypes, Midnight Son is character-driven, well acted, skillfully directed, and engaging - from start to finish.
Released: | 2011 (Now on DVD via |
Genre(s): | Horror, Romance, Drama |
Actors: | Zak Kilberg, Maya Parish, Tracey Walter, Arlen Escarpeta |
Director: | Scott Leberecht |
Screenwriter: | Scott Leberecht |
Rated: | UR |
Comment | See all comments
Writer/Director/Producer Scott Leberecht graduated from the University of Cincinnati College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning in 1994. At age 24, Scott joined George Lucas’ Industrial Light & Magic Art Department.
When asked by GetFanged about the stark difference of Midnight Son when compared to films like Twilight, and the significance of his film to the real vampire community, he says, "I believe most vampire films are the way they are because that specific romantic depiction is what sells, and it is very hard to get people to take a financial risk on something new. I guess I just wanted to tell a story about what happens when your body wants something your mind doesn’t. Anyone whose life gets turned upside down will initially see the event as debilitating and tragic," he continues, "but it is not until you punch through the wall of denial that the skin of your old self can be shed, and ‘rebirth’ begins."
"You have to be honest with me…Your body's telling me you're malnourished, but you say you're eating like a horse. One of you is lying." (Midnight Son)
While not specifically made with the self-identified vampire community in mind, Scott Leberecht has nevertheless created a film with moments of real, heartbreakingly tangible parallels to so many of the challenges described by real vampires today. Even within the context of this heightened reality, and the chaos that quickly exceeds the boundaries of what most can, or should, relate to, Midnight Son is a standout piece in the vampire genre; a glimpse of vampirism as biological and medical - rather than mysterious and sublime.
"I wanted Jacob to be someone we could relate to," he says. "I wanted the rules he has to live by to be simple and biologically based. This narrowed it down to two major problems– sunlight and blood. I kept just enough mythology intact to call him a ‘vampire’ without falling into the trap of more spectacle-based aspects of the archetype. Being forced to stay out of sunlight and drink blood to survive felt like enough complication to me. These two things would create plenty of problems for any protagonist in a modern society."
Scott Leberecht's full interview can be found on Also, be sure to read The Vampire Observer's official review, and stay tuned for more exclusive insight into the creation of Jacob, and Midnight Son.
Religion and science have had a long and complicated past. Often intertwined, both to the advantage and disadvantage of progress and discovery, the most modern school of thought seems to consistently view these two methods/practices as mutually exclusive. This is, in part, due to the interference of religion in topics such as human origins/evolution and stem cell research; invariably, when faith and tradition create roadblocks for reason and research, a schism occurs.
Members of the real vampire community, when questioned by outsiders, are often faced with the question, "Is Vampirism a Religion?" Consistently skeptical of anecdotal evidence, the average non-vampire will often dismiss what many claim are verifiable medical deficits, calling them a "preference" or a "belief" or something that can be categorized, dismissively, as a deviant lifestyle choice. And while those within the community make constant efforts to distinguish between real vampires and what are known as "lifestylers" (individuals who are fetishists and/or emulate aspects of the "vampire lifestyle" with no verifiable need), the lack of empirical scientific evidence makes it difficult to relate what many call the "condition of vampirism" to mainstream society.
Further complicating the issue is religion within vampirism.
While religion is an infamously taboo subject in most conversations, it has been a constant point of debate within the real vampire community. "Secularists" within the community are generally defined as those who don't believe their vampirism requires adherence to any religious or philosophical dogma. While some self-identified vampires may belong to a mainstream organized religion, as was the case with a "Reform Jewish" vampire interviewed by The Graveyard Press, a vampiric secularist is an individual who tends to look primarily toward medical and scientific reasons for their vampirism, rejecting the notion that the symptoms and/or deficits they experience are contingent upon, or caused by, a religious dogma -- or spiritually in general. On the other hand, those who do subscribe to a specific vampiric philosophical or religious doctrine have been known to make assertions that very easily offend the balance of the community; claiming theirs is the only "true" vampirism, or the only real path to a fully realized vampiric life.
The arguments are frequent and widespread, as those who self-identify as vampires debate its source - and the methods to understanding vampirism itself. But, eventually, as it has been throughout history, faith is cast in a supporting role when evidence takes the stage.
If vampirism is indeed a medical condition that hopes to be illuminated by science, vampiric spirituality, philosophy and religion can then be seen as a preference; a point of refinement and enhancement, while never claiming to be a prerequisite.
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Louise L. Hay • Dr. Wayne W. Dyer • Cheryl Richardson • Reid Tracy • Doreen Virtue
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John Holland • Robert Holden, Ph.D. • Sarah McLean • Donna Gates • Ken Druck, Ph.D.
Joe Dispenza, D.C. • Dr. Fabrizio Mancini • Sonia Choquette • Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.
Geneen Roth • Jean Haner • Debbie Ford • Denise Linn |
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Featuring Wayne Dyer
Saturday All-Day »
Before 7/26 $145 US
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Features welcome by Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson and keynotes by Dr. Brian Weiss and Doreen Virtue plus your choice of workshops.
Sunday All-Day »
Before 7/26 $145 US
After 7/26 $190 US
Features keynote by Kris Carr and closing keynote by Bruce Lipton plus your choice of workshops. |
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Great Sex, Naturally! A Guide to Enhancing Your Sexuality Through the Secrets of Natural Medicine
Dr. Laurie Steelsmith
Register Now! Only $39.95!
Do you feel that your sexual energy is waning, or that the word sex has somehow lost its magic? If you want to reawaken your libido, recharge your sexual energy, and at the same time transform your overall health, this special Live Online Event will give you all the tools you need.
As an added bonus, when you purchase this course, you'll get a FREE copy of Dr. Steelsmith's new book, Great Sex Naturally: Every Woman's Guide to Enhancing Her Sexuality Through the Secrets of Natural Medicine.
In this fun, informative, and sophisticated workshop, Dr. Steelsmith will help you discover how you can:
- Create the optimal health that enables you to have great sex.
- Enhance your sexuality with natural aphrodisiacs from all over the world.
- Boost both your creative energy and your "sexual Qi."
- Nurture your sexuality by creating vital health in your pelvis.
- Balance your key sex-enhancing hormones.
- Support your male partner's sexual health.
- Put the power back in your sex life!
Thursday, Jul 26 • 4:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m. (PT) • Ticket Price $39.95Sign up today to listen live or on demand!

Rewire Your Brain for LIFE (3-Lesson Series)
Marsha Lucas, Ph.D.
All 3 Lessons are only $39!
(Price increases to $99 after Aug 6, 2012)
For real, lasting changes to occur you need to develop new wiring patterns – and this Live Online Course is your opportunity to rewire your brain!
You'll be guided through what this means for you and how to use it to create a vibrant, healthier life by psychotherapist and neuropsychologist Marsha Lucas, Ph.D. With more than twenty years' experience and exploration of the brain and well-being, Dr. Marsha brings her passion for healing hearts —and making life-changing science accessible — with the same wit and wisdom as her best-selling book, Rewire Your Brain For Love: Creating Vibrant Relationships Using the Science of Mindfulness (Hay House, 2012).
With compassion and clarity, the very down-to-earth Dr. Marsha Lucas will empower you to become a Master Electrician for your own brain. Lively, funny, compassionate and engaging, Dr. Marsha will teach you, lead you step-by-step through exercises, and take your calls, so that together you'll create real traction in cultivating and deepening the seven "high voltage" relationship benefits of mindfulness meditation – in three powerful lessons.
Mondays: Aug 6, 13, 20 • 4:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m. (PT) • Price $39
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Awakening the Luminous Mind: Tibetan Meditation for Finding Inner Refuge (3-Lesson Series)
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
All 3 Lessons are only $49!
(Price increases to $79 after Aug 7, 2012)
When we feel confused, a normal reaction is to reject the confusion, dwell on it excessively, or find ways to distract ourselves. We typically look outward in seeking comfort, support or advice. But external supports are only temporary and inevitably fail us. According to the Tibetan spiritual traditions, the best medicine is to be found within.
The nature of your true identity is open and clear, and it is the source of all healing as well as the source of creativity, love, joy, compassion, and all other positive qualities. When you can shift your attention from the problem to the awareness of the space of being, you will find that solutions to your problems arise naturally from that space. The whole universe arises, rests, and dissolves in that boundless space of infinite potential.
In this three-part series, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will guide you in accessing and becoming familiar with the space of inner refuge, so you can live from that space with vibrancy and generosity.
As an added bonus, when you purchase this course, you'll receive a free copy of Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's newest book, Awakening the Luminous Mind: Tibetan Meditation for Inner Peace and Joy. Each book includes a bonus CD of guided meditations.
Tuesdays, Aug 7, 14, 21 • 4:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m. (PT) • Ticket Price $49
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Dying to be Me (4-Lesson Series)
Anita Moorjani
All 4 Lessons are only $50!
(Price increases to $75 after Aug 9, 2012)
Join New York Times best-selling author Anita Moorjani, and special guest Dr. Wayne Dyer for a riveting Live Online Course that will radically alter your current beliefs about yourself, your purpose on earth, your health, your relationships, and your life!
Anita will also inspire you to transform your life by living more authentically, discovering your greatest passions, transcending your deepest fears, and living from a place of pure joy. You will feel energized as Anita explains such mind-bending concepts as timelessness, non-duality, and simultaneous realities, in such simplified terms that everyone will understand. You will experience many "aha" moments as she explains how by merely understanding and becoming aware of these concepts, and adopting an "inside out" view of the world, you can radically alter your reality instantly.
Thursdays, Aug 9, 16, 23, 30 • 4:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m. (PT) • Ticket Price $50
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Yes! Energy: Your Millionaire Makeover
Loral Langemeier
Register Now! Only $20!
Join Hay House author and Radio Host Loral Langemeier for her first Live Online Event. As one of the only women leading the conversation about money, Loral has spurred thousands of success stories around the world, including the creation of hundreds of millionaires—and you could be next!
Amongst the topics she will be addressing are:
- How to find your Yes! Energy and how to use it
- Path to Profit
- How Loral has used Yes! Energy to Help Her Succeed
- Discovering Your Yes! Challenge
- Steps to Building Your Cash Machine
Wednesday, Aug 15 • 4:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m. (PT) • Ticket Price $20Sign up today to listen live or on demand!

I Can Do It! 2012 Washington D.C. - LIVE Video Stream
Register Now—Only $50!
Join us online as your favorite authors and speakers lecture on topics ranging from personal and global transformation, manifestation and happiness to past lives, and guidance from your angels.
Energize your mind, body, and spirit from the comfort of your own home!
Hay House is bringing you the LIVE video stream plus, when you register by September 7, you'll receive an On Demand Video Stream available for you to watch again at your leisure for up to 90 days! The On Demand Video will be added to your customer account within two weeks of the live streaming date.
Click Here to view the I Can Do It! Live Video Streaming Schedule.
Featuring these amazing authors and speakers:Dr. Wayne W. Dyer • Louise L. Hay • Cheryl Richardson • Joe Dispenza, D.C. • Caroline Myss • Gregg Braden • Doreen Virtue • Brian L. Weiss, M.D. • Eldon Taylor • Dr. Christiane Northrup • Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.
Saturday & Sunday, Sep 7-9 • Live Stream Price $50
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I Can Do It!
Melbourne, Australia Aug 18-19, 2012
I Can Do It!
Sydney, Australia Aug 25-26, 2012
I Can Do It! Washington D.C.Sep 7-9, 2012
Can’t make it to Washington D.C.? Watch the conference LIVE online!
I Can Do It! Scotland Sep 15-16, 2012
I Can Do It! London Sep 22-23, 2012
Angels and the AfterlifeSeattle, WA - Sep 22, 2012
Mediterranean CruiseSep 24 - Oct 5, 2012
The Writer's Workshop 2012
New York, NY - Oct 13-14
I Can Do It! PasadenaOct 26-28, 2012
Can’t make it to Pasadena? Watch the conference LIVE online!
I Can Do It! IGNITENew York, NY - Nov 3-4, 2012
Philadelphia, PA - Nov 3, 2012
Ft. Lauderdale - Feb 16, 2013
Honolulu - Apr 6, 2013
Wishes Fulfilled - An Evening with Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Detroit, MI - Nov 7, 2012
A Day with Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.
Seattle, WA - Nov 10, 2012
Coaching Success: 5-day Certification Training with Dr. Robert HoldenNew York, NY -
Nov 14-18, 2012
Speak, Write & Promote
New York, NY - Nov 16-18, 2012
Fractal Evolution 2013 Australian Cruise Jan 2-12, 2013
Angel Intuitive Australian CruiseJan 2-12, 2013
Divine Love - Life's Ultimate Experience Reclaiming Your Divinity with Dr. Wayne DyerMaui, HI - Jan 26-27, 2013
You Can Create An Exceptional Life with Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson
Feb 3-7, 2013
Rewire Your Brain for LIFE with Marsha LucasPremieres Aug 6, 2012
Awakening the Luminous Mind: Tibetan Meditation for Finding Inner Refuge
with Tenzin Wangyal RinpochePremieres Aug 7, 2012
Dying to be Me with Anita MoorjaniPremieres Aug 9, 2012
Yes! Energy: Your Millionaire Makeover with Loral Langemeier Premieres Aug 15, 2012
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Tales of Everyday Magic Series
Game Changers
by Caroline Myss
Aug 24, 11am PT/2pm ET
Through Indigo's Eyes
by Tara Taylor and Lorna Schultz Nicholson |
Free On Demand Download:Transform Your ENERGY, Transform Your LIFE with Vickie Emanuele
Enter Priority Code: 4632
Expires 8/31/12 |
Dear Friends,
Happy August! That means it’s still summer, right? Whew! While some of us are traveling down under to our I Can Do It Conferences in Sydney and Melbourne this month, the rest of us are preparing for the adventurous ride into Hay House’s Fall season. Fasten your seatbelts and hold on tight as we plummet into a whirlwind of wild events and wistful releases where you’ll meet a menagerie of characters such as transcendental gurus, enlightened teens, manic mums, manopausal females, an angel whisperer, one hot mama, a rebel chick, a few mermaids and even the Dalai Lama’s cat!
In the meantime, let our selection of summer reading help you get organized, revive your faith in heavenly helpers, lead you to your vision quest, and discover the healing power of your favorite flowers.
So sit back and take a few moments just for you today. Slip into your beach chair, pour yourself a cup of refreshing iced tea and savor this month’s banquet of inspiration from Hay House. | |
Through Indigo’s Eyes Can a Lonely Teen Psychic Find Love?
by Tara Taylor and Lorna Schultz NicholsonIndigo Russell is 17 and all alone with her sometimes frightening visions of the future. She thinks she wants to be just like the other “normal” girls in her high school class, but does she?
I’d been sitting in English class, at the back of the room, of course. As I sat there brooding, slouching, and doodling, a waft of fresh soap and some type of musky, masculine woody aftershave combined with the familiar smell of cigarette smoke hit my nostrils. My body tensed and my stomach flipped and my breathing picked up speed and then . . . he passed by my desk. I tried hard not to stare.
Who was he?
I’d never seen him before. He had to be new to our school. I swear my heart stopped beating for a second. His flip-flops slapped the floor, and his frayed jeans dragged along the tiles. Nobody wore flip-flops to school. Talk about not conforming. He sat in the desk kitty-corner to me.
Who was this guy?
My throat dried up, and sweat started beading on my upper lip. I slid deeper into my seat and lowered my head, letting my hair hang in front of my eyes, just so I could catch a glimpse of him without him knowing I was staring. Right away I was drawn to his strong, chiseled looks, his square jaw, straight posture, and wide shoulders. No way did he look like a jock, though. He was lean, almost skinny, but he had this strong, long look. And he had this unruly thick, dark, curly hair that was so incredibly cool because it was wild and unkempt and yet still all in the right place.
I continued doodling, my pen ripping right through my paper I pressed so hard. Why was I still staring at him? This was crazy, insane, and totally stupid. But he was intriguing, because I justknew he wasn’t a conformist and that he was different, like me, perhaps. The teacher started talking, droning on and on, and I didn’t hear one word until a question was posed to the class about the book we were supposed to be reading and he put up his hand.
I sat up in my desk, holding my breath, waiting to hear his voice, wondering what it would sound like, what he was going to say. His low, smooth, almost syrupy voice spoke words that were clear and concise, and he reeled off an answer that shocked me, because he sounded like he was a professor and not a student. The teacher nodded his head. “Excellent answer. And your name is?”
“John. John Smith.”
“Excellent answer, Mr. Smith.”
I’d never heard any other student talk so intelligently before, and I’d definitely never met anyone who was as mystifying. Right then and there, I decided I was going to do everything I could to get to know him. I had to. |
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Flower TherapyHealing Power of Plant Life
by Doreen Virtue and Robert ReevesCan a flower boost your confidence or calm your anger?
Mother Nature is a healer, and one of her most powerful gifts comes in the form of flowers. Each variety has a different “personality” to promote physical and emotional wellness. As Heaven’s masterpieces, flowers are Divine vessels of healing, and Flower Therapy is a method of working with different blossoms—based upon their appearance, fragrance, essence, colors, and energies—to address specific needs and desires.
Here are 2 of the 88 flowers listed our new Flower Therapy book and their healing properties:
Rose (Pink)
Botanical Name: Rosa spp.
Energetic Properties: Beauty, self-confidence, comfort, and being content with yourself
Associated Archangel: Jophiel
Associated Chakras: Solar plexus and heart
Healing Description: Pink roses increase your confidence and help you accept the beauty within yourself. You’ll know everything is as it’s meant to be, right now. Pink roses guide you to fully accept yourself, which boosts your self-esteem. You needn’t change anything about yourself at this time.
Message from Pink Rose: “You’re perfect just the way you are. There’s nothing you need to change in order to find true beauty. Let me help you find love for yourself: Look in a mirror and tell yourself that you’re gorgeous, and mean it. Love everything about you. You’re made in the image and likeness of God. There’s nothing within your being that’s imperfect, nothing within you that wasn’t born from love.”
Botanical Name: Tulipa spp.
Energetic Properties: Grace, poise, calm, removing irritations, releasing anger, and preventing interruptions
Associated Archangels: Haniel, Raguel, and Zadkiel
Associated Chakras: Root, sacral, solar plexus, and crown
Healing Description: Tulips clear out energies that cause annoyance and anger. These calming flowers help you relax and better focus, even when circumstances seem to be conspiring to prevent you from completing your work (such as when a loved one or co-worker is constantly interrupting with requests for aid). When you feel like you aren’t making any progress, the energy of tulips helps bring balance and everything comes back into order.
Message from Tulip: “Allow your body to absorb my healing energies. Let go of any harsh emotions you’re experiencing. Call on me when you don’t have time for yourself or your work. There’s no better time than now to benefit from my healing energies. I’ll support you and allow you to carry yourself with grace and poise.”
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Take a Shot Always believe in YOU.
by Jake Steinfeld and Dave Morrow“The record shows I took the blows and did it my way.” – Frank Sinatra
As a kid growing up in middle-class Baldwin, New York, I had some pretty serious confidence issues. In addition to being chubby, I stuttered so badly that I didn’t like making phone calls, even to order pizza (and I loved pizza, which shows you how bad my stutter was). And I might have stayed that way if my dad, a street-smart Navy veteran, hadn’t come home one summer day with a set of weights and a weight bench. He put them in the backyard and said, “Let’s go do some bench presses.”
And since I was too busy eating a Twinkie or stuffing some other kind of junk food down my throat, I said, “No thanks, Dad.”
So the bench and the weights stayed in the yard, unused, all summer. Then in the fall my dad told me to bring them into the basement laundry room. It so happens my bedroom was in the basement, too. It was a pretty cool room, with a Jimi Hendrix poster on one wall and an Alice Cooper poster on another, and a desk where I did everything I could to avoid studying.
Well, one night I was dragging myself through some social-studies homework, and I leaned back in my chair and started daydreaming, as I often did, and I happened to notice a barbell sticking out of the laundry room.
Just because I was so bored with my homework, I got up and brought the bar into my bedroom. It was an E-Z curl bar, with not a whole lot of weight on it. I set up this long skinny mirror on top of my ottoman, and I put on a tank top to cover my belly. Then I went over to the turntable and put on a record. Did I choose Hendrix or Cooper or some headbanging heavy-metal song? Nah.
I put on Frank Sinatra.
That’s right, I loved listening to Frank sing a live version of “My Way,” not so much because of the song, but because, after he finished, there was a long burst of wild applause from the audience. And there was something about that applause that really fired me up. So I put on my headphones, stood in front of the mirror, and, with my gut hanging over my underpants, I lifted the curl bar for the first time.
That first curl was a magic moment in my life.
I started doing my bicep curls to the sound of that applause, imagining I was doing it in front of 50,000 screaming fans at Madison Square Garden with all those people cheering for me. The weights became my best friends, and the more muscular I got, the more my confidence and self-esteem grew.
I got into great shape and never looked back. I started visualizing thousands of people cheering me on no matter what I was doing. Even when I was mowing the lawn of our home, I’d visualize that I was actually mowing the outfield at Yankee Stadium. I’d even stop and wave to all the fans, acknowledging their cheers. My mom would look out the window, see me waving at imaginary people, and ask me what I was doing.
“Ma, I’m waving to the fans!” I’d say. “I’m in Yankee Stadium!”
And my mom would think, What is wrong with that boy?
Well, what can I tell you? It’s just the way my brain works. Just because something doesn’t exist, doesn’t mean that it can’t exist.
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Be Your Potential
by Joseph Clough
Joseph Clough has been helping people transform their lives since he was 18 years old. His own journey from a shy, anxious youth to an influential life coach has given him a unique perspective on how we can move beyond our past selves. Joseph now shares with you the fresh, dynamic techniques he has learned from 10 years' experience helping all kinds of people meet their potential, including many high profile clients.
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21 Days to Awaken the Writer Within
by Lisa Fugard
We live in exciting times in publishing: anyone with an idea and a computer can reach a worldwide audience, but how do you separate yourself from the thousands competing to be heard? 21 Days to Awaken the Writer Within is a warm, comforting guide to stepping into your new life as an empowered author. You'll learn how to generate more ideas, build confidence in your writing and take your manuscript to completion.
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Matrix Reimprinting using EFT
by Karl Dawson and Sasha Allenby
Matrix Reimprinting is a completely new personal development technique that dramatically improves health and wellbeing by allowing you to access and transform painful memories that may be holding you trapped in the past. It was developed from the popular self-help technique EFT, a meridian tapping therapy that has shown outstanding results with both physical and emotional issues. Matrix Reimprinting advances EFT by incorporating all the latest developments in the New Sciences and quantum physics.
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Quest: A Guide for Creating Your Own Vision Quest
by Denise Linn and Meadow Linn
For centuries, ancient cultures embarked on rites of passage to gain entrance to the spiritual realms and attain self-knowledge. Now international lecturer and healer Denise Linn and Meadow Linn draw on their Native American roots, as well as the teachings of other cultures, to create a carefully crafted spiritual program for anyone wishing to venture on a retreat or create a uniquely personal Quest of his or her own.
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Protected By Angels
by Jacky Newcomb
Exploring the detail behind the events - how they occurred, what each person learned and the impact it had on their life - this comforting book brings true tales of miraculous intervention from guardian angels and timely contact from deceased loved ones to create an uplifting and reassuring read.
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My Angel Diary 2013
by Jenny Smedley
The diary has plenty of room for all your appointments and notes, offers guidance on important dates, suited to different types of activities, and a special meditation called 'The Crystal Garden', which will help you meet your angels and receive their assistance in your life. As you learn to walk with angels beside you each day, prepare for peace and love to flow into your life, and to watch your wishes come true!
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My Dog Diary 2013
by Jenny Smedley
With guidance on the many ways that you can develop a stronger bond with your canine friends, this diary has plenty of space for all of your important dates and notes, and is full to the brim of stories and anecdotes of special dogs and their owners - and that magical bond that only they can understand.
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My Cat Diary 2013
by Jenny Smedley
With a different strategy to strengthen your bond with your pet each month, and a fascinating fact and a cat hero each week, it will inspire you to see another side of your cat, and feel closer than ever to your trusted companion!
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You Can Heal Yourself
by Seka Nikolic
Seka Nikolic is one of the world's top bio-energy practitioners. Her personal belief that we can all improve our health and sense of wellbeing by learning how to manage our energy has been established by the Milan Bio-Energy Institute. You Can Heal Yourself is the incredible story of how Seka discovered her powers and how you can harness them in your own life.
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Wall Street Journal Article Validates Hay House Book
When Hay House released Meals That Heal Inflammation in June, readers were astonished when they learned that virtually every health condition from asthma to Alzheimer’s is linked to inflammation. Author Julie Daniluk—leading nutritionist and inflammation expert—revealed that if you suffer from allergies, diabetes, skin disorders, heart disease, arthritis and many other conditions ending in “-itis,” the culprit is most likely inflammation.
Just last week, scientists interviewed in The Wall Street Journalvalidated Julie’s findings in an article titled, “The New Science behind America’s Deadliest Diseases.” Although much of the research on chronic inflammation has focused on fighting it with drugs (such as cholesterol-reducing statins for heart disease), experts confirmed that more facts are pointing to an unhealthy diet as a cause for inflammation. And more scientists are now investigating how certain components in foods (as Julie covers inMeals That Heal Inflammation) might help ease inflammation.
What foods can you add to your diet that will help you reduce inflammation? Julie suggests: avocados, pomegranates and ginger. Read more details in Meals That Heal Inflammation
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Are You a Nonfiction Writer? We Have a Contest for You!
Do you have an original and completed nonfiction manuscript that you’d like to get published? We invite you to submit it to our newHay House Insights Nonfiction Contest hosted by Hay House and Balboa Press.
And just by entering this contest, you’ll automatically be entered to win free admission to one of Hay House’s Writer’s Events to be held in New York this October!
The Grand Prize is a book contract under the Hay House Insights imprint along with a $5,000 advance!
There will be more than 60 prizes awarded including the Grand Prize book contract and publishing packages from Balboa Press. The Hay House Insights Nonfiction Contest submissions must be received by September 27. Minimum of 50,000 word count is required. Entries will be judged based on the content, originality of ideas and quality of writing. Winners will be announced on November 5.
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Why Hay House Means So Much To You…Your letters celebrating our 25th anniversary this year really touched our hearts, so we’ll be sharing some of them each month. What an amazing community of loving and generous hearts we are a part of. Life loves you and so do we!
I have heard about Hay House all my life. When I was younger I would read my mother’s hand-me-down books—her angel books that would speak to me and remind me that I'm not alone.
I just recently discovered your websites,,,, and newsletter— which are fabulous! I love opening my mind to the new ideas and I love discovering new ways that the spiritual world inspires me to live my own life. Hay House is now a constant presence in my adult life and always reminds me that just when I get swept away in the chaotic world, there a new way of thinking. I thank Hay House for providing me the tools to open my heart and dream!
- Maggie from Maryland |
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May the Torch Be With You
The 2012 Olympic Games are in full swing in London now through August 12 and this year’s motto is “Inspire a Generation.” So who better to choose as one of the official Olympic torch bearers than the inspiring Hay House author Take a Shot and world-renowned fitness icon Jake Steinfeld. Last month, Jake was selected for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to carry the torch through the streets of Reading, England, in preparation for the games. For each Olympics, a new flame is started in the ancient Olympic stadium in Greece. This flame then begins its Olympic Torch Relay carried by various runners, touring Greece and then taken to the country where the games will be held. The last runner uses this torch to light the large Olympic flame which burns throughout the games. It is then extinguished during the closing ceremony.
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Is Mindfulness Going Mainstream?Hay House author Tim Ryan continues on his quest to help make America A Mindful Nation. He’s visiting schools and giving talks around the country to show how kids can settle their differences and calm their stress without their fists or fierce words—his answer: meditation. And as you’ll see from this clip, this trend of mindfulness is catching on! |
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There’s No Place Like OmNeed to melt your stress away? HayHouseRadio just launched a new series called The Meditation Room featuring custom guided meditation exercises from your favorite Hay House authors such as Dr. Christiane Northrup, Alan Cohen, Denise Linn, davidji and more! |
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Who Says You Can’t Fly?4 Uplifting Tips from Amelia EarhartI’m writing this column on what would have been Amelia Earhart’s 115th birthday. When I found this intriguing tidbit on a Google Doodle, I thought about the famous aviatrix who was an international icon and an inspiration to all of us. When she was 10 years old, Amelia saw her first plane at a state fair. She wasn’t all that impressed until a decade later when she attended a stunt-flying exhibition. As one of the planes swooped by, something awakened in her. In that moment, Amelia said, “I knew I had to fly.”
With all the obstacles she faced—going against conventional female behavior and battling financial struggles—Amelia stayed strong. She broke all kinds of records, received all kinds of awards, saved up enough money to eventually buy her own airplane, became the first person to fly solo across the Pacific, and proved that dreams can come true. And she did it without an iPhone, access to Google Earth, a laptop or taking a motivational workshop!
What was it that kept her going? I believe it was that Amelia always knew what direction she wanted to go . . . up! So whenever we lose focus on our dreams and get discouraged, let’s look to Amelia, who exemplified four ways to keep from getting our feathers ruffled and keep our spirits flying high.
- Be Passionate. With passion, you can do anything. Amelia loved aviation and loved to fly with all her heart. She spent many days cutting out articles from newspapers and magazines about successful women in male-dominated industries—film directors, managers, engineers, lawyers. Amelia was practicing the Law of Attraction decades before it was cool and even created her own dream board of all the women she wanted to emulate. She didn’t accept her reality, she created it!
- Be Determined. With determination, you can achieve anything. Can you imagine how many people tried to discourage Amelia, telling her she was crazy to pursue such an outrageous dream? No other women dared to do this. It was unheard of. But she kept her eye on her dream and never let it out of her sight. And her “I can do anything” attitude helped her achieve so much.
- Be Courageous. With courage, you erase your obstacles. Some people may only remember Amelia’s last flight that ended in tragedy and mystery. Some people think it’s better to play it safe. Amelia didn’t think so. If she gave in to her fears, her dream would have disappeared in oblivion. And to her, that was a bigger tragedy. Amelia was well aware of the hazards and she embraced them. “Women must try to do things as men have tried,” she wrote in one of her last letters. “When they fail, their failure must be but a challenge to others.”
- Have Fun. With fun, you can have it all. Amelia didn’t take up aviation because she could make lots of money, become a big success or star in her own TV show. She did it because it was fun. Pure and simple! Amelia wrote several books about her adventures, but her favorite was the one in which she told personal stories about the people who inspired her and the things she loved. This book was appropriately titled:The Fun of It.
Even today, people continue to search for remnants of Amelia’s last days for answers. Maybe it’s time to take a closer look at the treasures she left us throughout her life instead.
When you’re down and discouraged, what gives you a lift? Be one of the first 25 people to tell us what makes you fly when you feel grounded and we’ll send you a free chapter from one of our new releases. Just email me at
Wishing you well,
Donna Abate
Present Moments Editor |
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Please see the attached newsletter for more exciting events and changes happening at the Hutchings Museum.
We are planning PIRATE NIGHT again this year. If you want to board ship with us again this year please call me or email me so I can get you on the list. It is such a great event that we might fill up fast. (but of course… you can never have to many pirates). Each room will have a couple of characters, also activities and treasures to give out for each of our guests.
We will give each guest a loot bag at the entrance to fill with treasures. We will have a Caribbean Gift Shop that new this year.
We are looking for volunteers 16 and older for this event to help in many ways.
Those who volunteer will receive 1 Family Pass for your family to come in free one of those nights.
There will be 1 or 2 planning meetings. Please plan to attend 1 of those meetings. Dates and times to be announced later.
Pirate Night at the Museum
September 21st. and 22nd.
Friday and Saturday Nights 5 pm to 8 pm
Front Desk Help ______ & ______ Handing out bags, stamping hands.
Bird Room-_Leah______ & _______ giving out Pirate Names.
Rock & Mineral Room- ________& _______ giving out gold rings.
Rock & Mineral Room- ________& _______ giving out jewels.
Pioneer Room- ______ & ______ giving out gold coins
Fossil Room- Crocodiles, myths and legends _______ & ______ giving out life saver candies.
Shell Room Hall- ______&______giving out sea shells.
Lehi Pioneer Hall (CARIBEAN PIRATE STORE)- ______ & ______ & ______ NEW THIS YEAR, selling many gift shop items & goodies & coin exchanger.
Sugar Room- _Brianna______ & _______ giving out spices of the orient.
Large Hall - _Kamme_____& _ Jonathan_____ with Savannah ( the bird), giving out feathers.
Native American Room- ______ & ______ giving out obsidian.
Hallway before going down stairs-_____& _____ giving out warrant for their arrest
Jail Room - ______ & ______ Jailor, giving out stickers.
Security- ______ & ______ Guard the back door & walk through building.
We have other fun activities going on as well where you might be needed.
Please be here between 2:00 and 4:00 pm for preparation, and set up.
We will feed you dinner each night. ( No food or drink is allowed up-stairs in the museum at any time)
Food and drinks will be served down stairs between 4pm and 5pm.
Please call or email me with any questions.
Cindy Lee Muir
Museum – 801-768-7180

It’s Back…
Hutchings Museum Hand Sewing Class
Thursday Afternoons. It’s an 8 week course.
Appropriate for age 10 to adult.
Sept. 20 through Nov. 8, 2012 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Costs $5.00 a session plus a one-time material fee of $10
You can pay as you go with a minimum registration cost of $20
(includes 2 classes plus material fee)
Call to register 801-768-7180
Instructor– Debbie Thurgood, an award winning quilter, published textile artist and designer.
Instruction includes: Hand Embroidery, Hand Applique, Bookbinding Basics, Candle wicking, Doll making
Come learn these gentle, almost lost arts. Create your own unique handmade items. You will leave this class with skills to last a lifetime.
Pirate Night at the Museum
Hutchings Museum 55 N. Center St. Lehi, UT 801-768-7180
September 21st. & 22nd. Friday and Saturday 5:00pm–8:00pm $4 per person. Come in costume-Optional
Ahoy Mateys, A r r r r……..We be bringin’ some excitement to the Hutchings Museum.
Thar be Pirates and Scallywags And we be searchin’ for a crew!
Come on over to our ship and we be settin’ sail to some foreign lands in search of hidden treasure.
Ye be gettin’ a loot bag as ye board ship to fill with hidden treasure of the museum.
Each land we travel to be havin’ adventures and treasures for each of ye crew mates.
Each year care packages are sent out to the deployed soldiers by “Letters to Soldiers”. Below is a list of items we are collecting. DROP OFF DONATED ITEMS BEFORE OCTOBER 15th TO: Hutchings Museum 55N. Center St. Lehi, UT 84043 801-768-7180
· Clothes and Accessories: EVERYTHING NEW IF POSSIBLE- sweatshirts, t-shirts, gloves, scarves, baseball caps and beanie caps, running shoes for soldiers, balls/gear for humanitarian efforts, games, sewn, knitted or handmade clothing, quilts & blankets.
· Personal Hygiene/Nutrition: waterless shampoo/conditioner, foot powder, shaving cream, wipes, supplements, toothbrushes, waterless soap, pain relief creams, lotion, shatter proof sunglasses, and sunscreen. Women's perfume samples (no glass containers), make up, women's fun personal care products to help them feel feminine, quality personal care products like Tahitian Noni, Nature's Sunshine, we need more Vitamins and personal care products donated by companies.
· Electronics/Entertainment: music/movie and blank cd’s and dvd’s, webcams, laptops, cell phones, paperback books, writing material, flash drives, cd players, digital cameras/camcorders, Hamm radios, card readers, usb chords, and other computer components
· Food: dried fruit, jerky, nuts, snacks of all kinds, candy, treats, dried soups packets, and small powdered packages for drinks, vitamin in single use packets, super greens and other immunity building dried packets,
· Miscellaneous Items for the soldiers and their families: patriotic pillow cases, sheets, flags, toys for kids, posters, gift cards, handmade Christmas stockings, and small Christmas trees and decorations to fit in a USPS Flat rate box, great paperback books or ebooks we can email them to pass around, positive motivating dvd’s, ... For their families sacrificing so much while daddy or mommy is gone, we would love to have donations of new toys, baby items, clothes, shoes, sports equipment, gift certificates, free services LIKE: carpet cleaning, landscaping, handyman, plumbing, electricians, babysitting, mechanic, motel/hotel free stays, concerts, trips and other needs for the family.
· One of the most important donations is money to ship donated items to soldiers. Sponsor just one soldier to get a package with $10.50 or contact us to get care packages to the units we are supporting
· By making a donation as small as $10.50, you can provide one soldier with a flat rate box full of things from home. Volunteers to help make care packages,
· There will also be a PACKAGEING PARTY Saturday, October 20th. 6pm to 8pm. At the Hutchings Museum. Come put together care packages, eat good food, make Christmas Video Wishes with Santa, and Christmas Wish Banners . Come be part of a wonderful event to Thank those who sacrifice so much for us.
See Attached Newsletter
55 N Center St. Lehi, UT
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