Imbolc circle
Saturday, February 2, 2013
12:00 PM
We will be doing a meet and greet . Imbolc Circle. We are looking for though of the Wiccan/ Pagan commuity in Utah county to join us. Bring a treat to share. I also will be doing tarot reading and such. If you want to join or have ideas come on out and have a drink. Blessed Be...High Priestess Char Norton M.W.R.

The Humane Treatment Of Animals For Sanguinarian Purposes
The Atlanta Vampire Alliance [AVA] does not condone the inhumane treatment of
animals used for sanguinarian (blood) feedings under any circumstances. While
we recognize the needs of sanguinarian vampires to consume blood, we will not
support those who choose to glorify the killing of any animal exclusively for
this expressed purpose. We will not support those who make statements about
receiving pleasure from the act of an animal screaming, struggling, or in fear
of its life. Members of the AVA are not all vegetarians, and we don't take an
exclusivist or ideological approach to the killing of common food animals.
However, there is a clear line between a person doing what is humane and
necessary to satiate hunger or blood thirst and a person expressing a potential
underlying psychosis wherein one revels in a desire to cause suffering to an
animal while encouraging others to participate in kind. Additionally, we can
think of no justifiable reason for sanguinarian vampires to take the life of a
dog, cat, or similar domesticated animal for purposes of blood drinking. We
strongly discourage members of the vampire community who do not already have
experience as livestock handlers or sport hunters from assuming the enormous
ethical responsibility and technical skill set that comes with deciding to
slaughter your own food animals. Hunting and farming both are skills that
require attentive study, a strong ethical foundation, and respect for the
creatures you are dealing with.
We additionally reiterate in the strongest possible terms that it is the
responsibility and ethical burden of anyone who does engage in the slaughter of
their own food animals to properly educate themselves on humane means of taking
the life of an animal as well as possible medical dangers from consuming blood
directly from wild or hunted game animals, livestock, or animals raised for
If you witness someone who is inhumanely harming and taking the life of an
animal under similar circumstances like the ones we have outlined above please
report them to your local authorities, animal shelters, and the local vampire
January 20, 2013
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The Vampire Community News Team.
Real Vampire Community Animal Rights Awareness Statement
An affirmation of vampire community values regarding the humane treatment of
I. We are members of the vampire community who wish to make an explicit
statement about the ethics surrounding animal consumption, blood sourcing, and
humane treatment issues. This statement is drafted so that all parties
understand that there is no place in the vampire community for deliberate animal
cruelty. The suffering of other creatures is not something that vampires
advocate or will passively tolerate when discovered. It is not fun or a game,
it does not affirm one's place on the food chain, it is not excused when readily
available educational resources outline humane killing techniques, and it does
not gain you our approval. Inhumane acts perpetrated on animals are not
necessary, it is not an acceptable way to fulfill your health needs as a
sanguinarian vampire, and it is considerably far removed from any
socially-acceptable treatment of either domesticated or food animals. Many
vampires are empathic individuals and as such the needless suffering of animals
ld be abhorrent to our nature.
II. We acknowledge that the vampire community is made up of diverse individuals
with a wide range of ethical and cultural backgrounds. We might be vegetarians
and vegans, meat eaters, sport hunters, farmers, animal rescue volunteers,
rights advocates, pet owners, dog people and cat people, or even barbecue
enthusiasts. We come together from these diverse standpoints to make a
statement: that there is a clear and unambiguous distinction between animal use
and animal cruelty. We draw a similar ethical distinction between the
harvesting of animals in a sober, respectful context and the infliction of
unnecessary pain and suffering upon any animal. Sanguinarian vampires who kill
animals for use of their blood should do so in the most humane manner possible,
and as prescribed by the laws governing their residence.
III. Under certain circumstances, many cultures and ethical systems allow for
the slaughter of food animals for the purposes of consumption or legally
recognized and protected religious expression, and many contemporary subcultures
participate in the hands-on slaughter of food animals. Many modern people,
including sport hunters, farm workers, chefs, and even ordinary household
consumers, sometimes slaughter their own food animals in a controlled, skillful,
and hopefully humane context.
IV. While there are a spectrum of philosophies about animal use, we hold
absolutely no ambiguity about animal abuse; this is not appropriate behavior for
any group of people, and especially not for the vampire community, which has so
often been the target of social abuse, discrimination, insensitivity, and
uncompassionate behavior. We acknowledge how often the needs of vampire
community members, both physical and psychological, have gone disregarded and
dismissed by the wider society, and resolve to never be dismissive about the
suffering of another feeling creature. Those who choose to take the life of an
animal have an ethical responsibility to educate themselves beforehand on the
most humane method of killing the animal.
V. We categorically acknowledge the intentional infliction of pain and suffering
on any animal, including but not limited to common food animals and those sold
for food purposes, the intentional glorification of an animal's death by means
of photographic depictions of blood splattering, exsanguination, evisceration,
mutilation, or the like, and the encouragement of others to engage in such
activities, to be abnormal, reprehensible, and potentially pathological.
Furthermore, inflicting unnecessary suffering through negligence, ignorance, or
indifference are equally as reprehensible. If it is your business to kill
husbanded or game animals, it is also your responsibility to do so humanely and
with due respect for a creature's capacity to suffer.
VI. The vampire community exists to promote the open exchange of information
amongst vampires and interested individuals. This is an opportunity for
vampires to communicate about ways they can become more aware of general ethics
issues in our various societies concerning animal rights and welfare. We
encourage this statement of awareness to serve as a catalyst for global
community discussions on humane animal husbandry, safe and humane means to
source blood from an animal, issues surrounding factory farms, ethical and
humane sport hunting practices, unethical pet breeding practices, dog and cat
rescue projects, and the support of local animal protection groups.
By Zero & Merticus; Atlanta Vampire Alliance [AVA] & Suscitatio Enterprises, LLC
January 22, 2013 -
This article may be redistributed, translated, or adopted by other organizations
provided there are no content modifications and full citation is included.
See Also:
The Humane Treatment Of Animals For Sanguinarian Purposes
By Merticus & Zero; Atlanta Vampire Alliance [AVA] & Suscitatio Enterprises, LLC
- January 20, 2013
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forum announcements and important notifications by email." in your profile.
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The Vampire Community Team.

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"Doing That Which is Right"
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Burned Biscuits
(cute story)
When I was a kid, my Mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. And I remember one night in particular when she had made breakfast after a long, hard day at work. On that evening so long ago, my Mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage and extremely burnt biscuits in front of my dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed.
Yet all my dad did was reach for his biscuit, smile at my Mom and ask me how my day was at school. I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him smear butter and jelly on that ugly burnt biscuit. He ate every bite of that thing... Never made a face nor uttered a word about it!
When I got up from the table that evening, I remember hearing my Mom apologize to my dad for burning the biscuits.
And I'll never forget what he said: "Honey, I love burnt biscuits every now and then."
Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and I asked him if he really liked his biscuits burnt. He wrapped me in his arms and said, "Your Momma put in a hard day at work today and she's real tired. And besides - a little burnt biscuit never hurt anyone!"
As I've grown older, I've thought about that many times. Life is full of imperfect things and imperfect people. I'm not the best at hardly anything, and I forget birthdays and anniversaries just like everyone else. But what I've learned over the years is that learning to accept each other's faults - and choosing to celebrate each othersdifferences - is one of the most important keys to creating a healthy, growing, and lasting relationship.
And that's mywish for you today... That you will learn to take the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of your life and lay them at the
feet of God. Because in the end,God is the only One who will be able to give you a relationship where a burnt biscuit isn't a deal-breaker!
We could extend this to any relationship. In fact, understanding isthe base of any relationship, be it a husband-wife or parent-child orfriendship!
Current Seminary Classes Available:
Please note that we have several new courses, always with more on the way.
They are all available at:
The preacher's 5 year-old daughter noticed that her father always paused and bowed his head for a moment before starting his sermon. One day, she asked him why. "Well, Honey," he began, proud that his daughter was so observant of his messages. "I'm asking the Lord to help me preach a good sermon." "How come He doesn't answer it?" she asked.
Little Johnny and his family were having Sunday dinner at his Grandmother's house. Everyone was seated around the table as the food was being served. When Little Johnny received his plate, he started eating right away. "Johnny! Please wait until we say our prayer." said his mother. "I don't need to," the boy replied. "Of course, you do "his mother insisted. "We always say a prayer before eating at our house." "That's at our house." Johnny explained. "But this is Grandma's house and she knows how to cook.
SUBMITTING A NEW COURSE - For thosewho would be interested in submitting a new course for the seminary, you can go to the guidelines.
A Rabbi said to a precocious six-year-old boy, "So your mother says your prayers for you each night? That's very commendable. What does she say?"
The little boy replied, "Thank God he's in bed!"
When my daughter, Kelli, said her bedtime prayers , she would bless every family member, every friend, and every animal (current and past). For several weeks, after we had finished the nightly prayer, Kelli would say, "And all girls." This soon became part of her nightly routine, to include this closing.
My curiosity got the best of me and I asked her, "Kelli, why do you always add the part about all girls?"
Her response, "Because everybody always finish their prayers by saying 'All Men'!"
Catholic Last Rites
A bus on a busy street struck a Catholic man.
He was lying near death on the sidewalk as a crowd gathered.
"A priest. Somebody get me a priest!" the man gasped.
Long seconds dragged on but no one stepped out of the crowd.
A policeman checked the crowd and finally yelled, "A PRIEST, PLEASE! Isn't there a priest in this crowd to give this man his last rites?"
Finally, out of the crowd stepped a little old Jewish man in his 80s.
"Mr. Policeman," said the man, "I'm not a priest. I'm not even a Christian. But for 50 years now, I'm living behind the Catholic Church on Second Avenue , and every night I'm overhearing their services. I can recall a lot of it, and maybe I can be of some comfort to this poor man."
The policeman agreed, and cleared the crowd so the man could get through to where the injured man lay.
The old Jewish man knelt down, leaned over the man and said in a solemn voice:
B-4 .... I-19 ... N-38 ... G-54 ... O-72
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A Wedding Story from Rev. Dyer
I performed a wedding not long ago in which the groom was very much against the bride keeping or hyphenating her maiden name. He did not want the final pronouncement to be husband and wife, but rather Mr. & Mrs.(his last name).
Before the ceremony, while meeting with the bride and her mother, the bride asked if I would mind doing something different at the end of the ceremony. She chose to have the first pronouncement be Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith (Smith beingHER last name) and then to tell him that this was her gift to him - (then following with a correct pronouncement.) The bride's mother was the only one aware of what was to happen.
With a straight face I did as she asked while the groom and audience gasped - immediately I followed with the original pronouncement. It took the groom a minute but he laughed - especially when his new mother-in-law explained it was the bride's idea and the mother of the bride let everyone in on why.
Everyone laughed and the groom told his new bride he would think twice before telling her what she could and couldn't have from this day forward!
Final Essay for Buddhism Course
Rev. Graham Louden
One of the sayings attributed to the Buddha runs thus,
‘Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.’
It is difficult to imagine many religions or belief systems where the major figure is so self-deprecating and modest as regards the importance of his utterances. Buddha offered a new religion, open to all regardless of caste or gender and suggested that enlightenment was available to all those who followed his precepts and practices. When asked if he was a god? he replied ‘no’, an angel?, again the reply was ‘no’, a saint? again ‘no’. Finally they asked, ‘what are you?’ to which he replied, ‘I am awake’. His mission, which had become clear to him at the age of thirty five after much meditation and observation of the suffering, disease and hunger apparent outside the confines of his earlier privileged existence, was to awaken others and to show them to pathways to enlightenment.
At this time he made four great vows viz. to save all people, to renounce all worldy desires, to learn all the teachings and to attain perfect enlightenment, and the rest of his life, until his death at the age of eighty, was spent in pursuance of these aims. The Four Noble Truths formed his first teachings and these suggest that all life is suffering, that the cause of suffering is desire, that the end of desire leads to the end of suffering and that the Eightfold Path is the way to end desire and suffering. Often, the teachings of the Buddha can seem rather stark and elemental and they may need at times to be more carefully examined and contextualised. For example, dukkha, a word that we have generally translated as suffering, can be interpreted as meaning that our lives will always contain experiences or episodes which cause suffering and the only way to break the cycle of pleasure and disillusion is to attain enlightenment. Desire, or tanha, can also be rather ambiguous as desire in itself is not always a bad thing, rather it is desire focused upon oneself or upon the acquisition of transient goals that will lead to suffering and discontent.
The Eightfold Path follows on from this to provide a practical pathway, in a sense, spiritual exercises, which will facilitate ‘right’ conduct in the spheres of attaining wisdom, ethical conduct and mental development. It is difficult to decide which of the eight steps is or are the more important e.g. right mindfulness, right livelihood or right understanding and the conclusion must be that they are all integral parts of a process and all of equal importance.
The Buddha said:
‘For human beings, ten things are evil. Three are of the body, four are of the mouth and the other three are of the mind. The three evils of the body are needless killing, stealing and sexual misconduct. The four evils of the mouth are saying one thing but meaning another, slander, lying and improper language. The three evils of the mind are greed, anger and foolishness.
For the Buddha, the reorganisation of one’s life was very important in the process of attaining enlightenment. Hence, the concept of the Three Jewels, in which the seeker after enlightenment could take refuge and find support, came about. These three jewels were the Buddha himself, the example of a man who had awakened and seen the path to enlightenment, the Dharma, the vast body of his teaching and the Sangha, the Buddhist community, and especially those who have reached nirvana and left behind the endless cycle of birth, death and rebirth (samsara). Refuge can be sought according to four levels - ethnic (the lowest), provisional, effective and real, dependent upon the degree of commitment. The taking of refuge may also be accompanied by the adoption of a Buddhist name and the commitment to abide by certain precepts usually drawn from the ‘ten grave precepts’.
Before his death, the Buddha told his followers that they did not need another spiritual leader as they had his teachings. Mahakashyapa, who was delegated by the Buddha to look after the Sangha, worried about the possibility of error and manipulation of the teachings and called a council where the teachings were recited and committed to memory. Nevertheless, by the time of the second council, a hundred years later, there were disagreements and a split occurred which led to the existence of the Mahayana and Theravada traditions. Emperor Ashoka, in the third century BCE, fulfilled much the same role as Constantine the Great in Christianity in adopting Buddhism and building stupas, pillars, schools and preaching tolerance and compassion. Buddhism spread widely at this time into Thailand, Sri Lanka, Burma, Cambodia and China so that its survival was assured despite the rifts which continued to be seen within the movement.
There are many elements which are still common to all the variants of Buddhism which exist today and often, as the course shows, the differences are more matters of interpretation that substance. Although it seems sad that these divergences had to come about, it is noteworthy that the effects have never been so divisive and harmful as in the case of Christianity or Islam.
Karma or the wheel of life is a very important element in Buddhism as is the role of meditation, whether analytical or intuitive. Practice is very important and mindfulness and this has commended it to many as an aid to mental and physical relaxation and as a remedy for the stress of modernday life.
The course also tells us (lesson 7) that the Buddhist view of death is not so much pessimistic as realistic and contained within a proper appreciation of how life and death are interwoven. We read the nine-part death meditation and perhaps see it as morbid but it is really that our perspective on this has been radically altered by a set of social conventions where it is considered to be unacceptable to mention death or to speak openly of the inevitability of it and the need to prepare oneself. Buddhists believe that we have a great deal to learn from death.
Nirvana is a term that has passed into our language and is used freely to indicate any attainment of joy. In Buddhism, it refers to the extinction of the lower self based upon bodhi or enlightenment. The negative seeds of craving and aversion are eradicated. If this process is total, then par nirvana is attained.
Buddhism also developed a monastic side, indeed, the first monastery was established by the Buddha himself. Monks own little and are required to be celibate , following the vinaya (moral code) which involves many hundreds of precepts. Therevada monks follow the Thirteen Ascetic Practices (Dhutanga) but rules may vary in other traditions. The social role of the monks and nuns is to obtain a store of merit through adherence to their vows whilst the householders (laypeople) make offerings to the monastery and increase their own merit and that of their family. Lay followers should also believe in the three treasures and follow the five precepts.
Women were admitted by the Buddha to the sangha after many requests despite the misogynistic atmosphere of the time , but they were subject to strict conditions which seem to accord them lower status than the monks and also suggest that they were seen as a possible distraction and source of temptation. Evidently, the Buddha hesitated before allowing women to join the sangha because he feared that their inclusion might cause serious rifts and offend many monks.
Although, of course, the natural environment was very different in the time of the Buddha, the Buddhist attitude towards nature chimes in well with contemporary concerns about the despoiling of the planet. ‘Right use of nature is part of the spiritual life’ it has been said. Buddhist stories constantly feature animals and flowers as part of the allegory and the early rules relating to monks and nuns indicate a strong emphasis on respect for nature and the environment. In the case of right livelihood, there is a specific prohibition on working in the field of meat production and butchery. Buddha himself was not a vegetarian but Emperor Ashoka was and his influence introduced an influential strand of vegetarianism into Buddhism so that many Buddhists today are strict vegetarians.
There are many important Buddhist festivals which are detailed in the course (lesson 17) such as Observance Day, Buddhist New Year, Sangha Day and Dharma Day, Pavarana Day, the Kathina ceremony and Abhidhamma Day. These festivals are an occasion for joy but also have a serious intent in that they reflect significant features of Buddhist philosophy.
Buddha observed that his teaching (the Dharma) would last for 500 years, or 1000 if women were not admitted into the Sangha! They have lasted far longer and have overcome many cultural and political challenges, thus bearing witness to the timeless appeal that they have. Buddhists such as Thich Nhat Hanh have written articles that aim to ally traditional teaching with pressing contemporary problems such as global warming and the Friends of the Western Buddhist Order have suggested five steps to combat the threat. Wars have never been fought in the name of Buddhism and Buddhist monks are forbidden to kill even in self-defence so that the movement commands a great moral authority in this area. Their view on abortion, essentially that it is negative and at best a necessary evils where circumstances seem to necessitate it, shows that Buddhism still has a contribution to make to contemporary debate on the basis of its timeless wisdom.
A Buddhist prayer, which reflects the tenor of the Four Immeasurables, begins thus:
How wonderful it would be if all sentient beings were to abide in equanimity
Free of hatred and attachment!
May they abide in equanimity!
I myself will cause them to abide in equanimity!
Please, guru-Buddha, grant me blessings to be able to do this.
And the Dalai Lama has said, ‘Don’t try to use what you learn from Buddhism to be a better Buddhist. Use it to be a better Whatever-you-already-are.’ This is perhaps the unique essence of Buddhism; that it exists to make the individual a wiser, more compassionate, more enlightened person not to create Buddhists and to keep them subservient to a godhead.
This is a course that is highly to be recommended. As well as the essential features of Buddhism, it contains a wealth of references and quotations. The questions at the end of each lesson are very well designed to draw upon the content and to cause the reader to relate Buddhist teaching to his or her own philosophy of life.

SOCIAL COMMUNITIES -I've been keeping up on the social networks as best I can.
Below: A story from one of our ministers:
Hi charlene norton!
I want to tell you a story. About 6 years ago, I was going through a really hard time in my life. I was working at a bookstore and got stuck on bathroom duty. In the stall, I found a little yellow sticky note stuck to the door that read, "Take heart, it will all be ok." I took the note home with me and looked at it every time I felt sad for the next few weeks. It really helped me a lot. This past summer I visited the bookstore again and, remembering the note, wrote a note of my own on the stall. (I am in no way condoning graffiti of any kind.) Mine said, "Take heart. Everything will work out ok. You are deeply loved."
Having worked there before, I knew they had cleaners that take off the ink, and thought it would be gone in a day or two. I was wrong. I went back again today and had to use the facilities. The employees have left that little scribble on the wall for almost a year now.
Someone added a smiley face below it, but there is no other graffiti on the walls in that bathroom. I hope that it's touched people the way the sticky note touched me. (I even took a picture of it to share with my husband.)
Life is so good! Everyone needs little reminders. I love the ones you send every now and then. I bet you've saved some lives the way that sticky note saved me.
People are thinking of you, charlene norton, and smiling.
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Reminder from: supaganalliance Yahoo! Group
Title: Desert Rose Labyrinth-Imbolc walk
Date: Saturday February 2, 2013
Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (GMT-07.00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Location: Kayenta, Ivins, Utah
Notes: Several years ago, Asmodais took a group of us to the Desert Rose Labyrinth in Kayenta on Imbolc. It has become an annual tradition for me. Imbolc is the perfect time to reflect and anticipate. Anyone who wishes to join me is invited to come. Plan to be in a quiet, reflective mood, dress for the weather, and bring a gift for the center of the labyrinth if desired. I'll stick around after I walk to chat with anyone else who does show up.
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Phoenix Garcia commented on his post in Share Your Goddess Magick.

Phoenix Garcia 12:19pm Jan 21
So mote it be~
Original Post

Phoenix Garcia created a doc moring prayer.

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Penny Jensen McInelly 9:57am Jan 24
This is called the cannibal cauldron, wondering how to keep the leaves and such from blowing in, lol

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From Patti Wigington, your Guide to Paganism / Wiccan
For our Northern Hemisphere readers, Imbolc is just around the corner. Let's take a minute today to look at some of the many traditions and customs that surround the celebrations of February. Find out how Valentine's Day became important, what the Romans were up to, and where the legend of the groundhog began!
If you're one of our southern hemisphere readers, be sure to read up on Lammas, the harvest celebration.
Follow Pagan/Wiccan on Twitter or Join Me On Facebook.
Lupercalia, the Roman Celebration
February was considered the final month of the Roman year, and on the 15th, citizens celebrated the festival of Lupercalia. Originally, this week-long party honored the god Faunus, who watched over shepherds in the hills. The festival also marked the coming of spring. Later on, it became a holiday honoring Romulus and Remus, the twins who founded Rome after being raised by a she-wolf in a cave. Eventually, Lupercalia became a multi-purpose event: it celebrated the fertility of not only the livestock but people as well. Read Full Article
Deities of Imbolc, February 2
Although traditionally Imbolc is associated with Brighid, the Irish goddess of hearth and home, there are a number of other deities who are represented at this time of year. Thanks to Valentine's Day, many gods and goddesses of love and fertility are honored at this time. Read Full Article
Februalia, January 30 - February 2
The ancient Romans had a festival for nearly everything, and if you were a god, you almost always got your own holiday. Februus, for whom the month of February is named, was a god associated with both death and purification. In some writings, Februus is considered the same god as Faun, because their holidays were celebrated so closely together. Read Full Article
What's Up With Love Magic?
Wondering what's up with love magic? Well, it's something that comes up a lot, so why not read more about magic and matters of the heart? We'll talk about the ethics of love magic, the basics of casting a love spell, love magic in folklore, gods and goddesses of love and marriage. We'll even assume you're going to find love and live happily ever after, because there's plenty of information about Pagan weddings as well! Read Full Article
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From Patti Wigington, your Guide to Paganism / Wiccan
Imbolc is right around the corner on February 2, for our Northern Hemisphere readers, so this is a good time to start preparing your rituals and ceremonies to celebrate this Sabbat. Use it as a time to honor the goddess Brighid, or to celebrate the end of winter. For many traditions, this is a time of new beginnings, rededication, cleansing, and initiation. Have a magical week, and don't forget you can Follow Pagan/Wiccan on Twitter or Join Me On Facebook.
Imbolc HIstory
Imbolc is a holiday with a variety of names, depending on which culture and location you're looking at. Regardless, it's evident that many societies chose this point, midway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, as a time to celebrate. The Romans, the Celts, and even the ancient Egyptians found ways to mark this important time of the year. Read Full Article
Saying Farewell to Winter
Imbolc is typically around the time when we're all getting cabin fever -- it's cold, we're snowed in, and frankly, we're all a bit tired of winter. This simple ritual is a fun one to do with your family on a snowy day, but can also be performed by a single person. The best time to do it is when you have a fresh layer of snow on the ground, but if that's not possible, never fear. Find a big pile of snow to work in.
If you don't have time to do a full length ritual, try our End of Winter Meditation instead.
New Beginnings
In some Pagan traditions, Imbolc is a time of new beginnings. If your group is welcoming new members, try our Imbolc Initiation Ceremony. If you've already dedicated yourself to the gods of your tradition, you can re-affirm your commitment with a Rededication Ritual.
Honoring Brighid
This ritual is designed for a group of individuals, but could easily be adapted for a solitary practitioner. Imbolc is the time between Yule and the Spring Equinox, the halfway point in the dark months of the year. It's the time when the days suddenly seem to be getting longer, and the snow is beginning to melt, showing us small patches of earth and green. At this time of returning spring, our ancestors lit bonfires and candles to celebrate the rebirth of the land.
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Patti Wigington
Paganism / Wiccan Guide
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How to Set Up Your Imbolc Altar

Imbolc Prayers

Imbolc Candle Rite for Solitaries
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PatriotsofLight Piecingthepuzzletogether 8:33pm Jan 18

Book of Shadows for Windows Desktop
The Official Book of Shadows for Windows Desktop!

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Mollie Laufe 8:51pm Jan 19
What if power came at a cost to the individual?
The average American consumes 3383kwh of energy per year. That’s equivalent to leaving the light on in 4 rooms for a whole year. The simple flick of a switch allows us to power appliances and gadgets 24/7 without a thought to where it comes from and the cost to the environment.
For the lamp to work one breaks the top off, dissolves the powder, and uses their own blood to power a simple light. By creating a lamp that can only be used once, the user must consider when light is needed the most, forcing them to rethink how wasteful they are with energy, and how precious it is.

Mike Thompson
The average American consumes 3383kwh of energy per year. That’s equivalent to leaving the light on ...

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Merticus Stevens 8:45am Jan 24
Has anyone else from the vampire community been proselytized lately?

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Merticus Stevens 8:44am Jan 24
Oh My Goth! - Parts 1 & 2 - Videos
SEK4110 - YouTube - January 11, 2013
The satanic link between the Goth movement / subculture and murder, cannibalism, vampirism and occult practices. The devil is most assuredly in the details.
Part 1:
Part 2:

The satanic link between the Goth movement / subculture and murder, cannibalism, vampirism and occul...

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Merticus Stevens 11:38am Jan 23
Real Vampire Community Animal Rights Awareness Statement
By Zero & Merticus; Atlanta Vampire Alliance [AVA] & Suscitatio Enterprises, LLC
January 22, 2013 - This article may be redistributed, translated, or adopted by other organizations provided there are no content modifications and full citation is included.

Atlanta Vampire Alliance [AVA]
Atlanta Vampire Alliance [AVA] - A Real Vampire House For Psychic & Sanguinarian Vampires (Vampyres)...

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Merticus Stevens 4:05pm Jan 20

Sanguinarius — Просмотр темы - Hunger under the Microscope
Сейчас этот форум просматривают: нет зарегистрированных пользователей и гости: 2

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Merticus Stevens 2:26pm Jan 20
Official Statement From The Atlanta Vampire Alliance [AVA]:
The Humane Treatment Of Animals For Sanguinarian Purposes
January 20, 2013

Atlanta Vampire Alliance [AVA]
Atlanta Vampire Alliance [AVA] - A Real Vampire House For Psychic & Sanguinarian Vampires (Vampyres)...
The Hutchings Museum will be holding
Concealed Weapons Carry Permit Classes
Sign up for a date that fits you schedule.
Thursday Evening Jan 24th. 6-10 PM
Saturday Evening Jan 26th. 4 PM -8 PM
Tuesday Evening Jan 29th 6-10 PM
Saturday Morning Feb 9th. 10 AM-2PM (bring your lunch)
You must pre-register by CALLING THE MUSEUM 801-768-7180
(Tuesday—Saturday 11:00am to 5:00pm)
Brandon Scott is the Instructor. $50.00 covers photos, fingerprints, the application, a drivers license copy, everything you need to submit your application to the state immediately following the class. Students are able to mail their permits on their way home that night. The Government charges $46 for the Permit Application fee. Students are NOT to bring any guns or ammunition to the class. I do ask that everyone bring a pen with black ink, their Drivers License, ID card, or Passport as it will need to be photocopied and attached to their permit application. Most classes run about 4 hours some more some less depending on the number of students, the discussion and the schedules of the students attending.
The CCW course is the best starting point for someone with little to no experience with guns, we talk about basic parts and operation, safety, stances, malfunctions, types, and we talk about the law and when and how you are able to protect yourself in the state of Utah. I talk about the escalation of force and we make decisions as a class and an individual, based on our knowledge of the law. I find that women who are uncomfortable around guns enjoy my course, and feel empowered by the knowledge and ideas we discuss. Even if they never plan to own or carry a firearm. The value of the course in my mind is the explanation and discussion of the law, and an increased awareness in regards to having a defensive mindset so as to lower your chance of becoming a victim.
55 N Center St. Lehi, UT

I Can Do It! IGNITENew York City - Feb 16-17, 2013

Ft. Lauderdale - SOLD OUT
Austin - Mar 23, 2013
Honolulu - Apr 6, 2013
San Francisco - Apr 14, 2013
Vancouver - Jul 27, 2013

San Jose - Mar 16-17, 2013

I Can Do It! 2013
Austin - Mar 23-24, 2013

I Can Do It! 2013
Vancouver - Apr 20-21, 2013

Writing From Your Soul
Denver - Apr 27-28, 2013

I Can Do It! 2013
Atlanta - May 4-5, 2013

I Can Do It! 2013
Toronto - Jun 29-30, 2013

Angel Messages Retreat Alaskan Cruise with Doreen Virtue Jul 28 - Aug 4, 2013

Miracles Happen Alaskan Cruise with Dr. Brian Weiss Jul 28 - Aug 4, 2013

The Body Ecology Guide To Growing Younger! with Donna Gates Premieres Jan 28, 2013
Special Offer FREE with book purchase

2013 Horoscopes: Plan It By The Planets! with the AstroTwins! Premieres Jan 31, 2013

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself! with Dr. Joe Dispenza Premieres Feb 4, 2013

The Three Dimensions of Self-Healing with Dr. Fabrizio ManciniPremieres Feb 5, 2013

Advanced Angel Oracle & Tarot Cards with Doreen Virtue and Radleigh ValentinePremieres Feb 20, 2013

Hungry: The Truth About Being Full with Dr. Robin L. Smith
Special Offer FREE with book purchasePremieres Feb 25, 2013

Body Upgrade with Movers & Shakers winner, Dian Nissen-Ramirez
Premieres Feb 26, 2013 - FREE

Take 2: Your Guide to Creating Happy Endings and New Beginnings with Leeza Gibbons
Special Offer FREE with book purchasePremieres Feb 28, 2013

Learn To Connect To The Spirit World with John Holland
Chance to Win a Free Private Reading with JohnPremieres Mar 13, 2013

Astral Travel: Become a Certified Guide to the Inner Realm! with Deborah King Premieres Mar 14, 2013

Rewire Your Brain for Love
by Marsha Lucas, PhD

Fail Up
by Tavis Smiley

Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself
by Joe Dispenza, D.C.

Yes Energy
by Loral Langemeier

If you’d rather read one of our awesome books via your Kindle, Nook, Sony Reader, iPhone, or any e-Reader, Hay House has more than 700 ebooks to choose from and the list is growing by the minute!
Browse our monthly eBook specials!

Wishes For The Heart
by Tricia LaVoice

Self-Hypnosis and Subliminal Technology: An Evening with Eldon Taylor

Feb 1, 11am PT/2pm ET
The Second Rule of Ten by Gay Hendricks and Tinker Lindsay

Sit back and listen to an excerpt from
The Importance of Being Extraordinary by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and Eckhart Tolle

Dear Friends,
It’s almost Valentine’s Day and a month of an abundance of love and laughter is headed our way. In another week, we’ll be hopping on a plane to the bodacious Big Apple for our first conference of the year—I Can Do It Ignite. This is where you’ll get 20-minute bursts of incredible wisdom from a line-up of our new generation of Hay House authors plus some quality time with our awesome keynotes including the amazing Louise Hay, the ever-inspiring Wayne Dyer, the angelic Doreen Virtue, the rockin’ Cheryl Richardson and that Crazy Sexy Kris Carr.
We’re trying out something new at our conferences this year, starting with I Can Do It Ignite in NYC. We’re inviting our Facebook, Twitter and Social Media friends to talk to us during the show. Just use hashtag: #ICDINY13 so we can connect with you. (At future conferences, you may even see your tweet on the screen behind our authors on stage!) We’ll be offering random prizes (autographed books!) to our live messaging friends. How cool is that? So if you’re coming to see us, charge up your mobile devices and let’s chat! (Remember to “Friend”and “Follow” us.) If you can’t make it, you can still connect with us via our social media channels. And yes, that will be a few of our awesome Hay House authors, your cousins and friends in NYC and me tweeting to you from the Javits!
In the meantime, we’ve got some nifty new releases this month to help you rewire your brain for love, break the habit of being yourself and charge up on Yes energy. So sit back, take a healing deep breath, fix yourself some soothing tea and savor this month’s banquet of inspiration from Hay House.

The Importance of Being Extraordinary
Available on CD or DVD Why Settle for Ordinary?
by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and Eckhart TolleTwo of today’s most sought-out spiritual teachers met in Hawaii in November 2011, to talk about the nature of consciousness. Here they teach us the importance of moving beyond an ordinary view of ourselves, reconnecting with our divine origins, and rediscovering our role in the well-being of the world.
Wayne: Most of us were raised to believe we are ordinary. We aren’t raised to believe in our extraordinariness, our divinity. This ordinary part of us, the ego, is the part that insists that we are what we have, what we do, what other people think of us. It tries to convince us we are separate. In truth, we are born perfect and then snatched out of that perfection and programmed into accumulating and achieving. We never get back to the extraordinary part of ourselves because the ordinary part thinks we are having a successful life. But beyond ordinary is the extraordinary—what we call the “soul.” That formless, invisible, birthless, deathless, infinite part of us only wants to expand and grow. We need to address this infinite, no-limits part of ourselves.
Eckhart: This brings us to the ideas of “being” and “doing.” As human beings, we are called upon to act, to create. We are part of this universe’s love of creating form. But the universe also wants to know its own essence through us and that is realized by our drive to be totally content and at peace in the present moment, to seek that state of absolute, beautiful, deep peace. The outgoing movement of the universe is wanting to create and the return movement is the universe wanting to know itself through the human. Yes, we want to do things, but not to lose being while we do them, not to lose ourselves in the doing. Can we remain rooted in being and act from there rather than acting from the needs of the ego? The essence that is timeless and infinite in everyone is “being.” Conscious union with that can lead to “awakened doing.”
Wayne: The great saint in India, Muktananda, was asked, “What is real?” He replied, “What is real is that which never changes.” When looking for what is real and unchanging about ourselves, we can apply this definition. Who are we? We certainly aren’t our bodies because those are changing constantly. So the real you is that which keeps occupying new bodies—from infant to toddler to teen to adult. There is an unchanging spark from the Creator in each of us, our highest self, a piece of God. And we are all connected. Eckhart, when I saw you in conversation with Oprah recently, I realized how important it is for all of us to be “aware” and living from an “awakened” state. We have an impact on every person we encounter.
Eckhart: All the people you encounter will be impacted. Your state of consciousness gets transmitted to others. One negative person can create a chain reaction of negativity in others. In the same way, a conscious person can dissolve streams of negativity. You affect the underlying collective field of human consciousness. I feel sure that you affect countless others that you never even meet, the collective consciousness of humanity.

Take 2Happy Endings and New Beginnings
by Leeza Gibbons"I know Leeza is a master of starting over because I’ve seen her do it! In this book, she takes her real life experiences in career, life and love and shares her wisdom as a girlfriend who really cares."
—Olivia Newton-John
Okay, my friends—are you ready for change? Is it time to shake things up, start over and hit the reset button on your life? Congratulations on having the guts and the wisdom to call for Take 2. No matter where you were for the first take or who you were before, that was then and this is now—this is your moment. There’s nothing more important.
They say that our life’s work is finding our life’s work, but I was lucky. Early in the sixth grade, I discovered my calling was to be a conduit of information. It didn’t matter to me the medium or the message. Just give me a microphone, and I’m rarin’ to go. I’m a storyteller—it’s all I’ve ever really wanted to be, and I’ve never looked back.
In storytelling and journalism, we use the term sagging middle. (Horrifying image, right?) This refers to the point in the story that seems dull and boring due to a lack of action. You’ve probably seen movies or read books that you described as being “slow.” As a reporter, I couldn’t be slow—the viewer might change the channel. A sagging middle is something that book authors, bloggers, and journalists want to avoid at all costs.
It has been said that life is analogous to an epic journey, a hero’s tale. So I guess you could say that sometimes the story gets a little…saggy. Can you relate? If you’re in the middle of building your career or growing your family, what did you think life would look like or feel like at this point? If you’re farther down the road (like me), have you ever felt that somewhere between menstruation and menopause, things became a little too predictable? Have you ever woken up and said, “This is not the life I ordered”?
It may be time to take a deep breath and survey your situation. Look at your decisions, career, relationships, and physical and mental health. If the story is boring and not worth reading or reporting, it’s time for some creative writing, baby! Call for a do-over and reset yourself now in the direction you want to go. It doesn’t matter if it’s not where you thought you were headed—in fact, that’s the point.
Interviewing people for a living, I’ve heard a solid cross section of what I call “life interrupted” stories from people who spent a lot of time figuring out who they were and what they should do when change came along and reshuffled the deck. They were divorced or separated, grew older or were fired. Someone they loved became ill or died. I’ve heard from many who have danced with the devils called depression and addiction. Some just forgot their steps once the music of their lives changed.
Life changes on the way to happily ever after, doesn’t it? I mean, sometimes you don’t even see it coming until one day you wake up and say, “Wait—this is not where I was supposed to end up!” It doesn’t matter if you got divorced, got fat, got fired, got sick, or just got stuck—you can always call for a “redo.”
See, you’re the author of your own book and it’s time for a dramatic plot twist, so let’s get working on that. This is not the end of your story; this is where you learn about second acts, second chances, and new beginnings.
Join me, Leeza Gibbons for Take 2: Your Guide to Creating Happy Endings and New Beginnings, a Two-Hour Live Online Event. Special Offer FREE with book purchase. Click Here for Details.

Hungry The Journey beyond Emptiness
by Dr. Robin L. SmithHow do you feed a hungry soul?
I was searching for what I could eat that would satisfy my demanding taste buds. Nothing hit the spot, and my desperation was elevating with each empty bite. Was my body craving salt or sugar, I wondered? Had I developed a mineral deficiency that was making me ravenous? Something felt off. My body was begging for more, but more of what? I had no idea. Nothing I ate came even close to touching my hunger.
I was scheduled to attend a birthday party on Sunday afternoon, and as I begrudgingly got in my car and pulled out of my garage, I was already thinking about what food might be awaiting me there. I was like an addict looking for my next fix of drugs or alcohol—only for me it was food. This was not the well-manicured and highly managed me.
I drove down Wissahickon Avenue in Philadelphia, the windshield wipers working to clear the rain. My mood was quiet and surrendered. A few minutes into my drive, it hit me, and I said out loud, “I’m hungry!” The words flowed out of my mouth like living water, and as my ears heard the truth with clarity and precision, I knew something had shifted. I pulled my car over to the side of the road, opened the notes section of my phone, and typed in all-caps: I’M HUNGRY.
I didn’t know at that moment that my life was about to change forever, but I did know that something big had just happened. I hadn’t yet put together that this was the missing piece of my puzzle—and the second half of my diagnosis. That knowing I was hungry would help me solve the ongoing mystery of dying to be me.
The rest of the way to the birthday party I went through a litany of what I was truly hungry for in my life:
I’m hungry for real love—not crumbs I try to call a meal.
I’m hungry for relationships where respect is the cornerstone of the connection.
I’m hungry to be in relationships that don’t require me to dim my bright light in order to be offered a seat at the table.
I’m hungry to have my gift and talents truly appreciated by those I work with.
I’m hungry to not need to dumb myself down so that others feel smart.
I’m hungry to be beautiful and sexy and not a Barbie doll for a man.
I’m hungry to have a partner who doesn’t feel like a predator.
I’m hungry for passion and great sex that is worthy of my mind, body, and spirit.
I’m hungry to not have to play small when my spirit and dreams are big.
I’m hungry to be brave and not let fear drive my life.
I’m hungry for an undivided self, soul, life, love, and relationship.
I am hungry to know I am loved and am irrevocably a child of God.
I’m hungry to be me.
Don't forget to join me at I Can Do It! 2013 in Atlanta. And Join me for Hungry: The Truth About Being Full, a Two-Hour Live Online Event. Special Offer FREE with book purchase. Click Here for Details.

The Aging Cure
For years, experts have been telling you that you can’t avoid the signs of aging and if you want to look and feel younger, you must resort to surgeries, creams or expensive vitamins. Others have told you to give up and face the reality of your aging. But Hay House author and leading expert on weight-loss Jorge Cruise says they were wrong!
Jorge has already cured our Belly Fat with his recent NY Timesbestseller and now he has what we’ve been waiting for: The Aging Cure.
In this new book, Jorge gives you a few simple lifestyle changes to look and feel more vibrant than ever! He includes a full list of the Top Age Less Foods including surprising and delicious items such as macadamia nuts and dark chocolate. He also includes menus for Vegetarians, Dessert Lovers and Meat Madness Fans!
Here’s just a sample of the savory recipes in the book, which Jorge says will melt fat, promote healthy, flexible skin and help you look younger:
Creamy Egg-Salad Wraps with Spicy Popcorn
Antioxidants: olives, red onion, parsley, capers, black pepper, romaine, turmeric, chili powder
Sugar/Carb Value = 2/1

Egg-salad wraps:
8 hard-boiled eggs, chopped
¼ cup mayonnaise
8 kalamata olives, chopped
¼ cup red onion, chopped
¼ cup red bell pepper, chopped
2 Tbsp. fresh parsley, chopped
2 Tbsp. drained capers
2 tsp. mustard
Salt and pepper, to taste
4 romaine leaves, torn, for serving
Spicy popcorn:
1 bag microwaveable popcorn
1 Tbsp. butter
1 tsp. turmeric
1 tsp. chili powder
1. For egg salad: Mix eggs, mayo, olives, red onion, bell pepper, parsley, capers,
and mustard in a large salad bowl; season with salt and pepper, to taste.
2. For popcorn: Microwave a bag of popcorn. While it’s still hot, add butter, turmeric,
and chili powder; toss to coat.
3. Serve salad on romaine leaves with a side of popcorn.
Serves 4.

Hay House Author Earns Grammy NodWe just learned at press time that Chantmaster Krishna Das, the legendary “rock star of yoga,” has earned a nod from the Grammy nominators for Live Ananda, which is up for Best New Age Album of the Year. You can read more about Krishna Das and listen to a CD of his mesmerizing music in his inspiring memoir Chants of a Lifetime. The 55th Annual Grammy Awards will air on Sunday, Feb. 10th and will be hosted by LL Cool J. Check your local listings.

Tapping World Summit 2013
Join 20 of the World’s leading EFT and Tapping Experts in thisFREE Online Event as they show you how to improve your finances, health, emotions and much more…
"Nick Ortner has taught me to release or dissolve problems of all sorts through the process of Tapping. Tapping is delightful! Something this simple and this easy can work!"
—Louise L. Hay
"Put away your skepticism, this really works…I’ve had great results with tapping in my own life."
—Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
The Tapping World Summit is a way for you to improve the quality of your life in a tangible and real way. Starting on Monday, February 4th, for 10 consecutive days, you'll be able to learn how to use EFT and actually implement it in your own life so that you can actually SEE and FEEL real results. Plus, when you sign up nowyou’ll get immediate access to three audios from Dr. David Feinstein, EFT Expert Carol Look, and EFT expert and producer of the event Nick Ortner, so that you can learn the basics of Tapping and see the results for yourself immediately.

App of the Month
This month’s staff pick is: I Can Do It 2013 Calendar App. With this app, you can carry Louise’s daily affirmations and wisdom with you wherever you go. Read Louise’s inspiring words each day such as: “Today I trust myself to do what is best for me” and keep your spirits uplifted and positive. Each affirmation appears with vivid scenic photographs.

ThetaHealing® Rhythm for Finding Your Perfect Weight
by Vianna Stibal
ThetaHealing® began when Vianna realized that she could teach other people the method she used to cure herself from a serious health condition. It is now famous for being one of the most powerful energy-healing techniques in the world. Now, for the first time, Vianna has compiled a book that demonstrates how to useThetaHealing for weight loss and reveal a strong, healthy, and beautiful body that you love!

The Gastric Mind Band
by Martin and Marion Shirran, with Fiona Graham
Gastric Mind Band therapy provides the answer to understanding and overturning your weight-oss woes. No guilt, rules, or rigid calorie counting, and nothing banned. Just re-establishing a normal relationship with something you’ve got to face every day. Experience some of the many benefits without leaving home. The Shirrans are a breath of fresh air… they ask: ‘why shouldn’t you be hungry? What’s wrong with hunger?’ If your weight problem - and the global obesity epidemic – are to be overcome, hunger should be understood and embraced, not feared. This book will give you the relationship with food you always dreamed of.

by Ali Campbell
Don’t face reality. Create reality!
E-Squared could best be described as a lab manual with simple experiments to prove once and for all that reality is malleable, that consciousness trumps matter, and that you shape your life with your mind. Rather than take it on faith, you are invited to conduct nine 48-hour experiments to prove there really is a positive, loving, totally hip force in the universe. Yes, you read that right. It says prove. The experiments, each of which can be conducted with absolutely no money and very little time expenditure, demonstrate that spiritual principles are as dependable as gravity, as consistent as Newton’s laws of motion. For years, you’ve been hoping and praying that spiritual principles are true. Now, you canknow.

IS: Your Authentic Spirituality Unleashed
by Faith Freed
If you are a spiritual maverick-someone who follows a unique path and finds meaning based on what rings true from a range of traditions and, above all else, personal experience-how do you ground your wisdom, beliefs, and practices? Where does an independent, creative believer turn for a structure to build upon? Until now, there has been very little guidance for the eclectic seeker.
IS: Your Authentic Spirituality Unleashed will serve as a home base, a shortcut, and a jumping-off place for readers who find spiritual sustenance by going their own way.

You Do Know
by Becky Walsh
Many people don’t know how to trust their intuition. In You Do Know, Becky Walsh explains that this is because until now people thought there was only one kind of intuition. Becky has made a revolutionary discovery: that there are two forms of intuition. One form works through ego and the other though love. To back up this realisation she has turned to neuroscience, psychology and spiritual teaching to draw all the pieces together. She explains to the reader in simple, practical terms how to use both forms of intuition.

The Talk Is Talking about Take 2!
Our newest Hay House author and the much-loved pop-culture icon on the air Leeza Gibbons recently chatted with The Talk’s leading ladies Sharon Osborne and Julie Chen about how you can really reboot your life and start over after your toughest challenges.Watch the Video ».

Crazy Sexy Cooking ClassesOur Crazy Sexy author of Crazy Sexy Kitchen Kris Carr has added a few more cooking classes to her online repertoire. Here’s a sneak peek where you can learn how to shop for produce, pick veggies that can help your circulation, be a jubilant juicer, find some cool new salad and crepe recipes and maybe even fall in love with Brussel Sprouts! Watch The Video »

Our Spirit Whisperer ROCKS on Ricki!Last month, we cheered about the news that Hay House authorJohn Holland would be appearing on The New Ricki Lake Show. Get your tissues ready! Watch The Video »

Oh, The Thinks You Can Think!Dr. Seuss Hears an Affirmation.Have you seen the Dr. Seuss poster that has been circulating around the internet? It lists 30 quotes from the many classic Dr. Seuss children’s books that can change your life. I’m convinced that the good doctor—beloved author Theodor Seuss Geisel was a pro at affirmations. He must have been saying them daily. Just look at any of the characters in his books. They stand tall, speak their mind, exude so much self-confidence, and proclaim their affirmations diligently.
As I read this list of quotes, I could just picture Horton the Elephant, Sam-I-Am, Cat in the Hat or Thing One and Thing Two standing in front of their mirror repeating their Louise Hay Affirmations. So just for fun this month, I’d like to offer you 10 of these popular Dr. Seuss-isms along with its companion affirmation by Louise Hay.
- Dr. Seussism: Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.
Louise Hay Affirmation: I know that I do not have to mold myself to other’s expectations. I can just be me.
- Dr. Seussism: Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.
Louise Hay Affirmation: When I “let go,” I grow and live for the future, without regrets about the past.
- Dr. Seussism: Why fit in when you were born to stand out?
Louise Hay Affirmation: I stop struggling to be better. I accept myself as someone who is supported by everyone and everything around me.
- Dr. Seussism: Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So…get on your way.
Louise Hay Affirmation: I have the power to create all that I wish with my mind and my thoughts.
- Dr. Seussism: Everything stinks till it’s finished
Louise Hay Affirmation: I do not fix problems. I fix my thinking. Then problems fix themselves.
- Dr. Seussism: A person is a person no matter how small.
Louise Hay Affirmation: I see the world through eyes of love and acceptance. All is well in my world.
- Dr. Seussism: From there to here, and here to there, funny things are everywhere.
Louise Hay Affirmation: Humor and joy contribute to my overall well-being.
- Dr. Seussism: It’s opener, out there, in the wide, open air.
Louise Hay Affirmation: Today my inner vision is clear and unclouded.
- Dr. Seussism: Oh, the things you can find if you don’t stay behind.
Louise Hay Affirmation: I welcome change, as it is full of opportunities.
- Dr. Seussism: Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.
Louise Hay Affirmation: I do my best to make life better for everyone in my world. I contribute to harmony, peace and healing on the planet.
To read the entire poster of 30 Dr. Seuss Quotes that Can Change Your Life, click here.
Thanks for reading this right to the end.
It was such a happy time for us to spend.
Wishing you moments of delightful play
And also a very Happy Valentine’s Day!
Donna Abate
Present Moments Editor

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Join some of your favorite Hay House authors and other well-known luminaries for The Art of Love Relationship Series—a Free Online Event!

We all know that being in love can be magical… but the “honeymoon” phase doesn’t last forever…Did you know that only 30% of all couples are considered “semi-happy”? More and more people have resigned themselves to relationships that aren’t fully realized or meeting their true needs.The good news is that deep, passionate, soulful connection isn’t something that just happens—it’s something that YOU can learn to create.
The desire for deeper, more connected love is universal… wouldn’t you like to discover the keys to everlasting, passionate and enduring love? Discover the Keys to Soulful Love.
Announcing:The Art of Love Relationship Series
FREE Online Event
Arielle Ford, best-selling author of The Soulmate Secret and Wabi Sabi Love, has brought together over FIFTY of the world’s TOP LOVE & RELATIONSHIP luminaries to share their wisdom with you in The Art of Love Relationship Series.
Starting on Tuesday, February 12th, 2013, you’re invited to a 10-day life changing educational experience focused on creating the relationship of your dreams.
This series features luminaries such as John Gray, don Miguel Ruiz, Alison Armstrong, Neale Donald Walsch, Jack Canfield, Marianne Williamson, Harville Hendrix, Katherine Woodward Thomas, Gay Hendricks, Katie Hendricks, Arielle Ford, Craig Hamilton, Claire Zammit, Debbie Ford, Jean Houston and more.
This revolutionary program has been designed to help both singles preparing for love and couples heat up their own intimacy skills, learn productive conflict resolution, and much more.
Each day you will be able to listen to alluring seminars with brilliant love and relationship experts who have devoted their lives to specialized areas of romance and love.
Register NOW and reserve your spot for The Art of Love Relationship Series!
When you register at no cost, you get access to a Limited Time GIFT BAG, where you’ll receive INSTANT ACCESS to 6 insightful seminars and eBooks!
PLUS you will also have the opportunity to be placed into a drawing to win one of FOUR iPod Nanos loaded up with the Art of Love Seminars for you to keep forever!
Winners will be announced throughout the 10-day series.
And all registrants will receive a Limited Time Art of Love Gift Bag with these incredible bonuses:
- Bonfire of Past Hurts: Free Yourself to Create Lasting Love (eBook) – Dr. Diana Kirschner
- The Queen’s Code: Chapter One (eBook) – Alison Armstrong
- How to Talk to Your Partner About Anything and GET THE TRUTH (eBook) – Sheri Meyers
- Getting the Sex You Want (60-minute Audio Seminar) – Tammy Nelson
- Relationship Attractor Factor (eBook) – Susie & Otto Collins
- Caring Behaviors Dialogue (Video Seminar) – Harville Hendrix & Helen LaKelly Hunt
Get INSTANT ACCESS to the bonuses, register for The Art of Love Relationship Series, and enter for an opportunity to win one of the fully loaded Art of Love iPod Nanos here.
Arielle is a master at drawing out the most insightful wisdom from each and every transformative love seminar, while keeping it easy to digest all of the information.
Her luminaries and panelists will share their best practices about how to reawaken hot and steamy bedroom activities, navigate through relationship stress, create balance, break destructive patterns, sharpen your relationship-building skills, get what you really want from your beloved, add playfulness to your world, and much more!
You’ll even learn what women are inviting into their own love lives as a result of the controversial book 50 Shades of Grey.
Whether you’re dating, in a new partnership or have been married for years, improving your relationship skills should be high on your TO DO LIST — YOU do have the power to bring change to your love life!
The Art of Love Relationship Series - Reserve Your Spot
The Art of Love Relationship Series
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Hay House Radio Live Online Events were created to support your desire for continuing education and enrichment on your spiritual journey. These exclusive workshops will inspire and motivate you, providing you with the insights you’ve been searching for. Discover for yourself!

The Body Ecology Guide To Growing Younger!
Live Online Event with Donna Gates
Register Now! Only $75!
Or, receive this course for FREE when you purchase The Body Ecology Guide to Growing Younger
Wouldn’t you like to feel twenty years younger? Join Donna Gates, the Founder of the Body Ecology System and best-selling Hay House author of The Body Ecology Diet for a special Live Online Event celebrating the release of her new book, The Body Ecology Guide to Growing Younger.
This two-hour Live Online Event will help you delve deeper into the Body Ecology Diet and how making a few small changes can create a lasting impact on your body, mind and spirit— adding not just years to your life, but adding life to your years.
Learn the importance of fermented foods, discover the new technology that’s changing how we age, and hear about the healthiest and most effective ways to detoxify and cleanse your body.
In this event, you’ll also learn all about the 7 Universal Principles of Body Ecology and how you can easily start introducing elements of the Body Ecology Diet into your life. Find out about warning signs to look out for that could indicate serious health problems and five things you can start doing to immediately reverse the aging process.
Click Here to view complete details
Tuesday, January 28, 2013, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Pacific Time Price: $75 • Special Offer FREE with book purchase
Sign up today to listen live or on demand!

Feeling Beautiful: How to Upgrade Your Body Image For Vibrant Health and Vitality
Live Online Event with Dr. Christiane Northrup
Register Now! Only $97!
Or, receive this course for FREE when you purchase Beautiful Girl
Our sense of ourselves and our worthiness which is imprinted from our parents and culture (beginning in utero or even before) profoundly affects our health and our immunity. This is because our self-image affects our sense of safety and security and sense of belonging —both of which wire in the health of our bones and blood.
If you are raising a daughter, niece, or granddaughter, this information can be transformational. But what if you, as an adult, didn’t have a mother who felt good about herself? What if your mother wasn't able to pass on positive messages about the wonders of her body? What if she projected her own fears of being feminine on you? What if she taught you to be afraid of your period, or criticized your breast size, or taught you to be afraid of your sexuality? Then what?

In this special 2-hour Live Online Event, Dr. Christiane Northrup will provide you with a seven-pointFeeling Beautiful program for transforming your relationship with your body! Through interactive teaching, exercises and Q&A, Dr. Northrup will help you upgrade your body image. And as a result, you’ll be able to pass on better health and a positive body image to all the women in your life.
Click here to view complete details.
Thursday, January 24, 2013, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Pacific Time Price: $97 • Special Offer FREE with book purchaseSign up today to listen live or on demand!

Register Now! Only $39.95!
What's in store for 2013? We can't wait to tell you!
This year, we've teamed up with Hay House to bring you a two-hour Live Online Event that will prepare you to thrive all year long.
So, what will we talk about in class?
The year ahead for YOUR zodiac sign!
What's in store for you with love, work, health and your dreams? We'll give the scoop for each zodiac sign, helping you strike while the iron is hot. Discover your best opportunities and plan around your challenges. Find out where you'll grow in 2013—and which lucky breaks are not to be missed!
Divine timing: key dates and 2013 highlights.
Timing is everything, especially in astrology! When should you go for the dream job, launch your business, put yourself out on the dating scene, try for a baby, make an offer on that house? We'll reveal lucky dates to put into your calendar—so you can take advantage of cosmic windows of opportunity. "Blackout" dates that are better for behind-the-scenes work, such as retrogrades, will be explained.
Live Q&A with The AstroTwins.
We'll take time at the end of class for you to call in with questions.
But wait...there's more!
BONUS #1: Our gorgeous 2013 Planetary Planner
Never miss a cosmic opportunity again! Included FREE with your participation is our 2013 Planetary Planner. Month-by-month highlights for 2013, plus 2013 horoscopes for all 12 zodiac signs to help you make the most of the year ahead. Over 40 pages of must-have information!
BONUS #2: Win a goodie basket from The AstroTwins!
We've teamed up with some of our favorite pros in the beauty, wellness & self-develpment space to put together an incredible 2013 care package for one lucky winner! Registrants will be entered into a raffle to score this astro-bonanza.
Click here to view complete details.
Thursday, January 31, 2013, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Pacific Time Price: $79.95 • Discount Price: $39.95 (Expires January 31)
Sign up today to listen live or on demand!

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself!
Two-lesson Multimedia Course with Dr. Joe Dispenza
Free Book with Purchase!
Register Now! Only $89!
Your beliefs and perceptions come from how you think and feel about yourself and your life. They are acquired through the vast experiences of your past. Your thoughts, which are the language of the brain, and your feelings, which are the language of the body, create your ‘state of being.’ If you reflect on the neurology of beliefs, you might realize that a belief is just a thought you keep thinking over & over again until you ‘fire and wire’ it into your brain. And if you keep thinking the same way, over time that thought will become hardwired in your brain, which will be equal to your own conscious or unconscious intentions.
By the same means, emotions are the end products of past experiences. So if you keep thinking the same thoughts, making the same choices, and demonstrating the same behaviors, you will create the same experiences that relate to the same emotions. Consequently, how you will view yourself and your reality will be filtered through the familiar feelings you’ve memorized. As a result, you’ll perceive your life through the lens of those past feelings.
Examining how you feel about things will tell you a lot about what you believe. In order to change your beliefs about yourself and your life, you have to change your ‘state of being’ with such a firm intention that the decision carries an amplitude of energy that’s greater than the hardwired programs and the emotional addictions.
This Multi-Media Live Online Course combines the leading edge of thought and understanding on how the brain communicates with the body to produce your beliefs – and what you can do to change them!
As an added bonus, when you sign up for this class, you will receive a FREE copy of his book, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself (now available in paperback), as well as exclusive access to additional bonus material.
Click here to view complete details.
Mondays, February 4-11, 2013, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm, Pacific Time Price: $189 • Discount Price: $89 (Expires February 11)
Sign up today to listen live or on demand!

The Three Dimensions of Self-Healing
Three-Lesson Live Online Course with Dr. Fabrizio Mancini
Register Now! Only $79!
Your body has a built-in capacity to heal itself—a remarkable system of self-repair that works day in and day out—and improving its ability to heal is within your control. Traditional medicine has led us to believe that health comes from the outside in and not from the inside out. In this upbeat and inspiring online course, Dr. Fab will share simple substitutions to your daily diet that can enhance your ability to self-heal, the latest breakthrough supplements that can boost the self-healing capacities of your body and insights into how physical activity floods your body with natural healing substances. You will also learn the latest non-drug, non-invasive technologies that can bring you back to health, the power of the mind and spirit to heal the body and hear inspiring stories of real-life self-healing. With this course, you will start believing in your innate ability to self-heal physically, emotionally and spiritually.
As an added bonus, when you sign up for this class, you will receive a FREE copy of his book, The Power of Self-Healing (now available in paperback).
Click here to view complete details.
Tuesdays, February 5-19, 2013, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Pacific Time Price: $179 • Discount Price: $79 (Expires February 19)
Sign up today to listen live or on demand!

Hungry: The Truth About Being Full
Special Two-Hour Live Online Event with Dr. Robin L. Smith
Register Now! Only $75!
Or, receive this course for FREE when you purchase Hungry: The Truth about Being Full
Hungry: The Truth About Being Full isn’t about the hunger for food, but the craving to reclaim and embrace our true identity. It’s not about making a plan or signing up for a program to change our lives or relationships. It is about signing up to be a witness to our own lives and journeys, as the main character in our own stories where we embrace life and our unique path with all of our quirks, idiosyncrasies, fragility and resilience. Hungry is about learning how to live the only life we can live with integrity, inspiration, liberation, grace, compassion and power – our own.
This Live Online Event will help you:
- Recognize the identity theft in your own life.
- Honor, address and take seriously your hunger pains in order to build and construct the life worthy of you.
- Reconnect, or perhaps connect for the first time, with the real you who was lost when life, circumstances, deaths, losses, betrayals, infidelity, infertility, unemployment, under-employment, poverty in finances or romance, or perhaps even abundance that warmed one area of your life but left you frostbitten in other vital areas and annihilated the real you.
- Live in true and authentic fullness of what it means to love the skin you’re in, and to unapologetically recognize and attend to your hunger by reclaiming the power of an unconquered identity. Authenticity is the one sure ingredient in harnessing inner peace.
Dr. Robin will assist you in promoting wholeness, hope and liberation from shame and blame. It invites compassion for self and others wrapped with tenderness and gentle accountability. Dr. Robin believes that beating oneself up never leads to lasting change and transformation, but that kindness and gentleness allows a person to see the parts of themselves that need care, love and attention. Self-compassion is the beginning of true liberation, understanding and transformation.
As a special offer from Hay House, when you purchase a copy of Dr. Smith' new book from Amazon, Barnes and Noble or any other retailer, you can join in for FREE!

Click here to request details on how to register for free! (Please note: If you haven’t already, you’ll need to create a account in order to participate.)
Click here to view complete details.
Monday, February 25, 2013, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Pacific Time Price: $75 • Special Offer FREE with book purchaseSign up today to listen live or on demand!

Advanced Angel Oracle & Tarot Cards
Four-Lesson Live Online Course with Doreen Virtue and
Radleigh Valentine
Oracle Cards are the easiest way to get clear answers, especially if you’re stressed, worried, or sensitive to the energies of this complicated world. This online course is suitable for those who are new to oracle cards, as well as seasoned pros. Following up on their enormously successful Certified Angel Card Reader Course, Doreen Virtue and Angel Tarot Card co-author Radleigh Valentine offer this advanced course on how to get detailed, accurate, and inspiring information from oracle and tarot cards.
Learn about the power of symbolism in your cards, discover the Dreamer’s Journey through the Major Arcana of Angel Tarot Cards, create your own Tarot spreads and get advice about building your career as an Angel Card Reader!
As an added BONUS, complete this course and receive a frameable Certificate of Attendance! Those who take this course from Doreen and Radleigh's will receive a Certificate of Attendance, suitable for framing, validating their participation in the class.
Please note: This class is open to everyone. You do not have to be an advanced student to take this class.
Click here to view complete details.
Wednesdays, February 20 - March 13, 2013, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm, Pacific Price: $199 • Discount Price: $99 (Expires March 13)
Sign up today to listen live or on demand!

Take 2: Your Guide to Creating Happy Endings and New Beginnings
Two-Hour Live Online Event with Leeza Gibbons
Register Now! Only $75!
Or, receive this course for FREE when you purchase Take 2: Your Guide to Creating Happy Endings and New Beginnings
If life is an epic saga, who’s in charge of your narrative? Is the plot unfolding as you imagined? Whether you find yourself trudging along in boredom or caught up in a chaotic whirlwind of over-commitment, you can still take creative control and call for Take 2. This is about rebooting your life at any point. It’s about starting over; taking inventory; and getting smarter, stronger, and sexier with no apologies, no regrets, and no turning back.
If you’ve ever found yourself wishing you could hit the reset button on your life, this Live Online Event could be just the thing you need.
Join award-winning journalist, television personality, successful entrepreneur and new Hay House author, Leeza Gibbons, for a special Live Online Event celebrating the release of her new book, Take 2: Your Guide to Creating Happy Endings and New Beginnings.
In this special two-hour Live Online Event, Leeza will give you the tools, the inspiration, the techniques and the tips for your very own Take 2.
Learn the importance of discovering your Goddess Quotient, get into the better business with Leeza’s Life Support, and learn the importance of knowing where you’re going and looking good when you get there!
As a special offer from Hay House, when you purchase a copy of Leeza’s new book from Amazon, Barnes and Noble or any other retailer, you can join in for FREE!

Click here to request details on how to register for free! (Please note: If you haven’t already, you’ll need to create a account in order to participate.)
Click here to view complete details.
Thursday, February 28, 2013, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Pacific Time Price: $75 • Special Offer FREE with book purchaseSign up today to listen live or on demand!

Learn To Connect To The Spirit World
Three-Lesson Live Online Course with Psychic Medium & Spiritual Teacher, John Holland
Register Now! Only $79!
Have you ever wondered if a loved one who has passed on is trying to send you a message, but yet you’re unaware of how to recognize the signals? Have you ever wondered how a medium connects and actually communicates with those in the Spirit World? Do you think you may have a special ability to communicate with spirit, but lack the confidence or tools to create a connection for yourself?
Losing a loved one can be one of the greatest challenges to overcome in life, but learning to connect with spirit can be an amazing life-changing experience. Mediumship can provide just one of the tools to help come to terms with the loss in a positive and healing manner. This online course is principally for those who are interested or curious in developing their awareness and skills of mediumship, but is open to everyone who wants to join!
Throughout the online course, John will impart the skills and specific techniques to enhance your abilities to 'Connect With Spirit' as well as sharing his philosophy on psychic foundation upon which mediumship is built. As a participant, you will walk away with some useful exercises to continue practicing and developing at home.
As a BONUS John will end each lesson by doing live readings for some of our lucky participants and one lucky participant will win a FREE private reading with John!
Click here to view complete details.
Wednesdays, March 13-27, 2013, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm, Pacific Time Price: $99 • Discount Price: $79 (Expires March 27)
Sign up today to listen live or on demand!

Astral Travel: Become a Certified Guide to the Inner Realm!
Four-Lesson Certification Live Online Course with Deborah King
Register Now! Only $89!
Do you yearn to leave these earthly confines and travel to realms unknown? Are you freaked out by nightly excursions in your dream body and want more control over these experiences? Would you like to astral travel safely with Deborah? So, pack your bags, fasten your seat belt, and get ready to embark on the trip of a lifetime! And when you return, you can help others on their journeys.
Around one in 10 people have an out-of-body (OBE) experience at some point in their lives, while some have them often. OBEs usually happen when you are asleep, meditating, or practicing lucid dream exercises. Many dream explorers agree that OBEs are extensions of the lucid dream experience.
Astral projection is an out-of-body experience that is achieved either awake or via lucid dreaming or deep meditation. Astral travel can take you to many different layers of etheric reality—the “astral planes” that are shaped by energy and light. These astral journeys have fascinated mankind for millennia and have raised fundamental questions about the relationship between our consciousness and our physical body.
Maybe you’re someone who knows your energy body and has seen it attached to the physical body through the energetic connection of a “silver cord” that is “plugged into” the chakra system. Maybe you want to learn how to project your energy body into the “other worlds” that hold adventures and information for your spiritual growth.
This truly remarkable four-part program will act as your astral travel agency, with master healer and soul journeyer Deborah King as your tour guide, making sure your journeys out of body are exciting and spiritually helpful, yet at the same time, safe!
Click here to view complete details.
Thursdays, March 14 - April 4, 2013, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm, Pacific Time Price: $189 • Discount Price: $89 (Expires April 4)
Sign up today to listen live or on demand!

Ego and Spirituality:
The Consciousness of Egospiritualism
February 4, 2013
Supreme Sacrifice:
An Adult Child of an Alcoholic Speaks Out
February 12, 2013

Reclaim Your Hot Mama Mojo: Three Weeks to a Happier, Healthier, and Hotter Life!
Three-Lesson Online Course with Erin Cox
Free Book with Purchase!
Register Now! Only $99
Join Erin Cox, the energetic and inspirational author of One Hot Mama: The Guide to Getting Your Mind and Body Back After Baby, andreclaim your Hot Mama Mojo…once and for all! This three-lesson Live Online Course will help you be THE woman you’ve always dreamed you could be. As an added bonus, when you purchase this course, you’ll get a copy of Erin’s book for FREE! Hurry- Early bird pricing ends on January 29th!
Click Here to view complete details
Tuesdays, January 15-29, 2013, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Pacific Time Price: $149 • Discount Price: $99 (Expires January 29, 2013)
Sign up today to watch live or on demand!

You Can Trust Your Life: Create Your Best Year Yet!
Five-Lesson Online Course with Louise L. Hay and Cheryl Richardson
Free Book with Purchase!
Register Now! Only $50!
There’s still time to learn spiritual tools you can use this year (and EVERY year) to create a life that truly honors your soul. Join Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson for a truly remarkable five-lesson Online Course: You Can Trust Your Life: Creating Your Best Year Yet!Purchase today and have the opportunity to interact with Cheryl Richardson in a special two-hour Live Q&A Session at the end of this course.
As an added bonus, when you purchase this Online Course, you’ll receive a FREE copy of Louise and Cheryl’s book, You Can Create an Exceptional Life.
Don’t miss this exciting and rare opportunity to experience a workshop personally created by Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson! Early Bird pricing ends, February 13!
Click here to view complete details.
Wednesdays, January 16 - February 13, 2013, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Pacific Time Price: $75 • Discount Price: $50 (Expires February 13)
Sign up today to listen live or on demand!

Experience this On Demand Seminar for FREE
Use Priority Code: 5070Offer Expires February 8th, 2013
Do you feel stuck in your personal or professional life?
Does the idea of change leave you feeling stressed and anxious?
Are you feeling bored with the daily grind and too familiar with the familiar?
If any of these questions resonated with you, it’s time to take a leap and find the adventure in something or really everything that you do!
In this online seminar with psychologist, transformational coach, and author Matt Walker you’ll gain insight and actionable directives on how the 5 Elements of Adventure can support and inspire your personal and professional development. Along the way you’ll learn how to utilize adventure as an unending reservoir of energy to support your physical health, emotional well-being, professional goals, spiritual intentions, and most importantly relationships.
Don’t miss this opportunity to take this transformational expedition and learn to tap into the energy, reward, and joy adventure infuses in our lives.
As Matt says, “When you reframe your challenges and dilemmas as adventures rather than problems to be solved, you instantly have the power to live your life to the fullest.”
Click Here to view complete details.
Sign up today to listen on demand!

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Hay House, Inc. PO Box 5100, Carlsbad, CA 92018 (800)654-5126
The February Sacred Fire Circle has a new venue! For the past three years, the Circle Sanctuary Fire Tribe has been wildly successful in bringing the energy, song, dance, drum, magic, and spiritual medicine of Sacred Fire Circles to the indoors. This year, we’ve decided to carry all of this with us to a different venue with improved facilities!
Our winter Sacred Fire Circle will be held on Presidents' Day weekend, February 15-18, 2013 at the beautiful Cooper Living and Learning Center, which is a retreat center owned by UW-Platteville!
The Cooper Center offers wonderful amenities:
• Room for 40 people in twelve bedrooms arranged in six suites, each suite with its own bathroom and shower, and with bedding & towels provided. Eight bedrooms have two sets of bunk beds and accommodate four people, and the other four bedrooms accommodate two people each
• Large, well-equipped kitchen
• Two large commons spaces, including one with a fireplace
• Excellent privacy and isolation -- the facility is surrounded by UW-Platteville's Pioneer Farm, and is well outside of town
Because of the intense nature of the work done at Sacred Fire Circles the event is only open to adults and mature teens accompanied by at least one parent. All meals are included in your registration, and the menu will accommodate vegetarian as well as gluten-free options. In order to have this event, we must have at least 20 paid registrations by February 4th. If we don’t, we regret that the event must be cancelled.
Registration for the weekend is $160/per person until February 1st. After that the registration fee is $175/per person. Your registration will be held until we receive the 20 registrations necessary to have this Fire Circle.
For more information and to register please go to: We look forward to experiencing the excitement of a new venue with you!
Cooper Living & Learning Center

Circle Times & Community Circle: January 17, 2013
Circle Sanctuary Ministers on Internet Radio
Upcoming Pagan internet radio shows with appearances by some Circle Sanctuary Ministers:
Charmed in New England
Monday, January 21
Selena Fox will be featured guest and talk about Pagan religious freedom.
7:25 - 9:45 pm central
Circle Craft Study
Tuesday, January 22
Selena Fox will speak about Brigid Magic.
8 - 9 pm central
Pagan Warrior Radio
Wednesday, January 23
Join co-hosts David & Jeanet Ewing & Pamela Kelly, plus
Dave Sassman who will be awarding the Pagan Military Service Ribbon to Pagan veterans.
8 - 9 pm central
Tree of Life Hour
Thursday, January 24
Dave Sassman will be featured guest on this show about Pagan Prison Ministry.
8 - 9 pm
Circle Sanctuary News Release: Saturday, January 19, 2013
Hello, Cezanne. Most of us have started from the place you are at now. The only way to know if any pagan paths are right for you is to jump in and start learning. Reading can get you quite a ways but you are right, conversation is a good way of filling in the blanks and creating a reality out of the written word. You do not need to feel obligated to join the FB group. We post the same stuff here and there. You will want to look at the calendar at the group site to see if there are any events coming up you would enjoy. We have regular coffee socials which is a good way to meet other pagans. Dixie State College has a pagan club that hosts activities regularly. Sometimes members here will host a sabbat or extend an invitation to participate in some sort of pagan activity. You, too, can extend an invitation if inspired to do so. There are many pagan paths represented in southern Utah. There is a lot to learn about! I am very curious to hear about your son's experiences if you wish to email me privately and I could give you some feedback. Welcome to the group. I don't get out too much but am always a keyboard away. I do hope to meet you sometime.
Have a blessed day,
From: Nyssa <>
Subject: [supaganalliance] Hello from a nervous newbie who knows NOTHING
Date: Friday, January 25, 2013, 10:22 AM
Hello, my name is Cèzanne (I often go as Nyssa or Nyssareen online, but Cèzanne is my actual name and what I go by in the real world), I'm sorry if this is too much information to share right at the start, but I am searching for help and don't know where else to look. Please forgive the length and any offense I may accidentally give with my lack of knowledge of how things really are in your world.
I'm 35 and have been interested in and curious about various things that would fall into the "pagan" category since I was about 11 but have never done much more than read about them. I have always had some ability or inclination or whatever you want to call it toward "magical" things, but given that I grew up in a very LDS household, I always repressed those things. I acknowledged they were there, but nothing beyond that point. I have two sons who are now 13 and 15 (I've been divorced from their father since they were 1 and 3 and he has very little to do with them other than holiday visits, but he is also VERY LDS) and have observed similar inclinations in them since they were small and talked with them a very small bit about it in recent years, but since we live with my mother, who is VERY against such things, it has again never gone beyond the acknowledgement point.
I have been talking more and more with my oldest son recently about his dissatisfaction with his mostly LDS upbringing and his feelings and inclinations toward a very different sort of spirituality. Just the fact that my son is feeling as repressed as I have all my life is enough to make me feel the need to seek out more information and help both of us find the path we are looking for, but he has told me of some experiences he has had that honestly scare me and I don't have the knowledge to help him protect himself. I spoke to a friend of mine who claimed to know about this sort of thing, but what he told me didn't seem right so I don't think he knows what he's talking about. Basically, we need to learn about the world that we were obviously meant to live in.
I don't know if the Facebook group is more active than this one or not, but I am afraid to join it since it is an open group and I am friends with most of my family members on Facebook and I am not ready for them to know that I have any involvement with anything like this. I know that is cowardly, but I am just not at a point in my life where I can do that, I hope you all understand that. I would also rather talk with people and learn in person than over Facebook and Yahoo groups anyway. Computers are fine for reading and research but I know that this sort of thing is best learned by an actual person.
I hope I haven't bored or offended or annoyed you all to death by now, I just have no one that I can tell these things to and they have been weighing heavily on me for a while now. I am worried about my son and I am tired of not exploring the spirituality that I want to and have wanted to since I was aware it existed. Hopefully, someone who reads this can point us in the right direction. Thanks for reading.

Damian Nightwalker 2:47pm Jan 24
The importance of freedom of religion is at stake here, if this is allowed not fighting is doing something nothing and is equivalent to doing something EVIL. take that concept with your threefold law. if this is allowed to happen it might as well be allowed to happen to anyone! that to me means burning witches is seriously next. so go here and sign the petition. to stand idle by is the same as being an accessory (so it seems in a court of law). So pagans wiccans, and atheists help save this man. you do not need to be christian to do the right thing.

Free American Pastor Saeed in Iran
Iran is imprisoning and abusing an American pastor because of his faith.

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Damian Nightwalker 4:47am Jan 23

Modern Vampires Misrepresented
Real vampires laugh at the BS, i got a kick and put something together just a small laugh

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Damian Nightwalker 12:00am Jan 22

Ravens Nest Vampire Radio on
Welcome to Ravens Nest Vampire Radio with your hosts Raven & D, , . Show airs each Saturday evening...
Imbolc circle
Saturday, February 2, 201312:00 PM- We will be doing a meet and greet . Imbolc Circle. We are looking for though of the Wiccan/ Pagan commuity in Utah county to join us. Bring a treat to share. I also will be doing tarot reading and such. If you want to join or have ideas come on out and have a drink. Blessed Be...High Priestess Char Norton M.W.R.
The Humane Treatment Of Animals For Sanguinarian Purposes The Atlanta Vampire Alliance [AVA] does not condone the inhumane treatment of animals used for sanguinarian (blood) feedings under any circumstances. While we recognize the needs of sanguinarian vampires to consume blood, we will not support those who choose to glorify the killing of any animal exclusively for this expressed purpose. We will not support those who make statements about receiving pleasure from the act of an animal screaming, struggling, or in fear of its life. Members of the AVA are not all vegetarians, and we don't take an exclusivist or ideological approach to the killing of common food animals. However, there is a clear line between a person doing what is humane and necessary to satiate hunger or blood thirst and a person expressing a potential underlying psychosis wherein one revels in a desire to cause suffering to an animal while encouraging others to participate in kind. Additionally, we can think of no justifiable reason for sanguinarian vampires to take the life of a dog, cat, or similar domesticated animal for purposes of blood drinking. We strongly discourage members of the vampire community who do not already have experience as livestock handlers or sport hunters from assuming the enormous ethical responsibility and technical skill set that comes with deciding to slaughter your own food animals. Hunting and farming both are skills that require attentive study, a strong ethical foundation, and respect for the creatures you are dealing with. We additionally reiterate in the strongest possible terms that it is the responsibility and ethical burden of anyone who does engage in the slaughter of their own food animals to properly educate themselves on humane means of taking the life of an animal as well as possible medical dangers from consuming blood directly from wild or hunted game animals, livestock, or animals raised for meat. If you witness someone who is inhumanely harming and taking the life of an animal under similar circumstances like the ones we have outlined above please report them to your local authorities, animal shelters, and the local vampire community. IB7110-HumaneAnimalTreatment January 20, 2013 To unsubscribe from these announcements, login to the forum and uncheck "Receive forum announcements and important notifications by email." in your profile. You can view the full announcement by following this link: Regards, The Vampire Community News Team.
Real Vampire Community Animal Rights Awareness Statement An affirmation of vampire community values regarding the humane treatment of animals I. We are members of the vampire community who wish to make an explicit statement about the ethics surrounding animal consumption, blood sourcing, and humane treatment issues. This statement is drafted so that all parties understand that there is no place in the vampire community for deliberate animal cruelty. The suffering of other creatures is not something that vampires advocate or will passively tolerate when discovered. It is not fun or a game, it does not affirm one's place on the food chain, it is not excused when readily available educational resources outline humane killing techniques, and it does not gain you our approval. Inhumane acts perpetrated on animals are not necessary, it is not an acceptable way to fulfill your health needs as a sanguinarian vampire, and it is considerably far removed from any socially-acceptable treatment of either domesticated or food animals. Many vampires are empathic individuals and as such the needless suffering of animals shou! ld be abhorrent to our nature. II. We acknowledge that the vampire community is made up of diverse individuals with a wide range of ethical and cultural backgrounds. We might be vegetarians and vegans, meat eaters, sport hunters, farmers, animal rescue volunteers, rights advocates, pet owners, dog people and cat people, or even barbecue enthusiasts. We come together from these diverse standpoints to make a statement: that there is a clear and unambiguous distinction between animal use and animal cruelty. We draw a similar ethical distinction between the harvesting of animals in a sober, respectful context and the infliction of unnecessary pain and suffering upon any animal. Sanguinarian vampires who kill animals for use of their blood should do so in the most humane manner possible, and as prescribed by the laws governing their residence. III. Under certain circumstances, many cultures and ethical systems allow for the slaughter of food animals for the purposes of consumption or legally recognized and protected religious expression, and many contemporary subcultures participate in the hands-on slaughter of food animals. Many modern people, including sport hunters, farm workers, chefs, and even ordinary household consumers, sometimes slaughter their own food animals in a controlled, skillful, and hopefully humane context. IV. While there are a spectrum of philosophies about animal use, we hold absolutely no ambiguity about animal abuse; this is not appropriate behavior for any group of people, and especially not for the vampire community, which has so often been the target of social abuse, discrimination, insensitivity, and uncompassionate behavior. We acknowledge how often the needs of vampire community members, both physical and psychological, have gone disregarded and dismissed by the wider society, and resolve to never be dismissive about the suffering of another feeling creature. Those who choose to take the life of an animal have an ethical responsibility to educate themselves beforehand on the most humane method of killing the animal. V. We categorically acknowledge the intentional infliction of pain and suffering on any animal, including but not limited to common food animals and those sold for food purposes, the intentional glorification of an animal's death by means of photographic depictions of blood splattering, exsanguination, evisceration, mutilation, or the like, and the encouragement of others to engage in such activities, to be abnormal, reprehensible, and potentially pathological. Furthermore, inflicting unnecessary suffering through negligence, ignorance, or indifference are equally as reprehensible. If it is your business to kill husbanded or game animals, it is also your responsibility to do so humanely and with due respect for a creature's capacity to suffer. VI. The vampire community exists to promote the open exchange of information amongst vampires and interested individuals. This is an opportunity for vampires to communicate about ways they can become more aware of general ethics issues in our various societies concerning animal rights and welfare. We encourage this statement of awareness to serve as a catalyst for global community discussions on humane animal husbandry, safe and humane means to source blood from an animal, issues surrounding factory farms, ethical and humane sport hunting practices, unethical pet breeding practices, dog and cat rescue projects, and the support of local animal protection groups. By Zero & Merticus; Atlanta Vampire Alliance [AVA] & Suscitatio Enterprises, LLC January 22, 2013 - This article may be redistributed, translated, or adopted by other organizations provided there are no content modifications and full citation is included. See Also: The Humane Treatment Of Animals For Sanguinarian Purposes By Merticus & Zero; Atlanta Vampire Alliance [AVA] & Suscitatio Enterprises, LLC - January 20, 2013 To unsubscribe from these announcements, login to the forum and uncheck "Receive forum announcements and important notifications by email." in your profile. You can view the full announcement by following this link: Regards, The Vampire Community Team.
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Burned Biscuits
(cute story)
When I was a kid, my Mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. And I remember one night in particular when she had made breakfast after a long, hard day at work. On that evening so long ago, my Mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage and extremely burnt biscuits in front of my dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed.
Yet all my dad did was reach for his biscuit, smile at my Mom and ask me how my day was at school. I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him smear butter and jelly on that ugly burnt biscuit. He ate every bite of that thing... Never made a face nor uttered a word about it!
When I got up from the table that evening, I remember hearing my Mom apologize to my dad for burning the biscuits.
And I'll never forget what he said: "Honey, I love burnt biscuits every now and then."
Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and I asked him if he really liked his biscuits burnt. He wrapped me in his arms and said, "Your Momma put in a hard day at work today and she's real tired. And besides - a little burnt biscuit never hurt anyone!"
As I've grown older, I've thought about that many times. Life is full of imperfect things and imperfect people. I'm not the best at hardly anything, and I forget birthdays and anniversaries just like everyone else. But what I've learned over the years is that learning to accept each other's faults - and choosing to celebrate each othersdifferences - is one of the most important keys to creating a healthy, growing, and lasting relationship.
And that's mywish for you today... That you will learn to take the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of your life and lay them at the
feet of God. Because in the end,God is the only One who will be able to give you a relationship where a burnt biscuit isn't a deal-breaker!
We could extend this to any relationship. In fact, understanding isthe base of any relationship, be it a husband-wife or parent-child orfriendship!
Current Seminary Classes Available:
Please note that we have several new courses, always with more on the way.
They are all available at:
The preacher's 5 year-old daughter noticed that her father always paused and bowed his head for a moment before starting his sermon. One day, she asked him why. "Well, Honey," he began, proud that his daughter was so observant of his messages. "I'm asking the Lord to help me preach a good sermon." "How come He doesn't answer it?" she asked. ***********
Little Johnny and his family were having Sunday dinner at his Grandmother's house. Everyone was seated around the table as the food was being served. When Little Johnny received his plate, he started eating right away. "Johnny! Please wait until we say our prayer." said his mother. "I don't need to," the boy replied. "Of course, you do "his mother insisted. "We always say a prayer before eating at our house." "That's at our house." Johnny explained. "But this is Grandma's house and she knows how to cook.
SUBMITTING A NEW COURSE - For thosewho would be interested in submitting a new course for the seminary, you can go to the guidelines.
A Rabbi said to a precocious six-year-old boy, "So your mother says your prayers for you each night? That's very commendable. What does she say?"
The little boy replied, "Thank God he's in bed!"
ALL MEN / ALL GIRLS When my daughter, Kelli, said her bedtime prayers , she would bless every family member, every friend, and every animal (current and past). For several weeks, after we had finished the nightly prayer, Kelli would say, "And all girls." This soon became part of her nightly routine, to include this closing.
My curiosity got the best of me and I asked her, "Kelli, why do you always add the part about all girls?"
Her response, "Because everybody always finish their prayers by saying 'All Men'!"
Catholic Last Rites
A bus on a busy street struck a Catholic man. He was lying near death on the sidewalk as a crowd gathered. "A priest. Somebody get me a priest!" the man gasped. Long seconds dragged on but no one stepped out of the crowd. A policeman checked the crowd and finally yelled, "A PRIEST, PLEASE! Isn't there a priest in this crowd to give this man his last rites?" Finally, out of the crowd stepped a little old Jewish man in his 80s. "Mr. Policeman," said the man, "I'm not a priest. I'm not even a Christian. But for 50 years now, I'm living behind the Catholic Church on Second Avenue , and every night I'm overhearing their services. I can recall a lot of it, and maybe I can be of some comfort to this poor man." The policeman agreed, and cleared the crowd so the man could get through to where the injured man lay. The old Jewish man knelt down, leaned over the man and said in a solemn voice: B-4 .... I-19 ... N-38 ... G-54 ... O-72 |
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Reminder from: | supaganalliance Yahoo! Group | |
Title: | Desert Rose Labyrinth-Imbolc walk | |
Date: | Saturday February 2, 2013 | |
Time: | 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (GMT-07.00) Mountain Time (US & Canada) | |
Location: | Kayenta, Ivins, Utah | |
Notes: | Several years ago, Asmodais took a group of us to the Desert Rose Labyrinth in Kayenta on Imbolc. It has become an annual tradition for me. Imbolc is the perfect time to reflect and anticipate. Anyone who wishes to join me is invited to come. Plan to be in a quiet, reflective mood, dress for the weather, and bring a gift for the center of the labyrinth if desired. I'll stick around after I walk to chat with anyone else who does show up. | |
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The Hutchings Museum will be holding
Concealed Weapons Carry Permit Classes
Sign up for a date that fits you schedule.
Thursday Evening Jan 24th. 6-10 PM
Saturday Evening Jan 26th. 4 PM -8 PM
Tuesday Evening Jan 29th 6-10 PM
Saturday Morning Feb 9th. 10 AM-2PM (bring your lunch)
You must pre-register by CALLING THE MUSEUM 801-768-7180
(Tuesday—Saturday 11:00am to 5:00pm)
Brandon Scott is the Instructor. $50.00 covers photos, fingerprints, the application, a drivers license copy, everything you need to submit your application to the state immediately following the class. Students are able to mail their permits on their way home that night. The Government charges $46 for the Permit Application fee. Students are NOT to bring any guns or ammunition to the class. I do ask that everyone bring a pen with black ink, their Drivers License, ID card, or Passport as it will need to be photocopied and attached to their permit application. Most classes run about 4 hours some more some less depending on the number of students, the discussion and the schedules of the students attending.
The CCW course is the best starting point for someone with little to no experience with guns, we talk about basic parts and operation, safety, stances, malfunctions, types, and we talk about the law and when and how you are able to protect yourself in the state of Utah. I talk about the escalation of force and we make decisions as a class and an individual, based on our knowledge of the law. I find that women who are uncomfortable around guns enjoy my course, and feel empowered by the knowledge and ideas we discuss. Even if they never plan to own or carry a firearm. The value of the course in my mind is the explanation and discussion of the law, and an increased awareness in regards to having a defensive mindset so as to lower your chance of becoming a victim.
55 N Center St. Lehi, UT
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Ensure delivery of your Hay House e-mails: Add to your address book. Update Your Preferences | Privacy Policy | Unsubscribe Hay House, Inc. PO Box 5100, Carlsbad, CA 92018 (800)654-5126 |
• Large, well-equipped kitchen
• Two large commons spaces, including one with a fireplace
• Excellent privacy and isolation -- the facility is surrounded by UW-Platteville's Pioneer Farm, and is well outside of town

Circle Sanctuary Ministers on Internet Radio
Upcoming Pagan internet radio shows with appearances by some Circle Sanctuary Ministers:
Charmed in New England
Monday, January 21 Selena Fox will be featured guest and talk about Pagan religious freedom. 7:25 - 9:45 pm central
Circle Craft Study
Tuesday, January 22 Selena Fox will speak about Brigid Magic. 8 - 9 pm central
Pagan Warrior Radio
Wednesday, January 23 Join co-hosts David & Jeanet Ewing & Pamela Kelly, plus Dave Sassman who will be awarding the Pagan Military Service Ribbon to Pagan veterans. 8 - 9 pm central
Tree of Life Hour
Thursday, January 24 Dave Sassman will be featured guest on this show about Pagan Prison Ministry. 8 - 9 pm
Circle Sanctuary News Release: Saturday, January 19, 2013
Damian Nightwalker | 12:00am Jan 22 |
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Welcome to Ravens Nest Vampire Radio with your hosts Raven & D, , . Show airs each Saturday evening...
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