Pumpkin Fudge
Conversion chart
3 cup(s) sugar
3/4 cup(s) melted butter
2/3 cup(s) evaporated milk
1/2 cup(s) canned pumpkin
2 tablespoon(s) corn syrup
1 teaspoon(s) pumpkin pie spice
1 package(s) (12-ounce) white chocolate morsels
1 jar(s) (7-ounce) marshmallow crème
1 cup(s) chopped pecans, toasted
1 teaspoon(s) vanilla extract
1.Stir together first 6 ingredients in a 3 1/2-quart saucepan over medium-high heat, and cook, stirring constantly, until mixture comes to a boil. Cook, stirring constantly, until a candy thermometer registers 234 degrees F (soft-ball stage) or for about 12 minutes.
2.Remove pan from heat; stir in remaining ingredients until well blended. Pour into a greased aluminum foil-lined 9-inch square pan. Let stand 2 hours or until completely cool; cut fudge into squares.
Tips & Techniques
Line pan with aluminum foil before you begin to cook the fudge. Once the candy thermometer reaches 234 degrees F and the remaining ingredients are added, quickly spoon the fudge into the pan.
The situation in South Africa is getting worse. The "occult crimes" unit, ostensibly formed to protect the citizenry from abusive indigenous
practices such as muthi which involve human mutilation and animal sacrifice, is a barely disguised propaganda machine seeking to label any alternative practices "Satanic" and therefore criminally dangerous - and the SA vampire community is a prime target on their list: http:// christinaengela.blogspot.com/ 2012/09/ interview-with-vampire-journali st.html
Fall Equinox Celebrations Guide by Selena Fox now has a music section as well as written articles & audio podcast: http:// www.circlesanctuary.org/ pholidays/fallequinox.htm
About Hekate
The goddess Hekate was one of the most significant dieties of the ancient world. Her history stretches back across the millenia. We find traces of her in the recent past, through into the Renaissance - stretching back through the Byzantine and Roman Empires, Hellenistic, Classical and Archaic Greece through into the Greek Dark Ages - and beyond. Hekate has been with us for at least three thousand years.
She was a liminal goddess who was present at all the boundaries and transitional moments in life. She was also an 'evil-averting' protector and guide. Her triple form emphasized her power over the three realms, these being the heavens, sea, and earth. Her primal nature was seen in the many animal heads she was depicted with, each emphasising different qualities of her manifold character.
Some of her well known titles include:
•Chthonia - earthy one
•Dadouchos - torch bearer
•Enodia - of the ways
•Kleidouchos - key bearer
•Kourotrophos - child's nurse
•Phosphorus - light bearer
•Propolos - companion
•Propylaia - before the gate
•Soteira - savior
•Triformis - three bodied
•Trioditis - of the three ways
Symbols, herbs stones and other correspondences associated with Hekate:
•Animals: Black ewe lambs, Boar, Bull, Cock, Cow, Dogs, Fish, Goats, Horses, Lions, Mice, Mullet (fish), Polecat, Rams, Serpents, Wolf
•Colors: Black, Red, White, Yellow
•Minerals: Copper, Gold, Loadstone, Meteorite, Sapphire
•Plants and Herbs: Anise, Belladonna, Garlic, Aconite, Onion, Poppy, Saffron, Grain,
•Trees: Apples, Oak (leaves), Willow, Yew
•Food: Eggs, Honey, Amphiphon Cakes (a cheesecake with lighted candles stuck into it)
•Symbols: Dagger, Keys, Horned Crescent, Pegasus, New Moon, Three-Way Crossroads, Trident, Twin Torches
Sources: Keys to the Crossroads and Hekate Liminal Rites by Sorita E'Este
Sandie Curtis Kojder shared No Kill Coalition's photo.
7 health benefits of raw organic cashews:
1. Cancer Prevention
Cashews are ripe with proanthocyanidins, a class of flavanols that actually starve tumors and stop cancer cells from dividing. Studies have also shown that cashews can reduce your colon cancer risk. Their high copper content also endows the seed with the power to eliminate free radicals and they are also good sources of phytochemicals and antioxidants that protect us from heart disease and cancer.
...Continue Reading
To Dream or Not to Dream Magick
In the late spring of 2004 I was awakened by dreams that I didn’t completely understand. The dreams repeated for several nights, each much like the one before it and each were frightening to me. They were about storms, wind, rain and water. I had had dreams about weather before and normally understood their meanings but these were different.
In each dream I was walking outside in a wonderful, beautiful day. Sun shining, birds singing, people enjoying what seemed like a day in the park. Then as I walked toward my home, the skies began to darken to an almost total black. There was no sounds, no birds, no wind, no people. Then as I walked into my house I could hear the TV going. The local weather person was talking about three dangerous storms coming, one right after the other, and that were going to fatal. Three hurricanes. I had not lived in Florida long so I really didn’t know what to think, except I trusted my...Continue Reading
A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed
Against the earth's sweet flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear
...See More
Mabon Invocation.
Mabon brings the scent of autumn,
Golden glow and Sun’s soft kiss.
Magick swirls and eddies onward,
...See More
Mabon Traditions
The Wicker man
There was a Celtic ritual of dressing the last sheaf of corn to be harvested in fine clothes, or weaving it into a wicker-like man or woman. It was believed the sun or the corn spirit was trapped in the corn and needed to be set free. This effigy was usually burned in celebration of the harvest and the ashes would be spread on the fields. This annual sacrifice of a large wicker man (representing the corn spirit) is thought by many to have been the origin of the misconception that Druids made human sacrifices.
'The reaping is over and the harvest is in,
Summer is finished, another cycle begins'
In some areas of the country the last sheaf was kept inside until the following spring, when it would be ploughed back into the land. In Scotland, the last sheaf of harvest is called 'the Maiden', and must be cut by the youngest female in attendance.
http://www.new-age.co.uk/ autumn-equinox.htm
~ Happy Autumn Equinox ~
A transition from northern summer to fall in an astronomical sense. But it also signals the start of aurora-watching season.
From now through the end of October, the chances of sighting the glow of the mysterious northern lightswill be reaching a peak.
Samhain will be here before we know it - this is a nice spell to jot down for use later!
(Spell/photo courtesy of Kelly at http:// darkmoontarot.tumblr.com/ post/11583565729/ samhain-new-moon-pumpkin-sp ell-samhain-october)
Samhain (October 31st) is the Witches New Year and mixed with a New Moon, it is an excellent time to set your intentions for new beginnings, a new job, or new love. As the Wheel of the Year turns and Samhain inches closer, you can harness the powerful energies of the New Moon just before Samhain to manifest what you truly desire or which remains unseen. This is a spell of mine that I do almost every October. It’s helped me manifest some wonderful things, so I wanted to share it with everyone here.
Supplies to gather:
•A pumpkin of your choice. *If you can, hand-pick your pumpkin from a pumpkin patch…pick which ever “calls” to you. If you do not live near a pumpkin patch, buy a pumpkin that you feel drawn to while pumpkin shopping.
•Pumpkin carving tools
•A candle (something that will fit inside the pumpkin)
•Parchment & a pen
•Anything else you wish to use to decorate your pumpkin such as crow feathers, crystals etc. Make sure whatever you use to decorate your pumpkin is 100% natural and biodegradable as you will be eventually returning the entire pumpkin to the Earth. DO NOT USE PLASTIC CARVING PUMPKINS!!
Begin Spell
On the evening of the upcoming New Moon (October 26th), find a comfortable spot outside to carve your pumpkin and bring your supplies to your chosen spot. I find my favorite time to do this spell is about an hour before sunset. It gives me enough daylight to carve the pumpkin and by the time I am done, it’s usually almost dark.
Begin by grounding yourself. Take a few slow, deep breaths. With each exhale, release worries, tension and any stressful thoughts that you may be having/experiencing.
When you are done grounding, grab your parchment & pen. Begin to write a list of any goals you wish to reach, items you want or things that you wish to accomplish in the New Year.
You can start the list with: “I, (your name here), ask the universe/gods/goddesses/ my ancestors for assistance in manifesting: (list thirteen intentions, be specific in what you ask), finish with: “I ask that my intentions are correct for all and no one is harmed.” As you write your list, “see” yourself doing, being, or manifesting your intentions by next Samhain. Once you have completed your spell on the parchment, set your spell aside.
Next, take your pumpkin and put it on your lap. Place your hands on the pumpkin and visualize all of the things your wrote in your spell. As you visualize your intentions, you may begin to feel your hands pulse, vibrate or fill with warmth as you charge your pumpkin with your intent. When you feel that you are done setting your intent into the pumpkin, release your hands & open your eyes.
Now this is where the fun really starts…it’s time to carve the pumpkin! Begin by cutting a hole around the stem in the top and then remove the seeds and pulp from the middle. Set the pumpkin seeds & pulp aside (you will be returning this to the Earth later). If you wish, save a few pumpkin seeds to grow your own pumpkin for next year or roast them in the oven with a sprinkle of dead sea salt.
Carve symbols, words or images into your pumpkin that represent all of the different intentions you wish to manifest. Get creative and have fun with this part! Again, you can also decorate your pumpkin with crow feathers, herbs or crystals. Once you are done carving & decorating your pumpkin, place the candle inside your pumpkin and light it. Take your spell you wrote on the parchment earlier and look up at the tiny sliver of the Moon (if the Moon is not visible or you are inside, look up to where you feel the energy of the Moon is pulling you) and read it out loud with strength and conviction.
Once you are done, fold the spell 3x and burn it using the candle in the pumpkin…when the paper is on fire, you can drop it into the pumpkin. Watch the smoke rise as it carries your intent out into the Universe.
Next, leave the seeds and pumpkin pulp somewhere for hungry critters to feast on. Return it to the Earth. You can now place your pumpkin anywhere you wish (an outside altar, a table, tree stump, or patio, etc.) until Samhain! On Samhain Eve, leave your pumpkin somewhere outside where it will not be disturbed by anyone. As your pumpkin begins to rot, decay & return to the Earth, your spell will gain power and intensity.
When I wrote this spell, it was my intention that nothing would be wasted, that the pumpkin would nourish the soil, and feed hungry critters as my intentions manifest. Every time I have used this spell, almost all of the things I asked for manifested by the following Samhain.
~ Leandra
*The Coven Avalon claims no rights to this artwork, or any on our page. If this work belongs to you and you would like for us to remove it, please contact us and we will certainly do so. Being a non-profit educational site, we operate under the Fair Use rule of the US Copyright Law - please refer to the page information for full details. Blessings!
Twisted Witches is a family company that is just getting started. We sell homemade herbal and aromatherapy products. Also, we sell other witchy items as we make/get them.
Page: 128 like this
Halloween Puff Pastry Intestines
Slightly Adapted From Canary Girl
■1 package (17.3 ounces) frozen puff pastry
■3 cups filling of your choice (savory or sweet)
■1 egg, beaten
■red food coloring
■small paintbrush
1.Thaw puff pastry according to package’s directions. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F and line a 9″ x 13″ baking pan with parchment paper.
2.Divide each sheet of puff pastry lengthwise into 6 strips. Lightly flour an expansive counter or other surface and lay each strip next to one another. Press and seal the seams between strips.
3.Spread your filling of choice down the entire length of the dough, leaving a bit of space on each side to pinch closed.
4.Pinch the entire length of the dough closed, stretching the dough slightly around the filling as you go.
5.Carefully lift intestine onto baking sheet, seam-side down, and form an “intestine-like” pattern.
6.Brush puff pastry with beaten egg. Dip small paintbrush into red food coloring and draw ”blood” in the creases.
7.Bake about 20 minutes, or until golden brown.
Bubbling Witches' Brew
(featured inside the book Enhanced Eerie Elegance)
I have made several witches' brews throughout my Halloween history, but this one is ...
There are witches in the hills calling my name
saying come join us sister, come kiss the flame
Come dance in the moonbeams, ride the night wind
make love to the darkness and laugh at man's sins
I shiver with delight, I shiver with fear
my heart wants to go but my soul's filled with fear
So I turn to my lover and ask what do I do
do I answer their call or stay here with you
But under spell of deep sleep he moans and turns away
taking his protection and my desire to stay
So I rise to the hill tops, I ride the night winds
I make love to the darkness and laugh at man's sins
Fall Equinox Celebrations Guide by Selena Fox now has a music section as well as written articles & audio podcast: http:// www.circlesanctuary.org/ pholidays/fallequinox.htm
About Hekate
The goddess Hekate was one of the most significant dieties of the ancient world. Her history stretches back across the millenia. We find traces of her in the recent past, through into the Renaissance - stretching back through the Byzantine and Roman Empires, Hellenistic, Classical and Archaic Greece through into the Greek Dark Ages - and beyond. Hekate has been with us for at least three thousand years.
She was a liminal goddess who was present at all the boundaries and transitional moments in life. She was also an 'evil-averting' protector and guide. Her triple form emphasized her power over the three realms, these being the heavens, sea, and earth. Her primal nature was seen in the many animal heads she was depicted with, each emphasising different qualities of her manifold character.
Some of her well known titles include:
•Chthonia - earthy one
•Dadouchos - torch bearer
•Enodia - of the ways
•Kleidouchos - key bearer
•Kourotrophos - child's nurse
•Phosphorus - light bearer
•Propolos - companion
•Propylaia - before the gate
•Soteira - savior
•Triformis - three bodied
•Trioditis - of the three ways
Symbols, herbs stones and other correspondences associated with Hekate:
•Animals: Black ewe lambs, Boar, Bull, Cock, Cow, Dogs, Fish, Goats, Horses, Lions, Mice, Mullet (fish), Polecat, Rams, Serpents, Wolf
•Colors: Black, Red, White, Yellow
•Minerals: Copper, Gold, Loadstone, Meteorite, Sapphire
•Plants and Herbs: Anise, Belladonna, Garlic, Aconite, Onion, Poppy, Saffron, Grain,
•Trees: Apples, Oak (leaves), Willow, Yew
•Food: Eggs, Honey, Amphiphon Cakes (a cheesecake with lighted candles stuck into it)
•Symbols: Dagger, Keys, Horned Crescent, Pegasus, New Moon, Three-Way Crossroads, Trident, Twin Torches
Sources: Keys to the Crossroads and Hekate Liminal Rites by Sorita E'Este
Sandie Curtis Kojder shared No Kill Coalition's photo.
7 health benefits of raw organic cashews:
1. Cancer Prevention
Cashews are ripe with proanthocyanidins, a class of flavanols that actually starve tumors and stop cancer cells from dividing. Studies have also shown that cashews can reduce your colon cancer risk. Their high copper content also endows the seed with the power to eliminate free radicals and they are also good sources of phytochemicals and antioxidants that protect us from heart disease and cancer.
...Continue Reading
To Dream or Not to Dream Magick
In the late spring of 2004 I was awakened by dreams that I didn’t completely understand. The dreams repeated for several nights, each much like the one before it and each were frightening to me. They were about storms, wind, rain and water. I had had dreams about weather before and normally understood their meanings but these were different.
In each dream I was walking outside in a wonderful, beautiful day. Sun shining, birds singing, people enjoying what seemed like a day in the park. Then as I walked toward my home, the skies began to darken to an almost total black. There was no sounds, no birds, no wind, no people. Then as I walked into my house I could hear the TV going. The local weather person was talking about three dangerous storms coming, one right after the other, and that were going to fatal. Three hurricanes. I had not lived in Florida long so I really didn’t know what to think, except I trusted my...Continue Reading
A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed
Against the earth's sweet flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear
...See More
Mabon Invocation.
Mabon brings the scent of autumn,
Golden glow and Sun’s soft kiss.
Magick swirls and eddies onward,
...See More
Mabon Traditions
The Wicker man
There was a Celtic ritual of dressing the last sheaf of corn to be harvested in fine clothes, or weaving it into a wicker-like man or woman. It was believed the sun or the corn spirit was trapped in the corn and needed to be set free. This effigy was usually burned in celebration of the harvest and the ashes would be spread on the fields. This annual sacrifice of a large wicker man (representing the corn spirit) is thought by many to have been the origin of the misconception that Druids made human sacrifices.
'The reaping is over and the harvest is in,
Summer is finished, another cycle begins'
In some areas of the country the last sheaf was kept inside until the following spring, when it would be ploughed back into the land. In Scotland, the last sheaf of harvest is called 'the Maiden', and must be cut by the youngest female in attendance.
http://www.new-age.co.uk/ autumn-equinox.htm
~ Happy Autumn Equinox ~
A transition from northern summer to fall in an astronomical sense. But it also signals the start of aurora-watching season.
From now through the end of October, the chances of sighting the glow of the mysterious northern lightswill be reaching a peak.
About Hekate
The goddess Hekate was one of the most significant dieties of the ancient world. Her history stretches back across the millenia. We find traces of her in the recent past, through into the Renaissance - stretching back through the Byzantine and Roman Empires, Hellenistic, Classical and Archaic Greece through into the Greek Dark Ages - and beyond. Hekate has been with us for at least three thousand years.
She was a liminal goddess who was present at all the boundaries and transitional moments in life. She was also an 'evil-averting' protector and guide. Her triple form emphasized her power over the three realms, these being the heavens, sea, and earth. Her primal nature was seen in the many animal heads she was depicted with, each emphasising different qualities of her manifold character.
Some of her well known titles include:
•Chthonia - earthy one
•Dadouchos - torch bearer
•Enodia - of the ways
•Kleidouchos - key bearer
•Kourotrophos - child's nurse
•Phosphorus - light bearer
•Propolos - companion
•Propylaia - before the gate
•Soteira - savior
•Triformis - three bodied
•Trioditis - of the three ways
Symbols, herbs stones and other correspondences associated with Hekate:
•Animals: Black ewe lambs, Boar, Bull, Cock, Cow, Dogs, Fish, Goats, Horses, Lions, Mice, Mullet (fish), Polecat, Rams, Serpents, Wolf
•Colors: Black, Red, White, Yellow
•Minerals: Copper, Gold, Loadstone, Meteorite, Sapphire
•Plants and Herbs: Anise, Belladonna, Garlic, Aconite, Onion, Poppy, Saffron, Grain,
•Trees: Apples, Oak (leaves), Willow, Yew
•Food: Eggs, Honey, Amphiphon Cakes (a cheesecake with lighted candles stuck into it)
•Symbols: Dagger, Keys, Horned Crescent, Pegasus, New Moon, Three-Way Crossroads, Trident, Twin Torches
Sources: Keys to the Crossroads and Hekate Liminal Rites by Sorita E'EsteSandie Curtis Kojder shared No Kill Coalition's photo.
7 health benefits of raw organic cashews:
1. Cancer Prevention
Cashews are ripe with proanthocyanidins, a class of flavanols that actually starve tumors and stop cancer cells from dividing. Studies have also shown that cashews can reduce your colon cancer risk. Their high copper content also endows the seed with the power to eliminate free radicals and they are also good sources of phytochemicals and antioxidants that protect us from heart disease and cancer.
...Continue ReadingTo Dream or Not to Dream Magick
In the late spring of 2004 I was awakened by dreams that I didn’t completely understand. The dreams repeated for several nights, each much like the one before it and each were frightening to me. They were about storms, wind, rain and water. I had had dreams about weather before and normally understood their meanings but these were different.
In each dream I was walking outside in a wonderful, beautiful day. Sun shining, birds singing, people enjoying what seemed like a day in the park. Then as I walked toward my home, the skies began to darken to an almost total black. There was no sounds, no birds, no wind, no people. Then as I walked into my house I could hear the TV going. The local weather person was talking about three dangerous storms coming, one right after the other, and that were going to fatal. Three hurricanes. I had not lived in Florida long so I really didn’t know what to think, except I trusted my...Continue ReadingA tree whose hungry mouth is pressed
Against the earth's sweet flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear
...See MoreMabon Invocation.
Mabon brings the scent of autumn,
Golden glow and Sun’s soft kiss.
Magick swirls and eddies onward,
...See More
The Wicker man
There was a Celtic ritual of dressing the last sheaf of corn to be harvested in fine clothes, or weaving it into a wicker-like man or woman. It was believed the sun or the corn spirit was trapped in the corn and needed to be set free. This effigy was usually burned in celebration of the harvest and the ashes would be spread on the fields. This annual sacrifice of a large wicker man (representing the corn spirit) is thought by many to have been the origin of the misconception that Druids made human sacrifices.
'The reaping is over and the harvest is in,
Summer is finished, another cycle begins'
In some areas of the country the last sheaf was kept inside until the following spring, when it would be ploughed back into the land. In Scotland, the last sheaf of harvest is called 'the Maiden', and must be cut by the youngest female in attendance.
http://www.new-age.co.uk/ autumn-equinox.htm
'The reaping is over and the harvest is in,
Summer is finished, another cycle begins'
In some areas of the country the last sheaf was kept inside until the following spring, when it would be ploughed back into the land. In Scotland, the last sheaf of harvest is called 'the Maiden', and must be cut by the youngest female in attendance.
A transition from northern summer to fall in an astronomical sense. But it also signals the start of aurora-watching season.
From now through the end of October, the chances of sighting the glow of the mysterious northern lightswill be reaching a peak.
Samhain will be here before we know it - this is a nice spell to jot down for use later!
(Spell/photo courtesy of Kelly at http://
Samhain (October 31st) is the Witches New Year and mixed with a New Moon, it is an excellent time to set your intentions for new beginnings, a new job, or new love. As the Wheel of the Year turns and Samhain inches closer, you can harness the powerful energies of the New Moon just before Samhain to manifest what you truly desire or which remains unseen. This is a spell of mine that I do almost every October. It’s helped me manifest some wonderful things, so I wanted to share it with everyone here.
Supplies to gather:
•A pumpkin of your choice. *If you can, hand-pick your pumpkin from a pumpkin patch…pick which ever “calls” to you. If you do not live near a pumpkin patch, buy a pumpkin that you feel drawn to while pumpkin shopping.
•Pumpkin carving tools
•A candle (something that will fit inside the pumpkin)
•Parchment & a pen
•Anything else you wish to use to decorate your pumpkin such as crow feathers, crystals etc. Make sure whatever you use to decorate your pumpkin is 100% natural and biodegradable as you will be eventually returning the entire pumpkin to the Earth. DO NOT USE PLASTIC CARVING PUMPKINS!!
Begin Spell
On the evening of the upcoming New Moon (October 26th), find a comfortable spot outside to carve your pumpkin and bring your supplies to your chosen spot. I find my favorite time to do this spell is about an hour before sunset. It gives me enough daylight to carve the pumpkin and by the time I am done, it’s usually almost dark.
Begin by grounding yourself. Take a few slow, deep breaths. With each exhale, release worries, tension and any stressful thoughts that you may be having/experiencing.
When you are done grounding, grab your parchment & pen. Begin to write a list of any goals you wish to reach, items you want or things that you wish to accomplish in the New Year.
You can start the list with: “I, (your name here), ask the universe/gods/goddesses/
Next, take your pumpkin and put it on your lap. Place your hands on the pumpkin and visualize all of the things your wrote in your spell. As you visualize your intentions, you may begin to feel your hands pulse, vibrate or fill with warmth as you charge your pumpkin with your intent. When you feel that you are done setting your intent into the pumpkin, release your hands & open your eyes.
Now this is where the fun really starts…it’s time to carve the pumpkin! Begin by cutting a hole around the stem in the top and then remove the seeds and pulp from the middle. Set the pumpkin seeds & pulp aside (you will be returning this to the Earth later). If you wish, save a few pumpkin seeds to grow your own pumpkin for next year or roast them in the oven with a sprinkle of dead sea salt.
Carve symbols, words or images into your pumpkin that represent all of the different intentions you wish to manifest. Get creative and have fun with this part! Again, you can also decorate your pumpkin with crow feathers, herbs or crystals. Once you are done carving & decorating your pumpkin, place the candle inside your pumpkin and light it. Take your spell you wrote on the parchment earlier and look up at the tiny sliver of the Moon (if the Moon is not visible or you are inside, look up to where you feel the energy of the Moon is pulling you) and read it out loud with strength and conviction.
Once you are done, fold the spell 3x and burn it using the candle in the pumpkin…when the paper is on fire, you can drop it into the pumpkin. Watch the smoke rise as it carries your intent out into the Universe.
Next, leave the seeds and pumpkin pulp somewhere for hungry critters to feast on. Return it to the Earth. You can now place your pumpkin anywhere you wish (an outside altar, a table, tree stump, or patio, etc.) until Samhain! On Samhain Eve, leave your pumpkin somewhere outside where it will not be disturbed by anyone. As your pumpkin begins to rot, decay & return to the Earth, your spell will gain power and intensity.
When I wrote this spell, it was my intention that nothing would be wasted, that the pumpkin would nourish the soil, and feed hungry critters as my intentions manifest. Every time I have used this spell, almost all of the things I asked for manifested by the following Samhain.
~ Leandra
*The Coven Avalon claims no rights to this artwork, or any on our page. If this work belongs to you and you would like for us to remove it, please contact us and we will certainly do so. Being a non-profit educational site, we operate under the Fair Use rule of the US Copyright Law - please refer to the page information for full details. Blessings!
Twisted Witches is a family company that is just getting started. We sell homemade herbal and aromatherapy products. Also, we sell other witchy items as we make/get them.
Page: 128 like this
Halloween Puff Pastry Intestines
Slightly Adapted From Canary Girl
■1 package (17.3 ounces) frozen puff pastry
■3 cups filling of your choice (savory or sweet)
■1 egg, beaten
■red food coloring
■small paintbrush
1.Thaw puff pastry according to package’s directions. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F and line a 9″ x 13″ baking pan with parchment paper.
2.Divide each sheet of puff pastry lengthwise into 6 strips. Lightly flour an expansive counter or other surface and lay each strip next to one another. Press and seal the seams between strips.
3.Spread your filling of choice down the entire length of the dough, leaving a bit of space on each side to pinch closed.
4.Pinch the entire length of the dough closed, stretching the dough slightly around the filling as you go.
5.Carefully lift intestine onto baking sheet, seam-side down, and form an “intestine-like” pattern.
6.Brush puff pastry with beaten egg. Dip small paintbrush into red food coloring and draw ”blood” in the creases.
7.Bake about 20 minutes, or until golden brown.
(featured inside the book Enhanced Eerie Elegance)
I have made several witches' brews throughout my Halloween history, but this one is ...
saying come join us sister, come kiss the flame
Come dance in the moonbeams, ride the night wind
make love to the darkness and laugh at man's sins
I shiver with delight, I shiver with fear
my heart wants to go but my soul's filled with fear
So I turn to my lover and ask what do I do
do I answer their call or stay here with you
But under spell of deep sleep he moans and turns away
taking his protection and my desire to stay
So I rise to the hill tops, I ride the night winds
I make love to the darkness and laugh at man's sins
So I turn to my lover and ask what do I do
do I answer their call or stay here with you
But under spell of deep sleep he moans and turns away
taking his protection and my desire to stay
So I rise to the hill tops, I ride the night winds
I make love to the darkness and laugh at man's sins
Take a moment to check out "Magical Child Books"... )O(

Today is the Equinox. In the Northern Hemisphere, this is the second harvest Sabbat, Mabon. In honor of the harvest please fill in the blank. "This Harvest Holy Day I'm grateful for _____________."

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