Modern Dating Etiquette -- When a Dude Won't Shut Up During a Movie
Dating & Love
Dating Etiquette
It's a problem as old as dating clichés themselves: As long as there has been dinner and a movie, there have been oafish bores who insist on yammering through the whole film. Science can't explain it. Don't even try to understand it. Just know what you can do to deal with it, especially if you otherwise like this dude.
Even if your date isn't being polite, how can you handle the situation in a classy and considerate manner? Because let's face it:You're a classy and considerate lady, and his boorish behavior is going to reflect on you, too.
There are a number of archetypes we're dealing with here. Let's explore how to grapple with each.
1. The Confused: You've met him. He's genuinely not following the plot. Perhaps he's nervous or grappling with ADHD. In any case, answer his questions about who just shot the other guy as concisely and quickly as possible. Set an example by whispering and keeping it to an absolute minimum. "I'll explain later" is always a good movie-conversation-squelching mechanism.
2. The Quipper: This guy feels the need to make snarky comments throughout the film. Depending on his level of expertise, these are either genuinely funny or witty, or merely embarrassing. If it's the former, a smile and rejoinder in a whisper is appropriate. If it's the latter, oftentimes staring intently at the screen and pretending to be so absorbed that you didn't hear him can do the trick.
3. The Uninterested: This is the person who has come to the movie for no discernible reason, since he's more interested in discussing conservative radio hosts, comic books or last week's episode of "Entourage" than in watching the film.
Frankly, he's straight-up rude. He's not interested in the movie and therefore expects you not to be either. Try the direct approach. A polite but firm, "Sorry, I'm having trouble hearing the movie" should do it. If not, you might want to re-evaluate ever going to a movie with this guy again.
Whatever you do, don't resort to letting your firearm do the shushing for you. That's just bad manners for everyone.
Announcing a new Meetup for Star Coven and W.P.A.!
What: Intro to wicca class 2
When: Sunday, January 31, 2010 3:00 PM
Price: $1.00 per person
Star Coven of Wicca's coven sted
149n 100e
Payson, UT 84651
This is class 2 of Itro to wicca. please bring a pen and a note book. We will be learning. Introduction to Wicca Week 2: Read, Study, Learn and Grow
Glossary of Common Pagan/Wiccan Terms. Reading List for Beginners. Authors You Should Know. Author Interviews on About.com. Discussion: Books and Other Resources. and a test. This will be a fun class should be about 1 hour or 2. not long.bring anyone who would like to come.See you here.Blessed be...High priestess Char
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Announcing a new Meetup for Star Coven and W.P.A.!
What: Imoblc/Candlemas
When: Sunday, February 7, 2010 3:00 PM
Star Coven of Wicca's coven sted
149n 100e
Payson, UT 84651
Merry meet, my family this is our Imbolc/ candlemas Holiday meeting. Bring friends and family. It is a potluck but we will only be having snacks.Try to make them healthy. This holiday is of milk and honey and lasts of meat and veggies.To help you out with menu.I have a book we will be doing various rituals from and we will be doing circle work. You need to come cleansed so have a cleansing purification bath before you come.Will will be doing purification,cleansing and protection work. Please always protect your self with you white circle of light and your pedant/necklace.All spirit guides and friendly ancestors and angles are welcome in the coven and circle.Wear comfortable clothing we will be dancing, standing and such. Hope to see you here at The Coven sted. This will be a fun circle. and as always teens and children are welcome too!Blessed Be... High Priestess Charofficial star coven of wicca site
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This message was sent by HighPriestessChar (charnorton@aol.com) from Star Coven and W.P.A..
To learn more about HighPriestessChar, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup Inc. PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 | support@meetup.com
Candle making is my specialty. People often asks me why I do it. and how to make them. First I tell them its fun, and saves money. I reuse my extra candle wax and re-melt it. Form new candles I can use. Here is what you need to have to make a candle:
strearine, if desired
a double boiler for melt in the wax
a candy thermometer
Dyes and scents
a tall, deep pot for dipping in wicking
molds-bought, found, or made
silicone spray or peanut oil
a ladle and /or small pitcher
a sheet cake pan
an oven mitt
an ice pick
a long metal rod
a bucket of cool water
any special items (like ice or a bucket of sand) needed for the kind of candles you are making
You can buy candles molds at hobby shops, along with your other supplies. You don't have to use a store-bought mold, however; a tubular frozen juice container will work splendidly. Also consider using a bucket of slightly damp sand, in which you dig out the shape you want your candle to be. You ca even use eggshells.
Before pouring the wax, spray the inside of the mold with a silicone spray, or lightly brush the inside of the mold with peanut oil. This will allow you to remove the hardened candles from their molds easily.
The most common way to get this wick in the molded candle is to put the wick in first, followed by the wax. Most commercial molds fill from the bottom, so your candle is upside-down while you're making it. The mold will have a small hole a candle's tip. Tie your wick around a toothpick, pull it trough the mold from the tip to the open bottom, and tie it to a pencil laid across the open bottom, with the wick taut inside the mold.
Dip the tip-end of the mold in to the wax two or three times, so the first hot wax you pour in won't shoot out the end on to your shoes. Or use a dab of clay. You can also place the tip-end in a shallow pan of cold water. A little wax may ooze out, but it will harden immedity, and you can add it in back to the wax pot later. A sheet cake pan will also catch drips during the pour.
We can't say this too often-melt your wax in a double boiler or slow cooker, never in a pot that's directly over an open flame, because the vapors can explode. Never heat the wax about 212 degrees, because at 212 degrees it will begin to smoke and turn brown. Never leave melting wax unattended. Add any colors you wish near the end, and the sensed oils last. Make sure the wicks are centered in the molds, the molds are in a shallow pant catch wayward drips, and carefully pour the wax in. If you need to hold the mold, use an oven mitt. Some times it helps to ladle the hot wax into a small pitcher and poor from that.(This part should be done by Adults or mature young people under supervision, not by children.) For molds made of glass, plastic, cardboard-anything but metal-pour the wax between 150 degrees and 165 degrees. Heat your metal molds to about 100 degrees in the oven before pouring-this will give the candles a smoother finish. Pour wax in to a metal mold when it is between 190 degrees and 200 degrees.
After the wax is poured into mold, it will shrink as it cools. This will leave a depression at the top of the mold, or sometimes and air pocket under a thin skin of wax. Break the skin if there is one, then add more wax. You may have to do this more than once to get the surface solid and flat. Cooling can be hastened by immersing the poured candle in a bucket of cool water, but wait a least half an hour before doing this.
Candles that are 1 inch in diameter should remain in their molds for a lest 8 hours, and larger diameter candles will have to cool even longer. Ice candles, are exception.
For decorated candles, let them cool longer than you would expect then to need, just to be sure the wax is hard as it will get. Gently tap the mold and candle should come out. If it doesn't, try dropping it, open end down, onto a soft cloth on a hard counter or floor. I necessary, dip it for a few seconds into hot water. Or put it in freezer for half an hour; the wax will contract and should come free. If you need a jack hammer or high explosives to get your candle out of the mold, you should use more silicone spray or peanut oil next time.
Scrape away any excess wax, Cut off extra wicking if you don't need it, but leave a couple of inches to hold if you plan to do any post-decorating dipping. Polish the final product with a plain nylon stocking.Now you're ready to put your new candle in to a beautiful holder, and use it to decorate your home.
Blessed Be...High Priestess Char Norton
On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 10:57 AM, Christopher Rumfield
I am very sorry.
It appears that some of my messages are getting lost or screened out by spam software or just a Yahoo server failure. If you have written to me and I have never responded, it is possible that I never received the e-mail. For this, I am sorry. I will send you this message from BOTH addresses so I can give you the new address from that account.
Thank You for understanding,
Christopher Rumfield
Do something Important in the world.... While you are still here.
Aia Marie sent a message to the members of FREE WITCH WORKSHOPS: for Wicca & Neo-Pagans.
The free workshop is available online at this weblink:
The answer may surprise you! Do you have a fascination with Stonehenge, the Celts, ancient Egypt, Atlantis or other magickal places? Have you reincarnated with other soul mates from the past? Do you feel intuitively drawn to Wicca, Witchcraft, and Magickal things today? Would you like to learn how to explore your pagan past lives? This free workshop will help you rediscover your lost Book of Shadows.
Bright Blessings!
Aia Marie
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Blessed Be...High Priestess Char Norton
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