Are Men More 'Evolved' Than Women?
Dating & Love
Animal Action
Call it a literal battle of the sexes: Researchers just revealed that the male Y chromosome is more evolved than ours.
The discovery -- unearthed by a female MIT researcher -- shows that the Y chromosome has advanced so much over the last 6 million years that there's now a 30 percent difference between the male genetic code and that of chimps, our nearest ancestor. For the rest of the human genetic code, there's only a 2 percent difference.
Naturally, the findings have men cheering and women scoffing in disbelief over the idea that males could possibly be more advanced. But the researchers caution that just because man's genetic code has evolved doesn't mean his behavior has.
Y Marks the Spot
Jennifer Hughes and her MIT colleague outline the new study in the journal Nature. You can read the full scientific jargon of the two-year research project here.
The abridged version: The Y chromosome rocks because it isn't part of a pair like the rest of our 44 chromosomes, meaning that when gene mutations occur, there's no matching chromosome to overshadow them. But it also has to do with female chimps being little hussies when in heat. By mating frequently with many partners, the females force the males to produce the most and best sperm.
And while 6 million years seems like a long time to us, the changes Y has undergone in that span would take other chromosomes about 310 million years to get right.
This news is remarkable for science because researchers previously thought not only that the X sex chromosome was evolving more rapidly than the Y, but that Y was in danger of becoming extinct all together. So, the news is obviously a self-esteem booster for the previously underachieving, close-to-dying male gender.
The Mudslinging Begins
But thanks to headlines like "Are Men More 'Evolved' Than Women?" neither gender is acting very evolved in its response to the study. Check out these comments from the Huffington Post's piece:
Joan1111 says, "In general terms ... men may be more evolved than women, but they just don't behave like they are. Evolution doesn't necessarily equal emotional maturity."
Suemag adds, "The gender that scratches its' balls and pees outside is NOT more evolved than mine."
Tazirai says, "It's funny that an article comes out.. kinda in defense of men... and it's criticized, because of it's defense of men. We just can't win for losing lol."
Genetics aren't the same as behavior, so Y's rapid advancement doesn't mean men are acting any more advanced than women (nor does it mean their brain power now trumps women's). And even if more gene mutations occur to separate men from their chimp ancestors, we won't see the outcome of the changes in our lifetime.
But the men do deserve a hand for rallying back from near extinction. Somebody cue "I Will Survive."
Well, after reading this I say no, the advancement is all in the physical traits and reproduction of a man. Not that the y chromosome helps the think fast, better or have more compation. I feel women have won on this one we are scienceficly 1/2 sec. smarter than men and are nurturing. Men you can have this one you are a more advanced neonatal.
One Is the Awesomest Number -- 5 Reasons Why Living Alone Rules
First Person
Sure, it's cheaper to live with roommates, and a live-in boyfriend or husband is useful for late-night plumbing drama and other disasters. But there's something utterly satisfying about living on your own, even if it's in a crappy studio apartment the size of a shoebox. Here's why we think it's the best.
(Completely disagree? Next week we'll tell you why having roommates rules. We're fickle that way.)
5. No bickering over chores. I've had roommates who felt judged every time I picked up the Swiffer. ("You're cleaning again? I just did that last week.") On the flip side, I've also had roommates who bitched about a few stray hairs on the rug, making me feel like they're going to suggest that I should go on "Hoarders."
When you upgrade to your own pad, you can be as clean or as messy as you want. And when you find laundry piling up in the hallway or a half-eaten bagel under the couch (yuck), you never have to wonder whose it is or worry that someone is going to rat you out to the Secret Roommate Police.
4. The option to wear what you want, when you want. If you live alone and you want to wear sweatpants, curlers, and a self-heating facial mask on a Friday night, you can do so without getting looks of pity (or confusion). You can't do that with a roommate or a boyfriend around. Heck, if you want to walk around your apartment stark naked, you totally could without worrying that your roomie's smoking-hot boyfriend will pop by unannounced (just make sure you put on clothes when the FedEx guy buzzes). Believe me, it's the kind of luxury you don't even think about until you live alone.
3. No one to judge your taste in movies. I once left my "8 Minute Abs" DVD in the living room and a roommate asked if it was porn -- because you know I love leaving that stuff in plain view. Now I don't have to worry about someone "borrowing" my DVDs or rolling their eyes over some cheesy reality show I happen to really like. The same goes for my taste in food, music and, yes, even the men I bring home.
2. The freedom to take ridiculously long showers. I once lived in an apartment with four women and one bathroom. Weekday morning showers were scheduled down to the minute to ensure that everyone got to work on time. Now I don't have to worry about water pressure or roommates who desperately need to pee or walking in on someone's boyfriend in the middle of the night (awkward!).
1. The ability to create whatever vibe you want. Best of all, living on your own means you have the freedom to have exactly the kind of living space you want. You can rearrange the furniture on a whim, splurge on a nice couch without worrying about your roommate's cat clawing it, sing along to ABBA while you make dinner, or leave your Christmas lights up until April just because they make you happy. That kind of autonomy is both refreshing and empowering.
What about you? What do you love (or hate) about solo living?
I reedited and posted an explanation of the removed footage. The reason I sent links to everyone was so the participants in the fair could see themselves and possibly link to it or use it for marketing.
Either way... It didn't feel wrong when I filmed and posted the footage, I followed my instincts, I checked myself and I was good with the whole process. I changed it out of respect for some people I love and care for.
This is the link to the final video:
Thank You,
Christopher Rumfield>r>
Do something Important in the world.... While you are still here.
Misty Wood sent a message to the members of Talking Tarot and other Spiritual techniques.
Subject: January 18th – The day The Bear came to visit.
I was browsing the web and received an e-mail that today was Winnie-The-Pooh day! As Winnie-The-Pooh is something I have enjoyed since childhood I thought I would take a look…
I did and got one of the original Winnie-The-Pooh pictures, I guess as a child I never thought of him as a bear but now realised that he was and that as such the day holds great symbolism.
The Bear has many symbolic meanings: power, adaptability, Bravery, Peace, Resurrection, Benevolence, Sovereignty, Motherhood, Duality
Being in the UK I decided find out more about the Bear’s Celtic symbolism – I never realised before that the Bear was tied to the legend of Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table… “Bear (Arth): Although the bear was native to the Isles, it is now extinct here. Evidence of its being a totem animal is found in many Celtic designs; although it is not mentioned in the legends. The word "arth", which means "bear", is the root word for the name Arthur. The bear was noted for its strength and stamina. It can help you find balance and harmony in your life, and the strength to do what is necessary.”
Things to remember if a bear is your totem, it could represent a good balance in your life – the ability to be curious and figure problems out, but also the ability to live a balanced and healthy life through your diet. In addition, some bears hibernate. A bear coming into your life (hopefully not in the, “I’m going to kill you!” sort of way) could indicate that you are in hibernation, about to emerge.
It has come up that I should not post video of people without their concent or permission (like the Psychic Fair).
One one hand I totally agree. On the other hand, I am trying to open up the belief system and thoughts of the people that are thinking about services or joining the meetup group. Showing them exactly what it looked like is one way to do that. ALSO, no video was posted with personal conversations. ALSO, what was shown was the same as if someone walked into the Coffee Shop and was interested which is why I filmed it that way... to give an honest idea of what it was like.
In an era where city cameras film traffic lights and crimes on the street.... do we have any video privacy?
What is your opinion on this matter? Should I edit and remove the footage?
Thank You,
Christopher Rumfield
Do something Important in the world.... While you are still here.
Same video - I included a watermark to help with ownership. The old will be removed and the previous link I included will not work.
Again, Thank you to everyone with my greatest appreciation
This is a link to our Psycho Fair meetup video. I would like EVERYONE'S contact info to post on on the you tube site and Meetup site and my site to allow them to be found for people looking for a practitioner..... IF they want to be listed. Since it wasn't my Psycho fair... I want to give credit where credit is due. :-)
Thank You,
Christopher Rumfield
Do something Important in the world.... While you are still here.
Eamonn invited you to "castle inn free folk night!" on Sunday, January 24 at 7:30pm.
Event: castle inn free folk night!
What: Jam Session
Start Time: Sunday, January 24 at 7:30pm
End Time: Sunday, January 24 at 11:00pm
Where: The Castle Inn, Castle Bytham, NG33 4RZ
To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:
Your weekly Payson Meetup Calendar
Your recommendations are highlighted in yellow, and your Meetups are in pink.
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Salt Lake City Backcountry Ski and Board
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Norton/McGowan Clan
Creative Portraiture
Utah Valley Biz Owners
Fiscal (weekly) Networking Breakfast
old school board games
Kahtoola Bigfoot Snowshoe Festival
Mind-Body-Soul Experience
This Week's Meetups
Monday, January 18, 2010
9:00 AM
The Park City Career Network: Park City Career Network
The Park City Career Network: Park City Career Network
6:00 PM
Online: Meetup202 : Utah Affiliate Marketing Meetup: Meetup at Affiliate Summit
7:00 PM
Happiness 101: Happiness 101: Love
New! old school board games: old school board games Meetup
7:15 PM
Salt Lake Active Singles: Movie Night- Brewvies
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
11:30 AM
BNR Networking & Referrals: BNR Networking lunch: 1st & 3rd Tues of each month @ MacCools in the district
12:00 PM
SLC Entrepreneur Social Group: SLC Entrepreneur Social Group January Meetup - (Rescheduled)
5:30 PM
Lady Fitness: U of U Field House fun run/walk/jog indoors
5:45 PM
Fiscal Networking Sandy: Fiscal Networking Business Development (AFTER HOURS)
6:30 PM
Acoustic Aficionados: Basics of Mandolin
AYSO Cottonwood Co-Ed Adult Soccer: 2 1/2hr SESSION, Co-Ed FUTSAL w/KEEPERS, East Millcreek
Campaign for Liberty - Greater Salt Lake Area: Tired of Politics as Usual?
Salt Lake City Metaphysics Meetup Group: Reading and Healing Meetup
7:00 PM
Card-Making and Scrapbooking Enthusiasts: Monthly Card Club Meetup
Heart Link Network in Herriman: Jan. Heart Link-Meet and Greet
ProvoCreative Meetup Group: Photographers & Models Meetup
Salt Lake County 9-12 Project: Heritage Center Constitutional Training Classes
Salt Lake County 9-12 Project: Salt Lake County 9-12 Project Meetup
Salt Lake Valley Witches Meetup Group: Ordo Templi Orientis -- Thelemic Discussion Group
Utah Campaign for Liberty: Tooele County GOP 7-9 PM 1/19 -- GOP DELEGATE TRAINING - Official by State Party
7:30 PM
Salt Lake Swing Dancing: Salt Lake Swing Dancing Meetup
8:00 PM
Joy-full Living! Discover Your Magnificence!: Shift your life through the law of resonance!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
12:00 PM
Fiscal Networking Salt Lake City West: Fiscal Networking Salt Lake City West Meetup
5:45 PM
INV Coaching Salt Lake Real Estate Investment Club: Jump Start Your Career as a Real Estate Investor!
6:30 PM
Atheists of Utah-Zion Sect: Free Screening---Julia Sweeney's Letting Go of God
New! Mind-Body-Soul Experience: Mind Body Soul Experience at Windswept Center
Playin2Win:-) From Cashflow 101 to The Residual Income Game: S.I.T. 2 Get Rich (Sustainable Income Training)
7:00 PM
2012 Conscious Evolution: Unleash Consciousness!
Board Game Meetup: Salt Lake City Metro Area: Board Game Meetup: Salt Lake City Metro Area Meetup
Community Reiki Circle: Introduction to Reiki
Headgauges: Headgauges Meetup
Salt Lake Active Singles: Hump Day -- Live Blue Grass & Great Pizza
Salt Lake City Spanish Language Meetup Group: Spanish Meetup
9:00 PM
DO NOT SHOW UP AT THE ALTA CLUB. EVER: Weekly Poker Cash Game! Meetup
9:30 PM
Atheists of Utah-Zion Sect: Letting Go of God After Party
Thursday, January 21, 2010
10:00 AM
Campaign for Liberty - Greater Salt Lake Area: County Central Committee Meeting (Utah County)
12:00 PM
Fiscal Networking Utah County: Fiscal Networking Utah County Meetup
Park City Screenwriters: Sundance Preparation
3:30 PM
Utah Quirky Don't-Fit-Any-Type Friends Meetup Adults 21 up: RALLY for Women's Reproductive Healthcare Rights
6:00 PM
Atheists of Utah-Zion Sect: Free Screening---Julia Sweeney's Letting Go of God
6:30 PM
Utah Stompers: Utah Stompers December Meetup
7:00 PM
Utah Campaign for Liberty: Tooele County -- 9/12 regular meeting. (Constitution Training Classes)
New! Utah Valley Biz Owners: What Makes A Successful Business Owner
New! Willbfit & Prepared in S Jordan: Grain Group
7:30 PM
Lady Fitness: Pilates at Golds Gym in Sugarhouse
9:00 PM
Atheists of Utah-Zion Sect: Letting Go of God After Party
Friday, January 22, 2010
11:00 AM
Salt Lake City Metaphysics Meetup Group: Friday Psychic Readings at The Windswept Center
1:00 PM
New! Mind-Body-Soul Experience: Mind Body Soul Experience at Healing Spirit Arts
6:00 PM
Utah Quirky Don't-Fit-Any-Type Friends Meetup Adults 21 up: Dinner and Laugh Stock
7:00 PM
Salt Lake Active Singles: Japanese Steakhouse & Sushi Bar
The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup: Gem Club
8:00 PM
Salt Lake Valley Witches Meetup Group: Stealth Coffee - Greenhouse Effect
Saturday, January 23, 2010
9:00 AM
AYSO Cottonwood Co-Ed Adult Soccer: 1st SESSION, Co-Ed FUTSAL (No Keepers), East Millcreek
Community Reiki Circle: Reiki I Class: The Usui System of Natural Healing
10:00 AM
The SLC & Utah County Card Making Meetup Group: Birthday Card Class
Utah Campaign for Liberty: Keystone to Our Restoration; Discovering the 9th and 10th Amendments + Action!
10:30 AM
AYSO Cottonwood Co-Ed Adult Soccer: 2nd SESSION, Co-Ed FUTSAL (No Keepers), East Millcreek
11:00 AM
New! Utah Big Dogs Play Dates and Events!: Join us at Tanner Dog Park for our first BIG dogs play date in Utah!
1:00 PM
salt lake business: salt lake business Meetup
3:00 PM
The Church of the Sacred Circle Meetup: Belly Dancing with Zahirah Sheya
4:00 PM
SLC Rifters: SLC Rifters Game at Hasturs
4:30 PM
Salt Lake Active Singles: Bikram Yoga Class- Details Coming Shortly & then Dinner
5:00 PM
Mountain West Pocket Critter Conference: Soup Swap ...and Make Spectacular Preparations!
The Springville Metaphysical and Law Of Attraction Group.: The Springville Metaphysical Group - Gathering Information Remotely, sensing it.
Utah County 9/12 Meetup Group: Common Sense Rally #4 Delegate Training and Constitutional Education
Utah County We Surround Them Meetup: Common Sense Rally #4 Delegate Training and Constitutional Education
Utah Tea Parties: Common Sense Rally #4 Delegate Training and Constitutional Education
6:30 PM
Timpanogos Wine Club: Chef's Table Event - "Beat the Blues"
7:00 PM
Board Game Meetup: Salt Lake City Metro Area: Game Night - Sugar Free
8:00 PM
Salt Lake Active Singles: A Night at Canyon Inn
Salt Lake Valley Witches Meetup Group: The Gnostic Mass of the Ordo Templi Orientis
Sunday, January 24, 2010
9:00 AM
New! Salt Lake City Backcountry Ski and Board: Salt Lake City Backcountry Ski and Board January Meetup
9:15 AM
SLC Get Up Get Out (GUGO) Group: Snowboarding Lessons Every Sunday
10:00 AM
The Salt Lake City Tantric Meetup Group: The Salt Lake City Tantric Meetup
1:00 PM
The Magna Christian Fellowship: The Magna Christian Fellowship Meetup
TheSalt Lake City & Las Vegas Homeless Advocates: TheSalt Lake City & Las Vegas Homeless Advocates Meetup
2:00 PM
Playin2Win:-) From Cashflow 101 to The Residual Income Game: Playin2Win:-) From Cashflow 101 to The Residual Income Game Meetup
4:00 PM
Lady Fitness: Sunday fun run/walk/jog and talk in the park
5:00 PM
Ashtanga Yoga--Power Yoga for Athletes: Ashtanga Yoga--Power Yoga for Athletes Meetup
7:00 PM
Salt Lake Active Singles: Sushi Cooking Class with BYOB (hen Karaoke After?)
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