How To Make Lavender & Chamomile Bath Melts...
http:// diy-lavender-chamomile-bath-mel ts/
Leave your skin feeling super soft and smelling divine with these luxurious bath melts.
Click the link and find out how to make them.

Celtic Chalice Well Sword Pendant

Carnelian is a bright orange crystal that always makes me happy when I see it. :-) Carnelian can help when you have decisions to make or if you have a hot temper that needs cooling. You can also place pieces of Carnelian around your house to help protect it from damage by theft or natural disaster.

☆•♥• Mozzarella Stuffed Meatballs Recipe!•♥•☆
Leave your skin feeling super soft and smelling divine with these luxurious bath melts.
Click the link and find out how to make them.

Celtic Chalice Well Sword Pendant
Liked? Purchase it from here -- Celtic-sword-pendant-p/ 43011.htm

Let em' know I sent ya! And if you wanna be in here, inbox me. ~*Manda*~

Available here: Ruby-in-Zoisite-Sterling-Silver -Earrings

A baby dragon
Carnelian is a bright orange crystal that always makes me happy when I see it. :-) Carnelian can help when you have decisions to make or if you have a hot temper that needs cooling. You can also place pieces of Carnelian around your house to help protect it from damage by theft or natural disaster.
*Blessings ~ Stephanie A.
http:// Crystal_Bracelets_-_Carnelian_C luster_Bracelet.html

This comes from
MagickalMooniesSanctuary?fref=t s
Awesome page!Pagan News Now shared Pagan - It's Our Path's photo.

☆•♥• Mozzarella Stuffed Meatballs Recipe!•♥•☆
http:// 2012/03/ ml
1 lb ground beef
1 lb ground pork or mild Italian sausage
1 cup breadcrumbs
1 TBSP Italian seasoning
3 eggs
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 lb mozzarella, cut into cubes
Olive Oil
Marinara (jar or homemade)
In a large bowl mix beef through pepper. Form into 2" balls. Press a cheese cube in the middle and seal the meat around it.
Heat 1/2" olive oil in a large skillet. Brown meatballs and then set aside on plate.
Pour marinara sauce into pan; bring to a simmer. Add meatballs and simmer until cooked through, about 30 minutes.
Serve over spaghetti or on top of a hoagie.

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Beaded Dragon Designs If you have not checked them out
They have Amazing Creations
c Magic added 4 new photos to the album ➳❅Ӂ̴CurrentӁ̴❅➳.
Fucking wal-fart , go back to hell where you you evil bastards!
lol! this is so funny! and sad. If you are female , rejoice in yourself and all that makes you a woman. ♥ eva
A Kotex Rant | Lilith Saintcrow
Last night I saw a commercial about Kotex pads with new 'whisper-quiet' wrappers. Apparently not only is menstruation a dirty little event to be hidden from boys, it's also so filthy and embarrassing that the crinkle of a pad-wrapper in a public restroom is a shame to be avoided at all costs.
I thought I'd seen everything when I saw the Tampax commercial about the leaky boat plugged with a tampon by a quick-thinking girl in white pants. (Remember that one?) What is with you people? For God's sake, it's only menstruation! It's not like we leak hydrochloric acid every month!
Check out's menstruation FAQ page. It starts out bad ("Mother Nature has a really twisted sense of humor. 9 times out of ten, she'll make your period fall on a weekend.") and gets even worse (the first 'question' is, "What's your most embarrassing period story?") Thanks a lot, Kotex. That's really helpful and supportive.
The ad copy for the 'whisper-quiet wrappers' is equally embarrassing.
Shhh... Enjoy quiet time. With improved KOTEX® Ultra Thin with Wings. Now with a whisper-quiet, clothlike pouch — the quietest pouch you can get! Less crinkling. Less crackling. Less embarrassing! Plus, they now have more than 10% bigger wings. Now
that's what you call quiet comfort. Ahh ...
Human women are the only mammals on earth that have the menstrual cycle. Other mammals are locked onto the estrus cycle, which means they only get freaky when there's a chance of pregnancy. Human woman can have sex for non-procreative reasons (which include social bonding, cheering up, and my personal favorite, breakup sex.) Chimps and bonobos have nonprocreative sex too, but they don't have the menstrual cycle.
When did menstruation become so frightening? Feminine hygeine commercials always talk in euphemisms. Just once I'd like to hear a Tampax commercial start out with, "Okay. So your pussy's leakin' blood. Here are your options." Instead, what I get is white pants, women running through fields of daisies and plugging leaky boats with tampons.
I swear to God, the next time I'm on the rag, I am going to make as much noise as I can in the bathroom. I'll crinkle my tampon wrapper and just for good measure, yell, "I'm BLEEDING!" over the stall wall. I might even fake an orgasm when I put my tampon in.
To hell with whisper-quiet.
~ Lilith Saintcrow posting on the now non-existent Skin Talk blog
Image via the Wikihow's :How to Deal With Your Period at School" which has some good points alongside some really negative stuff, in particular, a huge worry about having an odor.
"Change your feminine product often enough to avoid smelling bad and to help, wear perfume.'
"If you're not comfortable with a tampon, wear a pad but change it often as it could retain smell"
Comment: It's great that menstrual positivity encourages girls and women to honor and celebrate their moontimes. We certainly celebrate and encourage that here. But I want to make sure that on this page (and I hope everywhere), we allow ourselves and others plenty of space if there are feelings of embarrassment, shame, shyness, irritation, etc about our monthly cycles. There is no gold star for being more menstrually positive than the next woman. It's a process. Let's offer empathy and respect to all women. Thank you!
☾ Katharine Krueger ~ Occupy Menstruation
Girl Empowerment and Coming of Age
Last night I saw a commercial about Kotex pads with new 'whisper-quiet' wrappers. Apparently not only is menstruation a dirty little event to be hidden from boys, it's also so filthy and embarrassing that the crinkle of a pad-wrapper in a public restroom is a shame to be avoided at all costs.
I thought I'd seen everything when I saw the Tampax commercial about the leaky boat plugged with a tampon by a quick-thinking girl in white pants. (Remember that one?) What is with you people? For God's sake, it's only menstruation! It's not like we leak hydrochloric acid every month!
Check out's menstruation FAQ page. It starts out bad ("Mother Nature has a really twisted sense of humor. 9 times out of ten, she'll make your period fall on a weekend.") and gets even worse (the first 'question' is, "What's your most embarrassing period story?") Thanks a lot, Kotex. That's really helpful and supportive.
The ad copy for the 'whisper-quiet wrappers' is equally embarrassing.
Shhh... Enjoy quiet time. With improved KOTEX® Ultra Thin with Wings. Now with a whisper-quiet, clothlike pouch — the quietest pouch you can get! Less crinkling. Less crackling. Less embarrassing! Plus, they now have more than 10% bigger wings. Now
that's what you call quiet comfort. Ahh ...
Human women are the only mammals on earth that have the menstrual cycle. Other mammals are locked onto the estrus cycle, which means they only get freaky when there's a chance of pregnancy. Human woman can have sex for non-procreative reasons (which include social bonding, cheering up, and my personal favorite, breakup sex.) Chimps and bonobos have nonprocreative sex too, but they don't have the menstrual cycle.
When did menstruation become so frightening? Feminine hygeine commercials always talk in euphemisms. Just once I'd like to hear a Tampax commercial start out with, "Okay. So your pussy's leakin' blood. Here are your options." Instead, what I get is white pants, women running through fields of daisies and plugging leaky boats with tampons.
I swear to God, the next time I'm on the rag, I am going to make as much noise as I can in the bathroom. I'll crinkle my tampon wrapper and just for good measure, yell, "I'm BLEEDING!" over the stall wall. I might even fake an orgasm when I put my tampon in.
To hell with whisper-quiet.
~ Lilith Saintcrow posting on the now non-existent Skin Talk blog
Image via the Wikihow's :How to Deal With Your Period at School" which has some good points alongside some really negative stuff, in particular, a huge worry about having an odor.
"Change your feminine product often enough to avoid smelling bad and to help, wear perfume.'
"If you're not comfortable with a tampon, wear a pad but change it often as it could retain smell"
Comment: It's great that menstrual positivity encourages girls and women to honor and celebrate their moontimes. We certainly celebrate and encourage that here. But I want to make sure that on this page (and I hope everywhere), we allow ourselves and others plenty of space if there are feelings of embarrassment, shame, shyness, irritation, etc about our monthly cycles. There is no gold star for being more menstrually positive than the next woman. It's a process. Let's offer empathy and respect to all women. Thank you!
☾ Katharine Krueger ~ Occupy Menstruation
Girl Empowerment and Coming of Age
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