I will make something handmade for the first 5 people who comment. They must in return post this on their status and make something for the first 5 people who comment on THEIR status. The rules are it must be made by you and must be received before 2013 ends.
( Reposted from Rhiannon Potter , who reposted it from someone else, and so on and so forth ... ) ( *waves* to Kristina )

Question for today … Who are YOU? Within Yourself.
I hope you will think about the answer and share what makes up who you are. Your spirit, heart and mind. Who are you/ What history, traditions, love and people makes you who you are?
I am a Witch raised by a Great Grandmother filled with love and magick. I am proud to be a Eclectic Witch blended within many paths and traditions. I am a Native American Indian born with the Quapaw clan of the Missourian territories. I am a blending of New Orleans Magick, Cajun, Hoodoo and Voodoo. I am one of the rainbow children who still see the magick and believes all things are possible. I am a part of the old world traditions and new understandings. Mixed with a little Scottish and Irish, French and Swede. I am connected with life by the Goddess within her great light. I am from the old south walking within a new world of hope. May the Goddess and magick always guide my way.
In understanding and light,
Lady Abigail
* Please share who you are ...
Lady Abigail
* Please share who you are ...


What’s a Spell?
Written and compiled by George Knowles.
A spell is a spoken or written formula that when used in an act of magick is intended to cause or infl
uence a particular course of events. Belief in and the use of spells are universal and have been an integral part of religious practices since ancient times. Methods vary according to culture but all spell work is based on ritual.
Spells are closely related to Prayers, which are rituals consisting of a petition to the Gods or deities (whatever the religion or faith) for a desired outcome. It involves the visualization of a goal, a statement of desire for the goal, and ritualized movements of body positions (e.g., the bowing of the head, the clasping of the hands, the closing of the eyes etc). In magick, spells are closely related to various methods of mind power such as: creative visualization, positive thinking, and positive imaging. All of which emphasize our mental images of the goal and our identification with it, repetition of our intent to achieve this goal, projection of our will, and a petition to the spirits, deities, or the divine force for their aid.
These types of spells are commonly used on a daily bases, the simple lighting of a candle starting the ritual process. Such daily spells constitute minor magick's such as: blessings, self-help, positive thoughts and the sending of helpful healing energies to others. Used on a daily bases it is not therefore necessary to undertake the cumbersome task of a full circle casting ritual
Spells can be beneficial or harmful and can be worked on people, animals, and nature. Their purposes are limitless and include: healing, love, money, success, fertility, longevity, and protection from disaster, ill fortune, and evil. They can also be used to exorcise ghosts and spirits, for victory in battle, truth in divination, weather control, and the accomplishment of supernatural feats. When directed against enemies, spells can be used to cause illness, destruction, loss of love, impotence, barrenness, failure and even death. Spells can be cast to affect the self, or directed to affect another person.
A positive spell is often called a blessing, although such archaic terms as bewitchment and enchantment are still sometimes used. Negative spells are generally known as hexes or curses. A binding spell is one intended to prevent harm, avoid danger, or to stop someone from performing particular acts (e.g., halting a murder, preventing a rape, or even stopping the spread of gossip).
In most cultures, Witches, Sorcerers, Witch doctors, Magicians, and other magically empowered peoples, cast both beneficial and harmful spells as the need dictates. However in contemporary Paganism and Witchcraft, a set of ethics exists that prohibits the use of curses and negative spells against another . The acceptability of binding spells is divided, and is widely debated throughout the community.
How it works :
A major act of magick requires a ritual and a spell performed inside a properly constructed circle. The spell consists of words or incantations (sometimes called a charm or rune); the ritual is a set of actions performed while the words are being spoken. The ancient Egyptians believed words were so powerful that speaking them would bring about the desired goal. Words and names of power were vital to Egyptian magick and had to be pronounced correctly and with the proper intonation. In Western magick the ultimate name of power is the Tetragrammaton, YHWH (Yah-weh), the sacred name of God.
A spell-casting ritual raises power and energy through a combination of visualization, meditation, identification, body movement and projection of will. The success of a spell rests on the energy and will power raised, together with the skill in which they are focused and projected. Words, chants, songs, and movements, objects such as ritual tools, effigies, poppets, cords, and candles, as well as materials such as parchment, herbs, oils and others, all facilitate spell casting.
In contemporary Witchcraft spell casting is performed within a magick circle. Many covens work spells as part of their regular meetings, though each coven may use differing techniques. To start, the goal of a spell is stated and some Witches write it down. The act of writing down the goal emphasizes the positive thinking techniques and helps to bolster the will power to achieve the goal. Any preparations for the ritual are made such as lighting coloured candles or mixing herbs and oils. Each action generating energy and increasing will power concentration toward the goal.
In healing or love spell rituals, an herb filled poppet or cloth doll might be used to identify the likeness of the object of the spell. To aid the likeness, the doll may be marked with the persons name or astrological sign, or even stuffed with personal hair or nail clipping taken from the object of the spell. A photograph of the person might also be used. If a doll or poppet is not being used, then a mental image or thought form is created. If the spell is being work by a group, all must agree on the image and hold it firmly in their minds. Power and energy is then raised by various means, including: chanting, dancing, tying knots in cords or clapping hands. Drums, rattles, and the playing of music may also be used to raise power.
Witches invite higher forces to work with them in implementing a spell. This is usually some aspect of the Goddess or God together with the forces of the elements. Other deities may be called upon whose aspects best suit the nature of the spell. For instance, a money making spell might be addressed to “Math” the God of wealth and increase, similarly for a love binding spell “Aphrodite” might be called.
While performing the ritual the Witch focuses intense concentration and will power into achieving the goal, and when the psychic power and energy being raised is at its peak, it is then released and directed towards the goal while visualizing and seeing the results being accomplished. Once the spell has been completed the ritual ends with a psychic cleanup to banish and ground any remnants of psychic energy. This is normally done with the “cakes and wine” ritual, after which the deities and elements are thanked and the circle banished.
Source: http://controverscial.com/
Much Love and Light,
Spells are closely related to Prayers, which are rituals consisting of a petition to the Gods or deities (whatever the religion or faith) for a desired outcome. It involves the visualization of a goal, a statement of desire for the goal, and ritualized movements of body positions (e.g., the bowing of the head, the clasping of the hands, the closing of the eyes etc). In magick, spells are closely related to various methods of mind power such as: creative visualization, positive thinking, and positive imaging. All of which emphasize our mental images of the goal and our identification with it, repetition of our intent to achieve this goal, projection of our will, and a petition to the spirits, deities, or the divine force for their aid.
These types of spells are commonly used on a daily bases, the simple lighting of a candle starting the ritual process. Such daily spells constitute minor magick's such as: blessings, self-help, positive thoughts and the sending of helpful healing energies to others. Used on a daily bases it is not therefore necessary to undertake the cumbersome task of a full circle casting ritual
Spells can be beneficial or harmful and can be worked on people, animals, and nature. Their purposes are limitless and include: healing, love, money, success, fertility, longevity, and protection from disaster, ill fortune, and evil. They can also be used to exorcise ghosts and spirits, for victory in battle, truth in divination, weather control, and the accomplishment of supernatural feats. When directed against enemies, spells can be used to cause illness, destruction, loss of love, impotence, barrenness, failure and even death. Spells can be cast to affect the self, or directed to affect another person.
A positive spell is often called a blessing, although such archaic terms as bewitchment and enchantment are still sometimes used. Negative spells are generally known as hexes or curses. A binding spell is one intended to prevent harm, avoid danger, or to stop someone from performing particular acts (e.g., halting a murder, preventing a rape, or even stopping the spread of gossip).
In most cultures, Witches, Sorcerers, Witch doctors, Magicians, and other magically empowered peoples, cast both beneficial and harmful spells as the need dictates. However in contemporary Paganism and Witchcraft, a set of ethics exists that prohibits the use of curses and negative spells against another . The acceptability of binding spells is divided, and is widely debated throughout the community.
How it works :
A major act of magick requires a ritual and a spell performed inside a properly constructed circle. The spell consists of words or incantations (sometimes called a charm or rune); the ritual is a set of actions performed while the words are being spoken. The ancient Egyptians believed words were so powerful that speaking them would bring about the desired goal. Words and names of power were vital to Egyptian magick and had to be pronounced correctly and with the proper intonation. In Western magick the ultimate name of power is the Tetragrammaton, YHWH (Yah-weh), the sacred name of God.
A spell-casting ritual raises power and energy through a combination of visualization, meditation, identification, body movement and projection of will. The success of a spell rests on the energy and will power raised, together with the skill in which they are focused and projected. Words, chants, songs, and movements, objects such as ritual tools, effigies, poppets, cords, and candles, as well as materials such as parchment, herbs, oils and others, all facilitate spell casting.
In contemporary Witchcraft spell casting is performed within a magick circle. Many covens work spells as part of their regular meetings, though each coven may use differing techniques. To start, the goal of a spell is stated and some Witches write it down. The act of writing down the goal emphasizes the positive thinking techniques and helps to bolster the will power to achieve the goal. Any preparations for the ritual are made such as lighting coloured candles or mixing herbs and oils. Each action generating energy and increasing will power concentration toward the goal.
In healing or love spell rituals, an herb filled poppet or cloth doll might be used to identify the likeness of the object of the spell. To aid the likeness, the doll may be marked with the persons name or astrological sign, or even stuffed with personal hair or nail clipping taken from the object of the spell. A photograph of the person might also be used. If a doll or poppet is not being used, then a mental image or thought form is created. If the spell is being work by a group, all must agree on the image and hold it firmly in their minds. Power and energy is then raised by various means, including: chanting, dancing, tying knots in cords or clapping hands. Drums, rattles, and the playing of music may also be used to raise power.
Witches invite higher forces to work with them in implementing a spell. This is usually some aspect of the Goddess or God together with the forces of the elements. Other deities may be called upon whose aspects best suit the nature of the spell. For instance, a money making spell might be addressed to “Math” the God of wealth and increase, similarly for a love binding spell “Aphrodite” might be called.
While performing the ritual the Witch focuses intense concentration and will power into achieving the goal, and when the psychic power and energy being raised is at its peak, it is then released and directed towards the goal while visualizing and seeing the results being accomplished. Once the spell has been completed the ritual ends with a psychic cleanup to banish and ground any remnants of psychic energy. This is normally done with the “cakes and wine” ritual, after which the deities and elements are thanked and the circle banished.
Source: http://controverscial.com/
Much Love and Light,
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Hello Everyone, I have gathered some different articles about our November Full Moon this month! Remember there will a lunar eclipse which I'm not covering in t
his but definitely write it down. :) Blessings ♥
November – Frost Moon/Snow Moon ( Courtesy of www.Witchesofthecraft.com)
November is the eleventh month of the year. Its name is derived from the Latin word for “nine,” as it was the ninth month of the Roman calendar. Its astrological sign is Scorpio, the scorpion (October 23 – November 23), a fixed water sign ruled by Pluto. November reveals signs of winter. The raw winds sweep up the valleys and over the hilltops. The wild grasses along the lanes are bleached to a tawny color. Nature is stripped to its bare essence. Now is a time of simple beauty. The trees reveal the shapes of their naked branches, and dried leaves flutter up the roads in the late autumn breeze. The spirit realm is closer to us now and more active. Dusk settles quickly. The season’s first fires glow on the hearth, and blue-gray smoke curls from the chimney. Traditional magickal activities include scrying with fire, smoke, or a magick mirror. The harvest is complete, and we gather for Thanksgiving to share the bounty-especially turkey, sweet potatoes, cranberries, and pumpkin pie. November nights are magickal. We can hear the stark voice of owl hooting from out of the woods. In the darkness, the hard frost sequins the grass and bare tree branches with a silver jacket–giving November’s Full Moon its name, the Frost Moon. To honor Her, scry into a black cauldron filled with water and one silver coin.
November - Snow Moon ( Courtesy of: elementalmagick.wetpaint.com )
With the November Moon we enter the realms of Winter. She is also known as the Dark Moon, Fog Moon, Beaver Moon, Mourning Moon, Blotmonath (Sacrifice Month), Herbistmanoth (Harvest Month), Mad Moon, Moon of Storms and Moon When Deer Shed Antlers. Goodness, so many names for just one lovely Moon!!!
Nature Spirits: subterranean faeries
Herbs: grains of paradise, verbena, betony, borage, cinquefoil. blessed thistle.
Colors: gray, sea green
Flowers: blooming cacti, chrysanthemum
Scents: cedar, cherry blossoms, hyacinth, narcissus, peppermint, lemon
Stones: topaz, hyacinth (never heard of this one, may be a typo in the book), lapis lazuli
Trees: alder, cypress
Animals: unicorn, scorpion, crocodile, jackal (last three are very much a part of Egyptian magick lore)
Birds: owl, goose, sparrow
Deities: Kali, Black Isis, Nicnevin, Hecate, Bast, Osiris, Sarasvati, Lakshmi, Skadi, Mawu
Power Flow: take root, prepare. Transformation. Strengthen communication with the god or goddess who seems closet to you.
Courtesy of: http://www.farmersalmanac.com/
Full Beaver Moon – November This was the time to set beaver traps before the swamps froze, to ensure a supply of warm winter furs. Another interpretation suggests that the name Full Beaver Moon comes from the fact that the beavers are now actively preparing for winter. It is sometimes also referred to as the Frosty Moon.
Novemeber: Snow Moon ( Courtesy of: http://www.angelfire.com/on/ wicca/MoonMagick.html )
The Snow Moon is also known as the Beaver, Mourning, or Tree Moon. This is a good time to work with abundance, properity, and the bonds of family and friendship. This is also an excellent time to use divination to get an idea of what is up ahead. Remind yourself that although winter is coming, it will not last forever. Do what you can to reduce your stress and to strengthen your bonds with family and friends. Back before the advent of grocery stores and central heating, people really counted on those bonds, which could be the difference between making it through the winter or perishing. So, know who is really there for you, and count your blessings.
November – Frost Moon/Snow Moon ( Courtesy of www.Witchesofthecraft.com)
November is the eleventh month of the year. Its name is derived from the Latin word for “nine,” as it was the ninth month of the Roman calendar. Its astrological sign is Scorpio, the scorpion (October 23 – November 23), a fixed water sign ruled by Pluto. November reveals signs of winter. The raw winds sweep up the valleys and over the hilltops. The wild grasses along the lanes are bleached to a tawny color. Nature is stripped to its bare essence. Now is a time of simple beauty. The trees reveal the shapes of their naked branches, and dried leaves flutter up the roads in the late autumn breeze. The spirit realm is closer to us now and more active. Dusk settles quickly. The season’s first fires glow on the hearth, and blue-gray smoke curls from the chimney. Traditional magickal activities include scrying with fire, smoke, or a magick mirror. The harvest is complete, and we gather for Thanksgiving to share the bounty-especially turkey, sweet potatoes, cranberries, and pumpkin pie. November nights are magickal. We can hear the stark voice of owl hooting from out of the woods. In the darkness, the hard frost sequins the grass and bare tree branches with a silver jacket–giving November’s Full Moon its name, the Frost Moon. To honor Her, scry into a black cauldron filled with water and one silver coin.
November - Snow Moon ( Courtesy of: elementalmagick.wetpaint.com )
With the November Moon we enter the realms of Winter. She is also known as the Dark Moon, Fog Moon, Beaver Moon, Mourning Moon, Blotmonath (Sacrifice Month), Herbistmanoth (Harvest Month), Mad Moon, Moon of Storms and Moon When Deer Shed Antlers. Goodness, so many names for just one lovely Moon!!!
Nature Spirits: subterranean faeries
Herbs: grains of paradise, verbena, betony, borage, cinquefoil. blessed thistle.
Colors: gray, sea green
Flowers: blooming cacti, chrysanthemum
Scents: cedar, cherry blossoms, hyacinth, narcissus, peppermint, lemon
Stones: topaz, hyacinth (never heard of this one, may be a typo in the book), lapis lazuli
Trees: alder, cypress
Animals: unicorn, scorpion, crocodile, jackal (last three are very much a part of Egyptian magick lore)
Birds: owl, goose, sparrow
Deities: Kali, Black Isis, Nicnevin, Hecate, Bast, Osiris, Sarasvati, Lakshmi, Skadi, Mawu
Power Flow: take root, prepare. Transformation. Strengthen communication with the god or goddess who seems closet to you.
Courtesy of: http://www.farmersalmanac.com/
Full Beaver Moon – November This was the time to set beaver traps before the swamps froze, to ensure a supply of warm winter furs. Another interpretation suggests that the name Full Beaver Moon comes from the fact that the beavers are now actively preparing for winter. It is sometimes also referred to as the Frosty Moon.
Novemeber: Snow Moon ( Courtesy of: http://www.angelfire.com/on/
The Snow Moon is also known as the Beaver, Mourning, or Tree Moon. This is a good time to work with abundance, properity, and the bonds of family and friendship. This is also an excellent time to use divination to get an idea of what is up ahead. Remind yourself that although winter is coming, it will not last forever. Do what you can to reduce your stress and to strengthen your bonds with family and friends. Back before the advent of grocery stores and central heating, people really counted on those bonds, which could be the difference between making it through the winter or perishing. So, know who is really there for you, and count your blessings.
Full Moon 11/28/12 in Gemini : ( Courtesy of: spellweavingpoet.com )
Moon in Gemini: Spells involving communication, public relations and travel.
Light a Communications Candle when the Moon is Waxing in Gemini. Need to learn something fast or be in 2 places at the same time? Waxing Moon in Gemini is for all communication projects and will bring friends when asked for. Spells involving communication, writing, travel & healing spells for the Heart Chakra ,arms, and hands.
And Something a little extra!
Moon Water Tonic Courtesy of Barbara Morris 2012 @ www.Moonsmuses.com
Tonic waters containing the energies of the moon embody very powerful healing benefits that bring about integral balance and wholeness throughout the body, mind and soul. Clear quartz crystal catalyzes the absorption of lunar energies as well as amplifies the healing benefits.
To Prepare Moon Water
1. Wait for a clear night, preferably on or right before the full moon. put your crystal in a clear glass and cover with one cup of purified water.
2. Check an almanac for the exact time of sundown on the day you have chosen. At sundown, place the glass out of doors in a moonlit place (cover the glass with clear plastic wrap).
3. Remove the glass at dawn. The water is now filled with lunar potency. Drink the moon water every morning to prepare your body, mind and spirit for the stress of the day.
Bright Blessings ♥

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Thanksgiving has Pagan DNA-
The beginnings of Thanksgiving go back to the Old World. The Pilgrims did not like many of the holidays of England and refused to c
elebrate even Christmas because they knew of its Pagan origins. In proclaiming a day of Thanksgiving after the crops were gathered and before winter set in, they did not know that they were acting in a Pagan tradition of 'Harvest Time Festival Celebrations'.
The first Thanksgiving Day was in the New World, but it is based on 'The Annual Harvest' of the old world and is one of the oldest holidays known that was celebrated by Pagans.
The Romans celebrated their Thanksgiving in October. In England the 'Harvest Home' has been observed continuously for centuries by Pagans. There are many other accounts of a day of thanksgiving set aside by Pagans, well before the Pilgrims started the first Thanksgiving in the new world known today as America.
Long before the Christian era, 'Harvest Gods' were worshiped and celebrated with various rites by Pagans who were giving thanks for the food and blessings.
Source: Various historical accounts, plus my own writings from my personal studies. ~BM
The first Thanksgiving Day was in the New World, but it is based on 'The Annual Harvest' of the old world and is one of the oldest holidays known that was celebrated by Pagans.
The Romans celebrated their Thanksgiving in October. In England the 'Harvest Home' has been observed continuously for centuries by Pagans. There are many other accounts of a day of thanksgiving set aside by Pagans, well before the Pilgrims started the first Thanksgiving in the new world known today as America.
Long before the Christian era, 'Harvest Gods' were worshiped and celebrated with various rites by Pagans who were giving thanks for the food and blessings.
Source: Various historical accounts, plus my own writings from my personal studies. ~BM

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!["We Are One!" <3 @[127510390611984:274:Spiritual Networks] and www.spiritualnetworks.com](http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/s480x480/15031_535611299801889_318606381_n.jpg)

Purple Candle Passion Spell
To help those who desire a passionate sexual encounter without the need for a lasting commitment.
After moonrise on the night before the full moon.
Items Needed:
1 x small drawstring pouch
1 x acorn with an intact cup
1 x open lily flower head
1 x purple candle (approximately 6")
60 x drops of grapeseed oil
3 x drops of patchouli essential oil
3 x drops of ylang-ylang essential oil
3 x droppers (sterile)
1 x oil bottle (sterile)
Matches or lighter
Casting the spell
This spell should be performed skyclad (naked).
Cast a circle.
Using a separate dropper for each oil, place the measured number of required drops into the bottle, and stir.
Anoint with a little oil, in the following order, thighs, lower abdomen, breasts, and throat.
Smear the candle (avoid the wick) with the oil mixture. Start at the top and stroke downward to the halfway point. Then start at the bottom and stroke upward to the halfway point. Repeat this three times.
Kneel and anoint the flower and the acorn, saying:
As I anoint thee now with oil
Anoint me with thy pleasure
Bring unto me with sweet desire
A taste of passion without measure
Light the candle and leave it to burn down completely.
Seal the drawstring pouch with the flower and acorn inside it.
Close the circle.
Hang the pouch on your bedpost until your wish has come true. Then bury it in the earth.
(Personal warning with spells like this:: Make sure intent is clear because its easy to get stalkers with spells like this)http://www.wiccan-world.com/ reference_s_u/spells/ love_passion_spells/ purple_candle_passion_spell.htm l
After moonrise on the night before the full moon.
Items Needed:
1 x small drawstring pouch
1 x acorn with an intact cup
1 x open lily flower head
1 x purple candle (approximately 6")
60 x drops of grapeseed oil
3 x drops of patchouli essential oil
3 x drops of ylang-ylang essential oil
3 x droppers (sterile)
1 x oil bottle (sterile)
Matches or lighter
Casting the spell
This spell should be performed skyclad (naked).
Cast a circle.
Using a separate dropper for each oil, place the measured number of required drops into the bottle, and stir.
Anoint with a little oil, in the following order, thighs, lower abdomen, breasts, and throat.
Smear the candle (avoid the wick) with the oil mixture. Start at the top and stroke downward to the halfway point. Then start at the bottom and stroke upward to the halfway point. Repeat this three times.
Kneel and anoint the flower and the acorn, saying:
As I anoint thee now with oil
Anoint me with thy pleasure
Bring unto me with sweet desire
A taste of passion without measure
Light the candle and leave it to burn down completely.
Seal the drawstring pouch with the flower and acorn inside it.
Close the circle.
Hang the pouch on your bedpost until your wish has come true. Then bury it in the earth.
(Personal warning with spells like this:: Make sure intent is clear because its easy to get stalkers with spells like this)http://www.wiccan-world.com/

Each plant, animal, rock, or other entity has a spirit
(consciousness resonance matrix). These spirits can join
together in a hive-mind as a spirit of an area. Nature spirits
include real biological intelligences, are psychically powerful,
and much less abstract and controllable than the Elementals that
many magical people who perform all of their rituals indoors are
familiar with. They can be extremely powerful allies. It is
possible to sense nature spirits, to determine if they are
receptive to a ritual planned, and to have them actively
participate in magical workings, if they are.
Spectacular physical manifestations can happen when working with
nature spirits in the wild. I have personally seen actual
foxfire mark the boundaries of a magic circle at a location that
was identified as a receptive power spot and attuned to a
planned ritual the day before. I have seen more than one site
attuned for ritual be dry and comfortable, with a round hole in
the clouds overhead, on days that were cold and rainy at other
locations. Birds have joined in rituals, flying around the
circle when energy is being raised; and insects, birds and
animals have also joined in chants. In addition, the wind may
respond to invocations. Generally these spectacular
manifestations happen unexpectedly.
With or without such manifestations, nature spirits often will
channel tremendous amounts of power into the magic being
performed. It is suggested that you do not consciously try for
specific manifestations. Let Nature channel her power into the
magic in her own way. If approached with respect, nature may
give you many pleasant surprises.
Spectacular physical manifestations are not a necessary sign of
success. If you need a spectacular manifestation and nature
spirits know this, you will get it. The best success in magic is
on the inner plane and more subtle than such manifestations.
This success involves beneficial transformations in consciousness
that last and helpful chains of synchronicity in your life. In
addition, working with Nature Spirits can also bring a deep sense
of partnership with Nature, and bring new levels of attunement.
Nature spirit attunement to find suitable power spots and to get
the help of friendly nature spirits that are performed several
hours to several days before the main ritual get the best
results. This gives Nature time to gather her children and to
prepare to actively participate in the main ritual.
If nature spirits are approached with disrespect, by attempting
to command rather than listening to them and inviting them to
work with you, nature spirits may flee, rebel, or attack. I once
attended a ritual by some pseudo-Crowlyites who attempted to
perform the "Ritual of the Barbarous Names" at a power spot in a
forest and then to extend the circle several hundred yards in all
While the forest in general had loud insect and frog noises, the
area at which the ritual took place got quiet immediately when
the main ritualist declared that all spirits were subject unto
him. The vibes from nature could best be characterized as "Oh
yea, Mother...!" One participant was quickly possessed by an
angry spirit and kept repeating "You killed my children, your
children will never live in peace." When the priestess stepped
out of the boundaries of the original circle, she was attacked by
bees; and bees covered the Book of the Law. Magicians should
know better than to attempt to command spirits whose true names
they do not know!
To make the most out of working magical ritual in the wild, one
should find power spots where nature spirits are receptive to the
ritual planned and approach the spirits with respect, as equals.
In my experience, the most effective power spots for working with
the living intelligences of nature are located in wild areas with
diverse active ecologies.
When entering a wild area to find a site for a ritual, find a
place that feels good. Then do the following, either
individually or, if in a group, as a guided meditation.
o Relax while standing upright and focus on your breathing.
Breathe deep breaths from the diaphragm. Breathe together if
in a group.
- Feel the wind and let it relax you and awaken your spirit
within, as your deep breathing takes you into non-ordinary
- Picture in your mind's eye a light inside you. As you
breathe, feel the light expand, purify and energize you - as
it expands to fill your aura.
- Feel yourself glowing, balanced, purified and full of power.
- Connect with your inner self (your higher self) and feel your
intuitive self operating.
o Feel yourself as:
- The wind, full of life and intelligence, communicating with
all round.
- The Sunlight, warm, alive, channeling the power to
communicate with nature and energizing all around.
- Water, emotional, intuitive, refreshing and connected with
- The Earth, and note how your physical body is able to wander
while remaining part of Mother Earth.
o Focus on your spiritual self, and
- Note the light within and feel it as love,
- Expand the light and love beyond the immediate aura of your
body to the surrounding area - where you will go to find a
power spot.
o Telepathically (by thinking while channeling the love and light
energy) send out signals to nature spirits to emerge and be
aware of your presence.
- Say why you have come and invite them to join in sharing,
mutual celebration, and the work you intend.
- Visualize the light and love energy you are channeling
extending out and merging with the light from distant places.
- Feel the power of the Earth flowing up through your body and
- Feel the power from the sky, and channel this power also to
further energize the carrier signal of light and love for
communicating with nature.
- Visualize the light expanding and merging.
- Continue to send out telepathic signals.
o Now go deeper.
- Close your eyes, sit on the Earth, and feel your connection
while you channel more light and love.
- Continue modulating the light and love with your thoughts -
inviting receptive spirits to join with you and make
themselves known.
- If in a group, someone should start playing a drum at a rate
of about one beat per second, and you should listen to the
drum and let the drum take you deeper.
- Affirm that you are a nature magician, a medicine person, who
knows and communicates with nature. Let this part of
yourself emerge to full consciousness. Let the drum and the
connection to your inner self awaken that part of yourself
that naturally communicates with other life forms. Let it
Article Source: http://www.spells4free.com/
(consciousness resonance matrix). These spirits can join
together in a hive-mind as a spirit of an area. Nature spirits
include real biological intelligences, are psychically powerful,
and much less abstract and controllable than the Elementals that
many magical people who perform all of their rituals indoors are
familiar with. They can be extremely powerful allies. It is
possible to sense nature spirits, to determine if they are
receptive to a ritual planned, and to have them actively
participate in magical workings, if they are.
Spectacular physical manifestations can happen when working with
nature spirits in the wild. I have personally seen actual
foxfire mark the boundaries of a magic circle at a location that
was identified as a receptive power spot and attuned to a
planned ritual the day before. I have seen more than one site
attuned for ritual be dry and comfortable, with a round hole in
the clouds overhead, on days that were cold and rainy at other
locations. Birds have joined in rituals, flying around the
circle when energy is being raised; and insects, birds and
animals have also joined in chants. In addition, the wind may
respond to invocations. Generally these spectacular
manifestations happen unexpectedly.
With or without such manifestations, nature spirits often will
channel tremendous amounts of power into the magic being
performed. It is suggested that you do not consciously try for
specific manifestations. Let Nature channel her power into the
magic in her own way. If approached with respect, nature may
give you many pleasant surprises.
Spectacular physical manifestations are not a necessary sign of
success. If you need a spectacular manifestation and nature
spirits know this, you will get it. The best success in magic is
on the inner plane and more subtle than such manifestations.
This success involves beneficial transformations in consciousness
that last and helpful chains of synchronicity in your life. In
addition, working with Nature Spirits can also bring a deep sense
of partnership with Nature, and bring new levels of attunement.
Nature spirit attunement to find suitable power spots and to get
the help of friendly nature spirits that are performed several
hours to several days before the main ritual get the best
results. This gives Nature time to gather her children and to
prepare to actively participate in the main ritual.
If nature spirits are approached with disrespect, by attempting
to command rather than listening to them and inviting them to
work with you, nature spirits may flee, rebel, or attack. I once
attended a ritual by some pseudo-Crowlyites who attempted to
perform the "Ritual of the Barbarous Names" at a power spot in a
forest and then to extend the circle several hundred yards in all
While the forest in general had loud insect and frog noises, the
area at which the ritual took place got quiet immediately when
the main ritualist declared that all spirits were subject unto
him. The vibes from nature could best be characterized as "Oh
yea, Mother...!" One participant was quickly possessed by an
angry spirit and kept repeating "You killed my children, your
children will never live in peace." When the priestess stepped
out of the boundaries of the original circle, she was attacked by
bees; and bees covered the Book of the Law. Magicians should
know better than to attempt to command spirits whose true names
they do not know!
To make the most out of working magical ritual in the wild, one
should find power spots where nature spirits are receptive to the
ritual planned and approach the spirits with respect, as equals.
In my experience, the most effective power spots for working with
the living intelligences of nature are located in wild areas with
diverse active ecologies.
When entering a wild area to find a site for a ritual, find a
place that feels good. Then do the following, either
individually or, if in a group, as a guided meditation.
o Relax while standing upright and focus on your breathing.
Breathe deep breaths from the diaphragm. Breathe together if
in a group.
- Feel the wind and let it relax you and awaken your spirit
within, as your deep breathing takes you into non-ordinary
- Picture in your mind's eye a light inside you. As you
breathe, feel the light expand, purify and energize you - as
it expands to fill your aura.
- Feel yourself glowing, balanced, purified and full of power.
- Connect with your inner self (your higher self) and feel your
intuitive self operating.
o Feel yourself as:
- The wind, full of life and intelligence, communicating with
all round.
- The Sunlight, warm, alive, channeling the power to
communicate with nature and energizing all around.
- Water, emotional, intuitive, refreshing and connected with
- The Earth, and note how your physical body is able to wander
while remaining part of Mother Earth.
o Focus on your spiritual self, and
- Note the light within and feel it as love,
- Expand the light and love beyond the immediate aura of your
body to the surrounding area - where you will go to find a
power spot.
o Telepathically (by thinking while channeling the love and light
energy) send out signals to nature spirits to emerge and be
aware of your presence.
- Say why you have come and invite them to join in sharing,
mutual celebration, and the work you intend.
- Visualize the light and love energy you are channeling
extending out and merging with the light from distant places.
- Feel the power of the Earth flowing up through your body and
- Feel the power from the sky, and channel this power also to
further energize the carrier signal of light and love for
communicating with nature.
- Visualize the light expanding and merging.
- Continue to send out telepathic signals.
o Now go deeper.
- Close your eyes, sit on the Earth, and feel your connection
while you channel more light and love.
- Continue modulating the light and love with your thoughts -
inviting receptive spirits to join with you and make
themselves known.
- If in a group, someone should start playing a drum at a rate
of about one beat per second, and you should listen to the
drum and let the drum take you deeper.
- Affirm that you are a nature magician, a medicine person, who
knows and communicates with nature. Let this part of
yourself emerge to full consciousness. Let the drum and the
connection to your inner self awaken that part of yourself
that naturally communicates with other life forms. Let it
Article Source: http://www.spells4free.com/

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