Saturday, January 26, 201312:00 PM- OK if you are serious about Wicca or being a pagan, and you live in Utah County. Than, please attend this meetup. Star Coven of Wicca is holding a meeting to find old and new members and any one else who wants to start, maintain, and keep a Utah county coven going. Were looking for everyone and all ideas are welcome. After all this is everyone's coven who whats it to be. If you have a good idea, awesome skills, want to join a coven , or have a place to hold meetings near Springville UT (Spanish fork , Mapleton, or Provo even.) Then join US. We are looking for you. All ages Welcome. We are a family coven. IF you are under 18 you must attend with a parent or guardian or have there permission. Come and have some coffee,tea, or hot cocoa, while we discusses the future of Star Coven of Wicca. Join us. ALL ARE WELCOME! Bring paper and a pen. Blessed Be... Reverend High Priestess Char Norton M.W.R.

http:// /product/ dragon-fairy-pendant-projecting -stunning-elemental-energies
Emits Powerful Elemental Energies
Some say it is a dragonfly, and some say it is a fairy. Regardless, this stunning metaphysical piece depicts the hidden elemental energies believed to perpetuate the mechanics of nature and life itself. You've actually seen them ... in a bright flicker on wet leaves in the sun, in the afterglow you see from a bright beautiful day when you close your eyes, in the smell of a warm flowery breeze on a summer day. Its just a matter of knowing what they are.
This pendant captures all those things and emits a stunning field of magical energy that affects all those around it. People just stare and stare.
Size: 1.25" x 1.5"
Hand made with loving care. Chakra balanced and energy enhanced by the artist. Fired resinated glass, opal, metallic print on stainless. Artentium silver bale.
To order or for more information visit: http:// /product/ dragon-fairy-pendant-projecting -stunning-elemental-energies

![Nice Shot
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Karalynn Kilpatrick shared Witches and Pagans's photo.



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See Why The Shocking Truth In Your Numerology Chart Cannot Tell A Lie...](

dare to be different,do not follow lead!

In many shamanic societies, if you came to a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of four questions. When did you stop dancing? When did you stop singing? When did you stop being enchanted by stories? When did you stop finding comfort in the sweet territory of silence?


Please add your name or a loved ones name to this Healing Chain in the comments…
Light and Love of the Goddess --- Lady Patti
“Love is a chain of love as nature is a chain of life” Truman Capote
Each day we come across those that need our blessings of light from within The Goddess to heal a sickness, to heal a sorrow, to heal a loss. To heal…
The blessing below I will post it each day so that you may “like” the posting and comments on the healing needs. Add your healing comments and needs to this chain. By liking the post and comment, those in need will see that you thinking of them and sending your healing energies to them.
Please add your comments, wishes and blessings as needed to the Chain of Healing.
Blessed Lady – healer of our pain, source of our strength.
As I light the candle of white, the healing of this heated light
Give this light and healing love to those that are in need.
Blessings and healing light to those as we call out their names
As You are our Light, You are our Strength, You are our source of love
So mote it be.
Lady Patti
Copyright © 12272011

Weekly Newsletter - Spiritual Cleansing by Karina BlackHeart
Many of you who follow us on Facebook have seen the posts and pictures from the New Orleans Witches Ball at Samhain that we sponsored. The entire ball, organized by Kim Cairelle Perilloux of Cairelle's Cupboard (http:// , was an amazing event, and one I hope to be a part of for many years to come. The most powerful part of it was the evening ritual, led by Feri Priests Karina BlackHeart and Jenya T. Beachy. I rarely have the opportunity to participate in a group ritual, and this was the largest I had ever was absolutely mesmerizing.
Karina is also the driving force behind Crafting the Witch (http://, an online training program for those who wallk the starlit path. I have people ask me nearly every day for training or mentorship, and now I finally have a place to refer them that I trust. Many people aren't interested in the 'year and a day' of strict traditionalist Wiccan training, or have no place near them where they can be mentored during self-study. If that describes you, then look into Crafting the might be exactly what you are trying to find.
I approached Karina after the NOWB to write some guest newsletters over the coming year, and she graciously agreed. Below is the second. Enjoy!
(newsletter continued after these announcements)
In the Mama C's store: ( Use coupon code 'mama' for 10% off your entire order!
In the Mama C's eBay store: ( - 10-40% off selected items until January 22nd!
In the Body Arts eBay store:(http:// 10-30% off selected items until January 22nd.
Body Arts Bling: (http:// Use coupon code BLINGME for $3 off any piercing jewelry!
We now participate in Amazon Prime for many of our top selling
incense scents, as well as cauldrons, incense burners and censers, and several oils. See our store here: mamacreepy
(newsletter continued)
Spiritual Cleansing by Karina BlackHeart
We all know that frequent hand-washing lessens the spread of contagious germs like the flu or common cold. Yet, we might forget to practice similar techniques when it comes to picking up energies that are not our own. Spiritual cleansing is like hand-washing for our energy bodies. It clears energetic debris and psychic detritus we pick up as we move through our daily round. As empaths, psychics and magical workers, we are particularly susceptible to the energies of other people as well as places and objects.
Spiritual cleansing isn’t quite the same thing as psychic protection which we put in place to help prevent negativity from clinging to us. Rather, spiritual cleansing removes unwanted energies which have attached to us in spite of our best efforts at self-defense. Simply stated, psychic protection shields us from negativity while spiritual cleansing returns us to a state of energetic health after being exposed.
We're exposed to all kinds of energies every single day. Because we are energetically open we can "collect" energetic grime the way black pants collect lint! Sometimes, we visit somewhere and the vibe just doesn't feel right. Or, we think we're getting the flu after a conversation with a particular person. After being in crowded spaces, we might feel really tired or wound up. There are many signs and symptoms of build up of unwanted energies that can mimic physical or emotional concerns. It's a sign of wisdom to identify and address those with the appropriate health care professional before attempting to fix ourselves with spiritual cleansing! As spiritual seekers we want to take responsibility for our physical and emotional health prior to or in conjunction with our spiritual health.
That said, if you notice your energy feels "off" or you're experiencing shifts in your energy that differ from your norm, spiritual cleansing techniques can help get you back to your baseline. Personally, I use several of these techniques on a regular basis and find they really help those of us who are empathic, psychic or in communication with the Other Realms.
Cleansing Baths. If you aren’t in the habit of doing spiritual cleansing on a regular basis, a ritual Cleansing Bath is a great place to begin because you immerse your entire body and feel the effects immediately. The properties of the bath cleanse your energy body so it’s important to remember to refrain from using other bath products (soap, shampoo, oils, moisturizers, etc.) during or immediately following a cleansing bath.
Prepare for your bath the way you would for any magical working. Request privacy from other household members. You may wish to bring incense and a white candle into the bathroom with you. Let them burn all the way down after you’ve finished bathing.
Three baths I use most often for spiritual cleansing are the Salt Bath, the Blue Bath and the Mate Tea Bath. For all three, I use the following incantation as I enter the tub:
Spirits of Water, cleanse and purify me
Element of Water, clear all negativity
Lady of the Waters, I call to thee
Celestial Waters, set me free!
By the Power of three times three
As I Will, so must it be!
Salt Bath: Add three cups of consecrated sea salt to a very hot bath. Enter the tub and soak for 9 minutes, submerging your head under the water nine times. As you soak and submerge, feel the psychic detritus in your energy body loosening just as your muscles loosen in the hot, salted bath. Feel the energetic build up sloughing off your energetic body just as your sweat is washed away in the water.
When you exit the bath, allow let yourself air dry. Let the water drain from the tub as you imagine it carrying all negativity with it. It’s a good idea to let the shower run cold water into the tub to rinse it. You may feel tired. Wrap up in a warm robe or blankets and rest.
Blue Bath: This is a very old recipe using blueing. It’s still available in liquid, squares or balls. Blue food coloring will work in a pinch as the color is more important than the composition of blueing. It will not stain your skin, hair or tub.
Add enough blue to the bath to change the water to a soft but vibrant hue. Your bathwater should be hotter than luke-warm but not steaming or scalding.
Soak for 7 minutes and submerge 7 times. You will likely feel lighter, energized, uplifted and spiritually clean. If you find yourself exhausted after this bath, it’s best to repeat it within the next few days.
Mate Tea Bath: Mate Tea is available in most grocery stores in the organic tea section. Steep 4 tea bags in a quart of boiling water for 10 minutes. Remove the bags and add the tea to your bath water which should be comfortably hot. Repeat the steps above. This time submerging 11 times and remaining in the bath for 11 minutes.
If you don’t have a bathtub or cannot submerge in yours, you can mix 1/2 cup of sea salt into a gallon of water and pour over your head in small amounts until you’ve poured 9 times. Alternately, a few drops of blue in a gallon of water will do--pour 7 times. If using mate tea, I find using it full strength works beautifully.
Simple Solutions for Daily Use These are quick and easily added to your personal care routines:
At the end of the day, wipe the back of your neck and across your shoulders with cotton balls soaked in Witch Hazel. This loosens negative energies and entities making an attempt to take up residence. Flush the cotton balls in the toilet.
Dip a cotton swab in hydrogen peroxide before cleaning your ears (careful not to enter the ear canal!). This removes negativity that enters through the ear along with angry or abusive words, disturbing sounds or violent music.
Fumigate the body with the smoke of cleansing herbs or resins burned on charcoal. To do this, tent your head and body in a sheet and stand over the censer so the smoke is captured under the sheet with you. Sixty to ninety seconds is enough. I prefer frankincense, a blend of cinnamon and clove or a pinch of loose tobacco mixed with sage and cedar. This is especially useful for folks who can’t use Cleansing Baths. Avoid fumigation if you suffer from respiratory problems.
Eggs have long been used to draw out negative spiritual influences. Rub a fresh, uncracked egg over the body, paying special attention to the medulla oblongata--the little hollow at the base of your skull where it connects to your spine. Be sure to rub the egg over “hot spots", like the temples, armpits, palms, groin, behind your knees and the soles of your feet. Try using an egg on unexplained headaches, shoulder tension or other discomfort. When you’re finished, drop the egg in the toilet hard enough so it breaks open before flushing. If you prefer, you can bury it (away from your home) or release it in a moving body of water.
For the Household
Our homes can accrue negative vibrations just like our bodies. The influence can come from unpleasant visitors, arguments among household members or the after effects of illness, tragedy or loss. In any case, a thorough spiritual cleansing will dramatically shift the energy. There are many spiritual floor-washes on the market but I prefer a simple solution of cleansing herbs steeped in water. Simply wash the floors and wipe down surfaces with the solution. Pour any excess on your front steps or entryway.
Of course, sprinkling salt water (lightly!) and smudging with sage, herbs or resins can be effective. Try bringing in fresh flowers or live plants which naturally absorb and transform negativity. Open the windows. Sweep negativity out the front door with your broom. Drumming will move energy quickly as will ringing clear bells or playing singing bowls. Real, true belly laughter is the strongest spiritual cleansing of a space I know of!
Keeping spiritually clean means we have more energy for our magical lives and those we love.
For more on how to care for and nourish your magical self, check out The Care + Feeding of Witches over at http:// where our online trainings include tons of written, audio and video content that are yours to keep forever. We also offer Practice and Support for Witches from novice to adept. If you want to get to know us better, sign up for Daily Witch--Free Witcheries delivered to your email box every morning. You can find us on Facebook at CraftingtheWitch.
Be Blessed in Love + Power, Witches!
Karina BlackHeart
Have a marvelous, magical, and prosperous week!
mama C
Many of you who follow us on Facebook have seen the posts and pictures from the New Orleans Witches Ball at Samhain that we sponsored. The entire ball, organized by Kim Cairelle Perilloux of Cairelle's Cupboard (http://
Karina is also the driving force behind Crafting the Witch (http://
I approached Karina after the NOWB to write some guest newsletters over the coming year, and she graciously agreed. Below is the second. Enjoy!
(newsletter continued after these announcements)
In the Mama C's store: ( Use coupon code 'mama' for 10% off your entire order!
In the Mama C's eBay store: ( - 10-40% off selected items until January 22nd!
In the Body Arts eBay store:(http://
Body Arts Bling: (http://
We now participate in Amazon Prime for many of our top selling
incense scents, as well as cauldrons, incense burners and censers, and several oils. See our store here:
(newsletter continued)
Spiritual Cleansing by Karina BlackHeart
We all know that frequent hand-washing lessens the spread of contagious germs like the flu or common cold. Yet, we might forget to practice similar techniques when it comes to picking up energies that are not our own. Spiritual cleansing is like hand-washing for our energy bodies. It clears energetic debris and psychic detritus we pick up as we move through our daily round. As empaths, psychics and magical workers, we are particularly susceptible to the energies of other people as well as places and objects.
Spiritual cleansing isn’t quite the same thing as psychic protection which we put in place to help prevent negativity from clinging to us. Rather, spiritual cleansing removes unwanted energies which have attached to us in spite of our best efforts at self-defense. Simply stated, psychic protection shields us from negativity while spiritual cleansing returns us to a state of energetic health after being exposed.
We're exposed to all kinds of energies every single day. Because we are energetically open we can "collect" energetic grime the way black pants collect lint! Sometimes, we visit somewhere and the vibe just doesn't feel right. Or, we think we're getting the flu after a conversation with a particular person. After being in crowded spaces, we might feel really tired or wound up. There are many signs and symptoms of build up of unwanted energies that can mimic physical or emotional concerns. It's a sign of wisdom to identify and address those with the appropriate health care professional before attempting to fix ourselves with spiritual cleansing! As spiritual seekers we want to take responsibility for our physical and emotional health prior to or in conjunction with our spiritual health.
That said, if you notice your energy feels "off" or you're experiencing shifts in your energy that differ from your norm, spiritual cleansing techniques can help get you back to your baseline. Personally, I use several of these techniques on a regular basis and find they really help those of us who are empathic, psychic or in communication with the Other Realms.
Cleansing Baths. If you aren’t in the habit of doing spiritual cleansing on a regular basis, a ritual Cleansing Bath is a great place to begin because you immerse your entire body and feel the effects immediately. The properties of the bath cleanse your energy body so it’s important to remember to refrain from using other bath products (soap, shampoo, oils, moisturizers, etc.) during or immediately following a cleansing bath.
Prepare for your bath the way you would for any magical working. Request privacy from other household members. You may wish to bring incense and a white candle into the bathroom with you. Let them burn all the way down after you’ve finished bathing.
Three baths I use most often for spiritual cleansing are the Salt Bath, the Blue Bath and the Mate Tea Bath. For all three, I use the following incantation as I enter the tub:
Spirits of Water, cleanse and purify me
Element of Water, clear all negativity
Lady of the Waters, I call to thee
Celestial Waters, set me free!
By the Power of three times three
As I Will, so must it be!
Salt Bath: Add three cups of consecrated sea salt to a very hot bath. Enter the tub and soak for 9 minutes, submerging your head under the water nine times. As you soak and submerge, feel the psychic detritus in your energy body loosening just as your muscles loosen in the hot, salted bath. Feel the energetic build up sloughing off your energetic body just as your sweat is washed away in the water.
When you exit the bath, allow let yourself air dry. Let the water drain from the tub as you imagine it carrying all negativity with it. It’s a good idea to let the shower run cold water into the tub to rinse it. You may feel tired. Wrap up in a warm robe or blankets and rest.
Blue Bath: This is a very old recipe using blueing. It’s still available in liquid, squares or balls. Blue food coloring will work in a pinch as the color is more important than the composition of blueing. It will not stain your skin, hair or tub.
Add enough blue to the bath to change the water to a soft but vibrant hue. Your bathwater should be hotter than luke-warm but not steaming or scalding.
Soak for 7 minutes and submerge 7 times. You will likely feel lighter, energized, uplifted and spiritually clean. If you find yourself exhausted after this bath, it’s best to repeat it within the next few days.
Mate Tea Bath: Mate Tea is available in most grocery stores in the organic tea section. Steep 4 tea bags in a quart of boiling water for 10 minutes. Remove the bags and add the tea to your bath water which should be comfortably hot. Repeat the steps above. This time submerging 11 times and remaining in the bath for 11 minutes.
If you don’t have a bathtub or cannot submerge in yours, you can mix 1/2 cup of sea salt into a gallon of water and pour over your head in small amounts until you’ve poured 9 times. Alternately, a few drops of blue in a gallon of water will do--pour 7 times. If using mate tea, I find using it full strength works beautifully.
Simple Solutions for Daily Use These are quick and easily added to your personal care routines:
At the end of the day, wipe the back of your neck and across your shoulders with cotton balls soaked in Witch Hazel. This loosens negative energies and entities making an attempt to take up residence. Flush the cotton balls in the toilet.
Dip a cotton swab in hydrogen peroxide before cleaning your ears (careful not to enter the ear canal!). This removes negativity that enters through the ear along with angry or abusive words, disturbing sounds or violent music.
Fumigate the body with the smoke of cleansing herbs or resins burned on charcoal. To do this, tent your head and body in a sheet and stand over the censer so the smoke is captured under the sheet with you. Sixty to ninety seconds is enough. I prefer frankincense, a blend of cinnamon and clove or a pinch of loose tobacco mixed with sage and cedar. This is especially useful for folks who can’t use Cleansing Baths. Avoid fumigation if you suffer from respiratory problems.
Eggs have long been used to draw out negative spiritual influences. Rub a fresh, uncracked egg over the body, paying special attention to the medulla oblongata--the little hollow at the base of your skull where it connects to your spine. Be sure to rub the egg over “hot spots", like the temples, armpits, palms, groin, behind your knees and the soles of your feet. Try using an egg on unexplained headaches, shoulder tension or other discomfort. When you’re finished, drop the egg in the toilet hard enough so it breaks open before flushing. If you prefer, you can bury it (away from your home) or release it in a moving body of water.
For the Household
Our homes can accrue negative vibrations just like our bodies. The influence can come from unpleasant visitors, arguments among household members or the after effects of illness, tragedy or loss. In any case, a thorough spiritual cleansing will dramatically shift the energy. There are many spiritual floor-washes on the market but I prefer a simple solution of cleansing herbs steeped in water. Simply wash the floors and wipe down surfaces with the solution. Pour any excess on your front steps or entryway.
Of course, sprinkling salt water (lightly!) and smudging with sage, herbs or resins can be effective. Try bringing in fresh flowers or live plants which naturally absorb and transform negativity. Open the windows. Sweep negativity out the front door with your broom. Drumming will move energy quickly as will ringing clear bells or playing singing bowls. Real, true belly laughter is the strongest spiritual cleansing of a space I know of!
Keeping spiritually clean means we have more energy for our magical lives and those we love.
For more on how to care for and nourish your magical self, check out The Care + Feeding of Witches over at http://
Be Blessed in Love + Power, Witches!
Karina BlackHeart
Have a marvelous, magical, and prosperous week!
mama C

Doreen Virtue Official Fan Page added a new photo.

Dancing Moccasins shared a link.

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