Hello, happy wiccans the witch is a writting found a internet job that pays by the story. So I'm a writting fool. heres the happs around the witchy net and so on.VAMPYRE KINGDOM, home to many!
where myth becomes reality.
A message to all members of VAMPYRE KINGDOM, home to many!
Dear VK Member,
This Message should have been sent a long time ago.Wraiths, the site creator is not dead, he has decided to take a break from the site.His old account has been switched to the name Admin.
NOTE: *You will not be able to contact him via that account, or E-mail.That account is now occupied by an Admin Team Member who will check it accordingly for Questions,Comments or Concerns you may have about the site.
With that said, please DO NOT send any personal messages to that account, as it will not be seen or read by Wraiths, but by an Admin Member...All previous messages have been deleted form that account as well.
Yes, Wraiths has left The Kingdom for the time being,however, that does not mean the site itself will be closing down.
We are discussing the option of hiatus.
Everyone has a life OFFline that requires time and energy, and it would be unfair to keep the site sitting here unattended...unfair to you the members and anyone else wanting to join.
You can contact me at: vmpyrkngdm@gmail.com
Sorry for the inconvenience,
Helena Handbasket, Admin
Visit VAMPYRE KINGDOM, home to many! at: http://vampyrekingdom.ning.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network
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The Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans has just released the first issue of their new CUUPS Podcast. It features an interview with British academic Michael York which was recorded last month at the Parliament of World Religions in Australia. CUUPS is a UU related organization the focused on Earth-centered spirituality and Pagan practices within the Unitarian Universalist Association. Also included in the podcast is basic information about CUUPS and information about a few of the many dozens of Imbolc and Candlemas celebrations that will be happening in UU Congregations across the country in the coming few weeks.
You can download a free copy of the podcast either by going to http://cuups.libsyn.com or to the religious podcast section of the iTunes store.
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Meetup Reminder
The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup
Your group has a Meetup tomorrow!
You still need to RSVP.
Crystal Allies Gem Club
Friday, January 22, 2010 7:00 PM
13 Yes / 2 Maybe
Sacred Circle Temple
3464 W 3800 South
Salt Lake City UT 84119
13 Witches RSVPed Yes, including…
see all
Meetup Description
Our first meeting for our newly started "Gem Club"
Come and learn all about the different attributes of
different stones, crystals, quartz and all manner of stone
energy work!! Bring your own stones and knowledge to share
with everyone.
Bring snacks and drink to share too.
Facilitated by Demetria
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Meetup Inc. PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668
Raven Grimassi sent a message to the members of Raven's Loft Store.
Subject: Valentine's Day
Need some ideas for a Valentine's Day gift?
Best wishes,
Announcing a new Meetup for The Utah Good Witches Meetup!
What: Pantheacon
When: Friday, February 12, 2010 7:00 PM
Double Tree Hotel
2050 Gateway Pl
San Jose, CA 95110
The 16th Annual PantheaCon in 2010
Feb 12 – 15, 2010
President’s Day weekend
Join us for workshops, parties and Pagan revelry galore !!!!
Place: the DoubleTree San Jose - The Double Tree is sold out of rooms. You can go to the overflow hotel, Holiday Inn San Jose, for an $85 rate; mention PantheaCon for the special rate. Look on the website for more hotel suggestions. A shuttle is scheduled for all day and into the night among the hotels for ease of travel.
At the DoubleTree we have all the function room space with 4 ballrooms full of wondrous vendors and 4 ballrooms for rituals and workshops along with 10 additional rooms.
This year’s Theme is Back to Basics --- As energy and economics implode we look for more simple ways of life. Our pagan ethics and worship of our Earth Mother help us forge new sustainable lifestyles as we honor the old ways. What we know about the old ways of life, others now acknowledge as new imperatives to be the custodians of our earth. What is the bottom line when it comes to our lives and our spirits? What living skills of our traditions are especially needed for the future?
Go here to register !!
Learn more here:
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This message was sent by Avalon Starr (starblustar3@yahoo.com) from The Utah Good Witches Meetup.
To learn more about Avalon Starr, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup Inc. PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 | support@meetup.com
Blessed Be...High Priestess Char Norton
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