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Damian Nightwalker
Amy Jean Gooslin shared Happy Witch's photo.
Ravensgrove Coven

A Witches Community Commitment
A short time ago I moved from the Orlando Florida to Indiana. I have to admit that I have had a few adjustment issues with the weather and living in an area which proudly calls itself. the “Bible Belt.”
I am a practicing Witch and Pagan who is way out of the broom closet. Each time we have moved I quickly seek out others within our Pagan/Witch communities. A place of home. I think we all like to find that fellowship with others of like mined spirit. This has also allowed me the opportunity to be a part of numerous Pagan and Witch communities all over the world. A blessing I consider myself extremely fortunate to have received.
Being the new Witch in town can be both wonderful and heartbreaking. Sometimes people accept you openly without judgment. Sometimes they judge you before they get a chance to know you. From my travels, I have been fortunate to have received the joy of acceptance as well as the lessons from the disappointments of rejection. My observations of a wide spectrum of communities has given me cause to ponder the question, “How can individuals and groups who profess strength in following the path be so weak in acceptance, encouragement, and forging pagan community ties?”
I asked this question to elders that I hold in the deepest respect. Surprisingly there were two basic themes. One--our rejection of organized religion and the embracing of principles of individual freedom to pursue ones own spiritual relationship encourages us not to allow ourselves to be confined by conventional group behaviors. It is further said that pagans will retreat to individual safe harbors rather than suffer the disappointments of unrealized expectations in relationships. Two--the pagan world exists in a greater society that has grown increasingly selfish, competitive, and cynical. While pagans pursue a path of a spiritual ideal, they are not immune to the same social behaviors that weaken our families, neighborhoods, and communities. While this wisdom holds only a partial explanation for this troubling question, it does give us a set of perspectives to help us understand why the pagan community strains to grow and come together.
What do we expect in a pagan community?
A community is a social group, of any size, whose members reside in a specific or social locality and often have a common cultural and historical heritage. A community is a group of people that share social, religious and/or occupational commonalities. These can be in shared interests and perceiving itself as distinct in some respect from the larger society within which it exists.
We are a community within ourselves for we are the believers of magick and energy. We are Witches, Pagans, and Neo-Pagans or by whatever name brings you comfort and distinction. We are not the same, however we can learn, grow and expand ourselves within our diversity. For any community, to thrive it must be a cohesive group that stands together with the shared belief that within understanding all things are possible.
Within every community each member brings their own unique skills and understanding. It is within these communities that we share and are allowed our own personal freedoms. For if we begin to judge each other, to criticize how one person or one group works because it is differences; then we are no different that those who burned, tortured and hung the Witches of old. In our judgments, we not only weaken ourselves but we weaken the entire community. Once damaged, it can take years to heal the spirit within.
We can to protect ourselves from some of the growing pains. If we understanding why this happens and that it is a natural part of a communities maturity and growth. Every new group of people; be they Witch, Christian or Pagan, will have some form of growing pains when coming together as one group.
It is extremely important point to remember as you begin to work within a new group or community. Growing Pains are Normal. Once a group or member of a group moves past the “NEW” stage; you will find there will be few bumps along the road, you will have members come and go for various reasons and have to make some adjustments for each. All this is normal and natural when a new group or community of any kind is forming.
You will need to work not to blame or assume the responsibility for what happens or for every little problems that may arise. All groups experience disappointments, setbacks, and some level of conflict occasionally--especially in the beginning. It is how we deal with those conflicts that show how well we can grow as a community.
When groups come together for the first time, they are starting the step of forming. While forming, you know very little about each other, the common beliefs and hopes for the group drew everyone together. Everyone is on their best behavior ...a little on egg shells because there is so much you don't know about each other.
As we became more familiar with each other, we became more comfortable. Individual differences emerge, sometimes in contrast with our own practices and beliefs. As a group, you will find you sometimes make assumptions with regard to each others personalities and sensitivities. Sometimes those assumptions are off the mark.
When working with a new group or with new people, especially if there is little experience with each other, there can be a testing of each other. Disagreements, conflicts and differences can boil quickly between members and tend to take their own course.
In distinguishing your group and communities path you must work to resolve each difference as you stumble through the storm. This storming (growing pains) is a natural occurrence in every group. It's a passage that helps the group and community grow together to validate common beliefs and to determine new agreements in dealing with challenges as they arise.
This storming or growing results in the "personality of your community." To emerge as group members put their individual preferences secondary to the greater vision for the communities uniqueness. But remembering that you are each different spirits with different personalities.
Once a problem arises you work to resolve it. But more importantly, you grow with new agreements and understanding on how to deal with such issues next time they arise. The coming together and new agreements allows the Coven to move forward, to be strengthened, and to center on it’s true vision.
It's the common vision that will keep you all together. It’s the diversity within the group that will make it strong and will enable you to achieve a greater vision than any of you could ever hope to attain! You are again Solitary Witches working within a single group, Coven.
When the storms come, Don't quit. Don't assume blame. Recognize the storms for what they are... Storms. Don't forget the feelings of excitement and great expectations you all have when you first come together ...
May all those that walk along this path, find truth and light.
If there is a desire for a strong, true and lasting community, there must be a commitment to the fellowship by all its members. The members being those who live and work within the community itself. No, you don’t have to all meet someplace once a week, although that would be nice. (That might not be impossible if and when a community grows into the thousands.) Yet you must get together in the meeting of one spirit. Making a commitment to work and put forth in responsibility one to the other. To do good and make positive discussions, for each member as well as for the community as a whole. Even if you have never met the other members in person. This should be foremost within your desires if a community is to survive.
A community is much like any other group, when formed none of us had ever met each other before. From the oldest to the most recent members, we all have the same ideals for making our community strong and positive. We want to be a part of a group of Witches, Pagans and spiritual people who are dedicated. This means to many of us being involved and working within the community as best we can.
This does not mean that everyone has to do the same thing on the same day. We are not the same people, we don’t have the same lives or jobs. But it does mean that we do all that we can, as we can, not leaving all the work to someone else. (That is also not always possible in the real world.) But if everyone shares in that part they can put forth. Then you are growing as a community.
A community is also not made up of one person, one group or one family. It is again the shared responsibility of everyone person within the community. Sometimes we (myself included) will ,for whatever reason, try to do it all. I don’t think it is because we can’t get others to help so much as we just get carried away. I know that I personally don’t know how to stop, and I had problems asking others to help. I don’t think they would have said ‘no,’ but I never give them the chance to say ‘yes.’ So, being a part of a community also means asking others within the community to help when needed. It also means letting them help and stepping back so they can, good or bad. No one can grow if they are always standing in the shadow of someone else.
If you have made the decision to be a part of a community then do your best to be fully committed the collective energy which makes up your community. It is hard not to become complacent and even lazy within any group of people. Sometimes we become drained in all that is going on, especially if there are growing pains to deal with.
A community is like a fellowship and should come together with five core beliefs and principles. (A Pentangle of Power.) These five core beliefs are: purpose, balance, responsibility, unity and growth. Together, they are encircled by the understanding and desire to join as one all encompassing influence within the universe.
Within a community there must be balance. It is like watching the season turning naturally within the wheel of life. First you have the beginning, it is like watching the birth of spring. Soon you find comfort and relax, it is what we desire in the long life of summer. Then we have moments that are fragile, like the tender leaves of autumn and the death that comes from winters cold. With each breath we take in life and with each breath we release it again into the universe.
You understand the respect necessary for the Earth and embrace the light and dark in all things. You must work to learn how to stand together, protect and encourage your brothers and sisters. The storms and icy winds from within your own circles will at times cut you with its devastating blast, yet you learn and grow stronger by means of the experience.
There will be negative people and situations happen, this happens in every group of people in history and society. Negative situations can be learned from, and can be an opportunity to gain strength and insight. You work hard to bring the positive back into your borders. Positive situations give you the freedom and lift to be able to apply your discipline, progress in your growth, and to help others around you to not forget the balance and become negligent in responsibility and life. Sometimes you feel that you are standing alone. Hold strong to your spirit and power first unto yourself, then give unto the community you have chosen to work with. You can then look at the work, the growth and the commitment therein as a pledge made for the shared purpose of good.
The shadows and light grow and wane within any community of people. When we accept this, we no longer need to be defeated by every curve that life throws us. Once we have learned where the shadows are, we need never fear them, and freedom from that fear allows us to take control and grow.
Once a commitment is made you must be ready to consider what you can do in Work, Volunteering, Ritual, Sabbaths, Esbats, Magick and Gatherings. What are you able to do both physically, spiritually and emotionally to help your community grow.
There are times when being a part of a community requires enormous determination. You will not agree with everyone. You will not get along with everyone. Sometimes you will feel it is a great calling and a great honor. Sometimes you will feel like you just walked through a fire, but if you look around, you might notice the person beside you smoldering as well. You just didn’t see them standing next to you in the flames.
You can’t always expect to have someone else come and put out the fire. You might just have to find the water hose yourself. Yet the good thing about a community is, that once you pick up the water hose, you will notice that more and more people are running over to help. And if the fire gets to big, we are Pagans and Witches… dance, but dance together.
In the spirit of a magickal community,
High Priestess; Lady Abigail
Ravensgrove Coven, Greenfield IN
Copyright © 06062008
A short time ago I moved from the Orlando Florida to Indiana. I have to admit that I have had a few adjustment issues with the weather and living in an area which proudly calls itself. the “Bible Belt.”
I am a practicing Witch and Pagan who is way out of the broom closet. Each time we have moved I quickly seek out others within our Pagan/Witch communities. A place of home. I think we all like to find that fellowship with others of like mined spirit. This has also allowed me the opportunity to be a part of numerous Pagan and Witch communities all over the world. A blessing I consider myself extremely fortunate to have received.
Being the new Witch in town can be both wonderful and heartbreaking. Sometimes people accept you openly without judgment. Sometimes they judge you before they get a chance to know you. From my travels, I have been fortunate to have received the joy of acceptance as well as the lessons from the disappointments of rejection. My observations of a wide spectrum of communities has given me cause to ponder the question, “How can individuals and groups who profess strength in following the path be so weak in acceptance, encouragement, and forging pagan community ties?”
I asked this question to elders that I hold in the deepest respect. Surprisingly there were two basic themes. One--our rejection of organized religion and the embracing of principles of individual freedom to pursue ones own spiritual relationship encourages us not to allow ourselves to be confined by conventional group behaviors. It is further said that pagans will retreat to individual safe harbors rather than suffer the disappointments of unrealized expectations in relationships. Two--the pagan world exists in a greater society that has grown increasingly selfish, competitive, and cynical. While pagans pursue a path of a spiritual ideal, they are not immune to the same social behaviors that weaken our families, neighborhoods, and communities. While this wisdom holds only a partial explanation for this troubling question, it does give us a set of perspectives to help us understand why the pagan community strains to grow and come together.
What do we expect in a pagan community?
A community is a social group, of any size, whose members reside in a specific or social locality and often have a common cultural and historical heritage. A community is a group of people that share social, religious and/or occupational commonalities. These can be in shared interests and perceiving itself as distinct in some respect from the larger society within which it exists.
We are a community within ourselves for we are the believers of magick and energy. We are Witches, Pagans, and Neo-Pagans or by whatever name brings you comfort and distinction. We are not the same, however we can learn, grow and expand ourselves within our diversity. For any community, to thrive it must be a cohesive group that stands together with the shared belief that within understanding all things are possible.
Within every community each member brings their own unique skills and understanding. It is within these communities that we share and are allowed our own personal freedoms. For if we begin to judge each other, to criticize how one person or one group works because it is differences; then we are no different that those who burned, tortured and hung the Witches of old. In our judgments, we not only weaken ourselves but we weaken the entire community. Once damaged, it can take years to heal the spirit within.
We can to protect ourselves from some of the growing pains. If we understanding why this happens and that it is a natural part of a communities maturity and growth. Every new group of people; be they Witch, Christian or Pagan, will have some form of growing pains when coming together as one group.
It is extremely important point to remember as you begin to work within a new group or community. Growing Pains are Normal. Once a group or member of a group moves past the “NEW” stage; you will find there will be few bumps along the road, you will have members come and go for various reasons and have to make some adjustments for each. All this is normal and natural when a new group or community of any kind is forming.
You will need to work not to blame or assume the responsibility for what happens or for every little problems that may arise. All groups experience disappointments, setbacks, and some level of conflict occasionally--especially in the beginning. It is how we deal with those conflicts that show how well we can grow as a community.
When groups come together for the first time, they are starting the step of forming. While forming, you know very little about each other, the common beliefs and hopes for the group drew everyone together. Everyone is on their best behavior ...a little on egg shells because there is so much you don't know about each other.
As we became more familiar with each other, we became more comfortable. Individual differences emerge, sometimes in contrast with our own practices and beliefs. As a group, you will find you sometimes make assumptions with regard to each others personalities and sensitivities. Sometimes those assumptions are off the mark.
When working with a new group or with new people, especially if there is little experience with each other, there can be a testing of each other. Disagreements, conflicts and differences can boil quickly between members and tend to take their own course.
In distinguishing your group and communities path you must work to resolve each difference as you stumble through the storm. This storming (growing pains) is a natural occurrence in every group. It's a passage that helps the group and community grow together to validate common beliefs and to determine new agreements in dealing with challenges as they arise.
This storming or growing results in the "personality of your community." To emerge as group members put their individual preferences secondary to the greater vision for the communities uniqueness. But remembering that you are each different spirits with different personalities.
Once a problem arises you work to resolve it. But more importantly, you grow with new agreements and understanding on how to deal with such issues next time they arise. The coming together and new agreements allows the Coven to move forward, to be strengthened, and to center on it’s true vision.
It's the common vision that will keep you all together. It’s the diversity within the group that will make it strong and will enable you to achieve a greater vision than any of you could ever hope to attain! You are again Solitary Witches working within a single group, Coven.
When the storms come, Don't quit. Don't assume blame. Recognize the storms for what they are... Storms. Don't forget the feelings of excitement and great expectations you all have when you first come together ...
May all those that walk along this path, find truth and light.
If there is a desire for a strong, true and lasting community, there must be a commitment to the fellowship by all its members. The members being those who live and work within the community itself. No, you don’t have to all meet someplace once a week, although that would be nice. (That might not be impossible if and when a community grows into the thousands.) Yet you must get together in the meeting of one spirit. Making a commitment to work and put forth in responsibility one to the other. To do good and make positive discussions, for each member as well as for the community as a whole. Even if you have never met the other members in person. This should be foremost within your desires if a community is to survive.
A community is much like any other group, when formed none of us had ever met each other before. From the oldest to the most recent members, we all have the same ideals for making our community strong and positive. We want to be a part of a group of Witches, Pagans and spiritual people who are dedicated. This means to many of us being involved and working within the community as best we can.
This does not mean that everyone has to do the same thing on the same day. We are not the same people, we don’t have the same lives or jobs. But it does mean that we do all that we can, as we can, not leaving all the work to someone else. (That is also not always possible in the real world.) But if everyone shares in that part they can put forth. Then you are growing as a community.
A community is also not made up of one person, one group or one family. It is again the shared responsibility of everyone person within the community. Sometimes we (myself included) will ,for whatever reason, try to do it all. I don’t think it is because we can’t get others to help so much as we just get carried away. I know that I personally don’t know how to stop, and I had problems asking others to help. I don’t think they would have said ‘no,’ but I never give them the chance to say ‘yes.’ So, being a part of a community also means asking others within the community to help when needed. It also means letting them help and stepping back so they can, good or bad. No one can grow if they are always standing in the shadow of someone else.
If you have made the decision to be a part of a community then do your best to be fully committed the collective energy which makes up your community. It is hard not to become complacent and even lazy within any group of people. Sometimes we become drained in all that is going on, especially if there are growing pains to deal with.
A community is like a fellowship and should come together with five core beliefs and principles. (A Pentangle of Power.) These five core beliefs are: purpose, balance, responsibility, unity and growth. Together, they are encircled by the understanding and desire to join as one all encompassing influence within the universe.
Within a community there must be balance. It is like watching the season turning naturally within the wheel of life. First you have the beginning, it is like watching the birth of spring. Soon you find comfort and relax, it is what we desire in the long life of summer. Then we have moments that are fragile, like the tender leaves of autumn and the death that comes from winters cold. With each breath we take in life and with each breath we release it again into the universe.
You understand the respect necessary for the Earth and embrace the light and dark in all things. You must work to learn how to stand together, protect and encourage your brothers and sisters. The storms and icy winds from within your own circles will at times cut you with its devastating blast, yet you learn and grow stronger by means of the experience.
There will be negative people and situations happen, this happens in every group of people in history and society. Negative situations can be learned from, and can be an opportunity to gain strength and insight. You work hard to bring the positive back into your borders. Positive situations give you the freedom and lift to be able to apply your discipline, progress in your growth, and to help others around you to not forget the balance and become negligent in responsibility and life. Sometimes you feel that you are standing alone. Hold strong to your spirit and power first unto yourself, then give unto the community you have chosen to work with. You can then look at the work, the growth and the commitment therein as a pledge made for the shared purpose of good.
The shadows and light grow and wane within any community of people. When we accept this, we no longer need to be defeated by every curve that life throws us. Once we have learned where the shadows are, we need never fear them, and freedom from that fear allows us to take control and grow.
Once a commitment is made you must be ready to consider what you can do in Work, Volunteering, Ritual, Sabbaths, Esbats, Magick and Gatherings. What are you able to do both physically, spiritually and emotionally to help your community grow.
There are times when being a part of a community requires enormous determination. You will not agree with everyone. You will not get along with everyone. Sometimes you will feel it is a great calling and a great honor. Sometimes you will feel like you just walked through a fire, but if you look around, you might notice the person beside you smoldering as well. You just didn’t see them standing next to you in the flames.
You can’t always expect to have someone else come and put out the fire. You might just have to find the water hose yourself. Yet the good thing about a community is, that once you pick up the water hose, you will notice that more and more people are running over to help. And if the fire gets to big, we are Pagans and Witches… dance, but dance together.
In the spirit of a magickal community,
High Priestess; Lady Abigail
Ravensgrove Coven, Greenfield IN
Copyright © 06062008

Mystic Magic shared a photo.

Urgent: my name is Strawberry Fields, a purebred red tick coonhound. I am begging to get out of here. I got a free pass from euthanasia this past Friday, and I feel so excited that maybe someone will choose to give me a chance. I am just a baby, maybe one year. I may have been passed by because I am shy and a bit thin. Hounds are fantastic family dogs and are great with kids. They are usually kindhearted dogs, good in packs of course or as single dogs. This particular baby was just dumped. My guess is that she was let loose for being too shy to help hunters or she just ran away during a hunt. Who knows, but she doesn't deserve to die unloved. She needs a foster home by Monday and sponsors for her vetting and spay. Please help save her life. Apply to foster, adopt or donate atwww.angelsrescue.org.
$150 in donations saves her life. Anything extra will support her or another innocent in need.
Please comment and share. Thanks!! (KW)

Treasures Stones & Crystals, New Age Hippy Pagan HooDooadded a new photo.
Get it together, New Mexico legislators.
Read more here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/

Silver RavenWolf was tagged in Kimberly's Magickal's photo.
Full Moon Blessings to Everyone! ♥
Pagan Liberal shared History and Ethnography in Gallaecia's photo.
Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura on truTV shared Citizens Action Network's photo.

Silver RavenWolf was tagged in Kimberly's Magickal's photo.
Full Moon Blessings to Everyone! ♥
Pagan Liberal shared History and Ethnography in Gallaecia's photo.
Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura on truTV shared Citizens Action Network's photo.

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