(star coven of wicca and wpa Open Group claims no rights to this artwork/links, or any on our page. If this work belongs to you and you would like for us to remove it, please contact us and we will certainly do so. Being a non-profit educational site, we operate, under the Fair Use rule of the US Copyright Law - please refer to the page information for full details. Blessings!)
and subsidiaries(Norton/McGowan Clan, American Council of Witches)
Hurricane turned Superstorm Sandy caused much destruction along the East Coast of the USA when it hit on Monday, October 29, 2012. Many places and millions of people are still dealing with its impact.
Visit our Circle Healing Circle page on Facebook and learn about ways to help:
Send spiritual support through meditations, rituals, prayers, and other workings to those who have been harmed and to those doing disaster relief. Join in this Pentacle of Lights ritual of healing, remembrance, and relief:
Network. Share this email and links with others. Post words of comfort and support on social networking sites for those impacted and those doing relief.
Circle Times & Healing Circle: Monday, November 5, 2012
Saturday, November 10
9:30 am – 5 pm. Free.
Help with indoor & outdoor projects including winterizing the buildings, wood cutting, trail work, and more in the morning and afternoon.
There will be a midday potluck feast, and a Veterans Day Circle from 3-4 pm to honor Pagan US Military Veterans and those on active duty. If you are a Pagan Veteran planning to attend the afternoon Circle, let us know about your branch of the military and dates of service so we can include you in the honoring part of the rite.
We will also be accepting donations for Operation Circle Care during the day on Saturday. For more information about Operation Circle Care visit https://www.circlesanctuary.org/index.php/military-ministries/operation-circle-care.html
Please RSVP if you plan to attend part or all of the day: events@circlesanctuary.org or call 608-924-2216.
Circle Times & Order of the Pentacle: Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Help OPERATION CIRCLE CARE: Support for Pagan Troops
For the sixth year in a row Circle Sanctuary will be sending pentacles, CDs, incense, copies of CIRCLE Magazine and other items in Yuletide gift packages as spiritual support to Wiccan/Pagan service members stationed overseas and on deployment.
Last year, we were proud to send packages to service members stationed in countries such as Afghanistan, Kuwait, Germany, Oman, Djibouti and to sailors & marines at sea around the world.
What has always made the Operation Circle Care (OCC) project so special is its personal touch. Operation Circle Care contents are always made up of personal gifts donated by the Pagan individuals and groups across the USA.
Ways to Help!
(1) SEND US CONTACTS: Know US Military Pagans serving overseas or on deployment? Please send us their contact info or have them be in touch so that we can send them a Yuletide gifts package.
Please send us contact info right away and before Tuesday, November 20th to ensure we have time to get a package sent out before the US Postal Service shipping deadline. Names received after November 20th will receive packages in January 2013. We keep contact info private.
(2) SEND ITEMS: Please visit our web page at http://tiny.cc/operationcirclecare to view the recommended list of items to consider donating. In particular, please consider donating:
• Pentacle Pendants and other Pagan related Jewelry,
• Divination items (Tarot, Runes, etc.),
• Small God/Goddess Symbols
• Stones
• Pagan Music CDs
• Handmade small craft items
• New Pagan related books
• Personal Care Items
Please contact the coordinators at occ@circlesanctuary.org to obtain the address to ship or mail donated items to.
(3) DONATE FUNDS: In addition to contributions of items, funds are needed to help us cover postage, shipping and other costs related to supporting our Pagan Military members. For example, it costs us $13.45 in postage per package to ship by priority air mail overseas.
Donate On-line: to our Operation Circle Care fund with a credit card at our secure on-line site. Please donate in the column on the right under “Special Fund Donations” and use the drop down box to choose “Operation Circle Care”: http://www.circlesanctuary.org/donate
Donate By Postal Mail: Send a check or money order, payable to Circle Sanctuary - OCC to: Operation Circle Care, Circle Sanctuary, PO Box 9, Barneveld, WI 53507
Operation Circle Care:
Contact David & Jeanet Ewing, Operation Circle Care coordinatorsocc@circlesanctuary.org
Circle Sanctuary's Military Ministries is on-line:http://www.circlesanctuary.org/ministries/military
Circle Sanctuary Press Release: Thursday, November 9, 2012
Join Circle Sanctuary in celebrating Veterans Day this weekend & honoring Military Pagans and their families!
* EXPRESS THANKS - to Pagan Veterans through phone calls, face-to-face conversations, and emails -- and with posts to the Pagan Military Association Facebook page.https://www.facebook.com/PaganMilitaryAssociation
* SUPPORT TROOPS - share names of Pagans on active duty in the US Armed Forces in Afghanistan and overseas who may want to receive a Yuletide care package from our Operation Circle Care this year. Donations of items and funds for this program are also welcome.http://www.circlesanctuary.org/ministries/military/operationcirclecare.html
* LISTEN - to Pagan Warrior Radio's annual Veterans Day program on internet radio on Saturday night, November 10 from 8-9 pm central. We will be celebrating the one year anniversary of Pagan Warrior Radio, a weekly radio ministry serving Military Pagans, their families and supporters.https://www.circlesanctuary.org/index.php/military-ministries/pagan-warrior-radio.html
* ATTEND - Veterans Day events, such as the Veterans Day Circle at Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve near Barneveld, Wisconsin at 3 pm on Saturday, November 10 and the Warrior Blessing Ritual at Fort Gordon in Georgia at 2 pm on Sunday, November 11. More details:circle@circlesanctuary.org and at:https://www.circlesanctuary.org/index.php/eventdetail/28/veterans-day-circle
* CELEBRATE - visualize the Pagan Military Service Ribbon as you take part in personal and/or community Veterans Day observances and use it as a focus to spiritually express appreciation to Pagan veterans and troops. If you are a Pagan who has served or is serving in the US Military and would like to receive one via an upcoming face-to-face ritual or internet radio ceremony, please fill out the form at this site as soon as possible. https://circlesanctuary.org/index.php/military-ministries/pagan-military-service-ribbon.html
* LEARN MORE - about Circle Sanctuary Military Ministries.http://www.circlesanctuary.org/ministries/military/
Circle Networking News: Friday, November 9, 2012
Circle Sanctuary | PO Box 9 | Barneveld, WI 53507
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Halloween Sale Ends Tomorrow
Time is running out to take advantage of our Howl-o-ween Sale, so hurry up and get your order in before midnight tomorrow! If you buy ANY custom pet ID tag from our website you can get a second tag of your choice for 50% off.
You can choose any one of the hundreds of designs we have available or you can get creative and use your own photos or artwork to create a unique tag for your furry friend. Just place 2 tags in your shopping cart and use the code below at checkout to get one of your tags at the 50% off sale price. What are you waiting for? A deal this spooktacular does not come along often.
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You Can Heal Your Life Conference—Las Vegas
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Click Here to Register Early and Save — Only $100! (save $50)
Early registration price expires on Dec. 12, 2012

4:20 pm - 6:00 pm :: DR. WAYNE W. DYER
Wishes Fulfilled: Master the Art of Manifesting
This lecture is dedicated to your mastery of the art of realizing all your desires. The greatest gift you have been given is the gift of your imagination. Everything that now exists was once imagined. And everything that will ever exist must first be imagined. Wishes Fulfilled is designed to take you on a voyage of discovery, wherein you can begin to tap into the amazing manifesting powers that you possess within you and create a life in which all that you imagine for yourself becomes a present fact. Dr. Wayne W. Dyer explores the region of your highest self; and definitively shows you how you can truly change your concept of yourself, embark upon a God-realized way of living, and fulfill the spiritual truth that with God all things are possible-and "all things" means that nothing is left out.
By practicing the specific technique for retraining your subconscious mind, you are encouraged to not only place into your imagination what you would like to manifest for yourself, but you are given the specifics for realigning your life so you can live out your highest calling and stay connected to your Source of being. From the lofty perspective of your highest self, you will learn how to train your imagination in a new way. Your wishes-all of them-can indeed be fulfilled.
View Full Program Here
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Letters To Louise
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Through My Eyes
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More Than Just Sex
Ali Campbell
Kindle | Nook
Beating Bipolar
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Kindle | Nook
Yes/No: Life Can Be So Simple
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Joining Forces
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Kindle | Nook
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The deck consists of 22 beautifully illustrated cards, one for each of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Each letter is represented by a specific story or character from the Bible, and a life lesson or meditation based on that story from a kabalistic perspective. Deepak Chopra and his co-authors explain how Kabala fits into the context of other spiritual traditions, and how it can be used by any seeker from any faith.

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Inspirational Parenting
Kate Miller, Balboa Press author
Nov 14, 2012 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
For the past twenty years Kate has worked with people of all ages... from four to ninety four... and there is a common golden thread within each and every one of us. We are all seeking to EXPAND, to touch the sky and feel our unique spark become a giant flame. You’ll learn how embracing uniqueness offers insight into the importance of supporting that flame, even when you are challenged by understanding its purpose. Kate will also share her story of judgments and the lesson she still carries with her today.

A Change of Habit: 7 Secrets to Guilt-Free Living
Patty Kogutek, Balboa Press author
Nov 15, 2012 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
This course is a call to action enabling you to break through the ties of guilt that can often bind you in your daily life, influencing everything from simple minor decisions to major life choices. This Live Online Event will help you discover knowledge and skills to honestly and continuously reflect on your own situations to promote and protect your happiness. By making this introspection your habit you will be able to enjoy your life—guilt free.

The Only Thing that Matters
Neale Donald Walsch
Nov 28, 2012 | 4:00pm - 6:00pm Pacific
Ninety-eight percent of the people on this planet are spending 98% of their time on things that don’t matter. Wouldn’t you like to find out how to be part of the 2% who are showing up as the grandest and greatest version of themselves? Spend an evening with Neale as he shares his unique insights to help you on the sacred journey that we are all embarking upon—and find fulfillment and peace in our soul’s search for divinity. As an added bonus, when you purchase this Live Online Event, you’ll also receive: • A FREE copy of Neale’s new book, The Only Thing That Matters • A bonus 90-minute video lecture from Neale's recent appearance at the I Can Do It Conference in Sydney, Australia • A downloadable audio interview with Neale!

Self-Hypnosis and Subliminal Technology
Eldon Taylor
Nov 29, 2012 | 4:00pm - 6:00pm Pacific
Everybody has some character trait they would like to change, and there are many techniques available to facilitate these changes. Join Eldon Taylor on your own self-improvement exploration using the tools in this two-hour Live Online Event, book and the accompanying CD. As an added bonus, when you purchase this Live Online Event, you'll receive a FREE copy of Eldon's new book, Self-Hypnosis and Subliminal Technology: A How-to Guide for Personal-Empowerment Tools You Can Use Anywhere!

F**k It Therapy: The Profane Way to Profound Happiness! (4-Lesson Series)
John Parkin
Lesson 2: Nov 12, 2012 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 3: Nov 19, 2012 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 4: Nov 26, 2012 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Just saying 'F**k It' is therapeutic. F**k It Therapy works its magic in many ways: helping people to relax, let go, do what they love and create a wonderful, abundant life. In this special online course, you can access John’s F**k It wisdom from the comfort of your own home for the first time. John will combine teaching (in his trademark humorous style), relaxing guided meditations, simple but powerful exercises and also work with live questions from participants, to give you the means to benefit from F**k It Therapy in your life.

Become a Certified Specialist in the Book of Life: Delving into the Akashic Records! (4-Lesson Series)
Deborah King
Lesson 3: Nov 13, 2012 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 4: Nov 27, 2012 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
We are drawing ever nearer to the mystical date of this winter solstice—12/21/12, the final date of the Mayan Calendar. As we approach the end of the world “as we know it,” according to the Mayan seers, you have the opportunity to join with Deborah King and delve into the Akashic Records. Find out what those records have to say about who you really are and your purpose for being alive during this major period of transition. Plus, you can become a Certified Specialist in the "Book of Life."
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The Kahuna and I
Victoria Kapuni
On Demand Audio Stream or Download
The Kahuna and I is a love story of two people who find each other in the autumn of their lives. Through this story, Balboa Press author, Victoria Kapuni, shares healing and spiritual knowledge so that their awakening and discovering of their spiritual path might help others. Perhaps the most difficult to learn is to live without fear. We have so many fears during these material lives here on earth—the fear of death being the biggest one. Free yourself from fear. Actualize the spiritual potential within each of you and become the great spiritual beings that we are.

Lessons for Living Beyond the Ego
David Mutchler
On Demand Audio Stream or Download
This On Demand event brings you all the benefit of Dr. David Mutchler’s live weekend seminars and all four books—from the comfort of your own home! The event is specifically designed to help you move your spiritual knowledge from your head to your heart where on a daily basis it becomes a permanent and fundamental part of who you are—how you think, feel, and behave. It is an experiential program that is a catalyst for spiritual transformation where it actually brings you more peace rather than clutter your head with more and more information.

Angel Card Readings (4-Lesson Series)
Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine
On Demand Download
Oracle Cards are the easiest way to get clear answers, especially if you’re stressed, worried, or sensitive to the energies of this complicated world. In this first-time-ever online course, Doreen Virtue and Angel Tarot Card co-author Radleigh Valentine will personally walk you through the process of giving yourself and others accurate, gentle, and safe oracle card readings.

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Dr. Joe Dispenza
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By the time we are 35 years old, we unconsciously live by a set of memorized behaviors, thoughts, beliefs, perceptions and emotional reactions that run like automatic computer programs behind the scenes of our conscious awareness—in which the body has been conditioned to be the mind. This ground-breaking online course from best-selling author Dr. Joe Dispenza will show you that in order to change, you must be greater than the body. Learn proven skills to help focus your attention, move into a new state of being and rewrite your automatic habits, attitudes, and other unwanted subconscious programs to create the life you want to live!

Become Your Own Astrologer: How to Use Your Chart to Create a Life You Love (5-Lesson Series)
Ophira Edut and Tali Edut
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In this online course, renowned astrologers Tali and Ophira Edut (The AstroTwins)—columnists for Elle.com and TV Guide, and authors of several astrology books—will teach you how to unlock your cosmic code, guiding you through the essentials of astrological chart interpretation. With a mission to "bring the stars down to Earth," The AstroTwins teach you the practical basics, so you can use astrology as a tool in your daily life, simplifying your decisions.

Energy Breakthrough: Seven Simple Steps That Could Change Everything! (4-Lesson Series)
Sandra Anne Taylor
On Demand Download
This is the first time that Sandra Taylor reveals the Seven Steps of Active Patterning, an amazingly easy and direct process that can completely reroute the direction of your life. Through a comprehensive and unique approach, this fascinating and unbelievably simple single step of energy decoding and redirection, could be just the thing you need to change everything! Join Sandra as she illuminates the Seven Breakthrough forces that, once engaged in, will create an entirely new lifestyle for you. These are the "missing links" to the process of success, and you can locate their energy and re-awaken to their power in your life.

God Is My Publicist: How to Manifest Media for Your Message (3-Lesson Series)
Gabrielle Bernstein
On Demand Download
In this three-part series, PR and personal development expert Gabrielle Bernstein shares her practical and spiritual tools for creating a powerful publicity campaign. Join Gabrielle as she demystifies the publicity process and shows you how to infuse the spirit of intention, service and love into everything you do and create miracles when it comes to media. As a bonus you will receive: A FREE compilation of seven 10-minute instructional videos on how to create a spiritual publicity plan and an hour and a half live lecture video from Gabrielle's God is My Publicist talk.

Meals that Heal! (3-Lesson Series)
Julie Daniluk
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Join leading nutritionist and co-host of TV's Healthy Gourmet Julie Daniluk and learn delicious ways to eat that will result in a balanced, happy and vibrant life while discovering how to heal your body, mind and spirit by embracing wholesome anti-inflammatory super foods. It's healthy gourmet, every day!
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Meditations For Peace of Mind
Bernie S. Siegel, M.D.
Audio CD
$10.95 → $5.00

Gabrielle Bernstein
Audio CD
$9.95 → $5.00


Crazy Sexy Kitchen
Kris Carr
$29.95 → $20.00

The Looneyspoons Collection
Janet and Greta Podleski
$29.95 → $20.00


Power Thought Cards
Louise L. Hay
Card Deck
$15.95 → $5.00

The Secrets of an Inspirational (In-Spirit) Life
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
6-CD Set
$45.00 → $5.00


101 Ways To Romance
Barbara DeAngelis, Ph.D.
$9.95 → $1.00

Healing With The Angels Oracle Cards
Doreen Virtue
Card Deck
$15.95 → $5.00


Juicy Living, Juicy Aging
Loretta LaRoche
$19.95 → $10.00

The Science of Miracles
Gregg Braden
$24.95 → $10.00


Secrets of Meditation
$15.95 → $8.00

Pushing Upward
Andrea Adler
$15.95 → $10.00

View all of the titles in theHoliday Gift Guide

Top 5 best-selling eBooks:

Dying To Be Me
Anita Moorjani
Kindle | Nook
iBooks | Sony

Wishes Fulfilled
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Kindle | Nook
iBooks | Sony

R. Kelly
Kindle | Nook
iBooks | Sony

The Hunter/Farmer Diet Solution
Mark Liponis, M.D.
Kindle | Nook
iBooks | Sony

Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself
Joe Dispenza, D.C.
Kindle | Nook
iBooks | Sony
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ENHANCED eBOOKS with Audio/Video Content
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For the Sender
Alex Woodard
Kindle | Nook

Tapping Into Ultimate Success
Jack Canfield and Pamela Bruner
Kindle | Nook

The Power of Intention
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Kindle | Nook

The Shift
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Kindle | Nook

You Can Heal Your Life
Louise L. Hay
Kindle | Nook

Dying To Be Me
Anita Moorjani
Kindle | Nook

The Storm Before the Calm
Neale Donald Walsch
Kindle | Nook
* Audio/Video content may not work on all eReaders.


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From Patti Wigington, your Guide to Paganism / Wiccan
We've wrapped up the Samhain season, it's the beginning of a new spiritual year, and we're moving into the time when the land lies dormant. For many of us, this is a good time to hunker down, stay warm, and do some learning and growing. Today, we're going back to basics, and we're going to look at some of the simplest aspects of Pagan studies. Bear in mind that some of what is discussed will have a NeoWiccan slant, some will be more Pagan in theme. Take whichever information that applies best to you and your path, and use it well.
Follow Pagan/Wiccan on Twitter or Join Me On Facebook.
Basic Principles and Concepts of Modern Wiccan
There's an old saying that if you ask any ten Wiccans about their religion, you'll get at least fifteen different answers. That's not far from the truth, because with nearly half a million Americans practicing Wicca today, there are dozens -- perhaps even hundreds -- of different Wiccan groups out there. There is no one governing body over Wicca, nor is there a "Bible" that lays down a universal set of guidelines. While specifics vary from one tradition to the next, there are actually a few ideals and beliefs common to nearly all modern Wiccan groups.Read Full Article
Wicca, Witchcraft or Paganism?
If you're reading this page, chances are you're either a Wiccan or Pagan, or you're someone who's interested in learning more about the modern Pagan movement. You may be a parent who's curious about what your child is reading, or you might be someone who is unsatisfied with the spiritual path you're on right now. Perhaps you're seeking something more than what you've had in the past. Are you wondering about the differences between witchcraft, Wicca, and Paganism? Read Full Article
Your Magical Tools
When people first discover Paganism or Wicca, they often rush to go buy every single magical tool they can find. After all, the books tell us to buy this, that, and the kitchen sink, so you better hustle on over to Ye Local Wytchy Shoppe and get stuff! But once you get it, what do you DO with it? Read Full Article
The Eight Pagan Sabbats
The eight sabbats form the foundation of many modern Pagan traditions. Let's look at when the sabbats fall, how they are celebrated, and the rich history behind each of them. Read Full Article
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Patti Wigington
Paganism / Wiccan Guide
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Every thought that you think is vibrating at a very personal frequency . . . and by the powerful Law of Attraction (the essence of that which is like unto itself, is drawn), that thought is now attracting another thought that is its Vibrational Match. And now, those combined thoughts are vibrating at a frequency that is higher than the thought that came before; and they will now, by the Law of Attraction, attract another and another and another, until eventually the thoughts will be powerful enough to attract a "real life" situation or manifestation.
~ Abraham

Winter is Coming get prepared with some winter sore throat "tea".... In a jar, combine lemon slices, organic honey and sliced ginger. Close jar and put it in the fridge, it will form into a "jelly". To serve: Spoon jelly into mug and pour boiling water over it. Store in fridge 2-3 months.

Where in the world would you go to find a vampire coven?
Find out at http://TwilightWorldMap.com/ & add your photo to the map to help unlock a special video!

Today marks one month since a brutal attack on 14-year-old Pakistani education activist Malala Yousufzai left her hospitalised.
UN Special Envoy for Global Education Gordon Brown is meeting with President of Pakistan to discuss making education a reality for all children.
You too can speak out in support of Malala. Send a message to her and other students in Pakistan that you stand with them -->http://bit.ly/supportmalala

1/1 cup butter or margarine
1/2 cup sugar
2 large eggs
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 cup milk
5 tablespoons rum, divided
3 tablespoons sugar
BEAT butter st medium speed with an electric mixer until creamy. Add 1/2 cup sugar, beating well. Add eggs, one at a time beating just until blended after each addition.
COMBINE flour and next four ingredients. Combine milk and 3 tablespoons rum. Add flour mixture to butter mixture , alternately with milk mixture, beginning and ending with flour mixture. Beat at low speed until blended after each addition.
SPOON into greased muffin pans, filling three-fourths full.
BAKE at 375F for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden. Remove from pans immediatly, place them on a wire rack.
COMBINE remaining 2 tablespoons rum and 3 tablespoons sugar in a small saucepan; cook over low heat, stirring constantly until sugar dissolves. Brush over warm muffins.
Southern Living C.1996
Enoy everyone!
Dans l'amour et la lumiere,
Lady Angelique

Michael Spears is an American actor. Spears was born in Lower Brulé Reservation to Native American parents. He is a member of the Sicangu Lakota (often called “Sioux”) Lower Brule Tribe of South Dakota. Learn more http://bit.ly/RMAp5X #NativeActors #NativeNovember

This was captured back in '09 I think... memory is a little hazy. To begin with I only notice what appeared to be antlers coming from my head, only to realise that I had the C Man, himself, standing next to me... :)

Eggnog Shortbread Cookies
(Heavily adapted from The Joy of Baking's Shortbread Cookies)
- 1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened
- 1/4 cup powdered sugar
- 1/2 cup brown sugar, packed
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1-1/2 teaspoons rum extract
- 1 egg yolk
- 1-1/2 cups all purpose flour
- 1/2 cup corn starch
- 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon dutch process cocoa powder
- 1 cup powdered sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- milk, cream, or water
- In a medium bowl cream butter until smooth and creamy. Add sugars and cream together for another minute, until smooth.
- Add the egg yolk, vanilla, and rum and beat until incorporated well.
- Add the flour, corn starch, nutmeg, and salt and mix until just combined.
- Scoop out 1/2 cup of the dough into a small bowl and add the cocoa, mix until combined.
- One a large piece of parchment paper, dump the larger portion of dough into a mound in the middle, and flatten into approximately a 10x6 inch rectangle (10 long and 6 wide).
- Place the cocoa mixture on top of the dough square and smooth over it in as even a layer as possible.
- Using the parchment, grasp the paper nearest to you with two hands and fold the parchment away from you slowly, so that the dough starts rolling onto itself. Continue to pull the paper away from you until the dough has been completely rolled into a tight log. Carefully peel back the parchment so the dough log is now sitting in the middle. Take a large piece of saran wrap and drape it over the top of the dough log and carefully pick it up and roll it up in the saran wrap, sealing the dough. Twist the ends tightly so that it is a uniform log.
- Place in freezer for 30 minutes to firm up. After 30 minutes they can be take out for baking. If you want to keep the dough frozen for another time, wrap it in one more piece of saran wrap and place in a ziploc bag and store in the freezer.
- To Bake: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
- Remove cookies from freezer. Peel back saran wrap and slice into approximately 1/4 to 1/3 inch wide disks and place on prepared cookie sheet two inches apart. If it is still to soft, place back in freezer until firm enough to slice.
- Bake for 10-12 minutes or until just slightly browned. Cool on a wire rack.
- To make glaze: Mix the sugar, vanilla, and enough milk, cream, or water to create a glazed of desired consistency. Drizzle over cookies once they are cool.
![Swallow’s Nest Castle in Crimea, Ukraine
Join us -> @[273216142791023:274:Amazing Places of the World]](http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/s480x480/536389_300858330026804_1111946168_n.jpg)

Lavender Honey Bath
Mix 3 teaspoons of natural Lavender and 3 tablespoons of natural honey. Mix them together well and allow them to set for several hours. (Over night is great)
Put the mixture into a cloth bad and add it to your bath for a relaxing bath for the spirit.
* For those who make the Lavender Honey. You just take Lavender flowers after draining them from the Honey put them in cloth bag and add it to your bath for calming and comforting bath.
Author Lady Abigail: Information via Witch of the Old World Book of Herbs by: Lady Abigail on CD. All rights reserved under the US copyright laws and statues. Copyright © 12312011. For more information or see to purchase see: The Glass Witch Magick Shoppe: http:// www.theglasswitchmagickshoppe.c om/product/ witch-of-the-old-world-cd-book- of-herbs-by-lady-abigail
* Because we have to: The Don't be Stupid Clause or Disclaimer ... If you are allergic to this herb don’t use it.

![<3 <3 <3 Join us at @[489065647785257:274:Dog Stories]](http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/s480x480/308706_508002642558224_678874914_n.jpg)

Lavender Honey
I make this every year. Made of honey allows it to keep for nearly ever. In the winter it is an amazing touch of spring for all the senses when added to tea and biscuits on a snowy morning.
You’ll Need;
3 Cup Lavender
3 Cup pure mild Honey
3 Drops of pure Vanilla
1 Jar with lid
You can do this on the stove or in the microwave.
Put the Lavender into the jar, it must big enough to hold all the Lavender and Honey.
In a pan or warm the Honey and Vanilla until just hot, it will become very thin but do not let it boil.
Pour the Honey into the jar over the Lavender.
Close the jar up tight and put it in a dark place for 9 days.
Now you will have to warm it up the entire mixture again and just to very hot not a boil.
Pour the mixture through a strainer with a coffee filter in it to remove all the Lavender from the Honey. It may take a while for it all to strain through.
Once the Honey is separated from the Lavender put the Honey into a clean sealing container.
Enjoy the Honey in any way you wish and the added benefits of chastity are nice.
Author Lady Abigail: Information via Witch of the Old World Book of Herbs by: Lady Abigail on CD. All rights reserved under the US copyright laws and statues. Copyright © 12312011. For more information or see to purchase see: The Glass Witch Magick Shoppe: http:// www.theglasswitchmagickshoppe.c om/product/ witch-of-the-old-world-cd-book- of-herbs-by-lady-abigail
* Because we have to: The Don't be Stupid Clause or Disclaimer ... If you are allergic to this herb don’t use it.

Ran, the Norse Sea Goddess ~ Lord Phaphos
https://www.facebook.com/ UNWANTEDPETS
This is going to be a page where we will focus on shelter animals on death row in the Los Angeles Area. We do not take pledges and we do not personally pull these animals from the shelter. This is just a place to highlight shelter animals that people don't know are even alive. Please if you can...
Page: 658 like this
http:// homesteadsurvival.blogspot.com/ 2012/07/peppermint-oil.html
Star Douglass and Penny Jensen McInelly shared a link.

Herbal witch cleansing bottles
To make an herbal cleansing bottle, pour a layer of sand in a large clear bottle.
Add layers of dried herbs, one at a time: first rosemary; then lemon peel, sage, cedar, black peppercorns, lavender, dill, bay leaf, and rowan.
When the bottle is full, focus cleansing protective energy into the herbs and sand, and see a golden light radiating from the bottle. Visualize the herbs driving away negative influences.
Cork and seal the bottle with white wax (or another color of your choice).
Using a permanent marker, draw the Algiz rune on one side of the bottle, and on the other side draw a pentagram.
Set the bottle near your front or back door, and every six months, uncap, pour the herbs out into the woods or your compost heap, and thoroughly wash and dry the bottle before filling it with a new round of herbs.
photo and info from:http:// everythingunderthemoon.net/ spells/ herbal-witches-cleansing-bottle .htm
*The Coven Avalon claims no rights to this artwork, or any on our page. If this work belongs to you and you would like for us to remove it, please contact us and we will certainly do so. Being a non-profit educational site, we operate under the Fair Use rule of the US Copyright Law - please refer to the page information for full details. Blessings!
SHARE if you'll be watching the very last Hollywood premiere for The Twilight Saga!
Catch the Breaking Dawn - Part 2 LIVE webcast on Yahoo! Movies, Monday at 7:30pm ET/4:30pm PT! Ask questions for the cast here:http://yhoo.it/WC5qSR
(star coven of wicca and wpa Open Group claims no rights to this artwork/links, or any on our page. If this work belongs to you and you would like for us to remove it, please contact us and we will certainly do so. Being a non-profit educational site, we operate, under the Fair Use rule of the US Copyright Law - please refer to the page information for full details. Blessings!)
Hurricane turned Superstorm Sandy caused much destruction along the East Coast of the USA when it hit on Monday, October 29, 2012. Many places and millions of people are still dealing with its impact.
Visit our Circle Healing Circle page on Facebook and learn about ways to help:
Send spiritual support through meditations, rituals, prayers, and other workings to those who have been harmed and to those doing disaster relief. Join in this Pentacle of Lights ritual of healing, remembrance, and relief:
Network. Share this email and links with others. Post words of comfort and support on social networking sites for those impacted and those doing relief.
Circle Times & Healing Circle: Monday, November 5, 2012
Saturday, November 10
9:30 am – 5 pm. Free.
Help with indoor & outdoor projects including winterizing the buildings, wood cutting, trail work, and more in the morning and afternoon.
There will be a midday potluck feast, and a Veterans Day Circle from 3-4 pm to honor Pagan US Military Veterans and those on active duty. If you are a Pagan Veteran planning to attend the afternoon Circle, let us know about your branch of the military and dates of service so we can include you in the honoring part of the rite.
We will also be accepting donations for Operation Circle Care during the day on Saturday. For more information about Operation Circle Care visit https://www.circlesanctuary.org/index.php/military-ministries/operation-circle-care.html
Please RSVP if you plan to attend part or all of the day: events@circlesanctuary.org or call 608-924-2216.
Circle Times & Order of the Pentacle: Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Help OPERATION CIRCLE CARE: Support for Pagan Troops
For the sixth year in a row Circle Sanctuary will be sending pentacles, CDs, incense, copies of CIRCLE Magazine and other items in Yuletide gift packages as spiritual support to Wiccan/Pagan service members stationed overseas and on deployment.
Last year, we were proud to send packages to service members stationed in countries such as Afghanistan, Kuwait, Germany, Oman, Djibouti and to sailors & marines at sea around the world.
What has always made the Operation Circle Care (OCC) project so special is its personal touch. Operation Circle Care contents are always made up of personal gifts donated by the Pagan individuals and groups across the USA.
Ways to Help!
(1) SEND US CONTACTS: Know US Military Pagans serving overseas or on deployment? Please send us their contact info or have them be in touch so that we can send them a Yuletide gifts package.
Please send us contact info right away and before Tuesday, November 20th to ensure we have time to get a package sent out before the US Postal Service shipping deadline. Names received after November 20th will receive packages in January 2013. We keep contact info private.
(2) SEND ITEMS: Please visit our web page at http://tiny.cc/operationcirclecare to view the recommended list of items to consider donating. In particular, please consider donating:
• Pentacle Pendants and other Pagan related Jewelry,
• Divination items (Tarot, Runes, etc.),
• Small God/Goddess Symbols
• Stones
• Pagan Music CDs
• Handmade small craft items
• New Pagan related books
• Personal Care Items
Please contact the coordinators at occ@circlesanctuary.org to obtain the address to ship or mail donated items to.
(3) DONATE FUNDS: In addition to contributions of items, funds are needed to help us cover postage, shipping and other costs related to supporting our Pagan Military members. For example, it costs us $13.45 in postage per package to ship by priority air mail overseas.
Donate On-line: to our Operation Circle Care fund with a credit card at our secure on-line site. Please donate in the column on the right under “Special Fund Donations” and use the drop down box to choose “Operation Circle Care”: http://www.circlesanctuary.org/donate
Donate By Postal Mail: Send a check or money order, payable to Circle Sanctuary - OCC to: Operation Circle Care, Circle Sanctuary, PO Box 9, Barneveld, WI 53507
Operation Circle Care:
Contact David & Jeanet Ewing, Operation Circle Care coordinatorsocc@circlesanctuary.org
Circle Sanctuary's Military Ministries is on-line:http://www.circlesanctuary.org/ministries/military
Circle Sanctuary Press Release: Thursday, November 9, 2012
Join Circle Sanctuary in celebrating Veterans Day this weekend & honoring Military Pagans and their families!
* EXPRESS THANKS - to Pagan Veterans through phone calls, face-to-face conversations, and emails -- and with posts to the Pagan Military Association Facebook page.https://www.facebook.com/PaganMilitaryAssociation
* SUPPORT TROOPS - share names of Pagans on active duty in the US Armed Forces in Afghanistan and overseas who may want to receive a Yuletide care package from our Operation Circle Care this year. Donations of items and funds for this program are also welcome.http://www.circlesanctuary.org/ministries/military/operationcirclecare.html
* LISTEN - to Pagan Warrior Radio's annual Veterans Day program on internet radio on Saturday night, November 10 from 8-9 pm central. We will be celebrating the one year anniversary of Pagan Warrior Radio, a weekly radio ministry serving Military Pagans, their families and supporters.https://www.circlesanctuary.org/index.php/military-ministries/pagan-warrior-radio.html
* ATTEND - Veterans Day events, such as the Veterans Day Circle at Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve near Barneveld, Wisconsin at 3 pm on Saturday, November 10 and the Warrior Blessing Ritual at Fort Gordon in Georgia at 2 pm on Sunday, November 11. More details:circle@circlesanctuary.org and at:https://www.circlesanctuary.org/index.php/eventdetail/28/veterans-day-circle
* CELEBRATE - visualize the Pagan Military Service Ribbon as you take part in personal and/or community Veterans Day observances and use it as a focus to spiritually express appreciation to Pagan veterans and troops. If you are a Pagan who has served or is serving in the US Military and would like to receive one via an upcoming face-to-face ritual or internet radio ceremony, please fill out the form at this site as soon as possible. https://circlesanctuary.org/index.php/military-ministries/pagan-military-service-ribbon.html
* LEARN MORE - about Circle Sanctuary Military Ministries.http://www.circlesanctuary.org/ministries/military/
Circle Networking News: Friday, November 9, 2012
Circle Sanctuary | PO Box 9 | Barneveld, WI 53507
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Circle Sanctuary will not sell, trade, share or rent your email address.
Halloween Sale Ends Tomorrow
Time is running out to take advantage of our Howl-o-ween Sale, so hurry up and get your order in before midnight tomorrow! If you buy ANY custom pet ID tag from our website you can get a second tag of your choice for 50% off.
You can choose any one of the hundreds of designs we have available or you can get creative and use your own photos or artwork to create a unique tag for your furry friend. Just place 2 tags in your shopping cart and use the code below at checkout to get one of your tags at the 50% off sale price. What are you waiting for? A deal this spooktacular does not come along often.
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You Can Heal Your Life Conference—Las Vegas
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4:20 pm - 6:00 pm :: DR. WAYNE W. DYER
Wishes Fulfilled: Master the Art of Manifesting
This lecture is dedicated to your mastery of the art of realizing all your desires. The greatest gift you have been given is the gift of your imagination. Everything that now exists was once imagined. And everything that will ever exist must first be imagined. Wishes Fulfilled is designed to take you on a voyage of discovery, wherein you can begin to tap into the amazing manifesting powers that you possess within you and create a life in which all that you imagine for yourself becomes a present fact. Dr. Wayne W. Dyer explores the region of your highest self; and definitively shows you how you can truly change your concept of yourself, embark upon a God-realized way of living, and fulfill the spiritual truth that with God all things are possible-and "all things" means that nothing is left out.
By practicing the specific technique for retraining your subconscious mind, you are encouraged to not only place into your imagination what you would like to manifest for yourself, but you are given the specifics for realigning your life so you can live out your highest calling and stay connected to your Source of being. From the lofty perspective of your highest self, you will learn how to train your imagination in a new way. Your wishes-all of them-can indeed be fulfilled.
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"Words—words of new perspectives, words of an enlightening perspective, words that were once known but somehow forgotten—that's what these Well-Being cards are about. Words don't teach; life experience teaches. But with these Abraham-Hicks words fresh in your mind, your every life experience will now be more meaningful to you. And since nothing is more imporant than feeling good, nothing is more valuable than these processes that will allow more of your natural Well-Being to flow. Have fun with these cards. Let these words inspire thoughts that will attract to you more of that which evokes your greatest joy." —Esther and Jerry Hicks

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Inspirational Parenting
Kate Miller, Balboa Press author
Nov 14, 2012 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
For the past twenty years Kate has worked with people of all ages... from four to ninety four... and there is a common golden thread within each and every one of us. We are all seeking to EXPAND, to touch the sky and feel our unique spark become a giant flame. You’ll learn how embracing uniqueness offers insight into the importance of supporting that flame, even when you are challenged by understanding its purpose. Kate will also share her story of judgments and the lesson she still carries with her today.

A Change of Habit: 7 Secrets to Guilt-Free Living
Patty Kogutek, Balboa Press author
Nov 15, 2012 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
This course is a call to action enabling you to break through the ties of guilt that can often bind you in your daily life, influencing everything from simple minor decisions to major life choices. This Live Online Event will help you discover knowledge and skills to honestly and continuously reflect on your own situations to promote and protect your happiness. By making this introspection your habit you will be able to enjoy your life—guilt free.

The Only Thing that Matters
Neale Donald Walsch
Nov 28, 2012 | 4:00pm - 6:00pm Pacific
Ninety-eight percent of the people on this planet are spending 98% of their time on things that don’t matter. Wouldn’t you like to find out how to be part of the 2% who are showing up as the grandest and greatest version of themselves? Spend an evening with Neale as he shares his unique insights to help you on the sacred journey that we are all embarking upon—and find fulfillment and peace in our soul’s search for divinity. As an added bonus, when you purchase this Live Online Event, you’ll also receive: • A FREE copy of Neale’s new book, The Only Thing That Matters • A bonus 90-minute video lecture from Neale's recent appearance at the I Can Do It Conference in Sydney, Australia • A downloadable audio interview with Neale!

Self-Hypnosis and Subliminal Technology
Eldon Taylor
Nov 29, 2012 | 4:00pm - 6:00pm Pacific
Everybody has some character trait they would like to change, and there are many techniques available to facilitate these changes. Join Eldon Taylor on your own self-improvement exploration using the tools in this two-hour Live Online Event, book and the accompanying CD. As an added bonus, when you purchase this Live Online Event, you'll receive a FREE copy of Eldon's new book, Self-Hypnosis and Subliminal Technology: A How-to Guide for Personal-Empowerment Tools You Can Use Anywhere!

F**k It Therapy: The Profane Way to Profound Happiness! (4-Lesson Series)
John Parkin
Lesson 2: Nov 12, 2012 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 3: Nov 19, 2012 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 4: Nov 26, 2012 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Just saying 'F**k It' is therapeutic. F**k It Therapy works its magic in many ways: helping people to relax, let go, do what they love and create a wonderful, abundant life. In this special online course, you can access John’s F**k It wisdom from the comfort of your own home for the first time. John will combine teaching (in his trademark humorous style), relaxing guided meditations, simple but powerful exercises and also work with live questions from participants, to give you the means to benefit from F**k It Therapy in your life.

Become a Certified Specialist in the Book of Life: Delving into the Akashic Records! (4-Lesson Series)
Deborah King
Lesson 3: Nov 13, 2012 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
Lesson 4: Nov 27, 2012 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific
We are drawing ever nearer to the mystical date of this winter solstice—12/21/12, the final date of the Mayan Calendar. As we approach the end of the world “as we know it,” according to the Mayan seers, you have the opportunity to join with Deborah King and delve into the Akashic Records. Find out what those records have to say about who you really are and your purpose for being alive during this major period of transition. Plus, you can become a Certified Specialist in the "Book of Life."
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The Kahuna and I
Victoria Kapuni
On Demand Audio Stream or Download
The Kahuna and I is a love story of two people who find each other in the autumn of their lives. Through this story, Balboa Press author, Victoria Kapuni, shares healing and spiritual knowledge so that their awakening and discovering of their spiritual path might help others. Perhaps the most difficult to learn is to live without fear. We have so many fears during these material lives here on earth—the fear of death being the biggest one. Free yourself from fear. Actualize the spiritual potential within each of you and become the great spiritual beings that we are.

Lessons for Living Beyond the Ego
David Mutchler
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This On Demand event brings you all the benefit of Dr. David Mutchler’s live weekend seminars and all four books—from the comfort of your own home! The event is specifically designed to help you move your spiritual knowledge from your head to your heart where on a daily basis it becomes a permanent and fundamental part of who you are—how you think, feel, and behave. It is an experiential program that is a catalyst for spiritual transformation where it actually brings you more peace rather than clutter your head with more and more information.

Angel Card Readings (4-Lesson Series)
Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine
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Oracle Cards are the easiest way to get clear answers, especially if you’re stressed, worried, or sensitive to the energies of this complicated world. In this first-time-ever online course, Doreen Virtue and Angel Tarot Card co-author Radleigh Valentine will personally walk you through the process of giving yourself and others accurate, gentle, and safe oracle card readings.

Think Greater! Lose Your Mind and Create a New One! (4-Lesson Series)
Dr. Joe Dispenza
On Demand Download
By the time we are 35 years old, we unconsciously live by a set of memorized behaviors, thoughts, beliefs, perceptions and emotional reactions that run like automatic computer programs behind the scenes of our conscious awareness—in which the body has been conditioned to be the mind. This ground-breaking online course from best-selling author Dr. Joe Dispenza will show you that in order to change, you must be greater than the body. Learn proven skills to help focus your attention, move into a new state of being and rewrite your automatic habits, attitudes, and other unwanted subconscious programs to create the life you want to live!

Become Your Own Astrologer: How to Use Your Chart to Create a Life You Love (5-Lesson Series)
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In this online course, renowned astrologers Tali and Ophira Edut (The AstroTwins)—columnists for Elle.com and TV Guide, and authors of several astrology books—will teach you how to unlock your cosmic code, guiding you through the essentials of astrological chart interpretation. With a mission to "bring the stars down to Earth," The AstroTwins teach you the practical basics, so you can use astrology as a tool in your daily life, simplifying your decisions.

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God Is My Publicist: How to Manifest Media for Your Message (3-Lesson Series)
Gabrielle Bernstein
On Demand Download
In this three-part series, PR and personal development expert Gabrielle Bernstein shares her practical and spiritual tools for creating a powerful publicity campaign. Join Gabrielle as she demystifies the publicity process and shows you how to infuse the spirit of intention, service and love into everything you do and create miracles when it comes to media. As a bonus you will receive: A FREE compilation of seven 10-minute instructional videos on how to create a spiritual publicity plan and an hour and a half live lecture video from Gabrielle's God is My Publicist talk.

Meals that Heal! (3-Lesson Series)
Julie Daniluk
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Join leading nutritionist and co-host of TV's Healthy Gourmet Julie Daniluk and learn delicious ways to eat that will result in a balanced, happy and vibrant life while discovering how to heal your body, mind and spirit by embracing wholesome anti-inflammatory super foods. It's healthy gourmet, every day!
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Holiday Gift Guide 2012
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Meditations For Peace of Mind
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Gabrielle Bernstein
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Crazy Sexy Kitchen
Kris Carr
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The Looneyspoons Collection
Janet and Greta Podleski
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Power Thought Cards
Louise L. Hay
Card Deck
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The Secrets of an Inspirational (In-Spirit) Life
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
6-CD Set
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101 Ways To Romance
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Healing With The Angels Oracle Cards
Doreen Virtue
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Juicy Living, Juicy Aging
Loretta LaRoche
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The Science of Miracles
Gregg Braden
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Secrets of Meditation
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Pushing Upward
Andrea Adler
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View all of the titles in theHoliday Gift Guide

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Wishes Fulfilled
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
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R. Kelly
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The Hunter/Farmer Diet Solution
Mark Liponis, M.D.
Kindle | Nook
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Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself
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For the Sender
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Kindle | Nook

Tapping Into Ultimate Success
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Kindle | Nook

The Power of Intention
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
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The Shift
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
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You Can Heal Your Life
Louise L. Hay
Kindle | Nook

Dying To Be Me
Anita Moorjani
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The Storm Before the Calm
Neale Donald Walsch
Kindle | Nook
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From Patti Wigington, your Guide to Paganism / Wiccan
We've wrapped up the Samhain season, it's the beginning of a new spiritual year, and we're moving into the time when the land lies dormant. For many of us, this is a good time to hunker down, stay warm, and do some learning and growing. Today, we're going back to basics, and we're going to look at some of the simplest aspects of Pagan studies. Bear in mind that some of what is discussed will have a NeoWiccan slant, some will be more Pagan in theme. Take whichever information that applies best to you and your path, and use it well.
Follow Pagan/Wiccan on Twitter or Join Me On Facebook.
Basic Principles and Concepts of Modern Wiccan
There's an old saying that if you ask any ten Wiccans about their religion, you'll get at least fifteen different answers. That's not far from the truth, because with nearly half a million Americans practicing Wicca today, there are dozens -- perhaps even hundreds -- of different Wiccan groups out there. There is no one governing body over Wicca, nor is there a "Bible" that lays down a universal set of guidelines. While specifics vary from one tradition to the next, there are actually a few ideals and beliefs common to nearly all modern Wiccan groups.Read Full Article
Wicca, Witchcraft or Paganism?
If you're reading this page, chances are you're either a Wiccan or Pagan, or you're someone who's interested in learning more about the modern Pagan movement. You may be a parent who's curious about what your child is reading, or you might be someone who is unsatisfied with the spiritual path you're on right now. Perhaps you're seeking something more than what you've had in the past. Are you wondering about the differences between witchcraft, Wicca, and Paganism? Read Full Article
Your Magical Tools
When people first discover Paganism or Wicca, they often rush to go buy every single magical tool they can find. After all, the books tell us to buy this, that, and the kitchen sink, so you better hustle on over to Ye Local Wytchy Shoppe and get stuff! But once you get it, what do you DO with it? Read Full Article
The Eight Pagan Sabbats
The eight sabbats form the foundation of many modern Pagan traditions. Let's look at when the sabbats fall, how they are celebrated, and the rich history behind each of them. Read Full Article
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Patti Wigington
Paganism / Wiccan Guide
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Hurricane turned Superstorm Sandy caused much destruction along the East Coast of the USA when it hit on Monday, October 29, 2012. Many places and millions of people are still dealing with its impact.
Visit our Circle Healing Circle page on Facebook and learn about ways to help:
Send spiritual support through meditations, rituals, prayers, and other workings to those who have been harmed and to those doing disaster relief. Join in this Pentacle of Lights ritual of healing, remembrance, and relief:
Network. Share this email and links with others. Post words of comfort and support on social networking sites for those impacted and those doing relief.
Circle Times & Healing Circle: Monday, November 5, 2012
Saturday, November 10
9:30 am – 5 pm. Free.
Help with indoor & outdoor projects including winterizing the buildings, wood cutting, trail work, and more in the morning and afternoon.
There will be a midday potluck feast, and a Veterans Day Circle from 3-4 pm to honor Pagan US Military Veterans and those on active duty. If you are a Pagan Veteran planning to attend the afternoon Circle, let us know about your branch of the military and dates of service so we can include you in the honoring part of the rite.
We will also be accepting donations for Operation Circle Care during the day on Saturday. For more information about Operation Circle Care visit https://www.circlesanctuary.org/index.php/military-ministries/operation-circle-care.html
Please RSVP if you plan to attend part or all of the day: events@circlesanctuary.org or call 608-924-2216.
Circle Times & Order of the Pentacle: Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Help OPERATION CIRCLE CARE: Support for Pagan Troops
For the sixth year in a row Circle Sanctuary will be sending pentacles, CDs, incense, copies of CIRCLE Magazine and other items in Yuletide gift packages as spiritual support to Wiccan/Pagan service members stationed overseas and on deployment.
Last year, we were proud to send packages to service members stationed in countries such as Afghanistan, Kuwait, Germany, Oman, Djibouti and to sailors & marines at sea around the world.
What has always made the Operation Circle Care (OCC) project so special is its personal touch. Operation Circle Care contents are always made up of personal gifts donated by the Pagan individuals and groups across the USA.
Ways to Help!
What has always made the Operation Circle Care (OCC) project so special is its personal touch. Operation Circle Care contents are always made up of personal gifts donated by the Pagan individuals and groups across the USA.
Ways to Help!
(1) SEND US CONTACTS: Know US Military Pagans serving overseas or on deployment? Please send us their contact info or have them be in touch so that we can send them a Yuletide gifts package.
Please send us contact info right away and before Tuesday, November 20th to ensure we have time to get a package sent out before the US Postal Service shipping deadline. Names received after November 20th will receive packages in January 2013. We keep contact info private.
(2) SEND ITEMS: Please visit our web page at http://tiny.cc/operationcirclecare to view the recommended list of items to consider donating. In particular, please consider donating:
• Pentacle Pendants and other Pagan related Jewelry,
• Divination items (Tarot, Runes, etc.),
• Small God/Goddess Symbols
• Stones
• Pagan Music CDs
• Handmade small craft items
• New Pagan related books
• Personal Care Items
Please contact the coordinators at occ@circlesanctuary.org to obtain the address to ship or mail donated items to.
(3) DONATE FUNDS: In addition to contributions of items, funds are needed to help us cover postage, shipping and other costs related to supporting our Pagan Military members. For example, it costs us $13.45 in postage per package to ship by priority air mail overseas.
Donate On-line: to our Operation Circle Care fund with a credit card at our secure on-line site. Please donate in the column on the right under “Special Fund Donations” and use the drop down box to choose “Operation Circle Care”: http://www.circlesanctuary.org/donate
Donate By Postal Mail: Send a check or money order, payable to Circle Sanctuary - OCC to: Operation Circle Care, Circle Sanctuary, PO Box 9, Barneveld, WI 53507
Operation Circle Care:
Contact David & Jeanet Ewing, Operation Circle Care coordinatorsocc@circlesanctuary.org
Circle Sanctuary's Military Ministries is on-line:http://www.circlesanctuary.org/ministries/military
Circle Sanctuary Press Release: Thursday, November 9, 2012
• Pentacle Pendants and other Pagan related Jewelry,
• Divination items (Tarot, Runes, etc.),
• Small God/Goddess Symbols
• Stones
• Pagan Music CDs
• Handmade small craft items
• New Pagan related books
• Personal Care Items
Please contact the coordinators at occ@circlesanctuary.org to obtain the address to ship or mail donated items to.
(3) DONATE FUNDS: In addition to contributions of items, funds are needed to help us cover postage, shipping and other costs related to supporting our Pagan Military members. For example, it costs us $13.45 in postage per package to ship by priority air mail overseas.
Donate On-line: to our Operation Circle Care fund with a credit card at our secure on-line site. Please donate in the column on the right under “Special Fund Donations” and use the drop down box to choose “Operation Circle Care”: http://www.circlesanctuary.org/donate
Donate By Postal Mail: Send a check or money order, payable to Circle Sanctuary - OCC to: Operation Circle Care, Circle Sanctuary, PO Box 9, Barneveld, WI 53507
Operation Circle Care:
Contact David & Jeanet Ewing, Operation Circle Care coordinatorsocc@circlesanctuary.org
Circle Sanctuary's Military Ministries is on-line:http://www.circlesanctuary.org/ministries/military
Circle Sanctuary Press Release: Thursday, November 9, 2012
Join Circle Sanctuary in celebrating Veterans Day this weekend & honoring Military Pagans and their families!
* EXPRESS THANKS - to Pagan Veterans through phone calls, face-to-face conversations, and emails -- and with posts to the Pagan Military Association Facebook page.https://www.facebook.com/PaganMilitaryAssociation
* SUPPORT TROOPS - share names of Pagans on active duty in the US Armed Forces in Afghanistan and overseas who may want to receive a Yuletide care package from our Operation Circle Care this year. Donations of items and funds for this program are also welcome.http://www.circlesanctuary.org/ministries/military/operationcirclecare.html
* LISTEN - to Pagan Warrior Radio's annual Veterans Day program on internet radio on Saturday night, November 10 from 8-9 pm central. We will be celebrating the one year anniversary of Pagan Warrior Radio, a weekly radio ministry serving Military Pagans, their families and supporters.https://www.circlesanctuary.org/index.php/military-ministries/pagan-warrior-radio.html
* ATTEND - Veterans Day events, such as the Veterans Day Circle at Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve near Barneveld, Wisconsin at 3 pm on Saturday, November 10 and the Warrior Blessing Ritual at Fort Gordon in Georgia at 2 pm on Sunday, November 11. More details:circle@circlesanctuary.org and at:https://www.circlesanctuary.org/index.php/eventdetail/28/veterans-day-circle
* CELEBRATE - visualize the Pagan Military Service Ribbon as you take part in personal and/or community Veterans Day observances and use it as a focus to spiritually express appreciation to Pagan veterans and troops. If you are a Pagan who has served or is serving in the US Military and would like to receive one via an upcoming face-to-face ritual or internet radio ceremony, please fill out the form at this site as soon as possible. https://circlesanctuary.org/index.php/military-ministries/pagan-military-service-ribbon.html
* LEARN MORE - about Circle Sanctuary Military Ministries.http://www.circlesanctuary.org/ministries/military/
Circle Networking News: Friday, November 9, 2012
Circle Sanctuary | PO Box 9 | Barneveld, WI 53507
To unsubscribe from this list or change your preferences, please click this link.
Circle Sanctuary will not sell, trade, share or rent your email address.
Circle Sanctuary | PO Box 9 | Barneveld, WI 53507
To unsubscribe from this list or change your preferences, please click this link.
Circle Sanctuary will not sell, trade, share or rent your email address.
Halloween Sale Ends Tomorrow
Time is running out to take advantage of our Howl-o-ween Sale, so hurry up and get your order in before midnight tomorrow! If you buy ANY custom pet ID tag from our website you can get a second tag of your choice for 50% off.
You can choose any one of the hundreds of designs we have available or you can get creative and use your own photos or artwork to create a unique tag for your furry friend. Just place 2 tags in your shopping cart and use the code below at checkout to get one of your tags at the 50% off sale price. What are you waiting for? A deal this spooktacular does not come along often.
Coupon Code: HOWLOWEEN12
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Hello everyone :)

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![Nicely done.
Thanks to @[177486166274:274:Being Liberal].](http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/s480x480/530592_512292195448430_680278876_n.jpg)
Every thought that you think is vibrating at a very personal frequency . . . and by the powerful Law of Attraction (the essence of that which is like unto itself, is drawn), that thought is now attracting another thought that is its Vibrational Match. And now, those combined thoughts are vibrating at a frequency that is higher than the thought that came before; and they will now, by the Law of Attraction, attract another and another and another, until eventually the thoughts will be powerful enough to attract a "real life" situation or manifestation.
~ Abraham

Winter is Coming get prepared with some winter sore throat "tea".... In a jar, combine lemon slices, organic honey and sliced ginger. Close jar and put it in the fridge, it will form into a "jelly". To serve: Spoon jelly into mug and pour boiling water over it. Store in fridge 2-3 months.

Where in the world would you go to find a vampire coven?
Find out at http://TwilightWorldMap.com/ & add your photo to the map to help unlock a special video!

Today marks one month since a brutal attack on 14-year-old Pakistani education activist Malala Yousufzai left her hospitalised.
UN Special Envoy for Global Education Gordon Brown is meeting with President of Pakistan to discuss making education a reality for all children.
You too can speak out in support of Malala. Send a message to her and other students in Pakistan that you stand with them -->http://bit.ly/supportmalala

1/1 cup butter or margarine
1/2 cup sugar
2 large eggs
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 cup milk
5 tablespoons rum, divided
3 tablespoons sugar
BEAT butter st medium speed with an electric mixer until creamy. Add 1/2 cup sugar, beating well. Add eggs, one at a time beating just until blended after each addition.
COMBINE flour and next four ingredients. Combine milk and 3 tablespoons rum. Add flour mixture to butter mixture , alternately with milk mixture, beginning and ending with flour mixture. Beat at low speed until blended after each addition.
SPOON into greased muffin pans, filling three-fourths full.
BAKE at 375F for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden. Remove from pans immediatly, place them on a wire rack.
COMBINE remaining 2 tablespoons rum and 3 tablespoons sugar in a small saucepan; cook over low heat, stirring constantly until sugar dissolves. Brush over warm muffins.
Southern Living C.1996
Enoy everyone!
Dans l'amour et la lumiere,
Lady Angelique
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 cup milk
5 tablespoons rum, divided
3 tablespoons sugar
BEAT butter st medium speed with an electric mixer until creamy. Add 1/2 cup sugar, beating well. Add eggs, one at a time beating just until blended after each addition.
COMBINE flour and next four ingredients. Combine milk and 3 tablespoons rum. Add flour mixture to butter mixture , alternately with milk mixture, beginning and ending with flour mixture. Beat at low speed until blended after each addition.
SPOON into greased muffin pans, filling three-fourths full.
BAKE at 375F for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden. Remove from pans immediatly, place them on a wire rack.
COMBINE remaining 2 tablespoons rum and 3 tablespoons sugar in a small saucepan; cook over low heat, stirring constantly until sugar dissolves. Brush over warm muffins.
Southern Living C.1996
Enoy everyone!
Dans l'amour et la lumiere,
Lady Angelique

Michael Spears is an American actor. Spears was born in Lower Brulé Reservation to Native American parents. He is a member of the Sicangu Lakota (often called “Sioux”) Lower Brule Tribe of South Dakota. Learn more http://bit.ly/RMAp5X #NativeActors #NativeNovember

This was captured back in '09 I think... memory is a little hazy. To begin with I only notice what appeared to be antlers coming from my head, only to realise that I had the C Man, himself, standing next to me... :)

(Heavily adapted from The Joy of Baking's Shortbread Cookies)

- 1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened
- 1/4 cup powdered sugar
- 1/2 cup brown sugar, packed
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1-1/2 teaspoons rum extract
- 1 egg yolk
- 1-1/2 cups all purpose flour
- 1/2 cup corn starch
- 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon dutch process cocoa powder

- 1 cup powdered sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- milk, cream, or water
- In a medium bowl cream butter until smooth and creamy. Add sugars and cream together for another minute, until smooth.
- Add the egg yolk, vanilla, and rum and beat until incorporated well.
- Add the flour, corn starch, nutmeg, and salt and mix until just combined.
- Scoop out 1/2 cup of the dough into a small bowl and add the cocoa, mix until combined.
- One a large piece of parchment paper, dump the larger portion of dough into a mound in the middle, and flatten into approximately a 10x6 inch rectangle (10 long and 6 wide).
- Place the cocoa mixture on top of the dough square and smooth over it in as even a layer as possible.
- Using the parchment, grasp the paper nearest to you with two hands and fold the parchment away from you slowly, so that the dough starts rolling onto itself. Continue to pull the paper away from you until the dough has been completely rolled into a tight log. Carefully peel back the parchment so the dough log is now sitting in the middle. Take a large piece of saran wrap and drape it over the top of the dough log and carefully pick it up and roll it up in the saran wrap, sealing the dough. Twist the ends tightly so that it is a uniform log.
- Place in freezer for 30 minutes to firm up. After 30 minutes they can be take out for baking. If you want to keep the dough frozen for another time, wrap it in one more piece of saran wrap and place in a ziploc bag and store in the freezer.
- To Bake: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
- Remove cookies from freezer. Peel back saran wrap and slice into approximately 1/4 to 1/3 inch wide disks and place on prepared cookie sheet two inches apart. If it is still to soft, place back in freezer until firm enough to slice.
- Bake for 10-12 minutes or until just slightly browned. Cool on a wire rack.
- To make glaze: Mix the sugar, vanilla, and enough milk, cream, or water to create a glazed of desired consistency. Drizzle over cookies once they are cool.
![Swallow’s Nest Castle in Crimea, Ukraine
Join us -> @[273216142791023:274:Amazing Places of the World]](http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/s480x480/536389_300858330026804_1111946168_n.jpg)

Lavender Honey Bath
Mix 3 teaspoons of natural Lavender and 3 tablespoons of natural honey. Mix them together well and allow them to set for several hours. (Over night is great)
Put the mixture into a cloth bad and add it to your bath for a relaxing bath for the spirit.
* For those who make the Lavender Honey. You just take Lavender flowers after draining them from the Honey put them in cloth bag and add it to your bath for calming and comforting bath.
Author Lady Abigail: Information via Witch of the Old World Book of Herbs by: Lady Abigail on CD. All rights reserved under the US copyright laws and statues. Copyright © 12312011. For more information or see to purchase see: The Glass Witch Magick Shoppe: http://www.theglasswitchmagickshoppe.c om/product/ witch-of-the-old-world-cd-book- of-herbs-by-lady-abigail
* Because we have to: The Don't be Stupid Clause or Disclaimer ... If you are allergic to this herb don’t use it.

![<3 <3 <3 Join us at @[489065647785257:274:Dog Stories]](http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/s480x480/308706_508002642558224_678874914_n.jpg)

Lavender Honey
I make this every year. Made of honey allows it to keep for nearly ever. In the winter it is an amazing touch of spring for all the senses when added to tea and biscuits on a snowy morning.
You’ll Need;
3 Cup Lavender
3 Cup pure mild Honey
3 Drops of pure Vanilla
1 Jar with lid
You can do this on the stove or in the microwave.
Put the Lavender into the jar, it must big enough to hold all the Lavender and Honey.
In a pan or warm the Honey and Vanilla until just hot, it will become very thin but do not let it boil.
Pour the Honey into the jar over the Lavender.
Close the jar up tight and put it in a dark place for 9 days.
Now you will have to warm it up the entire mixture again and just to very hot not a boil.
Pour the mixture through a strainer with a coffee filter in it to remove all the Lavender from the Honey. It may take a while for it all to strain through.
Once the Honey is separated from the Lavender put the Honey into a clean sealing container.
Enjoy the Honey in any way you wish and the added benefits of chastity are nice.
Author Lady Abigail: Information via Witch of the Old World Book of Herbs by: Lady Abigail on CD. All rights reserved under the US copyright laws and statues. Copyright © 12312011. For more information or see to purchase see: The Glass Witch Magick Shoppe: http:// www.theglasswitchmagickshoppe.c om/product/ witch-of-the-old-world-cd-book- of-herbs-by-lady-abigail
* Because we have to: The Don't be Stupid Clause or Disclaimer ... If you are allergic to this herb don’t use it.
3 Cup Lavender
3 Cup pure mild Honey
3 Drops of pure Vanilla
1 Jar with lid
You can do this on the stove or in the microwave.
Put the Lavender into the jar, it must big enough to hold all the Lavender and Honey.
In a pan or warm the Honey and Vanilla until just hot, it will become very thin but do not let it boil.
Pour the Honey into the jar over the Lavender.
Close the jar up tight and put it in a dark place for 9 days.
Now you will have to warm it up the entire mixture again and just to very hot not a boil.
Pour the mixture through a strainer with a coffee filter in it to remove all the Lavender from the Honey. It may take a while for it all to strain through.
Once the Honey is separated from the Lavender put the Honey into a clean sealing container.
Enjoy the Honey in any way you wish and the added benefits of chastity are nice.
Author Lady Abigail: Information via Witch of the Old World Book of Herbs by: Lady Abigail on CD. All rights reserved under the US copyright laws and statues. Copyright © 12312011. For more information or see to purchase see: The Glass Witch Magick Shoppe: http://
* Because we have to: The Don't be Stupid Clause or Disclaimer ... If you are allergic to this herb don’t use it.

Ran, the Norse Sea Goddess ~ Lord Phaphos
https://www.facebook.com/ UNWANTEDPETS

This is going to be a page where we will focus on shelter animals on death row in the Los Angeles Area. We do not take pledges and we do not personally pull these animals from the shelter. This is just a place to highlight shelter animals that people don't know are even alive. Please if you can...
Page: 658 like this
http:// homesteadsurvival.blogspot.com/ 2012/07/peppermint-oil.html
Star Douglass and Penny Jensen McInelly shared a link.

Herbal witch cleansing bottles
To make an herbal cleansing bottle, pour a layer of sand in a large clear bottle.
Add layers of dried herbs, one at a time: first rosemary; then lemon peel, sage, cedar, black peppercorns, lavender, dill, bay leaf, and rowan.
When the bottle is full, focus cleansing protective energy into the herbs and sand, and see a golden light radiating from the bottle. Visualize the herbs driving away negative influences.
Cork and seal the bottle with white wax (or another color of your choice).
Using a permanent marker, draw the Algiz rune on one side of the bottle, and on the other side draw a pentagram.
Set the bottle near your front or back door, and every six months, uncap, pour the herbs out into the woods or your compost heap, and thoroughly wash and dry the bottle before filling it with a new round of herbs.
photo and info from:http:// everythingunderthemoon.net/ spells/ herbal-witches-cleansing-bottle .htm
*The Coven Avalon claims no rights to this artwork, or any on our page. If this work belongs to you and you would like for us to remove it, please contact us and we will certainly do so. Being a non-profit educational site, we operate under the Fair Use rule of the US Copyright Law - please refer to the page information for full details. Blessings!
When the bottle is full, focus cleansing protective energy into the herbs and sand, and see a golden light radiating from the bottle. Visualize the herbs driving away negative influences.
Cork and seal the bottle with white wax (or another color of your choice).
Using a permanent marker, draw the Algiz rune on one side of the bottle, and on the other side draw a pentagram.
Set the bottle near your front or back door, and every six months, uncap, pour the herbs out into the woods or your compost heap, and thoroughly wash and dry the bottle before filling it with a new round of herbs.
photo and info from:http://
*The Coven Avalon claims no rights to this artwork, or any on our page. If this work belongs to you and you would like for us to remove it, please contact us and we will certainly do so. Being a non-profit educational site, we operate under the Fair Use rule of the US Copyright Law - please refer to the page information for full details. Blessings!
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Easy Chinese Moon Cakes
Contributed by Shirley
Makes 24
According to Shirley, Moon Cakes are eaten on Chinese New Years because the Chinese New Year is based on the lunar calendar (and the little treats look like the moon). They are also eaten as part of an autumn, harvest type celebration which falls on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month.
There are many variations of this recipe. This one is simple for the kids to help with and is desert-like. It reminds me of a cookie recipe my husband's family makes (they're German though... go figure!)
The real moon cakes are far fancier and these will be, often with impressions of chinese letters on them, but I think the fact that the kids can help makes up for the less professional final product *grin*.
Here's what real moon cakes look like (thanks again to Shirley for sending us these photos)

Er, yours likely will look more like:

Another viewer wrote:
"Moon cakes are also eaten at the Moon Festival which falls in September. I lived in mainland China for two years and enjoyed the many varieties of moon cakes (not just filled with red bean paste - some had hard-boiled eggs in them, some a mixture of fruit and nuts, some lotus paste, etc.)." Mim
"Moon cakes are also eaten at the Moon Festival which falls in September. I lived in mainland China for two years and enjoyed the many varieties of moon cakes (not just filled with red bean paste - some had hard-boiled eggs in them, some a mixture of fruit and nuts, some lotus paste, etc.)." Mim
1/4 cup sugar
2 egg yolks
1/2 cup salted butter
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup strawberry (or your favorite) jam (traditionally red bean paste is used so if you want a more authentic version, you can use a can of red bean paste instead of the jam).
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
Combine the butter, sugar and 1 egg yolk and stir.
Mix in the flour.
Mix in the flour.
Form the dough into one large ball and wrap it in plastic wrap.
Refrigerate dough for half an hour.
Unwrap the chilled dough and form small balls in the palms of your hand.
Make a hole with your thumb in the center of each mooncake and fill with about half a teaspoon of jam.
Brush each cake with the other beaten egg yolk and place on a cookie sheet. (We didn't have a brush to do this, so skipped the brushing step)
Bake for about 20 minutes or just until the outside edges are slightly brown.
Unwrap the chilled dough and form small balls in the palms of your hand.
Make a hole with your thumb in the center of each mooncake and fill with about half a teaspoon of jam.
Brush each cake with the other beaten egg yolk and place on a cookie sheet. (We didn't have a brush to do this, so skipped the brushing step)
Bake for about 20 minutes or just until the outside edges are slightly brown.
Recipe - Moon Biscuits Recipe With English Subtitles - YouTube | |
Jan 9, 2012 - 6 min - Uploaded by recipeRecipe : Moon Biscuits Recipe With English Subtitles ....Biscuits(Osmania) Making Made Easierby ... |
1 cup butter
1 1/4 cup sugar
2 tsp. grated lemon peel
1/4 tsp. salt
1 1/3 cup. flour
1 1/2 cups grated almonds (blanched)
1 tsp. vanilla
2 cups sifted confectioner's sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
2 1/2 T. water
Cream together butter and sugar until fluffy and light. Add grated lemon peel, salt, flour, grated almonds, and 1 tsp. vanilla; mix thoroughly. Place dough in bowl. Cover and chill thoroughly. When dough is well chilled; or next day, roll out dough to 1/8" thickness and cut with moon/crescent cookie cutter. Place 1/2" apart on ungreased baking sheet. Bake in preheated 375 degree oven for 8 to 10 minutes.
While cookies bake, combine confectioner's sugar, vanilla and water. Spread over tops of cookies while still warm, but not too hot as icing will melt. Thin with additional drops of water if glaze is too thick.
Allow cookies to cool. Yield: 10 dozen cookies.
photo and info from:
http://www.kitchenwiccan.com/ wp-content/uploads/ Yule-Moon-cookies.jpg
http://www.unc.edu/~reddeer/ recipe/ rec_yule.html#yulemooncookie
*The Coven Avalon claims no rights to this artwork, or any on our page. If this work belongs to you and you would like for us to remove it, please contact us and we will certainly do so. Being a non-profit educational site, we operate under the Fair Use rule of the US Copyright Law - please refer to the page information for full details. Blessings!
1 1/2 cups grated almonds (blanched)
1 tsp. vanilla
2 cups sifted confectioner's sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
2 1/2 T. water
Cream together butter and sugar until fluffy and light. Add grated lemon peel, salt, flour, grated almonds, and 1 tsp. vanilla; mix thoroughly. Place dough in bowl. Cover and chill thoroughly. When dough is well chilled; or next day, roll out dough to 1/8" thickness and cut with moon/crescent cookie cutter. Place 1/2" apart on ungreased baking sheet. Bake in preheated 375 degree oven for 8 to 10 minutes.
While cookies bake, combine confectioner's sugar, vanilla and water. Spread over tops of cookies while still warm, but not too hot as icing will melt. Thin with additional drops of water if glaze is too thick.
Allow cookies to cool. Yield: 10 dozen cookies.
photo and info from:
*The Coven Avalon claims no rights to this artwork, or any on our page. If this work belongs to you and you would like for us to remove it, please contact us and we will certainly do so. Being a non-profit educational site, we operate under the Fair Use rule of the US Copyright Law - please refer to the page information for full details. Blessings!
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