To all of our brothers and sisters in the United States, have a blessed and safe Independence Day!
It's Witchy Wednesday ♥
Magickal Intentions: Communication, Divination, Writing, Knowledge, Business Transactions, Debt, Fear,Loss, Travel and Money Matters
Incense: Jasmine, Lavender, Sweet Pea
Planet: Mercury and Chiron (though this is a moon of Pluto)
Sign: Virgo
Colors: Orange, Light Blue, Grey, Yellow and Violet
Herbs/Plants: Fern, Lavendar, Hazel, Cherry, Periwinkle
Stones: Aventurine, Bloodstone, Hematite, Moss Agate and Sodalite
Oil: (Mercury) Benzoin, Clary Sage, Eucalytus, Lavender
This day is governed by Mercury. Wednesday's vibration adds power to rituals involving inspiration, communications, writers, poets, the written and spoken word, and all matters of study, learning, and teaching. This day also provides a good time to begin efforts involving self-improvement or understanding ...
Magickal Intentions: Communication, Divination, Writing, Knowledge, Business Transactions, Debt, Fear,Loss, Travel and Money Matters
Incense: Jasmine, Lavender, Sweet Pea
Planet: Mercury and Chiron (though this is a moon of Pluto)
Sign: Virgo
Colors: Orange, Light Blue, Grey, Yellow and Violet
Herbs/Plants: Fern, Lavendar, Hazel, Cherry, Periwinkle
Stones: Aventurine, Bloodstone, Hematite, Moss Agate and Sodalite
Oil: (Mercury) Benzoin, Clary Sage, Eucalytus, Lavender
This day is governed by Mercury. Wednesday's vibration adds power to rituals involving inspiration, communications, writers, poets, the written and spoken word, and all matters of study, learning, and teaching. This day also provides a good time to begin efforts involving self-improvement or understanding ...
How to Make DIY Warming Rub For Sore Muscles. diy-warming-rub-for-sore-muscle s/
8 Flavored Iced Tea Recipes...
http:// 8-flavored-iced-tea-recipes/
These iced teas are easy to make, use natural ingredients and taste delicious. Find out how to make them all (plus some bonus recipes) click the link above...
These iced teas are easy to make, use natural ingredients and taste delicious. Find out how to make them all (plus some bonus recipes) click the link above...
Monthly Stargazing Calendar for July 2013~
Posted on Jul 2, 2013 by Paul.
This month there will be only one major astronomical event. On July 27, 28 we will witness the Southern Delta Aquarids meteor shower. It is an average shower that can produce up to 20 meteors per hour at its peak on the night of July 27 and morning of July 28, but some meteors can be visible from July 12 to August 23. The meteor shower originates from debris left behind by comets Marsden and Kracht. Unfortunately the second quarter moon will block out most of the faint meteors, but with some patience you should still be able to catch quite a few good ones. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will appear to radiate from the constellation of Aquarius, but can appear anywhere in the sky.
Moon phases
As you know, the moon has a big impact on the visibility of celestial bodies in the night sky. So here are the moon’s phases for this month:
Positions of the planets this month
Mercury: The closest planet to the Sun can be seen at dawn and dusk travelling across the constellation of Gemini, not far from the planets Jupiter and Mars. This planet, being the closest to the Sun, will appear to move quickly in the night sky and its position will change in the following weeks.
Venus: The sister planet can be seen in the constellation of Leo. Just like Mercury, Venus can only be seen at dawn and dusk.
Mars: The red planet can be seen travelling across the constellation of Gemini, not far from the planets Jupiter and Mercury.
Jupiter: The gas giant is visible on the edge of the constellation of Gemini. Jupiter can easily be spotted with the naked eye, even in highly illuminated cities.
Saturn: The ringed giant can be seen with the naked eye between the constellations of Virgo and Libra.
Uranus: The gas giant can be seen between the constellations of Pisces and Cetus with the use of a telescope.
Neptune: The blue giant requires a telescope pointed in the constellation of Aquarius in order to be seen.
Major astronomical events next month
August 11, 12 – Perseids meteor shower.
August 27 – Neptune at Opposition.
Lady Fae~Lord Aengus
Herb Magick~
From: Witch of the Old World Book Herbs
by: Lady Abigail
Devils Shoestring:
I have been using Devils Shoestring for as long as I can remember in magickal work and spells. Even though the magickal aspects of Devils Shoestring are strong and powerful, I can not find any cases it has been used in the area of healing.
Folk Names;
None Known.
Magickal Powers;
Luck, Gambling, Strengthening Power, Hex Breaking, Gambling and Employment.
You can take Devil’s Shoestring and use it as a charts or add it to pouches and bags to be carried for the intent of the magick being worked. Devil’s Shoestring can be added with other herbs to increase the strength of the spell and or magick.
Depending on the need and the magick, Devil’s Shoestring can be carried for luck and luck in gambling. If you carried some during legal matters, it will be assured the outcome being desired.
Devil’s Shoestring seems to add haste to the results when added to spells and concoctions for finding a new job or a promotion in your present job.
Medical Uses;
None Found.
Job answer spell;
To find out how many days or weeks until you get the results on your job quest. Take a long peace of Devil’s Shoestring and stoke it in a glass of fresh pure water, like rain water, no chlorine or additives, for 3 days. If during the 3 days you have not received an answer back about the job, take the Devil’s Shoestring from the water and tie it in a gentle knot, be careful not to break it. Tie
it as many times as you can. This will give you the number of weeks until you hear back about the job.
Just a note; Don’t try to pull it or tie it so hard as to assure the Devil’s Shoestring will break quickly. That’s cheating and it will give you a false answer as well.
The only healing information I could find using Devil’s Shoestring was that carrying it would ward off illness.
Author Lady Abigail - Information via Witch of the Old World Book of Herbs by: Lady Abigail on CD. All rights reserved under the US copyright laws and statues. Copyright © 12312011. For more information or see to purchase see: The Glass Witch Magick Shoppe: http:// www.theglasswitchmagickshoppe.c om/product/ witch-of-the-old-world-cd-book- of-herbs-by-lady-abigail
* Because we have to: The Don't be Stupid Clause or Disclaimer ... If you are allergic to this herb don’t use it.
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How To Make Lozenges For Sore Throat, Coughs & Asthma...
http:// horehound-lozenges/
These homemade lozenges act as an expectorant helping to loosen phlegm. It also helps to stimulate bronchial secretions which breaks up congestion. This makes it wonderful for sore throats, coughs, the common cold and asthma.
Find out how to make these lozenges at the link above.
These homemade lozenges act as an expectorant helping to loosen phlegm. It also helps to stimulate bronchial secretions which breaks up congestion. This makes it wonderful for sore throats, coughs, the common cold and asthma.
Find out how to make these lozenges at the link above.
How To Make The World's Simplest Deodorant...
http:// worlds-simplest-deodorant/
This is probably the easiest deodorant recipe ever! It requires just three ingredients you probably have in your home already, it’s all natural and has fantastic odor fighting properties.
Find out how to make it at the link above.
This is probably the easiest deodorant recipe ever! It requires just three ingredients you probably have in your home already, it’s all natural and has fantastic odor fighting properties.
Find out how to make it at the link above.
How To Make A Powerful Allergy Relieving Syrup...
http:// homemade-allergy-relieving-syru p/
One tablespoon of this potent syrup daily helps to relieve allergies – plus it has the added benefit of protecting against cold and flu.
Click the link to find out how it works and how to make it.
One tablespoon of this potent syrup daily helps to relieve allergies – plus it has the added benefit of protecting against cold and flu.
Click the link to find out how it works and how to make it.
How To Make A Stimulating Hair Growth Oil...
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This hair oil contains a number of wonderful ingredients that have been found to stimulate faster hair growth, reduce hair loss, while also making the hair look and feel better than ever.
Click the link to find out how to make it and how to use it.
This hair oil contains a number of wonderful ingredients that have been found to stimulate faster hair growth, reduce hair loss, while also making the hair look and feel better than ever.
Click the link to find out how to make it and how to use it.
How To Make Overnight, No-Cook Refrigerator Oatmeal...
http:// refrigerator-oatmeal/
This is a really easy, no-cook recipe that is packed full of nutrition. Make it in mason jars for a fantastic on-the-go vitamin packed breakfast. Great for Summer breakfasts!
Click the link to find out how to make them.
This is a really easy, no-cook recipe that is packed full of nutrition. Make it in mason jars for a fantastic on-the-go vitamin packed breakfast. Great for Summer breakfasts!
Click the link to find out how to make them.
How To Make Your Own Sunscreen Lotion with SPF 30...
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Forget paying $15 for a bottle of sunscreen lotion packed with toxic chemicals. Make this all natural, non-toxic, highly protective sunscreen lotion instead!
Click the link for the recipe.
Forget paying $15 for a bottle of sunscreen lotion packed with toxic chemicals. Make this all natural, non-toxic, highly protective sunscreen lotion instead!
Click the link for the recipe.
Do you have a favorite crystal to use when you are feeling on edge?
I have a feeling my new Agate Gallet is going to become my favorite for those kinds of moments! It emanates gentle and soothing energy and is wonderful to hold! ~Brana
http:// Gallet_-_Agate_Gallets__Madagas car_.html
In the words of our incomparable George Takei, on this day we celebrate our American Independence, but let us never forget when our freedoms were threatened. We are so proud of bringing this untold story to the widest possible audience, to learn together and to make sure that we never forget, never again.
Please join us on our road to Broadway and help us spread the word. SHARE this post with your loved ones, invite them to LIKE our page, and join our email list at
Please join us on our road to Broadway and help us spread the word. SHARE this post with your loved ones, invite them to LIKE our page, and join our email list at
I have mixed feelings about this...I love Johnny Depp's work and I can see why they would want Native American actors to play Native American characters...however, it is called ACTING because we inhabit someone OTHER than ourselves...I think that Native Americans could ably play Caucasian people and vice versa...Johnny Depp DOES have Indian blood and has done TONS for Native American causes. I hope we can remember this before we vilify him...

Liberty Blessings! Libertas depictions in USA: Statue of Freedom atop US Capitol & Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island.

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