
I had a great time at the psychic fair to day. found my pasted life family,gee I knew this was the wrong family! jk.but in this life Shelly could be realted to me as well, my grandmother whom I love and still as a spirit visits me, was a anderson that her maiden name as well, small world I say.But as the scotts andirish say we are all kin until you piss us off or spill the beer.and coming from the largest family in the world the McGowan's we say we are all family.some we just haven't meet yet. we also say we either love like a brother or hate ya like the devil.but as for the fair it was great you all must attend one or at the very least come to christifer's weekly meetings at art city coffee.coffe is great and the people are too.Shanna and Grace talked me in to a sleep over at my house fun fun. and tomarrow coven meeting itro to wicca witch looks like we have no takers,so I will post the frist class here and on my site.
Network Flaw Puts Facebook Users in Wrong Account
Updated: 3 hours 49 minutes ago
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Jordan Robertson
SAN FRANCISCO (Jan. 19) - A Georgia mother and her two daughters logged onto Facebook from mobile phones last weekend and wound up in a startling place: strangers' accounts with full access to troves of private information.
The glitch - the result of a routing problem at the family's wireless carrier, AT&T - revealed a little known security flaw with far reaching implications for everyone on the Internet, not just Facebook users.
In each case, the Internet lost track of who was who, putting the women into the wrong accounts. It doesn't appear the users could have done anything to stop it. The problem adds a dimension to researchers' warnings that there are many ways online information - from mundane data to dark secrets - can go awry.
Several security experts said they had not heard of a case like this, in which the wrong person was shown a Web page whose user name and password had been entered by someone else. It's not clear whether such episodes are rare or simply not reported. But experts said such flaws could occur on e-mail services, for instance, and that something similar could happen on a PC, not just a phone.
"The fact that it did happen is proof that it could potentially happen again and with something a lot more important than Facebook," said Nathan Hamiel, founder of the Hexagon Security Group, a research organization.
Candace Sawyer, 26, says she immediately suspected something was wrong when she tried to visit her Facebook page Saturday morning.
After typing Facebook.com into her Nokia smart phone, she was taken into the site without being asked for her user name or password. She was in an account that didn't look like hers. She had fewer friend requests than she remembered. Then she found a picture of the page's owner.
"He's white - I'm not," she said with a laugh.
Sawyer logged off and asked her sister, Mari, 31, her partner in a dessert catering company, and their mother, Fran, 57, to see whether they had the same problem on their phones.
Mari landed inside another woman's page.
Fran's phone - which had never been used to access Facebook before - took her inside yet another stranger's page, one belonging to a young woman from Indiana. They sent an e-mail to one of their own accounts to prove it.
They were dumbfounded.
"I thought it was the phone - 'Maybe this phone is just weird and does magical, horrible things and I have to get rid of it,'" said Candace Sawyer.
The women, who live together in East Point, Ga., outside Atlanta, had recently upgraded to the same model of phone and all used the same carrier, AT&T.
Sawyer contacted The Associated Press after reporting the problem to Facebook and AT&T.
The problem wasn't in the phones. It was a flaw in the infrastructure connecting the phones to the Internet.
That illuminates a grave problem.
Generally Web sites and computers are compromised from within. A hacker can get a Web page or computers to run programming code that they shouldn't. But in this case, it was a security gap between the phone and the Web site that exposed strangers' Facebook pages to the Sawyers. Misconfigured equipment, poorly written network software or other technical errors could have caused AT&T to fumble the information flowing from the Sawyers' phones to Facebook and back.
Fortunately, Hamiel said, the vulnerability would be of limited use to a hacker interested in pulling off widespread mayhem, because this hole would let him access only one account at a time. To do more damage the criminal would have to pull off the unlikely feat of gaining full control of the piece of equipment that routes Internet traffic to individual users.
AT&T spokesman Michael Coe said its wireless customers have landed in the wrong Facebook pages in "a limited number of instances" and that a network problem behind those episodes is being fixed.
The Sawyers experienced a different glitch. Coe said an investigation points to a "misdirected cookie." A cookie is a file some Web sites place on computers to store identifying information - including the user name that Facebook members would enter to access their pages. Coe said technicians couldn't figure out how the cookie had been routed to the wrong phone, leading it into the wrong Facebook account.
He also said AT&T could confirm only that the problem occurred on one of the Sawyers' phones, possibly because they had logged off Facebook on the other two before reporting the incident.
Facebook declined to comment and referred questions to AT&T.
Some Web sites would be immune from this kind of mix-up, particularly those that use encryption. A Web browser would have trouble deciphering the encryption on a page that a computer user didn't actually seek, said Chris Wysopal, co-founder of Veracode Inc., a security company.
Sensitive sites and those used for banking and e-commerce generally use encryption. But most other sites, including some Web-based e-mail services, don't use it. One way of checking: The Web addresses of encrypted sites begin with "https" rather than "http." Facebook uses encryption when user names and passwords are entered, to cloak the sign-on from snoops, but after the credentials are entered the encryption is dropped.
It's unclear how many people were affected by the problem the Sawyers discovered, and whether it was limited to Facebook.
The reason all three women experienced the glitch is a function of the way cellular networks are designed. In some cases, all the mobile Internet traffic for a particular area is routed through the same piece of networking equipment. If that piece of equipment is misbehaving or set up incorrectly, strange things happen when computers down the line receive the data.
Usually that means a Web site simply won't load, said Alberto Solino, director of security consulting services for Core Security Technologies. In the Sawyers' case, "somehow they got the wrong user but they could keep using that account for a long period of time. That's what's strange," he said.
The AP tried to contact two of the people whose Facebook pages were exposed to the Sawyers, but the calls and e-mails were not returned. It's unclear whether they are also AT&T customers, though security experts said that's likely the case.
Indeed, it was the case in a similar incident in November.
Stephen Simburg, 25, who works in marketing, was home for Thanksgiving in Vancouver, Wash., when he logged onto Facebook from his cell phone. He didn't recognize the people who had written him messages.
"I thought I had gotten really popular all of a sudden, or something was wrong," he said. Then he saw the picture of the account owner: A young woman.
He got her e-mail address from the site, logged off and wrote the woman a message. He asked whether he had met her at some point and she had borrowed his phone to check her Facebook account.
"No," she wrote back, "but I was just telling my family that I ended up in your profile!"
Simburg and the woman figured out they were both using AT&T to access Facebook on their phones. (AT&T had no comment because the incident wasn't reported to the company.)
"I felt like I had been let down by the phone company and by Facebook," he said.
He says he has put the incident behind him. But one piece of it remains: He and the young woman are now Facebook friends.
This is a link to our Psycho Fair meetup video. I would like EVERYONE'S contact info to post on on the you tube site and Meetup site and my site to allow them to be found for people looking for a practitioner..... IF they want to be listed. Since it wasn't my Psycho fair... I want to give credit where credit is due. :-)
Thank You,
Christopher Rumfield
Do something Important in the world.... While you are still here.
Amber invited you to "Gem Club " on Friday, January 22 at 7:00pm.
Event: Gem Club
What: Workshop
Start Time: Friday, January 22 at 7:00pm
End Time: Friday, January 22 at 9:00pm
Where: 3464 West 3800 South ~ Sacred Circle Temple
To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:
New Genealogy Meetup Group!
Norton/McGowan Clan
This in a contuation of Star coven and wiccan paranormal execpt this is for Clan men and women of all kind to join the clan (Family)IF you are a Norton or McGowan or septs there of this clan(families) Please join us!
This group's first Meetup is already scheduled!
Norton/McGowan Clan January Meetup — Monday, July 12, 2010
Amber invited you to "Celia in Concert" on Saturday, February 6 at 7:00pm.
Event: Celia in Concert
What: Performance
Start Time: Saturday, February 6 at 7:00pm
End Time: Saturday, February 6 at 10:00pm
Where: 3464 West 3800 South ~ Sacred Circle Temple
Meetup Reminder
The Utah Good Witches Meetup
Your group has a Meetup tomorrow!
You still need to RSVP.
Sweat Lodge /Gathering
Sunday, January 17, 2010 7:00 PM
2 Yes / 0 Maybe
Safe Haven Ministries
824 South 700 East
Here's what people are saying about this Meetup Group
"the sweat is a totally sacred experience, and anyone who wants to feel cleansed should come"
— james
"its fun"
— Philip
Learn more about this Meetup
Meetup Description
We will be offering prayers for the victums of Haiti. Come send the love!
Jan.17 @ 5pm.
If you do not want to sweat, feel free to come for the feast @ 7:30pm and socialize. We could really use firewood if anyone has any to bring. This month is the winter solstice month when the earth deserves extra love and light during the darkest time of the year. Join us in blessing and lighting up the earth grid!
5pm- Gather
5:15- Pipe Ceremony
5:30- Sweat Starts
7:30pm- Feast/Social
Address: 824 South 700 East, SLC, ut.
The Lodge will hold approximately 13 people so please be on time to insure a place.Bring a towel, water, clothes to sweat in, a pot luck item and a friend! Please be alcohol & drug free.
It is customary to bring an offering to the Lodge. Offerings can include: $, Tobacco, sage, essential oils, rocks, firewood, a smile etc. Let "Spirit" guide you.
Renee & Torg
Safe Haven Ministries
Vampire Community News
A message to all members of Vampire Community News
Embrace The Dark Radio interviewed of Belfazaar of New Orleans to speak
out on the reality of vampires, the community and his personal
reflections of the vampire condition - January 6, 2010.
Please visit http://www.corvisnocturnum.com to listen to the podcast, and his regular show, Embrace the Dark at www.asprn.com (Studio B, 9-10 PM EST).
Next scheduled guest is Joe Laycock, author of Vampires Today on January 20, 2010.
On February 3, 2010, Sanguinarius of http://sanguinarius.org/ will be asked about her contributions and thoughts on the living vampire since 1997.
Please join us!
Visit Vampire Community News at: http://suscitatio.ning.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network
Meetup Reminder
Star Coven and W.P.A.
Your group has a Meetup tomorrow!
You RSVPed Yes.
first meetup of the new year/class intro to wicca
Sunday, January 17, 2010 3:00 PM
1 Yes / 0 Maybe
Star Coven of Wicca's coven sted
149n 100e
Payson UT 84651
How Much
Price: $1.00 per person
Update your RSVP
Organizer of Star Coven and W.P.A.
Meetup Description
we are starting off the year with are next meeting being our new moon meeting.
Here is our first meeting of the year! We will be discussing what we'd like to accomplish this year,for the coven,with our meeting,for our sabbets,for our events,for our parties,the classes we will be holding, how and what charities we will be helping,and lastly attendance.
So Please join me and Selena Divawolf(aka Shanna) and help welcome in a new prosperous new year.
If you will be needing a ride please contact me by Jan 14th. This meeting will only cost $1.00,Because you will need to bring a pen and two note books.Please Bring friends and family members.
As always children are welcome to attend.I will have coloring fun and some magic tricks I'll teach them.
so. See you Jan 16th at 3pm.Blessed Be...High Priestess Charstar covens offical site About this Meetup Group
changed day so we can go to the psychic fair in springville at art city coffee!
Meetup Reminder
The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup
Your group has a Meetup tomorrow!
You still need to RSVP.
Open Circle
Sunday, January 17, 2010 3:00 PM
7 Yes / 0 Maybe
Sacred Circle Temple
3464 W 3800 South
Salt Lake City UT 84119
Here's what people are saying about this Meetup Group
"Healing from the soothing sounds of crystal bowls is awesome."
— Lori B.
"Good place for beginners and seekers, also children are welcome."
— April Love
Learn more about this Meetup
Meetup Description
Meet us at the Temple for our monthly Open Circle!
This structured-format circle features group meditation,
songs, an adult study group and a children's circle.
Blessed Be...High Priestess Char Norton
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