merry meet, T.G.I.F my friends!I have some helpful stories and links for you ro go to! have a great weekand

Pizza Bandit Strikes in Utah
by Jennifer Lawinski, Posted Jan 15th 2010 @ 2:30PM
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Photo: ScottSchrantz, Flickr
Police in the Salt Lake City area are on the hunt for a man who they believe has been involved in nine robberies, many of which involve fast food or pizza restaurants, FOX 13 News reported.
Victor Ray Hall, 37, is wanted in connection with robberies at a Stonecutter jewelry store, a Pizza Hut and two at Little Caesars franchises, among other locations.
"We have at least four agencies looking for him for robberies occurring in their jurisdiction. We've got a warrant for him on two that occurred in our jurisdiction at Pizza hut and Little Ceasars," Salt Lake City Police Sgt. Robin Snyder told Slashfood.
She said she didn't know why Hall was targeting fast food restaurants, pizza ones in particular.
"I do know that people who work in those establishments are sometimes younger people, so its probably especially traumatizing for them," Snyder told Slashfood. "It's usually your college students and high school students."
Hall is considered armed and dangerous, and police say cooperating with him is the best course of action for any shop owners that he targets.
"Do what the guy tells you. If he asks you for money give him some money. Don't try to handle it yourself, and hopefully we can get this guy caught ," Det. Kenny Bass of the Murray City Police Department told FOX 13 News.
"It doesn't matter if we make the arrest or if Salt Lake City makes the arrest. It doesn't matter who does as long as this guy is caught."
Police say his girlfriend, Tamara Elfstrom, who they have in custody, robbed the Stonecutter with Hall acting as lookout, FOX 13 News reported.
Filed under: Fast Food, News
Tags: little caesars, little caesars pizza bandit, little caesars robberies, pizza hut, pizza hut robberies
An Introduction to Natural Healing www.guidetonaturalhealing.info/
Reminder from: supaganalliance Yahoo! Group
Title: Witches' Brew
Date: Sunday January 17, 2010
Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Repeats: This event repeats every month on the third Sunday.
Location: Starbuck's at Barnes and Noble
Street: Red Cliffs Mall
City State Zip: St George, UT
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Maria Leach sent a message to the members of Medium Light Workers.
Subject: I will connect you to the other side
Dear Friends: What a wonderful experience chatting with you. If you have watched my. video and would like for me to connect you to your loved ones on the other side like I have for many, click on the link below and schedule time with me from there , you will be amazed at the messages you will receive
All Of my love
Meetup Reminder
The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup
Your group has a Meetup tomorrow!
You still need to RSVP.
Cloak Making Workshop
Saturday, January 16, 2010 1:00 PM
Sacred Circle Temple
3464 W 3800 South
Salt Lake City UT 84119
How Much
Price: $20.00 per person
Meetup Description
Come join us for a fun day of Cloak Making !
There will be several patterns to choose from. You will need to
bring your own material. Sewing machines, thread, and cutting supplies
will be available. If you would like to bring some of your own supplies
to use or share that would be much appreciated.
Come join us for a fun day of Cloak Making !
You will need to bring your own material. Sewing machines, thread, and cutting supplies will be available. If you would like to bring some of your own supplies to use or share that would be much appreciated.
$20 per person
**($10 pre payment is required 1 week prior to class to reserve your space, if there are not enough pre-paid students, the class will be canceled and prepayments refunded) **
*Please no children under 8*
Sewing machines, patterns and expertise of Sean Wilguess will be at your disposal !!
Details :
The material for the cape needs to be non-stretchy. Something woven works best in most cases.
This will be an unlined cloak, but there is no reason we can't add a lining later. The best material is supple but warm, such as coat weight wool, or even jacket weight demin.
Material: 6 1/3 yards for a full length cape (56" from back of neck to botton). If you need a longer cape, add 4x the difference to the yardage. So, if you want it to be 59" long, add 3 inches x4, or 12" to the total yardage. Be sure you have someone measure you, full length is sooo hard to measure accurately by yourself.
You will need to bring a cloak clasp of some kind or a "frog" closure; sewing pins to hold your pattern on the fabric, sewing thread to match your fabric, and a tassel for the hood if you want one.
Cloak clasps are available at JoAnns or Hancock Fabric stores at quite reasonable prices.
Bring Sharp scissors too.
Here's what people are saying about this Meetup Group
— Conner
"to meet other like-minded pagans"
— John Yellowolf
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Paganism / Wiccan
In the Spotlight | More Topics |
from Patti Wigington
In this week's special edition, we're looking at ways we can live a magical life. Magical living is more than just casting a spell once in a while, or wearing a piece of jewelry and buying a book. Magical living is daily, and part of our existence. There are so many ways to live a magical life -- you don't have to do them all, but try a few at a time to see if the way you look at things changes. After all, magic is all around us -- it seems almost wasteful not to embrace it!
In the Spotlight
Magical Living Each Day
Being a Pagan or Wiccan is more than just wearing a pentacle and wishing someone a Blessed Samhain each October. Once you've found the path that's right for you, there comes a time when you may ask yourself "How can I make this spiritual system part of my daily life?" Learn about some ways that you can incorporate your magical beliefs into your day to day life... Read More
Making Time for Magic
Everyone's busy -- between your job, your family, your home, and your hobbies, it's easy to let your spiritual practice slide sometimes. If you learn to prioritize your time, you may find that it's a lot easier than you think to make time for magic. We'll talk about some simple tricks for managing your time more effectively, to make room for the things you really want to spend time on... Read More
Should You Come Out of the Broom Closet?
Deciding to come out of the broom closet can be a big decision for many people. It's not the right choice for everyone -- what if you're afraid of losing your job or your home or even your children? On the other hand, there are plenty of Pagans and Wiccans who live openly and don't hide their beliefs. Figure out what the best choice for you is going to be... Read More
More Topics
Social Networking and Being Outed
Don't post it if you don't want it known
How to Set and Achieve Your Goals
How to work on getting what you want
Are You Ready to Teach Others?
Knowing when you're ready - or not
When Should You Pay for Spiritual Services?
How much is too much?
Pagan Living on a Budget
Living magically within your means
Ten Simple Ways to Show Gratitude
Cultivating the attitude of appreciation
Prayer Requests from Our Readers
Send in a request of your own if needed
Meetup Reminder
The Springville Metaphysical and Law Of Attraction Group.
Your group has a Meetup tomorrow!
You RSVPed Yes.
The Springville Metaphysical Metup and Psychic Fair!!!
Saturday, January 16, 2010 11:00 AM
Art City Coffee
484 S. 1750 W. ste D Freeway exit 260 - Behind Del Taco in Walmart Plaza ... (Google map is wrong)
Springville UT 84663
801 489 3600
Meetup Description
The subject.... a 5 hour psychic fair... Bring Your Friends!!!!!
We are starting at 11am and going until 4pm. 10 professional psychic readers are expected throughout the day to offer you insight into your life and questions. A small $10 donation gets you a 15 minute reading. At this price, you can have multiple reading experiences in one hour. This is an opportunity that is not commonly offered or repeated in our area.
The theme for this fair is "Where are you now?" and "2010, what is in store for you?"
We may not have a regular meeting because we may be all Metaphysicaled out. If people are present and interested at the time... we will have a meeting from 5pm till 6:30 which is our normal meetup time.
Members can interact with personal experiences on the reading or practice reading each other.
We have a pretty upbeat group of positive people.
Here's what people are saying about this Meetup Group
"It is real, practical and comfortable. Normal people sharing real feelings and experiences."
— Christopher Rumfield
"knowege is power and you can get fresh persctive from things through other peoples eyes. people were great and friendly.good discusstion."
— HighPriestessChar
Learn more about this Meetup
Announcing a new Meetup for The Utah Good Witches Meetup!
What: Sweat Lodge /Gathering
When: Sunday, January 17, 2010 7:00 PM
Safe Haven Ministries
824 South 700 East
We will be offering prayers for the victums of Haiti. Come send the love!
Jan.17 @ 5pm.
If you do not want to sweat, feel free to come for the feast @ 7:30pm and socialize. We could really use firewood if anyone has any to bring. This month is the winter solstice month when the earth deserves extra love and light during the darkest time of the year. Join us in blessing and lighting up the earth grid!
5pm- Gather
5:15- Pipe Ceremony
5:30- Sweat Starts
7:30pm- Feast/Social
Address: 824 South 700 East, SLC, ut.
The Lodge will hold approximately 13 people so please be on time to insure a place.Bring a towel, water, clothes to sweat in, a pot luck item and a friend! Please be alcohol & drug free.
It is customary to bring an offering to the Lodge. Offerings can include: $, Tobacco, sage, essential oils, rocks, firewood, a smile etc. Let "Spirit" guide you.
Renee & Torg
Safe Haven Ministries
Learn more here:
Blessed Be...High Priestess Char Norton
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