merry meet my friends this is High Priestess char. Sorry for not blogging for a few days.I was working on some stuff for a civen meetinfg class intro to wicca class 2 and some reach on ghost hunting/paranoraml shows and web sites.for a meetup on saterday.I also had a job offer that I had to fill out a long invulved applacation. Fun Fun right?Well as you know I have a 13 year old daughter and we were talking and she stated to me that her and are diffrent and sometimes out there. She said we work around the box, I said no we broke the box, exploed it to pieces and shot it to spce a long time ago.and we laughed.(its from the saying work out side the box you know,be more createve with out bouderies,like color out side the lines ) Good ways of thinking.If you missed me I back and heres the storie from the magickal/paranomal world and around the net.:|htmlws-main-n|dl2|link6| Casting: 'Bones' Books Freddy Krueger
Hearing 'voices' common for children
This story piss me offand gets my blood can you be so one sided. If this was a true scientific study they would have to look in to seeing if the children were possiblely psychic or sevnceitive.Science knows there are paramnormal things and children are exptable. They are still more concented to the otherside.Go post your comments as other psychics and senceatives have.|htmlws-main-n|dl5|link4||htmlws-main-n|dl6|link7||htmlws-main-n|dl6|link3||htmlws-main-n|dl6|link4||htmlws-main-n|dl7|link5||htmlws-main-n|dl7|link6||htmlws-main-n|dl4|link3||htmlws-main-n|dl4|link3|
Vampire Community News
A message to all members of Vampire Community News
Michael Graziadei ("The Young & The Restless") guest starring on the CSI NY episode titled "Sanguine Love" which airs Wednesday, Feb. 3 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Graziadei guest Stars as Keith, The Victim's boyfriend.
Episode Synospis: "Sanguine" - When a young woman's body is found in Central Park, drained of blood and missing part of her ear, the CSIs jumpstart an investigation that takes them into the dark and mysterious subculture of vampirism, on CSI: NY, Wednesday, Feb. 3 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network . This episode was written by series star Carmine Giovinazzo. Michael Graziadei ("The Young & The Restless") guest stars as Keith, the victim's boyfriend. Finola Hughes ("General Hospital") guest stars as Mrs. Christensen, the victim's mother.
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Present Moments | February 2010
IN THIS ISSUE | February 2010
INSPIRATION Chants of a Lifetime: Searching for a Heart of Gold
by Krishna Das
HAY HOUSE AUTHOR Corina Morariu: Living Through the Racket
PONDER THIS! John Holland Is The Spirit Whisperer
SELF-HELP ADVICE DailyOM: Learning to Live by Madisyn Taylor
ON DEMAND Free Audio Clip: Joan Z. Borysenko:
It’s Not the End of the World
UPCOMING EVENTS Author Lectures, Workshops
and Live Online Events
JUST IN PRINT The Latest Releases from Hay House
ANNOUNCEMENTS Juicy Living, Juicy Aging Stress Makeover
FROM LOUISE HAY Healing Haiti: Dr. Carolle’s Angels for Haiti Project
The Napkin, The Melon, The Monkey—and Janet
Chants of a Lifetime:
Searching for a Heart of Gold
by Krishna Das
Is your spiritual heart covered with dust?
My life has been spent searching. Even before I knew what I was looking for, everything that has happened to me has led me into the presence of love, whether it was the physical presence of my guru or the presence of love deep within my own heart. No matter what my life may look like from the outside, on the inside it is a constant process of turning toward that place, of trying to come face-to-face with love.
It is said that the heart is like a mirror that reflects our deepest being. If the mirror is covered with dust, the reflection is not clear. The mirror of the heart is covered with the dust of our “stuff”: selfish desires, greed, shame, fear, and attachment. As we let go of these, our inner beauty begins to radiate and shine.
The more I chant and share my path with seekers from so many different countries and cultures, the more I am being transformed myself. The purpose of my book is to illuminate the part of my path that surrounds and gives life to the chanting. I hope that by sharing the way I see my life, some of my experiences and some of the things I’ve learned while waiting for the door of my heart to swing open may be of help to those of you who are trying to open that same door.
Chanting alone is not my path. It is my main practice, but my life—and everything in it—is my path. I had the opportunity to spend several years in India in the presence of my guru, Neem Karoli Baba (also known as Maharaj-ji) and I’ve been able to meet many saints, yogis, lamas, and instructors from different spiritual traditions. Without the blessing of these wonderful teachers and my experiences with them, I wouldn’t have been able to pass through the darkness and despair that have often filled my life, and finally begun to learn how to be good to myself.
When we do kirtan, the practice of what in India is called “chanting the Divine Name” over the course of a few hours, we are letting go of our “stories” and offering ourselves into the moment over and over again. Chanting is a way of deepening the moment, of deepening our connection with ourselves, the world around us, and other beings. The Sanskrit chants that we sing—recognized for millennia as the Names of God—come from a place deep within each of us, so they have the power to draw us back within. If we go deep enough, we will all arrive at the same place, our deepest Being.
When you hear my story, maybe it will resonate in your heart because, even though all of us walk our different paths and live our different lives, we are all headed to the same place: our One Heart of Gold.
Sharing his heart through music and chanting is the basis of Krishna Das’ own spiritual work—his way of serving the Divine within himself and others. “Chanting is a way of getting in touch with yourself. It’s an opening of the heart and letting go of the mind and thoughts. It deepens the channel of grace, and it’s a way of being present in the moment,” he says. Since 1994, the sound of his voice singing traditional Indian chants with a Western flavor has brought the spiritual experience of chanting to audiences all over the world. You can preorder Krishna’s book Chants of a Lifetime online at either,,, or wherever books are sold. His book includes a free CD for personal chanting practice. More information on Krishna Das can be found at
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Corina Morariu:
Living Through the Racket
How I Survived Leukemia . . . and Rediscovered My Self
The number one doubles player in the world found herself in the match of a lifetime.
I had played or practiced tennis virtually every weekday and most weekends since I could remember. On endless Friday afternoons as a kid, when all my schoolmates were planning a weekend of fun, I was preparing to travel to an age-appropriate tennis tournament somewhere.
By the eighth grade, I was waking up at 5 A.M. every morning to go to the gym to work out before heading to school—then I’d go from school to an afternoon practice, and straight home for dinner and homework. In high school, we arranged for my classes to start at 9:30 so that I could complete a long practice before class every day while still maintaining the same afternoon schedule. I played on my high-school tennis team, which was genuinely fun, but I was also out of town much of that period playing on the very competitive, under-18 International Junior Tennis tour. Let me tell you, it severely cuts into your adolescent social life when you have to go to a tournament in Australia or a satellite pro tournament in Tunisia instead of the Friday-night varsity football game.
By age 22—having skipped college to continue my climb up the pro ranks—I was accustomed to this life, and it was now paying off. The number one ranking was the culmination of a nine-month winning streak through which I’d won four tournaments with Lindsay Davenport, including Wimbledon, and one more with my friend Kim Po. I had also won my first singles title the year before and saw myself constantly improving as a singles player. If you had asked me on that Monday how I saw my future, I would have said that I had my work cut out for me in trying to hold on to the number one ranking while also striving to advance my singles ranking. However, I was still young, gaining valuable experience and continually improving. I truly thought that my best tennis years were yet to come.
It didn’t quite work out that way. The day I reached #1 was incredible, but it now seems like a lifetime ago. Sure, I was living a dream existence, as I traveled the world in the rarefied circles of the professional tennis player, but my life was about to be completely turned upside down. It would take years before I could make sense of the inevitable fallout.
I got cancer.
A devastating illness has a way of upending anyone’s life, especially one like mine, which was so structured; disciplined; and, in many ways, one-dimensional. It can undermine everything you count on and set you off in directions, good and bad, that you never really contemplated before. Although my personal identity had been deeply intertwined with my tennis identity for most of my first 23 years, much of what occurred in the wake of my illness was only tangentially related to tennis. It was much more connected to my view of myself as a person and how I came to define my life, on my own terms.
I had been tested during my entire 22 years—in fact, every time I walked onto a tennis court in competition—but I had never been tested like this.
Most of us think of suffering as just that: suffering. Yet as I came to learn, some forms of suffering can present an opportunity for personal transformation borne of the obvious and inescapable pain, anguish, and sadness experienced by both ourselves and the people who love us most. We certainly don’t invite disease or any other form of suffering into our existence, but it is part of life, and once confronted by it, there is no way to predict how we might change. In my case, the changes that occurred made life better, richer, and more meaningful in so many ways.
Corina Morariu was 23 and at the height of her professional tennis career—a top 30 singles player, the #1 ranked doubles player in the world in 2000, and the winner of Grand Slam titles at both Wimbledon and the Australian Open. Then in May 2001, she was diagnosed with an advanced form of acute myelogenous leukemia and found herself in the match of a lifetime. Read more about how she survived leukemia and rediscovered herself in her riveting new book releasing this month: Living Through the Racket.
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John Holland Is The Spirit Whisperer
What would you ask a guy who talks to the dead?
If you have any doubts that anyone can make contact with the spirits, watch acclaimed psychic medium John Holland on stage just once. One minute he’s briskly pacing back and forth before the audience, and the next he’s blurting out details about a deceased relative of an audience member that he would never know otherwise!
Suddenly it happens. I’m well used to it and prepared. I know what to expect. I just simply know. Sometimes, it’s a whisper of words, an abstract image or symbol, or just emotions that flood into my mind. Then there’s the overshadowing of those in the Spirit World, when they try to get my attention as I begin to link and blend with their energy.
As John explains it, he’s the “mailman,” who opens himself up, receives a message and then delivers it to you. John says that he doesn’t choose who comes through, he just tells you about the spirits who show up.
In his mesmerizing new book, The Spirit Whisperer, John answers two burning questions about why these spirits want to communicate with us and when they come around:
Q. Do you call the dead to you?
A. No, it really doesn’t work like that. Just like us, spirits have free will—mediums don’t have power over them. Most of the time, you’ll hear from the ones you’re hoping will come through with a message for you, but it’s rare that a medium will guarantee who’s going to come through. I’ve done many a reading with people who want to connect with a specific person, but end up hearing from someone they never expected. It isn’t a case of 1-800-Dial-the-Dead!
Just such a situation happened when I sat with a client named Vivian who had great trouble walking, so I agreed to go to her home. I arrived, and she put me in her mother’s room, sat me in her chair, and even made sure her mom’s photos were all around me. Did she get her mother? You guessed it—no. However, a woman did come through for Vivian—a friend of hers. As I started to describe her to Vivian, she screamed, “What do you want?!” while looking up at the ceiling.
It turned out that ever since Vivian had lost her mom, she’d been a bit of a recluse. In the reading, her friend had come through to say that she was with her and wished she’d visit her other friends. I don’t choose the spirits—they choose me and will often come though, not with the message that you want to hear, but one that you probably need to hear.
Q. Are the spirits connected to us all the time?
A. Here in the physical world, your family and friends aren’t around you 24/7, but when there’s a crisis or an emergency, they’re there when you need them. Well, it’s just the same way with your family and friends on the Other Side. They often know what’s going on in your life and try to let you know they are there for you, whether it’s for love, guidance, hope, or even inspiration.
I’m convinced that few people actually realize just how much energy it takes for those who have passed to lower their vibration and make a connection to this physical plane. As a result, it’s not something they’re going to want to be doing all the time. I believe that they have their own learning to do over there and need time to grow and progress, which is why those who have recently passed often need time before they’re ready to connect to the living.
John Holland is an internationally renowned psychic medium who’s been lecturing, demonstrating, and reading for private clients for almost two decades. He has been featured on The History Channel’s Psychic History, Unsolved Mysteries, Extra, and the A&E special Mediums: We See Dead People. If you’d like to read more about how he became The Spirit Whisperer, pick up his new book by clicking here. You can also talk to John every Monday during his live talk radio show on
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DailyOM: Learning to Live
by Madisyn Taylor
Is your life a runaway train?
It is easy to go through this fast-paced world feeling as if we are being dragged through our weeks on the back of a wild horse. Many of us move from one thing to another until we end up back at home in the evening with just enough time to wind down and go to sleep, waking up the next morning to begin the wild ride once more. While this can be exhilarating for certain periods of time, a life lived entirely in this fashion can be exhausting; and more important, it places us in the passenger’s seat when really we are the ones who should be driving.
When we get caught up in our packed schedules and our many obligations, weeks can go by without our doing one spontaneous thing or taking the time to look at the bigger picture of our lives. Without these breaks, we run the risk of going through our precious days on a runaway train. Taking time to view the bigger picture, asking ourselves if we are happy with the path we are on and making adjustments, puts us back in the driver’s seat, where we belong. When we take responsibility for charting our own course in life, we may very well go in an entirely different direction from the one laid out for us by society and familial expectations. This can be uncomfortable in the short term, but in the long term it is much worse to imagine living this precious life without ever taking the wheel and navigating our own course.
Of course, time spent examining the big picture could lead us to see that we are happy with the road we are on, but we would like more time with family or more free time to do whatever we are drawn to at the moment. Even if we want more extreme changes, the way to begin is to get off the road for long enough to catch our breath and remember who we are and what we truly desire. Once we do that, we can take the wheel with confidence, driving the speed we want to go, in the direction that is right for us.
Best-selling author Madisyn Taylor based her new book Learning to Live on the popular Website DailyOM. In it, she seamlessly weaves together her award-winning inspirational thoughts with her achingly honest personal story, revealing the inspiration behind many of the DailyOM messages that touch millions of people every day. To read the first 45 pages of Madisyn’s book for free, click here.
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Joan Z. Borysenko:
It’s Not the End of the World
In appreciation of your continued love and support and for being a part of our Present Moments family of readers, we invite you to listen to this complimentary clip from one of our On Demand downloads from a recent online Web class featuring your favorite Hay House authors.
This Month’s Featured On Demand Web Class:
Joan Z. Borysenko: It’s Not the End of the World
Want to become more resilient and bounce back from your setbacks? Would you like to improve your ability to handle stress and face reality head on? Or perhaps you’d like to add more meaning and joy to your life? Let world-renowned expert on stress, health and human potential Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., give you the steps you need to develop more strength and happiness. Click here to listen to this month’s free clip.
In this inspirational On Demand Web class, Joan shares her conversations with some of the most influential leaders in the field of mind-body wellness about resilience and overcoming stress. Click here to access the entire workshop series.
Hay House Live Online Events:
Take a Web Class with Your Favorite Authors—Anytime You Want!
Each week, Hay House offers a variety of inspiring Web classes from many of your favorite authors. There are three ways to sign up:
You can listen live and participate by asking these authors your personal questions on the day of the class.
You can listen to a streaming playback.
You can download these valuable sessions at your convenience and listen to them again and again.
Click here to access all Special Live Online Events and On Demand downloads now available. You can listen to your favorite authors in these Web classes again and again! New audio downloads and courses become available weekly. Bookmark this page to see what’s new.
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February: Author Lectures, Workshops and Live Online Events
We have so many fabulous upcoming events this month we cannot fit them all on one page! Click View All for a complete list of conferences, journeys, live online events, and tours.
Conferences: Enjoy spiritual nourishment for your soul—View All
I Can Do It! 2010–San Diego
May 14–16, 2010
New Lower Prices! Save 25% on the Preconference when you purchase a Full Conference Pass.
Be sure to register by February 28 for the I Can Do It! 2010–San Diego conference and save $50 on a General Section Full Conference Pass! Click here for event details.
I Can Do It! 2010–Toronto
May 28–30, 2010
New Lower Prices! Save 25% on the Preconference when you purchase a Full Conference Pass.
Be sure to register by February 28 for the I Can Do It! 2010–Toronto conference and save $50 on a General Section Full Conference Pass! Click here for event details.
I Can Do It! 2010–Tampa
November 12–14, 2010
New Lower Prices! Save 25% on the Preconference when you purchase a Full Conference Pass.
Be sure to register by June 30 for the I Can Do It! 2010–Tampa conference and save $100 on a Full Conference Pass! Click here for event details.
Hay House Has Chartered Another Ship!
I Can Do It!® At Sea Caribbean Cruise
January 28–February 4, 2011
Featuring five exciting programs with an amazing line-up of authors. If you haven’t joined us on one of our past charters—you won’t want to miss this one! Join all your friends, and make new ones—the entire ship is filled with like-minded individuals!
Journeys: Explore new ideas in new locations—View All
Caribbean Cruise: Writer’s Workshop
June 6–13, 2010
Featuring Cheryl Richardson, Lisa Fugard, Reid Tracy and Margarete Nielsen
Caribbean Cruise: Movers & Shakers
June 6–13, 2010
Featuring Cheryl Richardson and Reid Tracy
February Live Online and On Demand Events: Learn and Grow—View All
28 Days to Claim the Life You’re Destined to Live . . .
with Passion and Purpose: The Magic in You (Lesson 2)
Colette Baron-Reid Live Online Event 5-Course Series
February 1, 2010, 4:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m. Pacific Time
This online event is Lesson 2 of a five-part series. To purchase the complete series and have a chance to receive a free 30-minute reading (one lucky winner), as well as books and CDs to other participants throughout her seminar, please click here.
When you purchase a complete series after the first lesson has taken place, you will automatically receive any previous sessions in your account to review at your convenience.
Discover True Love by the Numbers!
Glynis McCants Live Online Event
February 6, 2010, 9:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m. Pacific Time
Learn to find great love or reignite the relationship you’re already in with Celebrity Numerologist Glynis McCants!
Mirrors of Time: Experience Your Past Lives
Dr. Brian Weiss Live Online Event
February 25, 2010, 4:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Pacific Time
Do you wonder about your past-life experiences and how they impact your life today? Would you like to break free of emotional and physical difficulties and experience more peace, joy, and love?
Lectures and Events:
See your favorite authors up close and in person—View All
Dr. Wayne Dyer Wishes Fulfilled, an exclusive in-cinema event
January 28–February 4, 2010
Click here to check listings for a theatre near you!
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer will be seen at your local cinema to talk about how to live your true life purpose just in time for the new year!
Many Lives, Many Masters: Experiencing Your Past Lives
Brian Weiss, M.D. 2010 Tour
February 13, 2010, 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. – Philadelphia, PA
February 20, 2010, 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. – Orlando, FL
This highly experiential intensive workshop—valuable for professionals and non-professional people—explores the latest in hypnotic regression therapy.
Online Courses: Enrich and Motivate—View All
The Art of Extreme Self-Care
Online Course 12-Part Download
Cheryl Richardson Online Course
Following her new book, The Art of Extreme Self-Care, Cheryl guides you through 12 empowering lessons that are sure to help you take the steps you need to live a more fulfilling, enjoyable, and rich life. Click here to view complete details.
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The Latest Releases from Hay House
To purchase, visit your local bookstore or click on the titles for more information.
Face It: What Women Really Feel as Their Looks Change
by Vivian Diller, Ph.D.
Let’s face it: everyone’s getting older. But millions of women, raised to believe that success and happiness are based on their intelligence and accomplishments, face an unexpected challenge: the physical realities of aging. If looks are not supposed to matter, why do so many women panic as their appearance changes?
Their dilemma stems from two opposing societal views of beauty which lead to two different approaches to aging. Should women simply grow old naturally since their looks don’t define them, or should they fight the signs of aging since beauty and youth are their currency and power? This Beauty Paradox leaves many women feeling stuck.
Face It, by Vivian Diller, Ph.D., is a psychological guide to help women deal with the emotions brought on by their changing appearances. As a model turned psychotherapist, Diller has had the opportunity to examine the world of beauty from two very different vantage points. This unique perspective helped her develop a six-step program that begins with recognizing “uh-oh” moments that reveal the reality of changing looks, and goes on to identify the masks used to cover deeper issues and define the role beauty plays in a woman’s life, and ends with bidding adieu to old definitions of beauty, so women can enjoy their appearance—at any age!
Nature’s Secret Messages
Hidden in Plain Sight
by Elaine Wilkes, Ph.D., N.C., M.A., LEED
Ready for unconditional love? Let Nature nurture you! Einstein said, “Look deep into nature, and you will understand everything better.” Find out how to interpret Nature’s messages that will fill you with awe, inspiration, and healing. This fascinating book combines ancient wisdom with modern research, imagination with science, and has profound answers from your mom—Mother Nature. After four billion years experience, she has life figured out. Empowering exercises throughout the book will inspire a greater love of yourself and the planet.
A Daily Dose of Sanity:
A Five-Minute Soul Recharge for Every Day of the Year
by Alan Cohen, M.A.
In times of challenge as well as ease, we all need a helping hand to stay on top of our game, make successful decisions, and find peace of mind in the midst of people and events that might distract us. This collection of inspiring, poignant, and humorous real-life stories, coupled with uplifting insights, will show you how to keep your head on straight and your heart open no matter where you are or what you’re doing.
In his uniquely warm and down-to-earth way, Alan Cohen teaches you through meaningful examples that you’re in the perfect position to use your talents and assets to turn your life into all you want it to be. Each day-of-the-year entry contains a theme, an elegant quotation, a true-to-life anecdote, a short lesson, a question for self-study, and an empowering affirmation.
In the tradition of Alan’s highly popular award-winning book A Deep Breath of Life, you can use this book on a daily basis for a potent uplift and gain valuable tools to feel better, create career and financial success, deepen the quality of all of your relationships, and find personal fulfillment that lifts you far beyond what you’ve known in the past.
How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body
by David R. Hamilton, Ph.D.
The connection between your mind and body is close, powerful, and often a valuable tool in taking control of your life and ambitions. The power of thought can affect you in profound ways, particularly in regards to its truly incredible effect on your health, explored in detail within these pages.
This fascinating book by cutting-edge scientist David R. Hamilton explores the power of visualization, belief, and positive thinking—and their effects on the body. He also presents a revolutionary quantum-field healing meditation—through which you can change yourself on an atomic level—and shows you how you can use your imagination and thought processes to combat disease, pain, and illness.
You will see how science and belief systems can merge . . . so that you can heal yourself more effectively than ever before!
Brainwashed: Challenging the Myth of Black Inferiority
by Tom Burrell
“Black people are not dark-skinned white people,” says advertising visionary Tom Burrell. In fact, they are a lot more. They are survivors of the Middle Passage and centuries of humiliation and deprivation, who have excelled against the odds, constantly making a way out of “no way!” At this point in history, the idea of black inferiority should have had a “Going-Out-of-Business Sale.” After all, Barack Obama has reached the Promised Land.
Yet, as Brainwashed: Challenging the Myth of Black Inferiority testifies, too much of black America is still wandering in the wilderness. In this powerful examination of “the greatest propaganda campaign of all time”—the masterful marketing of black inferiority—Burrell poses 10 provocative questions that will make black people look in the mirror and ask why, nearly 150 years after the Emancipation Proclamation, so many blacks still think like slaves.
Brainwashed is not a reprimand; it is a call to deprogram ourselves of self-defeating attitudes and actions. Racism is not the issue; how we respond to racism is the issue. We must undo negative brainwashing and claim a new state of race-based self-esteem and self-actualization. Provocative and powerful, Brainwashed dares to expose the wounds so that we, at last, can heal.
The Napkin, The Melon & The Monkey
How to Be Happy and Successful by Simply Changing Your Mind
by Barbara Burke
As a customer service agent, Olivia has been trained to handle irate customers in a calm, professional manner. But one day she loses control and yells back. Terrified that she’ll be fired, she seeks out Isabel, the call center’s sage.
This modern-day fable shows us that the best way to reduce stress is to cultivate mindfulness. While we cannot control much of what happens, we can get better outcomes if we stop to see situations clearly and calmly.
This book serves as both a powerful resource for business professionals looking for practical, easy-to-use tools for dealing with difficult people and an inspirational tale for those who want better relationships and a happier life.
The Everest Principle
How to Achieve the Summit of Your Life
by Stephen C. Brewer, M.D. and Peggy Wagner, M.S., L.P.C.
This book is called The Everest Principle because Mt. Everest is the highest, and arguably, one of the most challenging mountains a person can climb. The metaphor of climbing Mt. Everest is woven throughout the book as a means to guide you through the trail markers for peak performance.
Everyone has, at some point in their life, an Everest to ascend. The Everest Principle becomes your “outfitter” to assess, prepare, train, guide, and equip you for the expedition to the top of your personal Everest. This Principle requires the use of an integrative approach that addresses your medical, nutritional, physical, and behavioral health.
Peak performance does not limit itself to the elite athlete or performer. It is for anyone who wants to improve his or her individual life. These treks may include real-life challenges such as achieving a higher level in your relationship with another, getting a promotion, running your first 5K fun run, or weight loss. The purpose of this book is to instill you with the belief that you can overcome barriers, attain high-level goals, and enhance your life in every way!
Truth Heals: What You Hide Can Hurt You
Now in Tradepaper!
by Deborah King
Millions of us live with chronic and debilitating pain or disease, and sadly, that number is growing every day. In Truth Heals, which was originally self-published, Deborah King, Ph.D. explores the relationship between the suppression of truth and how this later manifests into pain or illness.
Using her years of experience as an expert healer, Deborah creates a roadmap for people to learn how to recognize and release emotional blockages, share truth in a safe and healing manner, and unlock the power of truth without reliving negative experiences or causing more harm. Through client histories, celebrity profiles, and her own remarkable journey, the author demonstrates how anyone can release deep-seated layers of denial, fear, and anger in order to heal the mind and body.
Hay House’s Latest Apps for Your iPhone & iPod Touch!
Each week, we are introducing new Apps for your favorite Hay House products. These apps are available for your iPhone or iPod Touch to inspire and enlighten you every day! Whether you’re on the road or on the go, your favorite Hay House CDs, calendars, and card decks are at your fingertips with daily affirmations and guidance just for you.
This month, we are proud to announce the debut of the The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards App. Use the oracle cards as an inspirational tool to bridge the unseen world of Spirit and the physical world of our day-to-day lives. Just click here.
Or you can try these new Hay House iPhone Apps:
Ask the Kabala Oracle Cards
by Deepak Chopra, M.D. and Michael Zapolin, with Alys Yablon
The deck consists of 22 beautifully illustrated cards, one for each of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Each letter is represented by a specific story or character from the Bible, and a life lesson or meditation based on that story from a kabalistic perspective. Deepak Chopra and his co-authors explain how Kabala fits into the context of other spiritual traditions, and how it can be used by any seeker from any faith.
The Psychic Tarot Oracle Cards
by John Holland
The 65 beautifully illustrated cards in this deck will create a powerful bridge between your psychic abilities and the ancient knowledge and meanings of the tarot; and will help you develop intuitive insights about all areas of your life, including love and relationships, business matters, and even career changes.
Power of Intention Perpetual Calendar
by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
This best-selling perpetual calendar is now interactive and available on your iPhone or iPod Touch. In this amazing calendar, which you can use year after year, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer brings you thoughts and reflections that will help you bring the power of intention into your life.
Keep checking for the latest Hay House iPhone and iPod Touch apps by clicking here.
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Juicy Living, Juicy Aging Stress Makeover
Juicy Living, Juicy Aging Stress Makeover
Loretta LaRoche
February 26–28, 2010
Kripalu Yoga Center, MA
Join Loretta for a weekend workshop that will help you explore, develop, and incorporate her ten juicy life principles into your daily life. Loretta’s daughter, Laurie Beck, will co-host this workshop, sharing her journey with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and how she developed the tools to become a role model for energy and light-heartedness. As a special offer for Hay House customers, Loretta and Kripalu are offering all Hay House customers $25 off the registration fee. Just call 866-200-5203 and mention coupon code “Lighten Up” to receive your discount.
Our friends at Spiritual Cinema Circle recently found a beautiful feature film entitled AMAL. It’s a modern-day parable that tells the story of a man named Amal — a simple, humble auto-rickshaw driver in the colorful, bustling city of New Delhi, India, who lives to do “the right thing” in every situation. This riveting and surprising tale ultimately reveals that the poorest of men are sometimes the richest. Receive a free DVD that includes AMAL plus three great short films, and an in-depth interview with spiritual teacher Alan Cohen (for just a small shipping fee). Order now >>
The Science of Medical Intuition is designed to help listeners take control of their total health, through intuitive self-diagnosis and healing techniques. This 12-session online course will include 18 hours of audio teaching, three hours of video presentations, a wealth of written lessons, plus five live sessions—two with Caroline Myss, two with Norm Shealy, and a concluding online live event with both teachers. Starts March 16, 2010.
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Healing Haiti
Dr. Carolle’s Angels for Haiti Project
I have a dear friend who is also a Hay House author. Her name is Dr. Carolle-Jean Murat. She was born and raised in Haiti. Dr. Carolle said that while growing up, she occasionally went hungry and grew up in a country with very few resources and an extremely oppressive and dangerous political climate.
Dr. Carolle left her country to come to the United States to become a doctor. She fulfilled her dreams, but has never forgotten where she came from. A fiercely loyal and passionate lady, Dr. Carolle has gone back to Haiti for years bringing medical supplies and her vision for a better life for her people. She worked through many harsh conditions. There were times, she said, that minor surgeries were performed with an assistant holding a flashlight so they could see and a citronella candle to ward off mosquitoes and flies.
Her dream, while growing up, was to “build a hospital, just as Albert Schweitzer had done, to provide medical care for the poor.” Dr. Carolle’s dream came true when she (and several medical associates) founded the Angels for Haiti Project, which supplies medical attention to the children and people of La Vallee de Jacmel, Haiti.
Since 1998, my charitable organization, The Hay Foundation, had given Dr. Carolle financial support, which allowed her to buy shoes, school uniforms and supplies for 200 children who attend Lycee Phillippe Jules in La Vallee de Jacmel.
When the 7.0 earthquake hit Haiti earlier this month, we immediately sent extra aid to help Dr. Carolle and her Angels for Haiti Project. I’ve invited Dr. Carolle to share more news after her recent visit to Haiti on a special fundraising broadcast on our Acts of Kindness/The Hay Foundation radio program. We’ll be airing the show beginning Wednesday, February 3 and throughout the month. Click here to listen.
If you wish to help, please visit or call 800-654-5126. All of the money raised will go directly to Dr. Carolle and her work with Angels for Haiti Project. If you’d like to learn more about Dr. Carolle, visit and
Let’s affirm for all of those in Haiti or those who have families there:
Today, I let my voice be heard. I let my prayers be answered. I let the healing take place.
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The Napkin, The Melon, The Monkey—
and Janet
The People Who Help You Smile
“Problems can be gifts in disguise.”
— Barbara Burke
When I had to catch a flight to Tampa for our I Can Do It conference, I called up a few shuttle companies to book transportation to the airport. The first one I called had me pressing so many buttons on my phone before I could talk to a living and breathing person, I just hung up. The second one I dialed was the most familiar company with the largest ads. But when I was transferred to a rep, he rushed me through my questions as if I were intruding on his day.
I almost gave up, but I really didn’t want to shove any of my family members out of bed before dawn to wrestle the morning freeway traffic. So I combed the listings again and dialed another number. I was immediately greeted by a very welcoming woman named Janet. She spoke to me as if she knew me. Soon, we were sharing a few laughs over typical airport humor and I felt so relieved about my upcoming trip to the airport. Within minutes, she won me over. If the shuttle drivers were anything like Janet, I knew I’d be in good hands.
Do you have a “Janet” in your life? You know her well. It’s the person who does a little extra something to help you smile, and gives you the positive energy to carry on with your day. Maybe it’s your mailman. The waitress at your regular restaurant. The lady who cleans your office. The cashier at your favorite store. Maybe YOU are the “Janet” in someone else’s life.
One of our newest authors, Barbara Burke, is releasing a book this month that pays tribute to all of the “Janets” in our lives. It’s called, The Napkin, The Melon & The Monkey. It’s a very strange title for a beautiful little book that simply reminds us about those precious gifts we may not often notice . . . that are standing right in front of us or perhaps even looking back at us from our mirror.
The Napkin, The Melon & The Monkey is a parable about a woman named Olivia, who has just been hired at a crazy-busy customer service call center. Her sunny disposition is quickly dimmed by a daily barrage of angry callers. But with the help of a wise coworker, she experiences 22 amazing Aha Moments that turn her life around.
When Barbara came to our office to talk about her new book, we were all enraptured by the captivating story of The Napkin, The Melon & The Monkey. Probably because her central character Olivia was a lot like us. Someone who enjoys her work, but then there are days when she gets pushed so hard it knocks her off track and makes her question why she does what she does.
Barbara herself is also quite a gem. She has had many years of experience with call centers. She’s a great storyteller and often gives talks to call centers around the country. (If you get a chance to see her in person, ask about her encounter with the biggest bear in Minnesota. You’ll be amazed!) Her delightful book will warm your heart and enhance your work life. And it will also make a wonderful gift for the “Janets” in your life!
I’m going to send one to my Janet today. I invite you to do the same and share your stories with us next time.
Thank YOU for being the “Janet” in our lives here at Hay House. We appreciate the smiles!
Donna Abate, E-Letter Editor
P.S. Did you notice our new logo at the bottom of this e-letter? It’s Louise Hay’s signature heart with the words: 50 Million Books Sold, 50 Million Lives Changed: Embrace the Change. More than 25 years ago, Louise opened her heart, wrote a little blue book and started publishing material that would change the world and its way of thinking. Just a few weeks ago, we reached a milestone—50 million books have now gone out into the world. 50 Million Books Sold . . . 50 Million Lives Changed. We invite you to continue to embrace the change!
Thank you for being here and for being YOU! Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Please e-mail your feedback to Hay House invites you to look within. Visit our online store at to browse our full complement of books, audios, and gifts in the areas of Self-Help and Personal Growth.
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Announcing a new Meetup for The Utah Good Witches Meetup!
What: Sweat Lodge /Gathering
When: Sunday, January 31, 2010 5:00 PM
Safe Haven Ministries
824 South 700 East
We prayed for Haiti at our last sweat and was very affective. We feel Haiti deserves more prayers. Come send the love! We also had an "Angel Walk" that was fun so will be Angel Walking again!
Jan.31 @ 5pm.
If you do not want to sweat, feel free to come for the feast @ 7:30pm and socialize. We've been doing Angel walks and dancing! We could really use firewood if anyone has any to bring. This month is the winter solstice month when the earth deserves extra love and light during the darkest time of the year. Join us in blessing and lighting up the earth grid!
5pm- Gather
5:15- Pipe Ceremony
5:30- Sweat Starts
7:30- Feast/Social
8:00 - Angel Walk
Address: 824 South 700 East, SLC, ut.
The Lodge will hold approximately 13 people so please be on time to insure a place.Bring a towel, water, clothes to sweat in, a pot luck item and a friend! Please be alcohol & drug free.
It is customary to bring an offering to the Lodge. Offerings can include: $, Tobacco, sage, essential oils, rocks, firewood, a smile etc. Let "Spirit" guide you.
Renee & Torg
Safe Haven Ministries
Learn more here:
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Meetup Inc. PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 |
Gather together, the light returns.
Ritual cleansing as the fire burns.
Old ways, cold days, shadows, despair,
Into the flames assembled there.
In with the sun's rays, lengthening days,
Renew life, fertility, hope, thanks and praise!
Gather together, the light returns.
Hearts filled with love, as the Wheel turns.
Goddesses Brigit, Isis, and Ewe,
Initiates three, assemble here, too.
One and all:ritual blessings bestowed upon thee.
Gather for Imbolc and together,
Blessed Be!
http://sunstave. blogspot. com/2010/ 01/sunstave- imbolc-brighid. html
Rev. Pamela invites you to gather together in celebration of Imbolc and turn the Wheel of the Year!
For this fire festival smack in the middle of Winter, feed your doldrums to the flames! Bring last year's corn dolly/Brigit' s Cross/other amulet to spring clean your spiritual space. Craft a new cross to honor the promise of new life, new ways, new growth. Bring a fresh dish for a potluck feast.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
3-5 pm
The Church of the Sacred Circle
3464 W 3800 S
West Valley City, UT 84119
Rev. Pamela
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We will have a guest speaker Michael for our meetup on Saturday BUT he cannot come any earlier than 7pm because of traffic and other commitments... If you want to talk with him during our question and answer session 7pm to 8pm that is great. If you choose to come to the meetup later than normal to accomidate this, that is cool too.
This is a copy of his response letter so you know what will and will not be going on:
I want to be clear about Saturday night, because I'm not sure what you are expecting. I can make it down there by 7:00, and would be more than happy to talk with your group and answer whatever questions they might have. I won't be able to do any kind of presentation, play video or EVPs, and I won't have a lot of extra equipment with me. We can do that someday, and would be glad to, but right now we are swamped with requests, and I feel that needs to be the priority. If just having me there for a question and answer format is okay, then I'm more than happy to do that, and I'd be willing to do a Podcast interview as well.
Let me know if this is okay, and if so, I'll see you at 7:00.
Link to Meetup:
When: Saturday, January 30, 2010 5:00 PM
Art City Coffee
484 S. 1750 W. ste D Freeway exit 260 - Behind Del Taco in Walmart Plaza ... (Google map is wrong)
Springville, UT 84663
801 489 3600
RSVP limit: 30 "Yes" and "Maybe" RSVPs
If the changes affect your plans to attend, please take a moment to update your RSVP. (You can RSVP "No" or "Maybe" as well as "Yes".)
You can always get in touch with me through the "Contact Organizer" link on Meetup:
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This message was sent by Christopher Rumfield ( from The Springville Metaphysical and Law Of Attraction Group..
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Meetup Inc. PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 |
Wow! Somebody Actually Read My Crap
I was pleasantly surprised this morning to discover, after the NSA was done installing the tap on my phone and I was finally able to log into my email, a message from Dr. Arthur Cyr of Carthage College in Wisconsin. All two of the people who have been reading my blog over the last five weeks may recall my very first post to The Libya Hill Report, entitled "Person of the Year? Hell, He's Barely a Person!"
It was actually a Letter to the Editor that I'd written to the Hagerstown Herald-Mail, in response to a syndicated piece written by Dr. Cyr, who is a former President of the World Trade Center Chicago Association, the Vice President of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations (emphasis added), a member of the faculty and international studies staff at UCLA, and a staff member of the Ford Foundation. In his article, Cyr lavished praise on Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and applauded Time Magazine for naming him "Person of the Year 2009." I, of course, had to make a spectacle of myself and publicly register my virulent disagreement. And so began my illustrious blogging career. More . . .
Regan Straley
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Stop Global Warming: End Our Oil Addiction! America consumes over 19 million barrels of oil per day. More than 70% of that is for transportation; we burn most of our oil as gasoline in our cars, trucks and SUVs. Like any addiction, our oil dependence has serious consequences. We are at war for oil. Tailpipe emissions contribute to global warming. Oil extraction destroys forests and communities in countries like Nigeria, Colombia and Ecuador.
It's time for change... It's time to break our addiction.
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Announcing a new Meetup for The Utah Good Witches Meetup!
What: SunStave Imbolc / Brighid
When: Sunday, January 31, 2010 3:00 PM
Sacred Circle Temple
3464 West 3800 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84119
Avalon 661-1710
Gather together, the light returns.
Ritual cleansing as the fire burns.
Old ways, cold days, shadows, despair,
Into the flames assembled there.
In with the sun's rays, lengthening days,
Renew life, fertility, hope, thanks and praise!
Gather together, the light returns.
Hearts filled with love, as the Wheel turns.
Goddesses Brigit, Isis, and Ewe,
Initiates three, assemble here, too.
One and all:ritual blessings bestowed upon thee.
Gather for Imbolc and together,
Blessed Be!
Rev. Pamela invites you to gather together in celebration of Imbolc and turn the Wheel of the Year!
For this fire festival smack in the middle of Winter, feed your doldrums to the flames! Bring last year's corn dolly/Brigit's Cross/other amulet to spring clean your spiritual space. Craft a new cross to honor the promise of new life, new ways, new growth. Bring a fresh dish for a potluck feast.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
3-5 pm
The Church of the Sacred Circle
3464 W 3800 S
West Valley City, UT 84119
Rev. Pamela
Learn more here:
Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list (
This message was sent by Heron ( from The Utah Good Witches Meetup.
To learn more about Heron, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup Inc. PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 |
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Going Green: Your Yahoo! Groups resource for green living
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Announcing a new Meetup for The Utah Good Witches Meetup!
What: SunStave Imbolc / Brighid
When: Sunday, January 31, 2010 3:00 PM
Sacred Circle Temple
3464 West 3800 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84119
Avalon 661-1710
Gather together, the light returns.
Ritual cleansing as the fire burns.
Old ways, cold days, shadows, despair,
Into the flames assembled there.
In with the sun's rays, lengthening days,
Renew life, fertility, hope, thanks and praise!
Gather together, the light returns.
Hearts filled with love, as the Wheel turns.
Goddesses Brigit, Isis, and Ewe,
Initiates three, assemble here, too.
One and all:ritual blessings bestowed upon thee.
Gather for Imbolc and together,
Blessed Be!
Rev. Pamela invites you to gather together in celebration of Imbolc and turn the Wheel of the Year!
For this fire festival smack in the middle of Winter, feed your doldrums to the flames! Bring last year's corn dolly/Brigit's Cross/other amulet to spring clean your spiritual space. Craft a new cross to honor the promise of new life, new ways, new growth. Bring a fresh dish for a potluck feast.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
3-5 pm
The Church of the Sacred Circle
3464 W 3800 S
West Valley City, UT 84119
Rev. Pamela
Learn more here:
Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list (
This message was sent by Heron ( from The Utah Good Witches Meetup.
To learn more about Heron, visit his/her member profile
To unsubscribe or to update your mailing list settings, click here
Meetup Inc. PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 |
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Cinema Event
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Dr. Wayne W. Dyer — Wishes Fulfilled
An Exclusive Cinema Event
Join us for a unique cinema event of Wishes Fulfilled on January 28 with an encore on February 4. Watch a recording of Dr. Dyer's latest lecture and learn how to start living your true life's purpose just in time for the New Year. Wayne will help you to shift your way of thinking and begin living a powerful and purposeful life. This event will leave you uplifted and energized and possibly ready to live your own passion.
Bring your friends and family January 28 or February 4 to your local movie theater to watch Wishes Fulfilled and let Wayne help you to create the life you want. You'll also receive an exclusive recording (2 hours) as a special gift for attending.
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The great news is that there is truly just one thing we need to do to get rid of belly fat quickly—and there is NO dieting or exercise required; NO pills or surgeries and NO calorie counting ever. It's all about keeping insulin low. Why? High insulin causes your body to store belly fat and lock it in place. Learn how we can keep insulin low by changing the way we eat—without giving up things we love like chocolate or ice cream. Get ready for great-tasting food that is actually healthy, too!
LIMITED-TIME OFFER: Order 3 books—one for you and then give two to friends—and get The Belly Fat Cure Instant Download Kit: Quick Start Coaching AudioBook and a PDF of Chapter Two for FREE ($97.00 value). This offer is not available anywhere else and is only available for a limited time. Click here to view complete details.
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Richard Brodie — Getting Past OK
The Self-Help Book for People Who Don't Need Help
Richard Brodie dropped out of Harvard to join the computer revolution and write the first version of Microsoft Word. Then, burned-out helping Microsoft achieve its phenomenal success, he quit and embarked on an equally intense search for a more meaningful life. For three years Richard mined the wisdom of famed self improvement seminars and workshops. Most of all, he wanted to discover why life seemed to coast along at either an "OK" level or plummet into "the pits," spending so little time in true satisfaction and fulfillment.
In Getting Past OK, he shares the results of his odyssey, providing a step by step guide for discovering your own individual formula for long term success and happiness. It gives you all the tools you need to find yourself, take charge, and get past OK.
You'll learn how to: Understand what's really going on in your life; Make the most of your potential; Pull out of crises—and move on; Achieve rewarding relationships; Be in control of stressful situations; and Keep your quality of life in the WOW zone.
List Price $15.95
Stephen Russell — Supercharged Taoist
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In the pages of Supercharged Taoist, Stephen Russell, The Barefoot Doctor charts his 25 years of training with some of the most inspiring and innovative teachers and gurus of their generation. You'll meet a man who could drive with his eyes closed, the yogi who actually emitted light when meditating, the Tai Chi teacher who could throw people across the room with one finger, and luminaries such as R. D. Laing and Ram Dass. In addition, you'll encounter colorful characters like Geronimo's grandson and Psycho Dan, who's on the lam for tearing off a man's ears with his bare hands!
Recounting a journey that takes him from urban London to the back alleys of Hong Kong, to the mystical mountains of New Mexico and back again, The Barefoot Doctor achieves something unique: he tells ripping yarns about real-life spiritual leaders that also succeed in passing on the essence of their teachings. As well as being hugely entertained, you'll come away inspired to start living by your own intuition so you can create an incredible life for yourself.
List Price $14.95
Kevin Griffin — A Burning Desire
Dharma God and the Path of Recovery
A Burning Desire is a gift for those who struggle with the Twelve Step program's focus on the need to surrender to a Higher Power. Taking a radical departure from traditional views of God, Western or Eastern, author Kevin Griffin neither accepts Christian beliefs in a Supreme Being nor Buddhist non-theism, but rather forges a refreshing, sensible, and accessible Middle Way.
Griffin shows how the Dharma, the teachings of the Buddha, can be understood as a Higher Power. Karma, mindfulness, impermanence, and the Eightfold Path itself are revealed as powerful forces that can be accessed through meditation and inquiry.
Drawing from his own experiences with substance abuse, rehabilitation, and recovery, Griffin looks at the various ways that meditation and spiritual practices helped deepen his experience of sobriety. His personal story of addiction is not only raw, honest and engrossing, but guides readers to an inquiry of their own spirituality.
Sonia Choquette — True Balance
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Gina Mollicone-Long — Think or Sink
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Best-selling author Gina Mollicone-Long has been transforming lives for over a decade now. She claims that she has never seen a problem that can't be solved in 12 hours or less. Now she's put her secrets into her newest book called Think or Sink.
For less than $15 you can find out her secrets. Plus, when you buy a copy today you will get over 100 gift bonuses from some of the leading success experts and best-selling authors like Bob Proctor, Mark Victor Hansen, Marci Shimoff, Peggy McColl and John Gray just to name a few.
Jim Donovan — Don't Let An Old Person Move Into Your Body
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Ken Dychwald once said, "Baby boomers are the first generation to take 100 years to turn fifty." And he was right, however, if you're doing it like some people, with poor health and little money, it's not so much fun.
In his new book, Don't Let an Old Person Move Into Your Body, author Jim Donovan takes you through a process to show you how to make the rest of your life, the best of your life.
From debunking the stereotypes and myths associated with aging, to identifying all-too-often forgotten dreams and desires, this delightful book informs and inspires you to create a fantastic life, filed with passion, purpose, power, and prosperity.
Read about positive role models for successful and joyous living, regardless of age; learn about the latest advances in health care, steps you can take to achieve your best possible health and fitness, and explore options that will help you continue to produce income no matter how old you are.
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Lena Frazier Midkiff sent a message to the members of Witchcraft, The Old Religion.
Subject: True ghost stories in West Virginia
Merry Meet & bright blessings to all of you.. Well as most of you are aware, I'm back in school and with school comes homework, who would have thought,lol, but anyway I'm doing a research paper for my English class which is due in 4 weeks. What I need from my buddies mainly the ones that live or have lived in West Virginia, are true ghost stories, so if anybody has any to tell please send them to me in my inbox so that I can print them out, I won't use anybody's names or anything like that unless you give me permission to do so..I just need the stories. Also if you could add a little footnote at the end telling me why you believe in the paranormal as well, or incorporate into the story if you could. This would be a big help if you guys could do this for me..
Thanks a million guys,
love and light
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Paganism / Wiccan
In the Spotlight | More Topics | Top Picks | Celebrating Imbolc |
from Patti Wigington
In this week's news, we're looking at a proposed law aimed at preventing tragedies like the one in Sedona last fall, secret Bible verses being inscribed on rifles (and then removed thanks to publicity), and a runaway teen returned home. We're also still getting a giggle about The Best Email Ever, and problems in Haiti regarding mass burial pits. Have a magical week, and watch for our special All About Imbolc edition on Friday!
Follow Pagan/Wiccan on Twitter or Join Me On Facebook!
In the Spotlight
Secret Bible Verses on Rifles
I know, it sounds like one of those headlines you'd see on a tabloid, right next to the latest Bat Boy sighting but after the obligatory Angelina Hates Jen article. But no, it turns out ABC news has found that a Michigan contractor who provides rifle sights to the US military has been inscribing coded references to verses from the New Testament on their product...Read More
Runaway Teen Case Settled
Last year we followed the case of Rifqa Bary, the Columbus, Ohio teen who ran away to Florida, claiming that her Muslim father would kill her for converting to Christianity. The long legal battle appears to have finally ended. Bary and her family reached an agreement yesterday which allows her to stay in the custody of Franklin County Children's Services while the family seeks counseling to resolve.... Read more
Law Could Regulate Sweat Lodges
Arizona Sen. Albert Hale has proposed a new bill that would impact those who claim to promote "Native American" spiritual practices for profit. The new regulations, if approved, would Arizona's Department of Health Services to "regulate individuals or businesses that charge people to take part in what are claimed to be "traditional and authentic Native American practices." The proposal comes in direct response to ... Read more
More Topics
Voodoo Priests Troubled Over Mass Graves
More trouble in Haiti
Cat Goddess Temple Discovered in Egypt
Bastet honored in Alexandria
Best Email Ever: Ur Goin to Hell!
Yep, we're still laughing about it!
Reading List for Celtic Pagans
Ten books worth checking out
To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Keep Silent
What does it really mean?
Basic Principles of Wicca
What do Wiccans believe and do?
Take the Wicca 101 E-Course
13 weeks of classes - for free!
Irish Pagans sent a message to the members of PAGANS OF IRELAND NETWORKING SITE - NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL.
Subject: PAGAN ROUND-UP 26th January 2010
26th january 2010
remember to check your countries networking page for details of events being held there
PAGAN ROUND- UP (due to problems on Facebook this weeks Round-Up will be short )0(
Vincent Salafia January 25 at 5:55pm - SAVE NEWGRANGE
Thank you for supporting the Save Newgrange Campaign. 2500 people have joined in the last 48 hours, which shows the level of genuine concern for this issue, locally, nationally and internationally.
There has been some criticism of our name, because the bypass is planned to run 500 metres from the Archaeological Ensemble of the Bend of the Boyne UNESCO World Heritage Site, not Newgrange itself. We see the names as interchangeable, because Newgrange is the popular name in people's minds, and both names refer to one in the same thing. The edge of the site is entitled to the same legal protection as the centre. The maps are available on this site to show you the exact location of the bypass.
We have written to the Bypass Slane Campaign, which is a purely local group, asking for a meeting where we can find common ground. Getting the County Manager to agree to implement the HGV ban that was voted for by Meath County Councillors last year is on top of both of our immediate agendas.
A letter from our campaign will appear in tomorrow's Irish Times, raising our main concerns. An article will also appear in the Meath Post this week.
We will be launching our petition later in the week, when the numbers near around 5,000 people.
Please be aware that facebook stops Administrators from emailing members when groups go over 5,000. Because of that we are starting a Save Newgrange Cause on facebook, via;, which allows us to continue to message you directly. You will receive an email shortly. Causes allows you to put a box on your facebook page, for recruiting friends. Notices will continue to be put on this facebook wall, and you can also join our mailing list at:;
We need your help, with administering the group, and welcome any volunteers. If you want to do something now, please write letters to the editors of newspapers and also to the Minister for the Environment, John Gormley, as
Newspaper articles to respond to and email addresses of editors are available at:;
Kind regards,
Vincent Salafia
In order to keep a place for you for the Midsummer Litha Ball and Celtic Paganfest we need a deposit due to the great interest in this event.
E50.00 payable to by paypal:
please email for further instructions. If you are not attending please remove your name from attendance list and perhaps we can see you in the future
Celtic Magic
7 Carmanhall Building
Burton Hall Road
Sandyford Ind Estate
Dublin 18
Irish Pagans DUBLIN to WICKLOW GAOL coach trip
COST: E50.00
Location:Dublin city to Wicklow-Time:10:30AM Saturday, April 17th link from Pagans of Ireland Network page -
Cork Monthly Pagan Moot - 2nd Sunday of each month - link from Pagans of Ireland Network page -
Link to Cork Pagan Moot from Pagans of Ireland page -Type: Meetings - Club/Group Meeting Where: 4pm in the Cornerhouse pub on Coburg St, Cork City When: Monday, January 11 at 4:00 pm until Friday, April 30 at 6:00 pm
DUBLIN PAGAN MOOT - the first Thursday of each month - link from Pagans of Ireland Network page -
Type: Meetings - Club/Group Meeting Where: 8pm at T.P. Smiths on the corner of Jervis St. and Upper Abbey St. When: Wednesday, January 13 at 8:00 pm until
Tuesday, April 13 at 8:00 pm
Pagans Pub
Pagans in the Pub is a social night that takes place every two weeks in Dublin. Its for everybody who is interested in Pagan Spirituality, Wicca, Druidism, Witchcraft, Celtic Magic and all paths that celebrate paganism.
Everybody is welcome to come. Friday 29th January
UNICORN Camp of Magick. August in UK.; - week long magick camp
Wulfrun Gathering - UK- Children Of Artemis affliated gathering link from Pagans of Ireland Network page -
Type: Meetings - Club/Group Meeting Where: Newhampton Inn, Riches St., Wolverhampton WV6 0DW When: Friday, January 15 at 8:00 pm until
Thursday, April 15 at 8:00 pm Your RSVP: Attending (edit) -
Dominic Cromie I have formed "Clear the Battle Field" the next wave of my saga. I believe that everything comes full circle so all you Clear the Battle Field fans don't worry unless your a real asshole and have done something really wrong in life ha. To someone that has been in music all his life a fan is the closest thing to friendship you can get without meeting the person. I treasure your support and will continue to pursue my goal of one government one flag one people because I believe all Irish are equal and are well fit to run there own Country " IRELAND"
$5 of every T-shirt sold from now until March 17th will be donated to a Haiti Charity.
$1 of every Raglan Road Live full album download will be donated and 10 cents of every song download from Dominic Cromie The Temp and Raglan Road Live
order here
please write Hope for Haiti on your order
You can also make a cash donation FOR MORE INFO EMAIL IRISHREPORT@YAHOO.COM
Rockaway NY
Info Call (718) 474-8119
ANDY COONEY'S FOREVER IRISH starring Andy and also featuring: George Casey, Kate Purcell, Darrah Carr Dancers and Brian "Bugs" Moran.
Tuesday, March 16 2010
concert starts at 8pm
Kellenberg Memorial High School
1400 Glen Curtis Blvd.
Uniondale, NY
tickets are only $40 each (tax deductible)
to order tickets call Anchor at 516-431-6946 or visit their website at;
This is a benefit for the Anchor Program which services children and adults with special needs.
To all in Haiti our prayers are with you
Dreoilín Cónocht O'Coigligh Greetings Friends, I have just completed an essay about Stonehenge, along with some work on The Druids, The Ogham, and some poetry. Let me know your thoughts! link from Pagans of Ireland Network page - or Dreoilin's Weblog;
All to often Stonehenge is viewed upon with a romantic ambiguity. With various quasi spiritual theories woven into a tale to quantify its explanation and function. Most people simply accept modern scholars ...
Peter Boxall Thank you for inviting myself and; RAS Site; as you new worldwide friends.Please see our Articles,Videos & Music Items, and share with us your views, ambitions, news, music and anything you think will be of inter...est to your 3.6 million friends and views... from over 10...0 countries. We ask you to help us support petitions and voting to support other charities and links to make the World a Better, Peaceful and Caring Place for all it's creatures.
Thank you and Best Wishes,
Peter Boxall; RAS Site;
Irish Rover This is what happens when global warming hits south Ireland!!!!
Snowmen snowmen snowmen!
Its a youtube link so you gots to click it!;
Snow blizzard hits Cork;
Jan 10, 2010. Global warming takes yet another swipe at Ireland & what do we do? Abandon our cars Taboggin down main streets build snowmen & happily skid to the shops for a packet of fags milk and tea bags. ...
The Earth the Air the Fire the water(witcheschant);
Type: Music/Arts - Audition Where: IRELAND - CHECK OUT LINKS IN FOR THIS COMPETITION When: Tuesday, January 19 at 1:00 pm until
Friday, April 30 at 11:00 pm Your RSVP: Attending (edit)
Link from Pagans of Ireland Networking page
Brightest Blessings
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We are now making appointments for free tax preparation at our VITA sites. If your household income was less than $49,000 in 2009 you should call to make an appointment. Dial 211 to make an appointment at any of our sites in Utah County.
If you made less more than $49,000 but less than $58,000 we have other options for free tax filing.
Call 211 for for more information!
Marcee Minster Young
VITA Regional Coordinator
United Way of Utah County
Blessed Be...High Priestess Char Norton
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