
I Can Do It! Washington D.C.Sep 7-9, 2012

Can’t make it to Washington D.C.? Watch the conference LIVE online!


I Can Do It! Scotland Sep 15-16, 2012

Angels and the AfterlifeSeattle, WA - Sep 22, 2012

Mediterranean CruiseSep 24 - Oct 5, 2012

The Writer's Workshop 2012 New York, NY - Oct 13-14

I Can Do It! PasadenaOct 26-28, 2012

Can’t make it to Pasadena? Watch the conference LIVE online!


I Can Do It! IGNITENew York, NY - Nov 3-4, 2012

Can’t make it to New York? Watch the conference LIVE online!

 Philadelphia, PA - Nov 3, 2012 Ft. Lauderdale - Feb 16, 2013 Honolulu - Apr 6, 2013 San Francisco - Apr 14, 2013 Vancouver - Jul 27, 2013

Wishes Fulfilled - An Evening with Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Detroit, MI - Nov 7, 2012

A Day with Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. Seattle, WA - Nov 10, 2012
 Can’t make it to Seattle? Watch LIVE online!


Coaching Success: 5-day Certification Training with Dr. Robert HoldenNew York, NY - Nov 14-18, 2012

Speak, Write & Promote New York, NY - Nov 16-18, 2012

Fractal Evolution 2013 Australian Cruise Jan 2-12, 2013


Angel Intuitive Australian CruiseJan 2-12, 2013


Divine Love - Life's Ultimate Experience Reclaiming Your Divinity with Dr. Wayne DyerMaui, HI - Jan 26-27, 2013


You Can Create An Exceptional Life with Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson Feb 3-7, 2013

Angel Messages Retreat Alaskan Cruise with Doreen Virtue Jul 28 - Aug 4, 2013


Miracles Happen Alaskan Cruise with Dr. Brian WeissJul 28 - Aug 4, 2013


Meals that Heal! with Julie Daniluk Premieres Sep 6, 2012

God Is My Publicist with Gabrielle Bernstein Premieres Sep 19, 2012

Energy Breakthrough: Seven Simple Steps That Could Change Everything! - Online Course with Sandra Anne Taylor Premieres Sep 27, 2012

Become Your Own Astrologer: How to Use Your Chart to Create a Life You Love - Online Course with Tali and Ophira Edut Premieres Oct 1, 2012

Angel Card Readings with Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine Premieres Oct 3, 2012

Mom Energy by Ashley Koff and Kathy Kaehler
If you'd rather read one of our awesome books via your Kindle, Nook, Sony Reader, iPhone, or any e-Reader, Hay House has 642 ebooks to choose from and the list is growing by the minute! Browse our monthly eBook specials!

Through Indigo's Eyes by Tara Taylor and Lorna Schultz Nicholson

Grace, Guidance and Gifts: Sacred Blessings to Light Your Way by Sonia Choquette

Sep 21, 11am PT/2pm ET The Godfather’s Daughter by Rita Gigante and Natasha Stoynoff |
 Sit back and listen to this beautiful song from For The Sender CD by Alex Woodard
Dear Friends,
We’re singing “See You in September” as we board our flights in one more week and head off to our first-ever I Can Do It! Conference in our country’s capital—Washington, D.C. Look forward to seeing you there! Special thanks to all of you Amelia Earhart fans who wrote to us last month. We have a lot of passionate people out there who dare to be different and love to break the rules! That’s why we get along so well! So, did you get plenty of sleep last night? You’re gonna need it for this giant preview of our sizzling hot Fall Releases.
So take a few minutes just for you today and brew a pot of chamomile tea, make a dish of your tastiest snacks, slide into your lounge chair, put your feet up and savor this month’s banquet of inspiration from Hay House. | |
For The Sender How Our Stories Change Lives by Alex WoodardAfter years of chasing his dreams, singer-songwriter Alex Woodard finally had a record deal and an album to promote. He offered to write a song for anybody who pre-ordered his self-titled release; all they had to do was send him a letter about their story, and he would write and record a song just for them at his kitchen table.
The promotion came and went, and as the record deal fell apart, Alex watched his best friend, a Labrador named Kona, die in his living room with her head on his lap. Her passing shined a harsh light on how far away Alex really was from his dreams, and Autumn found him trying to let go of both Kona and everything he thought would have happened by now.
And then he got the letter from Emily.
Dear Alex,
Every year around this time, I feel a little nostalgic and sad, because this is the season when I lost someone who meant a great deal to me. You see, I am one of the lucky ones, I have experienced the amazing connection of love with a soul mate. A real kindred spirit. Unfortunately, he passed away a few years ago, but I still consider myself lucky, not only because I have felt true love, but I have lost it as well and that too can be considered a gift; for I now know even more than before just how precious life and love are. Of course, I am not always able to smile through the day, sometimes I still miss him, painfully so. Like in Autumn, not only the time of year when he was taken from me, but also the time we loved best. So, every year around this time, when the memories fill me, I write him a letter. I thought I’d share it with you, not so you’d write a song for he and I, but because I think your songs are gifts. Pieces of yourself used to help other people with their stories. So, here is a piece of myself. It is all I have to share in return for the wonderful thing you are doing with your music and your talent.
- Emily
I can feel my heart beat faster as I crawl inside Emily’s letter and feel her loss and love and gratitude, different from my own but the same at its source. As I read I realize that I’m allowed into her words because she received me somehow; she heard a song of mine somewhere, connected to it, and let me in. Someone was listening.
I show her letters to Sean Watkins, who I’ve come to know through the “family dinners” in my neighborhood. The “family” is made up of both neighbors and a diverse cast of local songwriters and musicians, held together mostly by this small stretch of San Diego coastline. The “dinners” are potluck affairs that almost always end with guitars and a mess of other instruments blanketing the floor and furniture.
I show him Emily’s letters and we decide to write a song together because her words resonate with him, too.
Sometimes I write songs for people who tell me their stories, but never with someone else like this, especially in my “leave me alone, I have to write” state of mind. I loosen the reins on that control the afternoon Sean comes over to the house and plays guitar while we hum melodies back and forth. We trade lyric ideas and I notice how he picks up on different parts of her letter, as if he sees her sentences through another lens.
Sean goes home and comes back a few days later with “For The Sender” close to done. When I listen to the demo he’s recorded in his garage during a storm the night before, I can hear the sound of the rain on the roof pounding a sense of catharsis into the song. Sometimes songs take different shapes as they evolve and this one has become about expressing pain, or joy, just what is, and how maybe, hopefully, that’s enough.
Check out more information and watch the For The Sender video at www.forthesender.com. |
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The Godfather’s DaughterFormer Mob Boss Still Speaks by Rita Gigante and Natasha StoynoffNotorious crime boss, Vincent “The Chin” Gigante was not your ‘average’ mobster; he was, in fact, the Capo di tutti capi—the head of all five New York crime families: the Bonannos, Colombos, Gambinos, Genoveses, and Luccheses. In an effort to protect himself and his family, Gigante created a façade of a mentally unstable person, complete with public theatrics , often wearing his infamous Golden Nugget bathrobe around town. His story is most intriguing for the level of secretiveness it has maintained. Vincent passed on six years ago in his prison cell at the age of 77. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s been silent.
The days following Dad’s death are a blur to me, but the vivid image I do recall is of my mother inching her way down the aisle of the church with my brothers on either side, propping her up. She was crying and her head was bowed, to the point that she looked as though she was going to topple over.
We all sat in the front pew, and as I listened to the priest talk about my father being Catholic and being in heaven, I wondered, Is that where he is? And if so, what is he doing in this world of Spirit, this place that has become such a big part of my world, my work, my life over the last few years? It was a little odd to me that I had been in contact with the energy of the spirit world so often, and now he was there, at home base.
I looked over at my mother, who was crying quietly but looked so beautiful. She always looked beautiful. In my last phone conversation with my father, he had ended it with his usual sign-off: “Take care of your mother.” I had, indeed, tried to take care of her my entire life. It was my job description from the moment I came into this world, and I guess my father knew it, too.
Don’t worry, Dad. I’ll take care of her, I assured him in my mind. I was surprised to hear a follow-up order, a whispered reply, and I wasn’t sure if it was my father or myself talking. The voice said, Take care of yourself, too, Rita.
I soon learned that while my father might have been at peace wherever he was, he had no intention of resting. A few months after he passed, I was in the middle of getting a chakra balancing on my back from Ro-C at her home, and he popped right in. (Though “popped” isn’t really an accurate way to describe how my father entered a room—dead or alive, on Earth or in heaven, he wasn’t the popping type.)
I was lying on Ro-C’s table explaining how I’d twisted my back when I saw her body lurch forward. “Your father’s here!” she announced. “Oh, man, is he ever here. Okay, okay…I will, I will. He wants me to tell you something important.” I gulped and sat up. Okaaaay.
She was quiet for a moment, nodding, as if she was listening to him. “Okay, yes, I got it…he wants me to tell you…that you were the ‘smart’ one. He’s saying, ‘You were the smartest of all of us. You took a different path than everyone else, and you had the strength to live your life as your true self, without worrying what everyone else thought or if they judged you.’”
“You’re hearing him say this?”
Ro waved her hand and shushed me. “I can’t listen to both of you at the same time,” she scolded.
“Okay. Now . . . he’s saying that he admires you. He’s proud of you. You stuck up for yourself against all odds. Yes, yes, I will tell her word for word. He’s saying, ‘I couldn’t see how wrong I was and how right you were while I was alive because my ego got in the way. But I’m sorry. I’m sorry for not understanding and not seeing it…’”
And then, as quickly as he’d arrived into the room, he exited.
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Secrets of Meditation Master Your Moments by davidjiTap in to the limitless supply of what the Universe has to offer . . .
It is my hope that you meditate. It is my belief that we will change the world through meditation. It is my understanding that connecting to the stillness and silence within allows each of us to live life with expanded awareness, deeper compassion, and greater fulfillment. It is my experience that time spent in stillness and silence can open your heart to the true depth of your universal essence. Accessing this depth of pure, unbounded consciousness on a regular basis has allowed me to see and feel the world with an ever-expanding openness, deeper empathy, greater clarity, and a heightened connection to source. At this point in my life, I think this is a good thing.
Aham brahmasmi is a Sanskrit expression meaning “I am the universe.” When we can genuinely feel we are not in or of this world but rather the whole world is within us, we slowly begin to integrate that mind-set into our words, our thoughts, and our deeds. Once this is truly how you feel (and daily meditation will awaken that understanding), you will effortlessly tap into the limitless supply of what the universe has to offer you—a wellspring of effortless abundance, an unfolding of deeper fulfillment, and a sweeter, more loving world that you can walk through with greater grace and ease.
No different from when you are in a dream state, every experience you have in your waking state is self-derived, self-created, self-influenced, and self-motivated. This is not to say things outside of you don’t happen; rather, it’s how you respond to the unexpected or the uncertain—what you do with new information and old rituals—that becomes the fabric of your life. And we all respond to everything: a kiss on our lips, the wind on our cheek, a diagnosis, a text, a cough, a comment, a sigh, a desire, a memory, a caress, the ringing of a phone, the honking of a horn, the wink of an eye, a fleeting thought, footsteps in the distance, the sun on our neck, the tone of an e-mail, the color of someone’s hair, and even the reading of this sentence. Yet there is no such thing as an external force that can make us feel a certain emotion or respond in a certain way.
Our moods, feelings, and emotions are multidimensional interpretations based on our conditioning. Most of it is probably imprinted into our subconsciousness before we reached our teens. The remainder is embedded over the past few decades as we drank life in and reinforced those early interpretations, weaving them into the fabric of our being. Our response to each moment is a blend of that conditioning, our DNA, our current circumstances, our emotional intelligence, and our state of mind in that instant.
Meditating every day has taught me that we are all the masters of each moment. And effortlessly weaving this practice into every fiber of my being has given me tools and techniques for living life with less stress and anxiety, greater clarity and focus, expanded compassion and empathy, deeper love and more frequent joy, and a viewpoint that is more receptive to other perspectives, which offers me increased possibilities. I believe that anyone who is willing to embrace meditation can access these tools as well. Feel free to consider this book your meditation tool kit.
I encourage you to try meditating and begin a meditation practice using the guidance contained in these pages. I hope you’ll let me help you find what you are looking for. I would consider it a privilege.
If you have any questions about meditation, you can talk to davidji on his live radio show every Wednesday on Hay House Radio. He will also lead you in a meditation during each show. Click here to listen. |
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Thank the Liberals by Alan ColmesIn Thank the Liberals, political commentator and Fox News radio host Alan Colmes explains how people who fight for liberal ideals help our country move forward. With his trademark humor and wit, Colmes walks readers through the founding of our nation and shows how America was based on a liberal idea. Our very founders were progressives, and it's progressives who have led America to be the country it is today.
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I Can Do It® 2013 Calendar by Louise L. HayThe energy of this year is one of freedom, change, and expanding your boundaries. Louise L. Hay’s I CAN DO IT 2013 Calendaroffers you 365 positive thoughts, affirmations, and words of wisdom to help you manifest love, success, health, and overall well-being. This beautifully designed calendar is the perfect gift for friends, family members and, of course, you, because you can do it…no matter what "it" is!
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The Manic Mum’s Guide to Calm Parenting and Cooperative Kids by Allison MitchellAllison shows you how to: be the mother you want your children to have; increase your patience and lower agitation; make you and your children feel great about themselves; get children to listen and do what they're told (yes, it's possible!); create a calm, happy household; and find time to enjoy your little darlings! With only seven chapters to read over seven weeks, this book is easily digestible and full of invaluable little nuggets of wisdom.
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Thrive: The Bah! Guide to Wellness After Cancer by Stephanie ButlandThrive: The Bah! Guide to Wellness after cancer focuses on moving on from a major physical, social and psychological trauma. Like Stephanie's first book, How I Said Bah! to cancer: A Guide to Thinking, Laughing, Living, and Dancing Your Way Through, Thrive uses a blend of storytelling, practical advice, humour, thinking techniques and strategies, visualisations, meditations, questions, candour and common sense designed to help those who have had a cancer to get from survival to a place where they are truly thriving.
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Manopause: Your Guide to Surviving His Changing Life by Lisa Friedman Bloch and Kathy Kirtland SilvermanIn this groundbreaking book, Lisa Friedman Bloch and Kathy Kirtland Silverman look at men’s changes from a new and uplifting perspective. Aimed at women, Manopause explores how biological and psychological factors collide with the societal pressures men face, and provides advice on how women can help themselves and their men move through and enjoy this sometimes challenging phase.
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Pushing Upward by Andrea AdlerPushing Upward will strike a chord with a broad audience. For the elderly, it confirms their usefulness, reminding us of their importance and wisdom. For people in their 30s, 40s, and 50s, it serves as a catalyst for processing their young adult experiences. For teens and new adults who are striving to maintain a sense of peace in the midst of mayhem, Pushing Upward may very well become…a powerful mirror.
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The Road To Reality by Dianne BurnettGet ready to laugh. Get ready to cry. Get ready for a whirlwind of an adventure. Settle in for a powerful, poignant story of inner strength and courage-and get a fascinating, behind-the-scenes look at the making of Survivor, the world's most popular reality show.
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What Makes Us Healthy? CD by Caroline MyssIn What Makes Us Healthy? CD set best-selling author and internationally renowned speaker Caroline Myss delivers a thought-provoking live lecture on the current state of our health, exploring the mystical forces that create disease or wellness. Describing our evolving-and often misguided-relationship with well-being, Myss explains that to truly be healthy, we need a better understanding of ourselves and the factors that influence our lives.
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An Affirmation a Day One of the hottest Hay House products is hot off the presses this month—Louise Hay’s 2013 I Can Do It® Daily Affirmations Calendar. What a great way to remind us to keep affirming each day and let Louise’s affirmations set the tone for our day. “I read the affirmations every day as you do,” Louise says. “And some days, when I look at my own calendar, it even has a message for me. The Universe always provides what you need.” These calendars sell out each year, so order early. And remember, they make a great gift for your family and friends. . |
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Piers Morgan to Interview Hay House Author
Next week, CNN’s Piers Morgan will host his popular show Piers Morgan Tonight in Charlotte, North Carolina at the 2012 Democratic Convention, and his guest will be one of our newest Hay House authors—Alan Colmes. Best known for his former stint as liberal counterpart on Fox News’ Hannity & Colmes, Alan will discuss his new book, Thank the Liberals. And as a former stand-up comedian and well known liberal political commentator, Alan is sure to keep the audience entertained. For more witty commentary, visit www.alan.com.
The Piers Morgan Tonight show featuring Alan Colmes will air on Wednesday, Sept. 5th.
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What Makes You Fly When You Feel Grounded
Last month, we asked you to tell us how you keep your spirits up. We received so many great suggestions including meditation, dancing around the house to your liveliest music, keeping the faith, watching a baby laugh, yoga, being in nature and counting your blessings. Here’s one of our favorites. Thanks for these inspiring words, Valerie Anne from Boca Raton!
Present Moment Awareness: It is free of charge, immediately available and 100% guaranteed effective. I release all concerns about past or future events. I focus on where I am, right here, right now. I count off each abundant blessing in my life. From the sensation of my own heartbeat to the brilliant sun in the sky; I go on to consider the fortune I have in my loving husband, as well as the exceptional bounty of family and friends. I even smile a bit when I think of the sillier things, like how much I love my aqua blue toe nail polish and how my dog's cool, wet nose feels against my skin. One by one, I focus my awareness on every day miracles. Life effortlessly pours abundance over each of us, at every given moment of our lives. When you plan a short break from the day, floating off into focused, present moment awareness, it is the ultimate "re-charge," and a quick way to remind yourself you do indeed, have wings.
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Don Campbell’s Music and Love Will Live On
We were so sad to learn that one of our beloved Hay House authors Don Campbell recently made his transition after a 5-month struggle with pancreatic cancer. Don was the recognized authority on the transformative power of music, listening and The Mozart Effect®. He believed that music is the medicine for the body, mind and soul and he dedicated his life work to teaching the world that by listening to certain types of music, we can improve the quality of our health and our life. Don published several books with Hay House including The Harmony of Health and Creating Inner Harmony.
In a letter that he wrote just before he passed, Don said, “My emotions are not measured by the trickles that drain down my cheek, just through the heartbeats that sound like chimes. I am ringing on…for a very long time.”
You can read more about Don, his groundbreaking work and hisfinal journal entries here.
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Why Hay House Means So Much To You…Your letters celebrating our 25th anniversary this year really touched our hearts, so we’ll be sharing some of them each month. What an amazing community of loving and generous hearts we are a part of. Life loves you and so do we!
Hay House is a nudge, a gentle reminder of what I am capable of—in case I forget!
-Lynne from Maine |
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Taking the High Road
There has been a lot of buzz about Dianne Burnett’s new book The Road to Reality, a Sept. 18th release published by one of our partners, Agape Media. Dianne writes about her storybook marriage (which ended in divorce) to Mark Burnett (executive producer of some of today’s most renowned reality shows—including Survivor, The Apprentice and the new Stars Earns Stripes). Watch the video where Dianne shares some of her reasons for writing this heartfelt memoir.
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Remembering Jerry HicksIt’s been almost a year since our beloved author Jerry Hicks made his transition, and we all miss him dearly. In the most recent Abraham-Hicks newsletter, his wife Esther talks about her travels across the country and feeling Jerry’s presence at her recent workshops. “I feel so much appreciation for Abraham who continues to surprise us and delight us with clarity and new insights. And for Jerry, who set all of this in motion, and who continues to enjoy and participate in every segment at every seminar!” We found a wonderful video from one of Esther’s workshops where Abraham (channeled through Esther) validates that Jerry is indeed in the Vortex. Check out the video. |
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What Happens When Books Grow Up?They Get Enhanced!Last month, our beautiful founder and amazing author Louise Hay visited our office just before her trip to Australia for an I Can Do It Conference® there. After a few meetings and making the rounds to greet her staff, Louise came by my desk to go over some notes for her next e-letter. Happily hugging her iPad in her arms, she smiled giddily as she said, “I just watched my new enhanced e-book. Have you seen it yet?" When she saw my look of surprise, she pulled me up and invited me to experience it immediately.
We sat down on the couch in her office and she opened her iPad. As she surveyed her Home Screen, she navigated over to her digital bookshelf. Ah yes, You Can Create an Exceptional Life was front and center. She tapped on it to begin my maiden voyage through my first enhanced e-book. Louise swiped through the pages until she reached an adorable photo of her and co-author Cheryl Richardson. “Now watch this,” she said as she tapped the photo with anticipation. Within seconds, the image came to life and there on the page, Louise and Cheryl started chatting about the fun they had writing this book together.
As I sat in awe, Louise kept smiling and flipping through several pages—eagerly landing on more images that transformed into heartwarming conversations between these two delightful authors. Wow! As a baby boomer weaned on traditional print books, rotary telephones and reel-to-reel home movies, I was flabbergasted. How cool is it that today’s readers can feel like they’re sitting on a couch right next to their favorite authors as their personal stories come to life in these enhanced e-books!
Louise and Cheryl’s You Can Create an Exceptional Life enhanced e-book is one of seven titles now available from Hay House. For the complete list, click here. Several more titles are in production as you read this—including Alex Woodard’s For The Sender, which will be available later this month as an enhanced e-book. As a special bonus, you’ll get to listen to the original letter writers reading their personal correspondences to Alex, hear all of the songs inspired by these letters featuring Grammy-winning singers and songwriters, and watch two exclusive videos from a live musical performance.
If any of you are e-book novices like me, I’d like to share a few things I recently learned about this growing genre. These books are referred to as enhanced e-books, Vooks (video-books) and enhanced editions. How are they different from an e-book? They include exclusive bonus materials such as any or all of the following: interactive sections, downloads, photos, illustrations, video interviews, music, audio extras, video clips and direct links to websites. (In our Hay House enhanced e-books, you’ll get exclusive photos studio footage and video clips from recent live workshops. I also read that Stephen King’s new enhanced edition of11/22/63 includes a 13-minute film, written and narrated by the author and enhanced with historic footage from CBS News that will take you back to the memorable era.)
In order to view these enhanced e-books and bonus videos and material, you’ll need an iPad and/or Nook Color. On the iPad, you can view them through your Kindle and iBooks apps. Plus, in a brand-new format, you can now experience these enhanced e-books on web browsers (like Internet Explorer or Safari) of any tablet or computer by purchasing them at vook.com. Enhanced e-books are accessible on both PC and Mac platforms.
Will enhanced e-books take over where traditional printed books left off? In my humble opinion—no way! Let’s just say that a few of our favorite books grow up and leave the nest in search of a new, enhanced path. And like proud parents, it’s good for us to cheer them on and support them. So I invite you to step out of the box this month, and give one a try.
Here are several links to use to browse the latest enhanced e-books:
Latest Hay House Titles
www.amazon.com www.barnesandnoble.com
Do you have a favorite Hay House book you’d love to read as an enhanced e-book filled with extra videos and bonus material? Be one of the first 25 people to send us the name of the book and its author, and we’ll send you a free book from the list of new releases in this issue. Just email me at editor@hayhouse.com.
Thanks for being here! Donna Abate Present Moments Editor |
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