Celtic/Norse Paganism is an eclectic spiritual path that recognizes and celebrates the similarities between the "Celtic" people of Gaul and Great Britain and the "Norse" people of German and Scandinavia. Self-initiation and the solitary practice is valid. Some of the historical basis and core simil...
by permission of Lady A Her response to a question I asked her: so all know what/why she's not on FB so much now
With love for the preservation and the upliftment of our spiritual identity and
with the blessings from Yeye Òsun, you are cordially invited to the 2nd Odun
Òsun (Goddess Festival) in Ogden Utah. Being worldwide and beyond boundaries in
Òsun Worship this Odun Òsun (Goddess Festival) is meant to represent that
rainbow of worldwide unity in the services of the our Great Mother Goddess.
Therefore, be part of this joyous celebration: join us September 16th on a
Procession to the river to venerate the elements of EARTH that permits the human
evolution and at the same time the spiritual, thru this 2nd annual Òsun festival
(Goddess festival) . A day that is sure to be uplifting and heartwarming. Dont
miss this once a year soul filled event *Celebrating our wholeness, creativity,
soul-expression and connection with Mother Nature. Save the date to receive the
Goddess Blessings.! Baba Aworo Òsun an African Yoruba & Afro-Brazilian Candomble
Priest will be conducting the river veneratio
n, blessing of the community and the flower awakening ritual a tribute honoring
When: September 16th
Time: 4:30pm
Where: Wheeler Creek Trail From I-15, take the Ogden 12th street exit (U-39) to
Ogden Canyon, 11 miles after leaving the freeway, youll note a small road on
the right just as the highway climbs up to the dam of Pineview Reservoir. The
parking area is about 100 feet down the road.
*Meeting @ 4:15pm in Planet Rainbow Parking Lot before departing to Wheeler
Creek Trail.
Baba Awórò Öşun
(Chief Worshiper Priest of Òsun)
Yeye Òsun Society
© *Great Mother Goddess of the Sacred Grove* ®
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/422497111094939/
Celebrate Lughnassad!
Check out some Lughnassad/Lammas celebration ideas
Listen live or later to Lughnassad podcasts on Internet Radio, 8-9pm central
July 24: Creating celebrations with symbols, rituals, chants, lore & more
July 31: Full Moon Lughnassad Prosperity Ritual
Join Selena on her main Facebook page for Lughnassad photos, chants, links
EVENTS at Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve near Barneveld, Wisconsin
Green Spirit Festival: July 27-29
Join us for rituals, workshops, merry-making, feasting, drumming, plus
* African Drumming & Lore with Guest speakers Helen Bond & Fode Camara from Guinea, West Africa
* Connecting with Sacred Sites, Spirits of Place with Selena Fox
* Mask-making, Nature walks, Candlelight Labyrinth, Pagan Prom, & Youth program, Lammas Faire & more!
Register for some or all of the Festival by Tuesday, JULY 24 for discounted rates
Lammas Magic Full Moon Circle: Wednesday, August 1, 7-9 pm
Join Selena Fox & others in this evening of ritual & Nature communion.
Free, open to women & men. Pre-registration required. email: events@circlesanctuary.org
Circle Times: Thursday, July 19, 2012
Help the Sikh community of Oak Creek, Wisconsin, and others impacted by the shootings at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin this past Sunday, August 5, 2012.
Here are some ways to help:
(1) ATTUNE: On Friday, August 10, from 9-11 am central time at Oak Creek High School near Milwaukee, Wisconsin, there will be a public visitation and remembrance of the six Sikhs killed on Sunday. Circle Sanctuary is among the religious communities in Wisconsin with representation at this event. Wherever you are, please attune and
send blessings of condolence, healing, strength, protection, and support during this time.
We also invite you to kindle a candle of remembrance, healing, and renewal this Saturday, August 11 at Noon central time. Circle Sanctuary minister Bob Paxton will be facilitating a community meditation then as part of this month's Sanctuary Day.
Sanctuary Day is free and open to the public. If you wish to attend some or all of the day, please contact the Circle office for more
details: (608) 924-2216; events@circlesanctuary.org.
(2) DONATE: Circle Sanctuary is among those taking part in an interfaith effort to raise funds for those directly affected by the shootings, including the families of the slain, those injured, and the police office who was shot multiple times in the line of service and his family. We will be raising funds at our website through August 31, 2012 and then sending the money we collected to the Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee which has partnered with the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin in interfaith fundraising for those in need:
We also are accepting donations for this special fund by postal mail.
Make checks payable to Circle Sanctuary and in the note line specify Interfaith Sikh Temple support fund. Mail no later than August 27 to Circle Sanctuary, PO Box 9, Barneveld, WI 53507 USA.
All donations are tax deductible in the USA.
(3) NETWORK: Support interfaith endeavors. Speak out in support of religious freedom. Express condolences and support to the Sikh community of Oak Creek, Wisconsin and elsewhere. Share this email with others.
Circle Sanctuary's expressions of support:
Audio: http://circlepodcasts.org/condolences-and-support-to-sikh-temple-of-wisconsin-community/
Written: http://www.circlesanctuary.org/ministries/interfaith/sikh_temple/
Thursday, August 9, 2012: Circle Times & Circle Community News published by Circle Sanctuary. www.circlesanctuary.org
(608) 924-2216
National & Global
ON-LINE COMMUNITY: Meet, Greet & Connect on Facebook:
Circle Sanctuary Community: http://www.facebook.com/CircleSanctuaryCommunity
Pagan Spirit Gathering Community: http://www.facebook.com/groups/379735152076250/
Selena Fox: http://www.facebook.com/SelenaFoxUpdates
WEEKLY INTERNET RADIO: Listen live, join live chat, call in – or listen later.
Pagan Warrior Radio with David & Jeanet Ewing & Pamela Kelly – Saturday nights, 8-9pm central.
Saturday, August 4: Lughnassad Celebration -http://www.blogtalkradio.com/witchschool/2012/08/04/pagans-tonight-en-espaol-and-circles-pagan-warrior-radio
Circle Craft Study with Selena Fox – Tuesday nights, 8-9pm central.
Tuesday, August 7: Sea Magic – explore ways to connect with the healing, nurturing, & creative powers of the Ocean & Ocean life through meditations and rituals. http://www.circlepodcasts.org/
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Local & Regional
UPCOMING EVENTS at Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve in Wisconsin:
Want to come? Email: events@circlesanctuary.org
Wednesday, August 8: Land Stewardship Evening, 5-8:30 pm, with Bob Paxton.
Help with trails upkeep, brush clearing & other projects. Free.
Saturday, August 12: Sanctuary Day, 9-5 pm, with Jen Snow, Bob Paxton & Others.
Work on volunteer projects; Help with trails upkeep, brush clearing, other projects. Free.
Wednesday, August 15: Land Stewardship Evening, 5-8:30 pm, with Bob Paxton & Others.
Help with trails upkeep, brush clearing, & other projects. Free.
Wednesday, August 22: Land Stewardship Evening, 5-8:30 pm, with Bob Paxton & Others.
Help with trails upkeep, brush clearing, & other projects. Free.
Wednesday, August 29: Plant Spirits Full Moon Circle, 7-8:30 pm, with Selena Fox.
An evening of Spiritual Herbcraft with Selena Fox.
Weather permitting, the rite will be held outdoors. Free. Open to women & men.
Weekend, August 30-September 3: Sacred Fire Circle Intensive
Join us as we create this sacred space!
Come connect deeply with community as we support each other on our mutual journey toward wholeness and holiness! Using the portals of Voice, Music, Movement and Service, we work ritual together from midnight to dawn, with the intention to release painful patterns and energies, gain access to our deep wells of creativity, and find personal transformation. Join us in this powerful, deeply transformative journey. Songs, rhythms, poetry, dance or simply a hand to hold - your gifts are welcome here!
Welcome Fall Festival, Saturday, September 22. www.circlesanctuary.org/welcomefall
Samhain Festival, October 26-28. www.circlesanctuary.org/samhain.
Details for upcoming festivals coming soon!
Circle Times & Community News: Friday, August 3, 2012
Published by Circle Sanctuary, www.circlesanctuary.org

BLOOD DONOR - APPLICATION; {Current mood: 'hungry'} ===================================== - donor application for those local in the L.A, Area;... who wish to visit "me" ~:{ the DRAGON - sithveirDRAGCOS ),.. & my Wife ~>:{ *Alicia, the Mistress 0f the Undead ];.... **note: I Am STRAIGHT so "females" Only(*NOT Into "males"),... though My Fiancee(*alicia) is Bi & likes BOTH "Male" & "Female" blood. - and you must be over 18; *Here our the requirements to be a donor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. BE WILLING, And fully Informed and Comfortable with this, {I/we don't do things illegally]. 2. BE DRUG FREE {Yes that means not being "around" pot smoke or Alcohol either ]. 3. BE OVER 18 ('NO EXCEPTIONS!). 4. HAVE A CURRENT PHOTO ONLINE OF YOURSELF. 5. BE LOCAL(*Los Angeles,Ca) -*This would be preffered. 6. I/we - PREFER YOU TO BE SINGLE BUT NOT MANDATORY. 7. Females *preffered*,.. - though I Am STRIAGHT {& NOT Into "males"] ~ "alicia" is Bi & likes BOTH "Male" & "Female" blood. so "MALES" interested in giving blood to Alicia is fine to. _____________________________________________________ [:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:] *ok,so by Replying ["YES"] here, :[ ]: *you are willing and ready to be drawn {'blood'} from either by sharp objects or my teeth... *You declare that you will not sue me/us for damage to your skin, mental damage or any other damage here'of. _________________________________________ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" to CONTACT Ither "MYSELF",.... by EMAIL(s);... sithveirdragcos_thedragon_2010@yahoo.comsithveirdragcos_thedragon_2005@hotmail.com dragonfiredragcos_productions@yahoo.com ..or... on "FACEBOOK.COM":[ https://www.facebook.com/dfdp.na } c/o:"the DRAGON & DRAGONFIREDRAGCOS PRODUCTIONS",.. on "MYSPACE.COM":[ http://www.myspace.com/sithveirdragcos_thedragon ]: on "Tumblr.com":[ http://sithveirdragcos-thedragon.tumblr.com/ } c/o:"the DRAGON & DRAGONFIREDRAGCOS PRODUCTIONS",.. on "altporn.net":[ http://altporn.net/theDRAGON_sithveirDRAGCOS ];... on "BlueBlood.Net": http://www.blueblood.net/boards/member.php?u=46226 ];.. ________________________________________________________ ^^'V'^^(*)^^'V'^^(*)^^'V'^^(*)^^'V'^^(*)^^'V'^^(*)^^'V'^^ and "ALICIA",.. by EMAIL(s);... aliciacataline@yahoo.commistressoftheundead@hotmail.comon "FACEBOOK.COM":[ https://www.facebook.com/Mistressoftheundead ]: c/o:"MISTRESS 0F THE UNDEAD,PRODUCTIONS",.. __________________________________________________________ ....or -"both 0f US"- by Phone:[ 1-(323)-920-4512 ].
Do you want me to just take some time and answer the questions then send them to you, or do you contact me? I can see you have over 70 people now, so I can imagine this will take you a while to get through them all. Chrissy Johnson posted in Utah Black Hat Society
Please note the time change
 | Utah Black Hat Society's 7th Annual Witches High Tea
Sunday, October 28 at 4:00pm at The Grand America Hotel
The date for the Utah Black Hat Society's Witches High Tea will be announced in the next week. Stay tuned! Sponsored by Crone's Hollow www.utahblackhatsociety.org
 | Utah Black Hat Society
The Black Hat Society is a group for all those who live a life of Magick. But don't always be so ser...
Double, double,toil and trouble - Fire burn and cauldron bubble! Accept no imitations...this is the tea everyone is talking about; the one covered by the Salt Lake Tribune and SLUG magazine, the one shown on KSL Channel 5 and Fox 13 news...the one that fills the Grand America's Lobby Lounge with a sea of hats! We hope you'll come join us! ---------------------------------------------- The Utah Black Hat Society, The Wyrdness of Witches and The Cackle of Crones are pleased to announce the details of the 7th Annual Witches High Tea in Salt Lake City. This annual October event, just in time for Halloween, is the witchy social event of the season. Held at the Grand America Hotel's sophisticated Lobby Lounge, this gathering of Witches is the perfect opportunity to wear your finest robes, gowns, capes, jewels, staffs, wands, pentacles and of course your finest, tallest or pointiest hat. This is a formal event--fine witch wear and a hat are required. Warts, toads, brooms and pointed noses are optional. Sunday, Oct 28, 2012, 1:00- 4:00 pm Tickets must be purchased in advance to reserve your spot. For 2012, there are two types of tickets being offered: The Sipping Sorceror - This includes the Grand America's Afternoon Tea service (tea, sandwiches, scones and dessert), a stylish Black Hat swag bag and all taxes and gratuities. The price for this ticket is $29. The Wobbly Witch - This includes the Grand America's Grand Traditions Tea (tea, sandwiches, scones, dessert, a cheese/fruit plate and champagne), a stylish Black Hat swag bag and all taxes and gratuities. The price for this ticket is $49. The theme for this year's event is Nox Victoriana. (Don't know what that is? Check here - http://pinterest.com/nolawitch/nox-victoriana/ ) Get your hats ready for our Spooktacular Hat Contest which includes prizes in the following categories: Ooh, Hexy Lady (The Classic Witch) The Snickering Skeleton (Funniest Hat) Dead Heads (Best use of Skulls, Bats or Spiders) Dare Devil (Oddest/Most Unique Hat) The Eeny-Weeny Beanie (Best use of Cutesy, Tiny & Shiny) Tickets sales will begin in September (around Labor Day) and will continue until all tickets have been sold. Last year we sold out within 2 weeks so don't delay! Tickets are available exclusively at Crone’s Hollow, 2470 S. Main St. -- Cash and all credit cards are accepted. An announcement will be made on the Crone's Hollow facebook page when tickets go on sale. We are unable to provide refunds in the event of no shows. Good news! We have been able to add an extra 8 seats to this event. This year we can accept up to 80 attendees. The Lobby Lounge will be exclusively ours on this day. If you are a local Pagan group or vendor/artist and would like to add something to our swag bag, please contact TaMara at info (at) croneshollow (dot) com
Ashwin Shadowside posted in Vampire Global Development Support Network
*beep beep* AIVO alert!
I am very happy to announce that AIVO(Alliance of Indian Vampires & otherkins) which is joint community for IVA (INDIAN VAMPIRE ALLIANCE) n IOA(INDIAN OTHERKIN ALLIANCE) will start inductingmembers from 15/08/12 ( independence day of India). Ihave called a 2 week meeting to discuss final issues. Hence, i seek guidance. What should be the right way of offering membership? I have decided that members will have to fill forms. What info do you think i should ask for in the form?
I am sorry to hear that there are people posting ANY kind of negative comment here! Very sad that these people represent the "Pagan Community" in ANY way. They should be ashamed. I am. What you are doing is a wonderful idea, with kind-hearted intentions! I send many Blessings to you!!!! Will answer the questions as soon as I have time to sit down, lol. ♥
Help Salt lake City Pagan Pride today, Become a Sponsor, a Vendor, Donate to the Raffle baskets. Let us know and we will send you an application. If Interested please contact us at Saltlakeppd@Gmail.comOur Charity Drive is The Road Home. Their most urgent needs are for Blankets, sleeping bags, water bottles, Baby bottles and formula, Diapers...Etc. Please help support The Road home this Coming Pagan pride day...Our Charity Drive is The Road Home. Their most urgent needs are for Blankets, sleeping bags, water bottles, Baby bottles and formula, Diapers...Etc. Please help support The Road home this Coming Pagan pride day...
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