well,you know the saying when life gives you lemons make....So, I was watching a news progarm in the wee morning hour before the sun can out and the rain/snow stoped. Somewhere between the hati quake , the search for Mrs. Powell and the weather reports. There was a wounderful story about ways to make extra money or work from home.so,I went on the shows web site and low and be hold I started yet another make money sceam.and now this is about my 50th job,another title and 200th business venture.Hay the money will so,come rolling in I can feel it. Help!....Here s the happs in my world.
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Lesson 3: Love Yourself, Live Your Spirit! with Sonia Choquette
January 21, Thursday
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January 27, Wednesday
Lesson 5: The “New Edge” Science of Empowerment with Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.
January 28, Thursday
Lesson 6: A New Dialogue with Your Soul with Robert Ohotto
February 3, Wednesday
Lesson 7: Embracing the New Midlife with Marianne Williamson
February 4, Thursday
Lesson 8: Enjoy More Happiness Now with Robert Holden, Ph.D.
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VAMPIRE.COM commented on their photo:
"Thank you all for the happy wishes... after 300 years - I look forward a fantastic 2010 with you all
"Announcing a new Meetup for Club des Vampires Utah Chapter Meetup Group!
What: Ogden Meetup
When: Sunday, February 21, 2010 6:00 PM
grounds for coffee
111 25th
Ogden, UT 84401
Hi all!
Short notice (I know) but if you can make it, please join us for a meetup in Ogden this Thursday night. We'll be at Grounds for Coffee on 25th Street in Ogden from 6 pm - 8 pm. Hopefully, the roads will be cleared up by then.
Be safe out there!
Learn more here:
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Meetup Inc. PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 | support@meetup.com Irish Pagans sent a message to the members of PAGANS OF IRELAND NETWORKING SITE - NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL.
Subject: WEEKLY PAGAN ROUND-UP - Events, Day Trips, UK, Competition etc., )0(
1 - Dublin Pub Moot
2 - Cork Monthly Pagan Moot
3 - Dublin Day Trip to Wicklow Gaol, Black Castle etc.,
4 - UNITED KINGDOM: Wulfrun Gathering
5 - Midsummer Ball & Summerfest (deposits now being taken to this event)
6 - COMPETITION: links & information
Merry Meet
This week we have six meetings, events, day trips and a competition
*IF YOU WISH TO BE INCLUDED IN THE PAGAN ROUND UP please have your details in by Monday of each week
email me pagansofireland@gmail.com
)0( Isault
Ok.......here we go!!!
Dublin Pub Moot
The Dublin Pub Moot is an informal social event that happens in central Dublin on the first Thursday of each month with the aim of providing a contact point for those with a common interest in Earth Based Spirituality. All are welcome to this evening of discussion and merriment which kicks off at 8pm at T.P. Smiths on the corner of Jervis St. and Upper Abbey St.
Moot Organisors
Gavin & Lydia
Cork Monthly Pagan Moot - 2nd Sunday of each month
An informal get together for Pagans and Heathens over coffee or a pint:
Cork Monthly Pagan Moot
Its the 2nd Sunday of each month,
4pm in the Cornerhouse pub on Coburg St, Cork City
Cork Monthly Pagan Moot - group link:
Bus from Dublin city at 10.30am from the GPO O' Connell Street
Arrivalto Wicklow - approx http://www.facebook.com/l/6b08c;11.15-11.30am
Entry to Wicklow Gaol by 12 noon - visit the amazing gaol and see live actors reinact the history of Wicklow Gaol
Tour of Wicklow Gaol: live actors reinacting the conditions at the time of occupation of this ancient Gaol
2pm Lunch - Wicklow Gaol
Free Time around Wicklow: Some things you might like to do
The Black Castle Wicklow Town
If you like walking:
Wicklow town occupies a rough circle around Wicklow harbour. To the immediate North lies 'The Murrough', a popular grassy walking area beside the sea, and the eastern coastal strip. The land rises into rolling hills to the West. The dominant feature to the south is the rocky headland known as 'Wicklow Head', the easternmost mainland point in the Republic of Ireland (technically the easternmost point in the Republic is on Lambay Island off Co. Dublin).
Ancient Viking ground place of worship now converted into St Patricks Church
Take a stroll from The Black Church via the beautiful Wicklow Harbour up to St Patrick's Church
The spend time shopping in Wicklow town
5pm depart Wicklow back for Dublin city by 6pm
Cost: E50.00
Deposit (non refundable) E10.00 - (BY MARCH 10TH 2010)
Paid to paypal:
Contact: shaunwhelan1@gmail.com
Telephone 0851628099
Wulfrun Gathering
We are a midlands (UK) based group meeting in the Wolverhampton area. We hold 2 meetings a month, one being a formal meeting where we intend to have talks, both by members and external speakers, and to discuss pagan matters in general. The second is a more social affair just to get to know one another and discuss our personal beliefs in an informal manner. We are a Children Of Artemis affliated gathering and we are listed on the gatherings page of the CoA website. Many of our members are active on CoA and are happy to be contacted via CoA if you fancy a chat. If you are interested in coming to a gathering please contact us via myspace or facebook messaging.
MEET: we meet the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at 20.00 gmt Newhampton Inn, Riches St., Wolverhampton WV6 0DW
For further information please go to Paul James Clarke facebook page
Paul. James Clarke
CELTIC SUMMERFEST - 2/3 DAY EVENT (deposits being taken now for this event)
SATURDAY 19th June 2PM
Link to Hotel: http://www.facebook.com/l/6b08c;www.glendaloughhotel.com/
*Arrive Saturday 19th June at 2pm
*Blacktie or Traditional Robes/Regalia
*Communal Altar
*Guest Speakers
*Music - a band
SUNDAY - 20th June
* Breakfast
* Family Time-face painting, music...
* Stalls welcome (craft stalls,alternative stalls etc.,)
* Musicians - outdoor musicians welcome
* Walk through ancient graveyard, round tower, celtic cross and forestry to Upper Lake @ 2pm
* Informal Evening Meal 7pm
MONDAY 21st June (Litha)
* Walk to lower lake to watch the Litha sunrise
* Breakfast on return approximately 8pm
* Depart hotel by 12 noon
If we have enough interest in this event it will be run. The Glendalough Hotel is the perfect location to come and experience the Irish countryside at its most scenic. Awake to sounds of the nearby waterways and the Wicklow Woodlands which define your time at The Glendalough Hotel, The original Victorian building has been completely refurbished and enlarged, but it remains the haven of tranquility it has always been.
Located by the ancient graveyard, roundtower and high cross plus the famous and most beautiful Glendalough lakes this is the perfect location for a Litha celebration.
DEPOSITS NOW BEING TAKEN for booking: E50.00 per person (non refundable)
PAYABLE TO: PAYPAL - Kashmiragents@gmail.com
ENQUIRIES: Shaunwhelan1@gmail.com
Required for evening
*special guest speakers from all traditions
*family time entertainment - stalls, musicians, entertainers
*Sponsors: All sponsors please contact Una at kashmiragents@gmail.com to outline proposals.
COST: Finalized - to include accommodation and all of the above
Per person (adult) E275.00
Children over 4 years of age: E125.00
Children under 4 years of age: Free
ADULT: USD $400.00
CHILD 4 YEARS TO 12 YEARS : $185.00
ADULT: £250.00
ADULT $425.00
CHILD 4 TO 12 YEARS $200.00
ADULT $435.00
CHILD 4 TO 12 YEARS $225.00
THE AGENCY - Kashmiragents@gmail.com
From the Event Manager of The GLENDALOUGH HOTEL
"The rates for B&B for Friday, Monday after 12 noon, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday ( 5 nights) would be 50.00 pp sharing or a special deal (250.00) pp for 5 nights . Hope this is ok with you . Guests need to contact the hotel directly for these above dates."
Special Contact for these rates: Bernie
The Glendalough Hotel,
County Wicklow,
Telephone: 00353 (0)404 45135
Fax: 00353 (0)404 45142
Email: Info@glendaloughhotel.ie
Website: http://www.facebook.com/l/6b08c;www.glendaloughhotel.ie
STALLS: Family Day - Sunday 20th June
If you are a participant in the event then one stall will be allocated free of charge - please put any information about your stall and booking same on booking event.
The charge for a stall for those NOT participating in this event is E40.00
for the day - must be booked through
Dominic Cromie January 19
Gossip in the Garden will be running a talent show this year searching for video of our favorite member.
TO ENTER send us video footage of you singing your favorite irish song/dance/poem/story whatever is your thing?
We will view all video and post our favorites throughout the year on the show.
The winner will be showcased on the the last episode of "Gossip in the Garden" 2010 and will receive all the help they need to pursue their talent.
Become a fan of Irish band Clear The Battle Field
Buy a T-Shirt
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At the beginning of the year, a new program was announced by the Walt Disney company, called "Give a Day. Get a Disney Day." where families are being encouraged to volunteer together. Qualifying participants will receive a voucher good for a free one-day pass at the Disneyland or Disney World parks.
We are very pleased and proud to announce that the Church of the Sacred Circle is an official part of this initiative. Since we have many families who are involved in our group, we are very excited about being able to offer them the opportunity to volunteer through this initiative, as well as to offer the general public a way to give back to the community.
We will be offering many opportunities throughout the year to participate in this program, from food drives to projects that will help benefit the Temple, and we are thrilled to be able to help families learn about the rich rewards of volunteering together.
Go to
for details !!
Avalon Starr ~ Office of Fire ~ The Church of the Sacred Circle
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__,_._,___I've updated this Meetup. For more details, see the full listing:
When: Saturday, February 6, 2010 7:00 PM
Sacred Circle Temple
3464 W 3800 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84119
Price: $12.00 per person
If the changes affect your plans to attend, please take a moment to update your RSVP. (You can RSVP "No" or "Maybe" as well as "Yes".)
You can always get in touch with me through the "Contact Organizer" link on Meetup: http://witches.meetup.com/1478/suggestion/
Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list (witches-1478@meetup.com)
This message was sent by Avalon Starr (starblustar3@yahoo.com) from The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup.
To learn more about Avalon Starr, visit his/her member profile
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from Patti Wigington
This week, we're having tons of fun with a badly spelled, fundamentalist rant that arrived in my email box, as well as some changes to school curriculum, and televangelist Pat Robertson once again opening his mouth and inserting his foot. We're also looking at how to manage your time to make room for magic, an Amazon shaman school, and ideas for making your own Tarot deck. Have a magical week, and remember you can Follow Pagan/Wiccan on Twitter or Join Me On Facebook!
Best Email Ever: Ur Goin to Hell!
Thursday January 14, 2010
The author of My Bestest Email Ever writes in, "i'm a Christain and i can't belive ur allowed to writ about this garbage on the internett. i pray for you and all the misgided soles you led astray with ur witchcrafts!! U pegans are all sinners! And God yes God the ONE TRUE GOD will make u BRUN IN HELL! then you be sorry!"
Oh dear. Where to begin. I was going to clean up your spelling and grammar, but then I decided your email in its original form is far more entertaining. Okay, let's break it down a bit, shall we?
Yes, I'm allowed to write about this stuff on the Internet. However, you're not obligated to read it. Don't like it? No worries -- go somewhere else. The Interwebz is a big place, and I'm sure there's a place you'll feel more at home. Someplace where ALL CAPS is considered a badge of piety, perhaps.
Second, I can't guarantee that I've led too many people astray personally, so unless I stole your boyfriend back in the early 90s, I'm not sure where this accusation is coming from. As to the prayer issue, I don't think anyone here really needs or wants it. Perhaps you should consider praying that your god grants you a little more tolerance for those who believe differently than you. A spellcheck feature would be a nice gift too.
Regarding sin and hellfire, here are some thoughts on the matter: Pagans and Sinning and Will I Go To Hell if I Cast Spells?
And on a final note, I'd like to helpfully suggest that the next time you email me, have someone proofread it first, because otherwise you just look like a giant idiot when I post it here for my readers to giggle at.
Texas Looks at Social Studies Curriculum
Thursday January 14, 2010
The Texas State Board of Education is preparing to vote on changes to public school social studies curriculum. I've got to say, one wouldn't normally think that social studies books should cause such a fuss. Apparently at some point during the lengthy review process, "expert reviewers" suggested an increased focus on Christianity in relation to the founding of the United States. As you can probably imagine, that led to a bit of controversy.
The whole process appears to have been fraught with skirmishes between the more conservative members of the review committee, and everyone else. In the past, conservatives objected to the inclusion of civil rights leaders like Thurgood Marshall and Cesar Chavez.
In addition to the religious disconnect, there have been issues with the review committee regarding the portrayal -- or rather, the lack thereof -- of Hispanic figures in the history books.
Sara Weiss of Americans United for Separation of Church and State said, "We should acknowledge where religion did play a role [in history]... but we should also point out where it didn't." She added that "too much emphasis on religion could jeopardize the school's constitutional boundaries." Robertson Blames Quake on Haitians
In a shining example of how some people walk the fine line between tasteless and just freakin' stupid, Pat Robertson has opened his mouth and blamed yesterday's earthquake on -- you guessed it -- the Haitian people. Why? Because, he says, they "swore a pact to the Devil," in exchange for ol' Satan freeing them from the control of the French. So it's pretty clear that...Read moreMore Topics
How to Help Haiti
Reputable organizations doing good work
Shaman School Protects Indigenous Customs
Tribes of Amazon keep heritage alive
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10 Things Every Woman Should Have in Her Car
Gotta Know
10 Things
Self Service
Mir Kamin is a BlogHer.com contributor who writes about writing, parenting and shopping.
One of the things I traditionally do at the start of a new year is clean out the inside of my car. It's just as glamorous as it sounds, particularly because I gave birth to a couple of trash factories a few years back. Sometimes the things I find on this annual excursion are best left undisclosed.
After I take everything out (and vacuum, and bust out the Windex, Armor All, and sometimes even the Febreeze), I have to figure out what gets put back in. In doing so I have to deal with two warring factions in my brain; on the one hand, I actually despise clutter in the car, and like to travel as light as possible. On the other hand, nothing irritates me more than not having something there when I want/need it. Fortunately, the car I currently drive has a trunk approximately the size of Delaware, so generally I can work it out.
So I started thinking about it, and I realized that there are plenty of items I simply won't leave home without, and it goes well beyond the standard "emergency items" we're all cautioned to have on board. I'm not an expert (nor do I play one on television), but the following is my list of 10 things every woman should have in her car:
10) Standard emergency kit items. This includes things like a flashlight, tire gauge, etc. Check out this great little video from Lauren Fix's Howdini on what to have stocked in your kit:
The only change/addition I'd offer is that -- particularly if you have a small car -- it may not be practical to carry actual blankets. Consider picking up a few emergency mylar blankets to keep in your glove box for emergencies, instead. They're cheap and tiny.
Also, even though crank-handle flashlights tend to have a weaker beam than conventional ones, you never find yourself cursing dead batteries. The flashlight I keep in my car is always a wind-up one.
9) Personal paper products. I keep tissues in the car at all times, and I'm always glad I do. Those people you drive past who are not-so-surreptitiously picking away while tooling down the freeway? They forgot their tissues.
If you have the room, throw a roll of paper towels into the trunk, too. You never know. I also like baby wipes as a multi-purpose "clean up everything" option even when you no longer have babies, but I've learned the hard way that here in the South they dry out in hot cars, so I've sort of given up on that one.
There's no delicate way to put this, so I'll just say it: Ladies, if you're still menstruating -- have supplies in your car. I know you keep them in your purse. I also know that sometimes the purse stash runs out and you forget to restock and you're in the car on your way to Somewhere Important Where There Are Only Men and you find yourself thinking of all the things you would cheerfully trade in at that moment for a tampon sans embarrassment. Keep 'em in the glove box.
8) Umbrella. This is another one of those "But I have one in the house/in my purse/at my office" sorts of things where there's always a reason not to bother. Umbrellas are cheap and small, and no matter how many you own, you will one day find yourself in the car in a torrential downpour, with all your other umbrellas MIA.
7) Cell phone charger. I should probably make this one plural; while a cord that fits into your cigarette lighter is a no-brainer, the cost for those portable battery-run chargers and even pocket solar chargers has really come down in recent years. If your cell phone is a lifeline (and really, whose isn't?) making sure you have a way to charge it on the go is just common sense.
6) Reusable shopping bags. At the moment my husband and I have three cars in the driveway, and that's a long and convoluted story I'm not going to share right now, but Way Back When we had one car and one set of reusable grocery bags. The bags lived in the car. Then we got a second car, and the bags lived in the house -- virtually guaranteeing that whenever one of us decided to stop to pick up "just a few things" we didn't have the bags with us. After this happened a few (dozen) times, we bought a second set for the second car.
When the third vehicle came along we figured it was driven infrequently enough that we could just pull one of the other sets when needed. That ended exactly the way you suppose, with one too many times that someone found themselves bagless. I don't know about where you live, but where I am, the grocery store sells those bags for a buck apiece; having a set in the car is cheap and you'll always be glad to have them.
5) Dog treats and a spare leash. If you're not an animal lover I suppose you could skip this one... but, um, ever read Cujo? The chances of having to distract an angry dog are probably slim, but having Milkbones handy is never a bad idea. (Bonus: If you have a dog, yourself, you'll probably be glad to have a treat handy at some point when your pooch is in tow.)
As for the spare leash, well, it's possible I'm paranoid. But again, it's not like it takes up a lot of room....
4) Snacks with a good long shelf life. Most emergency kits suggest MREs or protein bars, but I consider those true emergency food. What about "short on time and the kids are clamoring for a snack" food? One of my friend keeps packets of peanut butter in the car for her boys; they suck it directly out of the pouches for a protein hit when they're hungry. Although I generally eschew "individual serving" foods for at home, little packs of cookies, dried fruits and crackers seem to stay fresh longer and save me from a relentless chorus of "Mom, we're starving!"
3) Money. There is no feeling of helplessness quite like being late to an appointment and realizing you have no change for the meter. Or maybe that's just me. I also almost never have cash on me (long live plastic!), so in addition to the pile of meter-change I keep in my car, I have a couple of well-hidden twenties for those dire occasions when I must make a purchase in a venue that only takes cash.
2) Good Book. I keep a book in the car as a matter of course. Sometimes I get stuck somewhere for a while, and really, having to just sit around and read is... kind of relaxing.
1) GPS Unit. I don't leave home without my GPS. Maybe you have a good sense of direction, but I do not. I can get lost in my own town. I can get lost coming home from the supermarket. Basically, I can get lost any time I don't have my GPS, which is why I make sure I always have it. And that includes the power cord, because having a dead GPS in the car is infinitely sadder than having no GPS at all.
Other bloggers pondering indispensable car supplies:
24/7 MOMS share 7 favorite things to keep in the car.
Organizing Junkie has a list of over 30 car must-haves.
Vanilla Joy's emergency car kit includes allergy medication, which reminds me that I probably need to restock my purse.
And finally, if you think this is all a little too girly, take a jaunt over to The Art of Manliness to find out what 13 things a man should keep in his car.
Do you have something stocked in your car that no one else has mentioned? Tell me what I'm missing!
BlogHer is the leading participatory news, entertainment and information network for women online. Follow them at BlogHer.com, on Twitter (@Blogher) and on Facebook.
Blessed Be...High Priestess Char Norton
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